Flow Meter Demonstration Lab Report

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Results and calculation………………………………………………………………………12-16







This experiment were conducted to investigate and demonstrate the operation and characteristics of the
three different devices of flow meter. These three device has different accuracy of the data and also
different in energy losses. The apparatus that we used in for Flow Meter Demonstration Unit
experiment is the SOLTEQ Flow meter Measurement Apparatus (Model: FM 101).We have to
identified three different types of flow meter contain that are found in the unit at the beginning of the
experiment. Orifice meter, Venturi meter and a Rotameter were the flow meters that placed in this unit
for this experiment. The Venturi and Orifice meter only can measured the output which not linear
with the flow rate, Q. The volume that are used in this experiment is constant that is 3L. For the first
part of this experiment we have to determine the flow rate by utilizing all three basic types of flow
meter measurement. The flow rate of the venturi meter are calculate by using this equation
1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( A )2 ]−2 [2g(hA − hC )]2 and to calculate the orifice meter flow rate we have to
1 1
used this equation q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hG − hH )]2 . When the value of the rotameter

increased the value for both venturi meter flow rate and orifice meter flow rate are supposed to
increase as well. For the second part for this experiment we have to investigate the loss coefficient of
fluid through 90 degree elbow. For this part we have to calculate the velocity and also the velocity
head of the fluid through 90 degree elbow. The value for both velocity and the velocity head
calculated were both directly increasing when the flow rate are increased. For this part also we have to
plot graph of differential of piezometer head against the velocity head and the graph that we should get
is a straight line graph while the graph that we have been plotted were not a straight line graph. This is
because there were some error occurs when we conducting the experiment.


SOLTEQ Flowmeter Measurement Apparatus (Model: FM101) apparatus is designed to operate

together with a basic hydraulic bench or any water supply. The apparatus is able to demonstrate the flow
measurement comparison by using a venturi device, orifice device and rotameter . The flow comparison
can be further be used to compare against the flow measurement of the hydraulics bench which can be
either by Gravimeteric or Volumetric Method, depending on the type of hydraulics bench in use.

Other features of the flow apparatus include a 90 degree elbow with pressure tappings before and after
this elbow. The purpose of these features is to provide an added function to this apparatus to allow
students to calculate the total head loss and loss coefficient when fluid flows through these devices.

In short, the apparatus allows following range of experiment to be carried out:

a) Direct comparison of flow measurement using venturi, orifice, rotameter and bench.

b) Determination of total head loss and loss coefficient of fluid flow through a 90 degree elbow.

c) Comparison of pressure drop against each device.

In various industrial plants, the accuracy of the measurement is very important and an inaccurate
measurement of the liquid flow can cause some serious problem in a industrial plants.


The objective for this experiment is to determine the flow rate measurement by utilizing three basic
types of flow measuring techniques that is rotameter, venturi meter and orifice meter. Other than
that is to investigate the loss coefficient of fluid through 90 degree elbow.


There are three common apparatus to measures the flow rate in pipe or internal flow. The three common
devices uses in this experiment is venturi meter, orifice meter and the rotameter. These three devices
operates with the same principle which is the decrease in flow area in a pipe that will causes an increase
in velocity and will cause the decreasing in pressure.


The rotameter is a flow meter in which a rotating free float is the indicating element in this apparatus.
Basically, the rotameter consists of a transparent tapered vertical tube through which fluid flow upward.
Within the tube there are freely suspended “float” of pump-bob shape. The “float” of the pump-bob
shape stop at the bottom end when there is no flow of fluid happen. As flow commences, the float rises
until upward and buoyancy forces on it are balanced by its weight. The float rises only a short distance
if the rate of flow is small, and vice versa. The points of equilibrium can be noted as a function of flow
rate. With a well-calibrated marked glass tube, the level of the float becomes a direct measure of flow

Figure 1.1 Rotameter

Orifice meter

The orifice meter is use as the metering device in a pipeline that consists of a concentric square-edged
circular hole in a thin plate which is clamped between the flanges of the pipe. The pressure connection
for attaching the separate pressure gauges are made at holes in the pipe walls on both side of the orifice
plate. The downstream pressure tap is placed at the minimum pressure positions that assumed to be at
the vena contracta. The centre of the inlet pressure tap is located between one-half and two pipe
diameters from the upstream side of the orifice plate and usually a distance of one pipe diameter is

The equation of the venturi meter also can be applied for orifice meter

𝐴𝑡 2 1
Actual,Q= 𝐶𝑑 𝑥 𝐴𝑡 𝑥 [1 − ( 𝐴 ) ]−2 [2𝑔(ℎ7 − ℎ8 )]1/2


Cd = Coefficient of discharge (0.63)

D7 = Orifice diameter = 16 mm

D8 = Orifice upstream diameter = 26 mm

At = Orifice area = 2.011 x 10-4 m2

A = Orifice upstream area = 5.309 x 10-4 m2

(h7 – h8) = Pressure difference across orifice (m)

Figure 1.2 Typical orifice meter

Venturi meter

This device consists of a venture tube and suitable differential pressure gauge. As we know the
venture tube divide into 3 portion that is converging portion, a throat and a diverging portion.

Figure 1.3 Venturi meter

The first part is the converging portion and the function is to increase the velocity of the fluid and the
lower its static pressure. A pressure difference between the inlet and the throat developed and the
pressure difference is then correlated with the rate of discharge. For the third part of venturi meter is the
diverging cone that serves to change the area of the stream back to the entrance area and convert velocity
head into pressure head.

Assume incompressible flow and no frictional losses, from Bernoulli’s Equation

𝑝1 𝑣12 𝑝2 𝑣22
+ 2𝑔
+ 𝑍1 = 𝛾
+ 2𝑔
+ 𝑍2 ……………………………………………………………… (1)

Uses of the continuity Equation Q = A1V1 = A2V2 equation (1) becomes

𝑝1 −𝑝2 𝑣22 𝐴
+ 𝑍1 − 𝑍2 = 2𝑔
[1 − (𝐴2 )2 ………………………………………………………….. (2)


𝐴 𝑝1 −𝑝2
𝑄 = 𝐴2 𝑉2 = 𝐴2 [1 − (𝐴2 )2 ]−2 [2𝑔( 𝛾
+ 𝑍1 − 𝑍2 )]1/2 ………………………………… (3)

In the case of real fluid flow, the flow rate will be expected to be less than that given by equation (2).
This is because of the frictional effects and the consequent head loss between inlet and throat. The non-
ideal is accounted by insertion of an experimentally determined coefficient, Cd that is the coefficient of
discharge. With Z1= Z2 in this apparatus, the equation (3) becomes

𝐴 𝑝1 −𝑝2 1/2
Actual 𝑄 = 𝐶𝑑 𝑥 𝐴2 𝑥 [1 − (𝐴2 )2 ]−2 [2𝑔( 𝛾
)] ……………………………………. (4)


Cd = Coefficient of discharge (0.98)

D2 = Throat diameter = 16 mm

D1 = Inlet diameter = 26 mm

At = Throat area = 2.011 x 10-4 m2

A = Inlet area = 5.309 x 10-4 m2

g = 9.81 m/s2

ρ = Density of water = 1000 kg/m3

P1 = Inlet pressure (Pa)

P2 = Throat pressure (Pa)

90o elbow

When the upstream and downstream lines of linear friction gradient are extrapolated to

the plane of fitting, a loss of piezometric head, ∆h, due to the fitting is found. By

introducing the velocity heads to the upstream and downstream runs of pipe, total

head loss, ∆H can be determined in which

𝑣12 𝑣22
∆𝐻 = ∆ℎ + 2𝑔
− 2𝑔
………………………………………………………………….. (5)

The energy losses are proportional to the velocity head of the fluids as it is flows around the elbow and
through an enlargement or contraction of the flow section, or through the valve. The terms of a
dimensionless loss coefficient K are usually expressed the experimental values for the energy losses.

∆𝐻 ∆𝐻
𝐾= 𝑣12 /2𝑔
𝑜𝑟 𝑣22 /2𝑔
…………………………………………………………………. (6)



Figure 1.4 SOLTEQ Flow meter Measurement Apparatus (Model: FM 101)

1. Discharge Valve 5. Manometer

2. Water Outlet 6. Rotameter
3. Water Supply 7. 90° elbow
4. Staddle Valve 8. orifice meter


General start-up procedures

The first thing that we do before we start the experiment was to fully close the flow control valve of
hydraulic bench and fully open the discharge valve. The discharge has been ensure to properly directed
to the volumetric tank of the fibreglass before we start the system. The flow discharge allowed back into
the sump tank by ensure the volumetric tank valve is left open. The bench valve were slowly opened.
At this point, the water flowing from the hydraulic bench to the flow apparatus and discharge through
into the volumetric tank of hydraulic bench and then drained back into the sump tank of the hydraulic
bench were observed. The procedure continued by fully opened the flow control valve. The bench valve
were closed when the flow in the pipe was steady and there were no trapped bubble to reduce the flow
to maximum measurable flow rate. The water level at the manometer board were begin to display
different level of height. The level of the height for each tube of the manometer has been observed and
the data were recorded in data sheet. At this point the flow were slowly reduce by controlling the flow
discharge valve of the apparatus. The water level at the manometer board were began to level at straight

Demonstration of the operation and characteristic of three different basic type of flowmeter

The apparatus were placed on the bench and the inlet pipe were connected to bench supply and the
outlet pipe were into the volumetric tank. The pump supply from the hydraulic bench were start when
the bench valve were fully closed and the discharge valve were fully opened. The bench valve were
slowly opened until it is fully opened. The bench valve were closed when the flow in the pipe was steady
and there were no trapped bubble to reduced the flow to the maximum measurable flow rate. The water
level at the manometer board were adjusted by using the air bleed screw. The reading of the manometers
with the maximum measurable flow rate were recorded in the data sheet. The reading of the rotameter
were also recorded and the flow rate of the fluid were measured. The steps were repeated with different
flow rates by adjusted the flow rates.

Determination of the loss coefficient when fluid flows through a 90 degree elbow

The apparatus were placed on the bench and the inlet pipe were connected to bench supply and the outlet
pipe were connected into the volumetric tank. The pump supply from the hydraulic bench were start
when the bench valve were fully closed and the discharge valve were fully opened. The bench valve
were slowly opened until it is fully opened. The bench valve were closed when the flow in the pipe was
steady and there were no trapped bubble to reduced the flow to the maximum measurable flow rate. The
water level at the manometer board were adjusted by using the air bleed screw. The reading of the
manometers with the maximum measurable flow rate were recorded in the data sheet. The reading of
the rotameter were also recorded and the flow rate of the fluid were measured. The steps were repeated
with different flow rates by adjusted the flow rates. A graph ΔH against VS2/2g for 90 degree elbow were
plotted to determine the coefficient of losses.

Result and calculations

Demonstration of the operation and the characteristic of three basic types of flowmeter

Manometer reading (mm)

No. A B C D E F G H I J
1 240 239 229 235 237 238 238 212 220 220
2 265 259 221 242 248 255 254 166 199 198
3 305 291 209 265 276 286 285 99 170 169
4 353 333 210 290 309 325 325 15 135 130

No. Rotameter Vol (l) Time (min) Flowrate Flowrate using Bernoulli eq
(l/min) Q(l/min) Venture(l/min) Orifice(l/min)
1 5 3 0.68 4.41 5.934 5.867
2 10 3 0.33 9.09 13.752 10.800
3 15 3 0.22 13.64 9.312 15.690
4 20 3 0.18 16.67 21.402 20.256

Venturi flow rate
Reading 1
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hA − hC )]2
(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.98 x(2.011x10−4 ) x [ 1 − ( ) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.24 − 0.229)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10−4 )
q = [1.9708x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (0.4646)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 9.89x10-5𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 5.934 l/min

Reading 2
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hA − hC )]2

(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.98 x(2.011x10 ) x [ 1 − ( ) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.265 − 0.221)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10−4 )
q = [ 1.9708x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (1.0763)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 2.292x10-4𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 13.752 l/min

Reading 3
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hA − hC )]2
(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.98 x(2.011x10−4 ) x [ 1 − ( ) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.305 − 0.209)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10−4 )
q = [1.9708x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (0.7286)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 1.552x10-4𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 9.312 l/min

Reading 4
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hA − hC )]2

(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.98 x(2.011x10 ) x [ 1 − ( ) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.353 − 0.210)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10−4 )
q = [1.9708x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (1.675)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 3.567x10-4𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 21.402 l/min

Orifice flowrate
Reading 1
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hG − hH )]2

(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.63 x(2.011x10 ) x [ 1 − ( ) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.238 − 0.212)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10−4 )
q = [1.267x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (0.7142)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 9.778x10-5𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 5.867 l/min

Reading 2
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hG − hH )]2
(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.63 x(2.011x10−4 ) x [ 1 − ( ) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.254 − 0.166)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10−4 )
q = [1.267x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (1.314)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 1.80x10-4𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 10.8 l/min

Reading 3
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hG − hH )]2
(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.63 x(2.011x10−4 ) x [ 1 − ( ) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.285 − 0.099)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10−4 )
q = [1.267x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (1.91)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 2.615x10-4𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 15.69 l/min

Reading 4
At 1 1
q = Cd x At x [ 1 − ( )2 ]−2 [2g(hG − hH )]2
(2.011x10−4 ) 2 −1 1
q = 0.63 x(2.011x10−4 ) x [ 1 − ( −4
) ] 2 [2(9.81)(0.325 − 0.015)]2 𝑚3 /𝑠
(5.309x10 )
q = [1.267x10−4 𝑥 (0.8565)−2 𝑥 (2.466)]𝑚3 /𝑠
q = 3.376x10-4𝑚3 /𝑠 x 1

q = 20.256 l/min

Determination of the loss coefficient when fluid flows through a 90 degree elbow

Volume(L) Time Flowrate, Q Differential Piezometer V 𝑣2

(sec) (L/min) Head, (mm) (m/s) 2𝑔
( elbow hi-hj) (mm)
3 41.03 4.41 0 0.14 0.99898
3 19.90 9.09 1 0.29 4.29
3 13.00 13.64 1 0.43 9.42
3 10.90 16.67 5 0.52 14.00


Reading 1
Choose the min flow rate, Q = 4.41 l/min = 7.35 X 10-5 m3/s
Velocity of flow in the pipe (Diameter = 26 mm)
7.35 𝑋 10−5 𝑚3 /𝑠
𝑉= 𝜋 −3 2
4 𝑥 (26𝑥10 )
V = 0.14 m/s
𝑉 2 (0.14)2
2𝑔 2 𝑥 9.81
= 0.00099898 m
= 0.99898 mm

Reading 2
Choose the min flow rate, Q = 9.09 l/min = 1.515 X 10-4 m3/s
Velocity of flow in the pipe (Diameter = 26 mm)
1.515 𝑋 10−4 𝑚3 /𝑠
𝑉= 𝜋
−3 2
4 𝑥 (26𝑥10 )
V = 0.29 m/s
𝑉 2 (0.29)2
2𝑔 2 𝑥 9.81
= 0.00429 m
= 4.29 mm

Reading 3
Choose the min flow rate, Q = 13.64 l/min = 2.273 X 10-4 m3/s
Velocity of flow in the pipe (Diameter = 26 mm)
2.273 𝑋 10−4 𝑚3 /𝑠
𝑉= 𝜋
−3 2
4 𝑥 (26𝑥10 )
V = 0.43 m/s
𝑉 2 (0.43)2
2𝑔 2 𝑥 9.81

= 0.00942 m
= 9.42mm

Reading 4
Choose the min flow rate, Q = 16.67 l/min = 2.778 X 10-4 m3/s
Velocity of flow in the pipe (Diameter = 26 mm)
2.778 𝑋 10−4 𝑚3 /𝑠
𝑉= 𝜋 −3 2
4 𝑥 (26𝑥10 )
V = 0.52 m/s

𝑉 2 (0.52)2
2𝑔 2 𝑥 9.81
= 0.014 m
= 14.00 mm

Graph of differential Piezometer head against

Velocity head
Differential piezometer head,mm

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
velocity head,mm

Figure 1.5 Graph of differential Piezometer head against Velocity head


Flow meter demonstration experiment is to demonstrate three different types of flow meter
which are rotameter, venturi meter, orifice plate meter. In this experiment we has to determine
both venturi and orifice meter flow rate and also the velocity head.In this experiment as well
we can see the characteristic of three different types that is venturi meter, orifice meter,
rotameter and also how the this device operating.

From the theory for this experiment, we know that venturi meter is way more accurate compared
to orifice and also rota meter. The result that we get was different from the theoretical value
and this is because some error that occurred during conducting this experiment. One of the
major factor that caused our data to be different with theoretical value is because parallax error
which is the position of eyes during taken the manometer reading is wrong. Our eyes were not
perpendicular when we took the reading. We have to make sure our eyes is at the right position
when we take the data to prevent some error occurred. Next, we didn’t take the average data for
this experiment which is more accurate compared to only one data that we have been calculated.
Other than that, the apparatus is also need to improve as along the manometer and its needs to
have more calibration in order to get more accurate reading or data. There were also bubbled
occurred in the pipeline when we conducted this experiment and the bubbled occurred in the
pipeline might have been influenced the reading that we have take and the calculation that we
have calculated.

For experiment 2, we also has determined the objective which is to investigate the lost
coefficient of fluid through 90 degree elbow. From the graph that have been plotted, gradient
(K) of the graph is 0.357 and for the theoretical value is 0.3 for Elbow flanged regular 90°. The
percentage error for this experiment is less than 15% so our experiment can be considered

From the graph that we have plotted we notice that some different with the theoretical data
which the graph should be in a straight line. This case caused by some error in the differential
piezometer head that we take.


For the conclusion, we conclude that the venturi meter is more accurate compared to orifice
meter and also the rotameter. Based on theory of this experiment, the venturi meter is a precise
device in measuring the flow rate of any fluid as it has the diverged portion that increases the
velocity and reduces the friction loss compared to other two devices.

We also have determine the flow rate measurement by utilizing three basic types of flow
measuring techniques that is rotameter, venturi meter and orifice meter and for the experiment
2 we also has investigate the loss coefficient of fluid through 90 degree elbow. Form the
calculation that we have made the percentage of error for the experiment 2 is less than 15% and
our experiment were considered as successful experiment.


There are so many ways to improve the data and to get a more accurate data that ensure that we have
drain all water from the apparatus when not in use and the apparatus should be stored properly to prevent
damage to occur. Other than that, any manometer tube that does not fill with water that indicates that
the tapping or the connection of the manometer is blocked. To remove the obstacle, disconnect the
flexible connection tube and blow through. Next, the apparatus should not be exposed to any shock and
stresses during the experiment because it can affect the reading that we should read. Lastly, the students
itself must fully understand before conducting the experiment.


1. K.L. Kumar, “Engineering Fluid Mechanics”, 1st Edition, (1976), S. Chand & Company
2. Lab manual, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, UiTM Shah Alam
3. https://www.coursehero.com/file/8491162/Flowmeter-Demonstration-full/


Figure 1.5 SOLTEQ Flow meter Measurement Apparatus (Model: FM 101


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