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Technology Effects Learning

Jason Laux

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Schools of Graduate and Professional Programs

Portfolio Entry for Wisconsin Teacher Standards 1 and 2

EDUW 691 – Professional Skills Development

Caroline Hickethier, Instructor

December 9, 2017
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Selected Wisconsin Teacher Standard Descriptors

Wisconsin Teacher Standard (WTS) 1: Teachers know the subjects they are teaching.

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the

discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of

subject matter meaningful for students.

Knowledge. The teacher understands how students’ conceptual frameworks and their

misconceptions for an area of knowledge can influence their learning.

Dispositions. a) The teacher realizes that subject matter knowledge is not a fixed body of facts

but is complex and ever evolving. S/he seeks to keep abreast of new ideas and understandings in

the field. b) The teacher is committed to continuous learning and engages in professional

discourse about subject matter knowledge and children's learning of the discipline.

Performances. a) The teacher effectively uses multiple representations and explanations of

disciplinary concepts that capture key ideas and links them to students' prior understandings. b)

The teacher can represent and use differing viewpoints, theories, "ways of knowing," and

methods of inquiry in his/her teaching of subject matter concepts.

Wisconsin Teacher Standard (WTS) 2: Teachers know how children grow.

The teacher understands how children with broad ranges of ability learn and develop, and

can provide instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal development.

Knowledge. The teacher understands how learning occurs-how students construct knowledge,

acquire skills, and develop habits of mind-and knows how to use instructional strategies that

promote student learning for a wide range of student abilities.

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Dispositions. The teacher appreciates individual variation within each area of development,

shows respect for the diverse talents of all learners, and is committed to help them develop self-

confidence and competence.

Performances. The teacher assesses individual and group performance in order to design

instruction that meets learners’ current needs in each domain (cognitive, social, emotional,

moral, and physical) and that leads to the next level of development.

Danielson Domains

Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

Component 1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources

Resources for teaching

Resources for students

Component 1e: Designing Coherent Instruction

Learning activities

Instructional materials and resources

Instructional groups

Lesson and unit structure

Domain 2: The Classroom Environment

Component 2b: Establishing a Culture for Learning

Importance of the content

Student pride in work

Expectations for learning and achievement

Domain 3: Instruction

Component 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques

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Quality of questions

Discussion techniques

Student participation

Component 3c: Engaging Students in Learning

Representation of content

Activities and assignments

Activities and assignments

Grouping of students

Instructional materials and resources

Structure and pacing

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

Component 4a: Reflecting on Teaching


Use in future teaching

Component 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally

Enhancement of content knowledge and pedagogical skill

Service to the profession

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Self-assessment of Instruction Related to WTS and Targeted Student Learning Objective(s)

In my teaching, I want to transform my classroom into a content specific course that

utilizes technology as a resource, aid, and allow for the deeper development of learning of the

content. Therefore, when looking at the Wisconsin Teaching Standards 1, I want to see how

utilizing technology can help the understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and the

structures of mathematics to help create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject

matter meaningful to students. I feel technology is one of many ways to help the students take

more ownership, pride, and integrity into their learning. By using technology to aid their

learning; and further their knowledge of the material by creating an environment in which the

technology can aid, support, and enhance the students learning in the content, instead of hinder

their development. It will allow for me to diversify my instruction to different levels to help the

children with broad range of ability, learn, develop, and be able to provide specific instruction to

support their intellectual, social, and personal development which is stated in Wisconsin

Teaching Standard 2. The technology would help aid the development at every level of

understanding. It would allow for me to aid the students in the content at the appropriate level of

knowledge for each individuals level from the high achieving to the low achieving student to

help them meet the standards and content for the course by using technology to aid them in their


Within teaching standards 1, I chose one criterion for knowledge, two for disposition and

performance with the focuses on making the subject matter more meaningful for the students. I

chose for knowledge the teacher understands how students conceptual frameworks and their

misconceptions for an area of knowledge can influence their learning. I chose this criterion as an
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area of focus because I am looking to instill in each of the students of not just knowing the

process and content but the ability to develop reasoning, explanation, and critical thinking behind

the content. The technology can be used to help the students achieve this level of understanding

by creating a visual way and that supports aid in the deeper thinking and development of the

content. Technology is also a big influence on students confidence, attitude towards the content,

and understanding the course when they can see the impact it does on their learning. For the

depositions, I chose two criterion a) the teacher realizes that subject matter knowledge is not a

fixed body of facts but is complex and ever evolving. He or she seeks to keep abreast of new

ideas and understandings in the field. b) The teacher is committed to continuous learning and

engages in professional discourse about subject matter knowledge and children's learning of the

discipline. I chose this criterion as a focus because students learning and methods of learning are

changing every day. Students are being exposed to so much new material, concepts, and

processes in which the use of technology in the classroom is one of biggest areas evolving and

changing the way the students can learn and think about the content for each course. As the

teacher, I need to adjust to the endless evolution in our society to provide that level of

understanding of content in various methods to allow the students to reach a deeper level of

understanding in mathematics. For performance I chose two criterion of a) the teacher effectively

uses multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary concepts that capture key ideas

and links them to students' prior understandings. b) The teacher can represent and use differing

viewpoints, theories, "ways of knowing," and methods of inquiry in his/her teaching of subject

matter concepts. I chose these two criterions because as a teacher I teach the content using

various techniques/methods from visual to exploration to auditory to help aid the students in their

understanding of the content. Over my ten years of teaching the advancement in technology has
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allowed for me to take the key ideas we have covered using various methods of instruction to not

only link them to previous concepts but demonstrate and give the students multiple ways or

techniques to approach the various types of questions and concepts we are covering in

mathematics. Instead of providing the students one way and only one way to approach the

problem let them develop and work through various ways to come to the same conclusion and

reasoning, which is what we as educators want, the students to be able to be lifetime learners and


Within Teaching Standard 2, I chose one criterion for knowledge, disposition, and

performances to show growth in understanding how children with a broad range of ability learn

and develop, and can provide instruction that supports their intellectual, social, and personal

development. I chose the criterion for knowledge of The teacher understands how learning

occurs-how students construct knowledge, acquire skills, and develop habits of mind-and knows

how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning for a wide range of student

abilities. I chose this criterion with the focus around technology with the basis of the fact that

using various methods or techniques will allow for the students to understand and develop

through the content in a way they are comfortable with to help their learning. By doing this as a

teacher, it allows me to use these various methods of instruction whether that is the use of

technology or to tailor to the diverse learners in my classroom to help me fit their needs. The

technology I am hoping is a way to help bridge the gap and help all students of various levels

reach the level of understanding needed for the content. For dispositions, I chose the criterion of

the teacher appreciates individual variation within each area of development, shows respect for

the diverse talents of all learners, and is committed to helping them develop self-confidence and

competence. I chose this one with the fact I want every student to feel comfortable and confident
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in his or her ability to understand and teach a subject some people really struggle with, like

mathematics. I like to create an environment that is student friendly, focused, and built on

students having confidence in themselves to work through the highs and lows in mathematics.

With the advancements in technology over the years it can help make the self-confidence and

competence in students increase, and help aid in their learning. For the performance I chose the

criterion of The teacher assesses individual and group performance in order to design instruction

that meets learners’ current needs in each domain (cognitive, social, emotional, moral, and

physical) and that leads to the next level of development. I chose this criterion as an area of focus

around the basis of not only getting the students to know and demonstrate the material which

needs to be presented, but also use this material to make connections to previously learned ideas,

thoughts, and concepts to help the student develop mathematically through their course to reach

higher level of learning. Technology can be a tool to help aid, guide, and enhance these steps of

learning they need to make as they evolve in mathematics.

Assessment of Student Performance Related to Targeted Student Learning Objective(s)

The importance of evolving and changing your teaching methods, techniques, and

approaches in society related to teaching is one of the most beneficial aspects a teacher needs to

do not only to help themselves but also be able to get the best out of every student in their

classroom to learn and understand the content. This has been an ongoing theme in my classroom

over the years; I adapt and change strategies and techniques in all my classes to try to meet all

the new advancements the student are exposed to every day. Over the years from teaching

Algebra through Pre-Calculus I have been able to adapt well to all these changes to the best of

my ability. Which in our district where we are pushing 21st-century skills and learning which is

using a lot of technology to help further the student's education. I have been doing a good job of
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adapting my teaching to fit our district initiative by my student's performance and my student's

success throughout their courses in mathematics. Most of the students are getting enough

understanding to be able to use and demonstrate the content correctly and efficiently. There is

still a population of students that I am not doing enough in some areas and need to improve in to

help further their understanding for them to reach the level needed in our content. One idea

where I can help guide and aid that development is by using the technology aspect more as a tool

to help aid in their learning, interest, and thought process around the content since current the

population of students is centered around technology. With my wide range of abilities in my

classes, the use of technology can be diversified to help all students at all different levels of

understanding to help further their understanding that can be unique to that individual student's

needs and interest. With our district pushing 21st-century skills and the school's demographics

of our students finding ways to enhance the students understanding by using something they are

fully devoted to can only be a way to help the students growth across all content areas to help

reach the necessary benchmarks.

Assessment of Learning Environment While Learning Targeted Objective(s)

In the Baraboo School District, one of the goals is to convert to 21st-century skills and

techniques used to help the students grow over time in the district. With that change it has

dramatically changed the learning environment slightly in each content area, math specifically.

Before the change to 21st-century skills and techniques, it was hard for a teacher to implement

these strategies into the classroom because you did not know if all students have the same access

or availability at home or personally due to the unbalance of economic status and understanding

of technology. It was hard to implement the use of technology to be able to create a learning

environment conducive to all students at all levels. Therefore, in the Baraboo school district, we
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were able to help this situation and help the implementation of the 21st-century skills by

providing every student at the Baraboo high school a Chrome book for them to use throughout

high school. This initiative has changed the dynamic in the learning environment so much that

we as teachers are able to use all new applications, visual aids, and technology to help with

learning for students at all levels in our classroom regardless of economic or social status. It has

made the learning environment even more student-oriented, student-driven and more student-

lead conversations do to the availability of the technology to help create a very open, relaxed, but

focused environment around learning the material in various ways. With this change, this year I

have been slowly bringing more technology into all my classes to see what impact the

technology can do in my students learning and understanding of mathematics since they have

unlimited access to technology. With the addition to various technology being implemented in

my already open, relaxed, focused, and student-driven learning environment in my classroom,

this is another way to help improve the environment for all students of all levels to achieve their


Assessment Conclusion and Essential Question to Guide Research

The self-assessment, assessment of student performance, and learning environment

assessment all show that it is worth taking a deeper look into the impact that technology could

have on students performance, level of understanding and learning, and attitude towards

mathematics when provided alternative ways to demonstrate the content at the high school level.

Being able to know the impact technology can have on the student's growth and development or

aspects to be aware of that could hinder their development when implementing new and more

technology into my classroom. Even though I have started doing this transition in my classroom

slowly, I am nowhere near, what I would like to be in order to fully provided the necessary tools
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and skills for students of all levels to meet proficiency in mathematics by providing them

multiple tools, aids, and support through various methods of instruction and implementation.

Therefore, my essential question to guide my research will be “What impact does the use of

technology have on the student learning in mathematics?”

Research Summary

It has been an ongoing discussion between mathematics teachers to find various methods

or techniques to help every student achieve the necessary development to be successful. For

some students learning Mathematics can be a challenge, but with the correct implementation and

methods used by an educator, it can make an impact on the students’ level of understanding and

interest. Because of this educators are looking for new and up-to-date techniques to use in our

ever-changing world of teaching. One method which has been developing and changing the

mathematics classroom when implemented correctly is the use of technology and what it brings

to the classroom, level of understanding, and the student's overall engagement and attitude

towards the content. Murphy (2016) theorized that the use of technology in the high school

classroom could have a positive effect on the engagement of the student, and thus improving

mathematics understanding and test scores. This in return, lead to more research in looking into

ways to integrate technology into the classroom and what the impact of these changes will make

on a classroom in the future. Within the research, it has been broken down into numerous aspects

to consider when implementing these strategies. Such as focused impact with the use of

technology in the level of understanding of content, how does it affect special education and

lower case specific students, student’s attitude and engagement, the socioeconomic status within

in the school and lastly the teacher's attitude and development of implementation of technology.
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The first area of focus was the aspects of what can technology do to the level of

understanding and comprehension within in the content. In two studies in the journal by Murphy

(2016), one study focused on the use of technology in the classroom to enhance the learning of

problem-solving techniques by limiting the mathematical errors and the second study focused

around a full implementation of technology in the mathematics classroom. In the first study

stated by Murphy (2008), “The outstanding outcome from this research was a 75% decrease in

mathematical errors once the Internet tablets were in use by the students. This confirms the

hypothesis and implies that student interaction with the use of the technology, and not just the

use of the technology by the instructor, can play a major role in the improvement of student

engagement that results in a better accuracy of the mathematical concepts. In confirmation, the

use of technology in a mathematics classroom can decrease mathematical errors since it helps

students to focus more and has less idle time in the classroom.” In the second study, it supported

the first study that technology has an impact on the level of understanding in the mathematics

classroom. In a study, according to Hegedus, Dalton, and Tapper as cited in Murphy, 2016,

They discovered the implementation of technology in a high school mathematics

classroom is beneficial to not only student engagement, but also to student learning. The

participants for this study consisted of 606 algebras 2 students and the teachers for those

classes in 7 different Massachusetts’ schools over a 2-year period. With the study focused

on the potential of students learning algebraic concepts with a deeper understanding when

compared to traditional direct instruction. Teaching students’ algebra and the skills

associated with problem-solving techniques learned in algebra can have the potential to

help students not just in algebra for that year, but also for skills needed post-high school
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since “high school algebra is a key predictor of college success. (Hegedus, Dalton, &

Tapper, 2015, p. 204).

The results of the study shows a growth in many areas of understanding, problem-solving, and

student scores showing positive gain throughout the year when using technology.

The second aspect my research looked into was the impact the use of technology would

have on the lower level students, students with disabilities, and English language

learners. Within the research, Blended Assessment with Instruction Program (BAIP) has used

technology as a way to help all learners of various levels, disabilities, and language barriers.

“The principle underlying BAIP is that instructional equity must be based on students having an

opportunity to learn skills and concepts in mathematics that are aligned with assessments.

Holding students with disabilities accountable for skills and concepts they have not had an

opportunity to learn is unfair at best” (Meyen and Greer, 2010). The program is technology-

based that allows for a tutorial, student self-feedback, self-assessment, and interactive lessons to

help the student with the content. In this framework that BAIP developed, the use of technology

to address the issue of equality across all learners, but still allow for not only the teacher to have

a merit of accountability, but also the students as well so they are able to learn the necessary

content to be successful. This is a program fully implemented with technology and it is allowing

for special education instructors to be more confident in teaching mathematics in the aid to give

feedback and help to close the gaps in the classroom.

As formulated by Barkatas, Kasimatis & Gialamas in 2008, “ Student engagement with

the intellectual work of learning is an important goal for education, leads to achievement, and

‘contributes to students social and cognitive development’.” With the building of engagement,

mathematical confidence, confidence with technology, and achievement are interrelated to help
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the student academic success in mathematics. (Barkatas, Kasimatis & Gialamas, 2008). The

study summary demonstrated that learners of all levels of mathematical achievement

demonstrated a higher level of interest, confidence, and positive effect on engagement and

behavioral engagement when the use of technology to aid the learning is used. “ The two factors

that seem to be associated with the development of a positive attitude to learning mathematics

with the use of technology was the mathematics confidence and effective engagement.”

(Barkatas, Kasimatis & Gialamas (2008). In another study by Daniel Murphy, original stated by


“Integrating technology early in education may allow the student to become more aware

of not only how to use the technology, but also may give the student more confidence in

the subject, especially mathematics.” Although not all students feel comfortable using

technology, most students in one study reported the use of technology alleviated some of

the anxiety with mathematics and the anxiety associated with students taking tests.” With

the students, becoming more familiar with the use of technology in mathematics

classroom can benefit students by allowing the students to feel more comfortable, and

then educators need to take the opportunity to incorporate technology in the pedagogy on

a regular basis. (Murphy, 2016)”

All the studies have shown the more you can get the students familiar with and using the

technology the more they will become a custom to the use of technology, which in return, helps

aid and support their learning and more importantly change their attitude and confidence in the

content area in order to allow for them to raise their level of understanding.

When looking at the continuous improvement and push of the use of technology in the

classroom we have to look at the big scheme of things in our society with the socioeconomic
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levels of all the various area and the students. It is hard to compare data across all demographics

when it comes to the impact of technology without addressing availability, economic status, and

up bringing of the students. In a study by Owens, Song, and Kidd, “found that low SES schools

are more likely to use technology if available for drill and practice, whereas high SES school

uses technology in innovative teaching strategies.” “This suggests they are using the technology

to drill and kill to perform well on the standardized testing and not actually being integrated

effectively into the classroom instruction and pedagogical practice to promote quality teaching

and active student learning” (Owens, Song, & Kidd, 2007). With looking at the impact the use

of technology has it depends on the economic level of the area. This affects the willingness to

use and support the use of technology in the classroom to aid in their learning. In a lower class

area, the availability for some might be limited to what the educators can use and bring into the

classroom. While comparing it to an upper class area, where it might be the norm of availability,

which educators are more capable of implement without a hesitation and able to use the

technology due to the level of confidence and status of the students in the area. One common

theme across all economic levels is that availability of technology is the biggest game-changer

for the students level of understanding, confidence in using technology, and teachers being able

to implement into the classroom accordingly. (Owens, Song, and Kidd, 2007). As the evolution

of technology continues schools and educators will find ways to integrate more and more

technology across all economic levels to help further learners in the future through the use of


Lastly, in order for technology to be properly integrated and implemented into a

mathematics curriculum effectively, the teacher has to have full development and attitude to do

so accurately. Originated from Nicholas & Ng, as stated by Murphy, “teacher attitude with
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technology integration and successful implementation of technology in the classroom can be

more significant than any other factor when incorporating technology into the curriculum.

(Murphy, 2016).” Studies have indicated their willingness to adopt and implement learning

technology for the teaching and learning process varies, but have a common denominator in the

fact that the reason teacher chose to use technology for teaching and learning process dealt with

the notion of continuous training and development in proper technology from technology

personnel, administration, and other structure supporting the use of technology. (Owen, Song, &

Kidd, 2007, p. 73). “In order for proper adopt the use of technology, with all the high speed

connections, digital services, and computers to build professional workplaces to meet the

students in the 21st century, technology will fail to meet educational promise if we neglect to

equip teachers with the skills they need to understand and use it and transmit this knowledge and

skill to their learners (Owen, Song, & Kidd, 2007, p. 84)”. As educators this an ongoing struggle

in the classroom to bring in the technology if as a teacher you are not comfortable, trained, and

confident enough to do so. Which in return would have a negative impact on not only the

students’ level of understanding but also their confidence and attitude towards technology and

willingness to use technology to further their learning.

Learning mathematics at the secondary level can have it difficulties for both teachers and

the students in teaching and learning the content. The closer we can bring the concepts, methods,

and techniques to the forefront of our thoughts the easier and more dynamic it can be on the

overall learning environment, attitude, and level of understanding across all learners.

Mathematics is different than other contents, as the students need to know one topic in order to

be successful on the next topic. In order for the proper understanding to be achieved, the student
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needs to engage in the learning of mathematics and it is necessary for the teacher provide this for

all learners to achieve the necessary level of understanding. As concluded by Murphy 2016,

“Using technology in the classrooms, as studies have suggested, can increase student

engagement, increase motivation of learning, allow for better teacher-student interaction,

support student collaboration, assist in the accuracy of mathematical computation, and

help students not only feel more comfortable with learning mathematics but also allow

for deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.” (Murphy, 2016, p. 298).

The method or technique of integrating technology is not as simple as just doing it, it takes a lot

of preparation, training, and research of various areas from the effect on content specific

understanding, student engagement, teacher training, and the overall socioeconomic status affect

the use of technology. This idea is and always will be an ever-changing development over many

years to come in all classrooms with the advancements in technology. Educators would not be

continuous learners if we did not make the necessary adaptations and advancements in our craft

of teaching.

Research Implications

The Learning Goal that guided my research was the question: “What impact does the use

of technology have on the student learning in mathematics?” After doing the research to find out

information on techniques, methods, and impact, I have found that it is more aspects and things

that need to be considered before just using technology directly. Some people probably feel that

you can just use technology whenever you want in a classroom and the students should just be

accustomed to it. My research has shown that you need to properly integrate technology into

your curriculum with the right methods to allow the students to be engaged, have the necessary

skills, and attitude to be able to use and see the true purpose of the technology in the classroom
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itself. It has shown that the more you are able to use technology and the option of technology in

the classroom to lower mathematical errors, the less distractive behavior created, and more

engagement within the class. The research really made me think more about my classroom in the

aspect of am I reaching every student needs and capabilities in the classroom because if I do not

know their background around technology or their upbringing it can affect the student's

performance. I do a good job of knowing all my students, but after doing the research I want to

evaluate my lessons a little more by making sure I am addressing all levels of learners and trying

to meet all of their needs accordingly. I have started to mix in technology into my classroom

already, but the more I properly integrate it and demonstrate to the students the aid their device

has for them the better the results of their level of understanding they could demonstrate.

Overall, my research has shown that the use of technology can make a positive impact in the

classroom to increasing in testing scores, attitude, confidence, interest, and allow for more

diversity in the classroom to reach all learners at all levels of understanding. I will continue to

look for ways to improve the use of technology to help strong connections in my classroom.

Research-based Action Plan

Action Plan Summary Outline

1. Design my instruction of content with various methods and techniques of technology

to integrate into my classroom and analyze the impact it has made in my classroom.

2. Design and assess my lesson plans with the use of technology to look at the impacts it

has on the low, middle, and high level achieving students in my classroom to help meet

all meet their learning needs.

Targeted Student Learning Objective(s)

1. Standardized goal: Improve on standardized assessments such as the ACT or ASPIRE.

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2. Targeted learning objective: Increase and develop a higher level of understanding,

comprehension, and attitude of the content with the use of technology to better prepare all

students at various levels to be prepared for numerous assessments throughout the course

to show their level of learning.

Task(s) and Essential Proficiency Criteria for Targeted Learning Objective(s)

1. Task: All students will take the ACT or ASPIRE test, and various assessments

in the course to demonstrated their growth in mathematics

2. Criteria that Prove Proficiency in Meeting Targeted Learning Objective(s)

a. Demonstrate an increase in positive feedback with student surveys

addressing their attitude, confidence, and understanding of the content with

the use of technology in the classroom to help aid and provide support for

their learning.

b. Show that 85% of the class has increased their level of understanding

(Basic to Developing) of the content when compared to their initial

assessment scores to the final exam scores in their designated courses.

c. Students have shown an increase on their mathematics scores on the

ASPIRE and ACT Test.

Method(s) to Assess Progress of Proficiency for Targeted Learning Objective(s)

1. Compare the students 2017 ACT and ASPIRE scores in mathematics with the

2018 ACT or ASPIRE scores in mathematics.

2. Compare and evaluate the students’ scores pre-assessment scores to their post

assessment scores on the course material.

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3. Compare and conclude from student surveys given throughout the year if the

students’’ opinions in regards to their attitude, confidence, and overall opinion

on their learning of the content with the use of technology used have changed.


Instructional Insights Related to WTS and Targeted Student Learning Objective(s)

I envision the integration of technology will affect my teaching in a way that allows me

to use the technology as a way to bring a more meaningful and deeper understanding of content

at various levels. With that said it would allow for the use of various levels of technology to help

me reach the lower level students and their needs in the classroom at their level of understanding

and then looking to increase over time. The use of technology can and will enhancing my

teaching ability to meet all levels and to create clarity within the mathematics by not only just

showing them the fact and the content, but use it to develop their problem-solving skills and

high-order thinking to help prepare them better for the standardized testing. Being able to have

this technology tool especially in Baraboo School District where every student has a device will

really bring all of my mathematics class to the 21st century to prepare these students for the

future as it evolves in front of them. Technology will not only have a huge impact on me as a

teacher, but it will have an even bigger impact on my student's performance level and the

learning environment focused on learning in various methods.

Comparison of Student Performance Related to Targeted Student Learning Objective(s)

With my envisioning of the use of technology throughout my lesson planning and

classroom organization methods, I feel the students will show an endless amount of growth with

the use of technology being integrated correctly. With the little more and more use of technology

being used in my classroom today with teaching three different level in Geometry, Algebra 2,
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and Pre-calculus, I am seeing the impact it has on the students' performance. Especially in my

Pre-calculus and Algebra 2 courses technology has allowed for more in-depth questioning and

understanding in the students part but initiates the thoughts, questions, and ideas around the topic

of discussion. Within the current grading system, we are using, I envision the amount of growth

the students will show in the classroom will go from a lot of developing to the proficient or even

advanced level of understanding by opening the students to various ways of learning and

understanding with the use of technology. (See Artifact A for reference on Rubric). The biggest

area I would like to see is if the use of technology improves the students ACT and ASPIRE

testing. I feel it will help the students, but I cannot speak to directly if the use of technology truly

does or not help due to other outside factors such as their reading and writing levels, which can

have an effect on their mathematics scores as well. A big push in our district is to prepare the

students for the high-order and problem-solving skills to be able to demonstrate them on the test

but as well have the necessary skills and tools to use in the real-world applications in their future.

Comparison of Learning Environment While Learning Targeted Objective(s)

The biggest impact the integration of technology will have on my students outside of

their performance will be in the learning environment in my classroom. With the use of

technology in my classroom it opens up a new world of teaching by looking at things abstractly,

conceptually, and with a deeper level of understanding because I can use the technology as the

teacher to present the material in various ways to hit all learning styles. As a student, this allows

them to use the technology as a support and an aid in their learning. When all of these are

intertwined, it builds a learning environment which is focused on content, engagement,

technology, and developing high-level thinking around the topics being presented. In return the

environment will be active, engaging, and focused around the material, this should cause
WTS 1 and 2 page 22 of 31

students to have more confidence and an increase in their performance in mathematics. As I have

seen over 10 years of teaching when students are confident in their work the performance is

higher and more active for the student. The use of technology will create a learning environment

solely focused on the students learning and supportive aspect along the way to be the best they

can be in the course.

Reflection of Entire Learning Process

The essential question guiding this research was ““What impact does the use of

technology have on the student learning in mathematics?” I have found that if technology is

properly integrated into a curriculum instead of just put in, it will have a positive impact on

various areas in the classroom. The areas that we will see the most impact on is in the student

attitude, engagement, and confidence level which has been a struggle in mathematics for some

students. When the attitude and confidence is up in the class because of the use of technology it

will naturally cause the overall performance to reach a higher level of achievement.

What worked or should work and Why

1. Properly Integrating Technology into my mathematics classroom. This has been a big

emphasis in our department to use, integrate, and demonstrate the benefits of technology in the

classroom without losing the importance of the content and the concepts being taught, to enhance

the learning in a way the current students are accustomed to.

2. Creating a Learning Environment conducive for active, engaged, and student focused

learning. I already create a very student-friendly and open relationship with my classes, so the

use of technology will allow for more freedom and support for all students by allowing the

communications and methods techniques to bring a supportive and reassuring environment for

the students to feel confident in.

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3. Changing my norms in my teaching habits. Using technology has been a

uncomfortable idea in the past for me to bring into my classroom so the students are not so

technology dependent. With the small integration I have done with support from my department

and doing some research it has opened me up to integrate more technology into various aspects

of my courses.

What did not work or may not work and Why

1. Truly getting a good measure of the student performance over time because some of

the student switch teachers at semester which in return can affect their level of understanding

slightly if one teacher uses technology and other teacher does not or does but not properly. I feel

it could be difficult to see if the technology truly helps the students reach a higher level of

understanding for the ACT or Aspire test since the possible break in teaching consistency in the

students from semester to semester.

2. Being able to reach the lower level students as well as projected. I have found out

already that if the student and the other teacher helping the student doesn’t have proper training

in the technology coming into the classroom using technology can cause negative attitude and

frustration towards the technology and then in return affect the level of understanding. Still feel

there is some room for growth in this area of perfecting techniques and methods to reach all

levels of learners.

My Next Steps

1. Continue to find new innovative technology items or tools to enhance my students'

classroom environment centered on their learning and technology at the same time. As a teacher,

this is part of my job to continue to change and adjust our teaching methods with the change in

our society.
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2. I will look to meet with all students and co-workers that are helping our lower level

students achieve their goals to develop their level of understanding around the technology we use

in the classroom to help them feel more comfortable and to give them the necessary help to be

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Artifact A

Artifact #1: Since in the Baraboo School District we are transitioning to Grading for Learning
techniques, this is our Mathematics department Priority Standards Rubric we use across all
courses in our content area. In each course, we are able to tailor the rubric to allow the specific
course to tailor to their learning objectives within the course to support the students’ growth in
the overall department standards. This artifact demonstrates the level of growth we would like a
student to achieve over the year in the course. For example: if they are a developing at the
beginning we are looking for the growth over time to reach proficient or advanced.

EQUATIONS & INEQUALITIES: Solve a variety of equations and inequalities, justify solution, and
draw conclusions from solutions.

Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced

Solve a variety of Solve a variety of Solve a variety of Make connections between a

equations and equations and equations and inequalities, finding and related concepts
inequalities. inequalities and justify solution, and draw and phenomena. Combine and
justify the solution. conclusions from synthesize ideas into new
solutions. concepts.

EXPRESSIONS & FUNCTIONS: Evaluate or simplify expressions and functions, justify result, and
draw conclusions.

Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced

Evaluate or Evaluate or simplify Evaluate or simplify Make connections between a

simplify expressions and expressions and finding and related concepts and
expressions and functions and justify functions, justify result, phenomena. Combine and
functions. the result. and draw conclusions. synthesize ideas into new
WTS 1 and 2 page 28 of 31

VISUAL REPRESENTATIONS: Display, describe, and apply a visual representation of a function,

data, or geometric property.

Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced

Display a visual Display and describe a Display, describe, and Make connections between
representation of a visual representation of apply a visual a finding and related
function or a function, data, or representation of a concepts and phenomena.
geometric property. geometric property. function, data, or Combine and synthesize
geometric property. ideas into new concepts.


reasoning based on evidence using logical arguments.

Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced

Draw a singular Connects multiple Draw conclusions and Make connections between a
conclusion based statements to draw explain reasoning based finding and related concepts
on provided conclusions based on on evidence using and phenomena. Combine and
evidence. provided evidence. logical arguments. synthesize ideas into new

MODELS & STRUCTURES: Model, solve, and interpret a situation in context with a proper
equation or function.

Beginning Developing Proficient Advanced

Identify key Model and solve a Model, solve, and Make connections between a
components and model situation with a interpret a situation in finding and related concepts
a situation with a proper equation or context with a proper and phenomena. Combine and
proper equation or function. equation or function. synthesize ideas into new
function. concepts.
WTS 1 and 2 page 29 of 31

Artifact B

Artifact #2: This is my Desmos Lab I created that was student driven using a free app available
for all students to use. The students were instructed to use the app on their chrome
book and follow the guided directions to develop their level of understanding around the use of
transformations related to its parent functions. This is one of many new lesson plans of
integrating student-lead instruction using technology to lead the conversation.
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