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Brussels Sprouts with Bacon Marmalade

11oz Fresh Brussels Sprouts

1oz Vegetable Oil
2oz Unsalted Butter, browned
To Taste Salt & Pepper
¼C Bacon Marmalade (see recipe)

1. Clean Brussels sprouts and trim base.

2. In boiling salted water blanch Brussels sprouts for approximately 15 minutes until fork tender.
3. In a hot sauté pan with butter and oil, caramelize Brussels sprouts.
4. Add bacon marmalade to sprouts and heat through.
5. Season to taste with salt & pepper.

Bacon Marmalade
1 lb Bacon, crispy (reserve 1oz of fat)
4oz White Onion, minced
2 Tbls Garlic, minced
1C Brown Sugar
1C Honey
3oz Water

1. In a medium size pot, add 1oz of bacon fat and sauté the onion and garlic until translucent,
about 3 minutes.
2. Add sugar, honey and water and cook until liquid is reduced by half to a thin syrup consistency.
3. Remove from heat and mix in bacon.

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