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Public Administration Review 13: 227-236, Autumn 1953.

Birth of an Organization:
The Economic Cooperation Administration
Professor of Administration
Carnegie Institute of Technology

N April 3, 1948, the United States Con- First Steps

gress approved the Economic Coopera-
GOOD deal of the history of the agency dur-
tion Act. Some four months later, by the
end of July, the Economic Cooperation Ad-
A ing its period of mushroom growth can be
read in the phone directories that were issued
ministration was a going concern, complete
at frequent intervals, at first almost daily. The
with organization chart, and had already ac-
first directory, issued about April 15, lists 15
cumulated a considerable body of experience
names. Since it does not include clerical per-
in the administration of its foreign aid pro-
sonnel, we may assume that the total number
gram. The following pages are concerned with
of persons who arrived on the scene in the first
some of the events that took place in the cre-
week and a half was about 30. By April 22, the
ation of the EGA and some of the lessons for or-
list contained 138 names including clerical per-
ganization theory that can be drawn from these
sonnel; by July 26, it contained 741 names, and
the period of rapid growth was over.
The account is not a "case" in the usual
The growth process was clearly one of cell-
sense, much less an administrative history. In
splitting. Within a few days after his appoint-
fact, it comes closer to being administrative
ment as administrator, Paul Hoffman had ap-
autobiography than administrative history,
pointed to the agency, in addition to two per-
since what I know of these events was gained
sonal assistants, a director of operations,
largely from the vantage point of a position in
the Organization and Management Division Wayne C. Taylor; an acting controller, soon
of the agency. While I have had some small op- replaced by E. L. Kohler as controller; and a
portunity to check the objectivity of my obser- director of administration, Donald C. Stone.
vations with persons who held positions in He also brought in three economists to review
other parts of the agency at the same time, I for him the substantive programs that had
am sure that they never saw exactly the same been developed before the agency was formally
things that I saw, nor do I have any reason to
believe that what 1 saw was die "reality." In- rirnan Committee). European Recovery and
deed, one of the morals of the story I am about American Aid. November 7, 1947.
HSC. Both Congress, Second Session. House Select
to tell is that in its. formative stages the organ- Committee on Foreign Aid (Hcrter Commit-
ization consisted largely of a scries of pictures tee). Final Report. H.R. 184-,. May i, 1948.
in the minds of different people. These several ECAi. Economic Cooperation Administration, first
pictures were far from congruent with each Report to Congress, for the Quarter Ended
other, and the process of organizing consisted June 30, 1948.
ECAc. Economic Cooperation Administration. Sec-
in considerable measure in arrivingO at a singleO ond Report to Congress, for the Quarter
picture that was held more or less in common. 1 Ended September 30, 1948.
These reports will be referred to by the initials indi-
1 The principal published sou ices against which my cated. The first two relate to the period prior to the
observations have been checked arc: enactment of the act, the second two to the first six
PCFA. President's Committee on Foreign Aid (Har- months of ECA's existence.

created. The senior member of this group was These observations are not intended crit-
Richard M. P>issell, who had served as execu- ically. The course of events is completely
tive secretary to the President's Committee on understandable. Since there existed in Wash-
Foreign Aid. ington a clear conception of what an adminis-
At this stage in the proceedings, on the pro- trative agency looked like that is to say, the
gram side of the agency the cell-splitting proc- skeleton of an abstract administrative agency
ess was very slow, on the side of the machinery the framework could be erected. But since no
of organization, very rapid. There are two conception existed, or at least no consensus, of
reasons for this discrepancy. First, there was al- EGA as an agency with a program to adminis-
ready in existence in the State Department an ter, the skeleton was not yet ready to be cov-
"interim aid" unit that was administering the ered with flesh, blood, and nerves.
earlier assistance funds granted to Austria,
France, Greece, Italy, and Trieste, that kept The Alternative Approaches
the supply "pipeline" filled in the early organ-
ow then, did the program of the EGA, and
izing period, and that was soon absorbed as a
Procurement Transactions unit in EGA. 2 H the organization to implement that pro-
gram, emerge? EGA, like all organisms, had a
Second, in this stage questions of mechanics
were much clearer than questions of substance. prenatal history. In fact, as it turned out, it
It was clear that the agency would need rooms, had a large number of claimants to parenthood
telephone service, and other housekeeping more than could be accommodated.
services, and that it would have to be prepared It is possible to identify at least six impor-
to hire large numbers of personnel. Even the tant approaches to the organization of EGA.
press relations function was not overlooked. To an important extent, the early administra-
It was much less clear how the agency would tive history of the agency can be written in
go about performing its function of adminis- terms of the rise and fall of these approaches
tering foreign aid. and of the administrative units with which
By the middle of April the director of ad- they were associated. Since they are not. wholly
ministration had appointed a budget director, mutually incompatible, and since no single
an organization and methods director, a per- one was clearly espoused by the statute creat-
sonnel director, and an office services director. ing EGA, the final structure that emerged
By the third week in April 63 per cent of die made room for several of them. In the next
personnel were in these units and another 13 paragraphs these six approaches are charac-
per cent in the Controller's Office, leaving 24 terized.
per cent (not including the State Department The Commodity-Screening Approach. Con-
group) for all of the activities associated with siderable experience had been gained in the
the substantive program. By July 26 the per- administration of foreign assistance through
sonnel in the program units had increased wartime aid programs, notably the FEA, and
from one-quarter of the total staff of the Wash- subsequently in the interim-aid programs.
ington office to one-hall. Here the chief human repositories of admin-
In mid-April, EGA resembled nothing so istrative memory were to be found in the ex-
much as a manufacturing concern without a port licensing unit in the Office of Interna-
factory. An office desk or a telephone could be tional Trade of the Commerce Department
obtained in a matter of hours. In the new, par- and in the interim-aid group in the State De-
tially finished building the agency occupied, partment. In addition, there, were in the De-
interior partitions were being erected with partments of Agriculture and Interior, among
amazing rapidity. But whatever product was other places, a number of persons who had
emerging was being produced by the State De- played important roles in these earlier pro-
partment group, which was operating with a grams.
minimum of contact and almost no direction The conception of foreign assistance inher-
from the new agency. ited from this tradition was one of determining
1 1'or a description of the interim aid organization, see specific commodity needs of foreign coun-
HSC, pp. 758-63. tries and approving or disapproving individ-
ual shipments of specified quantities of com- nomic theory. The analysis of consumption
modities. Tiie decisions involved were those needs and productive capacities follows the so-
needed for screening these individual transac- called "national income approach" that has
tions against program criteria for example, had wide currency among professional econo-
the need of the country for the commodity to mists in the last decade. The notion that the
sustain its war effort or nutritional levels and foreign assistance problem was one of making
the availability of commodities in scarce sup- up a "dollar deficit" follows from the tradi-
ply.3 Such a screening process called for two tional balance of payments concept that has
kinds of specialized knowledge: knowledge of been central to international trade theory.

needs or requirements and knowledge of avail- What both of these conceptions suggested
abilities. The former suggested some combi- from an organizational point of view, although
nation of commodity and area specialization in slightly variant forms, was the need for an
in the agency, the latter pointed primarily to- agency that could arrive by economic analysis
ward commodity specialization. at over-all decisions on dollar amounts of for-
The Balance of Trade Approach. The enact- eign assistance to individual countries.
ment of the Marshall Plan legislation had been The European Cooperation Approach. An-
preceded by considerable research activity other set of organizational preconceptions was
both in Europe and in the United States. This obtained by viewing the Marshall Plan as a
research had been concerned primarily with means for bringing about a greater measure of
the question of determining the magnitude of international trade, economic cooperation,
Europe's needs for American assistance. and rationalization of industry in Western Eu-
The Committee of European Economic Co- rope. This approach to the. program was an
operation, in response to Secretary-Marshall's essential element in the studies already men-
original proposal, had drawn up such an esti- tioned and an integral part of State Depart-
mate in the fall of 1917. Starting with estimates ment and congressional policy. 5 Its organiza-
of the consumption requirements of the par- tional implications were: first, that the
ticipating countries, the committee compared initiative for programming should rest upon
these with projected production levels, and ar- the European countries acting cooperatively;
rived at estimates of the bill of goods that second, that our relations with them under the
would have to be imported to maintain the program should be multilateral rather than
proposed consumption levels, and then of the bilateral, and that these relations should be
balance of payments picture that would result channeled primarily through the Paris rather
from the import program. The "dollar gap" than the Washington office of EGA.
thus arrived at provided a basis for the amount The Bilateral Pledge Approach. Somewhat
of American assistance requested. The CEEC different from the idea that the central aim of
report was reviewed and scaled down by a the program was to foster European coopera-
group of committees in this country. These re- tion was the idea that assistance should be con-
vised estimates provided the basis for the EGA ditioned on bilateral pledges between the indi-
legislation and the subsequent appropriations.4 vidual participating countries and the United
In this picture of the foreign assistance pro- States.6 Since one element in the required
gram, individual commodity purchases played agreement was the willingness of die partici-
a very subordinate role. Once the aggregate pating country to engage in cooperative ar-
figure for aid to each country was arrived at, it rangements with the other countries, the two
was of little importance whether a particular conceptions were certainly not in direct con-
import was financed with EGA dollars or with tradiction. Nevertheless, the bilateral agree-
dollars from the export trade. ments created the necessity for direct negotia-
This approach clearly derives from cco- tion in cooperation with the State Department
with individual countries, and, from an organ-
1 A discussion of conceptions involved in commodity izational point of view, weakened CEEC and
screening for export control will be found in HSC, pp.
638-43, 6-16-87. HSC, pp. 21-56, 603-4; PCFA, pp. 4-6, 31-2.
4 The estimating procedures of PCFA and HSC art- HSC, pp. 869-77; PCFA, pp. 108, 273-7; ECAi, Ap-
based squarely on the balance of trade approach. pendix I.
the Paris office of EGA as the prima
ry channels structed some tentative plans for
of contact. The bilateral agreem the internal
ents also em- organization of the agency if one
phasized certain specifically Am we re created.
erican goals Because the Budget Bureau did no
such as securing the continued ava t have, and
ilability of probably could not have had, a
strategic materials. clear concep-
The Investment Bank Appro tion of the program, its plans sha
ach. The red many of
'American government had als the characteristics of the organizat
o had experi- ion that de-
ence, through the Export-Impo veloped early in April great emph
rt Bank, in asis on ma-
granting loans to other countries chinery and little on production.
for capital If the name
improvements. The Economic of the agency had been taken off
Cooperation the bureau's
Act specifically provided that, of proposed organization chart, it
the 5.3 bil- wo uld have
lions in aid to be extended in the been extremely difficult to determi
first year, i ne whether
billion be in the form of loans, an the organization was to engage in
d the Export- foreign as-
Import Bank be used as the machi sistance, salt mining, or the pra
nery through cti ce of law.
which these loans were to be hand Provision was made for a bureau
led. This led of policy co-
to the conception that, at least wi ordination, a program bureau, a
th respect to bu rea u of op-
the Joan portion of the program, erations, and a controller. The firs
the problem t would be
was to determine whether indivi concerned with the broader asp
dual projects ects of Euro-
for plant construction or other pean recovery, the second with the
capital im- review of
provements were economically commodities lists, the third with
sound in the actual pro-
sense of having a good prospect curement, and the fourth with do
of earning a cu mentation
return on the investment. The Co and accounting for funds.
ngress itself The idea that one should deal wi
was ambiguous (and probably th a com-
intentionally plex problem any problem by
so) in stating the criteria for approv first making
al of loans. broad decisions, then implementi
Both the earning power of the inv ng these with
estment and more specific decisions, and then
the ability of the country to repay, implement-
from a bal- ing these in turn is a familiar one
ance of payments point of view, in the litera-
were to be ture of administration and in boo
considered. 7 The facts that the sta ks on "how
ted intention to think." This plan mistook an
of Congress included the investme analytic de-
criteria, and perhaps more importa banking scription of the governmental pro
cess for a list
nt that Mr. of the administrative units needed
Taylor, the director of operatio in
appointed by Mr. Hoffman, cam
ns originally out a specific governmental progra carrying
e to EGA m.
from the Export-Import Bank, ha As a matter of fact certain ele
d important ments that
consequences for the organization later emerged in the EGA organi
of EGA dur- zation can be
ing the first months. identified with the units proposed
by the Bud-
The Policy-Administration Ap get Bureau. But except in the cas
proach. e of the con-
Along with the extensive substa troller, this was a matter of coi
ntive plan- nci dence and
ning that had been going on prior not planning, and as the organ
to the enact- ization was
ment of the law in April, thoug modified by gradual adaptation,
ht had also the unit cor-
been given, particularly in the Bu responding to policy coordinatio
reau of the n absorbed
Budget, to die way in which more and more of the functions
the program of the pro-
would be administered if it were ena gram bureaus, and the program
cted. Some bu reaus ab-
of the broad issues were whether sorbed completely the bureau of
to put the ac- op erations.
tivity in the State Department or The reasons will perhaps become
to establish a clear in the
new agency, and whether, if a new sequel.
agency were
established, it should be a corpo
ration. These
issues were decided by the Congr The Development of Program Or
ess and not ganization
by the organizational * planners, <*j
and we shall AVING surveyed some of the princ
not consider them further here.
The Budget Bureau, however, ha
d also con-
H ceptions of the foreign assistance
that could be identified in Wa
ipal con-
'HSC, pp. 631-6, 718-9. April of Hj.|S, we are ready to resum O ton in
e our story
of the actual process of organizat
ion. As die
process of cell division continued, each of the that these elements are always present and very
program conceptions we have described found often are of central importance. Because of the
a concrete embodiment in one or more of the fluidity of the organization it is easier to iden-
emerging organizational units. tify them in the early history of EGA than in
The fate that each unit suffered tended to an agency that has already gone through a
depend upon two tilings. Its fate depended, process of "natural selection."
first, upon how simply and clearly its under- The commodity screening view of ECA's
lying conception of the program could actually program prevailed in the Procurement Trans-
be implemented. Each program conception actions Division (the new name of the State
provided a basis for an administrative organ- Department interim aid group) and in two
ization only as it was further elaborated and program units that were set up on a com-
spelled out in terms of concrete administrative modity basis: the Foods Division and the In-
activities, and as it led to a workable allocation dustry Division. The Foods Division was
of decision-making responsibilities. In the case largely under Agriculture Department influ-
of EGA, for example, a program conception ence, and all three of the units had close work-
could not be regarded as workable unless it ing relations with the Office of International
-could be elaborated into a decision-making Trade in the Department of Commerce. Com-
process for allocating five billion dollars modity screening was also the prevalent con-
among the Western European nations and for ception in the EGA Controller's Office.
translating these allocations into authoriza- The origins of the commodity screening ap-
tions for the purchase of specific goods and proach have been traced back to the wartime
services. Not all the approaches were capable aid programs. The workability of the concep-
of being implemented in this sense several of tion rested largely on several provisions of the
them were simply not workable. act itself. One of these required that the aid
A unit's fate depended, second, on the nat- should not impair the fulfillment of vital needs
ural alliances it found with powerful Wash- of the American people. Crude oil was to be
ington agencies surrounding the EGA that purchased, as far as possible, outside the
shared its conception of the agency program.8 United States; no meat was to be purchased in
To the extent that more than one program this country except horsemeat. Other clauses
conception could be made workable, in the for the protection of the American economy
sense just described, such alliances might de- related to wheat flour, farm machinery, ferti-
cide the outcome as between competing ap- lizers, agricultural commodities in ample sup-
proaches. ply, and surplus war assets. Private trade chan-
What we are about to describe, then, is a nels were to be used as far as possible in the
power struggle in which ideas in particular procurement of supplies, and at least half the
the conception of the program played a major goods were to be shipped in American bottoms.
role both as weapons and as motives for em- Finally, it was required that commodities not
pire-building. The conceptions were weapons be purchased outside the United States at
because they could be used by the particular prices higher (with certain adjustments) than
administrative units that represented them to the American price.
advance their claims to a larger place in the The effect of all these provisions was to re-
program. They were motives for empire-build- quire scrutiny of individual transactions.
ins:O because the administrators of these units Within EGA, these clauses were administered
saw the broadening of the functions of their largely by the Procurement Transactions
-units as the principal means for implementing group and (particularly the price provisions)
their conceptions of the program. I do not be- by the Controller's Office. Outside EGA, the
lieve that this kind of power struggle was a Commerce, Agriculture, and Interior Depart-
peculiarity of EGA, but rather that a deeper ments were vitally concerned with these same
analysis of the phenomenon of empire build- provisions.
ing in government and in business would show Paradoxically, these provisions also created
a basic weakness in the commodity screening
' IISC. pp. 698-730, 755-78; ECAi, pp. 42-5. approadi. The crucial decision in screening
scarce commodities was not whether their pur- velop instructions for the Paris office that was
chase was financed from EGA funds, but just coming into existence; and they had to
whether they were to be exported from the prepare for the appropriations hearings on the
United States. Hence, quotas of total ship- Hill. (The appropriation bill was approved
ments of each commodity had to be estab- only on June i>8.)
lished, and these quotas had to be enforced This left the task of developing the program-
through export, licenses rather than through ming procedures and of reviewing the second-
the approval of financing. As a consequence, and third-quarter programs of foreign assist-
the main responsibility had to devolve upon ance to the economists. And indeed, as nearly
the Commerce and Agriculture Departments as I could observe, the actual program revision
rather than upon EGA.9 was the work of a few very able and energetic,
The same weakness undermined the more very young, and very inconspicuous men who
naive, but strongly held, conception that the had participated in the interdepartmental
purpose of screening individual transactions committees reviewing the original CEEC pro-
was to conserve the American taxpayer's posal and who were now operating under Mr.
money by making sure that the European na- Bissell. The exact size or identity of this group
tions were using the funds only for "needed" was not easy to determine, but it could not
items. Since 50 per cent of total European ex- have consisted of more than a half-dozen pro-
port dollars was being earned in the course of fessionals.
regular international trade and only 50 per The European cooperation approach was
cent was provided by EGA, if a transaction easier to describe than to implement. 10 In es-
were disapproved the particular item in ques- sence it required the strengthening of the or-
tion could be procured instead with earned ganization through which this cooperation was
dollars, and another item substituted on the to be planned by the European nations them-
EGA list. However desirable the conservation selves the OEEC, which was the successor to
of American funds, this goal could not be se- CEEC. Because the Paris office was clearly the
cured by decisions on individual transactions. appropriate unit for dealing with OEEC, and
In the end, then, the EGA organization had because the cooperation goals had little rele-
to adapt itself to the facts that export licensing, vance for the day-to-day tasks of programming
not procurement transaction screening, was and financing assistance, this approach never
the effective means of control over individual had a strong organizational embodiment in
transactions, and that screening could not be the Washington office. The Fiscal and Trade
employed effectively to control the over-all Eu- Policy Division that later emerged had most
ropean import program. The Controller's Of- concern with it, but the center of gravity was
fice, with its auditing responsibilities and in- in its Paris counterpart.
terest in the pricing provision, remained as the The cooperation approach had, however, a
only center of power for the commodity screen- negative implication that influenced thinking
ing approach. This approach gradually disap- about the Washington office. There was great
peared from the conceptions of the program- temptation to establish "country desks" to spe-
ming divisions. cialize in the problems of the individual coun-
The balance of trade conception found its tries. Indeed, area units of this kind were con-
base at first a very unstable base in the econ- templated in the Budget Bureau organization
omists who began to be brought into the plan. They were to be located in the program
agency, largely by Bissell and largely on a con- bureau, which was to be a replica of the FEA
sulting basis. Mr. Hoffman and most of the organization with an "areas" division and a
senior personnel immediately associated with "commodities" division. This conception was
him were preoccupied in the early days with vulnerable to the attack, however, that it
external problems. They had to work out re- would foster bilateral relations with the indi-
lations with the State Department and negoti- vidual countries rather than cooperation
ate the bilateral agreements; they had to de- among them. These objections prevented

•PCFA. p. 113; HSC, pp. 672-86; KCAi, pp. 14-18. 44. » EGA i, pp. 6-13,46.
country desks from sprouting as rapidly as they and a few high-level aides, conducted the "in-
might have in the agency. They did not, in the ternational relations" of the agency, so to
long run, altogether prevent them from de- speak, with the Congress, with the State De-
veloping in subunits where spcciali/.cd knowl- partment, with other federal departments, and
edge of the individual countries was needed with the participating nations. During this pe-
for programming and arriving at balance of riod they negotiated the bilateral agreements
trade estimates. and saw the appropriation bill through the
As already mentioned, bilateral agreements Congress. A second group, in Mr. Bissell's of-
with the cooperating nations were required by fice, worked up a quarterly aid program and
the act. Negotiation of the pledges was a high- shaped up the programming procedures that
level matter involving State Department lead- were later accepted. A third group, inherited
ership. In the EGA Washington office, only the from the State Department, actually processed
Office of the General Counsel was deeply in- the requests for aid and kept the pipelines full.
volved. Once the pledges had been signed, These three groups, together with their clerical
their implementation of necessity devolved support, could not have consisted of more than
largely on the Paris office and the EGA Special 75 persons, and probably fewer. During this
- Missions in the cooperating countries. Hence period the rest of the agency was not so much
the agreements never exerted an important in- "doing" as getting ready to do.
fluence upon the organization of the Wash-
ington office. (Again the Fiscal and Trade Pol- \
icy Division, operating in close liaison with the The Organization and Management Division
Treasury Department, is a partial and minor E HAVE been describing an organization
The investment bank approach found its
W that grew and assumed a reasonably co-
herent form without apparently ever having
main internal support in Mr. Taylor, and its been planned. I think this is a reasonable de-
external support in the Export-Import Bank. scription of what happened, or at least a first
The conception was applicable, if at all, only approximation to such a description. What was
to a small part of the agency's total program. the Organization and Management Division
Mr. Taylor's unit soon became isolated from doing during this period to justify its exist-
the flow of day-to-day transactions in the ence?
agency and gradually withered on the vine. During the early days it was extremely diffi-
The rapid decline of this unit was easily visible cult to get more than a very fragmentary pic-
in terms of size of staff, changes in titles (Mr. ture of what was going on or who was doing
Taylor became "the assistant to the adminis- what. The operating personnel, each of whom
trator"), and actual office locations. conceived that he had a job to do and little
The unit early established its claim as the time in which to get it done, did not want to
loan approving authority in the agency, but a spend their time talking to procedures special-
growing conflict developed bet\veen the invest- ists or reading organizational announcements.
ment criteria and the balance of payments cri- The O &: M Division made a valiant effort to
teria for loans. A crisis in the fall of 1948, re- find out what the procedures actually were,
sulting from the fact that a large proportion and to record them, and I think they partly
of the loan funds were still uncommitted, gave succeeded. If the division had any influence on
convincing evidence of the unworkability of the form that the organization took, it was by
the investment bank approach, and led to a means of techniques that are not usually de-
resolution of the conflict in favor of the bal- scribed in handbooks on methods work.
ance of trade approach. Since I was not an eye- A small staff brought into the division early
witness to these events, I cannot describe them in April for the purpose of making organiza-
in detail. tional plans spent two feverish weeks trying to
What this all adds up to is that during the arrive at their own conceptions of the foreign
first two or even three months the entire op- assistance program and the organizational im-
erating portion of EGA consisted of three plications of those conceptions. For better or
groups. The first, comprised of Mr. Hoffman worse, the two conceptions that found greatest
acceptance in the division were the balance of be sure, personnel could be retained by a de-
trade approach and the European cooperation termined unit chief on a consulting basis, but
approach. the lack of a table of organization made a unit's
The first important attempt, made in the position very uncertain anil exercised a defin-
third week of April, to influence the organiza- ite check on expansion. This procedure made
tion in the direction of implementing these no- possible in the early weeks an effective delay-
tions consisted of a mimeographed memoran- ing action against the establishment of country
dum "Basic Principles of EGA Organization" desks and the multiplication of statistical
circulated in draft form by the division on units.
April 30. This memorandum largely ignored Undoubtedly the unit that fared worst in
the proposed Budget Bureau plan, emphasized the situation was that under the director of
the balance of trade approach, and pointed to operations, since the O fc M analysts found
the weaknesses in the .commodity screening themselves unable to reconcile Mr. Taylor's
and investment bank approaches. It stressed conception of his task with the over-all pattern
the need for strengthening the Paris office in that was emerging in the agencv. While I think
O O O i

order to foster multilateral rather than bilat- the fate of that unit would have been the same
eral negotiations and warned against the dan- in the long run in any event, the halt in its ex-
gers of "country desks." pansion during these critical weeks gave Mr.
No attempt was made to secure formal ap- Bissell and his assistants time to organize their
proval of the principles embodied in the mem- activities into some kind of coherent pattern.
orandum, thus avoiding a tedious and proba- A happy accident gave the O Sc M Division
bly interminable process of obtaining agree- its third tool. In the appropriations hearings
ment. The memorandum was formulated as a Mr. Hoffman was asked by Congressman
set of underlying assumptions and their organ- Taber to state the maximum number of per-
izational implications, rather than as an organ- sons he would need in the Washington office
izational blueprint or a compendium of func- of the agency. There was very little but air
tional descriptions. from which to draw the number, but Mr. Hofl-
The idea behind the document was that a man drew 600. I have always felt, although I
relatively brief draft memorandum of some know of no solid way of defending the figure,
two thousand words jniglit gain some circula- that this was a very good number. Good or bad,
tion in the agency, that it might actually be having stated the number, Mr. HofTman had to
read by a few influential people, and that a few live with it. He also had in his hands a means
of the central concepts might be absorbed and for countering the inevitable requests of the
influence future thinking about organization. Washington units for more and still more per-
I found some evidence in later contacts around sonnel as the cell splitting process wrent on.
the agency that the document did not pass un- When, early in June, the personnel "needs"
observed, but it would be impossible to assess stated by the heads of individual units were
precisely what influence it had. added up, the total was found to exceed 600
At about the same time, the O S: M Division by a considerable margin and a process of per-
found that the Personnel Division was depend- sonnel allocation had to be undertaken. At
ing upon it to provide descriptions of posi- this point the deputy administrator turned to
tions so that jobs could be classified and ap- the O fc M Division for help in arriving at a
pointments authorized in the various units. balanced table of organization; a series of hear-
This put the 6 S: M Division in a highly stra- ings were held with the heads of individual
tegic position to influence the rate of growth units to determine personnel ceilings; and staff
of the units. Until a unit could describe its from the O S: M Division participated in those
functions to O & M and get some measure of hearings.
agreement as to the role it was to play in the Of course in the end the ceiling had to bulge.
structure, it found itself up against an impene- By the end of July, the Washington staff ex-
trable wall of red tape (or perhaps "red feath- ceeded 700. But the agency as it finally evolved
ers" would be a better metaphor) in attempt- was certainly spectacularly smaller than any
ing to secure approval of its appointments. To federal agency carrying out a task of compar-
able magnitude, and the sudden reduction in had become assistant to the administrator, with
its rate of growth by the end of July can only a small staff. The Procurement Transactions
be attributed to the ceilings. Division had dwindled to a small Program
On July 26 the first official organization Methods Control Staff attached to Mr. Bissell's
chart of the Washington office of the EGA was office. A total of 770 persons was employed in
reproduced. The chart did not create new or- the Washington office, ago in the Paris office,
ganizational arrangements, but ratified 'and and 1,127 in tne country missions.
gave solidity to the patterns that had tenta- The initial July 26 organization chart dif-
tively emerged. From the beginning of August fered in only minor details from the chart of
on, it provided a set of historical boundaries December i. In less than four months, during
in terms of which new claims for territory had which it was already in operation, the agency
to be argued. had attained virtually its final form. That form
It should be reasonably clear from the re- was one dictated by and predictable from:
cital of these events that the views of the O & (i) the relative political support for differing
M Division were by no means the predominant conceptions of the agency task; (2) the identifi-
influence on the form that the EGA organiza- cations and conceptions of the other govern-
- tion finally took. That final form embodied in ment agencies surrounding EGA; and (3) the
large part the views expressed in the "Basic appropriateness of the structure for imple-
Principles" memorandum circulated on April menting that conception of the agency's task
30, but the relationship was in only small part which prevailed.
causal. The memorandum represented less an But while the form was predictable it was
influence on organization than a rather accu- certainly not planned. The processes of cell
rate forecast of the mold into which the organ- multiplication and the power struggles within
ization would be forced by the requirements of and around the agency were the main processes
its tasks and goals the conditions of "work- through which this rapid adaptation and evo-
ability." lution of an effective organization took place.
The Aftermath What this suggests is an exceedingly close
i organization chart reproduced in ECA's analogy between the development the agency
A Second Report to Congress depicts the
went through in attaining an effective organi-
zation and the processes an individual goes
of the Washington office as it existed
on December i, ig48. n That chart shows the through in solving a complex problem. The
focus of program activities to lie in the office world in all its complexity cannot be grasped
of the assistant deputy administrator for pro- in a single picture. Problem-solving involves
gram, Mr. Bissell. Under him, the balance of the invention and testing of a whole series of
trade approach was implemented by the Pro- simplified approximations, each of which pro-
gram Coordination Division, assisted by the vides a partial representation of the total com-
Foods, Industry, and Fiscal and Trade Policy plex problem. The problem is solved when a
Divisions. Provisions of the law unrelated to "picture" of the situation has been evolved
the central programming functions were being which, though still a simplification of the
handled by China, Korea, Strategic Materials, real situation, is sufficiently realistic and suffi-
and Transportation Divisions and the Office ciently comprehensive to provide a reasonable
of Labor Advisers. The Office of the Controller approximation.
was performing .auditing functions, and a Each of the "approaches" I have described
Statistics and Reports Division was "auditing" was such a simplified picture of the complex
'the effect of the program on the European governmental problem with which EGA had
economy. to cope. The organization that evolved repre-
sented an oversimplification of the task an
The other important boxes on the chart
correspond to the usual housekeeping units- overemphasis of certain of its aspects, a relative
administrative services, personnel, O S; M, neglect of others. But it represented an over-
budget, security, and information. Mr. Taylor simplification that did encompass the central
features of the task and the requisite political
" EGAs, p. 83; also, ECAi, pp. 37-42. emphases, and did so relatively effectively.
In this sense, the organization structure of This view has important implications for
EGA can be regarded as a reflection of the way the process of governmental reorganization.
in which the foreign assistance problem was First, it adds weight to the proposition, if more
structured by human minds endeavoring to weight is needed, that reorganization can sel-
grapple with its complexity. Each organiza- dom affect efficiency without affecting program
tional unit can be roughly equated with some goals. When we change the organization, we
identifiable clement in one of the competing change the picture that the people in it have
conceptualizations of the problem. The Pro- of the concrete tasks to be done and the con-
gram Coordination Division and the other crete goals to be achieved their concept of the
programming divisions under Mr. Bissell can program. When we change the concept of the
be equated with the parts of the balance of program we change the relative emphasis that
trade conception. The gradually changing the various parts of the complex whole will re-
functions of the Foods and Industry Divisions, ceive, we .alter allocations of resources and
and their eventual subordination to program relative priorities among goals.
coordination and export licensing, can be The first Hoover Commission insisted on
equated with the gradual victory of balance of denying this proposition. It asserted that gov-
trade over commodity screening. The disap- ernment coidd be reorganized to achieve effi-
pearance of Procurement Transactions was a ciency without affecting the goals achieved.
disappearance of the policy-administration The political pressures evoked by the submis-
conception. No loan division emerged from sion of the reorganization proposals to Con-
Mr. Taylor's efforts because the investment gress show that this assertion was far from uni-
bank concept could not be translated into a versally accepted. It is to be hoped that the
workable plan of organization. The examples new Hoover Commission will have a more
can be multiplied, and several others have sophisticated understanding of the conse-
been cited earlier. quences of reorganization.
The proposition that an organization Second, the view set forth here casts some
changes with changes in its task and its en- light, perhaps, on the significance of formal
vironment is not new. It has been verified in organization. Plans of organization affect be-
many instances for example in the fine analy- havior in at least two ways. First, when they are
sis by Gaus and Wolcott of the history of the officially approved, they draw force from the
United States Department of Agriculture. motivations of legitimacy employees feel that
When we see these processes in the large, how- they ought to observe the plans because they
ever, we see them only in equilibrium. They accept the system of authority that approved
are seemingly inexorable adaptations of an or- them. Second, we have seen here that plans
ganization to its political and technological may influence behavior because they provide
employees with a conceptual scheme of the
When we observe these same processes in the
short run, and particularly at a moment of agency's program, a scheme that serves as a
large and rapid shift, AVC recognize that envi- framework for decision and action. If the
ronmental forces 'mold organizations through scheme is "workable" if it translates the
the mediation of human minds. The process is agency's complex problem into terms that are
a learning process in which growing insights clear and understandable to the persons who
and successive restructurings of the problem have to solve it, if it leads to a relatively simple
as it appears to the humans dealing with it re- division of activities and is helpful as a guide
flect themselves in the structural elements of to decision then its workability will be a
the organization itself. powerful force towards its acceptance.

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