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Diversity Tool

Column 1 Column 2 What behaviors does What behaviors does

List behaviors typically List HEALTH behaviors your patient display your patient display that Considerations for
associated with this typically associated with that are the same as are not consistent with nursing interventions.
culture, religion, and this culture, religion, and those listed in those listed in columns 1
developmental level developmental level columns 1 and 2? and 2?
What is your


al Level:

©2010, Linda Caputi, Inc. Email: 1

Rubric for Grading the Diversity Tool
3 2 1 0
List behaviors typically associated Lists at least 5 behaviors Lists only 3 behaviors typically Lists less than 3 behaviors Unable to list behaviors
with this culture, religion, and typically associated with associated with the patient’s typically associated with the typically associated with this
developmental level. the patient’s culture, culture, religion, and patient’s culture, religion, and culture, religion, and
religion, and developmental level and developmental level but unable developmental level.
developmental level and developmental level and to document source of
documents source of documents source of information. information.
List HEALTH behaviors typically Lists at least 5 health Lists only 3 health behaviors Lists less than 3 health Unable to list any health
associated with this culture, behaviors typically typically associated with the behaviors typically associated behaviors typically associated
religion, and developmental level associated with the patient’s culture, religion, and with the patient’s culture, with this culture, religion, and
patient’s culture, developmental level and religion, and developmental developmental level.
religion, and developmental level and level but unable to document
developmental level and documents source of information. source of information.
documents source of
What behaviors does your patient Assesses patient and able Assesses patient and able to Assesses patient and able to Unable to identify behaviors
display that are the same as those to identify at least 5 identify only 3 behaviors the identify less than 3 behaviors the patient displays that are
listed in columns 1 and 2? behaviors the patient patient displays that are either the the patient displays that are either the same or different
displays that are either same or different than the either the same or different than than the behaviors typically
What behaviors does your patient the same or different behaviors typically associated with the behaviors typically associated with the patient’s
display that are not consistent with than the behaviors the patient’s culture, religion, and associated with the patient’s culture, religion, and
those listed in columns 1 and 2? typically associated with developmental level. culture, religion, and developmental level.
the patient’s culture, developmental level.
religion, and
developmental level.
Considerations for nursing Able to identify at least 5 Able to identify at least 3 factors to Identifies less than 3 factors to Unable to identify factors to
interventions. factors to consider when consider when planning patient consider when planning patient consider when planning
planning patient care care based on the patient’s culture, care based on the patient’s patient care based on the
based on the patient’s religion, and developmental level culture, religion, and patient’s culture, religion, and
culture, religion, and and alterations in nursing developmental level and developmental level and
developmental level and interventions associated with those alterations in nursing alterations in nursing
alterations in nursing factors. interventions associated with interventions associated with
interventions associated those factors. those factors.
with those factors.

©2010, Linda Caputi, Inc. Email: 2

©2010, Linda Caputi, Inc. Email: 3

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