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Brianne Jimenez 
1027 W St 
Merced, CA, 95431 
(714) 909-9033 
20​th March 2018 

To Whom it may concern , 

I am writing this letter to express my support for Roberto Canela’s in his 

application for your scholarship opportunity . I have worked with Roberto 
Canela forthe R&R Agricultural services for the past 2 years.  

I have enjoyed working with Roberto Canela. I not only respect him as a 
professional but as an individual. He has showed me that he not only deserves 
this scholarship but that he is determine to work hard for it.  

In addition of knowing Roberto Canelas work ethics and abilities, I am also 

aware of his education and career goals, and know how much receiving this 
scholarship would mean to him. Receiving this scholarship will provide 
financial support that will allow him to obtain the education that is necessary to 
earn his college degree. 

I am confident that you will be impressed with Roberto Canela, as I am. I hope 
you consider him for your scholarship. Please feel free to contact me if i can 
provide any additional information. You may reach me at​ or (714) 909-9033.  


Brianne Jimenez 

Brianne Jimenez 

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