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IS01 Assessment

CHC33015 Certificate III Individual Support (Ageing, Home & Community)

This assessment provides partial evidence of competency for the following units:
CHCAGE001 Facilitate the empowerment of older people
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically
CHCCCS015 Provide individualised support
CHCCCS023 Support independence and wellbeing
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services

1. Describe Residential Aged Care.

2. Describe Home and Community Care.

3. Define the concept of Consumer Directed Care.

4. Explain what the term ‘ageing in place’ means.

5. Visit the website then briefly explain the role of the following agencies.

Agency Role
A My Aged Care (
B My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service
C Commonwealth Home Support Program
D Aged Care Assessment Team

6. Explain what the term ‘positive ageing’ means.

7. Write a brief definition of the following principles that underpin current care practices and service
delivery in the aged care sector.

Principle Definition

A. Empowerment

B. Rights based approach

C. Self-determination

D. Strength based approach

E. Palliative approach

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F. Re-enablement

G. Duty of Care

H. Dignity of risk

I. Informed consent

J. Person-centred support

8. Change the following comments to make them sound more positive and empowering to the older

A) Tyrone 25, says, “I don’t know why Grandma is going back to university. It is not like she is going to
remember anything at her age.”
B) Jason 26, says, “I don’t like employing older people. They are more likely to take sick leave and they
can’t keep up with technology.”

C) Kylie 12, says, “We have to visit a nursing home as part of our school program. I’m going to be

D) Nicholas 36, says, “I am sick of paying taxes to support health services for old people. Old age
pensioners just take and take. They don’t give anything back.”

E) Amy 24, says, “Mathew takes so long to talk that I just get impatient. I end up guessing what he is
trying to say. I am usually right because he goes along with it anyway.”

F) Cathy 30, says, “All people over 75 should have their driver’s licence taken off them. How can you
drive properly with glasses and hearing aids?”

9. Negative stereotypes and myths can cause an older person to feel de-valued. List three (3) ways that
these attitudes may impact the person’s life.

10. Aged care workers must work within a strict framework of regulations.

A. two (2) pieces of legislation that aged care workers must follow and explain the key purpose
of each

B. two (2) ethical guideline documents that aged care workers must follow and explain the key
components of each
11. Explain why legislation and ethical guidelines are relevant to our practice as aged care workers.

12. List two (2) places where an aged care worker can access legislation and ethical guideline

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13. Research the Aged Care Accreditation Standards at There is also a copy of the
Standards in your Student Information Folder.

A. List the four (4) Standards.

B. Under each of the Standards, there are specific outcomes that must be demonstrated. What are
the following outcomes:
• Standard 1.3
• Standard 2.8
• Standard 3.7
• Standard 4.7

14. Explain the term ‘Scope of Practice’.

15. Name two (2) documents you could read to determine your role and scope of practice in the support
of a resident/client.

16. If you were faced with a task that fell outside your scope of practice, explain what you would do.

17. Complete the three tasks below.

A. Name one (1) accreditation or certification that an aged care worker is required to have.
B. State how often it must be updated.
C. State why it is important to keep this accreditation/certification up to date.

18. There are many changes associated with ageing. List three (3) examples in the following areas.
A. Physical
B. Psychological
C. Social

19. Describe how the following health conditions can impact on an older person. Provide two (2)
examples for each condition.
A. Arthritis
B. Dementia
C. Depression
D. Incontinence
E. Stroke
F. Heart or lung disease

20. As an aged care worker, you can help your clients make healthy lifestyle choices.
List two (2) ways an aged care worker can encourage ‘healthy habits’ in each of the areas listed.
A. Emotional health
B. Healthy relationships
C. Healthy body
D. Hygiene (including oral hygiene)
E. Lifestyle

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F. Nutrition and hydration

21. Aged care workers must have a clear understanding of the basic human rights of residents/clients.

Match each of the four (4) situations below to the basic human right that has been breached.

1. Client being told stop praying as this is annoying other clients

2. Client denied use of computer to access Facebook
3. Meat being removed from the menu at a residential service because it’s too expensive
4. Client being locked in room by staff so they will not wander

Human right Situation

A. Right to life, liberty and security of person
B. Right to live without interference to privacy, family, home and
C. Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion
D. Right to standard of living adequate for health and well-being

22. In the workplace we all have rights and responsibilities.

A. List three (3) responsibilities you have as an employee.
B. List three (3) responsibilities your employer has towards you.

23. Read these four (4) scenarios.

After completing your 3-month probation period, you have been asked by your employer if you
would like to have a permanent Saturday night shift. You would really like to say yes as you need
the money but there are certain reasons why you are hesitating.
You have been working this shift for the last few weeks as a fill-in for staff that have been absent.
A Each time you have done this shift you have worked with another worker who doesn’t always
follow procedures. She does not like to use the hoists when moving clients as she believes that it
is too time consuming. She tells you it does not matter as you are the only staff there and it will be
quicker to get the work done. You are unsure how to handle the situation as you know this is not
the right thing to do.
You have been asked by your team leader to give a client two Panadol tablets before you leave
B work as she has a terrible headache. You are unsure if you should do this as you have not
completed your medication training.

When you are in the supermarket you bump into one of the staff members you work with. She is
C happy to see you and stops you in the aisle. You talk about work and discuss a client who is
demanding and always in a bad mood.

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You always ask the other staff if you can attend to Milly. You have developed a great relationship
D with her and she likes to purchase AVON products from you. It is a good opportunity to show her
the new AVON books while you are assisting her.

Then use the table below to indicate the ethical breach that applies to each scenario and to describe
how you would respond to each scenario.

Ethical breach Scenario (A, B, C or D) Describe how you would respond

Breach in procedure / Break in

duty of care

Conflict of interest

Client confidentiality breached

Working outside professional


24. A. Name the Act that governs working conditions in the aged care sector.

B. If you were concerned about your working conditions, name two external agencies you could
contact for information and advice.

25. Identify which of the following examples of staff conduct are ‘legal’ issues and which are ‘ethical’
issues by typing LEGAL or ETHICAL next to each.

Issue Legal or

A Staff driving the work vehicle without a valid driver’s licence

Staff talking on their mobile phone while attending to a client in the
C Staff swearing whilst on duty

D Staff sharing personal information about a client to their friend

Staff supervising school work experience students on client outings
without a Working with Children Check
F Staff turning up late to their shift
Staff not asking the client to choose the activity and instead making a
decision for them based on what the staff want

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Staff administering an injection to a client without appropriate
qualifications to do so
Staff refusing to support a client because they are in a same sex

26. What could be the consequence for the staff if proven to breach legal or ethical guidelines? Your
answer should include two (2) consequences.

27. The following are possible indicators or signs of abuse. For each situation, list the type of abuse that
may be taking place.

Situation Type of Abuse

A. Residents are left alone all night without being checked.

B. Resident/client has bruising around genital area.

C. Client has several unexplainable bank withdrawals.

D. Resident/client has bruises on their face and arms.

E. You overhear a staff member telling a resident if they don’t

do as they are told, their family won’t visit.

28. If you became aware that an older person was experiencing abuse or you suspect abuse occurring,
how would you report it?

29. Name the three (3) scenarios that fall under Compulsory Reporting laws in residential aged care.

30. Under Compulsory Reporting laws in residential aged care, who does the organisation report to?

31. List four (4) examples of work practices that create a culturally and psychologically safe environment
for residents and clients.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows.


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Michaela is a casual employee and is working her first shift at Flower Street Aged Care. Michaela is the only
staff member on duty in her section. After dinner, one of the residents, Peter, asks her for $30 of his money
so he can meet his friend at the local hotel for a drink. Peter’s individualised plan states that he enjoys
regular trips out with friends, however he is unsteady on his feet and has a history of falls.

Michaela is not sure if she should give Peter his money or not and whilst her supervisor is in the building, he
is unable to be contacted by phone. She consults the policies and procedures and Peter’s file notes but
cannot find any instructions on what she should do. Michaela finds the policies and procedures are unclear
and contradictory and not necessarily relevant to this actual situation. Michaela does not want to give Peter
his money as she is concerned Peter will drink too much alcohol and fall. Michaela asks Peter to wait until
she can consult her supervisor for instructions.

32. Answer the following true/false questions.

True or

A Not giving Peter his money is a breach of Peter’s human rights and right to

B Michaela does not have a duty of care to Peter when he is not on the premises.

C It’s not necessary to have policies and procedures for resident’s money as they should be
managing this themselves.

D Michaela should lock the door so Peter cannot leave the facility whilst she searches for
her supervisor.

E The policies and procedures in this facility require updating.

F Michaela does not have the authority to have input into development or updating of
policies and procedures.

G Dignity of risk is the concept of supporting and educating a client to remain safe whilst
continuing to live their life as they wish.

H Michaela could bring up this scenario at the next staff meeting to share her experience with other
staff members and advocate for changes to policies and procedures.

Read the scenario below and answer the question that follows.

The client - Peter in the previous case study - is annoyed that Michaela doubted his ability to make his own
decisions. He feels he is being treated like a child and wants to make a formal complaint about Michaela and
the organisation.

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33. List four (4) complaints processes or mechanisms that Peter would have access to in residential aged
care including external organisations.

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