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It is well known that man had always been trying to find new sources of

energy to produced power, and magnetohydrodynamics is one of these sources.

Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) power generation is a method of converting heat

directly into electrical energy without the use of any rotating electrical power

generator. By eliminating the need for a rotating generator, an MHD plant may be

able to produce as much as 50% more (including the steam bottoming cycle)

electricity per ton of coal consumed than is produced in conventional power

plants or other advanced coal-based systems being developed.

In using a magnetohydrodynamics as a source of energy, it can produced

or generate power to supply a community or minimum power because of its low

efficiency. The power that can provide of this type of energy source is limited but

enough to sustain our everyday need in terms of electricity.

This kind of alternative source can make a big impact in our community

and society. Because this can help in producing electricity and sustaining power

shortage in such a way other sources can. In our time today, we are facing lack

of energy supply, this type of energy source will ensure and solved the persistent

power shortages in our country and will alleviate our energy crisis in this country.

And because of high power cost, this can perhaps lower the power cost for

consumers like us.

In academe, this kind of alternative source of energy will help the

community of the provinces specially the students lived there. Since our

provinces are not yet civilized, power supply in their location is a major problem.

But if we provide or built a power plant near their location, this will be a huge help

to them to become civilized and to progress. Especially to the students who

wants to learn. If they have a power supply, they can now study their lesson at

night because they have now electricity to lights their houses. The schools will

also benefit this because they can now perform much more learning techniques

in teaching like presenting a movie or a series of scenes (using their television)

that is related to the subject matter they been teaching. Installing a power plant

will give a big impact in the education of the people live in rural places.

In our environment, using magnetohydrodynamics as a power source

releases a little amount of harmful substances other any power plants which is

normally result from burning coal. MHD produces as little as 44% as much waste

heat per kilowatt as other coal-based technologies. It requires less coal to be

mined than for other coal-based systems. This might reduce the substantial

environmental and health problems associated with Coal mining. Low levels of

emissions of sulfur oxides are another environmental advantage of MHD systems

relative to other coal-based systems. This solid material is much easier to

remove from the MHD power plant exhaust than the gaseous oxides of sulfur

which normally result from coal combustion. Using this method as a source of
power is a big progress in our country and environment because it emits little

amount of harmful elements which is considerable. But the thing is energy

suppliers need to ensure that they do not contribute to short and long-term

environmental problems.

The government should pursue building a new power plant in our country

(like MHD) because these power plants can provide power and very important to

all the daily needs of people that they served. This will provide and support the

daily power source of every resident area, company area, and government,

military and at some scientific base study. That’s why it is still found to developed

and enhanced to provide the future needs in our lives.

Again, I’m agreeing in building a MHD power generation in our country.

With all the increased and agricultural activities, power demand is also highly

increased. Our country is sure to fall short of the energy demand by the next

decade or century. This means an additional capacity of power is required. The

answer is this in non conventional energy. The MHD power generation is in

advanced developing stage today and closer to commercial utilization. Progress

has been made in development of all critical component and sub system

technologies. MHD combined steam power plant promise significant economic

and environment advantages compared to other coal burning power generation

technologies. It will not be long before the technology problem of MHD generate

are overcome.

In all of our sources of energy in our country I choose nuclear as my

number one choice. Nuclear power plant in our country will surely solve the

looming power shortages. It generates more electricity that any other type of

power plant.

The factors why I choose nuclear as the number one source of power is

that nuclear energy produces no environmentally harmful gases or chemicals

and only barely detectable levels of ionizing radiation. The production of nuclear

power does not release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and hence does not

contribute to global warming. Nuclear-produced electricity promises once again

to bring down the cost of power and has proven an extremely economical source

of power in many emerging nations. The fuel is easy to transport because so little

of it is needed, unlike the tons of coal and oil needed for other power plants.

Nuclear waste is extremely hazardous, but relatively simple to dispose of safely

and takes up relatively little space compared to the vast quantities of waste

produced by other forms of power.

Nuclear power's safety record is remarkable when compared with other

major sources of power. Already safely providing power worldwide, nuclear

reactors can drastically reduce the environmental impact of power generation

worldwide. The operation of nuclear plants does not threaten birds or wildlife and

does not alter ecosystems. Nuclear power generation costs fewer human lives
than virtually any other source of power in history. Most importantly, increasing

the amount of nuclear power production could rapidly reduce our country's

reliance on foreign oil, gas and other energy sources.

Throughout the world, we need every energy source we can get -

including nuclear. Nuclear has a number of advantages that warrant its use as

one of the many methods of supplying an energy-demanding world. Even with

conservation efforts, energy demand has been and will continue to increase. In

using each forms of energy production, we need to make sure we conserve as

much as we can so we leave sources for future generations. Energy suppliers

need to ensure that they do not contribute to short and long-term environmental

problems. Governments need to ensure energy is generated safely to that

neither people nor the environment are harmed.

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