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CFA Institute

Origin of Fundamental Analysis

Author(s): Malvin C. Spooner
Source: Financial Analysts Journal, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Jul. - Aug., 1984), pp. 79-80
Published by: CFA Institute
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Accessed: 27-02-2018 09:15 UTC

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by Malvin C. Spooner

Origin of Fulndamental Ainalysis

FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSIS IS a method tically. Their very existence was contingent

of systematically modelling facts-eco- upon a change in world political economy, and
nomic and industry statistics, financial ra- the few that survived were the ones best fitted
tios, et al.-in order to derive in a logically to the climate of the closed economy. But just as
coherent manner an explanation, hence an un- the kangaroo, the product of an isolated geogra-
derstanding, of observed phenomena. We em- phy, could not exist outside Australia, busi-
ploy this understanding to pass judgment and nesses so isolated assume distinct shapes fitted
ultimately influence behavior. This is procedur- to their macroeconomic environment and are
ally congruent to the method articulated by often indigenous to that environment.
Darwin with respect to the natural sciences;
both his method and explanations provide the Species: Industries
theoretical foundations for modern scientific, Diversification of structure in nature provides
economic and social thought and, yes, even for the survival of a greater number of species,
fundamental analysis. given limited mutual space and means of nour-
ishment. "Survival of the fittest" governs and is
Environment: Economy as crucial in business as it is in the natural order.
The natural scientist observes the habitat in In fact, it provides the framework for microeco-
order to better understand the species. As geog- nomic theory, competition and capitalism. A
raphy or climate varies, more varieties of wild- host of industries exploit various limited re-
life with differing survival characteristics myste- sources in diverse ways, subject to constraints
riously provided by Mother Nature are imposed by the economy. Infinitely dynamic
observed. The environment helps explain ob- and complex relations (comparative advantage,
served deviations in characteristics within a duties, exchange rates, markets, economies of
given species. scale, technological innovation, supply and de-
The fundamental analyst would like to ex- mand and so on and so on) act upon competing
plain substantially different phenomena, but his industries, which either develop structures con-
motives and methods for studying the economy ducive to prosperity or soon perish.
are much the same as the naturalist's contem- A process analogous to natural selection in
plating his environment. Macroeconomic con- the animal kingdom is also at work in the world
straints, analogous to climate and geography in of business. Unlike the natural scientist, howev-
the natural scientist's scheme of things, neces- er, the fundamental analyst not only seeks to
sarily determine the structures of industries. explain the survival of the fittest industries, but
With few economic barriers to trade, and a also to use his restricted understanding to dis-
technological sea-faring edge, Britain once ruled cern which of the many corporate species are fit
the seas. Businesses that flourished in world and which are suited to weather unforeseeable
trade at that time were structured to compete dramatic environmental changes. He endeavors
successfully in an open economy. The coming to discover which will be fit.
of protectionism and trade barriers gave rise to
isolated economies in which differing corporate Organisms: Firms
species competed one against the other domes- Within a species, the characteristics specific to
individual organisms will often vary to the
Malvin Spooner is Senior Investment Analyst, Portfolio degree necessary to enable survival, depending
Manager at Bolton, Tremblay Inc., Toronto. upon the degree of competition for sustenance.
The author thanks R. Tattersall, R. Morrison and C. Where competition is most intense, organisms
Monaco. adapt or become extinct. Those that do adapt


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are obviously the fittest, and they in turn spread tion with one another. It is to be hoped that
as competition among themselves intensifies. their conclusions, in concert, instigate behavior
By spreading, they create a chain reaction that that results in the most efficient allocation of
causes other competing organisms to adapt or financial resources, just as Mother Nature mys-
perish, ad infinitum. teriously allocates her resources.
Clearly, firms thrive and become extinct in a Before we analysts let our heads grow too
parallel fashion. They compete, they intercross large (although the nature of our work is often
(mergers and acquisitions) and, when fit, humbling enough), it may be prudent to consid-
spread, compete and coexist with other firms er the following excerpt from Charles Darwin's
that have managed to adapt to circumstances. Origin of Species. If one were to replace a word
There are, however, numerous standards of here and there, it is surprisingly appropriate:
fitness; no one type is necessarily best. Just as
the naturalist acknowledges that organisms "It is good thus to try in imagination to give to
with backbones are not necessarily superior, in any one species an advantage over another.
view of the many complex factors involved, the Probably in no single instance should we
fundamental analyst must recognize that a rela- know what to do. This ought to convince us
tively modest debt to equity ratio or a wide of our ignorance on the mutual relations of all
gross margin or current ratio will not always organic beings; a conviction as necessary as it
best suit a company for a particular environ- is difficult to acquire. All that we can do, is to
ment. Facts must be evaluated in context. keep steadily in mind that each organic being
is striving to increase in geometric ratio; that
Making Progress each at some period of its life, during some
Fundamental analysis may be seen as an at- season of the year, during each generation or
tempt to apply to security analysis a method at intervals, has to struggle for life and suffer
and philosophy that has done much to broaden great destruction. When we reflect on this
the horizons of human understanding in the struggle we may console ourselves with the
sciences. It goes beyond the mere explanation of full belief that the war of nature is incessant,
phenomena, however, because it is employed that no fear is felt, that death is prompt, and
to influence behavior. that the vigorous, the healthy, and the happy
Of course, even prior to Darwin, man deliber- survive.'"
ately used selective breeding to create desirable
characteristics in domestic animals. Indirectly,
man ensured the survival of certain beasts and
made others extinct. Man displaced long-horn
cattle with short-horn. His understanding of
these processes has improved since, and most ELECTRIC COMPANY
will agree that the gains have, on average,
outweighed the costs by at least a narrow mar- Dividends have been declared for the
gin. quarter ending June 30, 1984 at the follow-
ing rates per share:
Fundamental analysts are applied business
Common Stock-75 cents.
scientists. They observe, model and draw con-
Preferred and Preference Stock-at the
clusions with the object of making progress. By
specified rates.
determining that one firm is structurally fit to
survive in a growth industry and suited to the All are payable July 2, 1984 to holders of

dynamics of the economy, and then buying record at the close of business on June 11,
shares or debt issued by that company, they
contribute in a self-fulfilling way to its fitness.
Chairman of the Board
Fundamental analysts also coexist in competi-


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