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By :

Wiranto Adi Setiawan (117111600)

Valery Aiman S (117111603)
Sang Putu Dimas Adhitya (117111604)
Desak Made Vitri Mattayani (117111608)
Ni Luh Pitri Yanti (117111609)
Priskadora Alexandra Mesah (17111607)





First of all, thanks to God because of His help, we finished writing the paper entitled
“Making Quotations” right in the right time.

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr. Basmantra
as lecturer in English language management.

In arranging this paper, we truly get lots of challenges and problems but with the help of
many individuals, those problems could passed. We also realized there are still many mistakes in
the process of writing this paper. Because of that, we thank you to all individuals who helps us in
the process of writing this paper. Hopefully God replies all helps and bless you all. We also
realized that this paper still imperfect in the arrangement and content. So we hope the criticism
from readers can help us in perfecting the next paper. Last but not least hopefully, this paper can
helps readers to gain more knowledge about how to make a quote.

Denpasar, February 2th, 2018

Table of Contents

PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................... i
CHAPTER I .................................................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 The background of study .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 The problem formulation .................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Purpose of the paper............................................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II................................................................................................................................................. 2
THEORY AND DISCUSION ...................................................................................................................... 2
2.1. DEFINITON OF QUOTATIONS ..................................................................................................... 2
2.2. THE PRINCIPLES OF QUOTATITON ........................................................................................... 3
2.3. THYPES OF QUOTATIONS ............................................................................................................ 4
2.4. QUOTE FUNCTION ......................................................................................................................... 6
2.5. Example of Using Quotation Marks With Other Punctuation ........................................................... 7
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................................... 9
CLOSING ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2. Suggestion…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….9

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 10



1.1 The background of study

Quotes are ideas, opinions taken from various sources. The idea can be taken from
dictionaries, encyclopedias, articles, reports, books, magazines, internet, and so forth. Writing
citation sources exists using Harvard patterns, others using conventional patterns or footnotes.
The writing and inclusion of quotations with Harvard patterns is indicated by writing down the
author's last name, the year of publication, and the book page quoted at the beginning or at the
end of the quotation. The complete data of the cited source is listed in the bibliography. Quote
function, among others, as the theoretical basis, the reinforcement of opinions of others,
explanation of a description, evidence to support the opinion.

1.2 The problem formulation

1.2.1 What is the definition of quotation ?
1.2.2 What are the principles of quoting?
1.2.3 What are the types of quotation ?
1.2.4 What are the functions in quoting ?
1.2.5 What are the Examples of Using Quotation Marks With Other Punctuation ?

1.3 Purpose of the paper

1.3.1 Knowing the definition of quotation
1.3.2 Know what are the principles of quoting
1.3.3 Knowing the types of quotation
1.3.4 Know what are the functions in quoting
1.3.5 Knowing what the Examples of Using Quotation Marks With Other Punctuation




A quotation is the repetition of one expression as part of another one, particularly when
the quoted expression is well-known or explicitly attributed by citation to its original source, and
it is indicated by (punctuated with) quotation marks.

A quotation can also refer to the repeated use of units of any other form of expression, especially
parts of artistic works: elements of a painting, scenes from a movie or sections from a musical

Another meaning of Quotations is a sentence that contains ideas or opinion of a person who
made reference taken from various sources (print, online, or audio).

The word "quotation" based on KBBI means a charge or passage. According to KBBI, quoting is
defined as taking words or phrases from either fiction or nonfiction books. The person who takes
the quotation is called the quoter, while the quoting process is called quotation.

In scientific writings (non fiction) quotations are taken from books related to the scientific
process of writing, the quotation is required as a statement supporting the writer's statement of
scientific work. Not only nonfiction works, fictional writings or semi-fiction usually provide
ideas that can be used as a quote of a person's life,motivational words are one example of

Why quotations needed?

As explained earlier, the quotation can be used as a supporter of the author's argument, especially
scientific papers that must be logical and factual, not random, it is necessary to support ideas
from experts or previous research results

There are 2 things contained in the quotation :

1. Direct Quotation

This type of quote is a quote that quotes exactly the same as the original source. Quoters
are not allowed to change or remove any statements taken with the direct quote. If a word error is
found the letter should be marked to notify. Example: Darwinism [italics of quotation]. This is
because the wealth of language and analytical skills are low, and this type of quotation tends to
allow for the occurrence of plagiarism (copy-paste).

2. Indirect Quotation

This type of quotation is different techniques with direct quotation. In indirect

quotations, quoters are allowed to change the sentence and the language of the quotation on
condition not changing the meaning of the idea. Therefore, quoters are responsible for the
quotation. Although they allowed to change, still the name of the author and the year of
publication must be included, but the writing of the quote does not need to be quoted.


1. Quoter is not allowed to change anything, word or sentence, although it aims to justify
the spelling or so on. Therefore, if the spelling is found incorrect in the quoted source, the
quoter is not allowed to justify it.

2. In quoting someone’s ideas, the quoter is allowed to remove some word or sentences
which does not change the meaning of the quoted sentence. Removable parts can be
replaced with dots or space.
3. Before quoting, the quoter should consider in advance whether the quotation is necessary
or not.
4. The quoter should pay attention to the accuracy and precision of the quotation. Quotes
are necessary if they relate to the theory or findings.
5. Pay attention to techniques and types of citations. Should not be too often to use the type
of direct quotation.


In general, quotations can be divided into two kinds, namely

1. Direct quotation:
This direct quotation is divided into two:
- Short direct quotation
- Long direct quotation.

2. Indirect quotation or paraphrase;

This indirect quote is also divided into two namely:
- Short indirect quotation,
- Long indirect quotation

A. Direct quotation
Direct quotes are quotations made exactly like the original source, the words used the
same as the original material. Direct quotes are usually used for the following:
a. To cite a mathematical formula or model,
b. To cite the rules of law, decree, letter of household orders, statistics tables and etc.
c. To quote the proverb, poetry, drama, and pearls.
d. To quote some of the definitions expressed in the words that have been verified.

e. To quote some scientific statements which, if expressed in other forms, are tend to lose
their meaning.

- Short direct quote

A short direct quote is a direct quote that does not exceed three typewriters. Such
quotations are simply included in the text by giving a quotation mark among the
quoted sentence.

In estimating the distribution of farm income, an accounting approach will be used, is
"calculating the distribution of farm income between the recipients and among the
factors of production."

- Long direct quote

A long direct quote is a direct quote that is longer than three rows. The quotation is
given its own place, in a new independent paragraph. This long direct quote is typed
with a space. The width of the slip inside of the first sentence is the seven beats of the
letter from the new edge line. Whereas the second, third and so on line begins after
four letters from the left margin. The long direct quotation material is not written
between quotation marks.

In calculating the "farm family income" distinguished gross and net. Gross farm
family-income (GFFI) is defined as income received by the farm operator and is
calculated as the residual after the actual payment for all expenditures incurred for
production inputs, exuding any unpaid return to family-owned resources (land, labor,
or capital). The net farm family income (NFFI) is calculated subtracting depreciation
from GFFI 2).

B. Indirect quote

An indirect quote is a quote that is not exactly the same as the original material.
Principles of thought or concluding summaries are arranged according to the way of
thought and expressed in their own citation. Indirect quotes are not written between
quotes, but directly included in sentences or paragraphs. This rule applies both to short
indirect quotations and long indirect quotations.

The short indirect quote is an indirect quote consisting of one paragraph or less. If more
than one paragraph is considered a long indirect quote. Some pointers in making indirect
quotes are short:
a. Do not enter your own opinion into indirect quotes. One paragraph is reserved for
indirect quotes.
b. The indirect quote in the paragraph comes from only one source.
c. If the sentence came from two or more sources contains the same points of thought,
then the statement should not be included in the respective paragraph with each footnote,
but just paraphrased in one paragraph only and then mentioned the source.


Quote has its own function. The function of the quotation is as follows:
1). Shows higher scientific quality.
2). Show more accurate accuracy.
3). Facilitate the assessment of the use of funding sources.
4). Facilitate biblical data discrimination and additional dependencies.
5). Prevent repetition of writing data library.
6). Improve the writing aesthetics.
7). Facilitate the review of the use of references, and facilitate editing of manuscripts related to
bibliographic data.

2.5. Example of Using Quotation Marks With Other Punctuation:

Punctuation Example Explanation

Adam said, “I have to send this packet

Full Stop immediately.” –

“Yes, of course,” Aldo replied.

Comma –

I’d like to learn “The Principles of

The Principles of Physics = book
Semicolon Physics”; however, I don’t have enough time.

My favorite inspirational quote is from

Semicolon accompanies quote
Richard Brinsley Sheridan: “Never say more
Colon after independent clause
than is necessary.”
(complete sentence)

It was my uncle who asked, “Where is the fire

hydrant?” question only on quotation
Should I buy “The Principles of Physics”?
question for whole sentence

“It wasn’t me!” Ferdi screamed.

exclamation only on quotations
Mark Stop saying “I don’t lie”!
call for the whole sentence

Use of Attribution to Declare Who Speaks to the Quote

explanation Example

My mother always said, “Don’t

Comma (almost always necessary) is placed
Before the quote eat before sleep.”
after attribution.

“Please reconsider,” she said,

In the middle of Attribution is placed in the middle of a pair “so you will not regret
the quote of commas. someday.”

Comma is placed just before the quotation “I’ll be there next week,” Lia
After the Quote mark that closes the quote, then continued by said.



3.1. Conclusion

A quote is a loan of a sentence or opinion of an author or a person, whether in the form of

writing in books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, article, reports, magazines, newspapers,
newspapers or other forms of writing, or in oral form eg electronic media such as TV, radio,
internet, etc. The goal is to strengthen the argument in an essay.
Quote consists of:
1. Direct quotation
2. Indirect quote
In quoting we should mention the source. It is mean as a honor to the person’s quotes and as a
proof to the truth of the quotation. In addition, in quoting we should pay attention to some
citation rules based on their sources so that the quoting action we do is not against the law.

3.2. Suggestion

Thus, we can describe the material which is the subject of this proposal, of course there
are still many disadvantages and weaknesses, because the lack of knowledge and reference. We
hope readers give us constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfect proposal we write to
make it perfect in the next opportunities. Hopefully this paper is useful for us in particular also
readers in general. That’s all for now, hope it is useful and inspiring for all of you.



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