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Article 1

Erlanger, H. (1974). Social Class and Corporal Punishment in Childrearing: A

Reassessment. American Sociological Association, 39(1), 68-85. Retrieved from

In this article the social standards can play a role in corporal punishment.
According to the reading working class will be more liable to physical punishment
rather than psychological techniques in the middle classing. Physical punishment
that more so used by the working class than the middle class can cause greater
chances in the adult working class to commit homicide. Basically in this article
its comparing social class and effects it may have on their children from the
discipline methods. In the middle class is where methods such as isolation,
talking, and loving us is. And the working class use spankings and corporal
punishment as their main method.
Article 2
Glenn, M. (1983). History of Education Society. History of Education Society, 23(1), 91-

In this article it summarizes that in the 1970 the Supreme Court ruled that corporal
punishment was neither cruel nor unusual punishment. In the public school system
it was ok by the law that teachers could inflict corporal punishment to the students.
Corporal punishment is a very confusing matter. Infliction of pain to a child is not just
limited to physical contact such as paddling of hand. Doing such punishment is more of
a discomfort to the child then comforting.
Article 3

Larzelere, R., & Merenda, J. (1994). The Effectiveness of Parental Discipline for Toddler
Misbehavior at Different Levels of Child Distress. National Council on Family
RelationsNational Council on Family Relations, 43(4), 480-488. Retrieved from

In this article it summarizes the behavioral levels can be at different rankings

depending on the parental discipline to the child. It’s best to give an options
to either have of having firm responsive punishment with the child and less
or moderate punishment than physical. In the article it expresses tactics of
discipline a misbehavior toddler can be one response; having special techniques
set aside for the child. Two, are negative consequences which includes things
that the child really wants, such as play time or withdraw their privileges
all together, or enforcing none abusive spankings. Children that receive
consequences used against them rather than response consequences are less
likely to be in distress.
Article 4
McLoyd, V., & Smith, J. (2002). Physical Discipline and Behavior Problems in African
American, European American, and Hispanic Children: Emotional Support as
a Moderator. National Council on Family RelationsNational Council on Family
Relations, 64(1), 40-53.

In this article is summarizes that the mothers of the three ethnic groups African-
American, European Americans, and Hispanic used spankings and other
methods discovering that their children show some kind of behavioral problem.
Spankings show an increase in the level of problem behavior rather none
abusive discipline by parents is more common to have a long term outcome.
The definition of what corporal punishment is varies in many different ways. A hit
on the behind can be considered as physical force or beating to some people.
It has been shown that after physical discipline it can cause behavioral and
psychological problems in children and in adolescent.
Article 5

Rohner, R., Kean, K., & Cournoyer, D. (1991). Effects of Corporal Punishment,
Perceived Caretaker Warmth, and Cultural Beliefs on thePsychological
Adjustment of Children in St. Kitts, West Indies. Journal of Marriage and Family,
53(3), 681-693

In this article it summarizes that any physical punishment can lead to temporally
increases in undesired behavior in children. Physical punishment as we know can
leave side effects on the child. By being punished by the force off physical punishment
instead of responsive punishment it has been proven that psychological and behavioral
disorders of adults and children alike suffers from depression, anxiety, impaired self
concept, withdrawals, and sometimes even substances abuse. In the religious out looks
many feel that punishment put forth on their child is guides from the bible. Spare the
rod spoil the child is what most people abide by in punishing their children. And would
disagree that physical punishment would lead to such activites.

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