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Journal of Chromatography A, 656 (1993) 537-547

Elsevier Science Publishers B .V., Amsterdam

CHROM. 25 426


Solvatochromically based solvent-selectivity triangle

L.R. Snyder
LC Resources, 26 Silverwood Court, Orinda, CA 94563 (USA)

P.W. Carr”
Department of Chemistry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (USA)

S.C. Rutan
Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA 23284 (USA)


A classification of common solvents according to their dipolarity and hydrogen-bonding acidity and basicity has been
developed, based on the Kamlet-Taft solvatochromic parameter scheme. This approach has been compared with the Snyder-
Rohrschneider solvent-selectivity triangle (SST). The two solvent-classification schemes are found to be generally similar. Both
SST-based schemes are also compared to an analysis of solvent selectivity based on linear solvation energy relationships. While
there are considerable similarities, important practical differences, especially in the case of reversed-phase liquid chromatography,
are evident.


1. Introduction ................ .... .. ... .. .. .. ...................... 537

2. Theory and background . . . . . . . . , . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. ...................... 538
2.1. Solvent-selectivity triangle . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. ...................... 538
2.2. Solvatochromic model . . . . . . . . . .. .. ... . .. .. .. ...................... 539
2.3. Failuresin the application of the SST . ... .. .. ., .. . ...................... 540
3. Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. .. ...................... 541
3.1. Differences between Figs. 1 and 2 . . . ... .. . .. .. ...................... 543
3.2. Solvent-selectivity in RP-HPLC . . . . .. .. . . ...................... 544
3.3. Solvent-selectivity in NP-HPLC . . .. .. ... . . .. . . ...................... 546
4. Conclusions ........... . . . .... .. .. . .. . .. . ...................... 546
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . .. .. . ....................... 547

1. INTRODUCTION raphy (HPLC) is the selection of the “best”

mobile phase composition for a given sample
A problem of continuing interest and impor- [l-3]. The usual goal is to optimize solvent
tance in high-performance liquid chromatog- strength and selectivity [4], so as to provide
convenient sample retention and an even spacing
* Corresponding author. of bands within the chromatogram. This in turn

0021-9673/93/$24.00 (lJ 1993 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved
538 L.R. Snyder et al. I .I. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547

requires knowledge of the relevant chromato- larity as measured by the SST [8,15] and the
graphic properties of different solvents that solvatochromic approach developed by Kamlet et
might be used for the mobile phase. In this al. [9]. This study confirmed that the SST proce-
context, solvent “selectivity” -the ability of the dure is, indeed, based on test compounds that
solvent to affect relative retention and band have multiple interactions. The solvatochromic
spacing- is of considerable interest. In contrast, approach, on the other hand, in inherently free
the term solvent “strength” means the ability to of the problem; i.e., selectivity coefficients that
adjust overall retention without alterations in purport to measure acidity, basicity and di-
relative band spacing. polarity/polarizability do so very closely.
Several different procedures have been pro- Furthermore, the spectroscopic methodologies
posed for the classification of solvent selectivity used to measure solvent dipolarity, hydrogen
[5-91. A basic assumption in this work and other bond (HB) acidity and HB basicity are essential-
schemes for sorting out solvent selectivity is that ly independent of any models or assumptions
one can separate solvent strength and selectivity. used to cancel or minimize cavity formation
Most such schemes begin with the forces of energetics and dispersive (London) interactions
attraction between solvent and solute molecules, between the probe solutes and the solvent (see
with emphasis on dipolar and hydrogen-bonding below).
interactions. This in turn leads to a description of In view of the latter findings, it seems worth-
different solvents in terms of their relative hy- while to reconstruct the SST on the basis of
drogen-bond acidity, basicity and dipolarity. One “pure” selectivity coefficients from the sol-
widely cited classification of this type is the so- vatochromic method. In this paper, we provide
called solvent-selectivity triungZe (SST) [8]. It is such a reconstruction and examine some of its
based on gas-liquid distribution constants origi- practical implications.
nally reported by Rohrschneider [lo]. Since its
introduction in 1974, the SST has been widely
used in the development of optimization schemes 2. THEORY AND BACKGROUND
for both HPLC [ll-131 and gas chromatography
[14]. The SST approach was subsequently modi- 2.1. Solvent-selectivity triangle
fied in various ways [15,16] that have not sig-
nificantly affected the classification of different The original SST classification was based on
solvents in terms of acidity, basicity and dipolari- apportioning the various polar interactions of
ty. The most significant concept offered by the which a solvent is capable: acidic (x,), basic (x,)
SST approach is that mobile phase optimization and dipolar (x,). Values of xd measure the
is more likely to be successful if one uses interaction of the solvent with the test-solute
solvents that incorporate major differences in dioxane, x, measures interactions with ethanol,
those chemical interactions that influence the and x, measures interactions with nitromethane;
separation selectivity. xd + x, + X, = 1. These interaction coefficients xi
The SST classification scheme is based on the (i = d, e or n) are corrected for non-polar (dis-
relative interaction between different solvents persive) interactions and are normalized to the
and test solutes classified as acidic (ethanol), total polarity of the solvent. As a result, values
basic (dioxane) and dipolar (nitromethane). It of xi sum to one. It is tacitly assumed that this
has been appreciated for some time that these “polarity normalization” results in a separation
compounds are each capable of more than one of solvent strength from solvent selectivity.
kind of interaction. For example, ethanol is A plot using triangular coordinates to display
clearly dipolar, protic and a good proton accep- values of xi for different solvents results in the
tor, in turn raising questions concerning the solvent-selectivity triangle shown in Fig. 1. Sol-
reliability of solvent classification by means of vents falling near the comers of the plot of Fig. 1
the SST. More recently [16], a comparison was are assumed to exhibit primarily one kind of
carried out of solvent acidity, basicity and dipo- selectivity (acidic, basic or dipolar), while sol-
L.R. Snyder et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547 539


Fig. 1. Solvent-selectivitytriangle of ref. 15. Numbers in figure refer to individualsolvents: solvents of similar selectivity are

vents within the triangle are capable of all three 2.2. Solvatochromic model
Classification of solvents by the SST is in The solvatochromic approach to classifying
principle useful for two reasons: solvent selectivity is qualitatively similar to the
Selecting a solvent of different selectivity, in phase equilibrium based data used to develop
order to separate two sample bands that overlap the SST [9]. A set of three solvent parameters,
with an initial solvent; similar to x,, xd and x,, has been devised to
Selecting some minimum number of solvents describe solvent hydrogen bond acidity ((u),
for a systematic approach to selectivity optimi- basicity (p) and dipolarity/polarizability (‘rr*).
zation; three such solvents (each close to one of However, values for these parameters for differ-
the comers of the SST) should provide a broad ent solvents are derived from spectroscopic
range of solvent selectivity in either reversed- (hence the name solvatochromic) and other
phase (RP) [12] or normal-phase (NP) [13] measurements, that were specifically designed so
HPLC; blends of these three solvents in various as to measure only a single interaction. Further-
proportions should then allow the continuous more, values of these parameters are averages
variation of solvent selectivity over the widest over results obtained with several probe solutes
possible limits. for each parameter, in contrast to the SST
In addition, the SST classification provides a parameters, each of which is based on the
rational basis for interpreting experimental re- thermodynamic property of a single solute. The
sults when the mobile-phase solvents are varied. solvatochromic parameters have been used to
540 L.R. Snyder et al. I J. Chromatogr. A 6.56 (1993) 537-547

correlate literally hundreds of chemically distinct for processes that do not involve significant
processes [17]. It can therefore be argued that (r, solute-dipole, solvent-induced dipole interac-
p, and IT* are inherently better measures of tions .
solvent acidity, basicity and dipolarity than are It is possible to predict accurate values for xi
values of xi. from the corresponding solvatochromic parame-
The solvatochromic parameters were de- ters, by assuming that values of xd, X, and X, are
veloped within the context of linear solvation each some function of solvent acidity, basic&y
energy relationships (LSERs). For the case of and dipolarity [16]. (Note that the SST and
gas-liquid partition equilibria (the basis for the solvatochromic scales of solvent selectivity are
derivation of the SST parameters), the usual each derived from completely different sets of
LSER for a solvent study, (fixed solute, varying experimental data.)
solvent) is written as: In addition, the solvatochromic model has
been used to correlate retention for a number of
reversed-phase HPLC systems, with generally
(1) good results [l&19]. In this case, a series of
solutes were studied and the mobile and station-
In this equation k’ is a chromatographic capacity
factor, SP,, is a solute-dependent intercept, 6, is ary phase were held constant. Studies of RP-
the Hildebrand solubility parameter used to HPLC by use of solvatochromic LSERs have
represent the endoergic process of forming a very clearly shown that there are two dominant
cavity in the solvent large enough to accomodate solute variables: size and hydrogen bond basici-
the solute, 7r* encodes the solvent’s ability to ty. Solute dipolarity and hydrogen bond donor
interact with a solute by dipolar and polarization strength are much less important.
factors, (Y represents the solvent’s ability to act
as a hydrogen bond donor towards a basic (HB 2.3. Failures in the application of the SST
acceptor) solute and p denotes the solvent’s
ability to act as a hydrogen bond acceptor Several studies have evaluated the reliability
towards a protic (HB donor) solute. The term of the SST for predictions of solvent selectivity in
&,, is a polarizability correction factor. The reversed-phase HPLC. Although the SST has
coefficients m, s, a and b are related to the test been successfully applied in a wide variety of
solute size, dipolarity/polarizability, HB basicity systems, it was found to be a poor predictor of
and HB acidity, respectively. selectivity for the separation of stereoisomers of
Recalling that the SST parameters are derived polystyrene [20] and various steroid derivatives
by appropriately normalizing the behavior of the [21,22]. More recent work [23] with another
test solute to a reference alkane solute of the series of sample compounds found that selectivi-
same size, the LSER for a ratio of capacity ty differences do correlate with predictions from
factors should be written as: the SST; the authors attributed the opposite
conclusions of earlier workers [20-221 to a fail-
log k’lk&,, = SP, + s(7rR*- C&3,,) + UC2+ bp ure to distinguish large and small selectivity
effects. That is, the SST appears to be a some-
(2) what imprecise measure of solvent selectivity in
It is assumed that by taking the ratio of the reversed-phase HPLC (for reasons given below),
capacity factor for the test solute relative to the so that minor changes in relative retention can-
capacity factor of an equivalently sized alkane, not be predicted accurately.
the solvent cavity formation energy term (ma;) It is nevertheless intriguing to consider
can be neglected in eqn. 2. It is now evident whether these past “failures” of the SST are
within the solvatochromic LSER formalism that related to the use of test compounds of “mixed”
a solvent can be represented in terms of three selectivity character. For this and other reasons,
primary parameters (r*, (Yand p) and a correc- it seemed interesting to develop an alternative
tion factor @Sk,). This correction factor is small SST based on the solvatochromic parameters (Y,
L.R. Snyder et al. / J. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547 541

/3 and a* and to examine the resulting changes Li et al. [24] for the classification of liquids used
(if any) in the relative positions of different as gas chromatographic stationary phases.
solvents within this SST. The most straightfor-
ward approach was deemed to be the simple 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
replacement of values of xi with the corre-
sponding values of (Y,p and ?r* -after the latter Values of (Y,/I and r* for various solvents that
values are normalized so as to sum to unity. A were examined in this study are from refs. 18
similar approach has recently been reported by and 25 (in turn taken mainly from ref. 9). The


Solvent Normalized selectivity Solvent Normalized selectivity

factors” factors”

#/C a/C B/C @IC a/C B/C

Benzene 0.86 0.00 0.14 Triethylamine 0.16 0.00 0.84
Toluene 0.83 0.00 0.17 Tributylamine 0.20 0.00 0.80
p-Xylene 0.81 0.00 0.19
Carboxylic acids
Fluorobenzene 0.90 0.00 0.10
Acetic acid 0.31 0.54 0.15
Chlorobenzene 0.91 0.00 0.09
Bromobenzene 0.93 0.00 0.07 Esters
Iodobenzene 1.00 0.00 0.00 Methyl acetate 0.55 0.05 0.40
Phenyl oxide 0.84 0.00 0.16 Ethyl acetate 0.55 0.00 0.45
Anisole 0.77 0.00 0.23 y-Butyrolactone 0.64 0.00 0.36
Nitrobenzene 0.72 0.00 0.28 Ethylacetoacetate 0.60 0.00 0.40
Benzonitrile 0.69 0.00 0.31
Dibenzylether 0.66 0.00 0.34
Diethyl 0.36 0.00 0.64
Acetophenone 0.65 0.00 0.35
Diisopropyl 0.36 0.00 0.64
Quinoline 0.58 0.00 0.42
Dibutyl 0.34 0.00 0.66
Pyridine 0.58 0.00 0.42
Tetrahydrofuran 0.51 0.00 0.49
2,6-Lutidine 0.51 0.00 0.49
1 ,ZDimethoxyethane 0.54 0.00 0.46
Benzyl alcohol 0.45 0.32 0.22
p-Dioxane 0.60 0.00 0.40
Methanol 0.28 0.43 0.29
Acetone 0.56 0.06 0.38
Ethanol 0.25 0.39 0.36
2-Butanone 0.55 0.05 0.40
Propanol 0.24 0.36 0.40
Cyclohexanone 0.59 0.00 0.41
Butanol 0.22 0.37 0.41
Isopropanol 0.22 0.35 0.43 Nitriles
tert. -Butanol 0.19 0.33 0.48 Actonitrile 0.60 0.15 0.25
Glycol 0.39 0.38 0.23
Hexachloro-2-propanol 0.25 0.75 0.00
Nitromethane 0.64 0.17 0.19
Trifluorethanol 0.32 0.68 0.00
Methylenechloride 0.73 0.27 0.00
Formamide 0.46 0.33 0.21
Chloroform 0.57 0.43 0.00
N,N-Dimethylformamide 0.56 0.00 0.44
Ethylenechloride 1.00 0.00 0.00
N,N-Dimethylacetamide 0.54 0.00 0.46
Dimethylsulfoxide 0.57 0.00 0.43
Hexamethylphosphoramide 0.46 0.00 0.54
Sulfolane 0.83 0.00 0.17
Tetramethylurea 0.51 0.00 0.49
Waterb 0.45 0.43 0.18
N-methylpyrrolidinone 0.57 0.00 0.43

a See eqns.
b The p value used for water was 0.48 which is based on more recent estimates (ref. 26)
542 L.R. Snyder et al. I J. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547

sole exception is the /3 value for water which is however, the overall magnitude of the scales is
now taken as 0.48 [26]. These values of a, /3 and such that normalization gives a triangle plot with
r* for each solvent were first normalized by a reasonable distribution of solvent points.
summing values of (Y, p and W* (=C), then Plots of these solvatochromic measures of
expressing solvent acidity, basicity and dipolarity solvent acidity, basicity and dipolarity were next
as the fractional interaction coefficients a/E displayed in a format similar to that used for the
(acidity), p/C (basicity) and I~*/C (dipolarity). original SST (Fig. 1). However, the resulting
The resulting normalized interaction coefficients display was somewhat confusing due to the fact
are summarized in Table 1. It must be under- that more than half of the solvents of Table 1
stood that the solvatochromic parameters are have values of (Y= 0.0. This tends to bunch most
only relative measures of the strength of inter- solvents along one axis of the SST. The data of
molecular interactions. They will properly rank a Table 1 also do not include any information on
set of solvents in terms of their strength. How- solvent polarizability, which is known to be
ever, the absolute values of these parameters important in determining the interaction of a
cannot be assigned any additional meaning. One solute with aliphatic vs. aromatic solvents (see
can make only very rough cross comparisons of the discussion of the Sk, term in eqn. 2).
the strength between the different scales. Thus Inasmuch as aliphatic solvents are of primary
the strength of a dipolar interaction should not interest in HPLC (because of their lower vis-
be directly compared to the strength of a hydro- cosities and more convenient use with UV detec-
gen bonding interaction. For example, a 7~* tors), we will limit further discussion to the
value of 0.5 does not correspond to the same aliphatic solvents of Table 1. Fig. 2 is a triangu-
amount of Gibbs energy as does an (Y of 0.5; lar plot of the data of Table 1 for aliphatic


ACIDIC trifluoroethand

Fig. 2. Solvent-selectivity triangle based on solvatochromic data of Table 1. Aliphatic solvents.

L.R. Snyder et al. I J. Chromatogr. A 656 (1593) 537-547 543


benzyl alcohol



Fig. 3. Solvent-selectivity triangle based on solvatochromic data of Table I. Aromatic solvents.

solvents; Fig. 3 shows the corresponding plot for We will next compare these two schemes and see
aromatic solvents. The positioning of different if this is reasonable in terms of what we know
solvents or solvent types in Figs. 2 and 3 is very about solvent interactions. A direct comparison
much as expected. For example, fluoroalcohols of Figs. 1 and 2 is not possible, in view of the
are very powerful HB donors and very weak inclusion of both aliphatic and aromatic solvents
acceptors, and thus are located on the acidic- in Fig. 1. We therefore replotted the data for
dipolar axis (see Fig. 2). Use of the revised value aliphatic solvents and solvent types in Fig. 1 as
of 0.48 for water’s basicity places water near shown in Fig. 4. This plot is further simplified by
formamide and glycols, both of which resemble
water in that they are hydrogen bond network BASIC
forming solvents. Due to the almost complete
absence of any aromatic hydrogen bond donor
solvents among the aromatic solvents shown in
Fig. 3, the data for aromatic liquids can really be
represented, except for benzyl alcohol, as a line
joining the basic and dipolar apices of the

3.1. Differences between Figs. 1 and 2

It has been argued that the approach to / =3 \

solvent-selectivity classification shown in Fig. 2 Fig. 4. Replot of Fig. 1 for indicated aliphatic solvents and
should in principle be better than that of Fig. 1. solvent types.
544 L.R. Snyder et al. I J. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547

averaging values of xi for solvents of a given type TABLE 2

(amines, alcohols, etc.), which was shown to be SOLVATOCHROMIC SOLUTE PARAMETERS FOR
justified in ref. 16. A similar approach applied to TEST-COMPOUNDS USED IN FIG. 1
the data of Fig. 2 gives Fig. 5. We will next
compare Figs. 4 and 5. $, a2 and p, measure, respectively, solute dipolarity/polar-
izability, acidity and basicity (determined by chromatograph-
It will be seen that the relative positioning of ic methods).
different solvents in Figs. 4 and 5 is similar, in
that solvents which are more basic, acidic or
Solute ?rlC a; PI
dipolar in Fig. 4 are also more basic, acidic or
dipolar in Fig. 5. A further examination of Figs.
Dioxane (base) 0.45 0.00 0.79
4 and 5, however, shows that solvents of similar Ethanol (acid) 0.29 0.29 0.52
acidity or basicity are better grouped in the Nitromethane (dipolar) 0.67 0.06 0.16
solvatochromic approach of Fig. 5. Thus, amines
and ethers show up as distinctly basic, as com-
pared to the alcohols in Fig. 5. The alcohols, (a*), basicity (&) and dipolarity (lr:) of the
glycols, formamide, carboxylic acids, water and three polar compounds used as test-solutes in the
chloroform show up as acidic solvents in Fig. 5. scheme of Fig. 1. While nitromethane interacts
The acidity of these latter solvents seems in- mainly by dipolar forces (‘rr* Z+/3 > cu), ethanol
adequately expressed in Fig. 4. (intended as an acidic probe) appears more basic
The placement of acetonitrile and nitro- than acidic (p > (Y= ‘rr*), and dioxane (the basic
methane vs. esters and ketones in Fig. 5 also probe) has significant dipolar character (‘rr* =
seems more logical than in Fig. 4. Infrared 0.45). These results make it clear that the choice
studies [27] clearly show that acetonitrile and of probes used in many previous studies of
nitromethane are relatively poor bases compared solvent strength has been far from optimum.
to esters and ketones. These problems in the Many solutes are available whose polarity arises
original solvent-selectivity triangle (Figs. 1 and almost exclusively from acidity, basicity, or dipo-
4) probably arise from the fact that the test larity. For example, trifluoroethanol is a very
solutes used to construct the SST of Table 2 are strong acid but only a very weak base; tri-
not “pure” measures of acidity, basicity and ethylamine is quite basic but only slightly dipolar
dipolarity. This is verified in Table 2, which gives and not at all acidic.
solute solvatochromic parameters (determined
by chromatographic methods) for the acidity 3.2. Solvent-selectivity in RP-HPLC

BASIC We have referred to criticisms [20-221 of the

original solvent-selectivity triangle as a basis for
predictions of solvent selectivity in RP-HPLC.
Other studies, however, suggest that the acidity,
basicity and dipolarity of the organic modifiers
used in RP-HPLC are only partly responsible for
mobile phase selectivity. Thus changes in the
mobile-phase concentration of the organic
modifier often lead to significant changes in
separation selectivity [28]. This is an effect which
is not predicted by the solvent-selectivity tri-
angle. As originally developed, the SST ap-
proach assumes that solvent strength can be
ACIDIC DIPOLAR varied (by varying the % water in RP-HPLC)
Fig. 5. Replot of Fig. 2 for same (aliphatic) solvents and without changing selectivity. However, in RP-
solvent types of Fig. 4. HPLC the most common diluent is water. This
L.R. Snyder et al. I J. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547 545

solvent is far from inert. Furthermore, direct nature of the stationary phase. Experimental
spectroscopic studies of solvatochromism in mix- work [18,19] shows that the most important
tures of water with the four more common terms in eqn. 3 are m and b, while s, and a are
organic modifiers used in RP-HPLC show very smaller in that order. Because the test solutes
considerable variations in their dipolarity (‘rr*), are almost always aromatic, we can make no
HB acidity (a) and HB basicity (/3) as the comment about the importance of the d coeffi-
volume fraction of organic modifier is varied cient .
[29,30]. These criticisms imply that the SST The issue of solute selectivity (relative reten-
approach to adjusting solvent strength and selec- tion) is chromatographically more important
tivity in RP-HPLC is overly simplified. than is absolute retention. Dropping the term in
As so far described, the original SST and the (Y*, which is usually negligible, leads to an
solvatochromic parameter approach are quali- equation for the selectivity of two solutes (de-
tatively similar in that they group solvents into noted i and ii):
similarly related classes and mandate the use of
log[k’(i)lk’(ii)] = m(V2,i - V&i) + s(T;,~ - ~~,ii)
multi-parameter scales of solvent selectivity. We
turn now to a more formal comparison of the + b(&,i - &,ii)
two approaches. The sole purpose of this more
formal analysis (see eqns. 3 and 4 below) is to In accord with the SST approach to solvent
clarify the similarities and point out the differ- selectivity, three mobile phase dependent co-
ences between the SST and the solvatochromic efficients are required to define selectivity in
parameter approaches in more detail; however, RP-HPLC. Note that as the volume fraction of
we caution that neither method is as yet capable organic modifier in the mobile phase is changed,
of making quantitative predictions of relative all three coefficients (m, s, and b) in eqn. 4 will
retention (selectivity). vary, as will selectivity. Eqns. 3 and 4 further
We mentioned above that solvatochromically show that as the solute size increases, k’ will
based LSERs have been used to study retention depend more strongly on the mobile phase
in RP-HPLC. These studies involve correlating composition. This is in good agreement with the
the retention of a series of solutes (almost fact that the slope of plots of log k’ vs. volume
exclusively aromatic) in a fixed mobile and fraction becomes larger as solute size increases
stationary phase. In RP-HPLC, the appropriate WI *
solute LSER is written as: In a homologous series of solutes, the solute
?rz, (Y*and p2 parameters are essentially constant
log k’ = SZ’, + mV, + S(T; - da,,) + ucq + b/3, [31,32]. Consequently, all variations in retention
from solute to solute are due to the solute size,
(3) which is directly proportional to the number of
where V, is some measure of solute size, such as methylene units in the solute. Therefore, the m
its molar volume, and the subscript 2 denotes a coefficient is directly related to the “hydropho-
solute property. The solute dependent term, V,, bic” selectivity of RP-HPLC.
complements the Hildebrand solubility parame- At this point, we run into a definite contradic-
ter term which appears in the solvent LSER (see tion between the SST approach, regardless of
eqn. 1). It is needed to describe the endoergic whether it is based on Rohrschneider’s partition
(unfavorable) composite cavity and dispersive coefficients or Kamlet and Taft’s parameters,
interactions of the solute with the mobile and and the LSER approach. First, LSER analysis of
stationary phase. For the most part, the other RP-HPLC data strongly supports the view that
solute parameters in eqn. 3 are now derived solvent basicity is not very important in RP-
from gas chromatographic measurements HPLC, and thus that it should not be included in
[31,32]. a solvent triangle for RP-HPLC. Second, the
The coefficients (m, s, d, a, and 6) in eqn. 3 LSER approach reveals that some measure of
depend on the mobile phase composition and the solvent cohesitivity is a very important parame-
546 L.R. Snyder et al. I J. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547

ter. This is in good agreement with solvophobic vent-selectivity property (mainly solvent
theory in which the mobile phase surface tension cohesivity and acidity). As a final complication,
is used as a measure of solvent cohesivity [34]. we must admit that the bonded phase in RP-
This suggests that a surface tension or solubility HPLC sorbs considerable amounts of organic
parameter, which can be roughly correlated with modifier and thereby influences retention and
surface tension, ought to be used in the triangle. selectivity, so that no SST scheme can be used
We have not expZicitly included any term related for quantitative prediction of selectivity.
to cohesivity in the SSTs displayed here.
These seeming contradictions are easily 3.3. Solvent-selectivity in NP-HPLC
rationalized in view of the fact that a solvent’s
Hildebrand parameter (&), must be related to The original solvent-classification scheme was
its dipolarity, HB acidity and HI3 basicity. In- found to provide a basis for interpreting and
deed, multi-component solubility parameter predicting solvent selectivity in NP-HPLC [13].
schemes [35,36] are founded on this concept. Specifically, for non-protic solvents it was found
Thus, based on solvatochromic LSER correla- that selectivity varied with solvent basicity, x,.
tions of retention in RP-HPLC, we probably Reexamination of the data of ref. 13 in the light
only need three solvent parameters to describe of Fig. 5 shows a similar correlation of solvent
retention in RP-HPLC. However, it is not clear selectivity with position in the new solvent-selec-
that the three factors can or ought to be sepa- tivity triangle. Nine solvents can be grouped
rated, as we have done here. It might, in fact, be cleanly into two selectivity groups on the basis of
more appropriate, at least in the case of RP- chromatographic studies: (I, less basic) nitro-
HPLC, to use some measure of solvent cohesivi- methane, acetonitrile, acetone, ethyl acetate,
ty as one of the apices of the triangle, and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and (II, more basic)
solvent dipolarity and HB donor strength as the triethylamine, tetrahydrofuran (THF), ethyl
others. We base this comment on the fact that ether, pyridine. Figs. 2 and 5 show a distinct
cohesivity depends on the complex interplay of separation of these two groups of solvents within
acidity and basicity. For example, hexafluoro- the triangle, group I being more basic and group
isopropanol, a very acidic but weakly basic II being more dipolar .
solvent, and triethylamine, a very basic but
weakly acidic solvent, and triethylamine, a very 4. CONCLUSIONS
basic but weakly acidic solvent, are certainly not
very cohesive. Thus, a solvent triangle for RP- A solvent-selectivity triangle derived by
HPLC based on these concepts will not have the Snyder from data reported by Rohrschneider has
same pattern as either the classical SST or the been used widely as a basis for solvent selection
Kamlet-Taft based SST. Despite the differences in HPLC method development. The test solutes
in the two approaches, it is still quite reasonable employed by Rohrschneider were intended as
to use the overall SST approach in a qualitative “pure” examples of dipolarity, acidity and basici-
manner. The essential concept of the SST ap- ty, but in fact, all of these compounds exhibit
proach is to use mixtures of solvents with maxi- mixed-interaction tendencies to some extent.
mal differences in their properties to explore the This in turn casts doubt on the validity of the
full range of available mobile phase induced original Snyder-Rohrschneider approach.
selectivity and to optimize a separation. An alternative solvent-selectivity triangle
The above discussion presents a tentative (SST) based on the Kamlet-Taft solvatochromic
rationale as to why considerable variations in classification of common solvents is described
selectivity in RP-HPLC are observed when the here. It can be argued that the latter approach is
volume fraction of organic modifier is changed. less affected by mixed-interaction effects. A
It is all but impossible to vary the mobile phase comparison of these two solvent-selectivity tri-
strength via a change in the water content angles for aliphatic solvents shows that they are
without also varying some other significant sol- in general similar, with little difference in the
L.R. Snyder et al. I 1. Chromatogr. A 656 (1993) 537-547 547

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