PNP Loi 2005

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Republic of the Philippines Department of the Interior and Local Govemment NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, PNP Camp Crame, Quezon City Subject : PNP LOI 2005 — “TAMANG BIHIS” Campaign Against the Illegal Manufacture, Distribution, Sale and Use of PNP Uniforms, Insignias and other Accoutrements, Including the Materials for their Production To “+: See Distribution I, REFERENCES: a. Memorandum from TDRD dated March 5, 2004 re* Awareness of PNP Personnel on the Authorized PNP Uniforms, Insignia and Paraphernalia - Annex A. 3 = Executive Order No 297 dated October 4, 2000, “Regulating the Manufacture, Sale Distribution and Use of PNP Uniforms, Insignias and other Accoutrements” - Annex B, . Article 179, Act No 3815, as amended, the Revised Penal Code of 1932, “Illegal use of uniform and insignia” - Annex C. % s 9 IL. PURPOSE: This LOI prescribes the guidelines to be observed by all PNP personnel of all units/offices in the implementation of the rules and enforcement of the laws against the illegal manufacture, sale, distribution and use of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements, including the materials for their production. The unmitigated proliferation of unauthorized PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements made of inferior materials is largely due to their avallability in the open market from enterprising unaccredited suppliers and dealers. This is abetted in part by the patronage of some of our PNP personnel including unscrupulous and lawless individuals who use the same for unlawful purposes. ITIL. SITUATION: Efforts of the PNP to curd these illegal businesses and prevent the unauthorized use of their products by PNP personnel have not been very successful. Coordinations with accredited PNP dealers and suppliers to insure their commitment to comply with the rules and obey the laws produced good results but not enduring enough. Implementation of existing laws was likewise given attention, but restricted by the limited provision of Art 179, Revised Penal Code which only penalizes “the public and improper use of uniforms and insignias pertaining to an office not held by such person” and of EO 297 (s-2000) which has only the sanctions of closure of the Page oF? pages “and: direcing, among Conduct of PI & E for the purpose of exhorting personnel to wear authorized uniforms and patronize accredited suppliers only. Considering that there are various manufacturers, dealers and suppliers of PNP uniforms and accoutrements accredited to transact business with the PNP, the materials used for the uniforms may not be coming only one (1) source. Also, they might be selling their products at their convenient price in pursuance of respective business interests. Quite imperatively, there is a need to unify all efforts to ensure that textiles and accoutrements of prescribed PNP uniforms come only from authorized sources and to be sold only at the PNP Service Stores System, its outlets Including PNP cooperatives and other accredited dealers and suppliers. IV. MISSION: ty ‘The Philippine National Police, cuncurent with its missions, conducts intensified campaign against the illegal manufacture, distribution, sale and use of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements, including the materials for their production. V. EXECUTION: a. C, PNP’s Commitment: Tt is the desire of the C, PNP to see that all PNP personnel wear only the prescribed PNP uniform with all its authorized insignias and other accoutrements for every particular activity or occasion. This could be done by insuring that all materials for their production shall come from authorized sources and that the finished products should be sold only at the PNP Service Stores System, its regional branches and all other authorized outlets of accredited suppliers or dealers. Corollary to this, the C, PNP desires that PNP Cooperatives be established to, among others inherent functions, serve as additional outlets of the PNP Service Store Systems for the supply and distribution of authorized uniforms, insignias and accoutrements. b, Concept of Operations: For the effective and sustained implementation of this LOI, the campaign shall be aggressively undertaken in distinctively clustered action plans as follows: 1. ACTION PLAN I - Dissemination of Information: @) Identification of all PNP accredited manufacturers, dealers and suppliers of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements, and the materials for their production. Whether accredited or not. Page 20t7 pages ma SSS, its outlets including PNP accredited dealers and suppliers and used only the prescribed PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements. d) Regularly inspection of personnel to insure that they are all wearing the prescribed PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements. 2. ACTION PLAN II - Intelligence and Investigative Efforts a) Production of intelligence on the modus operandi of illegal manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and sellers of PNP uniforms, insignias and all other accoutrements. ‘ b) Case build-up against illegal manufacturers, dealers, suppliers, and sellers. % “ 3. ACTION PLAN III — Law Enforcement a) Conduct of active police operations against _ illegal manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and sellers. b) Filing of administrative, civil and/or criminal actions against them. ©) Imposition of immediate administrative sanctions like non— renewal of accreditation and public censure and the conduct of closure and seizure proceedings. 4, ACTION PLAN IV — Establishment of PNP Cooperatives a) Establishment and full operation of PNP Cooperatives and the issuance of a Presidential Executive Order declaring PNP Cooperatives as distributors of prescribed PNP uniforms, insignias and all other accoutrements, including the materials for their production. c. TASKS: UESB 1) Exercise direct supervision and control in the implementation ofthisLO =~ 2) Initiate the filing of appropriate administrative, civil and/or criminal actions against illegal manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and sellers and users of PNP uniforms, insignias and Page 3087 pages 1) OPR in the implementation of this LOI. 2) Collate all recommendations against illegal manufacturers, dealers, suppliers sellers of unauthorized PNP uniform for the filing of administrative, civil and/or criminal actions for approval of UESB. 3) Conduct test and evaluation of all materials used in the production of prescribed PNP uniforms, insignias and all other accoutrements. 4) Conduct “inspection of all accredited PNP manufacturers, dealers, suppliers and sellers of PNP uniforms, insignias and all other accoutrements. ., . 5) Initiate administrative cases against all PNP personnel in violating this LOT in coordination with DIDM. 6) Cause the registration of all uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements with the Intellectual Property: Office as “Industrial Designs” to address the limitation of law with regard to Executive Order 297 ad Art 179 RPC. 7) Perform other tasks as directed. DPRM 1) Insure that all personnel are checked on the completeness of their authorized uniforms before the release of their Replacement Clothing Allowance (RCA). 2) OPR in the establishment of PNP Cooperatives in coordination with CESPO. 3) Perform other tasks as directed. DI 1) Provide intelligence information on illegal manufacturers, dealers suppliers and sellers of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements, including the materials used in their production and conduct case build —up against them. 2) Perform other tasks as directed. Page Sof 7 same 2) Initiate an aggressive campaign agai RPC on improper/illegal use of uniforms and insignias. 3) Perform other tasks as directed. DL 1) Undertake efforts to secure authorized sources of materials for the production of PNP uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements in accordance with the NAPOLCOM approved standard specifications. . 2) Ensure that the materials procured and delivered for all PNP uniforms, insignia’ and all- other accoutrements are in accordance with the UESB requirements and the NAPOLCOM approved specifications. 3) Issue in accordance with laws, rules, regulations, circulars authorized basic uniforms, insignias and other accoutrements to new recruits. J 1 I I I q 1 I 4) Perform other tasks as directed. DPCR 1) Undertake police information efforts, for personnel awareness on the use of authorized uniform and for them to patronize only the PNP Service Stores System and to utilize the tri-media against illegal manufacturers, dealers and its authorized outlets, suppliers, sellers. 2) Perform other tasks as directed. Dc 1) Program for the increase of RCA and cause the release of RCA only in coordination with the TDPRM and PNPSSS. 2) Perform other tasks as directed. DPL 1) Prepare draft of Presidential Executive Order deciaring PNP accredited manufacturers as sole manufacturers and suppliers HWW MMH, MAIHRG, WAGES BE Ge WE 3) Perform other tasks as directed. DIDM 1) Direct, conduct and Supervise the investigation of administrative, civil and/or criminal action against all violators of Executive Order 297 and Art 179 RPC as recommended by the UESB and or DRD. 2) Conduct Pre Charge Investigation against all personnel believed to be violating this Lor. 3) Perform other tasks as directed. DHRDD 5 - 1) Plan for training of PNP Cooperatives personnel in Coordination with appropriate government agencies and other Private entities. 2) Perform other tasks as directed. NSUs 1) Insure the effective implementation of this LOI in their respective units, 2) Provide necessary administrative and operational support to the UESB. 3) Perform other tasks as directed. PROs and CIDG 1) Insure the effective implementation of this LOI in their respective Offices and Units by conducting all the above-stated action plans, 2) Perform other tasks as directed. PNP Service Stores System 1) Insure that ‘only authorized materials for PNP uniforms, insignias and other ‘accoutrements are sold in their ‘stores in Coordination with DRD, RD, PROs and D, NSUs. Page 6 ot 7 popes 2) Coordiriste* with“TDPCR in the establishment of NHQ, PRE Cooperative. 3) Consult with ESPOs for the establishment of their respective PRO and NSU Cooperatives in coordination with TDPCR and TDRD. 4) Perform other tasks as directed. VI. COORDINATING INSTRUCTION: a. All Chiefs of Offices and units at all levels shall aggressively implement this LOI thru the conduct of regular PI & E, Saturday Inspection in Ranks and daily law enforcement efforts. b. The establishment of PNP cooperatives in the NHQ, PNP, PROs and NSUs shall be completed not later than one (1) year from receipt of this LOI. For NSUs and PROs a responsible PCO and the respective ESPO shall be detailed to Initiate its establishment. c. D, NSUs and RD, PROs shall submit IMPLAN to DRD NLT ten (10) days from receipt of this LOI. d. This LOT is effective immediately. RO C LOMIBAO 72, Police Director General fg Chief, PNP cove tin. cane pate iii Command Group D-Staff D, NSUs RD, PROS PNP Service Stores System CESPO Page 7 0t7 popes

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