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Tactical Decision Game #04–7

Rahadnak Valley Search

by Maj Kenneth R. Kassner

You are the Com- TDG #04–7
manding Officer, Com-
1 km
pany G, Battalion Land-
ing Team 2d Battalion, x2
2d Marines—the mech-
anized rifle company N
currently deployed x3
with the 26th Marine
Expeditionary Unit Wheat Field
(Special Operations 60mm
Capable) (26th MEU
(SOC)). Recently, the 1
MEU was sent to the
country of Ghanifstan
in order to reinforce Wheat
2 Field
coalition units search- G
ing for Nadel nib
Amaso and remnants
of his Nabilat forces x4
and needihajum free-
dom fighters believed
to be operating in the
southeastern part of the country. ged and mountainous countryside. vehicles has sustained a mobility
Throughout the winter months Ra- A section of AH–1W Cobras that kill. What now, Captain?
hadnak and the surrounding prov- can reinforce your unit within 15
inces have been relatively quiet minutes remains on call to provide Requirement
with no armed conflict in this re- close air support. In a time limit of 5 minutes, is-
gion. However, with the arrival of In order to maximize the sue your orders to your element
the spring thaw and warming tem- “shock and awe” and speed of leaders. Prepare an overlay depict-
peratures, organized guerrilla your mechanized unit, you decide ing your scheme of maneuver, frag-
groups reignited an active cam- on a simple, though previously ef- mentary order, and rationale for
paign against coalition forces and fective, scheme of maneuver that your actions. Submit your solution
inflamed tribal unrest throughout calls for two platoons to encircle to Marine Corps Gazette, TDG
the region. the village—one from the north #04–7, P.O. Box 1775, Quantico,
Your mechanized company, em- and the other from the south—one VA 22134, fax 703–630–9147, or e-
barked aboard 14 assault amphibi- platoon to advance along the mail <>.
ous vehicles, is reinforced with ele- main avenue of approach to seal
ments from its organic weapons the entry point and a dismounted
platoon, including three machine- mortar section to isolate the ob-
gun squads and six assault teams jective area with calls for fire as
evenly dispersed between the pla- needed. The section of Cobras
toons and a 60mm mortar section. can be used to further isolate the For more detailed information on the struc-
While traveling east along a main objective area or provide support- ture of Marine Corps units, Marine Corps
road in the Rahadnak Valley dur- ing fires if required. equipment, and symbols used in TDG sketch-
ing a routine mechanized patrol, As your lead elements enter the es, see the MCG web site at <www.
your unit is tasked to search a vil- village area, 1st Platoon immediate->.
lage suspected of harboring Nabi- ly begins taking machinegun fire
lat and needihajum fighters. from the vicinity of Hill 2. As the
Speed is essential as the enemy is platoon commander begins to take
prone to resupplying its forces and immediate action, mortars begin
then quickly fading into the rug- impacting around him. One of his

Marine Corps Gazette ✩ July 2004 61

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