ABC Functional Behavior Assessment Form: Time Antecedent Behavior Consequence

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ABC Functional Behavior Assessment Form

Name: Malachi Smith Date: April 26, 2017

Setting Information: Early morning before school at Malachi’s home during a habilitation session. The home is a small one-bedroom apartment.
His entire family was home and in the main family room. Individuals in the room included Mackenzie, Malachi, Malachi’s mother, Malachi’s father,
Malachi’s twin sister, Malachi’s younger brother. He had just woken up for the day.

Time Antecedent Behavior Consequence

9:30am Mackenzie arrives Malachi hiding His mother goes into the
bedroom to get him
9:35am Mother makes him come Runs and jumps on Mackenzie Mackenzie ignored Malachi
outside kicking and screaming
9:40am Mother tells Mackenzie to not Kicking increases with more Mackenzie walks away
let Malachi kick her aggression
9:45am Mackenzie sits on other couch Malachi throws body onto Mother comes into room
9:50am Mother picks up Malachi to sit Malachi starts screaming, Mother holds Malachi tight to
on couch together crying, and throwing body avoid getting hit
10:00am Mother hugs Malachi tightly Malachi stops crying Mother lets go

10:05am Mother releases Malachi and Malachi starts screaming again Mother verbally communicates
sits back on couch…Malachi is to Malachi to stop
still on lap
10:10am Mother again tightly holds Malachi stops screaming Mother gives kisses
10:15am Mother plays high five game Malachi starts to laugh and Mother and Malachi engage
with Malachi hug mother together without aggression
10:30am Mother tells Malachi she Malachi starts screaming, Mother comes back again
needs to get dressed and gets throwing body on floor, hitting
up to walk away and kicking Mackenzie

*Mackenzie and Malachi have been working together every morning for 4 months. This is the first morning Malachi’s mother is home. She usually is at work
before Mackenzie arrives.
ABC Functional Behavior Assessment Form
Name: Malachi Smith Date: April 28, 2017
Setting Information: Friday after school, Malachi’s home during a habilitation session. The home is a small one-bedroom apartment. His entire
family was home and in the main family room. Individuals in the room included Paul, Mackenzie, Malachi, Malachi’s mother, Malachi’s father,
Malachi’s twin sister, and Malachi’s younger brother. He is aware that today’s session is working on cleaning.

Time Antecedent Behavior Consequence

4:00pm Paul dumps blocks onto floor Malachi runs out of the room Paul goes and gets Malachi to
bring back into room
4:10pm Paul gives Malachi verbal cue Malachi throws body onto Paul ignores behavior
to clean blocks up and put into floor kicking and screaming
4:15pm Paul asks Malachi to again pick Malachi throws blocks at Paul Paul ignores behavior
up the blocks
4:20pm Paul pulls out his phone and Malachi stops tantrum and Paul pulls away not allowing
begins playing games walks over to Paul Malachi to see phone
4:30pm Paul continues playing on Malachi throws body onto the Paul asks Malachi’s sister to
phone and tells Malachi he can floor pick up some blocks for the
play if he cleans blocks up phone
4:35pm Paul gives Malachi’s sister the Malachi starts putting blocks Paul gives positive
phone away encouragement
4:40pm Paul takes back phone from Malachi finishes cleaning Paul gives Malachi phone
Malachi’s sister blocks
4:50pm Paul dumps blocks out on floor Malachi cleans all blocks first Paul gives Malachi phone
again, takes phone, and asks try
Malachi to clean

*This is an activity Malachi has done and completed before. Depending on the day Malachi throws tantrum. He knows that if he cleans fully he will be able to play
on the phone.
Behavior Intervention Plan Form
Student: Malachi Smith Teacher:
School: Date:

Step Action Outcomes

1 Identify the function of the behavior Malachi continuously though out the day has tantrum outbreaks. The tantrums
 Describe the behavior in measurable consist of kicking, hitting, screaming, clawing, throwing objects, and throwing his
terms body on the floor and at people around him. The function of his outbursts acts as
 How does the behavior meet the both positive and negative reinforcements. Positive reinforcement is obtained
student’s needs? through social attention, access to materials, sensory stimulation, and control.
Negative reinforcement is obtained through escaping from activities or people and
sensory or pain related attention.
2 Select a replacement behavior Malachi should use verbal communication to relay how he is feeling or his wants and
 What should the student do instead? needs. He should remain calm when struggling to convey his feelings. When he starts
 What do successful students do? to have a tantrum he should use a predetermined area with a beanbag to sit and
 Will the behavior help the student collect himself. At this station he will self-calm. He needs to learn that he cannot
meet his or her needs? break out with these aggressive actions socially and publically.
3 Design a teaching plan Expected Behavior:
The expected behavior includes: Instead of having a tantrum Malachi should go to his beanbag and calm himself down
 Conditions alone. He will use pictures that identify emotions like mad; sad, annoyed to
 Behaviors communicate how he is feeling. Once calm he will return to the setting and
communicate verbally how he is feeling.
Teaching examples should: Teaching examples:
 Describe when to use the behavior Malachi should use the behavior when he is feeling upset, angry, or struggles to
 Be realistic communicate. The behavior can be done at home or at school. He should use the
behavior when:
Non-examples should:  Denied access
 Describe when not to use the  Asked to do a new task
behavior  Parent attention on others
 BE realistic  Adults attention is on others
 When waking up
 Going to the bathroom
 Attempting to communicate
 Object taken away
 Told “No”
 Waiting for something

The beanbag can be used at any time. It should not be looked at as a punishment or
only used when having a tantrum.

Malachi should not use the behavior as a way for attention. The alternative behavior
is not to gain attention, rather self-calming. He should also not use the behavior
when he is not at home or school. He must learn that he cannot act this way socially
or publically.
Teaching strategies: Direct Malachi to go to the beanbag using a calm voice tone.
Present him with the “feeling pictures” to help him identify which he is feeling.
Remember to continuously use praise while he is sitting on the beanbag. Remind
Malachi of which emotion he chose and target why he is feeling that way. If Malachi
cannot calm himself and aggression continues block him from hurting himself and
others around him. Continue talking in low calm voice. Again identify the feeling. Do
not stand and hover over him and the beanbag. When finally calm, praise him for
calming himself no matter how long it took to get there.
4 Arrange the environment to facilitate success Problem situations:
Consider changes to:  If he is not at home or school where there is no access to his beanbag
 Physical environment  If his bean bag area cannot be found or has clutter
 Classroom procedures  If there are too many people in his area and it becomes overwhelming
 Task requirements  If the person working with him does not know the procedure
 Teacher-student interactions
Facilitate success:
 Identify a beanbag area in both home and school setting
 At home: Make his parents and siblings aware that going to the beanbag chair
is Malachi’s way of calming down. Malachi’s twin sister and younger brother
need to know that is his space.
 At school: Make sure students understand that the beanbag is Malachi’s
space and he should not be approached when sitting in the area.
 Create a physical signal cue to use to encourage and remind Malachi to use to
 Do not give attention to tantrum or flaring while at bag.
5 Develop consequences for desired and Natural positive consequences:
undesired behavior  Praise
(Artificial consequences should be used only  Physical contact (touch, kisses, hugs, rubbing back)
when natural consequences are not
sufficient) Withhold access to natural positive consequences:
 If the replacement behavior is not Artificial positive consequences:
exhibited despite natural positive  Access to phone and I pad
consequences and prompts  Candy

 If the problem behavior continues Negative consequences:

despite natural positive consequences  Ignoring behavior
and prompts  Walk away when wanting physical contact

6 Write behavioral objectives Malachi’s parents, teachers, siblings, and caseworkers will all demonstrate the
 Learner: Who will demonstrate the behavior.
 Conditions: When, were, and under Conditions:
what circumstances When- Malachi starts to kicking, hitting, screaming, clawing, throwing objects, and
 Behavior: A physical description of throwing his body on the floor and at people around him, because he is feeling
what the learner is to do upset, sad, mad, or cannot communicate his feelings.
 Criteria: How much of the behavior is
necessary for the objectives to be Where- His bean bag
Circumstances: He has a tantrum because:
 Denied access
 Asked to do a new task
 Parent attention on others
 Adults attention is on others
 When waking up
 Going to the bathroom
 Attempting to communicate
 Object taken away
 Told “No”
 Waiting for something

 As strong feelings overcome Malachi he will be directed to go to the beanbag
 When at the beanbag he is to use a calm voice with no screaming
 He will use pictures of mad, sad, and annoyed faces to identify which he is
 While calming down he will receive praise
 The identified emotion he is feeling will be discussed and reminded that the
beanbag is to calm him down
 If he gets up before calm, he will be asked to sit back down
 If Malachi does not sit back down, he will receive physical touch cueing him to
sit back down
If aggression continues…
 He will be blocked from himself and other and remain at the beanbag
 Continue talking in a low calm voice
 He again will identify which emotion he is feeling
 He will receive praise when calm, not matter how long it took

Criteria: The behavior should be conducted every time for the objectives to be

Date of implementation: May 3rd, 2017

Date of review: May 10th, 2017

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