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Amit Kumar
Asad Malik
Naman Nanda
Neha Nagar
Pankaj Prasad
Srikant Sharma


Dr Kartik Dave




1 Executive Summary 2

2 Industry Overview 3

2.1 Consumer Analysis Report 3

2.2 Introduction: Dronacharya The GYM 5

3 Brand Audit 9

4 Brand Inventory 9

4.1 History: Dronacharya The GYM 9

4.2 Company Profile 12

4.3 Target Customer Profle 12

4.4 Brand Elements 12

4.5 Current Positioning in the Market 13

4.6 Celebrity Endorsements 15

4.7 Pricing & Distribution Strategy 15

4.8 Profile of the Industry Leader 15

5 Brand Exploratory 16

5.1 Customer Knowledge 16

5.2 Source of Brand Equity 16

5.3 Marketing Mix 17

5.4 The CBBE Pyramid 18

5.5 Profile of Competitors 19

6 SWOT Analysis 22

7 Recommendations 23


The purpose of this report is to conduct Brand Audit of Dronacharya's The Gym. In the current
environment it is very important for organizations especially the firm’s associated with the fitness
industry to identify their position in the market capture opportunities and overcome their Weaknesses. In
this report the Brand Management market environment and other important aspects crucial for
determining the position of an organization is being considered
The report provides a detailed analysis for the organization to identify the different opportunities and
achieve the changes and stand out in the tough competition. The data to conduct to the brand audit of
Dronacharya's The Gym as collected through primary and secondary research. An interview was
conducted with the Manager cum Trainer of Dronacharya's The Gym Mr. Dhruv Babbar at Shakti Nagar
branch of the gym to determine the different issues faced by the branch. The supporting data for this
Brand audit was collected from online databases as well as covering articles and website related to the
organization being research


A young India, as can be rightly said for the country with around 40% of the population falling in the age
bracket of 10 – 24 years, is on the path of healthy economic growth. But is the health of young Indian also
keeping pace with its economy? While today’s generation is more urbanized and better educated than the
earlier ones, health and lifestyle vulnerabilities have risen. Health scares, like Obesity, Coronary diseases,
diabetes and many more are increasingly posing a grave problem to the Indians.

A consequence of this is an increased awareness towards fitness and active lifestyle which in turn is
fuelling the growth of fitness industry in all its aspects. While India is showing signs of a promising land,
the real questions lies in how the domestic and international fitness companies will take advantage of this
highly unorganized, relatively immature yet potentially evolving sector in the coming years.

The purpose of this research is to understand what branding challenges domestic fitness firms like :-
Dronacharya’s the gym might face , how they might evolve, to explore various hurdles faced and the
possible solutions to mitigate the strains and maximize the opportunities offered by the firm.
The brand audit report sheds light on various aspects of the brand that will prove beneficial to anyone
connected to this field ranging from a common gym goer to the big corporate eyeing for investment in
this field. The finding answers a wide spectrum of questions like the Gender wise distribution of
individuals over the different gym type, analysis of the relation between the age, spending and use of
Nutritional Supplements by the gym goers and how well informed and qualified our gym trainers are?

Consumer Analysis Report

Gym Subscription Fee: Segmentation on the basis of facilities and time duration.
A Class Gym Membership: Annual Fees >Rs 15, 000
B Class Gym Membership: Rs 12,000 >Annual Fees > Rs 10,000
C Class Gym Membership: < Rs 8500

Gender wise Distribution in the gym Similar to the other fields which require physical endeavours, the
fitness sector also witness a higher presence of males, both in terms of customers and fitness trainers.

A look at the Exhibit 1 gives a clear picture of the distribution of individuals based on gender among the
three gym categories.

The female preference is mostly towards the A and B Class plans as compared to C, with majority female
participants in the B Class gyms. This can be derived from the fact that it provides a better environment to
the lady folks both in terms of safety and guidance when compared to Cs, and are also not as heavy on the
pockets as the As. Also, as large portion of females get enrolled in group activities (like Aerobics or
dance, the facilities not available in Cs

Later analysis of the data on the basis of age bracket was done , with major focus on which age bracket
are the maximum users of the gym facilities , our research made us know that the age bracket of 20-30
years are maximum and accounts for nearly 50% of the Dronacharya’s The Gym client base , it primarily
includes students.

Dronacharya’s The Gym is giving increasing importance to the female clientele and specific time blocks
are especially reserved for women gym goers with later analysis we found that this segment is being
dominated by the housewives and female college students.

We also did comparison of the clientele of Dronacharya’s The Gym, both Male & Female Vis-a-Vis their
age segment and was astonished to find that females in 30-35 & 35 & above mostly consist of house
wives are more going to gym than man.


Our vision is to provide affordable access to exercise facilities and expert helps to every person
who wants to improve their wellbeing, whatever their starting point, whatever their destination.

“Our mission is to join together to create healthy proactive daily routines, and teach each other to
make health a priority. We will create a place not only for workout, but to form friendships that
we would take with us throughout our lives.”

Brand Audit is concerned with the behavioural and psychological nature of brand equity, and it
will be discussed in terms of strength of a brand’s equity and its nature. So simply it is the
examination of brand’s current position in industry compared to its competitors and the
examination of its effectiveness, brand’s strategy, positioning, market position, consumer views,
Pops and Pods etc.

Objective and Scope of the Audit

Brand perceptions often create a complex and elusive picture, but it’s crucial that we determine
how your various audiences view our brand. The brand which we have taken is Dronacharya’s
The Gym, the main objective of this audit is to show that where the brand is currently stand.
After the audit will be done we also come to know that whether the share of brand in market is
increasing, decreasing or stable. It will also show that what are the strengths, weaknesses and
opportunities for this brand, how much people know and like the brand. So after audit we can
come to know about the overall market position of the Brand.

· To know about the Dronacharya’s The Gym.

· To know about the difficulties faced by the Dronacharya’s The Gym.
· To know about the growth strategies used by Dronacharya’s The Gym.
· To about the various promotional strategies of Dronacharya’s The Gym.
· To know about the 4 P’s of Dronacharya’s The Gym.

Brand Funnel of Dronacharya’s The Gym.

Attributes Different varieties of training ex. Crossfit and aerobics, Low Pricing ,Healthy body
and mind

Function Sense of style, Feel good factor of going to gym

Rewards Increase in self-esteem, Confidence in fitness ability, Better health and nutrition

Values Pride and sophistication, Credibility, exclusivity

Personality Trustworthy, Professional, Accomplishment on their ability to produce body builders

Service Dimensions of the Dronacharya’s The Gym

Reliability: Dronacharya’s The Gym offers a full circuit workout that provides the results
consumers are looking for. The services are dependable, accurate, and consistent.

Responsiveness: Dronacharya’s The Gym is open from twelve in the morning until ten in the
evening and on Saturday and Sunday seven to seven. It provides prompt feedback during the
hours of operation. When a member is at the fitness center, they have access to staff members
who are there to offer assistance, encouragement, and answer any questions.

Assurance: Dronacharya’s The Gym employees convey trust by demonstrating the workouts,
citing success stories that show results, and displaying a passion about the work they are doing.

Empathy: Dronacharya’s The Gym provides professional trainers to the consumers who need
more attention and have need-specific requirements.

Tangible Cues: “Inside the facility, consumers will find workout equipment that will fulfill their

Point of Parity (POP)

Points of parity are organizations that are not actually unique to business but may actually be allocated to
other manufacturers. It is to achieve a factor of equality on a particular feature or benefit, a sufficient
variety of clients must believe business is “good enough” on that sizing.

Point of Difference (POD): Points of difference are features or benefits clients highly affiliate with an
item, favorably assess, and believe they could not find to the same level with an aggressive brand.

Brand Elements:
Brand components can play a variety of name building positions. Group components are those signature
able devices that recognize and distinguish business. Most strong manufacturers employ several brand

components. Promoters choose brand components to build as much brand value as possible. Item
components such as: unforgettable, significant, pleasant, convenient and secure able. We explain those
components in brief as follows:

• Every client think the fitness studios as a place where their aspiration could be about losing weight or
gaining muscle can achieved making it memorable . Their marketing programs are ingrained client’s
thoughts their brief brand such as: Fitline & Fitpass.

Meaningful: • Every customer has a significant respect about Dronacharys’s The Gym, the Consumer
believes as a gateway which fix their problem pertaining with obesity and health.

Likable: • From our research we discovered that most of the individuals like gym and recommend the
gym to their friends creating word of mouth publicity.

Protectable: • The brand is reasonably protectable. The organization maintain their trade indicate
privileges and not general

Adaptable: • Another reality which we saw in Dronacharya’s the gym is different approach by quickly
adopting to the market trends and including the training such as zumba , kick boxing and cross fit which
were highly appreciated by the clients.


Branding Strategy

The actual branding strategy for a firm displays the number and dynamics involving frequent and
distinctive brand elements placed on all the solution distributed with the firm. Branding approach
involves deciding the type involving brand-new and recent brand elements being placed on brand-new
and recent items.

Branding Decisions
Strategy of branding is amongst the almost all vital choices having through marketers. This can be a
technique, which in turn gives plenty of constructive responses to get a corporation. The primary
determination is actually regardless of whether to build up a brand name to get an item.

Choosing General Strategy:



History & Timeline

Dronacharya’s The Gym was started by Mr. Bhupender Dhawa and Shri Manmohan Miglani in 1990.
The first branch of Dronacharya the gym was opened at his house and then on Hudson lane near GTB
Nagar.initially. Mr Bhupender Dhawan used his PPF fund to open his first branch and this idea is also
supported by Mr Manmohan Miglani. The first 4 student were knew Bhupender already and all of them
were college students. He did not charged any fee from these 4 students. On the very next day these 4
students could make another 4 student joined the gym and after fortnight the no of the students in the gym
were raised to 40 and from then this no is growing and growing. It was the kickstart of the gym.

Dronacharya, The Gym is old and big brand name in the fitness industry. Over the period of they are able
to produce many national and international players and models. They mostly participates in all the
competitions in India and overseas also. All the students of the Mr bhupender Dhawan called him Guru ji
everytime. For his hard work and the unique way of training he was awarded by the prestigious
Dronacharya award by Government of India.
Dronacharya the gym has different different packages and offers of their customers and for corporate
clients as well.the packages are supported by the certified trainer. They have special sessions and personal
trainers on demand and the pricing is also very affordable. They are very much concern about people's
health even they made diet plans for their customers and provide proper guidance with nutritions.

Historic Events

History Dronacharya’s The Gym

1983-84 The year when The Gym was started at the rooftop of Bhupender Dhawan’s house at
699, Parmanand Colony, West Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-110009. The equipments of
this very first branch were specially designed using wheel rims of Fiat Cars.

1984 The activities of The Gym were named by the Bhupender Dhawan as ‘Delhi Star
Weightlifting Club’.

1984 Shri L. K. Dass, who was a two-time Olympian (1960 & 1964) and Arjuna Awardee
visited The Gym and gifted an International Standard Weight Lifting Set Challenge to

1985 The residents got well aware about The Gym and its activities. Some elder residents
suggested to use the space of the Pump House in Parmanand Colony for The Gym’s

1986-87 Three students were sent to take part in Delhi State Weightlifting and Powerlifting

Championship which was held at Hansraj Model School, West Punjabi Bagh, New
Delhi. At that time, Late Shri Bharat Bhushan was the General Secretary of State
Powerlifting Association.

1990 THE GYM’s next branch was opened at the basement of 2575, Hudson Lanes, Delhi-
110009. There was no admission at the very first day but in around 15-20 days the
number of the students suddenly emerged to Forty and that was a kickstart for THE

1992-93 Akshay Datt and Anu Dhawan, were the first two representatives of THE GYM to
take part in the Junior National Powerlifting Championship.

1994 Manish Sikri, Surender Gogi, Satnam, Daya Chand, and Narendra Kumar, who all
were the students of THE GYM, participated for the first time in the State Body
Building Team in Junior National Bodybuilding Championship held at Madras.

1994 Daya Chand, the student of THE GYM, attached a sign of glory to THE GYM by
winning Gold Medal in Delhi State Powerlifting Championship which was held at
Hansraj Model School, West Punjabi Bagh, New Delhi.

1995 Daya Chand continued his winning spree and won the Gold Medal in All India
University Powerlifting Championship that was held at Gurukul Kangri University,

1995 Daya Chand had the honour to represent India and Dronacharya THE GYM in Junior
World Powerlifting Championship in which around 32 countries participated and was
held at Shah Auditorium, Delhi and was ranked 5th.

1995 Prem Bahadur Johny was the first Bodybuilding student of THE GYM who brought
glory by winning first MR. DELHI title in Bodybuilding.

1996 Pramod Singh Tivetia, student of THE GYM, was the next who brought laurels at the
international level in Powerlifting by winning gold. He participated at the Asian
Powerlifting Championships held at Tie-Pie, China and won Gold Medal for India.

1998 The ideology of THE GYM was to provide opportunity for every aspiring student.
Narender Solanki and Anil Sharma, students of THE GYM were so dedicated despite
being falling in the category of ‘Disabled’ that they won Silver Medal in Spanish
Open International Powerlifting Championship for Disabled held at Valencia, Spain.

2000 Dinesh Singh Aswal, student of THE GYM won first title for MR. INDIA. He also
won first MR. SOUTH ASIA title that was held at Nepal, and added glories to THE

2002 Dinesh Singh Aswal won first Gold Medal as a student of THE GYM in Common
Wealth Games that was held at Calcutta in 2002.

2003 Dinesh Singh Aswal was the first student to have been selected for ASIAN GAMES
that was to be held at Busan (Korea) in 2003.

2004 2004 onwards, The Gym has been continued to produced a number of National and
International Players.

During the course of existence Dronacharya’s The Gym has produced a number of National Players,
International Players and Models, that helped itself in its brand building and positioning. List of the same
are given as follows:


Daya Chand, Pramod Singh Tivetia, Dinesh Singh Aswal, Prem Bahadur Johny, Manish Sikri, Mukesh
Singh, Naresh Kumar, Shyam Singh, Surender Yadav, Gaurav Sharma, Sushil Saini, Karamveer, Jugal
Dhawan, Ashish Dahiya, Surender Chawla, Kishore Kumar, Jeevan Singh, Gaurav Sharma, Golden,
Kuldeep Singh, Raja Chhabra, Ms. Riya Sharma, Ms Anjum Padyal, Sanjay Kumar, Ankur Sharma,
Kishan Kumar, Anil Sharma, Narender Solanki, Virender Kumar, Sumit Bedi, and many more.


Dharam Singh, Rakesh Kumar, Anand Dangi, Rakesh Yadav, Satnam Singh, Surender Tajpur, Jaswant
Singh, Praveen Kumar, Harpreet Singh Happy, Shiv Kumar, Virender Mallan, Jitender Yadav, Vijay
Kumar, Jaswant Singh Junior, Dharmendra, Balwan Singh, Rinku Dabas, Vijay Kumar Junior, Shyam
Singh Senior, Jagat Singh, Karamjit Singh, Ms Seema Chopra, Jasbir Singh, Yashvir Sharma,
Bhupender Sharma, Rakesh Gahlot, Shashi Kumar, Sanjay Rajput, Mukesh Junior, Nepal Singh, Rajesh
Solanki, Jagjit Singh, Sakir Mansoori, Devendra Kumar, Vikram Singh, Joginder Singh, Amit
Mehalwal, Surender Aswa and so on.

Grasim Mr. India Sunil Mann, Femina Ms India Personality Savita Sharma, Grasim Mr India Runners-
up in Best Physique Prateek Dikshit (starred in ‘Bachna Hai Haseeno’ with Ranbir Kapoor, ‘What is
Your Rashi’), Grasim Mr India Best Photogenic Face Ajay Chaudhry, MTV Splits Villa Fame Varun
Jhamb, MTV Roadies Ankit Mohan, Sonika Kaliraman of Khatron Ke Khiladi, Rajiv Khandelwal
(Sujal fame) of Sach Ka Saamna, Padam Sehrawal (well known singer and media journalist), Ramp
Model Gaurav Sachdeva.

Company Profile

Dronacharya The Gym was founded by Bhupender Dhawan to provide good health, fitness and to make
world class sports persons. The one and only first branch of the gym was established in Mukherjee Nagar,
North Campus of University of Delhi. Going to the history of The Gym, it has produced 24 international
players who have succeeded in Common Wealth Games, Asian Championships and even in the World
Championships. Other than the segment of fitness, The Gym has also been involved in the domain of

Since it came into existence, THE GYM has produced a number of National and International Level
Players to create champions in order to serve the nation. It has offered special packages for fitness
programmes and in-house gyms in corporate houses. The people involved in corporate houses have a busy
lifestyle and need some time in which they can involve themselves in health and lifestyle improvement
schedules. The special packages offered by THE GYM to the corporate house are supported by certified
trainers and are like opportunities that that they were looking for in order to refresh after coming out of
their hectic schedule.

Target Customer Profile

A gymnasium, shortly known as gym is an area or a place oriented for workout and fitness that mainly
focuses on strength training, body building, resistance training and cardio. Generally, people perceive that
gym is all about body-making or body-building. But looking at the changing trend both men and women,
ranging from last phase of their teen years to the elderly age are concern about their fitness and hence are
attending gym for this very purpose. But there is one segment of people who are very conscious and
concerned about their physique i.e. men (17- 35 years).

Geographic Segmentation: Geographic segmentation means classifying the population on the basis of
locations. Since its existence, The Gym has been operating in the Capital City of India and within Delhi it
is serving its customers through different districts. Overall, The Gym has targeted the population of Delhi

Demographic Segmentation: In the demographic segmentation the segmentation is done mostly on the
basis of age, gender, income, occupation, education religion, social class, nationality etc. There is a wide
variety of population based on demographics that The Gym is targeting. Though it is targeting both the
genders of all age categories, but, a particular segment of men with an age category of around 17-35 years
is the most concerned segment that it is focusing more on.

Psychographic Segmentation: The need and satisfaction from a product or a service differs from
customer to customer, in other words same product is used by many customers for different purposes.
From the target market of different segments and demographics, The Gym is also targeting the people
who are very concerned about their physique, personality and lifestyle

Brand Elements
Brand components can play a variety of name building positions. Group components are those signature
able devices that recognize and distinguish business. Most strong manufacturers employ several brand
components. Promoters choose brand components to build as much brand value as possible. Item
components such as: unforgettable, significant, pleasant, convenient and secure able. We explain those
components in brief as follows:

● Memorable: Every client think the fitness studios as a place where their aspiration ot could be
about losing weight or gaining muscle can achieved making it memorable. Their marketing
programs are ingrained client’s thoughts their brief brand such as: Fitline & Fitpass.
● Meaningful: • Every customer has a significant respect about Dronacharys’s The Gym, the
Consumer believes as a gateway which fix their problem pertaining with obesity and health.
● Likable: • From our research we discovered that most of the individuals like gym and
recommend the gym to their friends creating word of mouth publicity.
● Protectable: • The brand is reasonably protectable. The organization maintain their trade indicate
privileges and not general
● Adaptable: • Another reality which we saw in Dronacharya’s the gym is different approach by
quickly adopting to the market trends and including the training such as zumba , kick boxing and
cross fit which were highly appreciated by the clients.

Memorability Meaningfulness Likeability Transferability Adaptability

Name yes yes yes no no

Url yes yes yes no no

Logo yes yes yes yes yes

Brand Name
The title of ‘Dronacharya’ is the most coveted recognition in the field of sports by the Government of
India that was bestowed upon Shri Bhupinder Dhawan for his exemplary services to the iron sports in the
year 2000 by H.E. the President of India.

Brand Logo
Logo is a critical aspect for any brand while marketing. As the name suggests, the logo of the brand also
consists of its name, which is fully written. It seems to be quite simpler one relative to the other brands.

Brand Mantra
The brand mantra of The Gym - “CHANGE LIVES THROUGH FITNESS”

Brand Image
Since its inception, The Gym has produced many National and International Level Players, that brought
glory and laurel to India by winning many championships and games. It is mainly focused on providing
high quality services and facilities like air-condition, lockers, first-aid and music that creates ambience for
the users. It has experienced trainers and best quality equipments in every branch. Therefore, has an
image which associated with athletics and sports and as a club that served the nation.

Brand Equity
The perception value created in the mind of the customer from the brand rather than product and service
is brand equity. Dronacharya has created unique brand equity in the minds of the customers. As the gym
more on the name of guru Dronacharya and also the award which is associated with the name of the
owner. They are having good certified trainers, good records of past customers. Hence the purpose of the
brand is able to fulfill the perception of its customers.

Brand Portfolio
There are variety of offerings that consists brand portfolio for Dronacharya The Gym. It offers Personal
Trainer, Aerobic Classes, Outdoor Training, weight Training, Group Training, Personal Guidance and
within its gymnastic category it is offering gyms as per the class of the people i.e. hardcore gyms, luxury
gyms and semi-luxury gyms.

Current Positioning In the Market
Positioning generally refers to the perception of the brand that customers have in their mind and how it is
differentiated from other brands. Earlier, positioning was a one-time process but now it has become a
continuous marketing activity.
Dronacharya The Gym is able to create a unique and distinctive image in the minds of the people as
compared to its competitors. The fitness club has differentiated itself through point of difference by
providing the finest quality services, equipment and experience to the customers. Creation of many
national and International players that brought respect to the nation is another important factor that
contributed towards its positioning in the market. As the product is operating in overall Delhi it has
appealed to the largest user segment to which it has unique leverage.

Celebrity Endorsements
The Gym has been producing many National and International players since its existence that turned out
to be a major factor for its branding. The Gym has produced its own celebrity for its endorsement. The
players who are associated with it are its only ambassadors who are helping in its brand building day-by-
day. Thus, The Gym is not using any common or general celebrity endorsement but is creating celebrity
for its self-endorsement and promotion, which many other gyms and businesses have failed to do.

Pricing and Distribution Strategy

The Gym was founded in 1983 in Delhi and since then it has been able to add many of its branches across
the Capital City. Also, it has classified it within three categories i.e. hardcore gym, luxury gym and emi-
luxury gym. Though, a policy of fair pricing has been opted by The Gym but the rate varies from branch
to branch depending upon the kind of location in which it is operating. The prices are higher for luxury
and semi luxury gyms and lower for the hardcore gyms. Other than this The Gym offers certain cash
discounts and referral discounts. Currently it has been operating in a wide network in Delhi and has its
branches in Pitampura, Patel Nagar, Rajouri Garden, Model Town, vikas Puri, Janak Puri, Punjabi Bagh,
Dayanand Vihar, Malviya Nagar and Paschim Vihar and in many other places.

Profile of the Industry Leader: The Gold’s Gym in the Fitness Segment
The hardcore competitor for Dronacharya The Gym is The Gold’s Gym which has global presence and is
one of the largest gyms across the world. It is an American international chain of fitness club. Gold’s gym
has its branches not in Delhi only but in the whole Country.
As it is a subsidiary of foreign health club, it is equipped with state-of-the-art-facilities and has the most
professional staff. Apart from what every gym offers, Gold’s Gym operates with the very new technology
that has been available in the healthcare industry


Customer knowledge

Dronacharya’s The Gym is considered to be one of the Leader’s in the low cost segment in
fitness industry

Typical consumer brand association

Sources of brand equity

Brand Awareness

One of the most recognized gym chain with legacy of producing body builders and models and
its ability to create a pricing mechanism that is reasonable to the consumer segment.

Dronacharya’s name in it and its association with the sports awards.

Brand Image
Functional Benefits: Innovation in including new session of Yoga, Zumba, Aerobics and Kick
Boxing and the quality of trainers.

Emotional Benefits: of creating a fit and healthy, the urge to reduce weight to look smart, the
people suffering from obesity.

Others things including the ambassadors previous body builders’ and models who used to train
at Dronacharya’s the gym, associating itself with sports and cultural events.

Brand mantra
Dronacharya’s The Gym will build and provide the fitness facility truly dedicated to solving the fitness
needs of our customers. This will be done through providing the highest quality equipment available,
constantly keeping our staff up to date on latest industry trends , providing a clean and congenial

Marketing Mix (Dronacharya’s The Gym)

 Dronacharya’s The Gym is a fitness club geared toward improving the health of the
average health conscious person in the community.
• The gym slogan of being a No Pain No Gain embodies the culture of its members; these
are the people who are looking to work out in non---intimidating atmosphere, which is
part of the perceived value.
• Fitness Hub offer a variety of fitness equipment for both strength training and cardio
(treadmills, elliptical machines, bikes).

• We will be implementing customer surveys to improve the quality of service expected of
our trainers and other representatives of Dronacharya’s The Gym. There will always be
someone available to help answer any question the member may have.
• To add more value to our service, and not alienate the core customers, addition of fitness
classes in yoga and interval strength training.

• Dronacharya’s The Gym is by far a low price leader in the fitness industry, and they can
do this because they cut out all the frills that are not necessary for most fitness customers.

• Dronacharya’s The Gym is using television and radio advertising as their main method of
promotions. Local radio stations (92.7 FM and AIR) give away free memberships during
Competitions as well as advertisements.
• The promotions, as well as the physical layout do not target the hardcore fitness elite who
can make the gym atmosphere more intimidating. Fitness Hub is targeting the average
person, who wants an easy solution to getting in shape in an inviting and relaxing

The CBBE Pyramid

The Customer Base Brand equity Pyramid (CBBE)

Resonance:Goal achievement, community and engagement (models, sport person etc)

Judgement: quality service
Feelings: self respect and recognition
Performance: High price, creates platform
Imagery: Extreme sports, competition participation, history (Dronacharya)
Salience: Fitness and training gym

Counterfeiting: threat from Gym’s with similar names , logo and other brand elemnets , the consumer
can misunderstood other gym for Dronacharya’s the gym

Dronacharya The Gym is privately owned by Mr. Bhupender Dawan and his partner and the franchise
part handled by the Mr Mukesh. Dronacharya The Gym is running successfully over past 36 year.
Dronacharya The Gym is focusing on their core business with hardwork and commitment. All trainer are
well trained and have their domain expertise.

Product-related attributes :- Brand Communications see brand image part and pricing and availability
Dronacharya the gym has very high awareness amongst its competitors in the industry. Franchise benefits
over froms 26 years of its establishment of dronacharya the gym brand recognition as the industry creator
and leader. It's a fantastic performance that provide our franchise owner an instant advantage amongst
other competitor

Point of Parity Point of Differentiation

Health, fitness and weight loss To produce national and international level
Bodybuilding workout players.
Weight, cardio and strength training To create champions
Personal/ certified trainer

Profile of Competitors

1. Gold Gym
Gold's Gym India is one of the fastest growing gym chain in the country with over 92 gyms spread across
India and 5 are under construction and will start in this year. Gold’s Gym has over 700 facilities. It is the
largest international gym chain in the world recognized for its experience, passion and unique heritage, as
the final authority in fitness and lifestyle. It strictly follows a globally proven fitness training module with
state-of-the-art infrastructure, delivery methodology and continuous up gradation through training
programs. With certified trainers and nutritional counseling, Gold's Gym provides a comprehensive
approach to the health and wellbeing of its member.
Gold's Gym India has bagged the most prestigious Economic Times ET award for ‘Excellence in
Customer Service 2014' and ‘Excellence in Marketing 2013'.

2. Ozone Fitness and Spa

Ozone Spa Pvt. Ltd., started on November 1, 2002 is the country’s first largest chain of premier boutique
health, fitness and spa. O3 in the company logo symbolizes “strong protection of the human race”. Ozone is
the first chain of health clubs to be awarded the ISO-9001-2000 and ISO-14001 certificates. The company has
also received the Indira Gandhi Priyadarshini Awards for the best chain of Eco-friendly health clubs in India.
Ozone Clubs are the luxury health clubs launched to satisfy the niche segment by revitalizing their senses and
soothe the jitteriness of city life.

3. Talwalkars Gym
Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Limited. (Previously known as Talwalkars Better Value Fitness Pvt Ltd.)
Commonly famous as Talwalkars, is one of the India’s largest chain of health Centre’s. It has over 100
ultramodern branches across 50 cities in the country, with over 1,00,000 members. Talwalkars’ growth can be
attributed directly to the trust they have in customers, and the benefits they derive from expert advice,
personalized supervision, on-going facility upgrades, and result-oriented approach.

4. Fitness First
Fitness first is the largest privately owned health club group in the world with over 540 Fitness First clubs
worldwide reaching over 1.3 million members in 18 countries. Fitness First India Pvt Ltd has set up a chain of
exclusive fitness clubs across Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore. The ambience of their fitness centers is a
testimony to their single minded effort to make working out a fun activity.

Brand Value
Dronacharya The Gym is acknowledged for its unrivalled success in providing the finest equipment and
fitness knowledge available to help its members achieve their individual potential. It follows a globally
proven fitness training module with state-of-the-art infrastructure and continuous upgradation through
training programs. With certified trainers and nutritional counseling, Dronacharya The Gym provides a
comprehensive approach to the health and well being of its member. Whether your goal is to burn fat,
tone or add muscle, build strength, increase flexibility or improve your cardiovascular health, only
Dronacharya The Gym has the atmosphere and experience you need for your fitness requirement.

The Differentiator
Dronacharya The Gym has created its own properties with an aim to create some excitement in the gym,
add a zest to the workouts and increase visibility and create brand visibility as these events are held on a
very high scale, has celebrities as judges and guests of honour and garners huge mileage in the media.
These are Ms Fit & Fab (personality cum fitness challenge), The Superspin (Spinning challenge), Body
Transformation (Weight Loss program). It is our Corporate Social responsibility to give back to the
society by getting people fit to ensure that our members are working out in a healthy way with a healthy
diet. Our Motto is to educate people on the importance of fitness, by awareness and such programs. We
position our brand by educating our clients on the right aspects of Fitness.

What it offers?
The wellness industry has expanded tremendously in the last 5-6 years. There has been an increase in the
awareness of the importance of maintaining one's health. It has been reinforced by doctors, nutritionists &
other reputed wellness gurus time & again. At Dronacharya The Gym we have initiated medical accessed
packages addressing the people with common ailments like diabetes, thyroid, cholesterol and obesity.
There is an influx of international fitness trends, new exercise specifics & more career options. It goes
beyond general cardio vascular machines and weights. A member gets to experience a variety to his
program through various group activities like spinning and a variety of aerobic classes.
● Dronacharya The Gym has world class facilities with international state-of-the-art equipment for
Cardiovascular Conditioning, Strength Training and a Separate Free Weights Area.
● Weight loss programs with qualified nutritionists, Relaxation Massages, Steam Rooms, Locker
Rooms, Café and Juice Bar.
● Fitness Assessment with personalized schedules.
● Spinning Studio
● International Travel Card & Transfer facility.

Fitness Plans of Dronacharya’s The Gym

• Gym Package includes use of Cardiovascular and strength training section, steam.
• Special packages for students, housewives and seniors too.
• Discounted rates if you wish to work out between 10 to 5 pm in the 'Silver hours'.
• Weight Loss / Weight gain programs depending on individual requirements.
People with medical problems are given special attention. We have an in-house physiotherapist who gives
advice to people with problems and guides them on their program. We have visiting medical doctors who

advise members with medical problems like diabetes, cholesterol, and hypertension. They are then guided
on a medical course of action. Special training programs are designed for them by the trainers who have
been given special training to handle these cases.


The first strength of Dronacharya The Gym is well reputed for the quality of their staff especially the
instructors. Another strength is the flexibility in the 9 membership payment as well as the different
possibility to manage the membership such us to transfer it to another person or to freeze it, which allows
adapting to the member’s needs.

The parking facility is one of Dronacharya The Gym biggest weaknesses, which can be a significant
element in choosing one gym over the other. Because parking facility for Dronacharya The Gym is very
limited it is easy for a client to go for a membership in Fitness. Another biggest weakness of Dronacharya
The Gym is customer Turnover rate, it means customer preference for another gym for better service.

There are many opportunities in the sport industry such as the technological improvement and the health
conscious new population which is very concerned about its physical appearance and health. So going to
the Gym is one of their number one priorities, which increases the number of joiner of the Gym.

For Dronacharya’s The Gym, the major threat is its rival Fitness First located just few meters behind it.
Offering similar or better service Fitness First has built a strong brand image over the years.
Another important threat is a high customer turnover rate.


Dronacharya’s The Gym needs to start with a series of promotional activities to attract new customers.
For the promotion of the brand more effectively, different activities need to be included like promotion of
various health and fitness related programs.
Also, the customers find it little costly specially students, so for them the management could provide
attractive and feasible discounts.
As they are the old player and has built up a good image in the present market, so they should also expand
across NCR and India too.
They should also use the social media platform efficiently to promote their services in NCR.
The branch should launch its own Facebook and Instagram accounts and spread awareness regarding its
Various success stories of clients and trainees achieving their fitness goals as many of them are
sportspersons, models etc. can be shared through social media platforms. The management should also
liaise with their fitness trainers to influence clients and encourage word of mouth publicity that can help
create a good brand image and reputation for the gym.
Dronacharya would have to improve its Branding in the area. As “Dronacharya the gym” indications are
not able to communicate as it could be, as because people are more aware about sports and starting have
more interest in these type of sports.
The Gym should improve the visibility of the display of its Logo in the entrance of the building as can be
seen was not very influential presently. Also, they can work upon the parking to improve its accessibility
as the parking are limited. Promote different group class more heavily.

These few areas also need to be more focused in better manner.



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