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13/02/2018 Let's PlayScrum :: CSM :: Assessment v1.

Let's PlayScrum :: CSM :: Assessment v1.2

Hey ScrumMaster, please take this test to validate your learning from two days workshop to earn your certificate!

1 Participant Details 2 Assessment 3 Feedback 4 Testimonial(Optional)

Your VP comes to you and say "I really want to hire a true ScrumMaster, what are the critical skills I should look for and how would I
know he/she is a good ScrumMaster?" What would be your answer? *
A scrum master is supposed to be a system thinker. The Scrum Master is supposed to be a facilitator who coaches the team and protects
the team against distractions. He/She is supposed to make sure the scrum principles are followed by the team. Also, SM is supposed to
make sure that the team eventually become autonomous and self‑organizing.

Your Product Owner has not been available lately. Your VP says "Hey ScrumMaster, I need PO for some other project, why don't you
continue to run the show?". What would be your reaction? *
I would kindly explain the difficulties and hindrances that would create. Firstly, Scrum master and Product owner are two fundamentally
different roles. Also, Scrum master is a dedicated role and needs to be available to a team for full time. Being a part‑time SM and a part‑
time PO simultaneously would create a mess.

Your team has been realising that they have not finished even a single story on last day since past few Sprints. They work on last day
to finish few stories. What do you think could be wrong and how would you help as a ScrumMaster? *
I, as an SM, have to investigate if there are any impediments, if stories are too big and if they can be broken into smaller once. I have to
know that if they are dependent on external help if the team has clarity about the tasks and they understand DOD. I have to facilitate a
healthy discussion in the team and make sure that the proper help and coaching is available to the team

You have been just hired a ScrumMaster for a team that has been struggling to deliver a sellable Product for a year now. The hiring
manager asks "Hey ScrumMaster, whats your game plan to get this team to deliver sellable products and how soon can you get them
there?". What would be your answer? *
We would be able to deliver first sellable product at the end of the first sprint itself. We would follow scrum principals and divide the work
into smaller chunks and work together to deliver incremental releases. I would facilitate and coach the team for understanding the scrum
and make sure the proper practice is followed.

When you are a ScrumMaster for a team with fixed bid project, how would you make sure that your team delivers what customer needs
and also don't end up cutting corners (creating Tech Debt)? *
I have to make sure the customers' expectations are understood. User stories to the team should be clear and DOD should be well defined
and understood. The main point is to foucs on MVP (minimal viable product) and work on incremental releases to minimize the technical

You are just about start your first Sprint and during the Sprint planning, your development team says "Hey PO, we need about 3 sprints
to build initial framework and then only we can focus on customer features". PO agrees. What would be your reaction and why? *
I would disagree and try to explain that this is against the scrum philosophy. The idea is to build the sellable products as soon as possible.
Stretching the release of a sellable product for 3 sprints is a huge time. We may need to break down the work for a sellable product into
smaller chunks and thus try to deliver the MVP as soon as possible

Your Organization has constraint to hire a full time ScrumMaster so you are asked to pick up the role and also be a line manager of the 1/2
13/02/2018 Let's PlayScrum :: CSM :: Assessment v1.2
team. What would you do? *
I would pick up the role if I have enough time to play both the roles
No, I would not pick up as it will not be effective due to conflict of interest

When does a Product Owner review the work done by the team and provide feedback? *
During Sprint Review
During the Sprint as and when a Story is complete
At the end of the Sprint before the Sprint Review begins

When do you release the Product Increment? *

At the end of every Sprint once the Stakeholders accept
As and when the Product Increment adds value even if its during the Sprint

You have accepted a Story during Sprint. The stakeholders say "This story is not per our expectation". Your PO rejects. What do you do
as a ScrumMaster and why? *
I would make sure that there is no impediments, the team is clear and

Your PO says "Guys I got the estimate from the team I used to work with before. Now please deliver these in 10 sprints as I believe 1
Story point = 1 hour and we have so many hours". How do you handle this situation? *
I should explain PO that story points are not an absolute measure of work to be done in hours. It is relative for team to team. It would be a
misconception to think of a story point = 1 hour. It is team's collective and collaborative effort and decision to deliver shippable and
sellable items incrementally.

What is Velocty? *
Velocity is a measurement of the amount of work a team can tackle du

What should be the focus of ScrumMaster on Development team *

Initial high and goes down later as you help them become self‑organizing
High always as teams will never self‑organize 2/2

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