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Nolan Merulli, Nick Tirch, and Shawn O’Donnell


Founded by Romulus and Remus according to myth

Ancient Rome was the Roman Civilization that started in the 8th Century BC
Lasted until 5th Century AD with the fall of the Western Roman Empire
Grew much in Europe under many great leaders

Rome was at an advantage because of its great human and natural resources
Based out of farming and trade
Relied greatly on slave labor because of cheap price
Used precious metal coins
Trading posts connected many parts of Rome
Political Structure

Initially ruled by Kings

Had a group of government workers called The Senate
Laws made had to go through each part of the structure
Collected Taxes through Tax Farming
Ran by the Election of the People
Social Structure/Life

Rome followed a class structure in this order (low to high); slaves, freedmen
(Plebeians) and, free-born citizens (Patricians)
Structured into families, with the father at the head
Life revolved around work
Most people were either in the military or government
Major Contributions to the World

Ancient Rome set an example for present day in many ways including a well-
structured government, architecture, technology, and medicine
Architecture was quite modern for Rome’s time; from the Colosseum to Aqueducts,
Rome made a great impact to modern day architecture
First to ever send medical aids onto the battlefield to help injured soldiers in battle;
also created many surgical tools
Ancient Rome’s government also set the bar for many governments today, like the
United States
Created a ton of technology used by people today such as highway systems, heating
systems, stadiums and theaters, just to name a few

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