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Motivation letter

American Association of Petrolium Geologist

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Assalammualaikum wr. wb,

With this letter, me:

Name : M Fahmi Firmansah P

NIM : 16/395084/TK/44376

I want to join the AAPG Student Chapter is not without purpose. I have several
purposes why i wanted to join this student chapter. Some of those reasons are as follows

1. I want to improve myself in science and soft skills. I see that the member of
AAPG are those who qualified in the field. In addition, because there is learning
for its AAPG members so that members can gain additional knowledge that may
not or do not even taught in the lecture
2. I see if the AAPG Student Chapter is different from the others. Not only teaches
about softrock or petroleum, but also teach the material from the base. Especially
as a second yeras student collage like me who is still lacking in terms of
knowledge and do not know many things about hardrock and lecture material. I
was expecting to get a lot of knowledge both about the lecture material and
especially material on softrock.
3. I want to learn more about the research and making paper. I think as students we
should also create a scientific work such as paper that requires us to do research
on something. By joining AAPG Student Chapter, I hope to learn more from the
seniors about two things above. So, I can use my free time to do some benefical
4. By joining AAPG, I hope to get a broader view and more clearly about the world
of work, especially from the seniors who have worked or who are still in college.
In addition I also want to get convenience in terms of job information and tips for
dealing with the world of work later. Because obviously our goal after college
later was working, it would be easier if we get the information early so that we
could prepare better

Thank you very much for your consideration and time,

Kinds regards,

M Fahmi Firmansah P

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