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2 Notes
The Cabinet

1) The President uses his cabinet members to enforce the laws Congress sends him. Fill in the
Chart Below. Use this link: The Cabinet | White House

Cabinet Name Picture Very Short Job

Position Description
Secretary of Rex The Secretary carries
State Tillerson out the President's
foreign policies through
the State Department
and the Foreign Service
of the United States.

Secretary of Steven The Secretary of

Treasury Mnuchin the Treasury is the
principal economic
advisor to the President
and plays a
criticalrole in policy-
making by bringing an
economic and
government financial
policy perspective to
issues facing the

Secretary of James N.
Defense Mattis the executive
department of the
Armed Forces of the
United States of America

Attorney Jefferson concerned with legal

General Sessions affairs, and is the chief
lawyer of the United
States government.
Secretary of Ryan responsible for the
Interior Zinke management and
conservation of most
federal lands and natural

Secretary of Sonny cabinet-level agency that

Agriculture Perdue oversees the American
farming industry.

Secretary of Wilbur Department

Commerce Ross of Commerce is the
Cabinet department of
the United States
government concerned
with promoting economic

Secretary of The United

Labor States Secretary of
Labor is a member of
the Cabinet of the United
States, and as the head
of the U.S. Department
of Labor, exercises
control over the
department, and
enforces and suggests
laws involving unions,
the workplace, and all
other issues involving
any form of business-
person controversies.
Secretary Alex protecting the health of
Health and Azar all Americans and
Human providing essential
Services human services,

Secretary of Dr. Ben responsible for programs

Housing and Carson concerned with the
Urban Nation's housing needs,
Development fair housing
opportunities, and
and development of the
Nation's communities.

Secretary of Elaine In charge of

Transportation Chao transportation

Secretary of Ernest Regards energy and

Energy Moniz safety in handling
nuclear material.
Secretary of Betsy Education
Education DeVos

Secretary of David J. succeeds the Secretary

Veteran Affairs Shulkin of Veterans Affairs in
the event of his
resignation, death, or
otherwise inability to
fulfill his duties

Secretary of Kirstjen Protects U.S citizens

Homeland Nielson

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