Pilot Learning Plan 4

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Zak Kline Pilot Learning Plan 2017-18 

Name: Zak Kline Program: Pilot Date: 03.25.18 

What do you want to study, in a sentence: 
The process of music creation, production and performance. I want to explore how to bring my 
music and learning to a larger audience through performance, radio, and the internet.  
What you hope to gain personally by studying this subject? 
I hope to have a better understanding of the creation process, and just continue developing my 
skills to a point where I am sharing my music with the world because I feel it’s both deserving, and good 
enough that the world should hear it.  
Why knowledge of this topic will be valuable and important to you?  
I want to pursue songwriting as both a college major, a career, and a lifestyle. It’s very important to 
me, and I want to shape my life around it from this day on. The Pilot program is simply the best way to 
chase that with intention and academic prowess.  
I know how to write a song, I might even be able to write a good one, but there’s always so much 
more to learn, and with a skill like this, the best way to learn is just by doing it. Improvement comes from 
Things that you've read or seen which connect you to this topic: 
All my favorite artists connect me to my music, and inspire me to create something incredible. 
There’s always an image of the perfect shining song in my future. As long as I’m always working towards 
it, somewhere along the way I’ll create something that is good enough to meet the demands of other 
people. Some of my favorite music right now is: M ​ elodrama​ by Lorde, ​Days Are Gone b​ y​ ​Haim, ​Ultralife​ by 
Oh Wonder, ​Moon River​ a new cover by Frank Ocean and anything John Mayer. This is music I enjoy, and 
am inspired by in my own writing. I don’t reach to replicate it, but to one day stand among it in my own 
creation as an equal. Listening to this music helps me set goals and understand what I want. 
Make a list of questions that you hope to be able to answer by the end of the study: 
What kind of an artist am I?  
What is my favorite genre to write, and which is my primary focus?  
How can I blend acoustic songs into an album of largely electronic backed music?  
How can I bring elements of acoustic music together with digital music creation? 
What do you hope to know at the end of the project? Consider hands on know-how and 
How to use Logic Pro X 
If Alt-Pop (under a more broad genre, just Pop or Alternative) is the correct genre title for my 
music, as I believe is the best as of now. If not, what’s a better genre description? 
What my path forward from U-32 and the Pilot is, college, career, music production hopes, 
dreams, and goals.  
What do you hope to be able to do/show at the end?  
The completed 12 song LP I wrote this summer. 
A new LP that I write this year. 
My music up on streaming sites where they are more available and convenient than bandcamp. As 
awesome as bandcamp is, it’s a total pain to deal with for a customer, and not as popular as Spotify, 
Apple Music or iTunes. I want my music being more accessible than ever before.    
As you shape your goals, remember that you are expected to work on this project a minimum of 4 hours/week. 

Project goals  Action   Proof   Credit 

(minimum of three)       
  How will you accomplish this? List  How will you demonstrate this?  What credits 
will you be 
Be specific about skills you’re  action steps. What are you doing?  earning 
developing.   through 

Boundless: a Qplus  A radio show that I will do in  Our show is live, 11-12 on WGDR  Art,  
Experience  conjunction with my  Plainfield and WGDH Hardwick.  English 
co-producers, Noah Witke and  Our show is also available on 
Amy Koenigbauer.   spinitron. Follow us on Instagram 
at @boundlessqplus 

Don’t Let Me Fall  Complete all the final recordings  By turning up the volume. Also a  Art, 
that I have left to do.  concert or gig of original music, at  English 
U-32 or some other location (TBD).    
It will be available for listeners to 
access on streaming sites.  

A new album  I would spend this whole year  Once again, by turning up the  Art, 
developing this new album, and  volume and my concert or gig of  English 
preparing to release it at the end  original music.    
of the school year.  

Music Suggestions  Get music listening suggestions  Writing my blurb will show that I  Art, 
and Art Responses  from Amy every week, and then  know something about this music I  English 
write a quick blurb about it every  have never heard before, so I must 
week after I have something to  have learned something.  
say about it. These are my 
required art responses for my Art 

Music Director for  Erin Galligan Baldwin has asked  The middle schoolers will have a  Art 
Stage 16  me to be the Music Director for  final performance in which they will 
the Stage 16 musical this year, so  sing the music I teach them for 
I will be teaching the middle  their friends and family.  
schoolers their music with help 
and support from Roger Grow.  

Human Nature  I want to make a Hopefully, if it gets in the show, it  Art, 
Arrangement for  multi-instrument, multi-vocal will be presented at the Spring  English 
Jazz Band, HS  arrangement for the Spring Variety show. It will also have   
Variety show that uses many
Strings and  notated scores for the musicians to 
student musicians from all around
Camerata  U-32.
read, which I will write.  

Stage 32 - The  Do both the musical and straight  By performing, and doing research  Art, 
Spitfire Grill & King  show, The Spitfire Grill this fall,  on warm up techniques, and  English 
Lear  and King Lear in the spring. While  methods of maintaining a healthy 
performing and doing my best to  voice. Both through maintaining 
have a compelling performance, I  good practice (tea, warm ups, etc.) 
want to stay healthy, specifically  but also how to sing in a healthy 
my voice during the musical.   way that doesn’t damage your 

Dance 32  Heather and I talked about me  By performing it at the Dance 32  Art, 
writing a song to have someone  show.   English 
else choreograph a dance to, 
either a solo or duet. I will play 
Piano, and the instrument will be 
on stage with me playing, taking 
space and giving presence.  

Lear Music  I am helping Noah by creating the  Recording for our Stage 32  Art 
music for our show. It won’t be  performance of Lear.  
sung, but will play underneath 
scenes. Drawing from Classical 
music and modern beats and 

Lear  Performing in Stage 32’s one act  Recording for our Stage 32  Art, 
production of Shakespeare’s King  performance of Lear.   English 

Workout Routine  Create a safe and healthy  By writing a log of what I’m doing,  PE, 
workout routine that helps  when I’m doing it, and what I  Health 
develop a rhythm, discipline, and  realize about that particular 
physical structure I can be proud  activity.  
of. There would be a set schedule 
for when it happens.  

Meditation  This is another aspect of my PE  I will add a new sheet to the  PE, 
Pilot work. It’s good to have a  Workout Log Sheet for meditation  Health 
contrasting study in physical  time.  
wellness, so this will serve as 
another aspect of my work.  

Music Dictionary  Music Theory is the construction This will be an ongoing project as I  English, 
of concepts and language so that collect new words and terms on  Art 
musicians can spend more time one document which will be 
creating, and less time translating
presentable at the end of the year 
and communicating what needs to
be played. It’s every musician's
as one document, showing 
duty to learn the language, and it progress through the language of 
greatly improves their Music Theory.  
understanding of music, and how
it can be effective. I want to
create a dictionary of terms and
words I learnt his year.

The Writing Band  I am institute a writing band  This “project” isn’t so much of a  English, 
during Tuesday W5 (1st band on  project with an ending piece that  Art 
white days) in which I will spend  can show what I’ve done, but more 
the band writing. It doesn’t  just something I want to do for 
matter what I’m writing, I will use  myself to improve how I am 
it to practice writing, a skill we  thinking and writing. If I succeed, 
can always continue to improv,  then my writing and work will be 
and use it as source material for  better. This could affect any of my 
music.   credits, although is not a particular 
project I am striving to get credit 
for, just a practice that will lead to 
the improvement of the projects 
which I am getting credit for.  

Writing a Musical  I have some ideas already for  By performing one of those songs  Art, 
what that might look like, but this  at an exhibition, and publishing the  English 
would probably include writing a  finished piece. It will be readily 
script, simple acoustic music, and  available for listeners to access on 
recording some demos.   streaming sites.   

Voice Health Study  I want to study how to keep your  By writing about voice health, and  Health, 
voice healthy through good warm  what can be done to keep a healthy  English 
ups, and general upkeep, and  singing voice. Continuation of Stage 
gentle use… So not always yelling  32 healthy voice study.  
I guess.  

Performance of  I am hoping to do a performance,  This performance will be available  Art, 

Original Work  small concert, or gig of original  to the public, so people, especially  English, 
music, so I can experiment with  advisors and mentors, can come 
performance in a more public  watch it.  
space, and giving back to my 
community through 
performance. I also want to 
maintain a healthy voice for this 
performance, so that will affect 
my health credit, as well as Art 
and English.  

Start the P
​ ilot Open  Start an open mic for Pilot  This performance will be available  Art, 
Mic  students in which we can show  to the public, so people, especially  English 
our work, and what we’ve been  advisors and mentors, can come 
working on, in a performance  watch it.  
based setting. Noah Witke is also 
spearheading this project, so this 
would be a collaborative thing, 
which could hopefully become a 
tradition which carries on next 

Midsummer Night's  I am writing music for Sorcha   Art, 

Dream Music  Anderson’s Midsummer Night’s English 
Dream, and playing for it in the
Which methods of information gathering do you plan on using?​ (Check all that apply - 
highlight, ctrl and left click to check) 
✓ Interviewing 
❏ Internship 
✓ Observing, documenting, and/or surveying 
✓ Video or audio-taping 
✓ Gathering and reviewing published information (reading)  
✓ Searching online and electronic databases 
❏ Creating a symbolic representation (model building, map making, etc.) 
✓ Discussion 
✓ Experimentation 
✓ Writing, and reflecting  
✓ Other: C ​ reating work, and exploring what I have made, and why/how I did that.  
What is the biggest overall challenge you anticipate in this project work? What strategies 
will you use to address it? ​(organization, time management, communication, motivation, etc.) 
I have given myself a lot to work on this year, so I could see myself losing my footing on the 
musical which is not necessarily the direction I want to take my life, and is something I am not as 
experienced with. If I were to get behind and start getting dragged down, this would be the first project I 
would drop.  
I will address this by making sure that I am staying on top of my schedule, and that if I fall behind, I 
realize that ASAP and make the necessary changes with my Content Advisors, Program Advisor and 
Mentors. Speaking with Knayte about my project will certainly keep me on track, and make sure I am 
aware of what isn’t working, and needs changing.  
Do you have any mentors in mind? If so, list them here: 
Mentor/Advisor Name  Action   Goals  Credit 
and Credit/Topic       
  How will this mentor help you? What will you do  What is a goal you hope to  What 
Why is this mentor relevant to your  together?  compete with the help of  credits will 
project (List titles/reasons)?  this mentor?  you be 

Francesca Blanchard  I am really excited to have Francesca as  Work on my music  English,  
Mentor  my mentor for this project, at the show  together making sure  Art 
-Musician  she really showed her skill as an  that my music creation 
-Composer  incredible songwriter and performer,  stays a holistic and 
-Singer  and I think I can get a lot from her. In  honest process.  
-A push towards honest  one meeting we talked about so much 
music creation… and just  stuff, and I had the opportunity to do 
being damn good.   some workshopping of F​ ollow Me Home 
with her.  

Knayte Lander M
​ entor  Knayte Lander is going to be one of my  Keep me thinking  English, 
-Converser  mentors this year, and he will work as  about my music  Art 
-Music Lover  an advisor to my project, but mostly  through conversation,   
-Alternate POV  through conversation about what I’m  and help me focus on 
-A push towards alternative  doing and what I like doing. I’m an oral  what I am really trying 
music creation.  thinker, so speaking through things  to say. Also, help me 
with somebody can help me focus on  write a song one could 
what I need/want to be doing. My other  dance to.  
choice for an advisor is Roger Grow, to 
help me with the technical aspects of 
my music/musical.  

Roger Grow​ Mentor  Roger Grow worked with me last year,  To aid me in the  Art, 
-Musician  and was a big help in learning how to  technical aspects of  Health 
-Composer  use the software and developing craft  recording/producing 
-Singer  when it comes to music composition  original music. Roger 
-A push towards Alternative  and production. I hope he can help  will also be assisting 
and Avant Garde music  with technical aspects this year, and  me with the Stage 16 
production  maybe help me learn Logic Pro X. Also,  musical.  
he can definitely give me feedback and 
answer any questions I have on the 
health portion of my healthy voice 

Amy Koenigbauer ​Advisor  Have weekly meetings to reach my  Be the queen - support  English, 
-The Advisor Queen of all  goals, and direct learning through  me in what I need to  Art 
my projects  positive resources and good  complete all my 
leadership.   projects.  

​ ist the standards and skills you plan to address in this project  

Content:​ ​for Pilot plans only  

English  Don’t Let Me Fall 

Reading  Writing a Musical 
Write narratives to develop real or imagined  A New Album 
experiences or events using effective technique,  Stage 32 - The Spitfire Grill & King Lear 
well-chosen details, and well-structured event  Dance 32 
sequences.  The Writing Band 
- Watching The Get Down  Music Suggestions 
- Listening to all varieties of music from Amy’s  Performance of Original Work 
suggestions.   Music Dictionary 
Expressive Writing  Human Nature arrangement for HS Music Dept. 
Develop polished written work in a variety of genres  ‘Boundless’ Radio Show 
following a process of drafting, feedback, and  A Midsummer Night’s Dream Music 
revision.  Voice Study (Writing) 
- Writing music   Pilot Open Mic 
- Writing, How To Be Gay: A Manual 
Speaking and Listening 
Initiate and participate effectively in a range of 
discussions, responding thoughtfully to diverse 
perspectives and expressing ideas clearly and 
- Recording, listening to and performing music 
- Speaking during exhibitions 
- Performing Stage 32 productions 
- Recording radio show, ​Boundless 
Expository Writing 
Produce clear and coherent writing for a range of 
informative and analytical tasks, purposes, and 
- Writing music, musicals, and music review 

Art  Don’t Let Me Fall 

Developing Craft  Writing a Musical 
Demonstrate characteristic tone and technique and  A New Album 
adapt that tone and technique to the musical  Stage 32 - The Spitfire Grill & King Lear 
context.  Dance 32 
- Writing/producing/mixing/mastering two  The Writing Band 
albums.  Music Suggestions 
- Writing a musical  Music Director Stage 16 
- Performance of Original Work  Art Response 
PPP (Perform, Present, Produce)  Performance of Original Work (VT to Puerto Rico) 
Expressively perform music, including expression  Human Nature for HS Music Dept.  
indicated by the composer’s markings. ​Create music  Logic Pro X Proficiency  
using a variety of pitch, rhythm, and expressive  King Lear Music 
- Performance of Original Work 
- Stage 32 Spitfire Grill & King Lear 
Convey meaning through the performance of a 
scripted or improvised theater work.Convey 
meaning through choreography and presentation 
of a dance piece for a formal audience. 
- Stage 32 Spitfire Grill & King Lear 
Connect music to personal meaning: Relate music 
to personal meaning, both their own and others’. 
- Writing Music Reviews of music suggestions.  
- Writing a Musical 
- Writing new music in LP format.  
- Performance of Original Work 
Evaluate artistic work and performance: Evaluate 
elements of a performance, cite examples to 
support their claims, and make suggestions for 
improvements. ​Analyze and describe artistic work: 
Identify and describe elements of music in the 
context of an artistic work. 
- Writing Music Reviews of music suggestions 
(Art Response) 
- Working with middle school students as 
Music Director for Stage 16 

Transferable skills 

Creative Thinking and Problem Solving  Art/English: Working to create new music that is 
both beautiful, and expressive of unique ideas, 
and concepts in a fresh and interesting way.  

Effective and Expressive Communication  Art/English: Speaking with Knayte about my 
project and where I want to go. Speaking with 
Amy and other mentors/advisors when I need 
help to get the support I need. Teaching music to 
Stage 16 kids. 

Engaged Citizenship  Art/English: Teaching music to Stage 16 kids. 

Performing a show of Original Music, open to the 
public. Releasing Don’t Let Me Fall and a new 
album to the public. Performing in Stage 32 and 
Dance 32 shows. Writing revised paperwork for 
Athletic Trainer accessibility to Stage 32.  

Working Independently and Collaboratively  Art/English: Writing original music independently. 

Speaking with Knayte about my project and 
where I want to go. Stage 32, Dance 32 and Stage 
16, working with other people to create a piece of 
art. Performance of Original Work is an 
independent piece unless I bring more people in, 
which would make it both. Writing revised 
paperwork for Athletic Trainer accessibility to 
Stage 32.  

Informed, Integrated, and Critical Thinking  Art/English: Working to create new music that is 
both beautiful, and expressive of unique ideas, 
and concepts in a fresh and interesting way. 
Learning more technical aspects of music 
production from Roger Grow. Music suggestion 
writing blurbs are really just a critique or review 
of the music I’m exploring.  

Self-Awareness and Self Direction  Art/English: Performance of Original Work. 

Creating new music that is both beautiful, and 
expressive of unique ideas, and concepts in a 
fresh and interesting way. Stage 32 - The Spitfire 
Grill and King Lear. The Writing Band. 
Create an annotated bibliography and list sources that will help you achieve your goals.  
At minimum include: 2 people, 4 books, and 8 internet sources  

Damon Krukowski. ​Music Streaming
Damon Krukowski.​ The New Analog
William Bay. ​Mel Bay’s Instant Guitar Chord Finder
John Powell. ​Why You Love Music.
Oliver Sacks. ​Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain.
Damon Krukowski. ​The New Analog
Ben Porter. ​Grief Is The Thing With Feathers
William Shakespeare. ​Midsummer Night’s Dream
Logic Pro X for Dummies. ​Graham English
Essentials of Music Theory Book 3. ​Andrew Surman, Karen Surmani, Morton Manus
Essentials of Music Notation. ​Tom Gerou, Linda Lusk
Guidelines for Drumset Notation​.​ Norman Weinberg

Twenty Thousand Hertz.
Let It Beep
Movie Soundtrack
The Gift
Making Gay History.
Ellen Degeneres.
Joel Kim Booster
NPR Fresh Air. Interview of Jonathan Groff.

Alchemy Tutorial ​Part 4
Songwriting Tips to Break Habits (​video​)
Bruno Mars Production (​video​)
Logic Synth Machines ​overview
Logic Smooth Synth​(video)
Vocal Synths (​video​)
Saws Instrument (​video​)
Jacob Collier Live Performance ​(Barcelona)​ (1:55:30 Blackbird)
Jacob Collier. ​Human Nature Arrangement w/ the BBC Proms Orchestra.
The Basics of Mixing
Jacob Collier. ​#IHarmU Live! ​2
Jacob Collier. ​#IHarmU Live! 1
Ray Harmony. ​12 Music Theory Hacks to Learn Scales and Chords. ​2016
Mason Hicks. ​Audio Compression Basics. Universal Audio
Geoffrey Morrison. ​Compression is killing your music​. ​CNET. 2011.
Ian Shepherd. ​Production Advice​. ​Mastering Media (Production Advice).
Jacob Collier. ​Jacob Collier YouTube.
Jacob Collier. ​Interviews ​1​ & ​2
Adam Neely.​ Adam Neely YouTube Channel.
George Dr. Hess. ​MuseScore How To Videos.
NYT. ​Shape of You: 2017 Biggest Track
Logic Pro X. ​Match EQ Tutorial
Holistic Songwriting:
John Mayer​. John Mayer’s songwriting style
Adele​. How Adele markets herself
Taylor Swift​. How Taylor Swift writes melodies
Ed Sheeran​. How Ed Sheeran writes a melody
Sia.​ How Sia Makes You Feel Sad
Bruno Mars.​ How Bruno Mars Wrote 24K Magic
John Mayer Berklee Clinic​ Students Only - 2008
Part 1​ Information and Inspiration
Part 2​ Defining Your Expectations
Part 3​ Turning Information into inspiration
Part 4​ Economy in Songwriting and Playing
Part 5​ Working Up to the Dynamic Ceiling of your Solo
Part 6​ Honesty in Songwriting
Part 7​ The Songwriting Process
Part 8​ Getting Started
Part 9​ John Plays

Amy Koenigbauer
Roger Grow
Knayte Lander
Chris Blackburn
Adrian Wade
Brian Divelbliss
Laura Abbene
Meg Allison
Francesca Blanchard

Noah Witke
Karli Robertson
Cameron Roy
The Independent Student Initiative 
Approval: Plans need to be approved by the following people, please sign below once plans are approved 
Program Advisor:  24 SEPT 17 
Amy Koenigbauer 

Content Area Advisors:    

English Chris Blackburn   
Art Adrian Wade 

Parent: Paule Bezaire  Paule Bezaire 
Parent: Jamie Kline  James Kline 
Student: Zak Kline  Zak Kline 

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