Religion Reflection Paper 2

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Alex Dorsch

Mr. Bayardi
Reflection Paper #2
3 January 2018


In recent years, the topic of abortion has become more prevalent than ever. The Pro-Life

and Pro-Choice groups are constantly protesting and expressing their beliefs and biased

information about abortion. However, you cannot deny that abortion involves the death of an

innocent life. By definition, abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy, and thus the

deliberate termination of an innocent child. Not only does it go against the Catholic Church, but

it is also morally wrong. Medical abortions involve taking two drugs, Mifepristone and

Misoprostol, which cause a reaction similar to a miscarriage. This sort of procedure can only

take place within the first seven weeks of conception. Of the two types of abortions, medical

abortions are more popular. The other type of abortion procedure available is a surgical abortion,

which is usually performed late in the pregnancy term. Late term abortions can be done after the

twenty-fourth week of pregnancy. At this point in the pregnancy, the baby would most likely be

able to survive outside the womb if born prematurely. Because the baby is so developed and

large, the procedure can take up to four days to complete. The first step is to inject Digoxin into

the head, heart, or torso of the baby using a large needle while it is still inside the mother’s

womb. While Digoxin is most commonly used to treat heart conditions, a fatal dosage will result

in cardiac arrest. Unfortunately, the baby is so developed at this point in the pregnancy that it can

feel pain. After the Digoxin is delivered, the woman must wait until she has a miscarriage and

gives birth to her dead child. If the baby’s body does not come out naturally, the abortionist may

have to dismember the child inside the womb in order to remove the body from the woman’s
abdomen. This gruesome procedure is unjust and inhumane. As if it was not bad enough to kill

the baby, it also has to suffer. Twenty-five of the fifty states have no limits on abortions. This

means that half of the United States is not even trying to make an effort to get rid of abortions.

While many people try to turn a blind eye when it comes to the topic of abortion, it is more

important now more than ever that information about the cruelties and injustices of abortion are

being spread and thus making the public a little less ignorant towards the subject.

One of the most controversial arguments about abortions involves the differentiation

between the penalty if woman kills her own child and if someone else were to end the life of a

pregnant woman. If a pregnant woman gets an abortion, no matter what term she is in, she will

face no legal trouble. Thus, she will not be punished by law enforcement. However, if someone

were to shoot and end the life of a pregnant woman, they are charged with double murder. If this

is the case, how is it even possible to justify that termination of a pregnancy is legal and just?

According to the law, the only person that is allowed to kill an unborn child is the child’s mother.

This idea is not only irrational, but only further proves the point that abortion should be illegal.

While Catholics are the primary supporters of the Pro-Life movement, what people of all

religions fail to remember is that abortions are morally wrong, regardless of what you believe in.

Born or unborn, it is morally wrong to take an innocent life. The Church believes that life is

sacred, and abortions go against our right to life. Pope Benedict XVI said, "God's love does not

differentiate between the newly conceived infant still in [the] mother's womb and the child or

young person, or the adult and the elderly person. God does not distinguish between them

because he sees an impression of his own image and likeness in each one." In God’s eyes we are

all equal; regardless of whether we are born or unborn. Thus, abortions go against the Church’s

teachings. Since God is the creator of all things, He is also the one with the power to decide
when it is our time to leave this world. However, when a woman decides to have an abortion, she

is taking that power away from God and taking matters into her own hands. Even if the

pregnancy was unintended, it does not give someone the right to end another’s life. Everyone

deserves the chance to experience life and all it has to offer. Ultimately, Abortions infringe on

God’s dominion over creation.

As Christians and Catholics, it is our duty to defend the lives of those who cannot defend

themselves. Within this group includes the unborn children who have fallen victim to abortion.

We must spread awareness of how inhumane abortion procedures are through events such as the

March for Life. Additionally, we must continue to teach the younger generations so that they can

continue to fight against abortion when they grow older and take our place.
Works Cited

Berry, Dr. Susan. “Research Doesn't Support Hillary Clinton's Claim Late-Term Abortions Are
Performed for 'Life and Health of the Mother'.” Breitbart, Breitbart News Network, 20
Oct. 2016,

Lowen, Linda. “What Is the Difference Between Medical and Surgical Abortion?” ThoughtCo, 9
June 2017,

“U.S. Abortion Statistics.” Abort73.Com / Abortion Unfiltered,

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