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The next financial crisis Citings

The point is to mitigate financial crises rather than try to prevent them. India must require banks to have even PROCESS
Sumantra Ghoshal
more capital than what Basel III norms call for and adopt other prudential measures, says Arun Duggal
A MAJOR danger of study-

OLLOWING the recent financial policy by banks. The RBI is already encou- ing the strategy process —
meltdown, the leaders of the raging this but should consider taking loan probably the most enticing sub-
Moment of truth in Kashmir Group of 20 economies asked
the Basel Committee on Bank-
loss provisions to 100% (from 70%) level
in the next three years. This provision could
ject in the management curri-
culum, and at the pinnacle of
Not AFSPA, Political Effort Needed ing Supervision to come up with new
rules needed to prevent another financial
be relaxed during the downturn to revive
the economy quickly.
organisational processes — is
that students and professors can

T HE choice in Kashmir is between a political initiative

to transcend the current security-centred discourse
and persisting with yet more forceful security. The very
crisis in future. I am afraid this is an impos-
sible undertaking. It is certain that there
will be financial crises in future, though
Five, encouraging long-term capital
flows such as FDI in plant & machinery,
venture capital, growth capital and discou-
become detached from the ba-
sics of the enterprise. The “Don't
bore me with the operating de-
when and how are completely uncertain. raging short-term or hot money capital In- tails; I'm here to tackle the really
fact that the Centre put lifting or diluting the Armed The Basel Committee’s agreement last flows. A further restriction on short-term big issues?” syndrome has been
Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) on the table is proof of weekend on the new capital require- capital flows should be considered. This will the death of many strategy
acknowledgement that Kashmir calls for a paradigm shift ments (Basel III) will definitely strength- help reduce the contagion impact. courses (not to mention mana-
en the global banking system so that the Six, a well-capitalised subsidiary struc- gerial practices!). Effective strat-
in policy. The Centre should not permit that realisation impact of the next financial crisis — ture for foreign banks and financial institu- egy processes always come
and intent to be subverted, whether by the violence in when, and not if, it happens — does not tions operating in India in such a way that if down to specifics. For this rea-
Kashmir or by proponents of the strong-arm strategy cripple the global economic system as the the parent institution runs into trouble, the son, cases are the most conve-
within the government and the ruling dispensation. This most recent one has. Indian entity is not directly impacted. nient way to introduce practice
is the key challenge before the country’s political leader- It is also nearly certain that in a few years’ Seven, we should enforce the Volker into the classroom, to cap a wide
time, there will be another economic boom Rule i.e., strict limits on bank’s proprietary variety of experiences, and to
ship: to initiate and sustain a real and wide-ranging politi- and many of the lessons of the recent finan- trading and alternate asset activities, even involve students actively in
cal engagement, even if it is unlikely to find an immediate cial crises will largely be forgotten. Greed though the rule got compromised in the analysis and decision-making.
resonance in Kashmir. The Centre should ideally have ini- overtakes fear. Bankers will come up with Dodd-Frank Act in the US. Cases are the pedagogical ap-
new ways and complex instruments to cir- SALAM Eight, a single consumer protection proach of choice when it comes
tiated efforts to discuss the AFSPA much earlier, which
cumvent the new Basel III rules. Irrational ex- onomic growth slowed and unemploy- overheated stock market, high inflation, etc. agency should be created to cover all finan- to studying strategy, but it is an
could have averted a number of deaths and also possibly uberance of the markets will be justified by ment rose. It is, therefore, important for us Evenifacountryisfollowingprudenteconom- cial products from banks loans/deposits, approach with potential pitfalls
prevented the crisis from reaching the point it has. In- the argument that we have entered a new era also to take measures now to strengthen ic policies, it could be hit by the contagion effect stocks and bonds, mutual funds, insurance, and blind alleys. It is easy to lose
stead, the rupture between the sentiments and political of growth and prosperity and the old eco- our financial system to minimise the im- of crises in a different, distant part of the world. etc. This agency should focus on: financial sight of the fact that cases are se-
reality on the ground and New Delhi’s overtly cautious nomic principles are no longer relevant. pact of the next global financial crisis on literacy promotion, ensure that financial lective narratives. In this re-
fumbling for an adequate response now has only widen-
ed. Yet, there is no alternative except dealing with the po-
These ‘good times’ will carry in them the
seeds of the next economic downturn. There
are signs of this already. No sooner was the ink
India’s real economy.
In this context, the recent book, This
Time is Different — Eight Centuries of Fi-
T O PREPARE for the next financial crisis,
India can take several precautionary
steps: First, further strengthen the banking
products are appropriately designed and
marketed transparently to consumers with
different levels of risk capacity, and griev-
spect, short and tightly focused
cases can be better than long
and highly detailed cases: They
litical challenges facing the state in Kashmir. And after the dry on President Obama’s signature on nancial Folly, is very instructive. In this and financial system by capitalising it even ance redressal. At present, these functions are less likely to mislead one in-
inconclusive Cabinet Committee on Security meeting on Dodd-Frank Act (Wall Street Reform and book, professors Carmen Reinhart and higher than the new Basel III requirements. are fragmented among different regulators to seeing the narrative as recre-
Monday, New Delhi must now use the scheduled all-par- Consumer Protection Act) than fierce lobby- Kenneth Rogoff have discussed financial Ahybrid equity layer, which can be convert- in India. The Dodd-Frank Act includes a ve- ation of reality, as opposed to
ing started to make the regulations under the crises in 66 countries over the last eight ed into equity at the RBI’s direction, should ry good model for this. representation of reality, and a
ty meeting to hammer out a consensus on some bold and Act as mild as possible. centuries. It presents a comprehensive be introduced. Nine, executive compensation in the fi- partial one at that.
decisive moves that can begin to tackle the severe crisis. We in India came out relatively un- look at the varieties of crises — including Second, annual stress testing of all banks nancial sector should be moderated. The Though cases are partial rep-
Measures like diluting the Act or a removal from some scathed out of the recent financial crisis. government defaults, banking panics on the lines of the tests recently conducted by RBI has already made a good start, but resentation of reality, they can
districts will not yield the requisite effect among the peo- Hard to say whether we were lucky or and inflationary spikes — from medieval the Fed and European Central Bank. The rat- more emphasis on compensation linked to be revealing if used wisely. Most
ple. If at all the Centre does decide on either, or both, it smart — probably both. However, let’s not currency debasements to the recent sub- ing agencies are well-equipped to conduct long-term performance is needed in all ar- cases pose a dilemma or a prob-
forget that we were also affected and prime meltdown. these tests, but the basic parameters/scena- eas of financial services. lem. They irresistibly draw us
must be accompanied by a definite timeframe for a full 2007-08 was a challenging period. Much Broadly speaking, the next financial crisis is rios should be uniform and specified by the Finally, private sector should facilitate toward prescription. An invita-
revocation of the Act, along with measures like releasing of the impact was due to contagion, but likely to be triggered by either an event risk or RBI every year. creation of an independent and unofficial tion to pronounce is appealing:
some prisoners — such as some of the hundreds of young- there were a few excesses in Indian econ- economic mismanagement. Event risk could Third, a more dynamic credit policy economic stability think-tank composed of how many can resist being the
sters detained during the current protests — as well as ini- omy, particularly in the property sector. be a big geopolitical crisis such as violent social framework by the RBI and more impor- experienced economists, bankers and aca- CEO of IBM or Microsoft for a
During the financial crisis, export industri- unrest in China, North Korea going berserk, oil tantly, by individual banks, such that credit demics that should monitor the Indian and day? However, this is false em-
tiating a wider dialogue with all sections, the separatist es like textiles suffered, the flow of credit price spike to $250 per barrel, a major terrorist is tightened quickly (and other measures global economy to identify excesses, over- powerment. It is not only based
camps included. Over two decades of a security paradigm- dried up, stock market sank, property attack that cripples the banking system or any introduced swiftly) when there are signs of heating, emerging risks, etc, and share its on incomplete information, it
based massive counter-insurgency effort has yielded a sit- stocks dropped to one-tenth of their val- other such cataclysmic event. Economic mis- excesses in any section of the economy. independent views with the country’s eco- also lacks the pressure and nu-
uation where the Valley seems further away than ever. A ue, the auto sector stalled, confidence in management would include the usual sus- Most importantly, if property or stock prices nomic decision-makers. ance that are indispensable to
real, wide-ranging political effort has been missing. It is the banking sector, particularly private pects: high budget deficits, excessive debt accu- are rising too fast. (The author is chairman of Shriram Capital decision-making.
sector and foreign banks, was shaken, ec- mulation, runaway property prices, Four, countercyclical provisioning and former CEO India, Bank of America)
time to give that a chance.

Sense(x) and sensibility C H AT R O O M

View Surge in Sensex With Caution Vale of terror civil society across Kashmir.
Needless to say, this directly
‘Technomic engine gaining traction’
A ART de Geus, CEO of Synopsys — us in a strong technology position,” he said. So,
HE 138.63-point surge in the BSE Sensex on Tuesday ■PEOPLE’S Union for violates Article 4(b) of Protocol a leader in electronic design automation despitemarketchallenges,Synopsys’CEOsays
following a dramatic 409-point runup on Monday Democratic Rights (PUDR) Additional II, 1977 (relating to (EDA) space — has seen several eco- they have been able to focus on near-term
deserves a cautious cheer. It reflects a vote of confidence strongly condemns Monday’s protection of victims of nomic ups and downs the last two-and-a-half growth efforts and the overall strategy remains
bloodbath in which 17 persons non-international armed decades he has been in business. This time unchanged. One, maintain the technology
by foreign institutional investors (FIIs) who pumped in were shot dead by Indian conflicts) of the Geneva
.̀ 2,500 crore on Monday, taking the total FII inflow to around, he is optimistic that the world economy momentum, increase efficiency and expand
security forces and 131 injured Convention (12 August 1949), will ride out this recession too and that chip firms core EDA leadership. Two, broaden core EDA
close to $14 billion in 2010. However, that celebration in different parts of the Valley. which prohibits collective will play a major role. A techie, who has lifted capabilities. Three, expand beyond core EDA
must be tempered with caution. Portfolio flows are fickle The fact that no less than 89 punishment. Synopsys from a startup to a top-drawer technolo- intoemergingIPandsystemsspace.
by nature and chase yields across the globe. The resultant persons have died and 1,600 are The argument about gy firm, de Geus reckons it is neither technology Apart from higher sectoral run-rate, growth
injured (many grievously) since demoralisation of the security nor economics but a combo of the two — called rates in emerging economies show there are
volatility in capital flows poses a serious policy challenge. June 11 this year, confirms the personnel has been given technomics — that is shaping future trends. strongsignsofrecovery,deGeusfeels.“Though
The market solution, freeing exchange rates to reflect the brutality of the Indian state, premium. As the Indian state the industry remains optimistic about the fu-
shifts in demand and supply of dollars, is not an option in a which continues to hurt, kill and refuses to withdraw AFSPA and “The recession had hit the industry hard. INTERACTIVE ture, the expectation is that there is still way to
poor country like ours where thin forex markets and the maim the people of Kashmir. A refuses to recognise that what But as companies start refilling inventories, go before unemployment levels start to reduce
form of ‘collective punishment’ Kashmir is witnessing is not the semiconductor market is recovering faster
AART DE GEUS significantly,” he says, again peppering the op-
resultant see-sawing of exchange rates in response to cap- is being meted out to the entire another phase of militancy but
ital flows have serious repercussions on the real economy, than expected. Starting at about 17% in 1994, ductor executives are reassessing every part of timismwithsomecaution.
people’s anger and agitation over the growth rate of the industry has been grad- their business and moving resources to the India has been a chip design hotspot and, of
including, vitally, on employment. Intervention by the non-fulfilment of their ually — and for the most part, fairly steadily — most value-added functions and projects. Syn- late, there are signs of a nascent market sprout-
RBI in the forex market to keep exchange rate fluctu- BLINKERS OFF long-standing and eminently decreasing. Today, it hovers around a modest opsysishelpingcustomers,bothintermsofcost ing.“Overthepast15years,it(R&Dcentreofan
ations within manageable bounds brings with it another democratic demand for right of 5-6%. But given the recession, it is still sub- and productivity focus, as well as with the need MNC silicon major) has gone through several
SALAM self-determination.
set of problems: excess domestic liquidity which could be- stantially better than the recent GDP growth to accelerate innovation. But we too face chal- phases. The first was cost-driven. Then, teams
Thus, all that the Indian State rates of most countries. In fact, it is likely that lengeslikecautiousbuyers,continuedcustom- here became more competent and started do-
come the proverbial last straw on the camel’s back for the is doing is to carry on with its semiconductors will be central to driving the er consolidation, huge competitive pressures ing sophisticated chips. Now, I think it is the be-
aam aadmi at a time when inflation is already high. If the policy of military suppression by recovery of many regions,” he says. andcoreEDAbudgetsthatarenotgrowing.” ginning of a new creative phase, led by a devel-
excess liquidity is mopped up, it could hike interest rates. labelling all protests as According to him, since the fourth quarter But Synopsys’ numbers lend credence to de oping indigenous market. Whenever we have
“agitational terrorism”. In fact, of 2008, when the recession was at its worst, Geus’ positive thrust. For the second quarter, this combination of competence and consum-
Overall, excess inflows would impose an additional cost CM Omar Abdullah’s handling
on an exchequer already bearing a huge fiscal deficit. most semiconductor companies have been re- the firms’ revenues were $338 million, at a er, you get creativity. Local feedback groups be-
of the present crisis is porting better results, providing further evid- non-Gaap earnings per share of $0.41, and it comethedriversforcompanies.”
FIIs are attracted to India by our strong growth, driven symptomatic of a larger picture ence that economies are beginning to recover. claims to have met all its target. “We carefully Twenty years ago, the factors influencing
by abundant global liquidity riding on loose monetary of a lack of trust, legitimacy and “Memory foundries have recovered strongly. managed expenses and are on track to meet growth of the semiconductor industry were
policy in the US. While there is every reason to expect that moral courage that the Indian With little investment in new equipment in our operating margin target of 24% for the technological. Today, the economic dynamics
state and its electoral power the last three years, they are using their capaci- year. And we’re heading towards meeting, or are of equal importance. And whereas system-
our growth momentum will be sustained in the medium represent in Kashmir. ties to the maximum. Most of our customers beating, our initial revenue, EPS and cash-flow on-a-chip was inconceivable just two decades
term, there is no such certainty about how long US inter- The question is: will the have logged strong results, are forecasting a objectivesfortheyear,”deGeussays. ago,itisnowatthecentreofthesemiconductor
est rates will be kept at near-zero levels. More important, Indian state ever learn? strong six-month outlook and, in many cases, What are Synopsys’ plans to lead this grow- ‘technomic engine’, a way of thinking that
while the levers to stimulate growth in an economy with a ASISH GUPTA & MOUSHUMI BASU reporting capacity shortages,” he says. th?“Weleadtheindustryinadvancedesignsall brings together technology and economics.
SECRETARIES, PUDR But probe him a little deeper and he hedges the way below 28-nanometre chips. And our Technomics, to him, refers to the remarkable
large domestic market are largely within our control, the NEW DELHI, SEPTEMBER 14
situation is quite different when it comes to global liquidi- his optimism, “While most firms are ramping product portfolio can handle the most difficult increasesinbothscaleandsystemiccomplexity
Letters to the editor may be addressed to
up, they remain cautious. There is focus on challenges. The interest in systems solution is acrossbothtechnologyandeconomics.
ty. Hence, any reversal in the US monetary policy — un- cost throughout the supply chain. Semicon- rapidlygrowingandourresearchenginekeeps CHIRANJOYSEN
likely though it is in the short-term, given the anaemic
state of US recovery — will affect portfolio flows with con-
sequences that go far beyond a fall in the Sensex. If the
surge continues, and domestic asset prices and liquidity
bloat in an unhealthy fashion, the government may have
Oliver Twist and match-fixing The father
to move to take remedial steps. It would have to seriously
consider an option that it has so far eschewed: some form
of capital controls. It might help, of course, that even the
T HE global entertainment and media
industry is the fastest growing busi-
ness in the world, projected in a Price-
waterhouseCooper report to touch $2 tril-
when games have been lost by a few runs.
That 19th-century novelist Charles Dick-
ens had a far better understanding of human
nature than some of the apologists for Aam-
of fears
IMF now considers such controls kosher. lion by 2011. International sporting events er/Asif. In Dickens' Oliver Twist, Fagin N HAUNTING retrospect, acteristic of the human condi-
are a key component of televised entertain- recruited urchins like the Artful Dodger to when the time came for his tion. This was also Buddhism’s
A cigarette a day ment. The global sports business industry
was valued at over $410 billion by Plunkett
pick pockets before grooming them into
adult burglars and murderers like Bill Sykes.
only parent’s demise, the
scribe found himself functioning
‘truth of impermanence’.
Paradoxically, our survival in-
To Blow Miners’ Cares Away! Research in 2009. After football, cricket is the
world's most avidly watched sport, courtesy
For those who think that murder and
match-fixing are incompatible in real life,
like an automaton. There was
the heartbreaking business of
stinct itself operates from this pri-
mal truth, the therapists Richard

T HERE are two ways of reacting to the news that ciga-

rettes will be dropped to 33 miners trapped 700 m un-
derground since August 5 following a cave-in in the San
South Asia where a quarter of the global pop-
ulation lives. India accounts for roughly 70%
of cricket’s global revenues. If football can
we only have to remember how, just a dec-
ade ago, South African captain Hansie
Cronje admitted that the match-fixers had
speaking calmly and clearly
without a quaver; of invoking
the Goddess of Illumination just
and Bonney Schaub say in their
handbook for spiritual realists,
The End of Fear: Life is a won-
pre-empt attempts at match-fixing, there is got him to do their bidding by initially offer- once and that too by name rather drous and strange experience in
Jose copper and gold mine in the Atacama desert of Chile. no reason why cricket can't do so. Unfortu- ing money and then threatening him. When than by sacred syllables. For the which everything and everyone
While it will take a few months to dig a 0.6-m-wide tunnel nately, the sport has periodically been cloud- Pakistan coach Bob Woolmer was found scribe did not want it to sound you see, including yourself (and
ed by match-fixing controversies. Cricket's ● Cricket is structured in such a way that dead in a hotel room in the West Indies a day like goodbye or your nonagenarian
through 670 m of solid rock so as to lower a cage and lift fixers can manipulate what happens
tradition of being a gentleman's game has it- after his team had been shocked by Ireland Godspeed. parent), is subject to
the miners out one by one, those who are against all addic- self come in the way of the game being run without being suspected of match-fixing in the 2007 World Cup, there were initially So he chose to change and loss at
tions could say that care should be taken to ensure the professionally. In international football, rumours that he had been killed while trying reassure with ges- every moment.
● In Oliver Twist, Fagin recruited urchins to
miners return safe after kicking the smoking and drinking where individual clubs form the basic struc- pick pockets before grooming them into to prevent match-fixers from controlling the ture and tone. But Shakespeare
habit. However, with the miners asking for cigarettes and ture of the sport with many clubs run by cor- burglars and murderers like Bill Sykes team. Sharjah was discredited as a cricketing inwardly he felt summarises this pri-
psychologists talking about the possibility of anxiety and porates, the professionalism at that level has venue because of the presence at the ODIs of wretched. Thus, meval insight in As
rubbed off on associations running the na- ● Splitting hair between spot-fixing and the D-gang founder Dawood Ibrahim, im- the son became the you like it: “And so,
depression setting in at this stage, officials have decided to tional teams. However, in cricket, the post of match-fixing will lead to ignoring the plicated in the 1993 Mumbai blasts. In the father of Man. Al- from hour to hour,
supply a cigarette a day to each miner. A doctor has stated not just the president but also secretary of the threat facing international cricket wake of the latest no-ball controversy, there though all he we ripe and ripe,/
that smoking in moderation need not pose a problem. national association is an honorary one and are again reports of Dawood controlling un- wanted to do was
COSMIC And then, from hour
Smoking as a stress-buster has been depicted in the the concept of a full-time professional CEO is England-based Pakistan businessman Maz- derworld syndicates involved in multi-mil- to run away from to hour, we rot and
1961 Hindi movie Hum Dono where the debonair Dev largely unknown. Cricket's administrators
seem invariably surprised when a crisis
har Majeed had told two News of the Worldre-
porters masquerading as members of a sha-
lion dollar betting rackets on ODIs. Pakis-
tan's former coach Greg Lawson has even
reality. But he
could not. Besides
UPLINK rot,/ And thereby
hangs a tale.” The
Anand plays the role of a WWII soldier who sings, Mein erupts, like the latest one on match-fixing. dy betting syndicate that this would happ- stated that Aamer could have been pressur- they were trapped together in awareness of the worm wriggling
zindagi ka saath nibhata chala gaya/Har fikr ko dhuen mein Cricket is also structured in such a way en), there are cricketing legends like Imran ised by these syndicates and cited the in- the sterile embrace of medical inside the golden apple lies at the
udata chala gaya, the message being one of how to move (into innings and overs of six balls each) that Khan who say that this is not as serious as stance of a Pakistani selector telling him that technology. root of all our anxieties says psychi-
along with life while blowing away all cares into smoke! it is simpler for fixers to manipulate what match-fixing where teams deliberately lose. he had been threatened that his daughter Then the healers in white and atrist Aaron Beck, the pioneering
happens without being suspected of match- The flaw in this argument is that it as- would be kidnapped unless a certain player their acolytes in blue intervened founder of cognitive therapy.
The same song played back on any Indian TV channel to- fixing. For instance, during last month's ODI sumes that there are two kinds of fixers — made the national team. to begin their resuscitation “The monsters that come to take
day would carry a statutory warning that smoking is inju- at Dambulla, when Lankan off-spinner those who induce cricketers to bowl no- Splitting hair between spot-fixing and dance. Thus the father’s last children away in the night are sto-
rious to health. It is unlikely that any such chirpy song or Randiv deliberately bowled a no-ball so that balls, and those who persuade teams to match-fixing could amount to not recog- words turned out to be the son’s rybook models of the truth that one
statutory warning will figure in the movie titled The 33 India won with Sehwag stranded on 99, it lose matches. Majeed himself was caught nising the threat staring international name urgently called out twice day you and I will be taken from
was assumed that this was just gamesman- on tape stating that the no-ball demon- cricket in the face. The ICC and national along with “I’m feeling breath- our present lives,” the Schaubs,
which Chilean director Rodrigo Ortuzar plans to shoot ship and not spot-fixing, even though a lot of stration he had organised was to prove cricket boards should work together to up- less.” If he wanted action, he got who are also the co-founders and
once the miners are rescued. In real life, the miners could betting takes place on whether the last ball of that he could arrange for even games in root the nexus between match-fixers, plenty. But it could not prevent co-directors of The New York Psy-
be pardoned for feeling that it's not just smoking and an ODI is hit for a boundary or whether a the subsequent ODI series to be lost. Pakis- money launderers (Majeed has been ar- his departure to that undiscov- chosynthesis Institute, add.
drinking but mining which is dangerous! The Motorcycle player nearing his century will reach the tan, he claimed, had deliberately lost the rested for this offence also) and underworld ered country from whose bourn “And before we are taken, we
Diaries tells us that it was the workers' plight in the Chu- mark. Even when spot-fixing is indicated Sydney Test in January this year from a po- gangs preying on the game. ICC president no traveller returns. will witness it happening to others,
(like on August 26 when Pakistani bowlers sition of strength and had enabled a be- Sharad Pawar should use this occasion to Thus, the scribe came face to including those we love. Looking
quicamata copper mine of the Atacama desert which in- Aamer and Asif bowled no-balls on the first tting syndicate to walk away with demonstrate that cricket will remain a face with what Sigmund Freud at it in this light, we see that our
spired a young medical student called Che Guevara to ball of the third over and the last ball of the £830,000! Yet, apologists split hairs be- metaphor for fairplay despite all attempts called ‘our ultimate helpless- fears are not unreasonable at all.”
think in terms of a revolution, way back in 1952. tenth over of the Lord's Test a day after the tween spot-fixing and match-fixing even by the Majeeds and the mafias to ruin it! ness’, which is the defining char- ■ VITHAL C NADKARNI

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