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Salt Lal�e �
fransportation Costs ( or Trucker's Dilemn1a) Community��
Math l 050 College Algebra Project J\lathematics Department

A truck driving 260 miles over a flat interstate at a constant rate of 50 miles per hour gets 7 miles to the
gallon. Fuel costs S3.50 per gallon. For each mile per hour increase in speed, the truck loses a tenth of a
mile per gallon in its mileage. Drivers get S27 .50 per hour in wages and fixed costs for running the truck
amount to S11.33 per hour. What constant speed (between 50 mph and the speed limit of 65 mph) should
the truck drive to minimize the total cost of the trip?

Part I: To sol\'e a problem like this. it is a good idea lo start with calculating an aclllal example. We will begin by fiuding
the total cost if the truck is dri\'Cll at 50 miles per hour. The cost is made up l)t' two components: the fuel cost and the
time cost. Be sure to include the correct units with each value below.

A. Lers start out by finding hO\\. long the trip will t:ikc.

� ,�tdV\ v0 :: S ip-e-ed (rf½

iGol so �r.1..-
The length
or time required for the trip is _________ b\
i r-_s . (Do 1101 round/

The amount needed to pay the ch·i\-..�r and run the truck is f 10/, q 'l . ( Ro1111d lO nearest cent. I

C. >icxt determine. :u 7 miles per gallon for 260 miles, how much fuel will b0 r0quircd.

1--Cof 1 bq/l � "-> .

The :imoulll of fuel required is _________. (Do 1101 round. Lt•,.,..,, as a fraction. J

D. With the �mount of foel known. how much will Llle fuel cost It> makt� thi:: 260 miles?

u &0/1 G l1. 5o ') :1ro

The cost or the rucl is �J__l_}______

o �• (Round ro 1/l'llrl'�l Cl'llf. /

E. Finally we can find the TOTAL cost.

The 10101 cosi rm lhc ,,;p ;, A ) � \, 9-Z . (Round to ,ware.If cem.)

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