Clipper 7-2017

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CLIPPER #7_2017 29 maart 2017

TENDERS (OPENBARE AANBESTEDINGEN) ..................................................................................... 6

GENERAL NEWS ................................................................................................................................... 7
REGULATIONS .................................................................................................................................. 7
 France proposes making the Mediterranean an ECA ..................................................................... 7
 Future of shipping fleet hands in the balance of coming regulations, as ship owners ponder
whether to scrap or retrofit?.......................................................................................................... 7
 Nederland voor verbod stookolie op Noordpool ........................................................................... 8
TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION .......................................................................................................... 9
 The ‘ghost ship’ set to be the future of shipping ........................................................................... 9
 Shipping faces serious disruption unless it learns to embrace new technology: Wärtsilä .......... 10
 Can blockchain help design a better maritime internet? ............................................................. 11
 Shipping embraces digital transformation without necessarily knowing what it all means ........ 12
 Stena enlists Rolls-Royce for ‘intelligent awareness’ system ....................................................... 13
 MacGregor and Rolls-Royce to explore implications of autonomy for container ships .............. 14
LNG .................................................................................................................................................. 14
 LNG-fuelled fleet hits 200 ship mark ............................................................................................ 14
 Rotterdamse haven wil draaien op bio-LNG ................................................................................ 17
 New IGU report highlights significant role of LNG in cleaner marine transport .......................... 18
 LNG bunkering is an idea whose time hasn’t come (yet) ............................................................. 19
PROPULSION, STEERING, POWER .............................................................................................. 20
 Shipowners in “wait and see” mode ahead of 2020 sulphur cap, as uncertainty looms large .... 20
 Maersk tanker gaat varen op windenergie (+video) .................................................................... 21
 Feature: Methanol’s use as marine fuel to hinge on commercial aspects................................... 22
 Shipping industry likely to use gasoil from 2020: industry expert ............................................... 23
 MAN Rollo schakelt volledig over op common rail ...................................................................... 24
 MaK populair in cruisevaart ......................................................................................................... 25
MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT (EXCL. ENGINES & STEEL) ............................................................ 27
 Incentive for scrubbers driven by $200/mt price differential: shipowners ................................. 27
 ‘Global Water Intelligence’ Breaks Down Race to Supply $50 Billion in Ballast Water Treatment
Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 27
 Cathodic protection contract ....................................................................................................... 29
 Meeting The Global Standard For Ballast Water Discharge ......................................................... 30
 PPG Said to Prepare New Akzo Bid After $22.4 Billion Failed ...................................................... 31
 Post Appointed COO of Radio Holland ......................................................................................... 32

 New Fuel Regs Drive Scrubber Business ....................................................................................... 32
SHIPBUILDING & DESIGN, SHIPYARD NEWS ............................................................................. 33
 Newbuilding Orders Poised To Increase as Interest Mounts Up.................................................. 33
 New Dutch dive survey craft ........................................................................................................ 34
 In Depth: Standard Coaster Converted into Cement Carrier ....................................................... 34
 Wijnne Barends laat zes nieuwe schepen in India bouwen ......................................................... 35
 Welsh patrol vessels, built in Wales ............................................................................................. 35
 Baltiysky Zavod to secure contracts for construction of two more LK-60 icebreakers in 2018 ... 37
 Odfjell in for two Hudong-Zhonghua dual fuel chemical tankers ................................................ 37
 Fincantieri is close to a deal for STX France ................................................................................. 38
 Mitsubishi Heavy Considers Spinning Off Shipbuilding Operations ............................................. 38
 Cobelfret places rare Oshima bulker orders ................................................................................ 38
 Japanese Orderbook: Down But Showing Staying Power ............................................................ 38
 Hyundai Heavy Industries to halt another dock operation .......................................................... 38
 Japanese Mitsubishi to start work on shipyard project in July 2017: SCA Chairman ................... 38
 SunStone Eyes Up to Ten Expedition Cruise Ships ....................................................................... 38
 Daewoo Shipbuilding to focus on specialty vessels, eyes turnaround in 2017 ............................ 38
 India’s Largest State-Run Shipbuilder Files For IPO ...................................................................... 38
 BCL orders new vessel for Bermuda service................................................................................. 38
 Fincantieri’s Takeover of VARD Comes Up Short ......................................................................... 38
 Hanjin Philippines gets order to make 4 VLCC’s at Subic ............................................................. 38
SHIP MAINTENANCE, REPAIR & CONVERSION .......................................................................... 39
 Van Oord tekent contract met Damen voor modificatie van offshore installatieschip Aeolus ... 39
 Ulstein Verft is about to complete ship service on the sixth ship this year ................................. 39
NAVAL .............................................................................................................................................. 40
 LIMA 2017: Damen Unveils its new MRSS Design Proposal for Royal Malaysian Navy ............... 40
 Goa Shipyard nominated to build two stealth frigates for the Indian navy ................................. 41
 Boustead chosen for work on China-built littoral mission ships for Malaysia ............................. 41
 LIMA 2017: MMEA unveils design of new helicopter-capable OPV platform .............................. 41
 Russia’s naval shipyards fully booked with orders till 2023 ................................................ 41
 Turkey’s STM competing for Colombian navy frigate bid ............................................................ 41
 Multipurpose / Heavy lift / Project cargo ships ............................................................................ 41
 Drewry: Light at the end of the tunnel for the multipurpose shipping market ........................... 41
SUPER & MEGA YACHTS .............................................................................................................. 42
 Heesen signs order for 55m yacht ‘Alida’ ..................................................................................... 42
 Koop eens een ijsbreker ............................................................................................................... 43
 Dutch firms join forces ................................................................................................................. 45
 Lynx Yachts acquires shipyard ...................................................................................................... 46
 Denmark sanctions entire Burmese teak industry ....................................................................... 46
 Benetti Building Megayacht for Tokyo Government Use ............................................................. 47
OIL & GAS, OFFSHORE ENERGY, DEEP SEA MINING ............................................................... 48
 C-Job to Provide Basic Design for DEME’s Orion .......................................................................... 48
 Digging deep: the new seafloor industry...................................................................................... 49
 GustoMSC Debuts Self-propelled Cantilever Jack-up................................................................... 50

 NAM bouwt nieuw productieplatform ......................................................................................... 51
 Bouw meer windparken op zee cruciaal voor Van Oord .............................................................. 51
 “Twisties” to Aid Offshore Wind Logistics .................................................................................... 53
 Russia’s Novatek to invest almost $417 million in shipyard for Arctic projects........................... 54
 Oil Majors Plunge Into Industry That May Hurt Fossil Fuel .......................................................... 55
 Russia Plans $113 Billion Total Spend on Dozens of Oil, Gas Projects ......................................... 56
 Uncertain Times Offshore Nigeria? .............................................................................................. 56
 Auditor casts serious doubts on Nam Cheong ............................................................................. 56
 Lamprell sees tough year ahead, recovery only in 2018 .............................................................. 56
 Russia to cut imports of offshore equipment 50% by 2025 ......................................................... 56
INLAND SHIPPING (BINNENVAART) ............................................................................................. 57
 New order for Shipyard De Hoop ................................................................................................. 57
 NEW ORDER FOR SHIPYARD DE HOOP ........................................................................... 57
 Containerschip van toekomst komt er aan .................................................................................. 57
 Minder strenge eisen voor estuaire vaart .................................................................................... 57
VISSERIJ (FISHERIES) ................................................................................................................... 58
 Bodewes bouwt eerste kotter met elektrische Fly-shoot lieren .................................................. 58
 Beste resultaat visserij in 50 jaar .................................................................................................. 58
 German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food awards Damen Fisheries Research Vessel
contract......................................................................................................................................... 60
 WR 50 krijgt heel eigen lijnenplan ................................................................................................ 61
SHIPPING, PORTS, FINANCE, OTHER GENERAL NEWS ........................................................... 62
 Stratfor: Why the Global Shipping Industry Will Be Tough to Salvage......................................... 62
EUROPE (INCL. TURKEY & RUSSIA) ................................................................................................ 64
NEDERLAND (THE NETHERLANDS) ............................................................................................. 64
 Scheepswerf failliet, 56 mensen op straat ................................................................................... 64
 Pleidooi voor duurzame redding scheepsbouw ........................................................................... 65
 Schultz fel tegen brug over het IJ ................................................................................................. 65
BELGIË (BELGIUM) ......................................................................................................................... 67
 Minder strenge eisen voor estuaire vaart .................................................................................... 67
 Cobelfret places rare Oshima bulker orders ................................................................................ 68
DUITSLAND (GERMANY) ............................................................................................................... 69
 German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food awards Damen Fisheries Research Vessel
contract......................................................................................................................................... 69
FRANKRIJK (FRANCE) ................................................................................................................... 69
 Fincantieri is close to a deal for STX France ................................................................................. 69
ITALIË (ITALY) ................................................................................................................................. 69
 Benetti Building Megayacht for Tokyo Government Use ............................................................. 69
 Fincantieri’s Takeover of VARD Comes Up Short ......................................................................... 70
 Fincantieri is close to a deal for STX France ................................................................................. 71
VERENIGD KONINKRIJK (UK) ........................................................................................................ 71
 Brexit: Hitting home ..................................................................................................................... 71
 Welsh patrol vessels, built in Wales ............................................................................................. 72
NOORWEGEN (NORWAY) ............................................................................................................. 72
 Ulstein Verft is about to complete ship service on the sixth ship this year ................................. 72

 Odfjell in for two Hudong-Zhonghua dual fuel chemical tankers ................................................ 73
 Fincantieri’s Takeover of VARD Comes Up Short ......................................................................... 73
RUSLAND (RUSSIA)........................................................................................................................ 73
 Russia Plans $113 Billion Total Spend on Dozens of Oil, Gas Projects ......................................... 73
 Russia will subside ship recycling and boost shipbuilding ............................................................ 74
 Russia’s naval shipyards fully booked with orders till 2023 ......................................................... 74
 Russia to cut imports of offshore equipment 50% by 2025 ......................................................... 75
 Russia’s Novatek to invest almost $417 million in shipyard for Arctic projects........................... 75
 Baltiysky Zavod to secure contracts for construction of two more LK-60 icebreakers in 2018 ... 75
TURKIJE (TURKEY)......................................................................................................................... 76
 Turkey’s STM competing for Colombian navy frigate bid ............................................................ 76
ASIA, PACIFIC, AUSTRALIA ............................................................................................................... 77
CHINA .............................................................................................................................................. 77
 China wields new power in shipping ............................................................................................ 77
 SunStone Eyes Up to Ten Expedition Cruise Ships ....................................................................... 77
 Bohai Shipbuilding caught up in $567m loan fraud ..................................................................... 78
 BCL orders new vessel for Bermuda service................................................................................. 78
 Boustead chosen for work on China-built littoral mission ships for Malaysia ............................. 78
 Odfjell in for two Hudong-Zhonghua dual fuel chemical tankers ................................................ 78
FILIPPIJNEN (PHILIPPINES) .......................................................................................................... 78
 Hanjin Philippines gets order to make 4 VLCC’s at Subic ............................................................. 78
INDIA ................................................................................................................................................ 79
 Goa Shipyard nominated to build two stealth frigates for the Indian navy ................................. 79
 India’s Largest State-Run Shipbuilder Files For IPO ...................................................................... 80
 Wijnne Barends laat zes nieuwe schepen in India bouwen ......................................................... 81
JAPAN .............................................................................................................................................. 82
 CEO of Japan’s second largest shipbuilder announces restructuring, takes swipe at Korean rivals
...................................................................................................................................................... 82
 Cobelfret places rare Oshima bulker orders ................................................................................ 82
 Mitsubishi Heavy Considers Spinning Off Shipbuilding Operations ............................................. 83
 Japanese Orderbook: Down But Showing Staying Power ............................................................ 84
 Japanese Mitsubishi to start work on shipyard project in July 2017: SCA Chairman................... 85
 Benetti Building Megayacht for Tokyo Government Use ............................................................. 85
KOREA ............................................................................................................................................. 85
 Regulators Prepare Bankruptcy "Plan B" for DSME ..................................................................... 85
 Hyundai Heavy Industries to halt another dock operation .......................................................... 86
 Daewoo Shipbuilding to focus on specialty vessels, eyes turnaround in 2017 ............................ 86
 Korean financial authorities under fire for inflating economic toll from DSME fall ..................... 87
 Opnieuw moet Daewoo Shipbuilding aankloppen bij overheid voor geld................................... 88
MALEISIË (MALAYSIA) ................................................................................................................... 88
 Boustead chosen for work on China-built littoral mission ships for Malaysia ............................. 88
 LIMA 2017: MMEA unveils design of new helicopter-capable OPV platform .............................. 89
 Auditor casts serious doubts on Nam Cheong ............................................................................. 90
 LIMA 2017: Damen Unveils its new MRSS Design Proposal for Royal Malaysian Navy ............... 90
SRI LANKA ....................................................................................................................................... 90

 Colombo Dockyard eyes wind installation sector ........................................................................ 90
AMERICA’S........................................................................................................................................... 91
BERMUDA ........................................................................................................................................ 91
 BCL orders new vessel for Bermuda service................................................................................. 91
COLOMBIA ....................................................................................................................................... 92
 Turkey’s STM competing for Colombian navy frigate bid ............................................................ 92
OTHER (MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA) .................................................................................................... 92
EGYPTE (EGYPT) ........................................................................................................................... 92
 Japanese Mitsubishi to start work on shipyard project in July 2017: SCA Chairman ................... 92
IRAN ................................................................................................................................................. 92
 PMO: USD 1 Trillion to Be Invested in Iranian Ports..................................................................... 92
NIGERIA ........................................................................................................................................... 93
 Uncertain Times Offshore Nigeria? .............................................................................................. 93
VERENIGDE ARABISCHE EMIRATEN (UAE) ................................................................................ 94
 Lamprell sees tough year ahead, recovery only in 2018 .............................................................. 94
COLOFON ............................................................................................................................................. 95

117471-2017 Noorwegen-Bergen: Schepen en boten NO 29/03/2017 05/05/2017

116877-2017 Frankrijk-Straatsburg: Boten voor bijzon- FR 29/03/2017 05/05/2017

dere doeleinden
115776-2017 Nederland-Arnhem: Reddingsboten NL 29/03/2017 18/05/2017
113635-2017 Polen-Gdynia: Schepen PL 28/03/2017 04/05/2017

113276-2017 Turkije-Ankara: IPA — Levering van boten TR 28/03/2017

voor het verbeteren van de capaciteit in-
zake maritiem douanetoezicht en de ope-
rationele procedures van de Turkse doua-
neadministratie — Heruitschrijving
113178-2017 Verenigd Koninkrijk-Gravesend: Schepen UK 25/03/2017 06/04/2017

113163-2017 België-Antwerpen: Sleepboten BE 25/03/2017 18/04/2017

112871-2017 Estland-Tallinn: Vissersboten, reddings- EE 25/03/2017 16/05/2017

boten en andere speciale vaartuigen
108644-2017 Polen-Warschau: Boten voor bijzondere PL 23/03/2017 08/05/2017
107785-2017 Bulgarije-Sofia: Onderzoeksvaartuigen BG 23/03/2017 09/05/2017
105484-2017 Polen-Warschau: Boten PL 22/03/2017 09/05/2017

105278-2017 Nederland-Arnhem: Offshoreplatforms NL 22/03/2017

104930-2017 België-Antwerpen: Sleepboten BE 21/03/2017 18/04/2017
104606-2017 Kroatië-Goveđari: Schepen HR 21/03/2017
104208-2017 Nederland-Utrecht: Schepen en boten NL 21/03/2017 12/05/2017
104067-2017 Verenigd Koninkrijk-Liverpool: Schepen UK 21/03/2017
en boten
102453-2017 Italië-Rome: Autoschepen IT 18/03/2017 27/04/2017
101651-2017 Denemarken-Ballerup: Schepen en boten DK 18/03/2017 17/04/2017
98041-2017 Nederland-Utrecht: Schepen en boten NL 16/03/2017 12/05/2017

[Bron: selecties door Netherlands Maritime Technology uit Tenders European Daily -] –
gebruikte CPV-codes: 34500000; 34930000; 35500000; 50240000; 50640000; 60600000; 63720000


Splash 24/7 Sources tell Splash that France first proposed the
Sam Chambers idea at a meeting of the European Council at the
March 29th, 2017 start of this month. Since then government offi-
cials have begun to flesh out the idea to a num-
ber of environmental NGOs.

Exisiting ECAs around the world are across the

Baltic and North Seas in Europe, coastal areas off
the US and Canada and the US Caribbean Sea
area while China has been trialling a number of
ECAs in key port cluster areas.

Bill Hemmings, from NGO Transport & Environ-

ment, applauded today’s news, tellingSplash:
“Now that the global sulphur standard will be
0.5% in 2020 it’s right that the remaining EU seas
including the Mediterranean should do more.”
France is pushing to create an emissions control
area (ECA) in the Mediterranean, Splashhas SOURCE


Hellenic Shipping News
14 maart 2017

dustry as we edge closer to the realization of

major regulatory changes. According to
shipbroker Charles R. Weber, “while While ship
owners who are unable to decouple their IOPP
survey from their dry dock schedule should buy
more time, others may simply decide to scrap ra-
ther than spend more money on aging vessels.
There is a much broader regulation, facing a far
greater section of the maritime industry that we
feel needs discussions. The decision by the IMO
Scrapping of older tonnage or retrofitting will be to enforce a 0.5% sulfur cap on all marine bun-
one the main talking points in the shipping in- kers on January 1, 2020. While there are NOx

regulations and CO2 regulations coming as well – “Globally, the shipping industry burns about
the SOx regulations would seem to us to have, in 636,000 metric tons of heavy fuel oil a day to
the short term certainly (The IMO CO2 strategy keep the world’s cargo moving. If it suddenly
will not be finalized until 2023, after a study and switched to more expensive LSMGO – the surge
reporting commencing in 2019) the most revolu- in demand would swamp refining capacity and
tionary affect on not only international shipping, represent an amount equivalent to 4 years of
but the refining business, bunker business, ves- global demand growth – overnight! Not to men-
sel design, specification and operation, national tion what it would do to the price of LSMGO.
enforcement, chartering and consumers”. Bunker suppliers would need to clean out their
storage tanks and delivery tankers of the higher
According to Mr. John M. Kulukundis, “based on sulfur product prior to selling and delivering
the fixed date of 2020, the IMO states that ships 0.5% sulfur. Also owners permanently switching
will have to use fuel oil with a sulfur content of their ships to ambient LSMGO would negate the
no more than 0.50% m/m (mass/mass) and the need for bunker settling tanks, purifiers and all
IMO interpretation of “fuel oil used on board” the other equipment associated with HFO. Also
includes use in main and auxiliary engines and bunkers tanks will have to be reassigned and ca-
boilers”. One of the shipowners’ options for pacity possibly revised”.
achieving compliance is to burn marine distil-
lates whose sulphur content is 0.5% or less. READ MORE


23 maart 2017

Nederland zal in de International Maritime Or-

ganization (IMO) pleiten voor een verbod op Sinds 1 januari van dit jaar is de Polar Code van
het gebruik van stookolie (HFO) in het Noord- kracht, dat olielozingen in Noordpoolgebied ver-
poolgebied. biedt, maar er mag nog wel op stookolie worden
gevaren. In het Zuidpoolgebied is dit al verbo-
Een motie van die strekking werd onlangs in de den.
Tweede Kamer met grote meerderheid aange-
nomen. Alleen de PVV en de Groep Bontes en Volgens minister Schultz van Infrastructuur en
Van Klaveren stemden tegen de motie. Die werd Milieu is een aantal poollanden echter al bezig
ingediend door Salima Belhaj (D66) en Lutz Jaco- een stookolieverbod te onderzoeken. ‘Voorstel-
bi (PvdA). Zij constateren dat steeds meer partij- len voor een verbod in het Arctisch-gebied wor-
en en organisaties, bijvoorbeeld het Europees den door Nederland actief ondersteund', zei de
Parlement en de rederijen zelf, pleiten voor een minister onlangs in een algemeen overleg
stookolieverbod in het Arctisch gebied. Ze zien in Scheepvaart. Wij zitten als waarnemer in de Arc-
het aankomende overleg van de milieucommis- tische Raad en ook daar vragen wij aandacht
sie van de IMO in juli kansen voor het nemen voor de problematiek. Overigens denk ik dat de
van verdere stappen. Ze verzoeken de regering strenge zwavelnorm, 0,5% wereldwijd vanaf
om samen met progressieve IMO-lidstaten uiter- 2020, het gebruik van stookolie eveneens fors
lijk eind maart een schriftelijk voorstel in te die- gaat terugdringen, ook in het Arctische gebied.'
nen voor de vergadering van de milieucommis-
sie. Smeltend ijs

Actief ondersteunen Niet alleen Nederland steunt een verbod op het

gebruik van zware stookolie, ook in Europa thaan in de atmosfeer terecht, maar de smel-
wordt de roep om actie steeds luider. Ruim 100 tende gletsjers zorgen ook voor stijging van de
Europarlementariërs riepen eind januari de Eu- zeespiegel.
ropese Commissie nog op zware olie in het
Noordpoolgebied te verbieden. Door Het Finse parlementslid (EPP) en co-rapporteur
het MARPOL-verdrag aan te passen, willen ze de van de Milieucommissie Sirpa Pietikainen vindt
emissies van kooldioxide en methaan door de dat de EU voor het Noordpoolgebied krachtig
scheepvaart verminderen. De leden van de moet samenwerken. ‘We zijn nauw verbonden
commissies Milieubeheer en Buitenlandse Zaken met het snel veranderende Arctische klimaat.
namen de resolutie aan. Mocht het niet lukken We worden beïnvloed door de veranderingen in
het verbod te regelen in het verdrag, dan moet het weer en de leefomstandigheden veroorzaakt
er in ieder geval een verbod komen op het ge- door het smeltende ijs, maar de scheepvaart is
bruik van zware stookolie in alle Europese ha- ook één van de grootste uitstoters van veront-
vens. reinigende stoffen voor de Noordpool.'

De Europarlementariërs benadrukken dat het SOURCE

Arctische zee-ijs sinds 1981 met zo'n 40% aan-
zienlijk is afgenomen. Niet alleen komen daar-
door grote hoeveelheden kooldioxide en me-

Hellenic Shipping News
13 maart 2017

With self-driving motor

vehicles poised to be a real Moreover, many casualties at sea are caused by
prospect on our roads by slower reaction times, human error in making
2020, it is no surprise that decisions under pressure, fatigue due to shift
the shipping industry is work, poor maintenance, equipment failure, or a
faced with the introduction of unmanned vessels combination of the above. In tough economic
on the seas. Rolls Royce, one of the key manu- times, ship owners are under pressure to main-
facturers in the unmanned vessel space, expects tain their vessels. Human error increases under
the first shore-side remote controlled vessels to these conditions. These ’human error costs’ are
sail within 10 -15 years. one of the biggest concerns for Protection and
Indemnity insurers when insuring against losses
The key benefit of automation is the elimination caused by marine accidents.
of human input. It is well established that many
of the incidents that occur on the road or casual- Allianz S.E. reported that human error accounts
ties that occur on the seas are caused by human for more than 75% of marine losses. Norwegian
error. Safety and environmental efficiency is one based Protection and Indemnity Club, Gard AS
of the key benefits to the introduction of un- reports that as much 70 – 80% of marine acci-
manned vessels. It is expected that these vessels dents are attributed to human error. The intro-
will be safer and ‘greener’ than their current duction of unmanned vessels may be the most
equivalent ‘manned vessels’. immediate solution. However, the concern is

whether it is the most viable solution. racy attacks in unmanned vessels, due to there
being no humans to use as leverage for ransoms.
Other benefits to the introduction of unmanned However, the counter-argument to the preven-
vessels may include decrease in crew costs and tion of piracy is that the human element, includ-
in operational overheads and an increase in ca- ing the use of armed guards may prevent piracy
pacity. Having crew on board a vessel requires attacks. This argument may be resolved by em-
extra space, including accommodation, ablution ploying drone technology as security.
facilities, and a galley, which could be used as
cargo space. The decrease in operational costs is READ MORE
an attractive prospect to ship-owners. Rolls
Royce also predict the decrease in the risk of pi-


Splash 24/7
23 maart 2017

“Round the corner, coming at a pace we can’t He said it was vital shipping companies got what
yet predict, is a whole raft of new technology.” If he described as the “hygiene factors” right to
shipping fails to adapt, others will disrupt the ensure firms have a more agile culture, are able
current players. That’s the view of Marco Ryan, to work across current business lines better,
the chief digital officer at Finnish tech firm Wärt- building products to be more modular, and hav-
silä, speaking on the sidelines of the Shipping ing more consistent data to hand.
2030 conference held in Copenhagen. Ryan, cur-
rently penning a book on digital transformation, Listing the likes of mesh and quantum compu-
said: “The challenge around digitisation is I don’t ting, different types of connectivity, the hyper-
think people realise the pace of change that is loop and blockchain, Ryan said all of these de-
coming.” velopments will impact the whole sea economy
and the way that assets whether onshore or at
sea interact.

“If we are a closed system, if we only focus on

our own little world we are going to get disrupt-
ed by something we have not predicted,” Ryan

Prior to joining Wärtsilä last September, Ryan

has held many senior tech roles including the
position of chief digital officer at travel firm
Thomas Cook.


Splash 24/7
22 maart 2017
This allows the creation of protocols, essentially
rules that dictate the types of Bblockchains that
exist, the first and best known of which was for
crypto-currency Bitcoin. Its second plank is
‘smart contracts’ which can be used to embed
business logic and processes into a digital space,
allowing for business work flows such as docu-
ments, messaging, systems or processes to be
executed automatically.

Blockchain relies upon users – known as miners

or validators – to check, confirm and record da-
ta, acting as gatekeepers to validate information.
In Bitcoin the miner solves a cryptographic puz-
When all you have is a hammer, so the old say- zle to mint the currency and is paid in that cur-
ing goes, everything tends to look like a nail. rency for their time and effort.
When a revolutionary technology such as block-
chain comes along, the temptation must there- What makes blockchain of interest to business as
fore be to view it as the solution to something. well as hackers is the very high levels of security
that enables information exchange or transac-
It’s a subject that is beginning to seep into ship- tions. Users sign to show that they contributed
ping and the pace looks likely to quicken with data using public or private keys but what can be
the announcement of a joint venture between seen and by whom depends on familiar
container giant Maersk and IBM. For these part- read/write privileges.
ners, the opportunity might be relatively
straightforward, since Maersk moves physical Underneath the cryptography is a public ledger
cargo and financial information around the system or database of digital assets where assets
world, sometimes with little more than trust as are tracked and traced. Because the ledger is dis-
the down payment. tributed among the network, users can contrib-
ute but the data can’t be compromised because
The issue confronting anyone attempting to get it is stored among so many computers.
to grips with Blockchain is to understand what it
might mean for the shipping industry. This fiendishly complicated arrangement, con-
ceived as only a hacker could, is part a secure
As Deanna MacDonald, CEO and co-founder of system of information storage and verification
Blockchain Labs for Open Collaboration told the and part social experiment. Or as MacDonald
DigitalShip iShipping event in Copenhagen this helpfully put it: “The blockchain provides the dig-
month, Blockchain is a system of technical com- ital infrastructure on top of the internet of
ponents whose abstract nature makes it chal- things. What it asks is can we not better organise
lenging to explain. the internet and have a single source of digital
assets that we can all access?”
Among these components are platforms, which
are the application space for Blockchain, where The answer for the majority, assuming they can
users can contribute to and take from the open grasp the concept, is maybe. Blockchain’s ‘ori-
source computing that makes it possible. gins’ in the crypto currency make it appear shady
but financial information service providers are

already pushing its adoption as a means of clear- tions where large amounts of information must
ing the millions of equities, derivatives and other be validated and reported – and shipping has
trades made globally every day. plenty of those – in a way that trades manpower
for computing power.
The same is true of larger shippers, carriers and
ports – anyone in fact with complex multi-party “The blockchain enables peer-to-peer exchange
physical-financial transactions to complete. The and because you can’t change the records even
paper trail that still dominates shipping, requir- though the database is accessible by all, it ena-
ing dozens of documents per container move bles trusted interaction between peers and
has been crying out for a solution for decades. businesses,” she continues. “Essentially you
But MacDonald says blockchain is about going don’t need a third party to validate your infor-
beyond digitising existing processes, it creates mation any more, you’ll have trusted immutable
the opportunity to completely re-think ap- source that is tamperproof and common to all.”
It opens up the potential for regulatory applica-


Splash 24/7
22 maart 2017

that digital initiatives are of the most, or highest

importance to the financial or market success of
their organisations. The figure amongst ship op-
erators was 73%.

Asked to characterise their organisation’s digital

strategy today, overall three-quarters described
it as either Digital Transformation or Digital
Reimagination—where radical changes to busi-
ness processes, whole new business models,
new digital products and services and new seg-
mentation and customer channels were being
Results from a survey carried out by Fu-
turenautics Maritime in association with Erics- However, according to C-suite respondents 76%
son, seen by Splash ahead of their release later of their organisations are investing less than
today, make plain the digital revolution sweep- $100,000 per annum in their digital initiatives,
ing shipping – and the confusion surrounding with 57% investing less than $25,00 every year.
this rapid transformation. Only 11% of organisations are investing more
than $1m per year.
Anecdotally the global shipping industry and its
suppliers have been considered ‘conservative’ in “These findings mean an end to the narrative
their approach to digitisation but according to that ship operators and maritime suppliers have
more than 700 respondents to the Waypoint no interest in digital transformation, it’s very
Digital 2017 survey 85% of ship operators, sup- clear they recognise just how critical it is,” said
pliers and industry stakeholders globally believe Roger Adamson, CEO of Futurenautics Maritime.

“However, it’s very hard to see how three- “Leaders overwhelmingly feel ill-equipped to
quarters of shipping and maritime companies navigate the developing digital economy, making
are engaged in a wholesale digital reimagination them vulnerable to disruption from new, tech-
of their businesses on this kind of investment.” nology-centric competitors, which should be a
concern not only for the industry but for national
Increasingly reliable and affordable connectivity governments looking to support their shipping
to vessels is now opening the door for new digi- and maritime sectors,” said Roger Adamson.
tal operations, exposing inefficiencies and “Companies need access to strategic advice and
opaque business practices, but respondents cite information around how digital shifts may affect
lack of data and understanding about how digital them, and finance to invest in digital infrastruc-
trends affect the industry and their organisa- ture and talent rather than more tonnage no
tions’ competitiveness as their number one chal- one needs.”


The Motorship
23 maart 2017

Harry Robertsson, technical director at Stena Li-

ne’s technical division Stena Teknik, said: “This
project gives us an opportunity to explore how
new technologies mcan be integrated with the
systems we already have on-board and to provi-
de a more informed view of a vessel’s surroun-
dings in an accessible and user friendly way. This
will give our crew an enhanced decision support
tool, increasing the safety of our vessels.”

Asbjørn Skaro, director digital & systems – mari-

ne, Rolls-Royce, said: “We have been exploring
and testing how to combine sensor technologies
Rolls-Royce Marine and Stena Line are to collab- effectively and affordably for some time. Pilot
orate on the development of the supplier’s first projects such as this will allow us to see how
intelligent awareness system, fusing input from they can be best adapted to the needs of a
several sensors including AIS, camera and radar commercial vessel and its crew and allow us to
to provide crew with an enhanced understand- develop a product which better serves both.”
ing of vessel surroundings.
Rolls-Royce expects to be able to undertake an
The system is an important stepping stone to- approval of concept and make its intelligent
wards the development of remote controlled or awareness product commercially available later
autonomous vessels, and builds on work already in 2017. The company has previously stated its
undertaken as part of the Rolls-Royce led Advan- ambition of having a remote-controlled ship in
ced Autonomous Waterborne Applications commercial use by the end of the decade.
(AAWA) initiative. Last year AAWA began testing
sensor fusion onboard Finferries’ double-ended SOURCE
ferry Stella.

Transport Weekly
24 maart 2017

need to be done autonomously. This research

will help us explore how that might be achieved.

As a leading provider of cargo handling solutions

and services for container vessels, MacGregor
brings a detailed knowledge of the cargo sector
and can provide valuable insights into marine
cargo operations and the technology and sys-
tems needed to make them as efficient and safe
as possible
MacGregor, part of Cargotec, and Rolls-Royce
have signed a Memorandum of Understanding Pasi Lehtonen, Senior Vice President, Strategy,
(MOU) to collaborate on research and develop- Business Development and Marketing, MacGre-
ment to explore the impact of developments in gor said; "MacGregor wants to reshape and
autonomy for cargo ship navigation and cargo transform the industry to make it much more ef-
systems onboard container ships. This collabora- ficient, safer and more sustainable. In the seg-
tion will harness both companies' unique expe- ments where we operate, we see a lot of unne-
rience laying the groundwork for the develop- cessary waste in the forms of inefficiency, dama-
ment of autonomous container ships. ge to cargo, and continuously dangerous wor-
king conditions. Our aim is to minimise this was-
Asbjørn Skaro, Rolls-Royce, Director Digital and te from the value network and this collaboration
Systems, said: "Rolls-Royce is pioneering remo- on autonomy for container ships is a good
tely controlled and autonomous ships and belie- example of where industry leaders work toge-
ves such a remote controlled ship will be in ther to transform the industry.
commercial use by the end of the decade and a
common sight on the high seas by 2030. For the SOURCE
full benefits of such a change to be realised ma-
ny activities currently done today manually will

LNG World Shipping
22 maart 2017

The in-service and on-order fleet of LNG- for four ice-class Aframax tankers of 114,000
powered seagoing ships has reached the 200 dwt at Hyundai Samho Heavy Industries.
mark. The double century was achieved on 20
March 2017 when Sovcomflot confirmed orders

four ethane carriers ꟷ three for Navigas and one
for operation in the Gaschem pool ꟷ have also
been delivered.

The Terntank vessels and the ethane carriers are

also notable for their low-speed propulsion sys-
tems. The Terntank quartet are the first ships to
be propelled by low-pressure two-stroke dual-
fuel engines, in this case supplied by Winterthur
G&D, while high-pressure MAN gas-injection en-
The mentioned LNG-fuelled Aframaxes for Sovcomflot re-
gines were specified for the ethane ships.
cently ordered at Hyundai Samho
Newbuilding contracts in the tanker and bulker
The complement of LNG-fuelled vessels that are segment have kept the orderbook topped up,
not LNG carriers comprises 103 in-service ships even as the in-service fleet expanded from six to
and 97 on order. The total represents a year-on- 19 vessels. Between them, Furetank, Älvtank and
year jump of 23 per cent. Thun Tankers, the three members of the Gothia
Tanker Alliance, have ordered 10 chemi-
Twelve months ago, when LNG World Ship- cal/product tankers, made up of six of 16,300
ping last carried out a comprehensive review of dwt and four of 8,000 dwt.
the LNG-fuelled fleet, there were 74 such vessels
in service and 88 on order. The four Aframax ships for Sovcomflot men-
tioned above represent another notable new-
The LNG World Shipping survey breaks the LNG- building programme. The vessels will be taken
fuelled fleet into four categories ꟷ passenger on charter by Shell, a company which now, fol-
ships; tankers and bulk carriers; containers and lowing the takeover of the BG Group in February
dry cargo ships; and service and supply ships. 2016, has LNG sales of 57 million tonnes per an-
num, or around 22 per cent of the global mar-
Passengers and tankers ket.

Passenger ships are the largest single segment, Container ship hiatus
accounting for 72 of the 200-ship total. The in-
service passenger ship fleet stands at 40 ships The container and dry cargo ship segment of the
(up from 30 last year) while there are 32 such LNG-fuelled fleet is the smallest of the four and
vessels on order (23 last year). has actually shrunk over the past year. The or-
derbook has fallen by a third, to 14 ships, as a
The 36 per cent annual jump in the passenger result of three deliveries, four cancelled con-
ship fleet owes much to the interest in clean- tracts and the absence of any new orders to
burning LNG as marine fuel by the leading cruise compensate.
ship operators. Between them, Carnival Group,
MSC Cruises and Royal Caribbean Cruises have The cancellations ꟷ two for Containerships and
ordered 13 newbuildings for delivery between two for Matson Navigation ꟷ were prompted by
2019 and 2026. decisions to switch shipbuilders from the origi-
nally nominated yard. In the case of Container-
The most dynamic sector over the past 12 ships the order was reduced from six 1,400 teu
months has been tankers and bulk carriers, container ships to four while Matson opted for
thanks to a slew of shipyard completions. Avic LNG-ready vessels from its chosen new yard ra-
Dingheng has handed over the four-ship series of ther than the LNG-powered box ships first speci-
chemical/product tankers it was building for fied.
Terntank and service on Baltic Sea routes, while

Despite the hiatus of the past year, the container Low-Flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code) add another
ship segment will undoubtedly grow in the years level of complexity to the design challenge.
ahead, as evidenced by the United Arab Shipping
Co’s current newbuilding programme of 17 LNG- Naval architects working on the DEME dredgers
ready ships, comprising six 18,800 teu vessels found that dual-fuel diesel engines worked best
and 11 of 15,000 teu, and CMA CGM’s stated in- for the vessels due to their better step load ca-
tention of emulating UASC’s propulsion system pability than gas engines. Such propulsion units
choice when specifying its next generation of also allowed the vessels to be provided with a
large box ships. mix of LNG and MGO bunker tank capacities.

Upgrading the LNG-ready capability to running The aim is to optimise the use of LNG, assuming
on gas will happen when the necessary LNG the cost of this fuel is lower than MGO, but to
bunkering infrastructure is in place, not least on provide sufficient MGO as a backup. The crew
the key Asia/Europe container ship trade route. would switch to MGO if the dredger has to oper-
The transformation will create the most LNG ate longer than planned before the next LNG
fuel-intensive vessels afloat. bunkering stop.

Dynamic dredgers Size counts

The service and the supply vessel segment has The average size of the 97 LNG-fuelled ships now
been the subject of least change over the past on order is notably greater than that of the 88
year, both the in-service and on-order fleets ris- ships in last year’s orderbook. This reflects not
ing by three vessels, to 33 and 23, respectively. only the acceptance of LNG fuel among owners
of a growing array of ship types but also recogni-
Platform supply vessels (PSVs) figure prominent- tion of the fact that the 0.5 per cent global sul-
ly in the operational LNG-powered service and phur cap will be implemented in 2020 rather
supply vessel fleet, accounting for 20 of the 33- than the alternative 2025 date.
ship complement. The orderbook, in contrast,
shows much more variety, with a portfolio en- The four 180,000gt vessels that AIDA and Costa,
compassing dredgers, a jack-up rig, a semi- both Carnival Group companies, have on order
submersible crane vessel, a cable-layer and a at the Meyer Papenburg and Meyer Turku yards,
windfarm installation vessel. for example, will be able to carry up to 6,600
passengers, giving them the largest guest capaci-
DEME of Belgium has been a leading advocate of ty of any cruise ship.
LNG-fuelled dredgers and has investigated the
challenges of using gas to power such vessels. Each ship will be fitted with three Type C LNG
Factors to be weighed up include bunker tank bunker tanks with an aggregate capacity of
size and location, LNG bunker availability, ship- 3,600m3, enabling their dual-fuel engines to op-
board bunkering connections, crew training and erate on gas for up to 14 days before the need
the step load capability of the various gas- for replenishment.
burning engine options.
Although the LNG bunker tank capacity of the
In combination with its cold box encasement, an Aframax tanker quartet just ordered by Sovcom-
LNG Type C bunker tank occupies about three flot is yet to be announced, they would require
times as much space as a tank of marine gas oil about 5,500m3 of space to provide the vessels
(MGO) possessing the same energy content. Ac- with the same amount of energy contained in
commodating LNG tanks has a significant impact the heavy fuel oil tankage typically specified for
on vessel layout, while the tank location re- such ships.
strictions imposed by the new International
Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other While smaller ships for operation in emission

control areas (ECAs) and on dedicated regional as marine fuel and raising hopes for another
routes will continue to dominate the LNG-fuelled year of 25 per cent growth in the LNG-fuelled
vessel orderbook, the growing presence of larger fleet.
ships is encouraging the LNG market. The need
for more extensive bunkering infrastructure is SOURCE
reinforcing the momentum now building for LNG


23 maart 2017

Het Havenbedrijf Rotterdam en het Nationale Te weten: tot 15 procent minder CO2, 85 pro-
LNG Platform starten een gezamenlijk onderzoek cent minder stikstofoxiden, geen zwavel en fijn-
naar de mogelijkheden om bio-LNG als trans- stof en stillere motoren. Bio-LNG voegt daar het
portbrandstof tot ontwikkeling te brengen in de extra voordeel aan toe dat de uitgestoten CO2
Rotterdamse haven. LNG is aanzienlijk schoner onderdeel is van de zogenoemde korte kring-
dan andere brandstoffen en motoren die op LNG loop: de uitstoot van CO2 wordt geneutraliseerd
lopen zijn stiller. Door gebruik te maken van bio- door de opgenomen CO2. Bio-LNG is dus duur-
LNG in plaats van gewone LNG kan de CO2- zaam en kan in zuivere vorm gebruikt worden,
uitstoot drastisch worden verlaagd. maar ook gemengd met fossiele LNG.

Gate terminal

Vanuit de Gate terminal (Gasunie en Vopak) in

de Rotterdamse haven wordt LNG al beschikbaar
gemaakt als brandstof voor de scheepvaart en
zwaar vrachtverkeer. Het havenbedrijf en het
Nationaal LNG Platform gaan nu gezamenlijk de
mogelijkheden verkennen om bio-LNG als trans-
portbrandstof in de Rotterdamse haven tot ont-
wikkeling te brengen. Voor het LNG Platform
sluit deze samenwerking goed aan bij het be-
staande LNG-convenant.
Voor personenvervoer worden elektrische ver- De studie moet in de tweede helft van dit jaar
voersmiddelen de komende jaren naar verwach- zijn afgerond. Op basis daarvan zal besloten
ting een belangrijke manier om de CO2-uitstoot worden of en in welke vorm een bio-LNG project
terug te dringen. Maar voor binnenvaart, zee- in Rotterdam ontwikkeld wordt. Op de foto de
vaart en zwaar vrachtverkeer over de weg is Yukon, de eerste bezoekende LNG-tanker in de
elektrische aandrijving vooralsnog geen geschik- Rotterdamse haven.
te optie en is LNG (vloeibaar aardgas) een veel
schoner en minder belastend alternatief in ver- SOURCE
gelijking tot diesel en stookolie.

27 maart 2017

The International Gas Union (IGU) says it has re- tions in carbon dioxide (CO₂) emissions, and 85%
leased a new report on the crucial role of liqui- reductions in PM levels. In addition, a switch to
fied natural gas (LNG) in enabling cleaner marine LNG fuel can generate substantial monetary sa-
transport – currently a major cause of human vings for operators through fuel costs, as well as
health and environmental costs. benefiting local infrastructure through invest-
Unveiled at G20 Energy Sustainability Working ments and jobs.
Group, the latest report highlights the detri-
mental impact of marine transport on air quality Strong policy responses are needed to make this
levels, emphasisng the positive role LNG can play switch a reality. Armed with the latest suppor-
in combatting these impacts as an alternative ting data, and various global case studies, the
and cleaner fuel for shipping. report outlines a number of recommendations
for G20 Governments: Increasing regulation of
Urban air pollution has become a top priority for emissions from marine transport; Identifying and
local, national, and international governments in eliminating gaps in existing regulatory frame-
both developed and developing countries. Mari- works; Facilitating better access to financing for
ne transportation is an often overlooked contri- the switch to LNG; Funding LNG technology de-
butor to negative air quality levels – with one velopment and first-mover deployments.
large container ship, powered by 3% sulphur
bunker fuel, emitting the same amount of sulp- The recommendations above go a long way to
hur oxide gases, as 50 million diesel-burning tackling existing barriers to the more rapid de-
cars. ployment of LNG-fulled ships, which the report
identifies primarily as: a confusing regulatory
In Hong Kong, ship traffic is responsible for half landscape; gaps in emissions controls; regional
of the city’s total toxic pollutants – more so than inconsistencies; lack of clarity in future policy di-
those produced by the power generation and rection; as well as commercial barriers, such as
transportation sectors. In the world’s top 100 access to capital and cost uncertainties.
ports, roughly 230 million people are exposed di-
rectly to the harmful emissions produced by “The case for using LNG fuel for shipping is clear.
shipping. It will provide significant improvement to our
quality of life by dramatically reducing air pollu-
These emissions also create significant economic tion. It will also support climate change goals by
costs, with emissions of PM2.5, SO₂ and NOx reducing greenhouse gases. We need effective
produced by shipping in the world’s 50 largest policy change to encourage a switch to
ports costing authorities €12 Billion annually. In LNG,” said David Carroll, President of the
Spain alone the country’s 13 key ports cost an IGU. “This report, and our recent reports on ur-
estimated €206million. In Bergen, Norway, the ban air quality, demonstrates the key role natu-
emissions of ships at berth in the port are esti- ral gas plays in tackling the issue of air pollution
mated to cost the city between €10 – 22 million. and improving the quality of people’s lives.”

The use of LNG in marine transport can deliver The International Gas Union (IGU) was founded
significant environmental, economic and social in 1931 and is a worldwide non-profit organisa-
benefits. These include reductions in emissions tion aimed at promoting the political, technical
of harmful pollutants, including up to 90% reduc- and economic progress of the gas industry. The
tions in sulfur oxide (SOx) emissions, 29% reduc- Union has more than 150 members worldwide

on all continents, representing approximately vers all aspects of the gas industry from explora-
97% of the world gas market. The members of tion and production, storage, LNG, distribution
the IGU are national associations and corporati- and natural gas utilisation in all market seg-
ons within the gas industry worldwide. The IGU ments.
organises the World Gas Conference (WGC)
every three years, with the forthcoming WGC ta- LINK TO REPORT
king place in Washington, D.C., United States, in
June 2018. The IGU's working organisation co- SOURCE


Hellenic Shipping News
28 maart 2017

LNG would allow shipowners both to comply

with the new sulfur regulation and with future
limits on nitrogen and particulate matter emis-
sions that are likely to be imposed.

But while a ship can burn a gasoil-based fuel

straight away, using LNG would need a new en-
gine for most—and retrofitting one into an exis-
ting vessel looks prohibitively expensive. So ma-
king the switch requires large up-front capital
expenditure on new vessels from a shipping in-
dustry that isn’t flush with cash at the moment.
Time passes quickly when looking into LNG bun-
kering. Two years ago the market talked about it Officialdom has been convinced of the environ-
as a possible solution to the introduction of a mental benefits of LNG bunkering. There were
0.1% sulfur emission control area (ECA) for ships port authority representatives from as far away
in northern Europe. Five years before that it was as Miami at the Amsterdam conference. And the
the start of the 1% sulfur ECA in the same area energy majors are excited about a potential new
that might have helped promote the idea. market for their LNG, with Shell alone sending
seven people to Amsterdam.
And now the International Maritime Organizati-
on (IMO) has decided that global marine sulfur Total sees the market for LNG bunkering growing
emission limits will be cut from 3.5% to 0.5% to 10 million mt/year by 2025, and Shell expects
from 2020, prompting some to wonder again one of 30 million-35 million mt/year by 2040.
whether LNG bunkering might be the solution.
Not long ago the industry gathered in Amster- But shipowners were few and far between at the
dam for the annual LNG Bunkering Summit with summit, and it was difficult to find a single one
that hope in mind. who hadn’t already invested in LNG bunkering.
There was no great body of shipowners on the
When 2020 comes, shipowners will either be fence about the idea who wanted to come and
forced to install emissions-cleaning scrubbers on find out more.
board their vessels or switch to burning cleaner,
more expensive fuels. For most that will mean READ MORE
switching to a gasoil-based fuel, but switching to

Hellenic Shipping News
13 maart 2017

es, old inefficient production facilities. In addi-

tion, what will become of all the surplus of high
sulphur fuel (HSFO), effectively a by-product of
the current cracking process?”

Gibson added that “lets take a look at some of

the options. Increasing use of low sulphur fuels
has been widespread over the past few years
with the growth of the ECAs. During the recent
low bunker price environment, the additional
ECA low sulphur fuel costs have been absorbed
Shipowners are growing wary ahead of the 2020 by counterparties. But where will the oil price be
sulphur cap decided by IMO and have chosen to in 2020? Another option is to continue to use
adopt a “wait and see” approach, before they HSFO and install a ‘scrubber’ to clean the engine
make any hasty decision. In its latest weekly re- emissions prior to exhaust discharge, but this so-
port, shipbroker Gibson began its analysis by lution requires upfront capital investment. High-
noting that “the date is sometime in 2020, the er bunker prices would make this a much more
event is the annual Alternative Fuels award cer- attractive solution as the price differential be-
emony held in front of a packed auditorium full tween distillates and HFO would be that much
of stakeholders covering representation from greater and consequently the scrubber repay-
shipowners, refiners and the oil majors. The au- ment period would be quicker (see graph). But
dience is eagerly anticipating the announcement even here there are other considerations to be
of the coveted winner. The best newcomer Os- thought through not least the age of the vessel.
car went once again to LNG, still not quite wor- With many owners controlling large fleets, in-
thy of the big prize. While the lifetime achieve- vestment here could be considerable even if
ment award went to fuel oil for decades of loyal technology brings down equipment costs. Given
service to the shipping industry. So who will win the above it is hardly surprising that owners are
the ultimate prize ‘compliant low sulphur fuels’ adopting a wait and see approach”.
or ‘scrubbers’? On the stage there appears to be
some confusion, who has the envelope contain- The shipbroker said that “refiners have a differ-
ing the all-important result?” ent approach, who will pay the huge investment
costs to change refinery plant to produce com-
According to the London-based shipbroker, “the pliant fuel – namely distillates? Here the chal-
above paragraph may be a little skit on events at lenge is whether there will be enough compliant
the recent Hollywood Oscar’s ceremony, howev- product to meet demand by 2020? The industry
er it does illustrate the huge amount of uncer- estimates that on current requirements refiners
tainty that currently surrounds the sulphur limits will need to replace around 250 million tonnes of
issue. Shipowners appear to have adopted a wait HSFO with a substitute to meet the 0.5% maxi-
and see approach, while many refiners have the mum sulphur specification. Alternative fuels
headache of whether to make considerable in- have been developed by several of the oil ma-
vestment in upgrading, in what are in, many cas- jors, but the challenge here is to find a cost-

effective way to remove the sulphur from HSFO. Meanwhile, in the crude tanker market this
This also raises the issue of compatibility be- week, in the Middle East, it was “an active week
tween the new hybrids. Also, why would refiners for VLCCs, but the heavy weight of availability
want to develop cheaper alternatives as owners persisted to keep the market boxed in at an av-
already pay a premium for distillates. Should erage low ws 50 mark to the East and high ws
owners favour adopting scrubbers the incentive 20’s level to the West – basically unchanged
for refiners to develop cheaper cleaner fuels dis- from last week’s numbers. March fixing is rapidly
appears”. drawing to a close now and opportunities for
Owners to kick the soft trend will be limited. Su-
“In conclusion, it will be difficult to pick a winner ezmaxes had a bright start and initially drove
here. In reality each solution has its own merits rates up to ws 95 to the East and into the low ws
in the right set of circumstances and in all prob- 50’s to the West, but from midweek things
ability, each will take a share of the prize. It is slowed again and no further gain could be post-
not surprising that shipowners have adopted a ed into the weekend upon a flatter feel. Afram-
wait and see approach. The headache of current axes couldn’t maintain their previously upward
trading environment is perhaps prohibitive for move, but did manage to tick over at around
owners to sanction more debt and in the end 80,000 by ws 120 to Singapore for most of this
owners will leave the party without clutching week – perhaps a little lower by the week’s end
any awards”, the shipbroker concluded. and into next week”, Gibson concluded.



Nieuwsblad Transport
14 maart 2017

Maersk en Norsepower gaan de eerste tanker van 2019.

ter wereld uitrusten met rotorzeilen die wind-
energie kunnen opwekken aan boord van een Het schip dat wordt gebruikt is een producttan-
schip. ker met een laadvermogen van 110.000 ton. De
twee rotors die worden geïnstalleerd zijn 30 me-
ter hoog en hebben een diameter van vijf meter.
Samen zullen die naar verwachting een brand-
stofbesparing van 7 tot 10% opleveren.

Het project wordt grotendeels gefinancierd door

het Britse Energy Technologies Institute (ETI),
Maersk installeert twee rotorzeilen op één van maar Maersk en Norsepower dragen ook bij.
zijn tankers. Die rotorzeilen zijn ontworpen door Shell coördineert het project. De ontwikkeling
het Finse bedrijf Norsepower, die met de zoge- van de 'zeilen' is bekostigd middels subsidies,
noemde Flettner-rotors gebruik maakt van onder andere afkomstig van de Europese Unie.
het Magnus-effect om windenergie te oogsten
en om te zetten in aandrijvingskracht voor sche- De tanker van Maersk is niet het eerste schip dat
pen. de zeilen probeert. In 2014 installeerde Nor-
sepower al rotors op ro/ro-schip 'Estraden' van
Het project moet inzicht geven in de brandstof- rederij Bore en begin dit jaar aan boord van een
besparingen en de operationele ervaringen. De ferry van Viking Line Cruises.
'zeilen' worden in de eerste helft van 2018 geïn- VIDEO
stalleerd. De proef duurt tot en met het einde SOURCE

Hellenic Shipping News
21 maart 2017

The popularity of methanol as a bunker fuel will “Conversion costs of using methanol are also
hinge on commercial considerations rather than much lower — around 300-350 kw of installed
environmental concerns, as the marine industry power — a third of the conversion costs of LNG,”
confronts an array of viable alternatives that Ramne said, speaking at an event Friday jointly
comply with the International Maritime Organi- organized by the Methanol Institute, Interna-
zation’s 2020 sulfur cap, sources said at an in- tional Bunker Industry Association and Lloyd’s
dustry event. Register Marine.

Methanol is a biodegradable, clean-burning ma- Conversion costs are likely to fall further as more
rine fuel that reduces smog-causing emissions, methanol plants come online and additional
and is also similar to bunker fuel specifications storage infrastructure is developed, sources said.
because it is a liquid, making it easier to
transport and store than alternatives such as liq- Another factor that could spur the use of meth-
uid natural gas which requires its own infrastruc- anol would be the prospect of rising crude oil
ture. prices, they said.

But the move to look at methanol as a marine Stena Line, for example, successfully retrofitted
fuel is relatively recent, and has been driven by the vessel Stena Germanica to use methanol as a
the recent surge in production capacity, particu- solution to low sulfur fuel requirements, Ramne
larly in the US, where supply has burgeoned said. But the decision was taken at a time when
thanks to cheap gas from shale plays. methanol prices were low, he said, adding that
the incentive for shipowners and operators to
Tepid demand from traditional downstream ap- switch to methanol had dwindled in the current
plications of methanol such as acetic acid and low crude oil price environment.
formaldehyde, has also prompted some suppli-
ers of methanol to scout for other applications S&P Global Platts assessed Asian methanol at
including its use as a marine fuel. $343/mt CFR China Thursday, lower than MGO
Singapore at $468.50/mt but higher than Singa-
“The production cost of methanol is about 50% pore delivered 380 CST bunker fuel at
higher than that of LNG. However, the distribu- $297.50/mt.
tion chain of methanol is much simpler as it re-
quires no additional investment — special ves- Alternatives
sels or storage terminals. LNG, on the other
hand, requires expensive sophisticated deep sea In the absence of a real pull factor from the
vessels, import and re-export terminals, LNG shipping industry, concerns still remain over the
coastal feeder vessels, local LNG terminals and widespread adoption of methanol over other al-
storage, and LNG bunker vessels. Due to the ternatives, an industry source said. These alter-
costly distribution chain for LNG, the cost differ- natives could be scrubbers with heavy fuel oil,
ence at the production facilities is eliminated marine gasoil, 0.5% sulfur fuel oil or LNG.
when the fuel is distributed to the vessel,” said
Bengt Ramne, managing director at ship design Although LNG infrastructure is costly, LNG up-
company ScandiNAOS AB. take is expected to rise, he said, adding that the
push for LNG is coming not only from suppliers
but also governments and ports. Many ports in

Singapore, Japan and South Korea are already “Increased use of methanol will also take time as
gearing up for LNG bunkering. the use of scrubbers is expected to accelerate,”
another industry source said. “People will have
Methanol has other challenges too. too many choices and may end up choosing just
“The flash point [for methanol] is around 11-12 plain vanilla.”
degrees Celsius whereas the SOLAS regulation
requires minimum 60 C, and of course the big- “Installing scrubbers may be an economically at-
gest challenge is to beat the low fuel price,” said tractive option [for the shipping industry]. Alt-
Md Harun Ar Rashid, technical manager at fuel hough there is an initial investment, shippers can
tester Veritas Petroleum Services. expect a high return of 20% and 50% depending
on investment cost, MGO fuel oil spread and
“Gasoil will still be the dominant fuel, whether ships’ fuel consumption,” Sushant Gupta re-
we like it or not. Low sulfur fuel oils and hybrids search director for Asia refining at Wood Mac-
will also have a bigger role, particularly post kenzie said at a different event last month.
2020,” Rahul Choudhuri, Managing Director VPS
Singapore, said, adding this trend was reflected He added that the company’s baseline case es-
in recent data and tests conducted by his com- timated scrubbers in ships rising from around
pany. In 2016, for example, VPS observed a 9% 300 currently to as high as 8,000-10,000 by
year-on-year increase in hybrid fuels as they 2025.
gained traction due to tougher environmental
regulations, he said. SOURCE


Hellenic Shipping News
20 maart 2017

Thornton was speaking during a Q&A segment at

a forum organized by the Methanol Institute,
Lloyd’s Register Marine and the International
Bunker Industry Association in Singapore Friday.
“Customers we’ve talked to about the subject,
the answer is like a shrug: we don’t know what
Faced with an array of choices to comply with a
we’re going do, so probably we’ll go with gasoil,”
global cap of 0.5% sulfur emissions in 2020, the
Thornton said, adding that the world has come
shipping industry will likely choose gasoil be-
“full circle, a generation later” as gasoil was used
cause it is a simpler solution, according to World to power ships 80 years ago.
Fuel Services marine technical director Bob
Thornton. Drivers for LNG adoption
“The customer is faced with so many choices — To date, the wide-scale adoption of LNG, often
gasoil, ultra low sulfur heavy fuel oil, hybrid fuel, promoted as a cheap, abundant and clean
scrubbers, methanol, LNG and other alternative
source of energy, has been hindered by costly
fuels.,” said Thornton. “It’s like a kid in the candy
investment in infrastructure.
store — too many things to choose from — and I
only have two pennies to buy it with, so I will go
Instead, the drivers for commercial uptake of
with plain vanilla.” LNG bunkering will be regulation, or bloggers

with an environment agenda, and hypermarkets
like Walmart looking for cleaner, greener pro- “If everybody plays a role we can stop talking
cesses in their supply chain, said DataFusion’s about exhaust systems and move on to cleaner
managing director Tony Regan, one of the fuels, and we pass the cost increase to the cus-
speakers at the forum. tomer,” said Raitt. “But in shipping, we don’t
have a firm interest that aligns us to move for-
“We also see small-scale LNG developing for ward.”
transportation use, a lot of investment will come
in this area. For example, in China, instead of Instead, the solution to meeting by 202 the In-
importing LNG, they produce it domestically and ternational Maritime Organization’s 0.5% global
use it as truck fuel,” said Regan. sulfur cap should be an industry effort, said
“We expect oil prices to move up, not dramati-
cally to $100/b, but $60/b-$70/b by 2020, “For example, a supplier could say to a ship op-
whereas gas prices are expected to remain de- erator that ‘I could install a scrubber on the ship
pressed as there is a lot of capacity coming on in in return, you give me a term contract every sin-
the next few years.” gle time you bunker in Singapore, you buy from
me the residual fuel oil’,” he said.
Shipping industry “too competitive”
“The uptake will be there, the supplier will be
The issue with the shipping industry is it is too guaranteed an ‘x’ amount of volume for the next
competitive to “uniformly adapt to a new world 10 years, and the shipowner will have a cheaper
order,” said the forum moderator, Lloyd’s Regis- solution to comply with the global cap.”
ter Asia Marine & Offshore regional consultancy
manager Douglas Raitt. SOURCE


27 maart 2017

MAN Rollo in Zoetermeer schakelt voor de leve-

ring van MAN motoren en generatoren volledig
over op common rail. ‘We leveren nu nog een
aantal generatorsets met mechanische MAN Praktijktest
motoren, maar eind deze maand stopt dat', zegt
service- en sales engineer Marco Kok. Alle MAN motoren hebben intussen een update
gehad naar common rail-injectie met een elek-
Man Rollo is nu in negen Europese landen de ex- tronisch motormanagementsysteem. De uit de
clusieve importeur en distributeur van diesel- en verkoop gaande mechanische motoren kunnen
gasmotoren van MAN voor de maritieme en in- niet aan de nieuwe emissienormen voldoen.
dustriële sector. In 2016 werd hiervoor een ‘MAN komt binnenkort ook met eigen SCR-
nieuwe overeenkomst gesloten met de motoren- katalysatoren. Het SCR-systeem wordt momen-
fabrikant. Naast de Benelux, Frankrijk en Groot- teel getest. De motoren voldoen hiermee aan de
Brittannië is MAN Rollo ook importeur en distri- IMO III-emissienorm.'
buteur in Denemarken, Ierland, Tsjechië en Slo-
wakije. Het maakt het ook mogelijk ze aan de EU Stage V
emissienorm voor de binnenvaart te laten vol-

doen. ‘In de loop van het jaar gaan we een mo- order. ‘De extra kosten van een LNG-installatie
tor in de praktijk testen met het nieuwe SCR- zijn hoog en de gasolieprijs is laag. Dat maak het
systeem. In een loodsboot komt een D2862 met moeilijk om LNG-systemen terug te verdienen.
katalysatoren te staan, met een vermogen van De meesten kiezen daarom uiteindelijk toch voor
1029 kW (1400 pk) bij 2100 toeren. Bedoeling is dieselmotoren en dieselgeneratoren.'
dat het systeem een jaar lang wordt getest.
Daarmee doen we ervaring op en wordt duidelijk Tot 1900 pk
of de NOx-emissies na een jaar nog steeds aan
de norm voldoen en wat na zo'n periode de uit- MAN Rollo levert ook motoren aan luxe jachten.
stoot van fijnstof is. Op basis daarvan kan dan ‘Voor jachten tot 32 meter zijn er verschillende
ook een systeem worden ontworpen om de mo- opties. Onze zwaarste motor, de 12-cilinder
toren aan EU Stage V te laten voldoen.' D2862 levert in de light duty-uitvoering 1397 kW
(1900 pk) bij 2300 toeren. Op de in november
Schoon gas gehouden Marine Equipment Trade Show
(METS) in de Amsterdamse RAI hebben we deze
Drie door MAN Rollo geleverde lean-burn gasge- motor getoond. Voor de beroepsvaart levert de-
neratoren (480 kWe elk) in de op LNG varende ze common rail-motor in heavy duty- afstelling
veerboot Helgoland voldoen zonder katalysator 735 kW (1000 pk) bij 1800 toeren.'
of roetfilter al aan de IMO III-emissienormen.
‘Deze generatoren draaien al anderhalf jaar en In de binnenvaart rustte MAN Rollo-dealer Vink
we zijn alleen nog voor regulier onderhoud aan Diesel in Sliedrecht destijds de Gulf Challenger
boord geweest. Ze functioneren boven verwach- uit met deze motor.
ting', zegt Kok. Hoewel MAN diverse gasgenera-
toren voor LNG-elektrische aandrijvingen kan le- MAN Rollo maakt deel uit van het Pon-concern.
veren, en er regelmatig belangstelling voor is,
vertaalt zich dat op dit moment zelden in een SOURCE


27 maart 2017

motoren (965 kW per cilinder) aan de Meyer-

werf in Papenburg voor daar in aanbouw zijnde
cruiseschepen. Deze motoren voldoen op gas
draaiend zonder katalysator aan de IMO III emis-

‘Maar MaK leverde vorig jaar ook de eerste IMO

III-gecertificeerde dieselmotor', zegt verkoopdi-
recteur Michel van Gulik van Machinefabriek Bo-
lier in Dordrecht, de officiële vertegenwoordiger
van MaK in de Benelux. ‘Die motor is uitgerust
met een door Caterpillar voor MaK ontwikkelde
Een MaK V12 46DF in de takels in Rostock, voor levering aan
een schip van AIDA Cruises. (Foto MaK) en gebouwde SCR-katalysator.'

MaK groeide in 2016 uit tot grootste leverancier In Nederland plaatste Bolier onlangs een 6M32C
van dual fuel-motoren voor cruiseschepen. Zo MaK hoofdmotor (3000 kW bij 600 toeren) in de
leverde het bedrijf in oktober acht 16VM46DF in februari bij Koninklijke Niestern Sander te

Delfzijl te water gelaten Easymax (149,95 x 15,90 mogelijk maakt. Tijdens accelereren wordt de
meter, 14.000 ton), het eerste multipurpose- timing van de kleppen zo aangepast dat geen
schip van een nieuw type voor Wagenborg. Het zwarte rook ontstaat. Van Miller-timing, waarbij
schip wordt in april opgeleverd. de inlaatklep vroeg opent en voor het onderste
dode punt sluit, verandert de timing naar later
Dubbele optie openen en sluiten wanneer de brandstofinjectie
wordt geïntensiveerd. De inspuiting wordt tijde-
‘Schepen waarvan de kiel na 1 januari 2016 is ge- lijk iets vervroegd. Wanneer de motor weer
legd moeten in ECA-gebieden van Noord- normaal wordt belast keren de nokken terug
Amerika en het Caribisch Gebied al aan de IMO naar de Miller-timing stand.
III-eisen voldoen', zegt Van Gulik. ‘Dat betekent
dat nieuwe cruise- en deepsea-schepen nu al EMD
voor zulke motoren kiezen. In andere delen van
de wereld gaat IMO III in 2021 in.' Bolier distribueert ook de tweetaktmotoren van
het Amerikaanse Electro Motive Diesel (EMD),
Dan treedt ook de IMO zwavellimiet wereldwijd dat net als MaK bij het Caterpillar-concern hoort.
in werking en mogen emissies van schepen niet Deze motoren zijn ook leverbaar met SCR-
meer dan 0,5% zwavelresten bevatten. ‘Dan katalysatoren. ‘Het is een mediumspeed twee-
moeten schepen ofwel een scrubber hebben of taktmotor met een brede vermogensrange
een laagzwavelige brandstof gebruiken. Laag- (1250 tot 4000 kW) en een compacte voetaf-
zwavelige stookolievarianten zijn duurder dan druk. Hij is onder meer geschikt voor slepers,
gewone stookolie. Gasolie wordt dan een serieus baggerschepen en binnenvaart.'
alternatief voor bestaande schepen zonder
scrubber. Die kunnen dan besparen door de Samenwerking
zware olie-apparatuur uit te zetten. Voor nieuwe
schepen wordt LNG interessanter. Daarmee vol- Bolier is via de in Marseille gevestigde dochter
doen ze meteen aan alle andere emissie-eisen', Moteur Marine Méditerranée ook de MaK-
zegt Van Gulik. ‘In de cruisevaart zien we nu dat vertegenwoordiger in Frankrijk en Franstalig
reders het risico spreiden door voor dual fuel te Afrika.
kiezen en tevens een scrubber met katalysator in
te bouwen. Ze varen in kustgebieden en havens ‘In Noorwegen leveren de collega's van Pon Po-
op LNG en tijdens overvaarten op stookolie. Ze wer momenteel vaak motoren voor grote vis-
kiezen voor een dubbele optie. Carnival Cruises kwekerijen', zegt Van Gulik. ‘Met Pon Power
bouwt nu 85 motoren om en nieuwbouwsche- bieden we ook complete oplossingen aan voor
pen zijn allemaal al dual fuel. Ze willen zo schoon schepen die met sterk uiteenlopende belasting
mogelijk varen.' te maken hebben. Dan kun je denken aan die-
selelektrische en hybride aandrijvingen met
Flex Cam twee snellopers en twee mediumspeed-motoren
voor schepen die ‘s winters in de ijsvaart veel ex-
De MaK-motoren in de cruiseschepen zijn ook tra vermogen nodig hebben.'
uitgerust met Flex Cam Technologie, waarbij de
nokken die de kleppen bedienen verstelbaar zijn, SOURCE
wat flexibele kleptiming en brandstofinjectie

Hellenic Shipping News technology is realized, Sharma said.
29 maart 2017
“We have seen after the OPEC cuts some stabili-
High sulfur fuel oil has to be at least $200/mt zation has taken place, which is a very good sign
cheaper than 0.5% low sulfur fuel oil or 0.1% because we can plan,” he said.
marine gasoil to incentivize shipowners to install
scrubbers, shipowners said Tuesday at the Inter- The International Maritime Organisation’s an-
national Fujairah Bunkering & Fuel Oil Forum. nouncement last year of a global sulfur cap of
0.5% in 2020 from the current 3.5% has left
“The bigger the spread between high sulfur fuel shipowners having to decided which options —
oil prices and compliant fuel prices, the better it liquefied natural gas, marine gasoil or scrubbers
is for us to invest in scrubbers because the re- — to use to meet that cap.
turn on investment is faster,” Torm’s vice-
president and head of bunkers, Martin Broder- Additionally, further restrictions on nitrogen and
sen, said. particulate matter emissions are likely to an-
nounced over the next decade.
Hong Kong-based ship operator Pacific Basin
Shipping will likely install scrubbers on ships that Torm is a product tanker and dry bulk company
are five years old or new builds, but not on ships with a fleet of around 160 vessels, headquarte-
more than 10 years old because the return on red in Denmark, while Pacific Basin owns and
investment, by the company’s calculation, is operates around 200 Handysize and Supramax
around 4-5 years, the company’s general mana- dry bulk ships.
ger of bunkers, Rakesh Sharma, said.
Shipowners have to take a position even if the
price differential of $200/mt might not be there
by the time the investment in sulfur abatement


Hellenic Shipping News
16 maart 2017

In order to halt the over 400 gross tons to adopt approved ballast
worldwide spread of inva- water management plans. For most ships this
sive or harmful marine will require the installation of a type-approved
species, the International ballast water treatment system. The convention,
Maritime Organization adopted in 2004, was plagued with delays for
(IMO) passed the Convention for the Control and years, but now is finally “setting sail” as reported
Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sedi- in a recent feature article published by Global
ments (BWM), requiring more than 65,000 ships Water Intelligence, the leader in high-value

business information for the water industry. get more complicated.” Another issue with chlo-
rine-based systems is that their active chemicals
The article titled “Starting the Voyage of a Life- must be removed from discharge water, mean-
time”, published in the February 2017 issue of ing a neutralizer injection is required during de-
Global Water Intelligence reads, “The long over- ballasting to avoid discharge of harmful chemi-
due ratification of the 2004 IMO ballast water cals.
management convention is expected to unleash
a flood of orders for treatment systems,” and UV-based systems are not without their prob-
then asks, “How will the technology market lems, however. While chlorine-based systems
shape up?” Several expert industry members are are capable of killing waterborne microorgan-
interviewed throughout the article, and the isms, UV systems inactivate microbes by making
overarching sentiment of the piece is that, with them unable to reproduce, but leave them alive
an estimated $50 billion at stake for ballast wa- nonetheless, conflicting with the language of the
ter treatment systems, suppliers, ship operators, IMO convention regarding discharged organisms.
and investors will be well-served by developing a
thorough understanding of the challenges and
potential solutions inherent to ballast water In order to meet the USCG requirements, sub-
management. stantial power increases in UV systems were
necessary to sufficiently neutralize organism ac-
The fundamental challenges facing new ballast tivity. Tore Andersen, CEO of Optimarin, ex-
water treatment systems are capital and operat- plained to GWI how the company was able to
ing costs, size and power requirements, efficacy, overcome this potential challenge. “We used our
and residual toxicity. US Coast Guard approval is high power capacity – the biggest difference be-
also crucial because as Don Stephen, VP Product tween Optimarin and other UV makers is our
Management at De Nora was quoted, “Very few very strong UV lamp.”
people (operators) would take the chance of
procuring a system that is unable to be USCG Dennis Calvert, the CEO of BioLargo, Inc. (BLGO),
approved because almost certainly there would singled out what appears to be one of the most
be a chance of the ship traveling into US waters critical problems of all when he shared his
at some point.” thoughts with GWI, “The larger issue is power
availability on the ships. Energy efficiency for
Ultraviolet and electro-chlorination are today’s BWTS will be a key prerequisite to advance in
leading systems, but both have issues that must the market… they require large amounts of en-
be overcome. For one, chlorination-based tech- ergy to operate and may require more energy
nologies do not typically treat water upon dis- than what ships can currently supply.” He con-
charge of ballast water, but rather treat water tinued, “There are very few examples where
only during uptake. UV systems, on the other older ships have sufficient excess power for
hand, treat at both ends. Young Chang, CEO of these new BWTS.” According to Calvert, this
C&C Panasia, explains that though this is not cur- problem doesn’t afflict all ships, as he was quot-
rently an issue, the USCG and Marine Environ- ed, “Some ships will however not have this prob-
mental Protection Committee have been investi- lem, such as LNG with regasification compres-
gating whether all systems should treat on dis- sors and large container ships with reefer power
charge as well as uptake, following the discovery available.” It’s clear that for those ships with
that some organisms hidden in sediment may stringent power supplies, energy efficiency of
not be killed. “It is highly possible in the next few ballast water treatment systems is a key factor
years there will be new requirements saying that dictating their adoption.
all types of treatment systems must treat on de-
ballasting,” Chang commented. “If that happens, While UV and chlorine-based technologies are
non-UV based technologies will have a tough the dominant incumbents in the ballast water
time to accommodate that and the system may treatment market, novel technological solutions

are beginning to crop up. BioLargo, Inc. has been with only a small fraction of the capital and op-
hard at work developing a low-energy solution erating costs.” The AOS System is billed as the
to the ballast water challenge, as explained by low energy solution and is targeting entry into
Dennis Calvert, “BioLargo became a new con- the ballast water market by 2019. “While we
tender in the race when in last August, our re- have some scale-up work to do to meet the vol-
searchers at the University of Alberta unveiled a ume requirements for the maritime industry, we
breakthrough new water treatment technology believe our value proposition is unique, and the
that is neither UV nor chlorine-based. BioLargo’s industry clearly needs a low energy solution like
AOS System is a filter/reactor that uses proven ours,” Calvert reported to GWI.
filtration with small amounts of iodine and low
electric current flow. It is several times more SOURCE
powerful than chlorine, substantially faster, and


Maritime Journal
14 Maart 2017

Netherlands-headquartered marine corrosion wind farm.

prevention specialist company MME Group and
Van Oord recently signed a contract for cathodic The signing session took place at Van Oord offic-
protection of the Norther Offshore Wind Farm. es in Gorinchem, The Netherlands. Pieter Moer-
land, General Manager of MME Group's Cathod-
ic Protection division said: "After successful de-
livery and operation of our ICCP systems for the
largest German and Dutch OWFs (Bard Offshore
1 & Gemini) we are now honoured to contribute
to a longer life for Belgium's largest OWF. With
more than 10 European OWFs protected by our
systems, this deal is a clear demonstration of our
dedication to customer oriented, high-quality so-
lutions paying off."

Van Oord is the main contractor for engineering,

Under the contract, MME Group will engineer, procurement, supply and installation of the
supply and commission internal and external foundations, the Offshore High Voltage Station
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) and the inter-array and export cables for the
systems for the 44 monopile turbine foundations Norther Offshore Wind Farm.
and the Offshore High Voltage Station of the

21 maart 2017
until the first renewal of their International Oil
Pollution Prevention certificate (IOPPC) to com-
ply. This typically occurs during a ship’s 5-year
Special Survey but, depending on the flag admin-
istration, the IOPPC can be ‘de-harmonised’ and
renewed separately. This could delay compliance
dates, an attractive option in weak shipping
markets, especially as only three systems cur-
rently have USCG ‘Final Approval’, which enables
ships to sail in US waters.

Fleet Management

The graph illustrates one potential scenario for

BWMS retrofit demand across the global mer-
chant fleet. Excluding c.5,300 ships estimated to
have BWMSs (including allowances for late re-
The IMO’s Ballast Water Management Conven-
porting) and around 43,000 ships engaged in
tion was finally ratified in 2016 and 55 states
‘domestic’ trading, as these are likely to be ex-
representing 53% of global GT are currently sig-
empt from the convention because they operate
natories. This key piece of environmental legisla-
within one body of water, approximately 46,000
tion will enter into force on 8th September 2017
ships require a BWMS. However, BWMS retrofit
and the ramifications for the fleet are significant.
is costly and can be technically difficult for older
Thousands of ships will require costly technology
ships and this may push owners to scrap as
and elevated levels of demolition are expected
compliance dates near. With a rough assumption
as compliance dates approach.
that ships of 20+ years will be recycled rather
than retrofitted, BWMS retrofit demand falls to
The Final Stand-ard
c.31,000 ships.
The IMO’s Ballast Water Management Conven-
Ballasting Ahead
tion aims to prevent the spread of harmful and
invasive species via ships’ ballastwater and re-
Clearly, this high-level scenario is very sensitive
quires that vessels install approved ballast water
to the assumptions made and BWMS retrofit
management systems (BWMSs). However, tech-
demand could be much higher or lower in reali-
nology and installation costs are significant and
ty. Overall, however, the number of ships requir-
range from anything between $0.5m to $3m per
ing BWMSs is likely to be considerable and how
ship. Currently, around 3,900 vessels in the fleet
the compliance schedule is phased will be very
are reported to have a BWMS. Bulkers, tankers
important. Whether there is sufficient docking
and boxships account for 70% of these. A much
and engineering capacity is another concern, and
higher proportion of the orderbook is compliant,
the potential for installation ‘bottlenecks’ ap-
around 16%, and most ships on order have pro-
pears to be high.
visions for BWMSs.
The ratification of the Ballast Water Manage-
Ships constructed after the convention enters in-
ment Convention has significant implications for
to force on 8th September 2017 must comply
the shipping industry. Compliant technology can
upon delivery while most existing ships will have
be costly and older ships are likely to be recy-

cled, especially given the current weak earnings will be challenging.
environment. Even with increased demolition,
thousands of existing ships are still estimated to SOURCE
require BWMSs and meeting this requirement

Hellenic Shipping news
21 maart 2017

PPG Industries Inc. is pre- such as Dulux and Hammerite and PPG produc-
paring a renewed takeover ing Olympic and Pittsburgh brands.
bid for Akzo Nobel NV, ac-
cording to people familiar Aerospace Coatings
with the matter, taking a
second run at Europe’s The combination also would control more than
largest coatings company after a previous offer half of the global aerospace-coatings market.
was rejected. Akzo has the No. 1 market position in general-
industrial coatings and protective and marine
Exact details of the new proposal couldn’t im- coatings, while PPG has the No. 2 position in
mediately be learned. Akzo rebuffed PPG’s unso- those markets, according to SunTrust analysts
licited 20.9 billion-euro ($22.4 billion) takeover James Sheehan and Matthew Stevenson.
bid on March 9, saying the offer — worth 83 eu-
ros a share at the end of February — substantial- In rejecting the original bid, Akzo said it plans to
ly undervalued the company. divest its specialty chemicals business, which ac-
counts for one-third of revenue, to increase the
PPG said at the time it would carefully evaluate focus on coatings. PPG’s proposal carries “seri-
its position, calling the original offer an “attrac- ous risks and uncertainties,” Akzo CEO Ton
tive and comprehensive proposal.” Buechner said at the time.

Spokesmen for Akzo Nobel and Pittsburgh-based One of Buechner’s first major strategic decisions
PPG declined to comment. upon taking the helm in 2012 was to complete
the sale to PPG of its U.S. architectural paints
One of the Dutch company’s biggest, long-term business, including 600 company-owned stores
investors is urging Akzo to carefully evaluate any and the Glidden brand, for about $1 billion.
new bid from PPG, people familiar with the
shareholder’s position said earlier, asking not to Largest Deal
be identified because the discussions aren’t pub-
lic. PPG CEO Michael McGarry is attempting the
company’s largest ever deal just 18 months into
Elliott Management Corp., the hedge fund the top job. As chief operating officer in 2014,
founded by billionaire Paul Singer, is urging Akzo McGarry spearheaded the company’s $2.3 billion
to talk with PPG about raising its bid, people fa- acquisition of Consorcio Comex SA, Mexico’s
miliar with those talks said last week. largest paintmaker.

A combination of the world’s two largest coat- Combinations between U.S. and European com-
ings companies would attract intense antitrust panies have a history of cultural and political
scrutiny in Europe and the U.S. They have lead- challenges. PPG has met resistance to it pro-
ing market shares of architectural paint in many posed Akzo deal from the Dutch government.
European countries, with Akzo making brands Like many Dutch companies, Akzo has in place a

stichting, or foundation, which owns priority would become the biggest coatings maker if its
shares and can be used to fend off hostile takeo- $9.3 billion deal to buy Valspar Corp. goes
vers. through. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is
reviewing that takeover.
Until now, Akzo and PPG have stayed on the
sidelines amid a spate of large deals in the paint SOURCE
and chemicals industries. Sherwin-Williams Co.


Marine Link
23 maart 2017
He is responsible for the management of the
global operations of the Radio Holland Group
and further building the global service network.

Within RH Marine Group over the past years,

Post has had several managerial positions,
among others Managing Director of Elkon (Tur-
key) and Imtech Marine Canada. Before that he
worked in several senior management positions
in Public Transportation and at DHL. He started
his career as an officer in the Royal Netherlands
Marine Corps, after completing Royal Nether-
land Naval College. Post holds a Master’s Degree
in Business Administration from Rotterdam
School of Management, Erasmus University.
Maarten Post has been appointed Chief Operat-
ing Officer (COO) and member of the General SOURCE
Management Team of the Radio Holland Group.


Marine Link
28 maart 2017

The Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Association

and its members are preparing to meet higher
demand for gas scrubbing systems to bring SOx
emissions in line with the targets set by the
IMO’s 2020 fuel sulfur content proposals. As
previously reported by this correspondent
in Maritime Reporter and Engineering
News (December 2016 issue, page 24; January
2017 issue, page 28), the IMO has come in for
some severe criticism over its proposals to intro-
duce a global marine fuels sulfur content cap of

0.5 percent (mass/mass) by the year 2020. limit on marine fuel sulfur outside of ECAs will be
However, the organization can take some encou- 0.5 percent,” enthused Don Gregory, Director of
ragement for its ideas from the reactions of the the EGCSA, while Roger Holm, President of
Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems Association (EG- Wärtsilä Marine Solutions, observed that “the
CSA) and major marine scrubbers manufactu- introduction of dual-fuel engines and the incre-
rers, most of which have expressed their satis- asing use of LNG as a fuel will provide a viable
faction with and support for the proposed regu- means of complying with the sulfur cap require-
lations. ments.”

“In October, IMO made the only correct and sen- READ MORE
sible decision. No delays – from 2020 the global


Hellenic Shipping News ke speculative orders on the market, while there
29 maart 2017 are many who are highly critical of these sort of
moves, fearing that the market will under go
another collapse in 2-3 years time if we see a si-
milar repeat to the extensive ordering spree that
took place in the past. For the moment it still
seems that there is minimal support in terms of
market conditions (asset prices, freight rates)
leaving a low likelihood of the volume of new
orders rising by too much too quickly. In the ma-
jority of cases, interest is mostly generated in
terms of the prices now on offer, with many
looking to take up the opportunity to secure a
slot now rather than wait and order at a point
when it makes more sense in terms of market
Newbuilding ordering activity has spent the past fundamentals but likely at a point where prices
18 months or so in a sort of “slow motion” mo- will have escaped their low point by a conside-
de, as orders were thin, amid a less than enticing rable margin”, Allied Shipbroking said in its latest
freight market, for most ship markets. Things are weekly report.
beginning to pick up pace though during 2017, as
shipbrokers steadily report an increased amount READ MORE
of interest brewing under the surface, “with so-
me starting to see this as an opportunity to ma-

Maritime Journal
24 maart 2017

Based on earlier fast survey boat versions and

with a top speed of 25-30 knots, it is claimed to
be ideal for extended day use with a wide range
of options for installation of deck and survey

With two moonpools behind the cabin and an

optional quick release hook for rapid launching
and recovery, the vessel can be equipped with
inboard or outboard diesels in a single or twin
format. Versatile cabin layouts are available al-
DutchWorkboats in Amsterdam, specialist de-
ong with provision for crews of 4-6 personnel
signers and constructors of all-purpose craft of
supported by appropriate computer and desk
between 5 and 15 metres, has developed a Se-
ries 10 joint dive-survey model for inshore and
coastal operations which can also be used to
support offshore dredging applications.


World Maritime News
28 maart 2017

There is a number of semi-finished coasters in

the Netherlands, which were never completed
due to the crisis in the short-sea shipping mar-
ket. Several of these have been successfully re-
purposed, for example as a fishfood carrier for
fish farming or as a roll-on-roll-off (RoRo) vessel
for windmill components.
There’s a saying that out of the following three
items on the shipyard’s menu, a client can only The latest to add to this growing list is Cem-
choose two: low cost, fast delivery and high brook, a dedicated cement carrier built for Brise
quality. However, there are ways to achieve all Schifffahrt (Germany).
three courses and one of them is converting an
existing semi-completed hull into a tailor-made Cement carrier
Apart from a fleet of eight containerships and
Repurposed one RoRo vessel, Brise has over the years built a
fleet of nine cement carriers. All of these feature
This is exactly what VEKA Shipyard, based in a completely closed cargo system, which avoids
Lemmer, did for their latest newbuiding Cem- the exposure of cargo to the weather.

Cargo operations are therefore independent of Previous cement carriers have been converted
the weather conditions. When stocks are redu- from former cargo vessels since 2001, under Bri-
ced and deliveries need to be done just on time, se’s own project management.
this is a recipe for success.


RTV Noord
21 maart 2017
kiezen dit keer voor India en dat is puur om fi-
nanciële reden', zegt financieel directeur Eric
Baar. De keuze voor India ligt gevoelig nu
scheepswerf De Hoop in Foxhol failliet is ge-

'Ook hier moet de pijp roken...'

Source: Wijnne Barends

'Wij hebben ook gesproken met De Hoop en ook

De Delfzijlster rederij Wijnne Barends laat zes
met Groningen Shipyards. Maar het verschil in
nieuwe schepen bouwen in India. Het gaat om
geld is zo wezenlijk. Elk miljoen dat wij extra uit-
identieke energiezuinige schepen, die door de
geven aan de bouw die moeten we later weer
Indiaase scheepswerf Chowgule&Company wor-
terugverdienen. De markt in de scheepvaart is
den gebouwd.
nu heel moeilijk. Wij zijn een bedrijf waar de pijp
ook moet roken', is Baar resoluut.
De nieuwe schepen met een lengte van 98 meter
en een laadvermogen van 4200 ton voldoen aan
De Delfzijlster rederij Wijnne Barends is onder-
de nieuwste milieunormen. De oplevering van de
deel van de in Amsterdam gevestigde Spliethoff
(eerste) schepen is eind 2018.
Group. Die heeft een vloot van meer dan hon-
derd schepen in beheer.
Gevoelige keuze
Eerder liet Wijnne Barends twaalf energiezuinige
schepen bouwen bij Groningen Shipyards. 'Wij


World Fishing Today
15 maart 2017

Pembrokeshire company Mainstay Marine Solu- and a 19 metre catamaran patrol vessel for
tions has won the contracts to deliver two new North Fisheries. The two patrol vessels for Welsh
fisheries patrol vessels for Wales. waters will be built by a company based in Wa-
les, providing skilled employment in Pembroke-
Following some competitive international bid- shire.
ding, the company has contracted to built a 26
metre monohull patrol vessel for South Fisheries According to Mainstay Marine, the new vessels

will replace the current ageing boats, to provide plete this work,’ Lesley Griffiths said.
effective protection from illegal fishing activity in
Welsh waters and safeguard Wales’ fishing indu- ‘Mainstay Marine Solutions has shown a com-
stry and coastal communities in the years ahead. mitment to up-skilling and developing its work-
force locally and it is anticipated the continued
success of the company will help create further
jobs locally, which is excellent news for the local

Mainstay Marine Solutions managing director

Stewart Graves said that the company continues
to grow and win new business, and is delighted
to have won the contract to deliver these two
vessels for the Welsh Fisheries Protection Fleet.

‘Two things are fundamental to our success. The

first is our workforce with its comprehensive
Since its inception in 2014, Mainstay Marine has range of skills and its pride in safely delivering
safeguarded 30 jobs and created 50 new posi- high quality products. The second, is the excel-
tions, with 98% of its employees based in Pem- lent support we have received from the Welsh
brokeshire. The company also employs 10% of Government, Finance Wales, and Milford Haven
its direct workforce as apprentices. Port Authority,’ he said.

The Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural ‘Mainstay Marine won these contracts against
Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, announced the contracts significant international competition, it is a great
during a visit to Mainstay Marine Solutions’ faci- message of confidence in the business and de-
lities in Pembroke Dock to see the workshops monstrates the competitiveness of our thriving
where the vessels will be built. Welsh Design and Build Shipyard.’

The two new vessels are expected to be in ser-

vice by the autumn of next year.

Liverpool-based Marine Specialised Technology

has been awarded the contract to supply the
Cabin RIB.

‘We are delighted to be part of this prestigious

project supplying the Cabin RIB which is a
flagship project for us. Fisheries enforcement is
a key market for us and this craft will be the pin-
nacle of small craft technology,’ said Marine
‘The Welsh Government takes very seriously its Specialised Technology sales director Philip
responsibility for managing and protecting Hibbert.
Welsh seas and it’s important we have the capa-
bility to do this. I am pleased we are replacing SOURCE
our ageing fleet and proud a Welsh company has
been successful in winning the contract to com-

21 maart 2017

– Sudostroyeniye is building three 60MW ice-

breakers of project 22220 (Arktika, Sibir, Ural)
scheduled for delivery in 2017 – 2020.

Baltiysky Zavod OJSC (Saint-Petersburg) special-

izes in construction of rank 1 surface-crafts, ice
class vessels with nuclear and diesel-electric
propulsion plants, nuclear floating energy units,
floating distilling plants.
Baltiysky Zavod – Sudostroyeniye LLC (Saint-
Petersburg) is going to secure contracts for con- The shipyard was set up in 1856. To preserve the
struction of two more LK-60 icebreakers in 2018, staff and the competence of the shipyard, USC
IAA PortNews correspondent cites Aleksei founded Baltiysky Zavod – Sudostroyeniye
Kadilov, Director General of United Shipbuilding LLC. The Company’s staff currently numbers
Corporation (USC) as saying at the meeting dedi- 4,000 employees.
cated to the 10thanniversary of the Corporation.
The backlog of orders of Baltiysky Zavod-
According to him, new icebreakers will be in de- Sudostroyeniye LLC is currently valued at about
mand for assisting vessels going westwards RUB 150 bln. The largest orders are: three 60-
along the Northern Sea Route. MWt nuclear icebreakers, 25-MWt diesel-
electric icebreaker, floating power unit of the
He also said that nuclear-powered icebreaker world’s first floating nuclear heat and power
Sibir (the second in the series) would be plant, engineering products.
launched in autumn 2017.

Saint-Petersburg based shipyard Baltiysky Zavod


Splash 24/7
20 maart 2017

Odfjell has signed a letter of intent for two addi-

tional chemical tankers with stainless steel cargo This order will follow the orders already commit-
tanks, to be built by Hudong-Zhonghua Ship- ted at the yard for four 49,000 dwt vessels with
building in China. 33 stainless steel cargo tanks. The letter of intent
also includes options.
The vessels will be 38,000 dwt with 40 tanks and
a cargo capacity of about 45,000 cu m. Both ves- The Scandinavian owner said Hudong-Zhonghua
sels – costing a total of $116m – will be prepared is one of the very few Chinese construction facil-
for dual fuel solution. ities able to meet Odfjell’s quality standards for

building advanced chemical tankers. needs for the super segregators have been met,”
said Kristian Mørch, CEO of Odfjell.
“Following this order and other commitments
recently taken, most of our renewal SOURCE















nes te installeren op offshore windparken.

De werkzaamheden starten in september 2017.

Het aangepaste schip zal in het voorjaar van
2018 operationeel zijn en heeft dan de grootste
hefkraan in zijn klasse. De LEC-kraan is besteld
bij Huisman, een bedrijf in Schiedam/Rotterdam
dat is gespecialiseerd in zwaar installatiemateri-

De Aeolus is eerder ingezet bij offshore windpar-

ken Gemini en Luchterduinen. Na de upgrade zal
het schip aan de slag gaan bij nieuwe projecten, zoals het offshore windpark Borssele 3 & 4 in
29 maart 2017 Nederland en Norther in België.

De aanpassingen aan het schip, uitbesteed De plannen voor het aanpassen van de Aeolus
aan Damen Shiprepair in Schiedam, leveren een passen binnen de strategie van Van Oord om in-
verhoogd vermogen op met betrekking tot laad- novatieve en duurzame oplossingen te bieden
vermogen, accommodaties en kraancapaciteit. aan de offshore windsector. Daarnaast spelen
Dit wordt bereikt door de installatie van drijf- we in op de snel veranderende en groeiende off-
lichamen, een sterktedek, vergrote spudpalen en shore windenergie-industrie. Als partner van de
een nieuwe accommodatiemodule met helikop- TransitieCoalitie hebben wij het doel de energie-
terdek. Ook zal de kraan, nu met een hefver- transitie te versnellen. Dit in het verlengde van
mogen van 900 ton, worden vervangen door een de Europese opgave om vóór 2030 ten minste 40
LEC-kraan (Leg Encircling Crane) met een ver- procent broeikasreductie te realiseren.
mogen van 1.600 ton. De capaciteitsuitbreiding
van het schip stelt Van Oord in staat om de SOURCE
steeds grotere funderingen en zwaardere turbi-



21 maart 2017
At LIMA 2017, the Langkawi International Mari-
time And Aerospace Exhibition currently held in
Malaysia, Damen shipyards of the Netherlands
unveiled a new design proposal for the Royal
Malaysian Navy's (RMN) Multi-Role Supply Ship
(MRSS) requirement. Damen's MRSS is based on
its Enforcer product line of landing platform
docks (LPD), more precisely, the Enforcer 10000. Damen's MRSS Enforcer 10000 LPD at LIMA 2017

According to Damen, The Enforcer LPD is charac-

terised by a stern dock that creates a sheltered
environment for the deployment of Landing
Craft in adverse conditions, including Sea State
4. This feature results in an extensive weather
window enabling operations for 80% of the time
worldwide, whereas alternative concepts usually
manage only 30%.

The Enforcer design includes various essential,

though cost-effective, survivability features:
- Watertight integrity: Compliance to damage
Damen's MRSS Enforcer 10000 LPD at LIMA 2017
stability requirements in docked conditions with
unobstructed cargo deck access. No doors bet-
Talking to Navy Recognition during the show, a
ween compartments below bulkhead deck.
Damen representative said he could not discuss
- Damage control facilities & Fire-fighting sys-
Damen's existing or future local partner but ex-
plained the Enforcer design is particulary suited
- Signature Enhancements: Noise control, RCS
to the RMN's needs.
Shaping, Ir suppression, Degaussing
- Vulnerability enhancements: NBC Protection,
The Enforcer 10000 measures 157 meters in
Shock proofing, Blast bulkheads, redundancy on
length with a beam of 24.8 meters. Its range is
mission-critical system.
10,000 nautical miles. It is capable of trans-
porting 400 to 700 troops as well as two LCMs in
There is at least one more contender for MRSS:
the well deck and two LCVPs in davits. Finally it is
Malaysian shipyard Boustead and its partner PT
fitted with two to three helicopter spots.
Pal from Indonesia. A MoU between the two
companies was signed during Indodefence in Ja-
karta last year. In Malaysia, Damen is partnering
with local shipyard Destini Shipbuilding for the
delivery of three new OPVs to the Malaysian
coast guard (MMEA).










Hellenic Shipping News the intervening period, both these shares have
29 maart 2017 eroded and we estimate the bulk cargo share for
2016 to be nearer 14% and 12% for general car-
go. However, Drewry believes that this is the
bottom of this particular cycle and that the MPV
market share in both areas should improve, al-
beit marginally, over the next five years. Alt-
hough MPV demand fell slightly over 2016 com-
pared to 2015, it is expected to grow at an
Following another poor year for multipurpose
average annual rate of 3.4% to 2021.
shipping with further erosion of rates making it
the worst market in over 10 years, signs of reco-
very are now evident with momentum expected
to build over the next few years, according to
the latest Multipurpose Shipping Market Annual
Review and Forecast 2017 report published by
global shipping consultancy Drewry.
Dry cargo demand is forecast to grow by around
3% in 2018, but within that figure it is the market On the other side of the equation vessel supply
share available to multipurpose vessels which is is expected to contract over the same period, al-
more interesting. Drewry estimates that the beit by only 0.1%. However, for both newbuil-
multipurpose (MPV) share of bulk trades in the ding orders and demolition activity there is a big
peak year of 2007 was about 17%, while the sha- difference between simple MPV and project car-
re of general cargo trades was nearer 20%. Over riers. Over the last five years the percentage of

project carriers being delivered to the fleet has the ‘simple’ MPV fleet to 2018, balanced against
risen to an average 58%. However, in 2016 a growth of 4% in the project carrier fleet,” com-
staggering 93% of all newbuildings had heavylift ments Susan Oatway, lead analyst for multipur-
capability, sounding a death knell for the simple pose shipping at Drewry.
MPV fleet.
“Add these two together and you get an impro-
With about 63% of the orderbook declaring hea- ving supply and demand balance. We expect to
vylift capability, the future decline of the simple see only a slight improvement in the market over
MPV section of the fleet is almost assured. There 2017 with rate rises gathering momentum after
is very little, if any, new investment in this sector 2018. For the larger sectors, which have a bigger
with those new orders without lift capacity seen correlation to Handysize rates, there could be a
as simple replacements for an aging fleet. more significant uptick in 2017 before rates sett-
Owners are taking significant decisions to build le over 2018,” added Oatway.
higher specification vessels with bigger lift capa-
city, in order to give them an advantage in the Source: Drewry Maritime Research
appalling market.
“Drewry expects to see a decline of almost 4% in


Super Yacht Business
24 maart 2017

The New Yachts Company (TNYC), introduced

and represented the buyer. TNYC worked clo-
sely with Thom Conboy of Heesen Yachts USA.

Cardenas who is also behind the new venture

Prime Megayachts Platform, comments: “Our
hard work has rewarded us with an incredible
start to 2017,” says Cardenas. “In just the past
few months, we launched the revolutionary 50m
Prime Megayacht Platform, we sold the award-
winning motoryacht Nono (one of our favourite
Dutch shipyard to build project 'Alida', a 55m builds to date), and now we jumpstart our com-
motoryacht scheduled for launch this summer. mitment to new yacht development with the sa-
Fort Lauderdale-based firm The New Yachts le of Heesen’s 55-metre Alida.”
Company, introduced and represented the bu-
yer. Both companies announced the sale at the Fast displacement yacht
2017 Palm Beach International Show.
Built to Lloyd’s class, Alida is a fast displacement
Heesen Yachts in the Netherlands has received a motoryacht with a steel hull pencilled by naval
new order for the construction of project Alida, a architect Van Oossanen and aluminium super-
55m motoryacht. Barin Cardenas, president of structure. Radyca, a Miami-based design firm, is

in charge of the interior styling. would provide Alida a maximum speed of 16
knots, and a range of 4,500 nautical miles at
The vessel has been designed to provide sleep- cruise.
ing for up to 12 guests in a 250sq m accommo-
dation space including a full beam VIP cabin, a Heesen says Alida offers “frugal fuel consumpti-
full beam master suite and four double cabins. on coupled with a remarkable range of 4.500nm
at 13 knots, while her top speed reaches 16
She also offers numerous possibilities for enter- knots. At 12 knots her range becomes ever more
tainment at sea, from a 110sq m sundeck to a impressive reaching 5.400 nm”, the yard says in
skylounge that is wrapped almost entirely in a statement.
The yacht will undergo intensive sea trials in the
Cardenas also announced that its Brand Ambas- North Sea prior to delivery to her new owners in
sador programme has brought top tier partners time for cruising in July 2017.
into the fold, allowing The New Yachts Company
“to share our knowledge and guidance with Both companies announced the sale of pro-
premium builders and brands aligned with our ject Alida at the Palm Beach International Show.
vision for excellence in yachting”, he says.
Equipped with twin MTU 8V 4000 M63 engines


De Tijd
27 maart 2017

luxejacht dat officieel is erkend als ijsbreker.

Met een superjacht voor anker liggen aan een Over twee jaar - na de bouw in Roemenië en de
tropisch eiland is te gewoontjes geworden. De afwerking in Vlissingen - wordt het eerste exem-
nieuwe generatie miljardairs zoekt het nu in de plaar te water gelaten. In de lente, omdat dat
poolgebieden. De Nederlandse scheepsbouwer het moment is om richting de noordelijke ijskap
Damen heeft zijn eerste luxeijsbreker verkocht, te vertrekken
inclusief helikopterplatform en duikboot.
‘De nieuwste superrijken zoeken het steeds
Vijfenzestig meter lang. Plaats voor twaalf gas- meer off the beaten track’, zegt Victor Camina-
ten en twintig bemanningsleden. Uitgerust met da, de marketingmanager van Damen. ‘De huidi-
alle luxe. En met een versterkte rand van 2 me- ge generatie luxejachten is niet uitgerust om tot
ter waarmee hij een ijslaag van 90 centimeter diep in de poolgebieden te varen. Het gevaar be-
dik kan breken. De SeaXplorer van de Neder- staat dat je door veranderende wind of zeestro-
landse scheepsbouwer Damen wordt het eerste mingen plots ingesloten raakt door het ijs. Onze

SeaXplorer kan zich weer vrijmaken door achter- clusieve bootsalon ter wereld ging over de vraag
uit tegen het ijs in te varen, een revolutionaire welke vorm het best was: de langwerpige of de
techniek.’ ronde. In zo’n duikboot kan je met een viertal
gasten tot 200 meter diep gaan.

Andere trend: je eigen bevoorradingsschip.

Waarom zou je je luxejacht volstouwen met
wasmachines, duikmateriaal, jetski’s, keuken-
personeel en koelkasten vol champagne? Dan
koop je beter een extra boot die in je kielzog al-
les levert. De SeaXplorer heeft zo’n bijboot niet
nodig. Hij is zo ontworpen dat je veertig dagen
zonder haven kan, wat handig is in poolgebie-
den. Speelt ook de groeiende onrust over de we-
De eerste luxe-ijsbreker is verkocht. Maar in de reldpolitiek de bouwers van exclusieve jachten in
uiterst discrete wereld van het grote geld is het de kaart? Als een wereldoorlog uitbreekt, ben je
onmogelijk te achterhalen wie de klant is en wat nergens veiliger dan op een schip waarmee je
hij ervoor heeft betaald. Damen opereert in het wekenlang anoniem de wereldzeeën opvaart.
wereldje van de 1.500 tot 2.000 miljardairs op ‘Die vraag hebben we wel eens gekregen, ja’,
deze planeet. De kans is groot dat het gaat om zegt Caminada.
een van de nieuwe rijken uit Silicon Valley, die
minder prat gaan op blinkende luxe maar wel Vreemd genoeg is de SeaXplorer goedkoper dan
exclusiviteit en extreme vrijheid nastreven. normale superjachten met een vergelijkbaar vo-
lume. Dat komt omdat de kernonderdelen van
Maar ook de Russische markt doet het na enkele de boot gebaseerd zijn op de normale ijsbrekers
mindere jaren, door onder meer de boycot en de die Damen bouwt, onder meer voor de Australi-
dalende olieprijzen, weer beter. Caminada: ‘De sche en de Zweedse kustwacht.
interesse is er groot. Kamsjatka, in het uiterste
noorden van Rusland, is een uitgelezen bestem- Drukke lente
ming voor dit soort jachten.’
Na het dipje van de financiële crisis is de markt
De ijsbreker mag er dan robuust uitzien, aan luxe van de luxejachten weer helemaal aangetrokken.
en snufjes ontbreekt het niet. Een helikopter- Volgens de Superyacht Intelligence Agency zijn
platform is intussen standaard op de meeste de jongste vijf jaar 62 jachten van meer dan 70
luxejachten, maar op de SeaXplorer wordt een meter afgeleverd. Een vijftigtal is nog in aan-
afgesloten ruimte aangeraden om de helikopter bouw. De Russen en Arabieren lieten het de
te beschermen tegen de barre weersomstandig- jongste jaren wat afweten, maar de Amerikanen
heden. Een speciaal lanceerplatform laat toe de en vooral de Aziaten hebben de leidende rol
bijboten supersnel te water te laten, zodat ze in overgenomen.
een mum van tijd tot bij voorbijzwemmende
walvissen kunnen varen. De techniek is geleend
bij reddingsschepen van de kustwacht, die snel
drenkelingen moeten kunnen oppikken. Voor
wie liever vanop het moederschip naar de wal-
vissen kijkt, is er een uitkijkplatform, al dan niet
achter glas.

Ook een duikboot is een onmisbaar accessoire.

Op de jongste Monaco Yacht Show was het de
grote hype. De grote discussie op het meest ex-

De jaarlijkse omzet van de sector wordt geschat jaar’, zegt Caminada. Op de werf van Amels,
op 24 miljard euro, met 150.000 werknemers. Damens luxedochter, zijn tien superjachten in
Damen is niet het enige Nederlandse bedrijf dat aanbouw. ‘De lente is onze drukste periode van
luxejachten bouwt. Met werven als Heesen, leveringen. Iedereen wil voor de zomer het wa-
Oceanco en Holland Jachtbouw bedienen onze ter in.’
noorderburen vooral het bovenste segment van
de markt. ‘Wij groeien met zo’n 10 procent per SOURCE


Super Yacht Business
24 maart 2017

choice. This shipyard has all the required techni-

cal expertise, the logistics and the organizational
facilities for a professional installation.”

This partnership enhances Balk’s existing range

of refit services. For DMS Holland it means they
are able to offer AntiRoll customers an expe-
rienced, skilled and high quality installation

“We reached a decision pretty quickly”, says

Balk Shipyard teams up with motion control spe- Daan Balk, CEO of Balk Shipyard. “These are the
cialist DMS Holland to operate its first AntiRoll sort of innovations our customers are looking
installation facility in Northern Europe. for. An ideal preferred supplier. In addition, DMS
Holland’s service-focused and no-nonsense atti-
Balk Shipyard in the Netherland has teamed up tude is absolutely in line with our approach to
with motion control specialist DMS Holland to business. For us, this opportunity to incorporate
operate its first AntiRoll installation facility in installation also represents a valuable chance to
Northern Europe. branch out.”

Patrick Noor, director of DMS Holland, com- Balk continues: “There is no other country within
ments: “We have always said that the Nether- the yachting industry with such a concentrated
lands is our primary market area. Our DMS stabi- amount of specialized yacht builders and sup-
lization AntiRoll system does of course have an pliers in a radius of approximately 200km. That
extensive international appeal but we wanted to has the potential for some serious effectiveness
start with an installation facility here in the Ne- throughout the yachting industry and we, here in
therlands first. the Netherlands, really should be taking advan-
tage of that a lot more,” he concludes.
Noor explains: “The high-tech nature of our sys-
tems demands a cutting edge partner for instal- SOURCE
lation. In that respect, Balk Shipyard was an easy

Super Yacht Business
21 maart 2017

Officially opened on 23 February, the state-of- er of choice for not just custom yachts between
the-art Nijkerk shipyard boasts a 70m long quay 30m and 50m, but also innovative yacht support
and room for the construction of up to three vessels with our YXT range. Moving to our new
yachts simultaneously. production facility in Nijkerk is just one more
milestone in our journey,” he adds.

Officially opened on 23 February, the state-of-

the-art Nijkerk shipyard boasts a quay length of
70m and provides Lynx with the capacity to build
up to three yachts simultaneously.

“This is an exciting step for us at Lynx Yachts,”

says Filippo Rossi, sales and marketing manager
for the yard. “This move signals that we are real-
ly shifting up a gear, having had an overwhelm-
ingly positive response from the market to the
Dutch superyacht builder Lynx Yachts has an- yard’s commercial activities. The new production
nounced that it has acquired a shipyard in facility is part of our continuous effort to deliver
Nijkerk. Less than an hour away from Amster- value to our clients.”
dam’s Schipol Airport, the Nijkerk facility en-
hances its building capacity. Founded in 2011, the yard operates two divi-
sions: the fully custom line division that includes
“Lynx has always taken pride in maintaining the displacement motoryachts from 25m to 50m in
tradition of high quality Dutch yacht building,” steel and aluminium, and the YXT – Yacht x Ten-
says Slim Bouricha, founder and president of der – division that currently includes displace-
Lynx Yachts. ment aluminium shadow boats and support ves-
sels from 20m to 36m.
“We are dedicated to becoming the Dutch build-


Super Yacht Business
22 maart 2017

The decision follows EIA’s submission of evi- ties that have placed injunctions on all Danish
dence that Danish timber company Keflico vio- operators placing Burmese teak on the country’s
lated the European Union Timber Regulation market.
(EUTR) and sets a precedent for other EUTR
Competent Authorities. The decision follows EIA’s submission of evi-
dence that Danish timber company Keflico vio-
The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) lated the European Union Timber Regulation
has today welcomed a ruling by Danish authori- (EUTR) and sets a precedent for other EUTR

Competent Authorities. quirements of the EUTR, which oblige companies
placing timber on the EU market to identify and
Denmark’s actions follow a November 2016 de- mitigate any risks of illegality within their supply
cision in Sweden where enforcement officials chains.
successfully prosecuted Almtra Nordic for
breaching the EUTR. Due to the high risk of illegality and a fundamen-
tal lack of transparency by the Myanmar Timber
“Denmark’s leadership in EUTR enforcement un- Enterprise (a state-owned company responsible
derpins similar rulings already made in Sweden for the cutting and export of timber in Myan-
and leaves no doubt that anyone placing Bur- mar), it is not currently possible for any company
mese teak on the EU market under current con- to successfully apply due diligence to Burmese
ditions is in breach of European law,” says EIA teak.
forests campaigner Peter Cooper.
“The Myanmar Timber Enterprise needs to ur-
“With Denmark setting clear precedent on a case gently address illegality within its operations and
submitted by EIA, we now expect authorities in provide access to independent monitoring of its
Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and the operations – or risk permanently losing access to
UK to rapidly resolve the remaining 12 cases Europe’s lucrative teak market,” Cooper con-
submitted by EIA,” he adds. cludes.

EIA’s cases focused on the due diligence re- SOURCE


C-JOB TO PROVIDE BASIC DESIGN FOR DEME’S ORION but a challenge that we will enjoy taking on.”
Michelle Howard
March 28, 2017 After her 2019 delivery, Orion will be mobilized
by DEME subsidiary GeoSea for offshore wind
farm installation activities. To this end, the ves-
sel’s DP3 capability and accommodation for up
to 131 persons will both be valuable assets in
performing offshore contracts. The 216.5-meter
vessel’s substantial loading and lifting capacities
will also mean that GeoSea will be able to opera-
te in the oil and gas industry and for the de-
commissioning of offshore installations.

According to C-Job Technical Manager Maarten

Veldhuizen, Orion will be an extremely effective
tool in the rapidly expanding offshore wind indu-
Photo courtesy of C-Job Naval Architects
stry. “In terms of size and weight of foundations
and turbine components, this sector is advancing
Having recently supplied the concept design for
fast,” he explained. “And what we are seeing is
DEME Group’s new offshore installation vessel
that jack-up installation vessels are reaching
Orion, C-Job Naval Architects said it will now
their limits in terms of vessel strength and pay-
provide COSCO OFFSHORE CO. Ltd (Qidong) with
load capacity. The Orion’s technical specs will
the vessel’s basic design package. Orion will be
give her a future-proof position in the offshore
wind turbine and foundation installation mar-
China for delivery in 2019.
The technical specs of the vessel, to be operated
Illustrating Veldhuizen’s point are the Orion’s
by DEME subsidiary GeoSea, will service offshore
high-tech lifting capabilities: more than 3,000
wind installation, oil and gas and decommissio-
metric tons at more than 50 meters. This is
ning activities.
backed up by the ability to lift and install com-
ponents to heights of more than 170 meters.
While working on this next phase of ship design,
C-Job’s dedicated Orion project team will be able
Orion’s design also represents progress regar-
to draw on the knowledge that they have built
ding on board environmental innovations. With
up from the concept design period. “The same
a Green Passport and Clean Design notation, the
team will be involved, so it is really a natural
vessel will have dual fuel propulsion (diesel
progression for us,” said C-Job Project Manager
and liquefied natural gas) and a waste heat re-
Rafael Novas Garcia. “We will be able to hit the
covery system.
ground running with this basic design.”
“Orion is a very advanced vessel with a lot of sys-
tems to integrate. It will be a challenging project,

The Motorship
27 Mar 2017 Because only the largest nodules need to be
broken up to be slurrified and pumped to the
surface, the machine can be a lot less fearsome
than those carving up the Solwara 1 bed, dra-
wing just 1.5MW of power from the surface –
although they will have broad booms “reaching
between 12m and 20m - quite a size”, adds

Different types of harvester are presently being

tested full scale in laboratory conditions, but
while there may be a need to adapt to a more
difficult terrain, “although there will be large
The IHC vessel developed for polymetallic nodule harvesting. areas of homogeneous seabed, differences in
Image: IHC the seafloor conditions might require a change
of collector””, explains de Jonge. Therefore a
Minerals on and beneath the seabed may repre- modular system with interchangeable heads is
sent the next great bounty of the ocean, but re- under evaluation.
trieving them can be a daunting challenge. Stevie
Knights examines two early deep-sea mining There are further differences between this envi-
projects. ronment and that of the oceans’ massive sulphi-
de deposits. “You have to be careful on the seaf-
(...) loor, it can be rather soft in these regions and
you can’t land anything too heavy, so the un-
Don't drill, scoop derwater weight has been kept down to 20 ton-
nes,” explains Boomsma, “unlike the design for
Seafloor massive sulphides are not the oceans SMS, where you want the extra mass to cope
only treasure: IHC is readying its own design fo- with the excavation forces.”
cusing on polymetallic nodules, rich in manga-
nese, nickel, cobalt, copper, and in some cases, However, the harvesters will still have an air
rare earth elements. weight of around 120 tonnes during deploy-
ment: so far the options are being kept open as
While the surface vessel’s 240m outline is similar to whether to deploy over the side via a heavy
to that of Nautilus’ ship with a roughly compara- lift crane or use folding arms and launch through
ble capacity, the deposits present a very diffe- a capacious central moonpool. The ballasting
rent set of challenges: as Wiebe Boomsma of IHC system, as in the Nautilus vessel, will have to be
explains, instead of “small and deep, the focus is sizeable: “This isn’t just during the launching of
wide and flat”. the harvester, it will have to cope with different
nodule loading regimes,” he adds.
Unlike SMS, these nodules don’t require cutting
out of the seafloor. Instead, they simply sit in a There is another important characteristic that
layer on top of loose sediment, “so we prefer to impacts design: these nodules are generally
call the machines ‘harvesters’”, says Laurens de found in deeper waters, anything between
Jonge of IHC. Scooping them up is inherently less 3,000m to 6,000m down, which puts more pres-
destructive, and more “a square metres game”, sure on the Vertical Transport System (VTS). As a
he explains. “You have to travel at a certain result this is, needless to say, substantially hea-
speed, covering as broad a swathe as you can vier than that on the Nautilus’ ship, weighing in
manage.” at around 1,200t when submerged.

Still, it’s not just weight. De Jonge explains the The two operations are further differentiated by
problem: “Unlike an oil and gas field where the distance: while the Solwara 1 deposit is within
riser is pinned to the bottom and sealed, you ha- 50km of the coast of New Guinea, “if you are
ve to be able to move around, so you might have nodule mining in Pacific, you could be 1,600nm
6km of free-hanging riser pipe to push the pro- offshore” says de Jonge. There’s no provision for
duct up through. Getting the nodules up to the helicopter flights as they will be out of reach and
surface has been one of the biggest issues.” though it could charter a dedicated supply vessel
it’s a very long journey: “Therefore this ship has
The answer has been to position no less than six to be very self-contained, you need to take
booster stations along the length of the riser pi- everything with you,” he says. It’s not just the
pe. Each booster station is equipped with two need to find a way to rotate the 80 to 100
pumps with a combined power no less than personnel, (although this is a lot fewer than the
1.2MW just to get it up to the next section, “so 200 people onboard the Nautilus PSSV), it’s also
that means we have more than 7MW just for the maintenance. For example the umbilical reels –
vertical transport to the surface” he says. the biggest of which will be 8m in diameter – will
also have spares and there will be not one but
Up onboard the surface vessel, the power gene- two harvesters onboard, for redundancy. “The
ration for this riser, the harvester and the inter- design has to double up on everything, so it’s got
nal cargo handling will probably be covered by to be very smart with space,” he says.
eight 1.5MW gensets (which will allow for one
engine in refurbishment, one on standby), with a READ MORE
very flexible distribution and management sys-
tem to handle it all.


20 maart 2017

Sea, Middle East and South East Asia.

The conditions of these fields are characterized

by water depths of up to 50 to 80 meters pend-
ing the region, traditionally the domain of classic
drilling jack-ups and tender barges. With the
light drilling cantilever, the NG-5500X-LD aims to
bridge the gap between the shallow to midwater
service units and the full-fledged drilling rigs.

Designed with practical and survival capability in

mind, the unit can remain offshore when ad-
The NG-5500X-LD is the latest design in Gus- verse weather conditions occur, resulting in
toMSC’s series of self-propelled jack-up designs, more workable days, greatly enhancing efficien-
the NG series. Based on the NG-2500X and NG- cy and a minimum of non-productive hours dur-
1800X designs, the NG-5500X-LD is a solution for ing operational charters. With the excellent ma-
light drilling and well intervention in a large neuverability (DP2), diagonal pre-loading, fast
number of mature fields in the Southern North transit (up to 8 knots) and maximum safety &

accuracy when making use of the Variable Fre- Another advantage comes from the fact that the
quency Drive controlled jacking system, the NG- entire cantilever and drill floor structure is raised
5500X-LD enjoys all benefits of the GustoMSC above main deck by approximately 3.6 m (12 ft).
NG series. This allows for improved material handling as a
forklift can drive underneath, and thus reduces
The light drilling rig can serve a variety of brown crane lifts from the PS to the SB side and vice
field needs, such as Light Drilling, Well Interven- versa. It also provides additional deck space for
tion and Plugging and Abandonment. The large container storage and, crucially, provides addi-
clean main deck (approx. 1,200 m2) allows for tional means to handle mud return, cuttings and
flexible use while the cantilever featuring the X-Y SWARF. With 250 tons of hook load at 60 ft and
Skidding System provides a large drilling enve- up to 350 tons (770 kips) at 50 ft the rig can truly
lope of 18.3 m x 7.9 m (60 ft x 26 ft). This envel- perform light drilling operations with a drilling
op ensures access to a vast majority of brown depth of 12,000 ft.
field platform layouts seen in the Southern
North Sea, Middle East Gulf and South East Asia. SOURCE


20 maart 2017

Economische Zaken heeft de Nederlandse Aard- ren volgden de satellietplatformen L13-FD-1 en

olie Maatschappij (NAM) een vergunning ver- L13-FE-1 en in 1995 een onderzeese installatie
leend voor een gasproductieplatform in het L13 met de codering L13-FH-1. Om de dalende gas-
blok in de Nederlandse Noordzee. productie op peil te houden, wordt nu een
nieuw gasreservoir in productie gebracht. Het
Het nieuwe gasproductieplatform, met de code- gas uit het L13-blok wordt via het K15-FA-1 gas-
ring L13-FI-1, wordt 50 kilometer ten noordwes- productieplatform aangeland bij Callantsoog en
ten van Den Helder geïnstalleerd in een off- verder behandeld op de grote gasterminal in de
shoreblok waaruit de NAM al vanaf 1986 gas Balgzandpolder bij Den Helder.
wint. In dat jaar werden in dit blok het L13-FC-1
gasproductieplatform en het L13-FC-1 putten- SOURCE
platform geïnstalleerd. In de daaropvolgende ja-


Financieel dagblad
21 maart 2017

De crisis in de olie- en gassector heeft maritiem lager uit op €1,7 mrd. De winst daalde met 46%
concern Van Oord vorig jaar zwaar geraakt. Om- tot €90 mln, het laagste niveau in tien jaar.
zet en winst liepen flink terug. 'En het diepte-
punt is nog niet bereikt', zegt bestuursvoorzitter Verbreding Suezkanaal afgerond
Pieter van Oord in een toelichting op de jaarre-
Grootste boosdoener is de neergang in de off-
sultaten. 'Ik verwacht in 2017 nog een verdere
shore olie en gas. In deze sector zag het concern
uit Rotterdam de omzet met bijna 50% dalen tot
€130 mln. Ook in het baggeren zat het tegen.
De omzet van het concern kwam vorig jaar 33%

Grote opdrachten zoals de verbreding van het
Suezkanaal waren afgerond en nieuwe opdrach- De rol van de overheid is echter niet afgelopen.
ten van dezelfde omvang waren er niet. 'De overheid bepaalt of de energietransitie in de
eerste of de vijfde versnelling plaatsvindt.' Ne-
'Bovendien is er sprake van overcapaciteit in de derland moet volgens hem versnellen om de
baggersector', aldus Van Oord. Dat leidt tot klimaatdoelstellingen te halen. Groeipotentie is
meer concurrentie en lagere marges. 'Voor die er volgens hem zeker. 'Nu wordt er in Noord-
overcapaciteit zijn met name de Belgische con- west-Europa jaarlijks 3 tot 4 Gigawatt aan ver-
cerns Jan de Nul en Deme verantwoordelijk. Zij mogen op zee gebouwd. Dat kan gaan naar 6 of
hebben te veel schepen laten bouwen.' 7 Gigawatt.'
Windparken gaan vanaf 2018 zorgen voor groei
Versnelde afboekingen
Voor de komende jaren moet het familieconcern
het vooral hebben van de enige groeimarkt op De neergang in de olie en gas was niet alleen aan
dit moment: de bouw van windparken op zee. de omzetdaling af te lezen. Op een van de pijp-
De omzet in deze activiteit daalde vorig jaar wel- legschepen, de Stingray, is €17 mln vervroegd
iswaar doordat enkele projecten werden afge- afgeboekt. 'Ik zie dit jaar geen omslag ten goe-
rond. Maar vanaf 2018, benadrukt Van Oord, zal de', aldus Van Oord.
de omzet weer toenemen.
Verdere versnelde afboekingen op schepen sluit
'De orderportefeuille is vorig jaar flink toegeno- hij niet uit, maar waarschijnlijk is het niet. Een
men', aldus Pieter Van Oord. 'De aangenomen grote vlootrationalisatie zoals bij concurrent
projecten in de offshore wind beginnen echter Boskalis, waarbij de komende jaren 24 schepen
pas volgend jaar omzet op te leveren.' De order- uit de vaart worden genomen, is niet aan de or-
portefeuille bedroeg eind vorig jaar €3,3 mrd te- de. Boskalis grijpt hard in bij het vervoer van
gen €2,3 mrd eind 2015. De toename met 40% is zware lading over zee. Pieter van Oord: 'In dat
vooral te danken aan windprojecten zoals Bors- segment zitten wij niet.'
sele III en IV en Norther in België.
Overplaatsing binnen het bedrijf
Subsidie speelt amper nog een rol
Hoewel bij Boskalis 650 banen verdwijnen, is er
Van Oord: 'Eigenlijk was 2016 niet goed en niet bij Van Oord geen sprake van collectief ontslag
slecht. De offshore olie en gas en de baggeracti- voor werknemers in de offshore olie en gas. Het
viteiten waren teleurstellend. Maar aan de an- bedrijf zegt veel medewerkers overgeplaatst te
dere kant is de orderportefeuille wel gegroeid. hebben naar de offshore wind. 'Als dat niet zo
Een nogal dubbelzinnig jaar dus.' was gegroeid, was het een ander verhaal ge-
Volgens Van Oord is de bouw van windparken op
zee een 'volwaardige markt' geworden. Door de Het aantal medewerkers daalde vorig jaar met
'spectaculaire' daling van de kostprijs speelt de rond de honderd tot 4816. Waarschijnlijk zal dat
onzekere factor van de overheidssubsidie nau- aantal dit jaar verder dalen. 'Maar ik kan niet
welijks nog een rol. 'Wind op zee is goedkoper zeggen met hoeveel', aldus Van Oord.
dan welke vorm van fossiele energie dan ook.'
Wat doet de overheid?

“TWISTIES” TO AID OFFSHORE WIND LOGISTICS ’unit’. Modular twist-lock, stackable blade racks
Aiswarya Lakshmi are now commonplace on the decks of installati-
March 29, 2017 on vessels. DNV GL has taken this concept and
proposed an ingenious method for unitisation,
by using modular transportation and sea faste-
ning frames, based upon standard 20-foot cargo
container twist-lock centres.

Image: DNV GL Transporting turbines and other wind farm com-

ponents using “Twisties” are shown to signifi-
DNV GL launched a new joint industry project cantly lower construction programme durations
(JIP) to develop a Recommended Practice inten- to ‘single season’ phases. It also allows for
ded to de-risk the adoption of “Twisties” and greater quantities of turbines to be installed
demonstrate the unitization of wind project car- using a defined number of wind turbine installa-
go. tion vessels. The concept demonstrates cost sa-
vings in some cases of above 25% compared to
The innovative concept is called “Twisties” - a conventional installation practice.
modular project-cargo transport frame system
that is sea-fastened using container twist locks – Prajeev Rasiah, Regional Manager for
and which gives the frames their name. NW Europe, Middle East & Africa, DNV GL,
commented: “Bringing industry stakeholders to-
The increasing size and quantities of wind turbi- gether within this JIP, with the intention of stan-
nes installed offshore means that a change in dardising wind project cargo now, can reduce in-
requirements is needed for shipping project car- stallation costs and ensure that the industry is
go between manufacturing and marshalling port equipped to meet the aspirations of COP 21 and
facilities, and feeding wind turbine installation those outlined by other groups, such as IABR’s
vessels offshore. Conventional feeder vessel ‘2050-An Energy Odyssey’ vision where 25,000
operations have introduced many challenges, in- installed turbines would form a European mega
cluding operational limits on wave heights and project in The North Sea and create thousands of
wind speeds. jobs in the offshore industry.”

DNV GL have identified that a fast feeder vessel Chris Garrett, Senior Offshore Wind Farms Engi-
using a RoRo (roll on, roll off) method of logistics neer, DNV GL said: “Establishing a JIP will de-risk
transfer can avoid both wave-limits and the tight the implementation of this technology and pro-
wind speed limits often associated with lifting mote the unitisation of wind project cargo. This
blades offshore. It is this constant requirement continues our commitment to reduce the cost of
for handling project cargo of a repeatable form, offshore wind, as outlined in DNV GL’s Offshore
with bolted flange connections, which has Wind Cost Reduction Manifesto. Understanding
brought about an industry desire to optimise the technicalities of current wind indu-
and standardise transport logistics and sea- stry transportation methods enables us to de-
fastening arrangements. monstrate the vast benefits that a standardised
unit approach will bring to the entire industry.”
The wind industry has made attempts at unitisa-
tion, such as grouping three blade sets into a SOURCE

Hellenic Shipping News
29 maart 2017 In early 2016, the region granted to the project
the status of an investment project, thus, allo-
wing rent of land for the implementation, skip-
ping mandatory competition. The ministry’s
working group will be involved in providing hu-
man resources for the project, attracting local
specialists. Later on, as the company presents
The Novatek Company will invest more than 25
the project’s financial model, reflecting its eco-
billion rubles (almost $417 million) in organizati-
nomic, budget and social effectiveness, the regi-
on of the Center for construction of large-
onal government will consider tax benefits for 5
capacity marine facilities in the Murmansk re-
taxation periods.
gion’s Belokamenka village. The construction will
be a part of the Arctic LNG-2 project on deve- Work on project continues
lopment of the Gydana deposits, the region’s
Minister of Economic Development Elena Tik- Construction of the large-capacity facilities’ cen-
honova told TASS on Monday. ter should be completed by 2020. Now the pro-
ject is at the pre-investment stage. The project
“The large-capacity shipyard, investments in
will be implemented by the Kola Shipyard Com-
which are planned at 25 billion rubles, will provi-
pany, Novatek’s subsidiary.
de thousands jobs, will attract to the region
highly qualified specialists and will give additio- The company’s specialists continue working at
nal orders to the local enterprises,” the minister the future construction site. The region’s go-
said. vernment said earlier, in case of a favorable sce-
nario, the shipyard’s construction may begin this
Project for gas plants
year already. Construction of the first marine
LNG plants will begin in 2018.
Novatek’s project includes construction of a spe-
cial shipyard, where unique marine facilities
Implementation of the Arctic projects will be dis-
could be made – gravitational concrete pads for
cussed at the upcoming IV international forum
LNG plants, drilling and development platforms
Arctic: Territory of Dialogue, due in Arkhangelsk
for shelf projects in the Arctic’s western sector on March 29-30. Since 2010, the forum is a main
and large-capacity facilities which could provide platform for discussing development of the Arc-
for work of the Northern Sea Route. The project tic region.
would also favor replacement of earlier im-
ported products as well as further localization of
Organizers expect about 1,500 attendees from
technologies in the region. Russia and from abroad this year. TASS is the fo-
rum’s general information partner.
A year earlier, the region’s ministry said, the
company finished development works at the site
Source: TASS
where the center will be organized. This year,
the investor plans to receive an official permis- SOURCE
sion for the construction.

23 maart 2017

Big oil is starting to challenge the biggest utilities over the last 15 years, economic activity has
in the race to erect wind turbines at sea. been buoyed by offshore windmills. The notori-
ous winds that menaced generations of rough-
Royal Dutch Shell Plc, Statoil ASA and Eni SpA are necks working on oil platforms have become a
moving into multi-billion-dollar offshore wind boon for a new era of workers asked to install
farms in the North Sea and beyond. They’re and maintain turbines anchored deep into the
starting to score victories against leading power seabed. About $99 billion will be invested in
suppliers including Dong Energy A/S and Vatten- North Sea wind projects from 2000 to 2017, ac-
fall AB in competitive auctions for power pur- cording to Bloomberg New Energy Finance. A
chase contracts, which have developed a special- decade ago, the industry had projects only a
ty in anchoring massive turbines on the seabed. fraction of that size.

The oil companies have many reasons to move While crude still supplies almost a third of the
into the industry. They’ve spent decades building world’s energy, oil executives are starting to ad-
oil projects offshore, and that business is wind- just to demands for cleaner fuels. Even so,
ing down in some areas where older fields have emerging fossil-fuel alternatives including wind
drained. Returns from wind farms are predicta- and solar power are starting to limit growth in oil
ble and underpinned by government-regulated demand.
electricity prices. And fossil fuel executives want
to get a piece of the clean-energy business as Those technologies and electric cars may dis-
forecasts emerge that renewables will eat into place as much as 13 million barrels of oil a day
their market. from global demand by 2040, more than is cur-
rently being produced by Saudi Arabia, according
to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.
“It is certainly an area of interest for us because
there are obvious synergies with the traditional Shell’s Interest
oil and gas business,” said Luca Cosentino, the
vice president of energy solution at the Italian oil Shell, whose CEO Ben van Beurden has said oil
producer Eni, which is working with General demand may peak in the second half of the next
Electric Co. on renewables. “As the oil and gas decade, has set up a business unit to identify the
industry we know, we cannot get stuck where clean technologies where it could be most prof-
we are and wait for someone else to take this itable. The company began more than 180 years
leap.” ago importing shells from Asia and needs to
adapt to ensure it’s still around in another cen-
Even as oil production declined in the North Sea tury, according to Sinead Lynch, the company’s

chair for U.K. businesses. addition to the U.K., the company is developing
projects in Germany and Norway and won a De-
Wind farms are especially interesting to Shell cember auction to build an offshore wind farm in
because they can power electrolysis reactions New York.
that make hydrogen, which the company says
may be a major fuel for cars in the coming dec- Cost cuts for offshore wind are helping the tech-
ades, said Lynch in an interview. nology start to compete with traditional forms of
energy, especially nuclear, according to Bloom-
It’s exploring new opportunities across Europe in berg New Energy Finance. Current projects en-
offshore wind after winning contracts from the tering operation are delivering power at about
Dutch government to build the Borssele III and half the price of farms finished in 2012 thanks to
IV wind farms in December. Shell’s bid marked larger turbines and more competition. Costs
the second cheapest cost for the technology could fall another 26 percent by 2035, according
worldwide, according to Lynch, who said the oil to the London-based researcher.
major’s big advantage in renewables may be its
expertise in marketing. The entry of oil majors into renewables is part of
“a longer term trend,” according to Nick Gardi-
“It’s also about marketing energy,” Lynch said. ner, head of offshore wind at U.K. Green Invest-
“Once you produce your wind, you need to mar- ment Bank, who notes that companies with the
ket the power and we have a phenomenally scale of Shell and Eni have the clout to finance
strong marketing and trading business.” projects more cheaply than many of their com-
Statoil’s Costs

Oil majors are also changing the offshore wind “I don’t think they are doing this just for inves-
industry by driving down costs, Statoil Senior tor-relation purposes,” said Gunnar Groebler,
Vice President Stephen Bull wrote in an email. head of wind at Sweden’s Vattenfall AB, one of
the top five offshore wind developers who wel-
The Norwegian oil major’s Dudgeon wind farm comed the added competition. “Given that these
off England’s east coast will be 40 percent projects are billion-euro investments, I just as-
cheaper than a neighboring plant built six years sume that they will have done their assessments
ago, Bull said. It’s also creating floating offshore very thoroughly.”
wind foundations that eliminate the costly step
of anchoring windmill masts into the seabed. In SOURCE






ceived a new order from Lueftner Cruises for a
135 meter river cruise vessel, to be delivered for
next year season. This vessel will be the 14th or-
der in a long lasting and successful relationship
between both companies. With this parties shall
continue to make next steps in further develo-
ping the cruising concept as was developed for
the Amadeus Silver series.

Source: SOURCE

Tolkamer 13/3/2017 – Shipyard De Hoop has re-


15 maart 2017

bouw zullen meteen de eerste installaties inge-

bouwd worden, zodat het schip ook semi-
autonoom kan varen. Het streven is dat het
nieuwe schip Gouwenaar 2 jaarlijks tussen Al-
phen aan den Rijn en Rotterdam 12.500 contai-
ners, oftewel 600 miljoen flesjes bier vervoert.


Directeur Bert van Grieken van de Multimodal

divisie van Nedcargo zegt: “In 2020 zal de Gou-
wenaar 2 emissieloos kunnen varen, door de in-
zet van batterijen en waterstof-technologie. Die
Het casco van het hypermoderne elektrisch aan- toekomstversie duidt men aan als de Gouwenaar
gedreven containerschip ECS Gouwenaar 2 komt”. Van Grieken wil dat het schip tegen die
volgende maand naar Nederland, om te worden tijd ook grotendeels autonoom kan varen en af-
afgebouwd bij scheepswerf Concordia in Wer- meren. Het containerschip zal dan bemand wor-
kendam. Dit meldt logistiek dienstverlener Ned- den door een scheepsmanager en een scheeps-
cargo, dat in 2016 opdracht heeft gegeven tot de assistent die de hele reis plannen, terwijl het ook
bouw van het slimme schip, bedoeld voor het vanaf de wal bestuurd kan worden. Intern
vervoer van containers over de Gouwe en Hol- spreekt men dan over de versie 'Gouwenaar
landsche IJssel.'.

Het casco wordt gebouwd in Servië. Bij de af- SOURCE


BODEWES BOUWT EERSTE KOTTER MET ELEKTRISCHE FLY-SHOOT LIEREN Dit is het eerste schip waarbij de fly-shoot lieren
29 maart 2017 voor de visvangst volledig elektrisch worden
aangedreven. De lieren worden geleverd door de
Visserij Coöperatie Urk (VCU) in samenwerking
met Dromec Rhenen. Door over te stappen op
elektrische aandrijving voor de lieren zijn er geen
uitgebreide hydrauliek installaties nodig en is er
geen gevaar voor olie lekkage in de visverwer-

Minder brandstofverbruik door ontwerp on-

Eerste kotter met elektrische lieren wordt gebouwd bij
Thecla Bodewes Shipyards in Harlingen. Foto: Thecla Bode-
wes Shipyards
Door de Deense ontwerper Vestværftet is veel
aandacht besteed aan de vorm van het onder-
Thecla Bodewes Shipyards gaat een Stern Traw- waterschip waardoor het schip met weinig
ler-Flyshooter bouwen voor vissersbedrijf Van brandstofverbruik hoge snelheden kan halen.
Duijn. Het wordt de eerste kotter met elektri- Doorbraak in visserijschepen voor Bodewes
sche Fly-shoot lieren. Het ontwerp is in samen-
werking met de Deense ontwerper Vestværftet Bodewes is vooral trots op het innovatieve ka-
gemaakt. De Stern Trawler-Flyshooter krijgt een rakter van deze opdracht en zij beschouwen dit
lengte van 34,5 meter en een breedte van 8,70 als hun doorbraak in de visserijwereld. Deze
meter zodat het schip onder de 400 GT blijft. In maand heeft Bodewes Shipyards een kotter cas-
het voorjaar van 2018 wordt de kotter opgele- co afgeleverd aan de Firma Luyt in Den Oever
verd. voor de Surinaamse rederij Marissa Fisheries.

Eerste kotter met elektrische Fly-shoot lieren SOURCE


23 maart 2017

De Nederlandse kottervisserij heeft met een net-

toresultaat van 88 miljoen euro op een omzet
van 338 miljoen een zeer goed jaar achter de
rug. Hoge visprijzen, innovatieve visserijmetho-
den en lage brandstofprijzen droegen bij aan het
succes. Onzekerheden over de toekomst zijn er
echter volop, zo bleek tijdens de presentatie van
Visserij in Cijfers 2016 door Wageningen Econo-
mic Research.

Het nettoresultaat van de Nederlandse kotter-

vloot overtrof in 2016 de stoutste verwachtin- aantal opvarenden nog fors lager dan 10 jaar ge-
gen. Het was zelfs het hoogste in 50 jaar. In leden. Verwacht wordt dat het aantal opvaren-
2015, ook al een goed jaar, werd een nettoresul- den dit jaar zal toenemen, vooral vanwege
taat geboekt van 41 miljoen bij een omzet 250 vlootuitbreiding. Het gemiddelde deelloon van
miljoen euro. de opvarenden kwam uit op circa 94.000 euro
per persoon per jaar.
De combinatie van hoge visprijzen, meer ener-
giezuinige vistuigen en lage brandstofprijzen De vloot bestond eind 2016 uit 281 kotters en is
stuwden het resultaat. Vissers betaalden in 2016 sterk verouderd. Slechts 5% van het aantal kot-
gemiddeld 34 cent voor een liter gasolie. In 2015 ters is jonger dan 10 jaar. De leeftijdsopbouw
was dit 41 cent en het jaar daarvoor 57 cent. De van de schepen verschilt per haven. Zo zijn de
aanvoerprijzen van de belangrijke doelsoorten, garnalenkotters uit Harlingen met een gemid-
tong en schol, stegen met respectievelijk 2% en delde leeftijd van 67 jaar het oudst. Maar ook de
10%. Voor tong werd vorig jaar gemiddeld 11,07 schepen uit Westdongeradeel en Lauwersoog
euro betaald en voor schol 1,68 euro per kilo. zijn met een gemiddelde leeftijd van respectie-
Ook de prijs voor tarbot en griet zat in de lift, velijk 60 en 57 jaar niet bepaald jong te noemen.
daarvoor werd in 2016 circa 4% meer betaald. De kotters uit Goedereede en Texel zijn daaren-
tegen met een leeftijd van gemiddeld 21 en 20
De prijzen van garnalen stegen vorig jaar explo- jaar van relatief jonge datum. Sinds 2005 is er
sief. Gemiddeld werd 7,29 euro per kilo betaald. nauwelijks geïnvesteerd in nieuwe schepen,
Meer dan een verdubbeling ten opzichte van vooral door de slechte financiële positie waarin
2015, terwijl de aanvoer met 18,4 miljoen kilo de visserijsector jaren verkeerde.
nagenoeg gelijk bleef. De garnaal concentreerde
zich vanaf midden vorig jaar vooral voor de Ne- Nieuwbouw
derlandse kust en liet zich in de rest van Europa
nauwelijks vangen. De handel zat vanwege leve- Dankzij het uitzonderlijk goede jaar 2016 krijgen
ringscontracten te springen om garnalen wat vissers wel weer meer ruimte om te investeren.
een sterk prijsopdrijvend effect had. Een aantal garnalenvissers heeft al een nieuwe
kotter besteld. Anderen overwegen eveneens te
Meer vis investeren in nieuwbouw. Ook nieuwe flyshoo-
ters/twinriggers zijn in aanbouw, zowel onder
Totaal voerde de Nederlandse kottervloot 3000 Nederlandse als buitenlandse vlag. Volgend jaar
ton meer vis en garnalen aan dan in 2015. Van zal voor het eerst in 11 jaar een nieuwe grote
schol werd 33,5 miljoen kilo aangevoerd, van (puls)kotter in de vaart komen. Dit 42 meter lan-
tong 9,5 miljoen kilo. Met garnalen zijn dit de be- ge schip wordt voor Urker rekening gebouwd.
langrijkste doelsoorten van de Nederlandse kot-
tervloot. Een nieuw fenomeen is het terughalen van niet
gesaneerde kotters uit het buitenland, die weer
De aanvoer van de flyshooters is opvallend. Van visklaar worden gemaakt voor de (schol)visserij
de flyshoot-vissoort rode poon werd in 2016 onder Nederlandse vlag. Zo heeft Dadas op Urk
26% meer aangevoerd, van inktvis 40% meer en intussen twee van dergelijke grote kotters te-
van makreel 19% meer. Van mul daarentegen ruggehaald uit Zuid-Afrika en ook Jaczon in
daalde de aanvoer met 29% tot 1,5 miljoen kilo. Scheveningen heeft een dergelijk schip aange-
Deze vissoort liet zich vorig jaar beduidend min- kocht en onder Nederlandse vlag gebracht. Een
der vangen dan de jaren ervoor. tweede wordt momenteel visklaar gemaakt,
maar krijgt een Engels visserijnummer. Ook het
Verouderd terugvlaggen van vlagkotters komt de laatste tijd
vaker voor.
Er werkten vorig jaar 1135 mensen in de kotter-
visserij, 3% meer dan in 2015. Desondanks is het Onzekerheden

eigendom van Urker vissers, die wekelijks aan-
Of het positieve resultaat van 2016 dit jaar kan landen op de visafslag van Urk.
worden gevenaard valt volgens Wageningen
Economic Research niet te voorspellen, daarvoor Urk is met een omzet van 150 miljoen euro en
zijn de onzekerheden te groot. Hoe de vis- en een aanvoer van ruim 53 miljoen kilo vis in 2016
brandstofprijzen zich ontwikkelen is uitermate veruit de grootste visafslag van Nederland. En-
onzeker en bovendien niet of nauwelijks te beïn- gelse (vlag)kotters droegen daar voor respectie-
vloeden. velijk 18 en 23% aan bij. Wat als deze schepen
Zo baart de aanlandplicht de vissers kopzorgen. straks worden verplicht in Engeland aan te lan-
De gevolgen van deze volgens velen onmogelijke den, waar de Britse visverwerkende industrie to-
maatregel worden langzaam zichtbaar en dat taal niet berekend is op grote hoeveelheden
roept steeds meer vragen op zoals: waar moet je schol? Dat dit tot een enorm prijsbederf zal lei-
met dat spul, de discards, naartoe? Is er wel een den is evident. En wat staat er te gebeuren met
markt voor? Wat gaat dat allemaal kosten en wie de pulsvisserij, waarvoor de Nederlandse over-
betaalt de rekening? Vragen waarop op dit mo- heid 84 ontheffingen heeft uitgegeven en die bij
ment nog geen eenduidig antwoord is te geven, meerdere landen, waaronder Frankrijk en het
ook door de overheid niet, want die geeft vol- Verenigd Koninkrijk, onder vuur ligt? Worden de
gens de vissers niet thuis. ontheffingen weer ingetrokken en daarmee de
pulsvisserij de nek omgedraaid?

Een andere grote vrees is de uittreding van het Hoe dan ook, de mate waarin de Brexit wordt
Verenigd Koninkrijk uit de EU (Brexit). Dat zou doorgevoerd zal straks bepalend zijn voor de
grote gevolgen kunnen hebben voor de Neder- economische prestaties van het Nederlandse
landse kottervisserij. Circa 30% van de Neder- viscluster, zo luidt de algehele verwachting.
landse kotters is voor hun aanvoer afhankelijk
van de visserij in Britse wateren. Daarnaast is er SOURCE
een groot aantal Britse (vlag) kotters, vooral in


FISHERIES RESEARCH VESSEL CONTRACT men Shipyards Group for the construction of a
22 maart 2017 Fisheries Research Vessel. The contract followed
the successful result of a European tendering
process, realized by the Federal Waterways En-
gineering and Research Institute (Bundesanstalt
für Wasserbau, BAW). With the vessel, to be cal-
led the Walther Herwig, the German Federal Mi-
nistry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) will sup-
port Germany’s fisheries and oceanographic re-
search programmes. To this end, Damen will
construct the Walther Herwig to the highest le-
vels of scientific and environmental standards.

Measuring 85 x 17,40 metres, the Walther Her-

The German Federal Office for Agriculture and wig will be the largest vessel in the German Fe-
Food (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und deral Ministry of Food and Agriculture’s fleet.
Ernährung, BLE) has signed a contract with Da- Such dimensions will allow for accommodation
for 26 crew and 26 scientists.

to have been awarded this prestigious contract
In terms of scientific facilities and equipment, for such an advanced research vessel. We are
the vessel will be outfitted with two hangars, looking forward to continuing our close coopera-
wet and dry laboratory areas and trawling gear tion with representatives from the German Fe-
for both demersal and pelagic fisheries research. deral Office for Agriculture and Food during the
For physical and biological oceanographic stu- construction process.”
dies, the vessel’s scientific teams will be able to
utilise winches capable of relaying equipment to The Walther Herwig will be built at Damen
depths of up to 6,000 metres. Shipyards Galati in Romania to a design that has
been finalised in cooperation with Norwegian
Talking at this morning’s contract signing cere- ship designers Skipsteknisk. The expected deli-
mony at the BLE office in Hamburg, Damen very is January 2020.
Commercial Director North, West & South Euro-
pe Frank de Lange commented: “We are proud SOURCE


Visserijnieuws een metertje langer.’’
17 maart 2017
De nieuwe WR 50 krijgt als afmetingen een leng-
te van 23,95 meter, een breedte van 6,20 meter
en een holte van 2,66 meter. De oplevering is in
het voorjaar van 2018 gepland.

De huidige WR 50 ‘Concordia’ (22,25 meter, in

2001 gebouwd bij Visser Den Helder) is begin dit
jaar door de gebroeders Bakker verkocht en
wordt in augustus overgedragen aan de gebroe-
ders Rotgans (WR 143).

Met de jaarwisseling hadden de gebroeders Bak-

ker helemaal niet het idee om dit jaar een
STAVOREN/DEN OEVER – De gebroeders Jacco nieuwbouwopdracht te geven. ,,Maar het begon
en André Bakker hebben Heijsman Scheepsbouw te kriebelen toen we spontaan prijzen voor onze
& Reparatie in Stavoren opdracht gegeven voor kotter hoorden noemen. We zijn nu 43 en 39
de bouw van hun nieuwe garnalenkotter WR 50. jaar, dus moeten en mogen hopelijk nog even
Het ontwerp van de nieuwe WR 50 is afkomstig vooruit’’, vertelt Jacco Bakker. ,,We hebben toen
van Scheepsbouwkundig Bureau Herman Jansen. gebeld met Pieter de Jong, konden snel zaken
Hernand Jansen is er heel blij mee en spreekt doen en namen vervolgens contact op met Her-
over een verbeterd ontwerp met een nieuw lij- nand Jansen. De door Heijsman gebouwde WR
nenplan. ,,Als je het straks ziet varen, dan kun je 40 is een prachtig casco met een mooie volle
op afstand al zien dat het de WR 50 is.’’ kop. Daarvoor zijn we gevallen. Maar we willen
het allemaal toch wat anders. Wat meer lengte,
Christiaan Heijsman is ook enorm in zijn sas met een wat grotere brug, een andere sierpijp met
de nieuwbouwopdracht. ,,Met de WR 40 hebben vleugels, schuine ramen en een plattere pet bij-
we drie jaar geleden ons visitekaartje afgegeven. voorbeeld. Heijsman is er klaar voor, het wach-
De gebroeders Bakker willen graag nog wat meer ten is op de tekeningen.’’
ruimte en dus wordt de nieuwe Wieringer bijna

Bij Heijsman zijn ze vorige week gestart met de broeders Rog komen daarvoor medio mei naar
bouw van een nieuwe stuurhut voor de garna- Stavoren.
lenkotter SCH 10 ‘Drie gebroeders’. Een stalen
stuurhuis met een aluminium siermast. De ge- SOURCE


Hellenic Maritime News
28 maart 2017

(…) that doing so would widen the shipping indu-

stry’s supply and demand gap even more.

For the shipbreaking sector, on the other hand,

2016 was a banner year. More than 500,000
twenty-foot equivalent units’ (TEUs’) worth of
cargo capacity was demolished in container
shipping alone, much of which came from relati-
vely new ships. Between the expansion of the
Panama Canal, which led to an overabundance
of Panamax-sized vessels, and the glut of ships
on the market as a whole, companies that
couldn’t afford to maintain unused vessels were
forced to scrap ships as young as 7 years old — a
historical record. Countries with sizable scrap-
ping industries, such as India and Bangladesh,
welcomed the additional business, even if it was
Building, Breaking and Banking
a product of international shipping companies’
misfortune. But the boom of 2016 probably
Shipbuilders and shipbreakers will also play an
won’t last for much longer, since companies can
important role in correcting the imbalance in the
afford to get rid of only so many ships.
industry. Orders for the construction of new con-
tainer, bulk and tanker ships fell sharply in 2016,
Dwindling purchases and heightened scrapping
a dip that will help to address the shipping indu-
have yet to fully right the shipping industry. At
stry’s problems but will damage the shipbuilding
the same time, they have put shipbuilders —
sector in the process. Though there is usually a
which are crucial producers for many countries
two-year delay between the order of a new ship
— in a difficult position. Without new vessels to
and its actual delivery, some shipyards have al-
build, shipyards have had a hard time staying up
ready finished filling the orders on their books.
and running, even with the help of government
And with no new purchases on the horizon, ma-
subsidies. China Ocean Shipping Co., China’s
ny have had to shut their doors for good. Despe-
third-largest shipbuilder, will be closing three of
rate to protect the industry vital to their econo-
its yards by 2020, while Mitsubishi Heavy Indu-
mies, countries like Japan, South Korea and Chi-
stries is weighing the possibility of restructuring
na will continue trying to attract buyers and bol-
its company. Hyundai Heavy and Daewoo Ship-
ster national shipbuilders, regardless of the fact

building, moreover, may lower their prices to efficiency. (Maersk has already worked with IBM
bring in more buyers. If they succeed, the addi- to incorporate blockchain applications into its
tion of new ships to the global fleet may help business practices.) Moreover, the ships them-
keep shipping rates low — at the industry’s ex- selves will change as companies make use of al-
pense. ternative fuels such as liquefied natural gas to
meet Europe’s environmental standards. They
Nevertheless, companies in search of new ships may even become fully automated someday; in
must be able to find the capital with which to fact, Norway recently opened its first testing
buy them. Firms also have to meet their pay- ground for waterborne automated vehicles.
ments on existing loans, a reality that inextrica-
bly links them to the world’s banks. Because Each of these changes will better prepare the in-
German banks own roughly a quarter of the con- dustry for a year that is shaping up to be tough
tainer shipping industry’s outstanding loans, for global trade. The United States’ decision to
they are particularly vulnerable to the sector’s pull away from transnational trade initiatives
financial troubles. And with the country’s crucial such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership and per-
elections set for later this year, German banks haps renegotiate NAFTA has given rise to greater
will no doubt take steps to protect themselves economic uncertainty, as has the United King-
from default, choosing policies that best suit dom’s impending initiation of the Brexit process.
their interests rather than the shipping indu- Meanwhile, countries that rely on exports for
stry’s. their economic success — chief among them,
China — will need to seek out new markets el-
sewhere. And as the tides of global trade shift,
Staying the Course the shipping industry will strain to keep up as
persistent overcapacity problems continue to
As the world’s oversupply of shipping capacity weigh it down.
gradually shrinks, carriers will find some measu-
re of financial relief as prices — and profits — Source: Stratfor, “Why the Global Shipping Indu-
begin to rebound. But the industry will still have stry Will Be Tough to Salvage” was originally pu-
to adapt to its new international environment. blished by Stratfor, a geopolitical intelligence
The growing need for corporate partnerships will platform based in Austin, Texas.”
prompt the globe’s shipping giants to invest in
technology that will increase transparency and SOURCE

20 maart 2017

Scheepswerf De Hoop in Foxhol gaat failliet. de werf in Foxhol niet kunnen worden overge-
Volgens directeur Patrick Janssens is er geen plaatst naar Lobith. Woensdag is er een perso-
redden meer aan. neelsbijeenkomst op de werf in Foxhol, georga-
niseerd door vakbond FNV Metaal.

Volgens vakbondbestuurder Albert Kuiper staat

het aanstaande faillissement van De Hoop niet
op zichzelf. 'Er is in de scheepsbouw een race to
the bottom aan de gang. De werven die met
goedkoop buitenlands personeel werken, slepen
de orders in de wacht. De rest heeft het nakij-

Quote 500
De 56 medewerkers zijn enkele weken geleden
al naar huis gestuurd. Maandag hebben ze te ho- Kuiper wijst erop dat alleen de personeels-b.v.
ren gekregen dat het definitief over en uit is. van De Hoop failliet gaat. De werf zelf blijft ei-
Janssens verwacht dat het faillissement dinsdag gendom van Janssens. 'De kans op een doorstart
wordt uitgesproken. onder zijn leiding is inderdaad nihil', denkt Kui-
Lege orderportefeuille
Janssens zelf stond vorig jaar in de Quote 500
'We doen dit om onze andere werf, in Lobith, te met een geschat vermogen van 65 miljoen euro.
kunnen laten voortbestaan', zegt Janssens. 'Daar Kuiper: 'Hij gaat gewoon verder, maar ik heb die
hebben we voldoende werk voor. Maar voor 56 werknemers op mijn netvlies'.
'Foxhol' is de orderportefeuille leeg.'
Ondanks het aantrekken van de economie is er
geen uitzicht op verbetering, schetst Janssens. De vakbondbestuurder vervolgt: 'Er zijn andere
'Wereldwijd liggen duizenden schepen op het partijen die wellicht interesse hebben, omdat ze
droge. Die moeten eerst allemaal weer in de wel voldoende orders hebben die ze kunnen on-
vaart komen. En dan zijn er nog de schepen die derbrengen bij De Hoop.'
bij de werven in voorraad zijn. Pas als die alle-
maal ook in gebruik zijn, komen er misschien 'Zo'n overname van een kant-en-klare werf is
weer nieuwe orders.' een buitenkans, maar moet dan wel binnen half
jaar gebeuren. Want zonder gespecialiseerd per-
Personeelsbijeenkomst soneel heb je een lege werf en die is niet veel
Dat verklaart ook waarom de werknemers van SOURCE

24 maart 2017

De Nederlandse scheepsbouw en andere be- Heel cluster

drijven in de maritieme sector hebben miljar-
den nodig om weer gezond te worden. Dat zegt Dat het niet goed gaat kan Van Sluis zeker bea-
stichting Nederland Maritiem Land. Een over- men. Het gaat volgens hem om honderden klei-
heidssubsidie van 1,4 miljard euro is een nood- ne en middelgrote bedrijven. 'Het zijn de
zakelijke eerste stap, zegt Wim van Sluis, voor- scheepsbouwers, maar ook de toeleveranciers,
zitter van de stichting Nederland Maritiem maritieme dienstverleners; het is het hele cluster
dat nu wel onder druk staat. In de crisis heeft de
maritieme sector, waarin in totaal zo'n 265.000
mensen werken, als een trekpaard gefungeerd.
Je ziet de laatste anderhalf jaar dat het versneld
wat slechter gaat, maar we zijn nationaal en in-
ternationaal een zeer vermaarde industrie met
heel veel kennis en innovatie.'

Nog geen miljoen

Land. De laatste jaren verdwenen daardoor meerdere

werven; deze week ging scheepswerf De Hoop in
Een van de oorzaken van de malaise is de lage het Groningse Foxhol nog failliet. De scheeps-
olieprijs, waardoor er minder wordt geïnves- werven die nog bestaan, hebben het moeilijk.
teerd op zee, en minder schepen nodig zijn. Ook Bauke Adema, eigenaar van scheepswerf Pattje:
de goedkope productie buiten Europa speelt een 'Wij hebben het financieel heel erg zwaar, dat is
rol, net als de overcapaciteit, die maakt dat geen geheim. Wij dichten het ene gat met het
vrachtprijzen laag zijn en vrachtvervoerders niet andere.' In 2012 ging Scheepswerf Grave failliet;
meer investeren in nieuwe schepen. Het zou een zestigtal medewerkers stond op straat.
daarom best de moeite waard zijn om daar de Maakte het bedrijf vóór het faillissement een
komende jaren slim én duurzaam in te investe- omzet van 15 tot 20 miljoen euro, sinds een
ren, benadrukt Wim van Sluis. 'Dus het is niet doorstart is de omzet gekelderd. 'Nu zitten we
zomaar staatssteun om in bedrijven te stoppen, nog niet aan het miljoen', zegt directeur Rob van
dát zou inderdaad marktverstorend zijn.' Kessel.



29 maart 2017

Minister Schultz (Infrastructuur) ligt op ramkoers op het ‘nationaal belang' van de Rijksvaarweg en
met het Amsterdamse stadsbestuur over plan- dreigt met maatregelen als een brug voor de
nen voor een Java(fiets)brug over het IJ. Zij eist ‘Sprong over het IJ' in beeld blijft.
tenminste vierlaags containervaart, beroept zich

bruggen over het IJ. De binnenvaart eist een
doorvaarthoogte van 12,50 meter voor vierlaags
containervaart. De gemeente vindt 9,50 meter
hoog genoeg.

De minister wijst op belangrijke Rijksinvesterin-

gen in het IJ. ‘Zoals u weet is het IJ een econo-
misch belangrijke vaarverbinding. Vanuit het na-
tionaal belang van deze Rijksvaarweg is het voor
mij van essentieel belang dat we de groei van
 ‘Den Haag' dreigt met hoge eisen als scheepvaart in de toekomst blijven faciliteren.
Amsterdam plannen doorzet Daarom heb ik veel geïnvesteerd in meerdere
 Minister pleit voor tunnelvariant diepliggende tunnels en de nieuwe grote zee-
sluis bij IJmuiden', schrijft minister Schultz geër-
Door Dirk van der Meulen gerd. ‘Ik ben daarom, net als de scheepvaartsec-
tor, de provincie en enkele belanghebbenden in
Het verzet in klare taal van minister Melanie de regio niet blij met het voorgenomen besluit
Schultz van Haegen en de hoofdingenieur van voor een Javabrug.'
Rijkswaterstaat Bob Demoet blijkt uit brieven
aan de Amsterdamse wethouders Kajsa Ol- Veel te hoog
longren en Erik van der Burg, die zijn uitgelekt
naar Het Parool en De Telegraaf. De minister en Aanleg van de Javabrug gaat volgens de gemeen-
de RWS-topman pleiten voor een tunnelvariant te 210 miljoen euro kosten. Dagelijks moeten er
en vragen met klem om alsnog ‘een betere en omstreeks 2030 tussen de 22.000 en 30.000 rei-
completere afweging te maken'. Dreigend voegt zigers gebruik maken van de brug die Amster-
Schultz daaraan toe: ‘Als na een betere afweging dam-Noord met de rest van de stad verbindt. De
en overleg alsnog een brug in beeld blijft, dan zal gemeentelijke plannen gaan er daarbij vanuit dat
ik daar hoge eisen aan stellen voor wat betreft de cruiseterminal PTA verhuist naar het westelijk
hoogte, overig ontwerp en beheersmaatregelen.' havengebied.
Minister Henk Kamp (Economische Zaken) sprak
zich in november vorig jaar op het Havengildedi- Onder Amsterdammers is, naast bijval voor een
ner al uit tegen een brugverbinding: ‘Dat brede brug over het IJ, ook veel verzet. Het Parool
IJ, zonder bruggen, zonder blokkades. Dat zou- meldt dat bij de gemeente intussen 2500 in-
den we zo moeten houden.' spraakreacties binnen zijn. Er wordt getwijfeld
aan de behoefte aan een Java(fietsbrug), hele-
Vierlaags maal als de metro van de Noord-Zuidlijn gaat rij-
den. Een brug zal bovendien te hoog worden
De provincie, verschillende gemeen- voor fietsers. Op papier werden 886 handteke-
ten, Havenbedrijf Amsterdam en de havenon- ningen opgehaald en een petitie op internet
dernemersorganisatie ORAM delen het stand- werd door nog eens 1828 tegenstanders gete-
punt van ‘Den Haag'. Het Havenbedrijf trekt sa- kend en aangeboden aan de gemeente Amster-
men op met gedeputeerde verkeer en vervoer dam.
Elisabeth Post (VVD) van de provincie Noord-
Holland en Koninklijke BLN-Schuttevaer in het SOURCE
verzet tegen de bouw van een of meer nieuwe

13 maart 2017

voor de vereisten voor brandveiligheid. Met de

klassemaatschappijen moeten de voorstellen
worden onderzocht op hun haalbaarheid. Pro-
fessor Vantorre van de Gentse universiteit moet
ook een aantal technische vereisten concreet
berekenen en op papier zetten. En last but not
least moet er nog worden overlegd met de Ne-
derlandse overheid.

Niet betrokken

De Vlaamse regering wil de eisen aan estuaire Bij al dit overleg was de sector binnenvaart ech-
binnenschepen die via de Scheldemonding langs ter niet betrokken en dat zet behoorlijk wat
de kust naar Zeebrugge varen versoepelen. Het kwaad bloed bij de Federatie van de Belgische
wijzigingsvoorstel moet eind april klaar zijn en Binnenvaart.
nog deze zomer worden gepubliceerd in het
Staatsblad. De vraag om meer binnenvaart op zee mogelijk
te maken (naast de al bestaande trafiek met
Bedoeling is de minimale bemanning terug te binnenvaartcontainerschepen en -tankers) zijn
brengen van vier naar drie. Ook zouden de vei- de verladers in de haven van Zeebrugge, die het
ligheidseisen kunnen worden versoepeld en zou liefst conventionele binnenvaartschepen willen
de verplichting om een automatisch reddingsvlot inzetten om buitenom bulklading (papierpulp,
aan boord te hebben kunnen vervallen. De filo- breakbulk) naar het achterland te brengen. ‘De
sofie hierachter is dat de schepen dicht genoeg estuaire vaart een boost geven', noemt de
bij de kust varen om, in geval van een calamiteit Vlaamse minister van Mobiliteit Ben Weyts dat.
aan boord, op het strand te kunnen worden ge-
zet waar de bemanning als het ware veilig kan Afwijzend
De Federatie van de Belgische binnenvaart heeft
Er werd een lijst met technische vereisten opge- overigens nog geen standpunt bepaald over de
steld die ook aan een conventioneel binnen- vraag of het conventionele binnenvaartschepen
vaartschip zouden worden opgelegd om het es- moet worden toegestaan via de kust naar Zee-
tuair traject te kunnen afleggen. De werkgroep brugge te varen.
‘Estuaire vaart - binnenvaart op zee' had op 17
januari nog een bijeenkomst waarop voor heel Een afwijzend standpunt hebben in elk geval de
wat punten op de lijst een consensus werd be- eigenaren van de drie estuaire containerschepen
reikt. die sinds 10 jaar varen op Zeebrugge. De Ambe-
res, Deseo en Tripoli zijn namelijk speciaal voor
De voorstellen worden momenteel op papier ge- dit traject gebouwd. Het blijven binnenvaart-
zet. schepen, maar zijn duidelijk versterkt voor het
varen op zee met hogere voorstevens, meer vrij-
Wel moet nog een oplossing worden gevonden boord, veiliger uitwateringssysteem, speciale

ontluchting op de brandstoftanks, sterkere mo-
toren, bijkomende communicatie- en reddings- En dan is er nog het idee dammen of kusteilan-
middelen en speciaal gebrevetteerde beman- den aan te leggen tussen Zeebrugge en de mon-
ningen. De ruimen met een capaciteit van 450 ding van de Schelde. Oorspronkelijk werd het
teu zijn uitgerust met stacks voor snel laden en plan "Vlaamse Baaien" bedacht om hiermee de
lossen van containers. Zij werden ontworpen als Belgische kust te beschermen tegen de stijgende
alternatief voor de verbinding door het binnen- zeespiegel als gevolg van de klimaatverandering.
land via Brugge, het kanaal Gent-Oostende en In de huidige stand van zaken wordt de kust be-
het kanaal van Terneuzen, een traject dat slechts scherming geboden tegen overstromingen tot
toegankelijk is voor schepen van 1350 ton en 70 2050. Minister Weyts kijkt echter verder,
teu. tot 2100 en heeft de meest pessimistische sce-
nario's voor ogen, zoals een extreme stijging van
Moeilijke markt de zeespiegel met meer dan 80 centimeter.

Het drietal vaart onder de vlag Om daarop te anticiperen werd het plan opgevat
van PortConnect en wordt waar nodig ingezet om een zeewering te bouwen op zee zoals een
met als vaargebied Zeebrugge-Amsterdam- kunstmatig proefeiland ter hoogte van Knokke-
Rotterdam-Antwerpen (ZARA) en de Rijn tot Heist. Dit eiland zou later kunnen passen in een
Karlsruhe. Alleen de Amberes kan het Albertka- hele keten van eilanden voor de Belgische kust.
naal op, dankzij een geringere kruiphoogte.
Tussen de oorspronkelijke kustlijn en de eilan-
Bij de bouw van deze relatief dure schepen ging dengordel zou dan een beschut nevenvaarwater
men destijds uit van een steeds toenemende ontstaan, meer geschikt voor binnenvaartsche-
containertrafiek van en naar Zeebrugge, maar de pen.
economische crisis van 2008 was niet ingecalcu-
leerd. Die crisis verminderde het ladingaanbod. Geopperd werd intussen zelfs om voorbij de
En de soep werd helemaal dun toen in 2016 de aardgasterminal de dijk door te steken, zodat de
grootste klant van Zeebrugge, rederij CMA CGM binnenvaart een aparte en beschermde entree
vertrok. Bijkomend nadeel is dat de estuaire tot de Zeebrugse buitenhaven krijgt.
schepen door hun ruiminrichting ongeschikt zijn
voor bulk- of projectlading. Bommen

Toelating van conventionele binnenvaartsche- Of het idee kans maakt op uitvoering is nog zeer
pen in hun vaargebied, zou weleens het einde onzeker. Obstakels zijn er in elk geval genoeg. Zo
kunnen betekenen voor het drietal, omdat ze op moet er worden gebaggerd op de plaat Paar-
kostprijs niet met gewone binnenvaart kunnen denmarkt, maar op die plaats werd na de Eerste
concurreren. De estuaire ondernemers pleiten en Tweede Wereldoorlog bij elkaar zo'n 500 tot
dan ook eerder voor uitbreiding van hun vaarge- 1100 ton granaten gedumpt, waaronder ook met
bied, over zee naar Rotterdam of Duinkerken. gifgasladingen. Minister Weyts alvast heeft 8
Maar de kans daarop lijkt niet groot, aangezien miljoen euro vrijgemaakt voor verder studiewerk
Frankrijk en Nederland een dergelijke estuaire en het in kaart brengen van de zeebodem. Op 31
vaart niet kennen. En ook internationaal is er maart is een eerste vergadering gepland van alle
een probleem. De IMO, SOLAS en andere con- instanties die zijn betrokken bij het project
venties zijn formeel: geen binnenvaartschepen Vlaamse Baaien en dat volledig losstaat van het
op zee. koninklijk besluit estuaire vaart.

Kusteilanden SOURCE



The Medi Telegraph te for Industry, Christophe Sirugue, and by the
28 maart 2017 Italian shipbuilding giant. In recent weeks, the
discussions between Fincantieri and its French
counterparts have moved towards an agreement
that seems, according to many observers, to be
very close and which will certainly contribute to
consolidating the European shipbuilding industry
as a whole. Attention is focused on this week,
which is already full of important meetings for

Starting with board on Wednesday, which, with

the numbers from the 2016 balance sheet,
MAJESTIC PRINCESS on trials should show the group back in the black after
the red ink of 2015: the half year closed with a
Trieste - Fincantieri’s acquisition of the Saint- net positive result of seven million, and C.E.O.
Nazaire shipyards could happen soon,before the Giuseppe Bono confirmed the positive trend mo-
French elections: the goal of closing the deal on re than once.
the only shipyards in France that are capable of
building large civilian and military ships is shared SOURCE
by the government in Paris, which has made this
clear in recent days through the Secretary of Sta-

Mega Yacht News
23 maart 2017

It’s not unusual to hear of a builder landing a ry. Benetti is building a 115-footer (35-meter) for
contract for a government vessel. Several yacht Tokyo city officials to use for conferences and
builders have military ties, either directly or as presentations.
part of larger companies. However, when a gov-
ernment wants a yacht, it’s a whole other sto- While the shipyard is not revealing images of the

design, the project does have some pretty strict
parameters. For example, due to fixed bridges
on Tokyo Bay, the megayacht cannot exceed a
height of 36 feet (11 meters). Benetti is addi-
tionally building a folding mast for the height re-
strictions. Furthermore, due to low depths along
the waterway, draft is an unusually shallow four
feet (1.25 meters). As you might also expect,
waterjet propulsion is therefore replacing tradi-
tional propellers.
In terms of interior features, for now, Benetti
A fellow Italian firm, Verme Yacht Design, is says the motoryacht needs a conference room
working with Benetti for naval architecture. It with a table for 35 people. The same room re-
designed the 115-footer to reach a top speed of quires a separate booth for an interpreter. Yet
25 knots. The parties are no strangers to one an- another requirement is a traditional Japanese
other. Verme Yacht Design collaborated with Az- reception room. Typically, these types of rooms
imut, Benetti’s sister company, for the Azimut include an alcove displaying flowers, pictoral
Grande 140, now known as the Benetti F-140. scrolls, or other items for artistic appreciation.
Several Japanese engineers are on site at Benet-
ti’s Livorno shipyard (above) for the construction Delivery is set for December of next year.
as well.


27 maart 2017

Prior to the offer Fincantieri owned 55.63% of

the Vard, a global designer and shipbuilder of
offshore and specialized vessels, following the
acquisition of a majority stake January 2013.
VARD is currently listed on the Singapore Stock

In November’s offer Fincantieri offered to pay

minority shareholders SGD 0.24 per share in
cash for a maximum consideration of SGD
12,646,896, or approximately EUR 82,000,000 at
Vard Langsten yard. Source: Vard the exchange rate at the time. The purpose of
the offer was to delist Vard from the Singapore
Fincantieri’s bid for all remaining shares of Vard Stock Exchange upon acquiring 90% of Vard’s
Holdings failed to reach the minimum threshold shares, a limit required under Singapore law.
required to take the company private.
Vard currently owns nine shipyards in Norway,
Fincantieri said Friday that its voluntary uncondi- Romania, Brazil and Vietnam and employs ap-
tional offer for all remaining shares launched on proximately 9,000 people.
November 13, 2016 closed with Fincantieri hold-
ing just 74.45% of Vard’s total share capital. SOURCE



The Maritime Journal
24 maart 2017

While some maritime businesses may have ini- fectively taking our future hostage”.
tially been confused about what Brexit would
mean to them, others felt it immediately. This has a knock on effect: “We can’t honestly
make plans to invest in our company – we simply
Take REAP, a sophisticated, Southampton-based don’t know what is going to happen.” He added
marine energy developer with customers in the in his opinion the lack of clear aims and objecti-
UK, Europe and Scandinavia. This company had ves before the referendum and triggering Article
had a quotation out for a system involving 50 has meant “uncertainty will keep stalling in-
around £23,000 worth of cells “but by the time it vestments and business in general for the next
was confirmed, the news about Brexit had hit, few years".
which left the pound much weaker... this made
the cells around 20% more expensive and we
had to absorb the loss” said owner Dennis

This may be dismissed as simply unfortunate,

but he pointed out that there’s a longer term
impact for committed, ethical businesses. “We
are in the ‘sustainable’ sector,” he explained,
and that makes a difference not just to the ‘pro-
duct’, but the pattern of business itself. “Most of
the systems we develop are bespoke, they are
big, long-term energy investments for our clients
and they need to know that we will still be able
to support them in five years time. Because of
the uncertainty our clients – even ones outside
the EU - may well start to favour European busi-
nesses over ours.” Bruno Tideman

The issue is given a whole new dimension for Dr Supply chain

Doerffel and his partner who are aware that
despite 14 years of tax-paying hard work, “at While some have held out the hope that a wea-
some point we might get a letter saying we have kened Pound may encourage European buyers,
to pack up and leave”. In his view the govern- Bruno Tideman, founder and CEO of Dutch com-
ment’s decision to use the status of 3.5m Euro- pany Tideman Boats told MJ: “Trade depends on
peans living in the UK “as bargaining chips” in more than just the relative weakness of one cur-
negotiations against UK citizens in Europe is “ef- rency to another. If you do business within the

EU there’s no import duties, no VAT, just ship- ver in about a minute”, and there really isn’t
ping costs: that makes you very agile and com- much room to extend this window. “If you take
petitive.” the volume of traffic that transits Dover just in
one day, put nose to tail it would reach from Do-
There is, he said, value in an established supply ver, up through the M20, around the M25, over
chain for specialist builders both in the UK and the Dartford crossing and go up the M11 as far
Europe and this is what Brexit threatens to dis- as Stanstead Airport.”
mantle. Tideman sources all its major compo-
nents internationally, including the UK: “It has He pointed out if Eurotunnel traffic is added
taken us years and years to get to a position “then between us we have 30% of the UK’s trade
where different suppliers know exactly what we passing across the Dover Straits”. Unfortunately,
want,” he explained. “If we have to start dealing viable alternative routes “simply don’t exist” and
with import and export duties, as well as the if rapid transit through the crossings and into the
hassle of getting components cleared through wider freight corridor is not maintained “the im-
customs, it is going to take a lot of time and pact is astronomical” said Mr Waggot. There-
energy away from our core business.” fore, customs delays could gridlock a large pro-
portion of the UK supply chain with repercus-
He believes the overall effect will be to divide: sions felt in France, Holland and Belgium.
local UK boat builders will focus on domestic
suppliers “and it will be harder for us in Europe Yes, there is a solution: Mr Waggot says an IT-
to enter the UK market” he said. driven virtual border would help maintain fricti-
onless trade, possibly taken in conjunction with
Gateway an internationally-recognised ‘passport for
Mr Tideman isn’t the only one to worry about
customs administration: Tim Waggott, CEO of However, it would take high-level direction, mo-
the Port of Dover told the All-Party Parliamenta- ney - and time. As most people are aware, it
ry Maritime and Ports Group that the reinstate- looks like we only have two years.
ment of customs clearance at the port could
be crippling for Dover and UK plc. He explained SOURCE
that at present, “an HGV transits the Port of Do-


23 maart 2017

Ulstein Verft is about to complete an aftermar- activity in the areas of aftermarket service of the
ket mission on the sixth ship this year, and a existing offshore fleet.
seventh vessel is about to arrive the yard for
service. While the Norwegian offshore industry “The aftermarket department at Ulstein Verft is
is adapting to new segments, there is still high in high demand,” says service manager Jan Peder

Hoggen. Towering in the dock hall is the anchor
handling tug supply ship Island Valiant, which is “Comes mid-April, we await the arrival of an ex-
going through a ten-year classification. pedition cruise vessel for a major upgrade. The
vessel will be docked in the dock hall. We also
“Our strength is that we have competence in de- have an outside dock, and the dimensions are
sign, engineering, power & control and produc- such that we can have one vessel docked in the
tion within our group pf companies. We install dock hall and another one in the outside dock
and test components and systems. The yard has simultaneously.”
a highly skilled engineering department, who can
carry out engineering work in larger repairs and The service and aftermarket department also
upgrades. We are therefore well positioned to carries out assignments outside Ulstein’s own
take on aftermarket assignments,” claims Hog- yard. The past few months, several of the work-
gen. ers have performed service assignments on ves-
sels in cold stock at other premises. The depart-
“All ships need to go through reclassification ment also rents out a barge and a large Terex
every five or ten years. This involves services mobile crane. The next job will be to transport a
such as equipment control, cleaning and paint. complete winch package from IP Huse for a cli-
Other vessels are docked to be mobilized for ent.
new missions. Our covered dock hall secures
high-quality work in any kinds of weather. SOURCE



Deon Daugherty Russia is planning to spend more than $113 billi-
March 28, 2017 on bringing online 29 oil and gas projects by
2025, according to information from GlobalData.

The developments are projected to add 800,000

barrels per day and 11.9 billion cubic feet per
day to global production figures. Within the next
seven years, Gazprom has six planned natural
gas projects set to produce 250 thousand barrels
of oil equivalent per day (boepd), followed by
Surgutneftegas’s five projects to develop 17
thousand boepd and Rosneft Oil Co.’s two pro-
jects to produce 540.8 thousand boepd, accor-
The former Soviet Union nation intends to spend ding to GlobalData research.
$43 billion by 2025 to launch 29 oil and gas pro-
jects, according to GlobalData's research. “Even with the recent production cuts, Russia

remains the leader in the region with healthy pi- About $43 billion is earmarked for the period
peline of planned assets,” said Anna Belova, se- between 2017 and 2015, GlobalData said, and
nior oil and gas analyst for the former Soviet total capital spending (CAPEX) on key projects is
Union region, in a statement. As part of the cru- expected to reach $113 billion. More than $10
de oil production cut between OPEC and non- billion is designated for the Sakhalin 3 project
OPEC nations, Russian oil production dropped to and Gazprom is projected to spend $31.8 billion.
roughly 11.10 million barrels per day (MMbpd)
in February, down from 11.247 MMbpd in Octo- SOURCE


22 maart 2017

Russia will subside the ship recycling to recover at domestic shipyards, which will boost the local
part of the cost of acquiring or building new sector and expected to start benefiting the
merchant vessels. For the current year, the gov- economy from 2020, as the measure is good on-
ernment will allocate 400 million rubles and the ly with the full technical modernization of do-
measure will last until 2030. mestic enterprises and need technical period for
modernization of the yards.
The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade plans
to consolidate the requirements for the priority SOURCE
placement of orders for the construction of ships


21 maart 2017

Most of those shipyards were not that busy even full till the end of 2023, with the defense order
during the Soviet years, according to the United accounting for about 80% of incomes of the
Shipbuilding Corporation United Shipbuilding Corporation, the company’s
president, Aleksey Rakhmanov, told the media.

"As for naval shipbuilding is concerned, our or-

der books are full till 2021-2023. Most of our
shipyards were not so busy even in the Soviet
years," he said.

About the overall share of the state defense or-

ders in the USC’s overall revenue Rakhmanov
said that it had not changed greatly over the
past five years, remaining at the level of about
The order books of Russia’s naval shipyards are

"At the moment the work load on shipyards var- cess to keep each shipyard and each building
ies greatly in terms of the number of projects berth busy," he said.
and the time required for coping with them. We
are coming close to the unification of that pro- SOURCE


The Artic
23 maart 2017

for Arctic projects will be reduced from 85 per-

cent to 65 percent by 2020 and to 50 percent
by 2025. This is a normal and balanced attitude
to imports and domestic production," Osmakov

According to the deputy minister, the govern-

ment is not only to oversee the production
of quality offshore equipment at home but it is
also to create a comprehensive oil and gas servi-
ces sector.
The share of imported oil and gas drilling and
production equipment for offshore projects will US sanctions against the Russian fuel and energy
be cut from 85 percent to 50 percent by 2025. sector include restrictions on the participation
Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Vasily Os- in and the provision of equipment
makov said this in an interview with RIA Novosti for deepwater, Arctic offshore or shale projects.
before the international forum The Arctic: Terri- They also hinder the access by large Russian
tory of Dialogue. companies to foreign financing.

"Under the state program on Arctic develop- SOURCE

ment, the share of imported equipment






21 maart 2017

with Pakistan for the sale of four MILGEM cor-

vettes and is eager to pitch the FAC-55 design for
Pakistan’s requirement of four to six new fast at-
tack crafts (FAC).

Thus far, STM’s large warship design appears to

be centered on the MILGEM platform, which
comprises of the Ada corvette (2,300 tons), I-
Class frigate (3,000 tons), and the LF-2400 light
Turkish defence contractor Savunma
frigate (2,350 tons). That said, the Delta Marine-
Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. (STM) is
STM design portfolio does include larger ship de-
competing for the Colombian Navy’s Plataforma
signs, including fleet tankers. A custom design
Estratégica de Superficie (PES) next-generation
for the Colombian Navy is plausible.
frigate requirement.
The PES contract would be a significant gain for
In its press statement, STM says it has “carried
Turkey, which is in a cadre of emerging ship-
out individual discussions with the Colombian
builders vying for market-share against estab-
Navy [at the Colombian Naval Defence Exhibi-
lished suppliers, such as France and Britain. Ca-
tion]” and expects that Colombia will shortlist
tering for cost-sensitivity and providing effective
STM with the top bidders.
options within that framework would likely be
STM’s approach.
STM is competing against DCNS as well as Saab
and BMT Defence Services. It appears that the
That said, it must be noted that Colombia also
PES will be a multi-mission design capable of an-
has a domestic ship designer in Corporación de
ti-ship warfare (AShW), anti-submarine warfare
Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo de la In-
(ASW) and anti-air warfare (AAW) roles.
dustria Naval, Marítima y Fluvial (COTECMAR).
COTECMAR has been responsible for leading the
Notes & Comments:
Colombian Navy’s offshore patrol vessel (OPV)
requirement. In January 2017, it revealed the
STM is working towards several big-ticket naval
OPV-90 Mk2, a 2,550-ton design capable of a
sales. In Pakistan, it recently secured a contract
maximum speed of 18-20 knots.
to upgrade the Pakistan Navy’s Agosta 90B sub-
marines, a program that could be worth as much
as U.S. $350 million. It is also actively negotiating


Hellenic Shipping News
14 maart 2017

The Financial Times re-

ported that Chinese leas- Some warn that the leasing arrangements pose a
ing companies have re- danger for operators that the leasing companies
cently taken ownership of could easily take control in the event of default.
hundreds of vessels with One shipping industry representative noted that
investments totaling since the trend has just taken off over the past
US$11.5 billion in 2016 alone by some estimates. year, there is no way to predict how the Chinese
The shift comes as European banks and US pri- groups would act in the event of a crisis.
vate equity firms have backed out of shipping
lending while still dealing with losses suffered SOURCE
since 2008.


World Maritime News
20 maart 2017

With a length of 104 meters and a width of 18.2

meters, the new cruise ships will have 80 to 95
passenger cabins.

The ice class 1A vessels will be part of the Sun-

Stone’s fleet and chartered to new and existing
clients, according to the company. SunStone
Ships has not disclosed any financial de-
tails regarding the order.

China Merchants Industry Holdings hired Nor-

wegian Ulstein Design & Solutions for the supply
Miami-based expedition vessels provider Sun- of the vessel’s design and equipment package, as
Stone Ships has reached an agreement with Chi- well as the supervision for the building of the
na Merchants Industry Holdings (CMIH) for the ships, while Finland-based Mäkinen will establish
construction of up to ten expedition vessels. a cabin assembly plant and interior workshop at
the shipyard’s facilities and will be responsible
Under the framework agreement signed be- for all interior spaces on the new builds.
tween the parties, the Chinese shipbuilder would
construct four expedition ships for SunStone SOURCE
with options for six more vessels.

Splash 24/7
27 maart 2017

Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry, an affiliate building’s ship repair subsidiary, and another
yard of state-run China Shipbuilding Industry two senior officials of the company are alleged
Corporation (CSIC), has been involved in a loan to have made a series of fake sales contracts
fraud case which is currently under a court trial with the yard’s affiliate companies between
in Liaoning. 2011 and 2014 in order to secure loans of up to
RMB3.9bn ($567m) from two local commercial

Xu has admitted the fraudulent activities to the

court and said the company had difficulties secu-
ring loans during the shipbuilding downturn and
had used the funds to repay debts to other
banks and financial institutes.

The court has yet to reach a ruling on the case

Xu Guohong, former president of Bohai Ship-





Hellenic Shipping News
10 maart 2017

The Philippines is set to become the country that capacity of 320,000 deadweight tonnage (DWT)
will produce four of the biggest crude oil carriers and is the first deal inked by Hanjin for this year.
in the world as Hanjin Heavy Industries and Con-
struction-Philippines (HHIC-Phil) got an order According to the company, the ships will be built
yesterday for the production of four Very Large inside Hanjin’s Redondo Peninsula Shipyard and
Crude-oil Carriers (VLCCs). have a deadline of until the second half of next
year. With a measurement of 330 meters in
These VLCCs are the biggest in the world with a length, 60 meters in width and 30.5 meters in

breadth, these VLCCs will be equipped with an year.
eco-design component.
HHIC-Phil has begun its shipbuilding operations
“This contract carries very positive news for all in the later part of 2007 following the comple-
stakeholders considering the stagnant shipping tion of the construction of its Subic shipyard in
industry nowadays. We look forward to a more the same year. It has started off with delivering a
productive cooperation among our partners in 4300 TEU containership in 2008. To date, HHIC-
producing highly cost efficient and technological- Phil has already delivered a total of 100 com-
ly advanced commercial ships that shape the fu- mercial ships including 57 container ships, 27
ture of the shipbuilding industry today and be- bulk carriers, 7 VLCCs, 4 LPG ships and five Ma-
yond,” HHIC-Phil President Gwang Suk Chung rine Engineering Plants.
HHIC-Phil is scheduled to deliver this March
He added that each of the VLCC “can load more three 11,000 TEU containerships and one 38K
than 65.14 million barrels of crude oil or roughly chemical carrier. HHIC-Phil is expected to deliver
the equivalent of 13-day crude oil supply re- 14 more ships of various types before the cur-
quirement of the entire Philippines in 2015. This rent year-ends.
is the first-time that such type of vessel will be
built on the Philippine shore, underscoring the Hanjin Subic Shipyard occupies more than 300
potential of the country to be a landmark for hectares of land, with a 4km Quay Wall and two
maritime industry worldwide.” of the world’s largest docks with the size of
370m x 100m and 550m x 135m which is about
The start of the year has been fruitful for the seven times larger than a football stadium. It is
company as they delivered the 300,000 DWT home to more than 32,000 Filipino workers gain-
VLCC to Navig8 Tankers while fabricating three fully employed and is being recognized as a
more of the same vessel at the Subic shipyard. world-class shipyard with competitive edge.
He said that two of those vessels will be deliv-
ered this year and the last will be delivered next SOURCE

15 maart 2017

India's private shipyards are unhappy with a

Ministry of Defense decision to nominate state-
owned shipyard Goa Shipyard to build two Rus-
sian Krivak-class stealth frigates over two private
sector competitors, Larsen & Toubro and Reli-
ance Defence and Engineering.

During a meeting with Russian defense officials

last week, MoD has cleared a $4.48 billion pro-
gram to acquire four Krivak-class stealth frigates
under which two will be built by Russia’s United
Shipbuilding Corporation and the remaining two

by Goa Shipyard, a senior MoD official said. Samaddar, however, does not doubt the capabil-
ity of Goa Shipyard and said, "GSL has made
“A formal contract is expected to be awarded more than 16 anti-submarine-warfare corvettes
within the next four months”, the official said, in the past and on paper they can build it."
adding that USC will deliver the frigates in the
next four years but Goa Shipyard will take eight The Indian navy has been negotiating with Russia
years to deliver. for over three years to acquire the Krivak frig-
“The private-sector shipyards have already "The Krivaks (Indian navy's Talwar class) are very
brought it to the notice to MoD informally their sophisticated frigates and combine high stealth
unhappiness on giving GSL the contract to build with lethal kinetic capability," Singh added.
the two Krivak class frigates on nomination ba-
sis,” an executive of the industry lobby group “This is a longstanding requirement of the Indian
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce navy and will possibly cover the gap created by
and Industry said, requesting anonymity to the decommissioning of Godavari & Rajput-class
speak candidly. warships that would fall due in the next three to
four years," Samaddar said.
"They (private shipyards) want greater orders to
push the private sector," the FICCI executive By 2027, the Indian navy aims to have 198 ships
noted. against the current fleet strength of 137 war-
ships. With a shortage of 61 warships, the ser-
Anil Jai Singh, retired Indian Navy Commodore vice is currently building 48 warships at various
and defense analyst, said, "This decision (to Indian shipyards.
nominate GSL for two Krivak class frigates) has
indeed surprised me." An Indian navy official said, "Because of their
lack of experience in building major warships,
GSL is a very capable yard but has never built the private sector is way behind in warship build-
anything of the size and sophistication of the ing but needs greater exposure to orders."
Krivaks, Singh said.
However, Singh is critical of the decision to nom-
“It seems that the MoD continues to live in the A inate state-owned shipyards at the cost of
K Anthony (former Defense Minister) era with growth of the private sector shipyards. "Private
nominations more the rule than the excep- shipyards are hardly being given any orders de-
tion," says Sujeet Samaddar, retired Indian Navy spite the state-owned shipyards creaking under
commodore and defense analyst. "The private the load of their order book leading to cost and
shipyards must be allowed to compete. But hav- time overruns in almost all projects. Of the four
ing said that, unless the private sector shipyards major private shipyards in the country, two are
deliver on their existing orders of simple ships, bankrupt."
there can be very little ground to trust them to
deliver complicated warships." SOURCE


Hellenic Shipping News
27 maart 2017

Cochin Shipyard Ltd. has filed for an initial public offering that will make it India’s first state-run

shipbuilder to go public after the government from the commercial sector.
approved a stake sale of up to 25 percent.
Cochin Shipyard has been profitable for the last
The company, which built India’s first indigenous five financial years. The company posted a profit
aircraft carrier, the INS Vikrant, is looking to rai- after tax of Rs 285.8 crore in financial year 2015-
se funds to set up new construction and repair 16, at a compounded annual growth rate of
facilities. 16.47 percent. For the first six months of FY17, it
reported a profit of Rs 184.5 crore.
Cochin Shipyard, which largely relies on defence
orders, saw its profits grow even as its private Large South Korean shipbuilders like Hyundai
peers felt the pinch of a global slump triggered Heavy Industries Co. and Daewoo Shipbuilding
by falling oil prices and uncertainty about the and Marine Engineering Co. always bid aggressi-
demand for commodities like coal and iron ore vely for overseas oil rigs and energy platforms to
from China. fill order books to avoid direct competition with
Chinese shipbuilders. The fall in oil prices led to
The Offer cancelled orders for drill ships and offshore faci-
lities, leading to a recession in the shipbuilding
The issue will comprise of a total 3.3 crore sha- industry.
res, including a fresh issue of 2.26 crore shares
and an offer for sale of 1.13 crore shares by the This hurt shipbuilders in India too, especially the
government, according to its draft red herring private companies, due to excess supply and
prospectus filed with market regulator Securities weak global trade, the draft prospectus said ci-
Exchange Board of India. ting a CRISIL report.

The fresh issue constitutes 16.67 percent of the Public sector companies were not hit that hard
post-issue capital, while the offer for sale by the since their order book comprised up to 25 per-
government constitutes 8.33 percent. cent of exports compared to 53 percent for pri-
SBI Capital Markets, Edelweiss Financial Services, vate peers in financial year 2014-15.
JM Financial are managing the issue.
Private shipbuilder ABG Shipyards Ltd.’s operati-
India’s largest public sector shipyard builds and ons have been shut for almost two years, weig-
repairs tankers, product carriers, bulk carriers, hed down by debt. Its auditors recently expres-
passenger and defence vessels. Nearly three- sed doubts over the company’s survival.
fourths of the company’s clients are engaged in
the defence sector, while less than one-third are SOURCE


Splash 24/7 rivals.
Sam Chambers
March 29th, 2017 JMU, which is the result of a merger in 2013
between IHI Marine and Universal Shipbuilding,
will integrate all its design departments from its
seven yards across the country back to Tokyo
headquarters among other cost saving initiati-

Shinjiro Mishima, while announcing the restruc-

turing earlier this week, took aim at the many fi-
nancially struggling yards in neighbouring South
Korea. Mishima said the Korean government’s
intervention to save many yards was keeping
newbuild prices artificially low. Korean shipbuil-
ders should be allowed to go bankrupt, Mishima
The CEO of Japan Marine United (JMU), the se- said. The Japanese government has expressed
cond largest yard in the nation, has announced a similar views to the OECD recently.
restructuring, as well as taking a swipe at Korean


Splash 24/7 placed a rare bulker order in Japan. Cobelfret
Sam Chambers has tapped Oshima Shipbuilding, widely acknow-
March 28th, 2017 ledged as one of the world’s finest bulker buil-
ders, to build two 98,000 dwt post-panamaxes.
The ships will deliver in 2019. No price has been

Earlier this year Cobelfret paid Oldendorff $19m

for another post-panamax bulker while a roro
subsidiary ordered two 8,000 unit roros at
Hyundai Mipo Dockyard at the start of February.

Belgium’s Cobelfret continues its rapid fleet
build up in 2017 with brokers reporting it has

Hellenic Shipping News
15 maart 2017

Mitsubishi Heavy Indus-

tries Ltd. is considering Mitsubishi Heavy, which builds ships that
spinning off its shipbuild- transport liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied nat-
ing business and planning ural gas, crude oil and cars, besides bulk and
local partnerships as weak container carriers, also said in October that it’s
demand for vessels considering a capital tie-up with three Japanese
prompts companies in the industry to reorganize firms — Namura Shipbuilding Co. as well as
their operations. closely held Imabari Shipbuilding Co. and Oshima
Shipbuilding Co.
A decision on a new structure for the shipbuild-
ing operation may be announced in July, Eiji The company is targeting sales of 150 billion yen
Matsubara, a spokesman for Mitsubishi Heavy, and an operating profit margin of 6 percent for
said by telephone from Tokyo Tuesday. Nikkei its commercial shipbuilding operations by the
reported the plan earlier on Tuesday. fiscal year starting April 2020, it said in February.

Mitsubishi Heavy and Kawasaki Heavy Industries Mitsubishi Heavy hasn’t reported a revenue
Ltd. are among Japanese shipbuilders reviewing breakdown for the vessel business since the year
their business amid reduced and delayed orders, ended March 2013, when shipbuilding and
while peers in other countries sell assets, cut ca- ocean development accounted for 225 billion
pacity and jobs. The world’s top three shipbuild- yen, or about 8 percent of total sales, according
ers, all based in South Korea, have eliminated to data compiled by Bloomberg.
more than 20,000 jobs and lost a combined 6.6
trillion won ($5.7 billion) in the six quarters end- Shares of Mitsubishi Heavy gained as much as
ed September. 8.2 percent in Tokyo trading Tuesday, the big-
gest intraday gain in four months.
In October, Mitsubishi Heavy, also a maker of
power plants and aircraft, said it will limit pro- Separately, a U.S. arbitration court found
duction of cruise ships to small- and mid-sized Mitsubishi Heavy liable for damages of $125 mil-
ones, after the first of two vessels ordered for lion over steam generators it supplied to Edison
Aida Cruises in 2011 was finally delivered last International, a fraction of the estimated $6.7
year following multiple delays. The Tokyo-based billion the power-generation company had
company said it booked combined losses of 238 sought, according to statements issued after the
billion yen ($2.1 billion) in its cruise-ship con- market’s close Monday.
struction business in the last three fiscal years
ended March 31. Capital Tie-ups SOURCE

15 maart 2017

GT) on order, compared to 120 Chinese yards

and 16 Korean yards. The top 6 Japanese builder
groups each have over 1m CGT on order and to-
gether account for around 70% of the Japanese

In recent years, the Japanese orderbook appears

to have grown more diversified. The share of
bulkers on order has declined from 74% in CGT
terms in March 2012 to 34% currently, while the
share of tankers on order has remained steady
at around 25%.

Meanwhile, the share of boxships and gas carri-

KLIK OP PLAATJE VOOR GROTERE AFBEELDING ers on order has increased from 5% in March
2011 to 34% as yards secured orders for larger
The Japanese orderbook has shown its endur- ships in these sectors. 89% of boxship CGT on
ance in the current muted shipbuilding market order is accounted for by units of 12,000+ TEU,
and recently surpassed its South Korean coun- while LNG carriers of 150,000+ cu.m. account for
terpart in size for the first time since 1999, says 83% of the gas carrier orderbook at Japanese
a report by Clarksons Research. yards.

While the orderbook is shrinking for all of the These larger units help to extend the Japanese
‘big 3’ builder countries, the Japanese orderbook orderbook and Japanese yards have 1.8m CGT
is undergoing the slowest rate of decline. This due to be delivered in 2020 or later, compared
month’s Shipbuilding Focus takes a look at the to 0.1m CGT at Chinese yards and 0.4m CGT at
development of the Japanese orderbook. Korean yards.

As of start March 2017, the orderbook at Japa- Japanese yards are supported by domestic own-
nese yards stood at 775 ships of a combined ers, with 70% of the Japanese orderbook (where
18.9m CGT, the second largest globally. This was ownership is known) accounted for by domestic
its lowest monthly level since January 2014 in owners in CGT terms. NYK, MOL, K-Line and their
CGT terms. However, the Japanese orderbook subsidiaries account for 16% of the orderbook in
has experienced the smallest year-on-year de- CGT terms.
cline amongst the top 3 builder nations, 23% in
CGT terms compared to a 28% and 36% decline While Korean and Chinese yards also benefit
in China and Korea respectively. from domestic ordering, Japanese yards are
working with the second largest national owner-
Furthermore, ‘forward cover’ (an indicator of fu- ship base, 163.6m GT compared to the Chinese
ture work volumes calculated by dividing the to- and Korean owned fleets of 140.4m GT and
tal orderbook by the previous year’s output lev- 55.1m GT respectively.
el) at Japanese yards is currently 2.7 years in CGT
terms, surpassing 2.5 years at Chinese yards and So, Japanese yards are backed by a strong do-
much higher than Korean yards’ 1.5 years. mestic owner base and the orderbook is becom-
59 Japanese yards currently have a ship (1,000+ ing more diversified across the major vessel sec-

tors, with orders for larger vessels securing a terms and in today’s tough newbuild contracting
longer backlog of work. Whilst the fortunes of market, this appears to be relatively resilient.
Japanese yards will depend on the changing
shipbuilding environment, they currently have SOURCE
the second largest orderbook globally in CGT






The Maritime Executive
27 maart 2017

and delay the maturity of the rest. Institutional

investors for Korea's public-sector pension funds
are reportedly balking at the plan: they complain
that they only invested in DSME's bonds because
the yard misrepresented its earnings, and they
would like to recoup a larger share of their

Korea's financial regulators warn that DSME

could slip into receivership as early as April if it is
Sources within Korea Development Bank, the not provided with another round of assistance,
majority owner of Daewoo Shipbuilding and Ma- with potentially dire consequences for the na-
rine Engineering, say that they are already work- tion's economy. However, the agencies involved
ing on a prepackaged court receivership plan in have produced differing estimates for the extent
case DSME's creditors will not participate of the damage. The Financial Services Commis-
in another bailout package. "We are taking a sion suggests that the losses could exceed $50
two-track approach," a KDB official told Yonhap. billion, assuming that DSME's huge yard in Ok-
po ceases operation; about two thirds of this
Formal talks between the government and the amount would come from the unrealized value
yard’s creditors began on Monday, and of vessels currently under construction. The
the stakeholders have limited time to agree on Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy puts the
how (or whether) to help the yard pay back its total number much lower, at $15 billion, based
maturing debt. Under the terms of the govern- on the assumption that the Okpo stays open
ment’s latest rescue proposal, KDB and Korea through a prepackaged bankruptcy.
Export-Import Bank would provide DSME with
$2.6 billion in new loans, and the yard's other The calculations behind these damage forecasts
creditors would swap half their debt for equity rest in part upon the extent of any order cance-
lations. DSME's chief executive recently warned

that receivership would allow owners to cancel rent business environment.
orders under the "builder's default" clause in
their contracts – and that many owners would SOURCE
have an economic motive to cancel in the cur-


Hellenic Shipping News
20 maart 2017

South Korea’s Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., the This means four out of its 11 docks will be sus-
world’s largest shipbuilder struggling with dearth pended this year. Excluding two docks to build
of new orders, announced on Friday it would be special vessels, half of its nine docks for com-
closing down another dry dock in its main Ulsan mercial vessels will be emptied. Lack of work
shipyard. across dock-affiliated factories is another prob-
lem that plagues the shipbuilder. Some panel as-
The ‘Dock 5’ yard is 380 meters long and 65 me- sembly factories will be used for different pur-
ters wide with a capacity to roll out 400,000 tons poses because there is no demand for panel
a year that mainly was used to build oil tankers. supplies.
The idle dock will be used in the meantime for
repair or finished touches in ships. Concerns are rising over a potential layoff of em-
employees after a series of dock closures. The
The announcement marks the shipbuilder’s sec- shipbuilder said some 6,000 workers will be-
ond dock closure after ‘Dock 4’ operations were come idle within this year if there is no im-
suspended last June. The worst-case scenario provement in current business conditions. About
has yet to materialize. The shipbuilder is sched- 3,000 workers at Hyundai Heavy Industries and
uled to suspend Gunsan Dockyard, Hyundai more than 10,000 at its suppliers already lost
Heavy’s largest shipyard whose annual capacity jobs due to the recent recession across the ship-
exceeds 1.3 million tons, sometime in May. Its building industry.
offshore dock in Ulsan is expected to stop late
this year. SOURCE


Hellenic Shipping News
27 maart 2017

Daewoo Shipbuilding & year.

Marine Engineering Co.,
South Korea’s embattled Its rosy outlook came a day after the country’s
shipbuilder, said Friday state-run creditors of the shipyard, the world’s
that its portfolio will be largest by order backlog, announced a fresh res-
mostly made up of LNG cue package worth 6.7 trillion won (US$5.98 bil-
carriers and other specialty vessels, with the lion), but only if all stakeholders agree to a pain-
company expecting a business turnaround this ful debt-for-equity swap plan.

The chief executive officer said Daewoo Ship-
The huge rescue measures, proposed by the sta- building is left with nothing to sell in terms of as-
te-run Korea Development Bank and Export- sets, and the company is currently in talks with
Import Bank of Korea, are the second round of the labor union to cut workers’ wages.
bailout for the shipbuilder that has been suf-
fering severe liquidity problems over heavy los- Earlier in the day, the labor union said that it is
ses from offshore projects. willing to accept a proposed pay cut for workers
from the shipyard’s creditors. Daewoo Shipbuil-
“Starting this year, a huge chunk of our portfolio ding will be required to cut 25 percent of its
will consists of LNG ships and other vessels that personnel costs and slash its workforce by 1,000.
we specialize in. Most of loss-making offshore
facilities projects have been completed,” the The fresh rescue package also calls for the labor
company said in a statement. union of Daewoo Shipbuilding not to stage a
Daewoo Shipbuilding said as of end-February, its
order backlog came to 108 ships, 50 out of which The shipbuilder suffered an operating loss of
are LNG-FSRU ships. 1.61 trillion won last year following an operating
loss of 2.94 trillion won in 2015.
“We are going to reduce our exposure to risky
offshore projects, while focusing on commercial Its net loss narrowed to 2.71 trillion won last
ships and specialty vessels,” it said. year from a loss of 3.3 trillion won a year earlier
with sales also dipping 15.1 percent on-year to
Jung Sung-leep, president of Daewoo Shipbuil- reach 12.74 trillion won, it said.
ding, said the shipyard will be able to turn to the
black this year. “I will resign if we fail to make a SOURCE
turnaround,” he said.


Hellenic Shipping News
28 maart 2017

The Korean government uity as well as haircut and rescheduling from pri-
can hardly win rationale vate lenders and bondholders by warning the
and public support in its economy would have to shoulder losses worth
proposal for another 59 trillion won ($53 billion) if the shipbuilder is
multibillion-dollar bailout left to go under. But the Ministry of Trade, Indu-
package for Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine En- stry, and Energy overseeing the industry affairs
gineering Co. (DSME) when it cannot even agree give much less pessimistic figure of 17.6 trillion
on the simple estimate of economic toll from the won.
shipbuilder’s collapse, industry watchers said.
The Ministry of Strategy and Finance stepped in-
The Financial Services Commission (FSC) and the to mediate, arguing that the financial authorities
shipbuilder’s main creditor Korea Development gave a figure of the worst scenario under which
Bank (KDB) argue strongly for a near $6 billion DSME’s main Okpo dockyard closes down after
rescue program that includes fresh loan of 2.9 the shipbuilder files for bankruptcy. The industry
trillion won and swap in its existing debt into eq- ministry came to the less dramatic figure becau-

se it is hopeful for a turnaround through credi-
tors’ prearranged package. The trade ministry’s estimation of 17 trillion won
was made on the assumption that DSME would
The 59 trillion won figure includes 32.2 trillion be saved through prepackaged arrangement. A
won that went into the vessels under construc- senior official from the shipbuilding industry said
tion as of the end of last year, 21.2 trillion won STX Offshore & Shipbuilding Co. under court re-
unsecured financial liabilities, 2.8 trillion won ceivership had been cancelled 10 out of 55 or-
from job losses and 2.8 trillion won in damages ders. He said the financial authorities were
by related businesses. exaggerating by saying 32 trillion won worth
ships could be dumped because clients would
Last Thursday, the KDB and Export-Import Bank call off their contracts with a bankrupt builder.
of Korea (Korea Eximbank) announced a new
bailout package for DSME that would include
fresh loans of 2.9 trillion won and restructuring “Given the case of STX, the financial authorities’
on existing 3.8 trillion won debt. The plan is con- estimation of 59 trillion won in loss is too much,”
tingent on private debt-holders’ agreement to said an official from the shipbuilding industry.
share the burden. If they refuse to go along with “There won’t be many cancellations as some of
it, the shipbuilder would be placed under court- the orders are charter deals,” he added.
led prepackaged program, which would expedite
debt write-off and allow fresh funding to help a SOURCE
company to avoid bankruptcy.



Naval Today
20 maart 2017

Boustead Naval Shipyard to work on the deliv-

ery of four littoral mission ships that are to be
built by China.

According to a letter of acceptance from March

17, Boustead Naval Shipyard will work with a
partner shipyard from China on the delivery of
the ships.

The company said the deal was worth RM1.17

billion (approx. US$265 million).

The Malaysian ministry of defense has selected Littoral Mission Ships will be designed in China

with first two vessels to be built and delivered in now obsolete and present an expensive upkeep-
China in 2019 and 2020. The remaining two ves- ing challenge.
sels will be built and delivered in Malaysia in
2021. The consolidated classes are envisioned as con-
sisting of the Chinese littoral mission ships, new-
The deal is part of the Malaysian Navy’s trans- generation patrol vessels, multi-role support
formation plan that intends to bring down the ship, littoral combat ships and submarines.
number of ship classes operated by the navy
from 15 to 5. Many of the current classes are SOURCE


IHS Jane’s 360
22 maart 2017
platform, derived from the OPV 1800 design
from Damen, features an overall length of 83 m,
a beam of 13.7 m, and a design draught of 3.75
m. It has a standard displacement of about 1,890
tonnes and can accommodate a crew of 46.

Powered by four 2,350 Kw engines driving two

controllable pitch propellers, the OPV can attain
a top speed of 22 kt and a standard range of
Model of the 83 m OPV that will be operated by the MMEA, 5,000 n miles at 12 kt. It can operate up to Sea
unveiled for the first time at the LIMA 2017 exhibition in State 6 and survive up to Sea State 9.
Langkawi. Source: IHS/Ridzwan Rahmat
The vessel can accommodate a helicopter that
The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency weighs up to 11 tonnes on its flight deck and can
(MMEA) has unveiled the design of an offshore take up to two patrol craft or rigid hull inflatable
patrol vessel (OPV) platform that it is currently boats on davits, one each on the port and star-
anticipating from Malaysian shipbuilding joint board sides, in the spaces between the plat-
venture, THHE Destini. form's funnel and bridge.

The vessels are being ordered under a three- The platform's main offensive capability is pro-
ship, MYR738.9 million (USD167 million) con- vided by the SMASH 30 mm remote controlled
tract that was first announced in January 2017. stabilised naval gun system from Turkish defence
An MMEA official, who spoke to Jane's on 22 company Aselsan, and this is complemented by a
March at the Langkawi International Maritime & stern-facing 12.7 mm machine gun position in
Aerospace (LIMA) exhibition, has confirmed that the aft section.
the model of the ship was being made public for
the first time. SOURCE

According to specifications given by MMEA, the

Splash 24/7
20 maart 2017

These amounts far exceed Nam Cheong’s cash

and cash equivalents of RM162,618,000
($36.7m) which the auditor points out “indicate
that a material uncertainty exists that may cast
significant doubt on the group’s ability to con-
tinue as a going concern.”

According to VesselsValue, there are currently

456 OSV vessels on order throughout the
world with 450 of these set to be delivered in
2017. Nam Cheong currently has 56 vessels
Malaysian offshore shipbuilder Nam Cheong has scheduled for delivery this year, far more than
announced that its independent auditors BDO any other shipbuilder, and Splashunderstands
LLP have cast doubt on its ability to survive. that only a small percentage have been commit-
ted for sale.
BDO has drawn attention to a material uncer-
tainty related to going concern in their report on Nam Cheong says the opinion of the auditors
Nam Cheong’s financial statements for 2016. remain unqualified, however inves-
tors reacted by sending the company’s share
The auditor’s report points to Nam Cheong’s price down over 25% to 3.6 cents.
2016 net loss of around RM42,771,000 ($9.6m)
and the size of the group’s loans amounting to Companies which Leong Seng Keat, Nam
RM948,720,000 ($213.9m). Ominously, around Cheong’s CEO, is deemed to have an interest
one third of the debt ($62.8m) is related to me- in sold over 3.3m Nam Cheong shares last week.
dium term notes due for payment on 28 August
2017. SOURCE


Splash 24/7
27 maart 2017

Amid a severe ordering drought, Sri Lanka’s only der in 2016, is looking at getting into passenger
shipbuilder is having to seek alternative revenue vessels, as well as servicing the up and coming
streams. wind installation vessel sector.

Colombo Dockyard, which received just one or- “As countries across the globe begin to seek out

sustainable solutions to meet their energy requi-
rements, we anticipate that our early steps into
this new market will yield strong positive results
for the company over the medium to long term,”
the yard’s CEO, D.V. Abeysinghe said in his an-
nual review to shareholders.

Colombo Dockyard has been hit by a string of

offshore cancellations and has seen its revenues
drop by 50% last year.



Splash 24/7 1990-built boxship, Oleander.
Donal Scully
26 maart 2017 BCL, which is owned by the Hamilton, Bermuda-
headquartered Neptune Group, runs a weekly
freight service to the Atlantic island nation (and
British Overseas Territory) from its Maher Ter-
minal in Port Elizabeth New Jersey.

The ship under order will be equipped to carry

dry and refrigerated containers, trucks, cars,
other wheeled equipment and over-sized project

The current OLEANDER It will have fuel-efficient, eco-friendly main and

Bermuda Container Line (BCL) has signed a con- auxiliary engines plus the capability of conver-
tract for construction of a containership equip- ting to LNG operation.
ped with state-of-the-art technology to be used
in its Bermuda service. BCL’s terminal operation is located at Maher
Terminal in Port Elizabeth New Jersey.
The LNG-ready container/RoRo vessel will be
built in China’s Yangzijiang shipyard and is sche- SOURCE
duled for delivery in the first quarter of 2019
when it will replace the company’s existing



Hellenic Shipping News
18 maart 2017

Suez Canal Authority (SCA) is set for completion in 3 to 5 years in coopera-

Chairman, General Mohab tion with Mitsubishi Co. of Japan.
Mamish, announced that the
works will start by July 2017 on General Mamish has further noted that the Pres-
a shipyard project destined to idential Decree on allocating the land was al-
build giant crude tankers in Egypt. ready issued.

The shipyard will be built at Safage sea port and SOURCE

World Maritime News
22 maart 2017

Representatives of the Iranian Government have

signed investment contracts with private entities
worth USD 1 trillion to develop Iranian ports, the
country’s Ports and Maritime Organization
(PMO) said.

The contracts include investments of USD 10 bil-

lion in Mazandaran Province, USD 20 billion
in Khorramshahr Port, USD 100 billion in Gilan
Province, USD 70 billion in Amirabad Port and
USD 130 billion in Bushehr Province.

Moreover, some USD 45 billion will be invested To achieve this mission in the next decade, the
in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, USD 210 bil- Iranian Government has to ease the current cli-
lion in Khuzestan Province, and USD 350 billion mate of economic recession, reduce unemploy-
in Mazandaran Province, according to the PMO. ment and become the largest exporter and the
largest economy in the region.
The private investments are related to the con-
struction of warehouses, storage facilities and “Iran has to diversify from its dependence on oil
port equipment as well as development and ca- & gas, enhance manufacturing in non-oil sectors,
pacity promotion of ports. develop a knowledge-based sustainable econo-
my, and attract investments to the tune of USD
Following the lifting of economic sanc- 1.5 trillion,” business consulting firm Frost & Sul-
tions, Iran launched a 2025 strategic economic livan said.
plan aimed at doubling its USD 415 bil-
lion economy. SOURCE

20 maart 2017

Nigeria has been an oil producing country for

almost 60 years and its first producing offshore
field came onstream in 1965. In the following
decades, Nigerian offshore E&P was focused al-
most entirely in the shallow waters of the Niger
Delta. Even today, there remain 104 active shal-
low water fields in Nigeria producing via 263
fixed platforms with an average age of 25 years.
It was in the late 1990s that Nigerian E&P began
moving further from shore, as oil companies
sought new reserves to offset decline at mature
shallow water fields. Deepwater fields were also
KLIK OP PLAATJE VOOR GROTERE AFBEELDING less vulnerable to the militant activity plaguing
the Delta for much of the 2000s. The first deep-
In 2011, Nigerian oil production stood at 2.55m water discovery in Nigeria was Abo, in 1996,
bpd (of which 71% was offshore), accounting for which was the first such start-up too, in 2003. As
7.1% of total OPEC oil production (and 40% of of March 2017, 40 fields in water depths of at
West African offshore oil production). Since least 500m had been found off Nigeria, of which
then, Nigerian oil production has been eroded by 10 had been brought onstream via a total of
exposure to political risk factors and weaker seven FPSOs and 253 subsea trees.
commodity prices, dropping to just 1.54m bpd in
2016. What, then, is the outlook for Nigerian oil A Risky Proposition?
production in 2017 and beyond?
However, were it not for deleterious influences
A Rose-Tinted Past? on Nigeria’s upstream sector in the last 10 or so

years, deepwater E&P in the country could now infrastructure saw oil production dip below
be more prevalent still. The foremost difficulty 1.25m bpd at times in 2016. Moreover, weaker
has been the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB), which oil prices have hit government finances and so
was first introduced to the Nigerian Parliament its ability to dampen unrest. Production recov-
in 2008 and which has yet to be passed. An es- ered slightly in Q4 but conditions in the Delta
pecially contentious issue is mooted changes to remain febrile. And if oil production does con-
deepwater fiscal terms, which IOCs argue would tinue to ramp back up to over 2.0m bpd, it could
render deepwater projects (where breakevens imperil gains in the oil price that followed the
tend to fall in the $60-90/bbl range) unviable. An OPEC deal (Nigeria is exempt from quotas). If
uncertain investment climate has been com- prices cannot climb above $60/bbl, there is little
pounded by court cases arising from alleged im- prospect of Nigerian deepwater projects (of
proper practices, for example at OPL 245, host to which there are 13 with a total oil production
the stalled ZabaZaba project(100,00 bpd). So capacity of over 0.81m bpd yet to be sanctioned)
there have been few deepwater FIDs and just hitting FID any time soon.
three such field start-ups off Nigeria since 2009
(versus 20 off Angola). There has thus been little So in the short term, Nigeria could prove a key
deepwater oil production growth to offset on- factor in the global oil price equation. And in the
shore or shallow water field decline. long term, undoubtedly the country has a great
deal of deepwater potential; however, before
Stability Or Volatility? this is likely to be realised, numerous challenges
need to be overcome. Nothing is certain.
Uncertainty about the PIB remains, but in 2016,
disruption caused by militants, notably the Niger SOURCE
Delta Avengers, came to the fore: attacks on oil


Reuters Business News
24 maart 2017

Oil rig builder Lamprell Plc (LAM.L) lowered its

revenue forecast for this year and said it ex- The company expects 2017 revenue to be in the
pected to start seeing a recovery in activity only lower half of its earlier forecast range of $400
in 2018. million (320 million pounds) to $500 million, in
the absence of large project deliveries in the
Lamprell said on Friday it expected 2017 to be second half of the year.
probably its toughest year yet, despite early
signs of recovery in drilling activity. Lamprell, like its peers, has been cutting costs as
oil explorers have slashed spending and can-
"We do see early signs of optimism, but caution celled contracts to counter a more-than-2-year
remains the watchword," rout in oil prices.
Chief Executive Christopher McDonald told Reu-
ters, adding that it would be another 12-18 The company said it had cut about 20 percent of
months before it sees any flows to the service its administrative staff in 2016, leaving it with
sector. 1,031 core admin employees. The company had

a total workforce of 5,762 employees at the end dai Heavy Industries (009540.KS) and a unit of
of 2016. Lamprell.

Lamprell raised the total impact of the settle- The company did not provide any update on the
ment related to a delay in delivery of a jackup rig talks but McDonald told Reuters that the discus-
to Ensco Plc (ESV.N) to $42.6 million as cost es- sions were in an advanced stage.
timate of additional services rose to $17.6 mil-
lion from $10 million. McDonald said the maritime project provided
"parallel opportunities that we are currently in
The company said in July that it had taken a $25 early stages of pursuing," but declined to com-
million exceptional charge to its 2016 revenue ment further.
due the settlement.
Lamprell, which runs three rig building yards in
Lamprell said on Thursday settlement talks to the UAE, said it expected the overhead cost cuts
recover cost from the maker of the rig kit, Cam- to contribute annualised savings of $23.4 million
eron LeTourneau, are ongoing. in 2017.

Last year, Saudi Aramco signed a memorandum Lamprell's 2016 revenue fell 19.1 percent to
of understanding for the construction of a ship- $705 million for the year ended Dec. 31.
building complex with National Shipping Co of
Saudi Arabia 4030.SE, a state-controlled firm SOURCE
which ships oil for Aramco, South Korea's Hyun-


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