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Assessment of settlements caused by Proc.

Civ. Engrs

groundwater control
Geotech. Engng,
2000, 143, Oct.,
M. Preene, BEng, PhD, CEng, MICE, CGeol, FGS, MCIWEM Paper 12243

Written discussion
& Lowering of groundwater levels by Tr time factor for radial ¯ow closes 21 December
pumping increases vertical e€ective stress Tv time factor for vertical drainage 2000
in the soil around an excavation. The t elapsed time since pumping began
resulting ground settlements are normally Du reduction in pore water pressure Manuscript received
small, but in certain circumstances may be Duav average pore water pressure reduction in 7 January 2000;
large enough to cause damage to sur- a soil layer revised manuscript
accepted 31 May
rounding structures. This paper describes x linear distance from edge of ground-
the mechanism of these settlements and water control system for plane ¯ow
presents a simple risk assessment gw unit weight of water
methodology for initial identi®cation of Ds0v Increase in vertical e€ective stress
zones where buildings may be at varying r compression of a soil layer
degrees of risk of damage. These risk r corr corrected compression of a soil layer
zones can help to determine the extent of rt e€ective compression of a soil layer at
preconstruction building condition surveys time t
needed, or to assess the need r total ground settlement
for settlement mitigation or avoidance r ult ultimate compression of a soil layer
measures. Potential uncertainties in the
assessments are discussed. Introduction
If an excavation is made below groundwater
Keywords: geotechnical engineering; level, groundwater control by pumping (also
groundwater; subsidence known as construction dewatering) may be used
as part of the temporary works. The practicali-
Notation ties of pumping will depend on the method
a length of groundwater control system used 1 but all methods, whether pumping from
b width of groundwater control system wells, wellpoints or sumps, will reduce pore
Cd correction factor for e€ective stress water pressures and increase vertical e€ective
cv coecient of consolidation of soil stress in the soil around the excavation,
D thickness of soil layer, thickness of perhaps for some considerable distance away.
con®ned aquifer 2. These increases in e€ective stress will
E 0o sti€ness of soil in one-dimensional com- result in ground settlements every time
pression groundwater control by pumping is carried out.
H initial saturated thickness of uncon®ned In the great majority of cases movements are so
aquifer, initial piezometric level of small that no distortion or damage is apparent
con®ned aquifer in nearby structures. However, in some circum-
h maximum drainage path length for ver- stances settlements may be large enough to
tical drainage cause distortions resulting in e€ects ranging
kh coecient of permeability in the hori- from slight cracking of architectural ®nishes to
zontal direction major structural damage. These e€ects may
kv coecient of permeability in the vertical extend several hundred metres from the
direction groundwater control system, and could a€ect
L distance of in¯uence large numbers of structures. This paper
mv coecient of volume compressibility of describes the circumstances and mechanisms
soil by which settlements may result from ground-
R average degree of consolidation of a soil water control operations, and proposes a risk
layer assessment method to determine, at the early
r radial distance from centre of ground- stage of a project, whether such settlements
water control system for radial ¯ow should be of concern.
re equivalent radius of groundwater control
system The problem
s drawdown 3. The magnitude and distribution of
s av average drawdown in soil layer ground settlements resulting from groundwater M. Preene,
sw target drawdown in the excavation control are dependent on the groundwater ¯ow Groundwater Team
(s/s w ) ratio of drawdown to target drawdown pattern, soil strati®cation and the spacial dis- Leader, Ove Arup &
in the excavation tribution of soil sti€ness. This is a complex Partners, Leeds

three-dimensional and time-variant problem; avoided with adequate investigation and plan-
precise analysis would require a site-speci®c ning but, sadly, these continue to happen. 6,7 If a
numerical model. This has been done on major failure occurs local settlements can be much
projects with critical structures at risk. 2,3 larger than from an e€ective groundwater
However, such detailed work is unlikely to be control system.
economic or feasible for many smaller-scale 9. Powers 8 identi®es conditions when
projects such as basement construction, shaft inadequate groundwater control may lead to
sinking or open-cut pipelines. settlement. In practice, most problems can be
4. An important di€erence between settle- avoided provided the groundwater control
ments from groundwater control and those from system is appropriate for the conditions. 1 One
tunnelling or excavation is the potential extent particular problem occurs if ®ne soil particles
of the zone of signi®cant settlement. Normally, are continually drawn from the ground during
settlement due to tunnelling or excavation is a pumping (known as loss of ®nes). During early
relatively local phenomenon, becoming negligi- stages of pumping it is normal for some ®nes to
ble at a distance of a few times the excavation be drawn through a well or sump, as a more
depth. In contrast, where a highly permeable permeable zone develops. However, if pumping
stratum is present beneath compressible allu- of ®nes continues for extended periods sub-
vial soils, settlements can occur at large dis- surface erosion channels may develop and
tances from the groundwater control system; in subsequently collapse, leading to unpredictable
a case described by Powrie, 4 damage was and potentially large settlements.
reported 500 m away from an excavation.
5. Unfortunately, the area covered by pre- Effective stress settlements from
construction building condition (or dilapida- groundwater control
tion) surveys often does not extend far enough 10. Assuming that groundwater control pre-
to include all structures which may be a€ected vents the excavation failures previously
by groundwater control. In that case it is not described, ground settlements result purely
possible to determine at an early stage how from the reduction in pore water pressure and
many structures should be investigated further increase in e€ective stress that occurs when
(either due to their historic nature or intoler- groundwater levels are lowered (or drawn
ance to settlements), or may require mitigation down) by pumping.
measures. Also, in the event of damage being 11. Pore water pressures in soil layers will
alleged, buildings often lie outside the zone respond di€erently to groundwater pumping
initially surveyed, making assessment of the depending on their permeability in relation to
validity of claims more dicult. other strata. For the purposes of settlement
6. The limited extent of preconstruction assessments, strata can be approximated to one
condition surveys may explain the paucity of of three categories: aquifer, aquitard, and
case history data available for settlement and aquiclude (Fig. 1), de®ned as follows.
damage arising from groundwater control. This
contrasts with tunnelling-induced settlements (a) Aquifer. A signi®cantly permeable Fig. 1. Groundwater
where established methods exist 5 to estimate stratum (generally the most permeable ¯ow in aquifers,
the extent of the zone of signi®cant settlement. stratum present). Dewatering wells nor- aquitards and
This allows baseline data to be obtained prior mally pump directly from the aquifer; aquicludes
to construction, and helps generate de®nitive
case data of settlements and damage.
7. There is a need for a risk assessment
methodology suitable for use on smaller-scale
projects, where data may be limited, to assess
the zones where potentially damaging settle-
ments are possible. Such zones can help deter-
mine the extent of preconstruction building
condition surveys and identify critical struc-
tures at risk, for which more detailed assess-
ment may be necessary.

Settlements due to poorly-controlled

8. In addition to e€ective stress settlements,
which are the main subject of this paper,
settlements can occur if excavations fail due to
inadequate groundwater control. If pore water
pressures are not reduced suciently, uncon-
trolled seepage (termed a `boil' or `blow') can
lead to failure. Such events can normally be

groundwater ¯ow will be predominantly will be equal to the reduction in pore water
horizontal. Due to the high permeability, pressure Du, therefore
e€ective stress changes (and hence com-  
pression) occur contemporaneously with r ult ˆ Du …2†
the drawdown of water levels. Con®ned and
semi-con®ned aquifers are overlain by 14. The assumption of constant total stress
aquicludes and aquitards respectively, and is reasonable, because many ®ne-grained soils
have an initial piezometric level above the remain e€ectively saturated for some depth
top of the aquifer so the aquifer is satu- above the groundwater level, with no change of
rated throughout. An uncon®ned aquifer is unit weight. Even when soils desaturate, the
characterized by the top of the aquifer reduction in unit weight is relatively small and,
being open to atmosphere, with a water given the uncertainties in other parameters, can
table or phreatic surface below ground be neglected without signi®cant error. For the
level (Appendix 1). case shown in Fig. 1 with the wells fully
(b) Aquitard. A stratum of lower permeabil- penetrating a con®ned or semi-con®ned aquifer,
ity than the aquifer (normally at least two groundwater ¯ow will be horizontal, the pore
orders of magnitude less). During pumping, water pressure reduction will be constant with
groundwater ¯ow in the aquitard will tend depth and Du ˆ gw s (where g w is the unit weight
to be vertical, draining towards the aquifer. of water). Compression at distance r from the
E€ective stress changes and compression centre of the excavation can be related to
of the aquitard will occur slowly, at a rate drawdown at that point.
controlled by the consolidation parameters  
for vertical drainage. r ult ˆ gw s …3†
(c) Aquiclude. A stratum of very low perme-
ability. During the period of pumping from 15. This allows the compression at any
an adjacent aquifer, no signi®cant pore distance r to be determined, provided the
water pressure reductions occur in the drawdown s or pore water pressure reduction
aquiclude. This implies that compression of Du are known. This requires a model of the
an aquiclude resulting from groundwater distribution of drawdown with distance.
control will be negligible. Several expressions are available from hydro-
geological theory, relating drawdown s to a
12. Figure 1 shows a section through a constant pumped ¯ow rate. However, most
schematic drawdown curve for radial ¯ow in a groundwater control systems are designed to
con®ned or semi-con®ned aquifer. Pumping achieve a target drawdown in the excavation,
results in pore water pressure reductions in the rather than a target ¯ow rate. They tend to
aquifer and any overlying and underlying operate under conditions of constant drawdown
aquitards (but not, by de®nition, in any aqui- at the excavation, not constant ¯ow rate. A
cludes). The e€ect on an individual soil layer useful parameter, which will be known for most
can be considered using an elastic analysis groundwater control systems, is the target
which gives the ultimate vertical compression drawdown at the edge of the excavation, s w .
r ult , of a soil layer of thickness D subject to a This gives
uniform increase in vertical e€ective stress Ds0v s D
as r ult ˆ g w sw …4†
sw E0o
  which, if the variation of s/s w with distance is
r ult ˆ Ds0v …1† known, allows estimation of a compression
E0o plotted against distance curve. Curves of s/s w
in con®ned or semi-con®ned aquifers are avail-
where E0o is the sti€ness of the soil in one- able for radial ¯ow to excavations modelled as
dimensional compression. Equation (1) is some- equivalent wells (of radius r e ) from Rau 9 (Fig. 2),
times written in terms of m v (the coecient of and for plane ¯ow to linear excavations (such
volume compressibility, where E0o ˆ 1=mv ). as pipeline trenches) from Powrie and Preene 10
However, the use of E0o is preferred because (Fig. 3). Fig. 2 or 3 gives the drawdown
e€ective stress compression occurs in both distribution in an aquifer layer; substitution of
coarse and ®ne-grained soils, and m v is nor- the aquifer thickness and sti€ness into equation
mally only quoted for ®ne-grained soils such as (4) will give the compression of the aquifer
silts and clays. 16. The relationships shown in Figs 2 and 3
13. It is useful to express equation (1) in are time-dependent and describe how, as
terms of pore water pressure reduction Du or pumping continues, a zone of drawdown propa-
drawdown s, because these parameters can be gates outward in the aquifer away from the
measured in the ®eld. Neglecting any change in dewatering system. The period for which
the unit weight of soil, the vertical total stress pumping continues is an important factor when
is unchanged by groundwater lowering, so Ds0v assessing settlements. In given ground condi-

tions, a dewatering system pumped for a long Distance: r /re

1 10 20 30 40 50
period (i.e. several months) will create greater 0
settlements over a wider area than the same Tr = 10 Tr = 100
system pumped for a much shorter period. Tr = 1000
17. As discussed earlier, the drawdowns 0·2
(and hence compressions) are time-dependent
and are controlled by the aquifer properties. 0·4
However, there is an additional time-depen- Tr = 10 000

s /sw
dency that must be considered for low perme-
ability aquitards. In general, r ult can only fully 0·6
develop when sucient time has passed for
water to drain out of the soil in response to the
groundwater lowering. An aquifer, by de®ni-
tion, is signi®cantly permeable and for all Tr = (k hE ′o/γw)t/re2 using aquifer parameters

practical purposes r ult develops at the same 1·0

time as the lowering of groundwater levels
(which are estimated directly from Fig. 2 or 3). Fig. 2. Dimensionless drawdown for horizontal radial ¯ow to an
18. In contrast, vertical drainage from an equivalent well in a con®ned or semi-con®ned aquifer 9
aquitard into an aquifer will occur more slowly,
at a rate controlled by the consolidation para-
meters of the aquitard. The ultimate compres-
sion of an aquitard layer still results from the Distance: x /L
drawdown in the aquifer; s/s w for the aquifer is 0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0
used, but the aquitard thickness and sti€ness
are substituted into equation (4).
19. However, the pore water pressure reduc- 0·2
tions and compression of an aquitard will lag
behind those of the aquifer. So, for an aquitard,
the e€ective compression r t at time t after 0·4
drainage begins is
s /sw

r t ˆ Rr
rult (5) 0·6

where R is the average degree of consolidation

of the soil layer. R can be determined in terms 0·8
of a non-dimensional time factor T v as shown L = √[12(k hE ′o/γw)t ] using aquifer parameters
on Fig. 4 11 for various drainage conditions and 1·0
distribution of pore water pressure reductions.
The time factor is de®ned as Fig. 3. Dimensionless drawdown for horizontal plane ¯ow to an equivalent
  slot in a con®ned or semi-con®ned aquifer 10
Tv ˆ c v 2 …6†
where c v is the coecient of consolidation, and
h is the maximum drainage path length for
0 0·2 0·4 0·6 0·8 1·0 1·2 Tv
vertical drainage within the soil layer. For 0
vertical drainage from aquitard to aquifer, c v is
expressed in terms of the aquitard properties as 0·2
 0 Tv = cvt /h2 using aquitard properties
Eo 0·4
c v ˆ kv …7†
gw 2
where k v is the vertical permeability of the
aquitard, and the other terms are as de®ned 0·8
previously. Thus, having calculated the ulti- 3
mate compression of an aquitard layer from
equation (4), the compression at a given time R
One-way drainage
Initial excess pore water pressure increasing linearly
can be estimated from equations (5)±(7) and 1
with depth
Fig. 4.
Two-way drainage
20. The ultimate compression obtained from 2 Any linear initial pore water pressure distribution
equation (4) and Fig. 2 or 3 is for a con®ned or
One-way drainage
semi-con®ned aquifer where the drawdown or Initial excess pore water pressure decreasing linearly
pore water pressure reduction (and therefore with depth
the increase in e€ective stress) is constant with
depth. In aquitards, uncon®ned aquifers or Fig. 4. Average degree of consolidation of a soil layer plotted against
con®ned aquifers with large drawdowns this time 11

will not be the case (Appendix 1). The average

e€ective stress increase across the depth of the
stratum will be less than for the same draw-
down in a con®ned aquifer, so the calculated
compression must be corrected by multiplying
by a correction factor for e€ective stress C d of
between 0´5 and 1´0.
r corr ˆ Cd r …8†
where r corr is the corrected compression of a
soil layer, and r is the ultimate compression of
an aquifer layer or the e€ective compression of
an aquitard layer. Values of C d are derived in
Appendix 1 and plotted in Fig. 5.

Settlement damage to structures

21. From a practical point of view it is
necessary to consider the magnitude of defor-
mations which result in the onset of varying
degrees of damage. Much of the published
literature is summarized in Burland and
Wroth 12 which highlighted some of the com-
plexities of the relationship between ground
movements and damage. Allowable deforma- settlement occurred over a wide area, building Fig. 5. Correction
tions have been proposed for settlements damage or distortion was negligible, despite factor for e€ective
resulting from tunnelling, 5 excavations, 13 and signi®cant settlements. stress
building on ®ll. 14 No study has concentrated on 24. Froggat 16 points out that many existing
damage from groundwater control induced set- approaches ignore potential variations in soil
tlements. This may be due, in part, to the fact conditions around excavations, and base
that building condition surveys tend not to damage assessments purely on the distortion
cover all of the areas where settlements resulting from theoretical settlement curves
develop. Without such survey data, when such as Figs 2 and 3. However, because of the
damage does occur, it can be dicult to classify potentially large area a€ected by groundwater
the degree of damage resulting from settle- control, it could be argued that variations in
ments, because the original condition of the soil conditions are a more important factor for
building is not known. this case, compared with the more localized
22. It is well known that buildings are not settlements resulting from tunnelling or exca-
generally damaged by settlement per se, rather vation. Powers 17 states that the presence of a
by di€erential settlement or distortion across stratum of soft compressible soil at a site is the
the structure. Figs 2 and 3 imply that, in most signi®cant factor causing damage to
uniform soil conditions, groundwater control structures when groundwater control is carried
creates a settlement pro®le that will distort out. Such compressible soils increase the mag-
structures in hogging (Fig. 6(a)). This contrasts nitude of settlements, but also increase the
with tunnelling-induced settlement pro®les magnitude of any di€erential settlements
which, at various distances, can cause both caused by variations in soil conditions or
hogging and sagging. Figs 2 and 3 also show foundation types beneath buildings (Fig. 6).
that the drawdown (and settlement) curve The worst case would arise when the full
moves away from the groundwater control magnitude of the settlement is applied as
system as time passes. This implies, for struc- di€erential settlement across the structure.
tures within the zone of in¯uence, potential This could occur if a building was built partly
settlements and di€erential movements will on alluvium or peat and partly on denser soils
increase while pumping continues; the greatest (Fig. 6(b)), or if the structure was partly on
potential for damage will exist immediately piles and partly on footings (Fig. 6(c)).
prior to the end of the pumping period.
23. The fact that most groundwater control Criteria for risk assessment
systems do not result in damaging settlements 25. While it is possible to estimate the
suggests that damage is relatively unlikely theoretical distortion due to the settlement
purely from a building distorting to follow a curve in uniform soil conditions, it is proposed
theoretical settlement curve in uniform soil that a more useful and realistic measure of the
conditions. An obvious demonstration of this is potential for damage is the total settlement at a
the general settlement of central London due to structure, together with a check on the tilt of
pumping from the deep aquifer; 15 because the structure (tilt is based on rigid body

rotation, assuming all of the settlement occurs

as di€erential settlement across the structure,
or across an individual structural element).
26. Limits on tilt and settlement can be set
to allow zones of varying risk to be identi®ed.
Table 1 presents tentative values, based on
Lake et al. 5 The Lake et al. values are based on
damage resulting from tunnelling-induced
settlement pro®les that include both hogging
and sagging zones, rather than the purely
hogging deformations expected from ground-
water lowering. Although less than ideal, at
present, these tunnelling-derived values can be Fig. 6. Deformations
used as a starting point for assessments. The from groundwater
accuracy of future assessments may be control induced
improved if ®eld data can be gathered from settlements:
sites where groundwater control is being (a) deformation of
carried out. structure due to
27. Table 2 13 describes the degree of settlement pro®le in
damage likely to broadly correspond with each uniform soils;
risk category. These limits are based on small- (b) deformation of
scale industrial and domestic properties, not structure due to
deemed to be unusually sensitive to deforma- change in soil
tions because of their construction, age or use. conditions; and
A key part of any risk assessment process, (c) deformation of
described in the next section, is the identi®ca- structure due to
tion and more detailed consideration of sensi- change in foundation
tive structures. type

Risk assessment methodology

28. For preliminary assessment, maximum have a horizontal permeability, k h , in
ground settlements must be estimated to allow excess of 10 76 m/s, and aquicludes have
development of risk zones using parameters a vertical permeability, k v , of less than
that are easily determinable, assuming the 10 79 m/s.
proposed scope of groundwater control is (b) Assign parameters to each soil layer. For
known, and site investigation data are avail- all layers below initial groundwater level D
able. and Eo0 must be determined. Additionally,
29. The principal steps in settlement esti- k h is required for aquifers and k v and h for
mation are as follows. aquitards. Aquiclude parameters are not
needed because, by de®nition, aquicludes
(a) Develop a simpli®ed ground pro®le for the will not undergo compression.
site, consisting of layers categorized as (c) Assess the parameters of the groundwater
aquifer, aquitard or aquiclude, with each control works.
layer having uniform soil properties. As a (i) Maximum period of pumping. Since
general guide aquifers would typically drawdowns and settlements tend to be

Table 1 Tentative limits of building settlement and tilt for damage risk assessment 5

Risk category Maximum Building tilt Anticipated e€ects

settlement: mm

Negligible 510 51/500 Super®cial damage unlikely

Slight 10±50 1/500±1/200 Possible super®cial damage, unlikely to have structural signi®cance
Moderate 50±75 1/200±1/50 Expected super®cial damage and possible structural damage to
buildings; possible damage to rigid pipelines
Severe 75 41/50 Expected structural damage to buildings and expected damage to rigid
pipelines or possible damage to other pipelines

Maximum settlement is based on the nearest edge of the structure to the groundwater control system.
Tilt is based on rigid body rotation, assuming that all of the maximum settlement occurs as di€erential settlement across the width of the
structure, or across an element of the structure.
The risk category is to be based on the more severe of the settlement or tilt criteria.


Table 2. Classi®cation of visible damage 13

Class of Description of damage* Approximate width

damage of cracks{

Negligible Hairline cracks 50´1 mm

Very slight Fine cracks easily treated during normal redecoration. Perhaps isolated slight fracture in building. 51 mm
Cracks in exterior brickwork visible upon close inspection
Slight Cracks easily ®lled. Redecoration probably required. Several slight fractures inside building. Exterior 55 mm
cracks visible, some repointing may be required for weather-tightness. Doors and windows may stick
Moderate Cracks may require cutting out and patching. Recurrent cracks can be masked by suitable linings. 5±15 mm or several
Tuck-pointing and possibly replacement of a small amount of exterior brickwork may be required. cracks 43 mm
Doors and windows sticking. Utility service may be interrupted. Weather tightness often impaired
Severe Extensive repair involving removal and replacement of sections of walls, especially over doors and 15±25 mm, also
windows required. Windows and door frames distorted, ¯oor slopes noticeably. Walls lean or bulge depends on number
noticeably, some loss of bearing in beams. Utility service disrupted of cracks
Very severe Major repair required involving partial or complete reconstruction. Beams lose bearing; walls lean Usually 425 mm,
badly and require shoring. Windows broken by distortion. Danger of instability depends on number
of cracks

* Location of damage in the building or structure must be considered when classifying degree of damage.
{ Crack width is only one aspect of damage and should not be used as a direct measure of it.

greater for longer periods of pumping, undergone ground movements from

the conservative approach is to assess natural groundwater level variations.
settlements at the end of the dewater- (iv) Correction factor for e€ective stress.
ing period (just before the pumps are The correction factor C d must be
turned o€). This could be based on the estimated. Apart from con®ned aqui-
construction programme, but it is fers with small drawdowns, C d will be
prudent to assess the implications if less than unity (in the range 0´5±1´0).
the project were to overrun. This reduces predicted settlements
(ii) Dimensions and geometry of the compared to those where e€ective
groundwater control system. Ground- stress changes are estimated directly
water ¯ow to long trench excavations from the drawdown of the phreatic
will tend to be plane, normal to the line surface or piezometric level.
of the trench. Flow to relatively small (d ) At a given distance from the groundwater
circular or rectangular excavations control system, ground settlement r total (at
will tend to be radial. For radial ¯ow the end of the pumping period) can then be
the equivalent radius r e must be esti- estimated. This is the sum of the corrected
mated. For a rectangular ring of wells compression of all aquifer layers (C d r ult ),
(of plan dimensions a by b) r e can be and all aquitard layers (C d r t ).
approximated to
r total ˆ …r
rcorr †all aquifers ‡ …r
rcorr †all aquitards
a‡b (10)
re ˆ …9†
p Calculation and summing can be carried
(iii) Target drawdown s w (in the aquifer) at out by spreadsheet, allowing settlements to
the groundwater control system. be predicted at various distances. The
Drawdown is the di€erence between compression r ult , of an aquifer or aquitard
initial and lowered groundwater levels; can be estimated using the aquifer draw-
these should be selected with care. The down from Fig. 2 or 3 and substituting the
lowered water level is normally taken appropriate thickness and sti€ness para-
as the target level within the excava- meters into equation (4). For aquitards, r t
tion, rather than the level in individual must be estimated from equations (5)±(7)
dewatering wells. If groundwater and Fig. 4. Compressions must be corrected
levels vary naturally under tidal or using C d from Fig. 5. C d is related to
seasonal in¯uences, the initial ground- drawdown, and will vary with distance; C d
water level should be taken as the will generally be smaller near the ground-
lowest of the natural groundwater water control system (where drawdowns
levels. This is justi®ed because the are large) than at greater distances where
assessment is for additional ground C d will approach unity.
settlements from groundwater control. (e) The calculated settlement at various dis-
Existing structures will have already tances allows the extent of risk zones

Fig. 7. Settlement risk

zones: (a) idealized
settlement risk zones
for radial ¯ow to a
groundwater control

(de®ned by the criteria of Table 1) to be describes a case where reported damage

marked on a plan of the site and the extended to the mapped edge of a peat
surrounding area. The simplest form of stratum, with no damage where peat was
risk zones assumes soil conditions do not absent. Inclusion of geological mapping
vary with distance. For radial ¯ow the data will tend to produce non-circular risk
simple risk zones will be a series of zones for radial ¯ow (Fig. 7(b)), and may
concentric circles centred on the ground- reduce the extent of the zones and the
water control system (Fig. 7(a)); for plane number of structures at risk.
¯ow to a long trench the simple risk zones
will be parallel lines on either side of the 30. Once the risk zones have been marked
trench. on a plan, and the number and type of
( f ) The risk zones should then be re®ned by structures at risk identi®ed, appropriate actions
considering potential changes in ground will be required. It is important to recognize
conditions with distance. The presence of that the risk assessment identi®es that damage
soft compressible soils (perhaps of alluvial is anticipated in the slight, moderate and severe
or postglacial origin) is a key indicator of risk zones. Initial actions are summarized in
the potential for damaging settlements, and Table 3. Additional assessments may be needed
similarly their absence reduces the risk of for structures in the moderate or severe risk
damage. The compressible soils may be zones, and for sensitive structures within the
absent or of di€erent thickness in some slight risk zone.
parts of the risk zones. Geological mapping 31. Additional assessment of individual
(from published information, or carried out structures will require additional data includ-
during site investigation) can help deline- ing: construction type; foundation type; any
ate the extent of compressible soils. This changes of construction or foundations within
can be a very powerful tool; Powrie 4 the building and, where possible, more detailed

Fig. 7. (b) Settlement

risk zones for radial
¯ow to a groundwater
control system based
on variation in soil
type from geological

information on ground conditions beneath the criteria for the appropriate type of structure (e.g.
building. This can allow a more detailed assess- Boscardin and Cording 13 for masonry structures
ment of the di€erential settlement and resulting or various authors collated in Burland and
distortion anticipated at each structure. Predic- Wroth 12 for framed structures) to estimate the
tions can be compared with published damage level of damage more accurately.

Table 3. Suggested actions for risk categories5

Risk category Description of likely Actions required


Negligible Super®cial damage unlikely None, except for any buildings identi®ed as being sensitive, for which a detailed
assessment should be made
Slight Possible super®cial Building condition survey, to identify any pre-existing cracks or distortions. Identify
damage, unlikely to have any buildings or pipelines which may be sensitive, and carry out detailed assessment.

structural signi®cance Determine whether mitigation or avoidance measures are required locally
Moderate Expected super®cial
damage and possible
Building condition survey and structural assessment. Assess buried pipelines and
structural damage to
buildings; possible damage
to rigid pipelines
Severe Expected structural
damage to buildings and
Determine whether anticipated damage is acceptable or whether mitigation or
expected damage to rigid
avoidance measures are required
pipelines or possible
damage to other pipelines


32. Depending on the nature of the project variation with distance s/s w , and soil sti€ness
and the number and types of structure at risk, E0o can be dicult to estimate appropriately and
some (or perhaps all) of the potential damage can create large errors and uncertainties.
may be deemed unacceptable. In such cases 35. The dimensionless curves of drawdown
measures will be required to mitigate or avoid plotted against distance in Figs 2 and 3 assume
damage to structures. Table 4 lists settlement uniform aquifer properties and boundary con-
mitigation or avoidance measures. In addition ditions. This is not a good assumption if the
to mitigation or avoidance there is a third aquifer is of limited extent, or where an
option, rarely considered explicitlyÐthat is, impermeable feature forms a barrier boundary
acceptance of settlement. Powers 17 suggests across the aquifer. In that case the drawdown
that, provided damage risk is not more than curve will be very ¯at, and distant drawdowns
slight, accepting minor claims from third and settlements will be rather greater than
parties may be more economical than deploying predicted from Figs 2 and 3. 4 Conversely, if the
large-scale mitigation measures. On many pro- aquifer is in hydraulic connection with a close
jects this would be controversial and could source of recharge (such as a body of surface
present a public-relations challenge, but might water) the drawdowns and settlements may be
be appropriate where relatively few structures smaller than predicted. Numerical modelling of
were classi®ed as being slightly at risk. A the drawdown response may help, but this
preconstruction building condition survey approach is most suited to cases when detailed
would be essential for this approach. aquifer data, such as pumping test results, are
Uncertainties in assessments 36. Predicted settlements are clearly depen-
33. The methodology described in this dent on the values of soil sti€ness used in
paper is intended to be a ®rst step in assess- calculations. Sti€ness will generally need to be
ment of the damaging settlements that may estimated for coarse-grained granular soils, for
result from groundwater control. Because of the ®ne-grained cohesive soils, and perhaps for
need to base the assessment on parameters that more unusual soils such as peat. For small-scale
are available or determinable for even small- projects, the data from which soil sti€ness can
scale projects, the method contains a number of be inferred may be limited, perhaps consisting
uncertainties, and is best applied using engi- of standard penetration test results for granular
neering judgement and experience. Appropriate soils and oedometer test results for cohesive
use of the method requires an understanding of soils. Detailed discussion of measurement of
these uncertainties. soil sti€ness is beyond the scope of this paper.
34. Equation (4) shows the parameters Preene et al. l list some of the methods of
required to estimate ultimate settlement. The estimating soil sti€ness. Matthews et al. 18
drawdown s w at the excavation can be esti- compare sti€nesses estimated by geophysics
mated fairly accurately. The thickness D of an with values from other methods; considerable
individual soil layer is likely to be known variation is reported.
within reasonable limits (assuming appropriate 37. One of the most important factors when
borehole and geological mapping information is estimating soil sti€ness is that the values used
available). These parameters are unlikely to must be appropriate to the levels of stress and
result in large errors in assessments. In con- strain which the soil will undergo during the
trast, the remaining parameters of drawdown lowering of groundwater levels.

Table 4. Measures to mitigate or avoid groundwater control induced settlement damage

Mitigation of settlement Possible measures

Protect individual structures Prior to the works, underpin the foundations of some or all of the structures at

Reduce the number of Reduce drawdowns by reducing the depth of excavation below groundwater
structures at risk level
Reduce the extent of the risk zones by minimizing the period of pumping
Use cut-o€ walls to reduce external drawdowns
Use a groundwater recharge system to minimize external drawdowns

Avoidance of settlement Relocate excavation away from vulnerable structures

Redesign project to avoid excavation below groundwater level, or excavate
under water
Carry out excavation within a notionally impermeable cut-o€ structure*

* If a cut-o€ structure is used to avoid external drawdowns it is essential that a groundwater monitoring regime
is in place to allow any leaks in the cut-o€ to be identi®ed before signi®cant settlements can occur.


38. It is now widely recognized that soils Fig. 8. Idealized

are much sti€er at small strains than at higher oedometer test data.
strains. Conventional laboratory testing Increasing e€ective
methods (such as the oedometer test) tend to stress causes a
operate at much larger strains than occur normally consolidated
during groundwater lowering, and may indicate soil to move from A nc
lower sti€nesses, resulting in overprediction of along the normal
settlement. In any case, if oedometer sti€nesses compression line.
are used, values should be taken from the stress Increasing e€ective
increments similar to the e€ective stress in the stress causes an
soil layer after drawdown. overconsolidated soil
39. The stress history and degree of over- to move along the
consolidation of a soil also has an important unload±reload line
in¯uence on soil sti€ness. Fig. 8 shows an from A oc towards B.
idealized plot of oedometer test data. A If the e€ective stress
normally consolidated soil (which has never exceeds the pre-
been subjected to a vertical e€ective stress consolidation pressure
greater than the current value) compresses at B, then the soil
along the normal compression line. An over- sti€ness reduces and
consolidated soil (which has experienced a where buildings are at varying degrees of risk the soil continues to
greater vertical e€ective stress than at present) of damage. These risk zones can help to compress along the
will tend to be much sti€er and will compress determine the extent of preconstruction build- normal compression
along the unload±reload line, provided the pre- ing condition surveys needed, or to assess the line
consolidation pressure is not exceeded. The pre- need for settlement mitigation or avoidance
consolidation pressure is the maximum vertical measures. If, on future projects, the extent of
e€ective stress to which the soil has been building condition surveys can be increased to
subjected; soil sti€ness is reduced signi®cantly cover the majority of structures at signi®cant
at stresses greater than the pre-consolidation risk, not only will any damage claims be easier
pressure, compared with lower stresses. to assess, but more case study data would be
40. If e€ective stress during groundwater gathered to allow re®nement of the method.
lowering exceeds the pre-consolidation pres- 43. The trigger values of settlement of each
sure, then much larger settlements may result. risk level are tentative, and should be applied
Estimation of the pre-consolidation pressure using engineering judgement and experience.
can be important, especially for lightly over- More detailed investigations and analysis
consolidated alluvial soils, to ensure that should be carried out if important or critical
appropriate sti€ness values are used. Powers 8 structures are identi®ed as being at signi®cant
and Helm 19 state that predicted settlements are risk. The accuracy of future assessments may
often overestimates because the degree of over- be improved if ®eld data can be gathered from
consolidation is underestimated. Overconsoli- sites where groundwater control is being
dation can result not only from the removal of carried out and if additional ®eld-scale research
overburden (due to erosion or de-glaciation) but is carried out into groundwater control induced
would also result if groundwater levels have settlements and damage.
previously been lower than present-day levels.
Appendix 1. Assessment of effective
Conclusions stress changes in aquifers and aquitards
41. E€ective stress settlements occur every 44. When calculating the compression of an
time groundwater levels around an excavation aquifer or aquitard layer, it is convenient to
are lowered by pumping. These settlements determine the average drawdown s av (or
may occur over a very wide area, but are often average pore water pressure reduction Duav )
too small to cause distortion or damage to based on the e€ective stress in an individual
buildings. However, preconstruction building layer. Depending on the nature of the stratum,
condition surveys do not always cover the and initial groundwater conditions, s av may be
whole area of signi®cant settlements; as a di€erent to the drawdown s estimated from Fig.
result, relatively few de®nitive case histories 2 or 3. An e€ective stress correction factor C d
exist with data on groundwater control induced can be applied, where C d = s av /s.
drawdowns, settlements and damage. 45. The correction factors given later in this
42. Complete modelling of these settlements appendix are based on the following assump-
can only be done using three-dimensional tions.
numerical models; this is unlikely to be a
practicable or economic option for many (a) The vertical total stress remains constant
smaller-scale projects. For such projects the during drawdown, implying that the
risk assessment methodology presented in this increase in e€ective stress is equal to the
paper can allow initial identi®cation of zones reduction in pore water pressure.

(b) Aquifers are relatively coarse-grained and Initial After drawdown s

cannot sustain negative pore water press-
Shaded area
ures above the phreatic surface. s represents
(c) Aquitards are relatively ®ne-grained and reduction in
may develop negative pore water pressures Unconfined
pore water
above the phreatic surface, provided aquifer H
recharge of water from ground level is (H – s)
relatively small.
(d ) Groundwater ¯ow in aquifers is predomi-
nantly horizontal. This will be the case if
wells fully penetrate the aquifer, and if γwH γw(H – s) γws
drawdowns in uncon®ned aquifers are a
small proportion of the total saturated (a)
Initial After drawdown s

Aquifers: unconfined Shaded area

46. Assuming an initial saturated depth of represents
H above the base of the aquifer, Fig. 9(a) shows reduction in
pore water
the pore water pressure distributions before pressure
and after the phreatic surface is lowered by a
(H – s)
drawdown s. The shaded area represents the Confined H
reduction in pore water pressure within the aquifer
aquifer. The average pore water pressure
reduction over the depth of the aquifer can be
expressed as:
  γwH γw(H – s) γws
2sH ÿ s2
Duav ˆ gw …11† (b)
and the average drawdown sav ˆ Duav =gw .
Initial After drawdown s

Aquifers: confined or semi-confined Shaded area

47. For a con®ned aquifer of thickness D, s reduction in
and initial piezometric level of H above the base pore water
of the aquifer, the distribution of pore water pressure
pressure reduction with depth will depend on Confined
the level to which the piezometric level is aquifer (H – s)
48. Drawdown level above the top of the
aquifer. Figure 9(b) shows the case when the
aquifer remains con®ned after a drawdown of s. γwH γw(H – s) γws

The shaded area shows that the reduction of

pore water pressure within the aquifer is
constant with depth, and
Duav ˆ gw s (12) recharge may be provided by rainfall in®ltra- Fig. 9. Pore water
tion, natural or arti®cial recharge or by the pressure reductions in
49. Drawdown level below the top of the presence of an overlying aquifer or perched aquifers: (a)
aquifer. For drawdowns greater than (H 7 D) water table. uncon®ned aquifer;
the aquifer becomes e€ectively uncon®ned, and 51. The aquitard pore water pressure dis- (b) con®ned or semi-
pore water pressure reductions are not constant tributions described next are for ultimate con- con®ned aquifer:
with depth (Fig. 9(c)). ditions, when drainage to the aquifer is drawdown level above
  complete. the top of the aquifer;
2DH ‡ 2sH ÿ D2 ÿ s2 ÿ H 2
Duav ˆ gw …13† 52. Zero pore water pressures above the and (c) con®ned or
phreatic surface. In this case (Fig. 10(a)) the semi-con®ned aquifer:
and sav ˆ Duav =gw . pore water pressure reduction distribution is drawdown level below
identical to that of an uncon®ned aquifer. the top of the aquifer
Aquitards 53. Negative pore water pressures above the
50. In principle, when the phreatic surface phreatic surface. The amount of recharge
is drawn down in an aquitard, negative pore necessary to maintain zero pore water pressures
water pressures will develop above the lowered is dependent on the vertical permeability k v of
phreatic surface. However, recharge of water the aquitard. If k v is 10 78 m/s a recharge of
from above can maintain pore water pressures 0´9 mm/day is required, increasing to 9 mm/day
above the phreatic surface at zero. 11 The if k v is 10 77 m/s and to 90 mm/day if k v is

10 76 m/s. Powrie 11 points out that, apart from

Original phreatic
in mountainous regions, average annual UK surface Initial After drawdown s
rainfall is generally in the range 1500±650 mm. Shaded area
If all the rainfall was able to recharge the represents
reduction in
ground, this corresponds to between 4´1 and pore water s
1´7 mm/day. This implies that recharge from pressure
rainfall alone may not be sucient to prevent
the development of negative pore water press- Aquitard H
ures. When estimating settlements, a judgement
must be taken as to whether negative pore (H – s)
Positive pore
water pressures develop. Even if rainfall in®l- water pressures
tration is insucient to maintain pore water
pressures at zero, consideration should be given Underlying 0
γwH γw(H – s) γw s
to recharge contributions from perched water aquifer

tables or, in urban areas, leaking sewers and (a)

water mains.
54. Figure 10(b) shows the case when nega- Initial After drawdown s
tive pore water pressures develop. Provided the
air entry value of the aquitard (the negative Original phreatic Shaded area represents
pore water pressure at which the soil begins to surface reduction in pore water
desaturate) is not reached, the pore water Negative pore
pressure reduction is constant with depth, and water pressures
is the same as a con®ned aquifer. It is also s
apparent that the pore water pressure reduc-
tions occur both below and above the phreatic
Aquitard H
surface. This implies that when estimating
aquitard compression when negative pore water (H – s)
pressures develop, it may be necessary to Positive pore
include compression above the phreatic surface. water pressures

Underlying 0 0
γwH γw(H – s) γw s
Effective stress correction factor
55. As an aid to estimation of settlements a (b)
correction factor for e€ective stress changes
C d = s av /s can be de®ned in terms of s (draw-
down), D (thickness of con®ned aquifer) and H (e) Aquitard: with negative pore water Fig. 10. Pore water
(initial saturated thickness of uncon®ned pressures pressure reductions in
aquifer or initial piezometric level of con®ned aquitards: (a) zero
Cd ˆ 10 (18)
aquifer). C d can be expressed in terms of a pore water pressures
dimensionless drawdown s/H and an aspect The thickness of the aquitard used for this above phreatic
ratio for con®ned aquifers D/H, as: case should include the zone of negative pore surface; and (b)
water pressure above the phreatic surface. negative pore water
(a) Uncon®ned aquifer (D=H ˆ 1) 56. Values of C d are plotted on Fig. 5. pressures above
s phreatic surface
Cd ˆ 1 ÿ 05 …14† References
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