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How would you define Digital Citizenship? 27 responses How someane acts and what they have done online how you act and treat people online ‘Your presence inthe digital world How ane acts online How you act onthe internet Following the rules to baing a good oniine citizen beng online and posting an looking at things Is the same as the real world out digital ane everything you do in the digtal world will affect you in the real world How you act online “The way you act online, responstailty being good online ‘as watching what you are posting on social media, and being careful of what yourlacking up. considering your actions online How youactonine, and following guidelines inorder to keep you ard atts safe Digital Ctizanchip its how you use the web the way peep actontine. how you are onthe internet ‘The way you act on social media ‘Aperson who utlizes the Interne in erderto engage in society, and politics. how a person interacts with the internet and the people ont. ‘what you do online it could help you or hurt you 1 Looking at what you are posting before you post it and making sure ite ok to post and that it wor't effect you later on in life Digital citizenship is your manners, politanass and values used while online Friendly stuff Following the web's written & unwritten rulas ky contributing in a part of an online community, How you would act online. Online etiquette. How would you define Digital Footprint? 27 responses Information that you leave behind online a allot wnat you do on social media Information that you have shared online Wihat youve done over the years onthe intemet. what you poster leave on the internet Something ou post orline that canbe traced back to you when you visita website it leaves a trace. {ts the your path that yourmake treoughout the internet and everthing entine. ‘The wal that you intentionally or urimentionlly ave behind when you go on a website Active scary ‘semathing posted that can be traced hack to you {as a history. what you search or post is permanently aut there, evan If you delat it trail lefthebind by everything you do on the internet Digital footprint it all the data you leave on the web after you use it Je the footprint that you leave or the traceable when visting a online source. ‘something that people can trace back to you ‘A chunk of data you use in the on social media Information left bahind by a person who exists on the Intemat [A.permanent footprint thet can be tracked down and traced back to you 2 digital footprint is something that when you ore online you leave a footprint ‘the tracing of what youve done online Its where you have been on the intemet, its basically your internet history ‘The image of yourself whan using the internet. ‘Tracking stuff on computer Everything posted on social media can be tracked. Active & passive data can be accessed on the web. The trai/lead of data you create while browsing the Internet, sending emalls, and things you do on the web, such 2s entering information of login inf. Digital Citizenship is often broken down into many smaller sections, such as Privacy, Information Literacy, and Copyright usage. 27 responses @ To @ Fase Information you intentionally leave online is what type of digital footprint? 27 responses @ Active @ Passive. Information you unintentionally leave online is what type of digital footprint? 27 responses @ Active @ Passive Is it possible for someone to find traces of your digital footprint (even years later) after you have deleted something? @ Yes @ No @ Maybe Why is having a clean digital footprint important to you? Itean have a diract effect on my future. for future in jobs or college Itean prevent you from getting into the college of your choice It shows you have goad character if you are getting a job they check your social media profile and what you post Because it shows that you're a good citizen and it will help you gat a job and a college echolarship. ‘because you Wont be traced back to something bad Because if you have a clean digital footprint then nothing bad could happen to you in the future, It shows that | have the seme personality in Ife and online Itcan affect you job, education and personal opportunities. ‘good reputation because If you need a job or scmathing of that nature they can trace your history If you are trying to apply 10 a certain collage ar apply fara job, they are able to look up your digtal footprint and may affectif you get accepted to that college o if you get hired for tho job or not Solaterin ife | can goto the schools and get jobs | would like bacause inthis naw world everbody can access everybody's data because | dont want anegetive history of me stay forever so youcan get a good job 90 it doesnt affect me in the future Future employers could look at your digital footprint and If is not clean could hurt your chances of getting that job. 0 people can not just research me to find out where ‘live, when i was bom, and know my kes and dislikes because you can have a higher chance of getting ajob Forjebs and college ‘So when | am trying to get inta a college or get a job, when they laok at my social media | dont have anything It would help you get a job and you looked as a good person in society. ‘Show you donit do anything bad ‘May affect me later In life, May not get into the college | want, my dream job or @ future relationship because of what | cid on social media, ‘it may matter in the future, for example when you apply far a Collage ar Jab. If you have a shady footprint they may not hire/enroll you.

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