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UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1


SUBJECT: Contemporary Issues Confronting TEACHERS: Ms. Lita May O. Lubuguin

the Philippine Economic System Ms. Juhainah P. Turqueza
UNIT TOPIC: Issues Confronting the Microeconomic
LEVEL: Grade 10 TIME 12-13 weeks
MODULE TITLE: Issues Confronting the Microeconomic Construct


Students demonstrate understanding of the Students create a livelihood project based on
causes and implications of local and global natural resources found within the local
economic and environmental issues in order to community to solve economic problems
achieve national development progress. confronting its members.

LASALLIAN GUIDING PRINCIPLES (LGPs): (Check 1 or 2 that apply.)

LGP 1: Challenge learners to realize their full potential.
LGP 2: Bring Christian perspectives to bear on human understanding, skills and values of the learners.
LGP 3: Are dynamic and encourage differentiation, diversity and synergy amongst learners that are friendly, caring and
/ LGP 4: Ensure that learners translate knowledge into something useful in actual practice for the betterment of society.
/ LGP 5: Prepare learners to participate responsibly in the world of work, family, community, nation, and church.


Students will independently use their learning to
become active agents that will promote civic-mindedness and responsible stewardship of God’s
Students will understand that understanding the implications of local and global economic and
environmental issues of the community will enable the members of society to form measures that
will lead to national development.
Students will find the answers to the question
How can the implications of local and global economic and environmental issues help in achieving
national development and progress?

ACQUISITION GOALS (indicate DepEd code)

A.1 Define digitally the meaning of contemporary issues
A.2 Identify digitally the basic elements of society (AP10PKl-la-1)
B.1 List down digitally perspective of the global community on climate change
B.2 Discuss orally and digitally the present environmental situation in the Philippines and the
of the Philippine government to address the effect of climate change to its environment
B.3 Enumerate international and local policies and legislations in addressing the issue of Climate
change (AP10IPE-Id-9)
C.1 Define digitally the concept of globalization and sustainable development (AP10IPE-Ig-17)
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1

A.1 Explain digitally the role of social institutions as elements of society (AP10KI-la-1)
B.1 Explain digitally the perspective of the global community on climate change
B.2 Explain in digital and written form the programs and projects of different sectors in the
the issue of climate change in the Philippines. (AP10KSP-lc-8)
C.1 Explain orally and in written form Globalization and sustainable development as a social issue.
C.2 Explain orally and in written form the implication of globalization and the importance of
sustainable development in achieving economic development in the Philippines.


Recent events happening all over the country inspired local government units to collaborate with
the youth sector in engaging them to actively participate in programs and projects that will address
the pressing concerns confronting Philippine society in relation to the Sustainable Development
Goals of the United Nations. As a member of your respective youth organization, you and your
team are tasked to create an infomercial on an assigned SDG and present how anyone can
participate in achieving the assigned goal. The infomercial will be presented to the city council in
which it will be assessed through its content, accuracy of information and creativity.

G – inform the public on SDG’s and how anyone can participate in achieving the assigned goal.

R – member of the local youth organization

A – members of the city council

S – recent events happening all over the country

P – infomercial on SDG’s

S – coherence, accuracy of information and creativity


Directed Prompt Open Prompt Guided Transfer Independent Transfer

Video, article and Reflective essays Digital posters Active participation

news report analysis

ASSESSMENT TOOLS: (Unit Assessment Map)

(DIAGNOSTIC) Pre-test thru
Graphic Organizer Table completion Reflection essays Digital posters
Open-ended questions News reflection
Concept-mapping Video analysis
True or False Open-ended questions Article analysis Infomercial
Matching Type Quotation analysis essays
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1

Check-list Check-list Check-list Check-list



a. Explain the role of social institutions as elements of society
b. Explain the perspective of the global community on climate change
c. Explain the importance of the programs and projects of different sectors in addressing
EXPLANATION: the issue of climate change in the Philippines
d. Explain how globalization and sustainable development is a social issue
e. Explain how the understanding of the implications of globalization and sustainable
development is important in achieving economic development in the Philippines
a. Reflect on the role of each member of society in addressing the issues confronting
a. Propose programs or projects that the youth can actively participate in helping care
for the environment
b. Propose programs and projects within the community to address the prevailing labor
and migration issues
a. Write a clear justification why it is important in understanding the perspective of the
global community when it comes to the issue of climate change
b. Reflect on how technology becomes an effective agent of globalization
and how it affects the economic development of the country
a. Create an infomercial that will promote active participation in addressing the various
issues confronting the Philippine society

ACTIVE: Teacher-led discussion Graphic organizer using Google Docs

COLLABORATIVE: Think-pair-share activity Cooperative Grafitti activity

CONSTRUCTIVE: Video presentation Video presentation

AUTHENTIC: Reflection log Digital poster-making

GOAL-DIRECTED: Reflection Essay SDG infomercial

UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1



Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Define the meaning of contemporary issues

2. Identify the basic elements of society
3. Discuss the present environmental situation in the Philippines and the agenda of the Philippine
government to address the effect of climate change to its environment
4. List down the perspective of the global community on climate change
5. Enumerate international and local policies and legislations in addressing the issue of Climate change
6. Define the concept of globalization and sustainable development

Lessons and Activities:

1. Activity: Survey Says! (

 Eliciting prior knowledge using Quizziz

 Mechanics:

1. The class will play the game on their MLD using the app Quizziz.
2. They will identify the terms by choosing the correct answer.
3. Student who gets the highest score wins the game.

 Guide questions:

1. Based on the game, what is your initial idea about contemporary issues?
2. How does a certain issue become a contemporary one?
3. What are some of the contemporary issues that the Philippines is experiencing today?

2. Activity: My City, Your City

 Students will create a graphic organizer through Google Docs to present the basic elements
of society based on what they have observed in their respective cities or communities.

 Guide Questions:

1. Based on your observation, what are the basic elements that make up your city or
2. How do these institutions function and work together?
3. In what part of these institution do you belong to?
4. What is your role in your community?
5. Connecting this with our activity on contemporary issues, why is it important for us to
study these issues?

3. Activity: Video Presentation through EdPuzzle

 A video will be presented to the class showing the current condition of the environment in the
different parts of the Philippines.

 Students complete the table chart on the different perspective of the global community on
climate change.
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1

 Guide Questions:

1. Based on the video presented, what are some of the environmental problems that the
Philippines is currently experiencing?
2. Why is it difficult to address?
3. What factors hinder the respective government agencies as well as NGO’s from
addressing these problems?
4. How will these affect the livelihood and economic activities of the people living in the
surrounding areas if these problems are not properly addressed?

4. Activity: Table Completion

 An online presentation will be presented beforehand. There will be a teacher led discussion
using Adobe Spark video.

 After the discussion, the class will be tasked to complete a table on the different perspective
of the global community on climate change.

 Guide questions:

1. Based on the table chart presented, how do governments from other country address the
issue of climate change?
2. Why is it difficult to make one united step in addressing this problem?
3. Why are third world countries most likely to be affected by the increasing effects of climate
4. Why are the first world countries hesitant in making a concerted effort in addressing this

5. Activity: Table Completion

 An online presentation will be presented beforehand. There will be a teacher led discussion
using Adobe Spark video.

 After the discussion, the class will be tasked to complete a table on the international and local
policies made to address the issue of climate change.

 Guide questions:

1. Based on the video presented, what are some of the major international policies made in
order to address the issues on climate change?
2. What are some of the major international conventions that were held to address the
issues on climate change?
3. How has these conventions and policies made an impact on addressing climate change in
the different parts of the world?
4. Locally, what are some of the policies that the Philippine government made in order to
address the issue of climate change in the country?
5. How has this been received by the public?
6. Is there a significant change ever since these policies were made? Yes or no? Why do
you think so?
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1

6. Activity: Concept-mapping

 The students will be asked to pair up with seatmates and create a concept-map on the words
that they can connect with the concept of globalization and sustainable development.

 Afterwards, through the concept map, they will create their own definition of globalization and
sustainable development.

 Guide questions:

1. Based on the previous activity, what how do you define globalization and sustainable
2. How are these two concepts different from each other?
3. How are these two concepts complement each other?
4. DO you think a country can experience globalization without experiencing sustainable
development as well? Why or why not? Defend your answer.
5. Why is it that globalization has two faces? The positive and the negative?
6. How does the positive and negative effects of globalization affect the lives of the Filipinos
7. Why is sustainable development being pushed in order for the Philippine economy to have
a better standing or footing in the international community?
8. Why is sustainable development a long-term goal?
9. What hinders the country to achieve sustainable development?
10. How can sustainable development be achieved in the country?

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Explain digitally the role of social institutions as elements of society

2. Explain digitally the perspective of the global community on climate change
3. Explain in digital and written form the programs and projects of different sectors in the addressing the
issue of climate change in the Philippines.
4. Explain orally and in written form Globalization and sustainable development as a social issue.
5. Explain orally and in written form the implication of globalization and the importance of sustainable
development in achieving economic development in the Philippines.

Lessons and Activities:

1. Lesson: Understanding society as the source of contemporary issues

Activity: Explain digitally the role of social institutions as elements of society

 Mechanics:

1. The class be divided into six (6) groups with an assigned topic for each group.
2. Each group will create a graphic organizer that will explain its role in the society.
3. Each group will be given time to brainstorm and accomplish the activity.
4. After the allotted time, each group will present their graphic organizer in class.
5. Class discussion will follow afterwards.

 Guide questions:

1. Based on your graphic organizer, how is your assigned social institution function within
the society?
2. What is its importance in society?
3. What are some of the issues confronted by your assigned social institution?
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1

4. How is it being addressed?

5. Who are the major players in addressing the issues in your assigned institution?
6. As a student, which of the social institution do you belong to?
7. In what way can you contribute in addressing the issues in your society / community?

2. Lesson: Perspective of the global community on climate change

Activity: Explain digitally the perspective of the global community on climate change

 Mechanics:

1. The teacher will present a video on the programs and projects of the different sectors in
addressing the issues of climate change in the Philippines.
2. There will be an interactive discussion with the class based on the video presentation

 Guide questions:

1. Based on the video, what are some of the programs and projects of various sectors in
addressing climate change issues in the Philippines?
2. Which of these issues is the most challenging to address?
3. What efforts were done to address this issue?
4. What is the implication of this decision of the United States to Third World countries such
as the Philippines?
5. Is this a good move by the United states? Why or why not? Defend your answer.

3. Lesson: Climate Change in the Philippines

Activity: Explain in digital and written form the programs and projects of different sectors in the
addressing the issue of climate change in the Philippines.

 Mechanics:

1. The teacher will present a video on climate change issue in the Philippines.
2. There will be an interactive discussion with the class based on the video presentation

 Guide questions:

1. Based on the video and article presented, what are the environmental issues confronted
by the Philippines in relation to climate change?
2. What are some of the programs and projects of various sectors in addressing the issue of
climate change in the Philippines?
3. How effective are these programs and projects?
4. What are some laws promulgated to address some of the environmental issues in the
5. As a student, how can you participate in addressing the climate change issue in the

4. Lesson: Globalization and Sustainable Development

Activity: Explain orally and in written form Globalization and sustainable development as a social

 Mechanics:

1. The teacher will present a video on globalization and sustainable development.

2. There will be an interactive discussion with the class based on the video presentation
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1

 Guide questions:

1. Based on the video and article presented, how has globalization changed the politics,
economy and social life of practically everyone in the world?
2. How has the innovations in transportation and communication helped in creating a “global
3. How has globalization changed the economy and social life of the Filipinos?
4. Were these changes for the good or bad? Why do you think so?
5. How can sustainable development be achieved in the country?

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. Reflect the role of each member of community in addressing the issues confronting the society.
2. Justify why it is important in understanding the perspective of the global community on climate
3. Propose programs or projects that the youth can actively participate in helping to take care of the
4. Reflect on how technology becomes an effective agent of globalization and how it affects the
economic development of the country.

Lessons and Activities:

1. Lesson: Understanding society as the source of contemporary issues

Activity: Reflect the role of each member of community in addressing the issues confronting the

a. Mechanics:

1. After the class discussion, an individual activity shall follow.

2. Students will be asked to write a reflection on the role of each member of the community in
addressing the issues confronting the society.

b. Guide questions:

1. Every society has its members and institutions as well as its challenges. What is the role
of each member of the society in addressing the issues it faces?

2. Lesson: Perspective of the global community on climate change

Activity: Justify why it is important in understanding the perspective of the global community on
climate change.

a. Mechanics:

1. After the class discussion, an individual activity shall follow.

2. Students will be asked to write a conviction essay that will justify the importance of
understanding the perspective of the global community on climate change.

b. Guide questions:

1. Why is it important for us to understand the perspective of the global community on the
issue of climate change?
2. What is its implication on our country and our community?
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1

3. Lesson: Climate change issues in the Philippines

Activity: Propose programs or projects that the youth can actively participate in helping to take care
of the environment.

a. Mechanics:

1. After the class discussion, a group activity shall follow.

2. The class will be divided into eight (8) groups.
3. Each group will come up with a proposed program or project that the youth can actively
participate in helping to take care of the environment.
4. The proposed program or project will be presented on a digital poster.
5. Each group will be given time to brainstorm and create their digital poster. Presentation to
the class shall follow after the allotted time.

b. Guide questions:

1. What is your project or program all about?

2. What is the best feature of your proposed program or project?
3. How will this encourage the youth to actively participate in caring for the environment?

4. Lesson: Technology as an effective agent of globalization

Activity: Reflect on how technology becomes an effective agent of globalization and how it affects
the economic development of the country.

a. Mechanics:

1. After the class discussion, an individual activity shall follow.

2. Each student will be asked to create a 1-minute video presentation on their personal
reflection on how technology becomes an effective agent of globalization and how it affects
the economic development of the country.
3. In their video presentation, photos or video clip of concrete examples must be included.
4. Students will be given time to prepare and create their video presentation. Their output will
be posted in their Google classroom
5. Presentation to the class shall follow afterwards.

b. Guide questions:

1. In your opinion, how does technology become an effective agent of globalization?

2. How does it concretely affect the economic development of the country?
3. What are your concrete evidences?
4. How does the Philippine economy and society cope up with the continuous innovations in
5. As a youth, how has technology helped you as a student? Do you think you are using
technology in the right way? Why or why not? Explain your answer.

~nothing follows~
UNIT: Social Studies DEPARTMENT: HIGH SCHOOL AY: 17 - 18 TERM: 1


1. Retrieved from: Turqueza, J. (n.d.). Contemporary Issues [Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation]

2. Retrieved from: Lubuguin, L. (n.d.). Understanding Society with Contemporary Issues [Microsoft
PowerPoint Presentation]

3. Retrieved from: Lubuguin, L. (n.d.). Dimensions of Climate Change [Adobe Spark Video]

4. Retrieved from: Lubuguin, L. (n.d.). Philippine Agenda on Climate Change [Adobe Spark Video]

5. McCarthy, T. (2017, June 02). Paris climate agreement: World reacts as Trump pulls out of global accord
– as it happened. Retrieved March 24, 2018, from

Written by: Ms. Lita May O. Lubuguin

Submitted by: Ms. Lita May O. Lubuguin

Date Submitted: March 26, 2018

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