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Subject : English Language

Date : 20th March 2008

Time : 9.15 a.m. – 10.15 a.m
Class : 2 Cerdik
Enrolment : 35 pupils
Theme : World of Self and Family.
Topic : My Family Fingerplay.
Target Group : Average Proficiency.
Focused Skill : Reading Skill
Integrated Skills : Speaking Skill and Writing Skill
Language Focus : Subject – Verb Agreement.
Previous Knowledge : Pupils have acquired the knowledge about family members and they have already understood the
meanings for the vocabularies of family.
Intended Learning Outcomes : 2.1 Speak clearly by pronouncing words accurately.
3.4 Read aloud expressively and fluently pronouncing words correctly and observing correct stress and
intonation and sentence rhythm.
3.8 Read and enjoy simple poems and stories and respond to them by talking about the people and
moral values in the story/poem; and relate it to one’s life.
Curriculum Specification : 2.1.4 Chant rhymes and sing songs pronouncing words clearly.
3.4.3 Read aloud poems and sentences in simple stories, expressively.
3.8.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story. (e.g. number, size, other
Behavioural Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Read aloud the poem by using correct intonation and pronunciation.
2. Complete their family tree with clear explanation and can be understood by the teacher.
Educational Emphases : Thinking skills – Develops pupils’ creativity and appreciation towards literature.
Values and Citizenship – Pupils will develop awareness about care and love for their family.

Teaching Aids : LCD Projector, PowerPoint presentation and word cards.

Stages / Time Content Teaching/Learning Activities Rationale Remarks

Set Induction 1. Teacher reveals the topic of today’s - To attract pupils’

( + 5 minutes ) lesson. attention.
2. Teacher discusses with the pupils - Inculcates thinking
about the topic and asks them to skills by asking them
predict what they are going to do with to give prediction
the topic. about the topic.
Pre-reading 1. Teacher displays a picture of a family. - To activate and
( + 15 minutes) 2. Teacher recalls back what they have recall pupils’ prior
learned in the previous class about knowledge about the
family. previous lesson.
3. A set of word cards is pasted next to
the displayed picture.
4. Volunteers among the pupils will be
asked to match the word cards with
the picture.
5. Next, teacher will display a picture of
a hand.
6. Pupils are asked to identify which - To develop pupils’
finger represents the family members creativity by using
from the previous picture. something unique to
7. Teacher label the fingers using the represent family
answers discussed before. members.
8. Teacher writes the answer on the
board by labeling the picture of the
While-reading 1. Teacher tells the pupils that they are - Using poem helps
( + 20 minutes) going to read a poem. pupils to appreciate
2. Teacher displays the poem in front of literature.
the class.
3. Teacher read aloud the poem first, line - Modeling makes
by line without the correct intonation. pupils to listen
4. Pupils are asked to follow the teacher carefully and
line after line without using the correct pronounce the words
intonation yet. correctly later on.
5. At this stage, teacher can correct any
mispronunciation of the pupils.
6. Teacher tells the pupils that they are
going to read the poem again.
However, this time they are going to
read it using the correct intonation
together with the action.
7. Teacher models the reading using
correct intonation and actions.
8. Then, pupils are asked to read aloud
the poem again but this time using the
correct intonation and also the actions.
9. Teacher call upon some volunteer to
read the poem again to the whole
10. Finally, teacher will read aloud the
poem again together with the pupils.
11. Teacher asks the students whether they
like the poem or not.
12. Teacher asks some pupils, if their
family members are to be represented
using the fingers, which fingers will
represent each of their family
13. Teacher also shows his/her
representation of family members to
the pupils.
Post-writing 1. Teacher tells the pupils that their - Once again the
( + 15 minutes) family members can also be pupils creativity can
represented using a family tree. be developed by
2. Teacher explains what does a family using family tree to
tree means. show the relationship
3. Teacher shows examples of a family of their family.
tree. - Showing examples
4. Teacher tells the pupils that they are of family tree gives a
going to make their own family tree. bit of guidance for
5. Pupils are given opportunity to choose the pupils.
what kind of family tree they wanted
to draw.
6. Teacher distributes a blank A4 paper
to each pupil.
7. Pupils start working on their family
tree and they are given some time to
complete the family tree.
8. When they have finished working,
teacher collects the pupils’ work to be
mark later on.
Closure 1. Teacher asks pupils to sing the - This activity helps
( + 5 minutes ) Barney’s “Happy Family” song to develops sense of
together with him/her. appreciation towards
2. Teacher tells the pupil the importance their family.
of love and care within family
3. Class dismisses.

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