PRKA Refection

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We were assigned to do a critical refection about macro teaching experience conducted

in class for the course PRKA 3012, Planning of Teaching and Learning as its one of the course’s
requirements. We were tasked in a group of four to present our macro teaching. We decided to
choose Year 5 on unit 6. In this reflection, I will be discussing on lesson planning, lesson
implementation, communication skills, strengths, weakness and ways for improvement.

I was presented the practice stage during macro teaching. From the aspect of lesson
planning, we were able to achieve the objective of the lesson, which is able to transfer information
with guidance. My peers commented that I was able to develop my lesson smoothly. Other than
that, the teaching materials that I prepared were suitable for the pupils. I was unsure whether my
pupils able attempt the coding task. Nevertheless, in groups they were able to find the alphabets
according to their codes with the guide of the table given.

Next, in the aspect of lesson implementation I discovered that the explanation given to the
pupils is short and clear to understand of what they need to do. Thus, brought my lesson more
well-organised. It also enabled them to use their knowledge of transfer the information correctly.
When a lesson was sequenced , it enables the teachers to make transitions between lesson as
smooth as possible (Bilash, 2009). I was given comments that the materials were used in a good
way especially the worksheet. I realized that worksheet is an effective way to let the pupils practice
in simplest way.

Besides, I used effective communication skills like questioning. It enables the pupils to
think critically by themselves instead of spoon-feeding. According to Simmonds(2017),
questioning creates a platform for the pupils to interact among their peers and teachers where
there is two way of communication. During the lesson, I was able to use non-verbal
communication like eye contact and hand gestures. Based on Zeki (2009), teacher’s non verbal
communication creates an atmosphere for the pupils to have confidence and increase in
participation and contribution to the lessons.

I was surprised how I was able to guide the pupils during macro teaching. I ask my pupils
to read the sentences while asking them questions. It helps the pupils to support their
understanding on the content more clearly that able to engage all the pupils to the lesson.
Furthermore, I used student-centered approach in my lesson where the pupils discuss with the
peers to complete the task given. As stated by McCarthy (2005), student-centered gave a chance
for the pupils to take in charge of different activities and allowed them to share their decisions with
their peers.
However, there are also some weaknesses that have been identified my peers. I realised
that complexity of question is an aspect to be improve when preparing worksheets for the pupils.
In my opinion, I can ask the pupils to find the coding words as in whole sentence or a phase. For
instance, the use of i-think map guide the pupils to transfer the information or ideas in systematic
manner. Thus, lead the pupils to have a better understanding of the content and even boost their
high order thinking skills indirectly (Hassan, 2016).

In conclusion, my group members and I had done a great job before and during the lesson.
The feedbacks and advices from our lecturer and peers did help us in improving ourselves to
become a professional teacher in the future. It is a platform for us to better prepare to face the
real educational world.

Bilash, O. (2009). Lesson Sequencing. Retrived from

Hassan, S., Rosli, R. and Zakaria, E. (2016). The use of i-Think Map and Questioning to

Promote High Order Thinking Skills in Matematics. Retrived from

Mccarthy, J. (2015). Student-centered Learning: It Starts With the Teacher. Retrived from

Simmonds, M.(2017). The importance of questioning. Retrieved from,,

Zeki,P,C. (2009). The importance of non-verbal communication in classroom management.

Retrived from



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