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Projective Tests

Assets Limitations
 Bypasses conscious  Questionable reliability
resistance and validity
 High resistance to faking  Scoring systems /
 Ease of administration administration complex or
 Best if part of a battery
 Limited use with children
(esp. under 14)
Read the handout on  Large number of variables
David McClelland, and
take notes as
instructed on the
David McClelland, 1917-1998

Achievement Motivation

Found that those with high level of

motivation to achieve are more likely to
master challenging tasks.

Drive to Achieve > intelligence

for workplace success

For which need is there the strongest

negative correlation between the need
and success as a manager?
Ans: affiliation
Freud’s Legacy – the positives
▪ Freud benefitted psychology, as he gave us the first
(perhaps only,) comprehensive theory of human
nature, which had an immeasurable effect on
Western thought.
▪ Freud gave us ideas about: the impact of childhood
on adulthood, and human irrationality, sexuality, evil,
defenses, anxiety, and the tension between our
biological selves and our socialized/civilized selves.
▪ Freud gave us specific concepts we still use often,
such as ego, projection, regression, rationalization,
dream interpretation, inferiority “complex,” oral
fixation, sibling rivalry, and Freudian slips.

Not bad for someone writing over 100 years ago with no
technology for seeing inside the brain.
Freud’s Ideas as Scientific Theory
Theories must explain observations
and offer testable hypotheses

Few Objective Observations Few Hypotheses

(Freud’s theories based on his recollections &

interpretations of patients’ free associations,
dreams & slips o’ the tongue)

Does Not PREDICT Behavior or Traits

Evaluating the Psychoanalytic
Were Freud’s theories Current research
the “best of his time” contradicts
or were they simply many of Freud’s
incorrect? specific ideas
Peers have more
Development does not influence on personality,
stop in childhood and parents less, than
Freud assumed.
Slips of the tongue are
likely competing Dreams may not be
“nodes” in memory network unconscious
drives and wishes
Freud- Spent his last
In 1933, the Nazis days in England
publicly burnt a number of
Freud's books. In 1938,
shortly after the Nazis
annexed Austria, Freud left
Vienna for London with his
wife and daughter Anna.
Freud had been diagnosed
with cancer of the jaw in
1923, and underwent more
than 30 operations. He died
of cancer on 23 September
➢ There are 3 main forces in the psyche that
constantly interact to tame the 2 motives
➢ Defense mechanisms help keep urges,
thoughts, and memories that cause anxiety
in the unconscious
➢ Our early development is fueled by sexual
urges, and our personalities are fixed by
age 6, at the end of the phallic stage
➢ Psychoanalysis is a therapy used for
making the patient's unconscious conscious

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