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A DICTIONARY OF BASIC JAPANESE, GRAMMAR ADICTIONARY OF BASIC JAPANESE GRAMMAR ES eras! The Japan Times Preface PL 679 M3 iseox “This ie © ivory of bic Japanese grammar desiqed prolly for Sst and second year Japanese sade and for teacher of Japanese Aer aving ‘amined major textbooks being wid i Japan andthe United States we have hoen what we Believe tobe basi grummuticliens, Our decrpins and ‘plantions have incorporated the resent Godgs in Japanese linguistic which tne fle were af practi signieanc. We have spent tee years and half preparing thin dcionary, Each of inly prepared half of the erga drat: apprxinatly 200 ents, Upon onmpletion of the frst daft ofthe detinsy ie, Ents, Appendixes, Chr- cect of Jopatene Grammar, sd Grammatical Terms) we doely examined, ince aed improved out individual drat. ‘Therefore, every part ofthis ‘cionary has ily Been writen by both of INaurly we owe great dal to our predecesat howe woke ate Iited in the references. Out hear-fl thanks oto them though we cal vo e owldge thom individaly in each entry where we une thir ight ex Planaione. We would ako like to acknowledge many prafable dacusons tri oor colleague tthe University of Hin, Urbant-Champugn snd the Summer Japanese School of Midlebuy College, Middlebury, Vermont. For fer ofominion, we would aber na tempt» camprebensve ling of mares Ben so we mould like to mention fur individuals whove techie auiance has made it posible to publish this tionary: Fist, Mr. Butr Neon ofthe Univesity of Mince and Ms, Sharon Tatu, who have eed our Engh seed provided with liable coments and suggestion frm the exe's i First cloticbound edition: March 1986 Frnt paperback eon: March 1989, ISBN -7590-054-6 CCopyitht © 1986 and 1989 by Seichi Makino and Micki Tat HYL(W) | | Cover: CADEC tne int lo, Mr: Mamora Yoshizawa, who he patently and entity tied with the proafeaings and, last but nt let Mr. Masayuki Ishida of All rights ceservd, including the ight reproduce this book The Japan Tims whe hs done such conscientious ein he has been & or portions there in any form, perfect mile for the bith of our progeny at our special thanks got ir. Published by The Japan ‘Times, Li Sh Shibnura 4hotne, Mito, Tokyo 106-023, Jpan Soriag 196 Sich Makion Printed in Japan Michio Tre ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS "To the Render. List of Abbrevistion List of Syrbole Grammatical Terme Characins of Jepaese Grammar Word Order Toe pis Perocal Pronaune Politeness and Formalisy Seotence-Soal Pale Sound Symbaims-—ige and atago 8. Viewpoint 1. Basie Conjastions 2, Semantic Chsifeton of Verbs and Adjectives asa 6 Pairs ofItansiive and ‘ranve Verbs CConoecton Fors of npertant Expression, Kosnade Compound Ward Ipeoving Reoding Skil by Mensing an Fxtended Senta glish Inder Jepanese Index Retreces 8 so on. oy «a To the Reader “This dictionary comnts ofthe following pat: A. Grammatical Terms covtin brief explanations ot informal defniions of ‘he grammatical tems Uequetl wed inthis Book te reader fins hat he isnt familiar with thee ten, we suggest he read this section exeflly 1B. Chore of Jpunne Grammar itadees the reader tothe major ‘characteris of Jopanse grammar and the important concepts valved "The render should ted though this section Before he starts to consul the itary. Some entree fom the Main Enis section refer the reader to ‘opie inthe seton which provide Broder perspectives on thoee ents. (Co Main Enis conten the cre of this Book. Each entry i organized 1 follows: © enery name) __@ [pat of speech] & (English counterpart [antony] (slated expressions) © {meaning / function (Key Sentencess) (Formation (@Examples Notes) ‘alRelated Expresson(s) © leony namel: Rach entry is ven in romanized seling followed by its Facog version. Entries are alphabetically exdeed based on their r0- smanzed spalling. [par of speech]: Hach entry i followed by its part of spech Iteaning function]: ‘The eneral meaning a fecton of the etry is sven in tbe bor below the entry name @ (each cautery: Boglh expressions equivalent to he entry ae fiven to the right ofthe ox. When the etry bas a anny, = Provide, ae in (ANT. wee) ee 7 . (© ‘elated expeson]; em which are related semantically tothe entry sre ited as (REL. aaa; bbb: exe (4d). Expressions in non-bold type lke aus ote explained in the entry under {Related Expression (i) prea in bold epe like exe contin competion othe entry utr [elted Expresio()] for ece.Pareathesied expen ike (8) ate ‘laine in the eee eoty (© #key Sentence(e): Key setences present base sentence puters in frames according to entence strate, ‘The part i red color are (Formation: The word fomtin ule conaeton forms fr cach iter se provided with examples (b Examples: Example sentences are provide foreach entry. (@ Notes): Notes contain important pnts concerning the we ofthe item (Related Expression(s]:_ Expressions which are semntelly dose to the entry ate computed a thelr diferencen ate expend 1. Apponiaes contains information auch a abies of ver | adjective cone ‘ons «Tit of eonneton ules for important expressions and a list of 1. Inde contsine tre indexes: the grammar inex, the Bogs index nd ‘te Jane indes. "The reader, therefore, hs thre mane of acess £0 the sword he is lak op List of Abbreviations Adi iaype atiective (2 tot “high, expensive yosu “inexpensive [Adkna)=na-ype ajetive (ex gongs “eat shizutads' quiet”) Advomadverd ‘Mf afiratie ANTonantonym Aux.~eaiiry Covi =eonunction (Cap Scop (= | ds, dt desis) asle=formal (=-aes-, -mae-) Gr.-Group IaGinformal Inereeglr (eg, fara “come, suru “do KS=Key Sentence TSW =Locntion Subject +e N=Nown Neg=oemtive Nom-=nominalizee INP= Nou Phrase 19 and koto) Phe-=phrase rl Pox = potential Probe (eg 0 0 pene: mathe’) Pre-=pronoun Pru =patile REL.CRelted Expresion S=Sentence Siaf=Sentence tha ns wth an informal rect e.g, ann kv of ion i ku mde 1 eth Tam going to Japan’) SLY Subjeet+ Location + Verb Steonething SOV=Subject Object Vero SV =Subject+Verb Stenstrstre| ce a Su-naie (ea, 30" vaVerh Yeon conditional tem af Gr. Verb (eg anase of hanszeb ifs. tall") Vint informal form of verbs (eg. Aonaay ‘tlk hanoahits aed”) Ynosu=masvstem of Verb (eg. hanach of hanachimas ‘tak) YVaeg= informa negative form of Gr. vee (ex. hana of anasana) “20. reset tlk) vatemastem of Gr. 2 Verb (eg. tbe of teary "ea”) Viewtmform of Ver (eg Manasite “talk and ~ tabte "eat and =i ‘vsol—vaitanl form of Verb (anaes “let's talk tbay “let's a’, Koy Tees come, shi "lets do”) Wibwordaninerrogative word (eg. mon/“wha’, doko where, ie who’ ts when’, 46 “bow, aar6 why") List of Symbols See oF rte a. The degre of unaccepabilty is indicated by the numberof question mais, thee being the highest, *Sungrarmatcal oc unaceeptble Gio otber words no ative spdker would cept the asterisk sentence) IAT BIC=AC a BC (eg. (VIAS(}in=Vint or Adjain) ss=sero (in other word, nothing should be used ata place whete occurs This, Adina) (8 dota) kamochrons ix either Adina) kamostreas ot Adis) a kamostvenai) Grammatical Terms “The following ae brief explanations of some praia! terms most frequeely sed inthis itonry AativeSentence sentence which describe an action rm the agen’ pint ‘view. (Cp. Pasive Sentence) In ative sentences, the subj isthe agent ‘Senenee (a) and (©) below ee an active anda pamie sentence, ceapetvely ) Ray ave Limon, (The teacher scalded Job) 0) Sava LHOnE, Lon wa sensi sik ‘oho wa ead By the teacher) ‘Agent One who ites and or competes action or an event. ‘The tent snot ays in the abject poston. Compare the postions ofthe agent Di in) and). (il Ke Mat ty vvinemiewtent. } Marka wae bit by Bi) Appostive Clause (Construction) A clue which modes «nun (or noun ‘hm) and explains wha the madied noun is. tna), Meo go Toman ta ‘Mary met Tem" is ab apposive clawe, and is wht ey “the fc” sees (RAT Ima eR TOS, (Uknow the fact that Mary pet Tom) Asiliary Adjective A dependent adjective tit is preceded by and at 2 oxannaica, re tached toa verh or another adjective, ‘The Bold-printed parts of the flow- ing sentences ace typical auelary adjectives. (Baza verocRLN, Wats wo Jon mite hos (wane Jobs to go there) ) commnmere, (This dictionary i ey #0 we) © Bat LomRE, Wotan a sushi 99 tbeta (ant to est sh) ) balmoar| (Gresking of wniveitie, there are two of them a this town) ‘Oe Yaraawa healthy) X wa ¥ ga ~ ‘Speaking of X,Y ~ (opie epeienced | Pa] Y [Pe | Predicne RHEE = oss | * | BRET LEO Honda-san wo | tnisu | ae | jude | zvce (Or Hons god wt toni) Finally as shown inthe following diagram, any major element sted ver tial in (1) through can Be «topic marked by wa. ‘The semen with Tomer number ends to be wed towards the beianing fa sentence. ‘The order of elements within the peda fx wmully tach more gomplex than that show below An adverb, which i omited inthe chy, cam be pooned ‘a anyplace before the Cote Predicate at lng tis pstoned bare ater NP+Pe. The normal poston fr an adverb, however, eight elore the rd it modes, 2. Topie ‘Topic i 2 key conept in undentanding Jupaiese. Roughly speatng, the topic ofa sentences what the sentence eat. For example, in (the opie is Henolo and the rst ofthe sentence provides information soot Hone i erage, i at n pln | (tnd as fe [Speaking of Hanako,) Hanako is u student.) 1S ‘Topics are presented using various topic-marking devices. Among these, : wr ine fog se ar at eget tet 4 & ‘When a topic is presented it must be something both the speaker and the oes ‘hearer can identify from their knowledge. Usually a topic is something that Z|. ‘hes been mentioned in a previous discourse, something the speaker and the bed ‘hearer perceive through their five senses, a proper noun or s generic noun, mmo Bn fe ShOSENS ASEM CORLE, BEOEMELT HET Uk, (Oxiesan wes metined previously) Mokashimutasb. teri no san ge sundo imeshis. O:f-an wa totem binbidesits (Once upon vie, thee lived sold ran. ‘The od man was very oot) be Shatin ee, (koe ie wh Kore wa wate pen des, (This 6 my pen) © WREAIBIAILC, (Suevb-an is «proper noun) Surukicsan we ritanin dest (Mr Suz is Japanese) | | 4 cesmmasiress tooo i gee man) the spesher and the heaters) Mes Lesion! Spam feet NP, ction TP tofu NP ae Keira wa honyssutsy des (Whales afe mamma) a ‘a In gener any nou phrase (NP) cn be topialize, although subjet NPs | ae the ones ost fequntytpiaied (3) presents ating examples. At seen below, when an NP is topeazd, the particle which fellows my oF may tm be retained depending othe partic 22 cuamacransnics oF peANts caANDEN ALASLIRARAE ALI, (Me Smith went to Jepan) b. ZommIELINELT, Sono eiga we md mimosa (ateady saw the movie) fc TDRIS / DRE Poe Ene ion (ain) wa made ita Keo 30 (have Been to Japan yet) 4 soFiekE BIT. (To Mario, 1 gave book) TAD AMBIERE RS LIRR, Arie kara wa Sris-san go hit (ae for (in) Kom) Ameren, Mr Sith came (om thee)? Finally, in dacurse, oe a ope exblsed does not eed 10 Be = peed unless another topes preeeted. Consider the flloning pee, o0- Sing of fur sentences (a) ~ (8) in ‘Awe AV Rife Ese, (aro hae oe been 9 Armen yet) b. vobfseneBocnasinesnnnonstels Insome itr to omotte iru 99 ore 99 09 kara ian. (Ue aways thine he wants t0 go, But singe he has no mone, he ‘enna 50) & BEEAMCHREROEEDERD. Oca-aen wa foto 0-kane 0 tamenesa! 0 (tis tater tele him to work ad sve mone.) A. ChxMlaDeS Ais REML TRUM, Demo Tard wa o-ts90 ri erkane 0 dost has! no (But Tar wants his ater to give hen money) Here) ntrodues top, Tar. Sice is statement aboot Too and ar isa ested topic this pit, Tot a docs no have tobe repeted Tere), however, presents a nee toi, o:t-son, Since hi opie i till tet when the tpi eur 0 Tar (4) Tar wa hast be eintodce ‘A topic mnt ao be presente ia eetence i he Bist seateee of» new pas frorh, even ifthe lat sentence of the preceding pararaph hus the sume topic. 1 ‘oumrsns oF rawae oxen 23 3. Blips In language i is univerlly snerved that staepes exist to nimi the effort of conveying message. "The mont cornonstatgies a eligi, ont ion, abbreviation and the we of pronouts, Of thee elias 2, the ona ‘of words) isthe most efficent and ecu frequently in Japanese Generally speaking, elements which can be understood fom the context 1nd jo (rom the staton ean be omited in Japanese le lps makes the sentence ungrammatiel or example, a (DB does nat repeat Tord a and oro mise de because they ci be undertod WW Ay kita eowemenns Lime. Taré wa sono mise de nani o kamen ka (What did Tar bay a he stare?) Be evEMWhLn, Pen 0 kaimashis (Fe bought « pen simatic, hamever, canna be omited in normal conversion eve though itcan be undertod here, Bees Jpanee sentences (or lass) mated with 1 cre pact hats, ether a verb, an active or x noun phase which followed by # form of the cpu). Thetetore, without the core pect A this sentence is ungrmatis. {dn informal conversation, might in answer wo A's question, but sn anever of this sre cone pt} ‘The felling ae some gener rules of lips in Japan (4) IE fe the topic of a sentence (fen marked by Wa) ani sas the topic ofthe sentence which follows it, X cam be emitted in the second seen. (See in 2 Tope) (1) In question.andanswer discourse, if an element X is shated in the ‘question and the ansner,X cam be omited fn the answer uneesX i the core predicate. Example A: Whe Abaca Cae Lit, (Did Me Tanaka come to pick you up?) Be a, ee ChALR, (Yes, be aid) 2 cnunscrotes OF jaanEsE cRaBuaR bb) As satiny a yaicitens, GreL a ‘Anata Amerika tts gatas dese ba (Wee you a dene when you were i Ameri?) Be wu, £51489 Lm. (Sis more commonly used) ai, 95 gokizs esti. (ie, Iwan) (ser agin to (Dy quetion situations, even preeates can be omit i very informal conversation) (6) IF the referent of X is someting very sloee to the speaker andthe hearer and Xe be undertod fom the context and te situation, Xecan be omitted as in (4) ~(), (The parents words can be omits) WA: Gamnntsato, (Ars wa) wim to (are you ging?) Br ne, havea. Ha. (woah 9) imase (ies, Ta) Ar hemes soo. (Wataniach wo) dkimosbe a? {Shall we #0?) Be we, (ite) LRU. Ine." (oatahtach a) yoshiesha, (No, ta ne) Io) As (ener enwyeres (re 9 | Sore v9) ran das ko (OMe thie) Bs (anit /chayermooreey rer. (Gere wa | Kore w9) Honako hare no putezonto desu (Chat | This sw preset from Hanako) (A) ~ (©) conceen the elpis of content word such #8 nous and verbs. reves lpi in Jpanee in ot limited to content words. ‘The following tre some general cues rearing the clip of pertiey in convertion (Dh IF the referent of X in X wait peycoloilly lee tothe sete and the hearer wo tend to dap unless X is unde foes. Examples: ic ‘oumcrinsrs oF araeee oesonn 25 bRC LODE LS Lat, Watashi (v2) Yards t0 mésinesu (Cit {all myself Yamada (=I am Yer) RDS weer, in (2) ima nan-naneo dos ko (What year (in schoa) ae you in nom?) comet Lss, Kono on (a) emoshrs yo. (This book i teresting} aoAwmers, ‘Ano ito (ve) dare desu ke, (Who ir thar peso’) (2) The subject marker go ean be omitted if the seotenee convey fforma- ton which is expeted by the Beazer or which i very eel related the hea. Examples: 2b RIC A. densa (ga) Kia (Ob, bece comes the tain) Ate hy BARC WKR L, Minas, o-shota (g9) detinashi, (Fala, the reli ready now.) SNS kane MI) of, Ky Taneka-son Fara kin ni dana (gs) ats yo (There was a phone ell fr you today tomy MT LLL, Cooakanauncers, Mostimost, kat na himo (gs) hedokete masu yo (Excuse me, yout shoelce is nied) (1 The diner bjeet marker o can be omited une the NP o i under focus lo (0 drops mre fequemly in questions) Examples mem (EAR EA, hi (0) nomimasan ta, (vould you like coe) ca, tne) boner, J, so (0) moran (hen, TH take) Pree eee eee ee et ee tontet and [or the situation, the main clase can be deleted, Examples: KEM CEB eoecemeceea tM A: 3038-7 4th oR, {con hito ni) atte moratta, (You didn’t come to the party yesterday.) way.) il ea (Vesh, {F coulde't come) because 1 ws busy) BpEsceottoon. i (dit iow wilt be you wk Pro Tanke? (=Why dost you ak Prof, Tasha?) to see SLAM ElomseTO), cota ge hamachi hed (tage des ba) (Lae Tenis ready nae, But hw would yu Hike 2) Adina, lpi ante plat for peyehologicl reasons, ‘That the peer may omit put oa sentence ther becase he consider it re, because be fec uncomfortable saying ito becsse be dow know ow 184 ee Tec example, if he is ofere food he cannot et, he may st, Sore chat, in) That i ite implying Sore wa choto raberaemen, “I can haly tor it On, ithe apecer hears soneones uahappy news, be my sy, Sote tee imo," i.) That very? meaning Sore wa Hanes koto dos "That nly, tote that sine ellipsis common in Jepsen, Japanese sen- teoce ate often abiguaue in ioaion. They are interpreted corey only if {hey ate in proper contents and Jo situstons. Examples: Mn ELBRERSE ONSTAR, LLU (Boks wa Yoho wo amt skijans.Shikashi (Goku wa) write, Haruko wa sukide (det ike Vika very much. Bu, 1 Hike Harakoy See seeeeesereeeeeeeeeeeee eter eee eeEeSEHEE 28 cuauacrinsnes oF JeANESE CRONIN 4. Personal Pronouns ‘One of the peulrties of Japanese persona pronouns is that thee is more than ove pronoun for the fat and second pect and that eratonaly there hie been no third peson pronoun ‘The most requenly wed ist apd second pion pronoun ate Tted below ae Tae 7 gah [ea ie | el ee Tor 4 [Nev tema BE = i tn : emt | Ba Spake wast —| EE | BS re) —“(female) | “(rale) @ he ml ae BEE 7 ale) ‘ale \pahahor [Fi Pore We 4 [erteml becage = i onthe = DRI URS ic teikte Yom | egeheiton | Daas ree Eden Intro Tay Taam | BREE TERE BLEED a we 1 — BEE, pane i| “aa Noe! (Male) (emule) means that the particular pronoun i sed by tale female spent, respectively t ‘nmicrenis OF jaranse orn 29 "The fist person singular pronoun taki heen sx contracted frm ‘The way the eonintion (i, omision of sound) takes place isa flows wowtsshi—watashi (oem watokushi— roku (ota, fale) digs 205hi Galore, female) seahigi-s ates (very aforral | vlga,ferale) api wash’ Grr older male) OWA —-osshi (ery Falta, adalt male ofthe Bay cea of Tokyo) ‘The fact that shere is mote thao coe pronoun for the fi and second person lends us to suspect that Japanese Bint and second pesen pronouns ae ‘ot pure pronouns but ae + Kid of noun Tn fat thee“ protoume canbe ftely modied by actives or by relative clus ss in (1) and cannot be te- pened ino Sis nh, hich apr he tha ny feLmos ve pone, Iogashi watashi 9 tre ma ieee Lit, Busy me cant see even TV. (= einnot even wach TV cau I'm 20 bu.) bee es REMIC HS, Ongaty go suns watashi ws ichinchid ongoky 0 ite iu (Cit T who like msi Tstening to moni al day Tong, (—Becase ike mi I ten toi all day Tong) © RosthcuEAMoRNeL ED. Wola! anata ni wo ads wakarana) dest (Lit Young you probably won't understand i young, you probably woo't undesund it) (Since you are TEuMoRMeKoKE HLTH, ‘Watashi wo watashi po heya do watashi no tmadichi to anaahit it. (vas talking with my fend in my room) in 0 mH 9 SEMEL THR, Watashi ws heya oo 8 tomedachi to hansahie i, b. ‘AtRnsos BEROMRCAtRORELME LCI LRE “Anata wa kind anata po heys de anata no tordachi #9 ani shite isin ee 30. cuanacrmsncs oF peaNescxunoN (What were you doing yesterday wih your fiend i your room?) BRELIOS 6 Mie 0 KALMEL TOELEM. ‘Anata vs kind 9 hoy dew tomodooh fo nani shite fmasita 11 sh important to nate that Jepaese stand second pct provans are deleted une its every to emphasize mene of youre. Unde tual commuticave stuntians, who i peaking to whom is evi, 50 Japanese speders simply omit thee proaoune. Students of Japanese etfs, should avoiding fist and second petson pronouns whenever posible Tn addition to fst and toad person pronaurs, hee ae other ways 19 tele othe speaker or the sddreme, sv surmaied in the flowing eh. Kigdh &..,, | Sebald Forme | Aeraddress Frm Seed (your gape | Seis & Stes a (your eandoy| tz 3k eee aw uty [Sean ae Few otecomey BE letion ced = 4 Ccumcrmnsics oF arene cua SL Within a fail, ithe apester is considered supeia (primary in terms ‘of ag) to the adresee (Speiher> Addressee), he may wie a kihip term a form ofslt-adates, but if not, he en ue only «ist person pronoun nelle reas IE the ndrece ie considered superior tothe speaks (Addeeee> peste) the epater har 10 employ the kinahip tet ofthe addcerse when addtesing him, of he must use second person pronoun athe dese’: ame (optionally with 27 of -chom. Ost he fay, in an Addrese > Spester station, the spenker has to employ the sddese’ sca tle erm ‘when addeuing him. Ifthe sittin is Spesker> Addresee, the speaker ‘ante his own sci tle term av fom of slfadren, excep fr the {erm see! when it rler 19 elementary and junior high school tether ‘Occupational terms sch at cakans-ya°Bsh monger kya “butcher” and pana-ye "Briat” are wed address forms by stacing tn to them. (ya) Also, a female fst name is employed by a young gia a selFadres arm in very infral speech ax in B) Rob, RFIOI—BALEF-KLROE, ‘Ano ne. KyBko bind Iobréosan t9 dito shits 0 vo. (fou know what? 1 (=Kyoho) had a date with Tehico yesterday) "There is no real third person pronoun in Japanese. Ax shown in (fall English third penton pronotn have cecesponding fore in Tapes. Ga Mim Line 49 action, RUBLE ROR, Yamade-san wa kyonan Amity rita. Ego 98 benkyéshistate (Oe, Yamada went o Americas yer. He wanted tostudy English) bm ca HEMMiCN oPoICR RoHS, Usan wn jonen mse kata karums i made nots in. (Qe, oes is sill ving the ear which he bought ten yen) eA: k7Ba05RELEM, Boba wa kind kimashits ko, (id Bab come see you pester Bs 28, RELEE. Edimasts yo (Fes, fe did) co oe Tanaka99-teh. oso m2 nb (Oss Tanaka andthe people with her ate fe, set they?) eee 32 caamacriunes oF jane cRNA Bs EHcnsetannncs. {Under if they have fergaten about this) 6 Som BANE CHEMI Koto fara Oseke made Kuru de tenjikan kaka (it takes ene hour fom hee 0 Onska) b qewer, ina shcbi des (Uv teven so) During the pat century ors, however, the tirdpensn pronouns fare “the, tango “abe Avera "they ale)" and kanes "they (ema) have begun to be employed primarily in novel eanated ato Jopanese and in Japanese novel, "These pronouns ae sso rly widely wed in cure spoken Japanese Like fst and second person peonous, they are treated very much Tike nous, as seen in) a Rowe, Eee shOnEt, Boks no kano. temo hin 0 do (Oty il fend very prety, you kw) b. REMMI CALE, Daigoky 0 det kare Wa sugu kebtonsie. (it, He who Shed college got acid right away roared ight ater graduation fom college) "There i one conton governing the use of thd person pronoun: “The spear | writer i pyshoogcally somewhat distant fom the re rent ofthe pronoun. He got i ‘cumicrmsncs oF aravee cease 33 5. Passive ‘The concept of passive in Jaane, which i called uke’ Ci) it body ich receives something) i considerably feet fom ie Englsh count tart, The Japanese passive contsine two elements: an event (ewan atin by fomeone / something) abd a person oe thing which is acted by that even, For example, if someone curs away and i fects someone es, thet ston canbe exproned by the pave constuction, Or, if someobe smokes andi sets someone els, tat cn bes passive sitio, In aher word, he common ‘horatrste ofthe Jepnesepusive thet the evet ino under the cottel fof hase acted by i Note hat the perion inthe fet situation above hes mo ‘ontzl ver someones cunning away and the ane i the second his no conta ter someone's raking. ase stutons ae expresid in vtious mays according to the station. The most common way te the pie ferns of verbs. (arena) For insane, the above situations can be exprewed asin (Dy wing piv verb forms Wn ms orem Keer tte, Yamado-san we olusan 0 rgeraete it Me. Yamadts wife ran amay on him) b. sntepicmits eth, Tord wa Haruko i tobako 0 suware (ie Taro had «cigarette stoked By Haruko 00 ion) [Notice here tht in (a) the verb rigors “run away’ i ntastve and in (1b) there a direct abject taka ‘cigarette. Neither (Ia) no (Ib) ean Be xe proaed using the English psive corsrston "bes pastpatlle™. "Tha tape of construction, however, is fequently found in Japan and i cilled “the indirect passive’ In ladivce pave sentences the thing afeted by the ‘event i usualy hasan and how the person is aed i inverpeable ely from the context. ‘The sentences in (1) show stations where somecne is negatively aflected. The following isan example where the person is pstvely ected DAME LEACH RTS HED. Kimora-an wa bin ni yoko swarrete ures sid, (Lit Me. Kimura, having prety woman sit beside im, looks hap.) Im niece pusve sentences the agent of the event lly animate and ‘he action is voltionl. Therefor, the following examples ae all uecepable. 4 cuumcnmsncs oF jranese ceannene Ce Wath wa ish atom ohareta (My hed wa fallen on by a rack) B.S hateiitao x oa omicies ott, ‘Toma wa kdsson no mannats de kurums ni tomsrarea, (Tom was stopped inthe middle of the intersection by bis car) ‘There ae, however, «very few exceptions seen in (4) CRE (Lie Ie eine on me) | “The piv forms of verb cana expres what cle dct pve, | (8) presents some examples Gh a Zavneeicsent, Jon wa Bi ri botreta, (on was hi by Bl) b come-bamicMmnat, Kono we jokyi-seki ni kakrat (This pctre wae painted inthe sietenth cesar.) HERES MORS, \ Soko wo tome bara tsulatarara (Sake ir made from eee) ‘As seen in (5, rect passive sentences have passive equivalents in English, ‘sated that indict piv sentences, to, the conditine mentioned above ae sated. That iin (theres apes, John, who was feted by an event, Pils hing, andthe event war ot under J's comel. ‘The diferenceerween cece pauve and nde psve i that im diet pasivesetenes «person | thing i dry ected by an event Ge, ptson | tinge the direct reeiver fof romeonc's somethings ation) sn 3, while i indict pusve sentences | the effet ofan event ona pesen fs indet (ie, peron irae the diet recsver of someone's somethings action, as seen in (I) ~ In general, whe & passive sentence is wed te about the person thing ‘which alec by the event, and whan ha i flected Haman the sentence fakes the viewpent ofthe peron rather than the agent of the event (Bee 9, Viewpoint.) om te a expe by the verb mera ge" an (6 Some pase sia ‘oucrosris OF jena cuAR 35 (hn vows MeO M IL r Ee ote Magara wo Peru 1 hing © moratte (ergaetgoe 4 pai of earings from Pal) Bar Initar (Tier Heke eB t, (Mary had Steve come to her apartment (Steve came to Mary patent for ber) e MaRen A7 EM oe Bote Woh’ wo chic i amore Kato mora (had my fther boy me a camer. (My father Bough «camera for me) ‘When meray is ase the event always afte the person porieely. (Thi ie ac the ease with sentences with rar) thin ce sho the speaker’ ew” Print i that af the person aft by the event (© morau') Naa become ca also express some passive situations. Compa the f= lowing pits of sentences with sur *da" and ars (a WNShUT ZY BCS EELE Yaraguchison 9 Ameria nhs koto i shite (Oe. Yaruguehi ba decided to go to America) bo UnsAcr sy oH Ce Eto, (as on decided that Me: Yamaguchi is going to Americ) I) a Reena ey Female Sense) wo Furedo 0 weigaty 0 shite (Phe teacher sxpended Feed from school) bo rye RRC ot, (fred was suapendd from school) ere ain, the vip the ()setenes that of he peson alle by the event andthe agent af the events nat the apse’ main concern. (kote ni nara; nara) 36 caters anes case Ccumcronstcs oF pete cabuak 37 4 Politeness and Formal Eo BEL eas GT At tangunges ae eqined wth polite exrenions and Japan i 0 a, Wr ee ‘eepcan, hat mies Jenne pte exrenons disney direst fom ne oda Bao Show afer ngage tha he Jopare stem insoles gemma ell 2 Byers ts lexi items Baily, hee are two mas tobe polite i Jpabee; oe is to clevnte the speakers superar, = petson who is lder and bigher io soci oon then the speaker, Expressions ofthis type are called Honore Polite [Epresons, ‘The ther mth to Tower the speaker or his in-soup member, fed thin eevate it supe indie. Exprensians of this type ae ald me Polite Expression. "With Honore Pate Espen, the sbiet of te sentence is the pene sopetin and the form of the rai priest i an honorific frm, a showa I ‘elo (8) Horie Pate Verbs Regier Formation “The following at typical examples of sentences using hoof polite vet ls RRA y ORPCH AME AMR IET. Sense we Amrita no dboaky do nitonga 0 a-oshie ni narimasu, (The pros wil tach Japanese at an Aterca elle) b RT sy DOLE CUAMEMASRET, Sensei wa Amano no deigku de nitongo 0 oshlrarema (The peter wl each Japanese at an American college) © Rte EEE LODELE Sense) w gatats 2 masaru to osshaimashita, eee {he pea oldie tat Be ang “Honorific Polite ene: a Sentence with loge enti expen, is are polite ha (1), cost Hom [ar Via amare Posive Fam wich hahaa hoes expen, Nai th te ower fre or aK in'tyn the same othe pve frm,_Ae inporam hur of te Bi a ee toate ad pave ee ite, the ein of oor plese tee, won BR ae, | SASS, Seon) she rear vers ns “dt eto" ech Ee a ‘bra os snd vfs eich ae iaplr unt be eure an yoo Tesla Fre Naw ia the fling hens pate ven ae 1 verb bt eat Sawalig ane inthe cougars of formal nope ed imperative lms (widen eon Hendry Pal aE wo ey Taf Neg] Fa Nope [of Nospm]_Codtal | Taper ses ine ea Lenanneateuadnescedusstsndnest en Samtrveeener eae | \nsshaanat oshotmasy [rochon" [rather | asad is [es [FC Team Te) Tepurg, Reenerie ceqeeae cee rt karo srasaara" Gr.) |Aacwnor |avcerotmasy |roussary |ivaucarnte [aceon Che. tere (OT CEE tesa _|fcicate ten iE SESE coon fave |xavay leas nant [usw eal Ere Jtmwomt racine |e (fates [ec a BEES cu are en = 2 aiesen [aguenat [mauee [wotshl faausn = EEE oan eeswane!”" [Ssowidanr” [Rael ® [Schnee [Sau TRS TRE wom TwTT Geer be GD RTT aime 38. camerenrics oF JRANesr cH he hove polite form af Vie iyi fred a shown in the flowing hae Henrie Pate Poms of Ves Nonpate Teworfe Pie ro lstacoung tbe renin) eas in asus ses | BEA | ebb oL 08 onde iverahoru | ovo da de iesshary aeery BENE date asthare ene heveahing| MEDD Lee [stein shoe irasehara ‘he se ofthe honorific polite Vie vis exemplified by @) below. Here asin the Tanger veri sate polite than the sorter one. Thus, the hierarchy of politeness isto» Vina de raatary> Vie aesharu’>o~ Vinau de a RRR CREAMACHES LODET Sensei wats go-hon © o-yom! de iasshalmass (The pressor ceding & Book) b RIERA CREMATED LET Sensei wa ina go-bon 0 yond frasshalmasu eka poke RANE Sensei wate goon 0 a-yoml de (Honore Pole Adjecives Reauar Formation (8850) ae ‘cmucronsris oF janes ono 39 Regeer Formation (Adina) a Honore Pale conpolte | _Monosle Pete __| 2 Aia)stem (dal de Urahara] HAE teathy) BREMIE) eB oU ea) penhiso ‘-gonki (da de ircsharu) BEANIE] eBaL a) ‘ct! (de de irasharul Shue ny voids ‘There are addon polite adjectival forms (uch wt o-wakd goaiesy (Grom waka’ "young" 2-0¥y8 pazximase (om t217t“acong but such hyperpolie forms ate how seldm used by younger mative speakers except in rentings such at ostoye gorsimacy (rom hay “ely o-medet povenes Congratulation!" (rom medea "auspicious and sigté gossmery Teak yu very much’ (frm arigaa "grateful Adjectives which canbe ued in hoooite polit sentences are Limited t thou which refer to geval hare teen Example flo: BELT, Onwakaidecy ro (Vou ae young te you?) b BRESKURR RTOS LevETD, (0-10-20 wo o-genkide irasshaimasy ke (Lit Te your father helehy? (How your father’s hele a. In terms of humble pate exprewions, the subject af the sentence is the Neopolie onerige Pale spesker of someone init ingroup rather than the speakers uperior. "The icionay Ferm) | _o- AGO Hol humble plitepediates ae lived below: Som aon (Hamble Polite Verbs Be Beat etal Formation ee a ‘Noopale Timble Pale [eserrel ceca ese ition Form) _| 02 Vinacy sur tasw Ireplor Forme aly BES ORF Wonpalie ovarife Plte nase -tanash suru | as — BAG Gea) BELTS ORE Thee em BEaSE exter vos suru osu 40 canacramsnics oF jeaNese RAN regan Formation ode Fem ‘Humble Polite =) Ware yner ae Ion na (1 78 om ware WEF fone et ou te BE TEAS 05 Toa Tr) ORE pons eau mao toa Ge +3 = i hss eb elm @ zoe ars fon (Ge > eh 7 : ns 2 ea coer) ae me at 1) Goawee on) teat ta ve oo ae te fete) zal pie Go suas youl ages gut (2) ere Ga) wows inne Se i 2 "Typed sentences consning humble polite expressions fallow 4) a AconmmMEERSLET. att go sono o:nimotsa © o-mochi shimass (wil etry your logs) b mstMROR UE. oho ga o-ture Hashimasu (iy rater ill the you thee) a 8 OF JARNESE ORNOLAR 4 Sentence 4) with its longer humble expression i more humble thas) svt shorter humble exprestion, In dvon to the two msjor polite expressions Ge, Honore Polite and umble Polite Expressions), there what might be callod Neural Palit Exe rowion. Tc is elle “neue” heeane its preiente de gozaimasy can be honor, humble- oe estriol, shown in the falling chart (0) Nevral Poite Form of Cola ‘ce Nenpale ‘estat Pale ‘Speakers superior wage 0-1 g0-~ de po= i) sera, Pvstons Sense’ wa 6y8i co. | (Honore) (The profesor iit) RERSMMESEOET Sensei w9 go-bySti de gossimat Spoiler wa [go ~ de goraimery my supa Bia san cml (am ssn) | MBPCS ROSS, Wotahushi wa gotvei de gorsimesu, Thine ee wo ge ~ de gosaimane (0) mata et, if pe (Nest ‘Are wa aiid ds (That's the Diet building] PRERURCSEOST. |A7 ws 86 de gozelmasy In (Da the spate is being polite the person eet oy the sujet Tn (Db) the spear is being humble toma the addreee and in (De) the speaker is jst using polite speech; ir nt diected towards the itaiate object referred to bythe subject, In the ease of honoie polite expreions in gener the plite prefix o 90> is attacked ro someone of something belonging tthe human subject of "entene. Although the preGreeo- and go ae nacmally attached to Taper ese and Sino-Japanese nouns, respectively, the pre o- canbe attached to highly Japabized nouns uch a bank (hs) ‘study, ho (tea and don 9 (RI) “tephove”. Go, however, never stsched tains Japanese ours. Example sentences in which o- or go- are aed given below 42 cumacrmsncs oF parse oun REM BME DHE TTD Sensei wa o-kurima 0 0.mochi dew Ha. (Do you have «ea, Profesor) b muprmackenmsicte ok Taraka-sonse! wo gacbon © oak 1 nat (Prot Tans bas ween ook) “The prefixes o- and go- ana be tached to things which ate treed to the speaks superag,epeily to asi items related to clothing, fond 0 Ihusing. ‘The purpose of sch usage to make a sentence sound more ele Female speakers td ote o- and goin this may more frequently than males. ample sentence flow (6) = otapnezdamewis ELD Konbon wa e-suiint 10 o-suimeno i shimashs ke (Shall we rake it shin dle soup tonight?) b. saRNREC orn Oster ws doto desu Fa (Over the washroom) 1 is also important co not that there i tlie tintin between the Informal and forma ses, independent ofthe honor, humble and etal polite distinctions. "The fra tle normaly used when ones NOT spe Foe inimatly or personally with someone eho belongs to his ingroup. ‘The Fafa syle sed when ove pening with or’s own ingroup ot when & sesh, an adjective or the copula i wed in specie grammtis!poition, such Tight before Rac do ‘he expectd 10" tumor do ntnd 0" x shown in o (ce Appendix # (© (Dy, (B,D and (K)) ng UMHS > Lee Oba Levert et. Sensei ma hyo henkyashit i draeshar | *Irasshaimesu hood ‘es, (the profesor is expected tobe a it fice today.) BRR [SM LET GIT ashi ge sone go-renrokusura | *go-ronrakushimesy ms (intend to contact you, Profesor) “The formal snes mated by =p: of -266- as shown in the fllowing hart — a ee pany Caucrenimics oF jess onsen 43 Sie Teena Famed aa Nowra] Pat | Nowpa | Pat ae naar | RonLE var | sow tnteneas | ttomestia en en | Vere SS ae [amor [aor uaones Ag | ror rvs — | acese [rrtanadess (5 widey | ra wie) |G wide [Ova wie) snow | suntan] sawed] San ece Ag co} trite | evens |hrtese | hrideaiio Gorey) | én ae) | prey | ae et ae ” | ory) | pe) ee Paton eer freee Noun | non a» | hon cs |non dos | non dese Gabon | (nan bok | Gea bol usa ba) Students of Japanese will null be exposed tothe formal style in their beginning textbook, because i i the rope tlic reine for als. "They should be avare, however, that the ifr stylet mare bai thatthe fecal styl, a eidened By the fet that naive children master the informal ie fis. Interesting tomate that whenever the speaker aks herve to he switches his tle fom fr tora, veh ral situation For example stodent speaking with his profesor would se the fra style during conversation. Buti he were stung bya ee while aking, he would we ‘he informal och’, rather than the fora form idsu, Benue Being stung is purely» speaet-arinted mater. ‘This an enere cme, but there te many sitions where the informal style must be sed do fo speaker tvietaon. This eu informal douse interspersed with informal vet Balsa non Finally in praccl terms, what are the appropriate station fr palit sentence? "Generally spedking an inferior sun ple speech fo an adesce ‘10 the peson presented the topic of wsntence, Typical satans ate the flowing Bee eee eee ee eee eee eee eee eee | | | | 4H canacrnines OF jeans cx You we Your addr eden Teicher, profenoe [oedite | ba ‘alegenon | atone Fonior Tesior — oo re ec ar pe eh Sg eee ere oe pate yh ies damn oe ree ee neck Pema oe ee mr pa chr ae moan army ned cameo a. e — 7. Sentence-final Particles In Jepnce thee is group of prices ile sentencenal pacer ta sooner snes, stencil pris te pled the end ofan '} Gae and inden the fancon ofthe entence epee he pee’ emai {stad tvard he bearer in Conese! satan, Tenor les, ‘hich wea ato convertion betwee the snd andthe evr, my so ceotsn sentences! putiles) Some of thee aries ar wed excluively by mule or exclusively by female speakers, so they ako faction to mark the spedters set In whit fllos, we il tke some Common sentence-ina pt tiles and ce ow they ae ed (yi «declarative sentence. IE the sentence patie ho and affixed to (asin @) and Dy the sentence becomes gueton (2) and a feotene of confrmaton (3) : Yomade son wa sensi des (Me Varma is» teacher) manger, Yams wo consol desu ke (Ge Mes Yamada tener?) 8 Mme net a, (Oe Yard is «teacher, i" he?) ia is ao wed t soften requcets and invitations and it atm expenses the speaker's edness Wo ae (crene, to Gudesa) ne. (ene come) 8) Hire eto, (Let's go togetber, shall wet) ‘Ne ean be used ith pate imperstives but nat with pin imperatives ( tasneeeo, Gt @ nae me (Go to schol, kay?) ee 46 cyssacranincs OF JPNEEE CRIDONAR | eaten, fin he epsve Ingerive maar when we ih ital op ve Wt cobndee, fac aman So mene Cron n the moe ‘When i afised oinformal detrativeoSovitational sentence, i ome ion that iis used only by men tives fnction Hike ne, with heli a —aee—iaset, ett wa foh-nense do ma (hia i «esa, the?) bier ote. leshon ko na (Cats go together, shall we?) 1a is alo wed by men in manclgue sitios Mas, BOLO, BIN, ED LEME I. taste. Dare mo ins. D6 shite 0 det (Ue sane. "There's nobody. What's wrong, 1 wondee) Sometines no is used. with formal sentences in alder men's spesch. This nz ‘conveys the feeling of weak ssetion os a Shab LOLLY TTR. Sore wa choto murukssh desy ma, (Chas bie dite) Yo, 20 an 20 are used for aserton. Some English equivalent re Tt you", "yeu know", "believe me", and “Vedsay", Zo and zeae exlsively ‘ied in informal male speck ta a. min Rene. Watashi wo sitmasen vo (don't know. Believe me) [SURACTENETIS OF parerse ORONAR 7 b. sananene, (re 9 oko 30 (Cen Toe | fe crite, Kore wo hind 20 (ey, thin is go oo gmake se, Konbsn vio nom yo | x8 (ers rink tonight) Wo is fixed only to declarative sentence by fale speaker. I give sentences feminine Bavor and sometimes expres light waectin. Ite ‘ed im both formal and informal spech, Me MES ELACHD. Wirasi wa mado jac desu wa, (am ail eighteen) b aR. SRLNb, ‘aah, aes wa (rm happy.) Ws canbe used with ne and yo but not with fa, in (1, On ch, inbh, Kore, tsi wa ne, (his is expensive, ioe b ROR De. 0 ued with invitational sentences, Watashi mo ky we vo, (rm ging, 100) smb A wketm. sTanateson mo ki wa ka is Me. Tass coming 00?) 1a, nb and wi ate wed in exclamatory sentences. Né ca slo convey the idea of confirmation, Vis usually used by men, bt can be ard in convert Yiows by younger women. WS ie wed only by women Mn, Ste. Ose) ido nd (ae prety) 48 cuamscrensncs OF jase ASA b. Shae, rida wom (doe ie prey 6. MRM StI, (Male) ‘Soria wa yoky hataaky ‘os, Mr, Sarak works hardy 4 ycaKbm, Female Surekiao wa (le wonder ensle) Some sentence pales appear in questions in informal peech, For ‘example in informal mle speech Aa and do) mark ye 0 questions and WH ‘qotions, epee. (dat; hal) tm 2 cHRROKHW, Milo Kore kit 0 hon kal (ds this your book?) b chawaat, (Mile) Kote wa dare no hon ds (hone bose this?) tn forms feral speech the setence-al n() desu ko Becomes no spoken Uvith eng imontion. In hit we ne lost a female question marker, Ex pes flow Mn EEL, SOPHO? Femme) Tomoko cn, piano no? (sree you ging tothe pats, Tomako?) b. ER DO? (Fermle) Nan o kw no? (Wit ae yu going to buy?) easbica sod and sso sopeat in sentencesal poston and expres the speaker’ uncriinty aout» proposition. ‘The frmer te wally used by eile Spevkere andthe liter By male speakers a icGabREmLS, Female Witashi mo dot kaghia, (Can 1 doit, to T wonder?) b sLeesminee. (le) abi 9 ae kan ‘OuacrEMSTIS OF parent cusanan 4 (Oi ee tomtom, wonder?) saws have en inthe vais examples above, tence pa Play an important role in determining the function of sentence. Alm by ‘wing these particles in convertion, a spesher exprestes his her etalon or attudetomard the hearer ax well a his/her masatnty | ein Pane S50. cuanscanorcs OF PANES: cRANNAAE 4 Sound Spmboisms—iseigo and git Shpanese is abundant in sound symbtnsin the form of anomie ( srnSpre tego) bewmins(=oftalge) end comme (=t90 Strunesns ve ponies or det ponte epee of acta SMe Ryda fer sch the Eng bong, bes, ccke donde Tet tee Eagish phononines ae normally emierd hess lngoge 2b nor fly itp toad nnn. Jena, Rowen, nt {Thy own bat ao plone phocie regrets of phenome serpy ton airy sre) and eames phot represen of Pee cha mes we aie pre of dak en ad writen Jonna "tert, i ial inpatance that stadt of Jaane Fen thse sued symbols apa of hi rary vocal “(Summary af sme seta sien below. Each ind ayn is anne wecred with x ape vet Thu ade ie ermal flowed tytn gue are oben the sound sbi tse avin "The cxsmpen coin the ver that epely coco with the ven sound stim (Voids a Voted Commans Vdc oon ten to sere somthing hi ery, dll of iy ee Sete ements represent something sll ih, she oF pe a. gegoqne) brats (eo) Dar) be eae((e3m5) Comal ajc etl) erekoro (00) krona) co tet (2986). (all wnat of Haid is) potoote (0) ech) a acacenme Sonate (bid a goede) brogis (o) ht) wy, eae (2)E55) ey bec rt seoger (io) topo) Terie (2) (are amount of Kid) dim Bombo (eo) ech) (bine) spain) (Gu) hi, Tig jee hin) dating) | r { i , ‘croisis oF eran onR St ececceias) _stuzoky (Co) kv) (eu 4 thick, heasy objet) (8) Velor Conoantr—k and ‘The velar consonants [k} and gl tend to repreonthatdoese, sarpne, slearcutnem, sepuition, detachment or sudden change e A. ANIM icdEE) ene) hard) sscksch (01 ki) B, €oD (2) R28) le visible) deat tsi (0) iow) & Ho1Ed (BINS) (eparate fom people) once and for ll) pon (to) wakaree) 4 5 (2RHe) purer (0 Rowan) 8 cotemo 91 Pita) 1 ogo German) than () shin Dena! Frcatice Cononnt—t (completly) change) (ut with je) (ie) sudden) “The dnl inv como tend to repre it ae a= let sod gic motion [sh] in parr sent epee some ethan a soegnEsey oo tchaga) raretyma sursurs (0) suber) Leve@yms) shicehio fis) Lamy CeaEt) shin () harass) Lateray shin (Go sa) (tad wp) uit) (tide) smeoehyy (Gt rin) qui (th) quietly and insist) (© quien Laciny (275) be) despondens) shoabor () sam) 52 cuanactmsncs oF jeanese NOE (eymF2) eae) sere) asokeso (te) niger) he Leatera) shin (os) i. woe (ayes) te aied iat (to) so) (0) Liquid Connon + "The igi comanat [tends to represent Audits, mouths os a FBa(E LEIS) Cau i aim) ura (to sito ir) be B45 LIRG) _(onamet) with eat ee) curasrs (1) fotzen) fe. {BBLS (lum) cound and round arokore (io) mower) 4. 2828(L eH) (oe) slipper tmursteor (nite i) 6 BERS LHS) (he) sling) unonuna hie a) {868602 RN) (Com) smombly) arson (0) nagar) fe RBEB(E)KNZ) (ewes of Blood drip continues) taratars (to) 1293700) (i) Naso Connon a0 “The nasal sends tend to represent tactality, warmth and softness (of 0 dog of x) plump) (eo dept a eceg(Lens) mum ite i) ». Gventecns) ‘much (shite i) © BreR(Z)LTHS) inayonoye (eo) st a) (plump) (be) sender and dle) 4 epatbelre) — oo sey) ichanic (sa) b dueie(eres) © knan(ens) Conicrenstis oF anasie onan SS stews iLcirs) (be sling) invrampur site a) fo mema(Lcn) (ie) sling) ironies (shite su) & boaR(LTHS) chime (aie is) ey sik) Voie Bisbal Plsve—p “The vise labial plnive op) pl tends to represent explosives, crispness, stength and suddenness a ttocems cies) pa ( akaata na) (come bright) sents be Lea (2m) (whacky ich (oats) © Ualece) (come 10 (ne) in 3 ash) pinto kar) 4 oxo LL G8). Cb, speak Mendy) oroper (eo) shadow) & BAA(LTHS) inp (shite in) f aolemerto et (to doe ik) Roo(Lons) puts (o trary he toma (2#Ro-4) (ow) suddenly) potas () uate) (0 pepoy) (eave sadenty) (rey sudey) 19 Semicouel—y ‘The semi-vowel [y] tends to represent weakens, slowness and softness a kogOKEeS) oie (onan) (have locomotor sta, lat of refx) (becom) sei) vabayobe (a nee) (Ceca) woro-o) vereare (i 00) | conmorensncs OF jane stat A meme ((eyntes) omy) tke waves) vorayrs (0) yur) e boc 98s) uke! (asa) & pebaen) vane ro) BEDE (LIBS oohiyani (to) ats) Back High Vowel “The back hgh vowel [ul ends to represen someting that hs todo with human physiology or prycholos (pe slowly (aly softy) (ratty eter) a 3EsECrs) owe routs (su) b. ae58trs) (tbe) buovenn hive (so) 6 3457850 srsusu (arcu) 8 a93ters) siroue (ss) fe 32n32H(re) one) Asreutors (sur) Aerie dimly (ich fo ation) f 52m965) be) off eure) staan (ur) fe 5 2E97%) ed enchanted) set (ur) bh 35(seLN so (abhi) i. aaznre sao ou) (0) Back Veneto “The back vowel [o} tends to sepeset somabing basicly nesive with egard to hunan pycholoey a BrBHLCHS) ‘evs (shite) (oomevbat(oely> (fed wp wit (ey nervous and iid) ‘cusmremencs oF jane ononnn 5S b ByBL(LTHs) ‘dood shit ir) © BaBA(ra) oro (ur) 4 BRERCrS ots (cus) 8 Bose (ers sns) ‘omcome (to dumasrea) (Frnt Vowel (very nervous) (ey in ithe) (dow know what t do) (Ge deceived) in shameless manne) "The font vowel el tends to represent something vga a Ashit(ictes) Debate (rar) (become) dead drank be Apan (eyes) heroes) 2730) © teteves) eaters (ik) 4 wene(2ao Gaby Imesomezo () mi) In ation tthe separ sand symboion there te some baie wor that canbe expined in terms of (B) and (E) abore. Consider the flloing s= (laugh) meaninglsly when embarrased) (be alosy> ‘manly siilar words that are indapemable in Japanese gram, Velen Reale Fy @ peeianay (oubjece mater i relive nhac clases) ee Or/to tore ina | momo tbecase) (becae) eS) (RD) sara noo) Vipera) (ceive) rom) (esve) om) 56. cuanscrsics of sHANESE CRANE ® > wo a price for combining nouns) Rel OE dered | 92 tron (sthougs bu) (aoa =e 3° (oominalice) (comin) =e eo intnaible eine) (a sane hing The wads wih el (oud mre pen abjeveand peer vce han ep ith th el ese tener (©) ve weld tend to explain why 43P ie cada nin oe th nl ae ESET EAT por ces hamen ene poco tat Ms Sete Gna sop ian do cee mre ema we a een oa en sina pit ta“ Se cr ec uta batt “el Yoede Yb epee en tein cea stem he Co he TORE SST A Tipe a some fre og, baht), i Tr is important for students of Japanese to learn basic sound symbotisms, Coo enim and yscamsn) ley ex ther ene ey i wrk wc sn ndaee at of the bs vost eri sper Me igre wenden Sere mts thee apc en eit aos ‘language and culture toward directly perceptible object een ‘ouuacrinsis oF jaraxe etn ST 9. Viewpoint “There is me 0 one way 10 describe sate oe an event, and the choice of expressions depends npr, on the viewpoint from which the tte oe event is describes, To ita thi, ecu suppose that person A hit person B "This event cam be expresed by either (19) o (Ib). al a. Abie. BB hit by A Bath (a) and (1b) state the same fet, butte speakers oe writer) viewpint ieee. "That i, when (a x chone, the speaker is enerbing the event from A's print of view os petal viewpoint, and when (Ths wed the speakers description i from Bs pt of view "There ate several peincipler and rules concerning viewpoint; some are niveral and other te speci to Japanese. The flowing are rather wives princi: (a) Within singe semence (excluding cordinate sentences) the viewpoint shouldbe consists, (i) When a sentence includes the strvcture A's Bf, Js wife) the speaker i taking As viewpoint rather thn B's (61 When the spear (or writer) epathizs with someone, the speaker tends to take tht pers’ viewpoint (0) The speaker usualy deeribes station or an event from his ow vew= pint ater than om oer” when he inven he situation the 1s ease forthe speaker to take the viewpoint ofthe pean ina sene tence subject postin than ta take the viewpoit of «perenne pestis. (7) Teenie forthe apener to tke the viempint ofthe person who has een established aa dacoue topic than to take the viewpoint of some- one-who has jst een introdced in the dnoare (0) Under normal cumstances the speaker cannot tae the viewpoint of fend person Although many ofthe rami eincpes concerning viewpint ae ther univers seen above, there area number of veupoinrelaed expressions which are important and specie to Japanese. Some rules concerning thee SH cHaRAcrMTCS OF PAs GRDONAR ed below The flloning giving J recving verbs require the viewpoint, shown i ea, iF, SLBITE (giver: the givers oa eutlviewpoint sings en they ar wed 9 miliary verb only the pve’ viewpoi) bcs, CEES Cvs the recive viewpoint ure Koos 69. FREE gt receives the eecivers viewpoint (1, teste with (A a (Denis he enc of ie loin (eo ageru™; rer); mora sate ss et “ire wo weal ni pan 0 net. ‘alr gave me soe rend) 8 tmuspnecvecnr. “Srateun! we fav po @ karate ‘Tove Kee spon) Parenceveestos “fonts wo wath nf ctor 0 marae. Gano rected «pvc fom m=) 1) “The panivecomtacton wher dst or niet reqs the ven . aia the referent of the subject. (Cp. “ogi with (4) t(D hs xpi the wont fete ie o ora) aa. sHoutcHBc Laon. eto mussho 9 wotashi i shikaraeta (My sn was sealed By me) b. “RokNIAICHMORMEMERE. “tabi no kona wa wath nits no tegen © yomaret (Oty wife had ber seret leer feud by me) 1b) When the vee kur come” fe aed the sesber’sviewpnt i some Inhre cee tothe asival pot When Kar sued an ait ver, the siewprnt isthe point to which an ation is directed or» change roca [CURICTENETIC OF june OMOINAR 9 (8 When the ver ‘go it ated, the speakers viewpant i somewhere close tothe departre point. When i i wed usa auiinry verb, ‘he viewpant i the pint fom which an ction tected o a change cee 1) and (expan the uracepabity of the semences in (5) 0 (6) under the Fiven condo, (ea: ar) (5) & (The speaker in Japan SKIT 29 1RT ‘Woah wa tanga Amanita @ kimase (will come to Aree nest yar) Db. [The spear isin Ameri Tanke 19 2nATe RUE, ‘arash w9 yonen Amanka © ikimachiea (went 10 America as yar) san wai ewennn oct, sivas wo der osc Kee (Lie Teame to aac the sober) b. teat iticsenmoo- cote, *Devobs wa matah i osiabote ite, (Lit The robber went to atack me) (When aietivs tke Roshi * wan it desiabe, resi “happy and ‘anes "sad" which deeribe ones personal fens ate wed mth the Uhied person subject, the speaker empuhies with that perm, which ‘ually implies thi the speaker taking the vewpoit ofthat person 0. ‘Thus, ifthe sue is someone the apeker is unable to empathie wit, the ajectives mentioned i (L)eatnat be Used, a in (gar hos a) sins mh sreKes LO, *iishianu tito 9 tbako 99 Moshi (stranger wats cgzete) b. “Hy sim OARSRLO, Tagan no bito 98 wreshi (¥ paerby is happy) (8 ‘Kinship tems ean be ued forthe ft perion and (less commonly the second peso, In this eae the proper kinship er fr the fst person 6 cqumscrence oF jaNNESE CRNA ” (or the second erot is slected from the viewprnt of someone X with Inhom the speaker empathize The peeonX is uly lower in sta Thom the peron foe whom » Kiship term is used. (ea, oe tle brother (Gp. 4 Personal Pronouns) A. rom an elder brother to his younger brother REAERETES, (ce me see i) b, [Prom at uncle to is see] REBWHL TATED. jinn 2 ote 20675, 5 do fr you) ‘e [Spoken by # mother to her dagter Yoshiko from the viewpoint the daogher’ lle Bether Hiroshi BMS ed, OALERL TRIES. Oend-chan, Hiroshi 1 kaso ages. (Vos, let Hoi have it) When refenive pronoun yn “act ust the speaker tens tr uti with the ceteret of bun, whieh plies thatthe speakers view pint hat ofthe fferet esibun) tm the releret of jum is Hanako and the speaker i aking Hanakos empoit, EHCAMAABERLCHSEBETIE, Hanato we Tar6 ga ibum 0 sii irs to shine (Ohana believed that Tar loved her) (ae unnatural Beene the viewpit inconsistent Hc BB EA TERLTHS LMC TES. “Touma wo watoshi go fibun o fine demo ssh iu 1 shine (Oy wife bleves that Isl love her) A DICTIONARY OF BASIC JAPANESE GRAMMAR (Main Entries) ‘Seiichi Makino and Michio Tetsu BARBEA RR i. ' ~om t ageru! BJS v. (Gr. 2) regener rar Seni afte gerne ot | REL: Aaa (nr ‘toe cm ars tt We ore ‘Rey Sentence “Foie abe) | last Objet | Diver Ob | a [ar lee | © [awaravace. wo [vosnito | ni |oane 0 | aera agemasis, pie Vosiko dower) (0) AMS AeUrke Moke DIT no-san wa Yamamotorsn ai hon 0 ape (0. One gave Me. Yarumot x book) O) Ruy veMeaELRE, it wa An 1 ani agemashic ka, (What did you give to Ann?) 1. Agar is oe of 2 a6t of giving and recriving verbs the meaning it ive’. However, agit canot be ws when the odiet object isthe Sit peron Ge, To€ m4) oF a person with whom the speaker ems hires (sual « member of the speaker i-group) This (Ia) sh (Ub) are ungrammatia Ol a. Merumcke net “Ylonako wa watashi ni hon 0 ageta (Hamako gave me a Boek) b. ReERMOET SERED, ‘Honako wa watashi mo musuko ni hon 0 agete (anak gave my 200 # ook) "The tenon for this isa follows: Ags requires the givers pint of view oF seul point of view when deeribng an event, When an ven invlies the fet peson of = person the speaker empties with 6 gon! homever, the event is aormully described rom that persons pint of vw (See Chiritersties of Japanese Grama, 9. Viewpoat) Ther Fore, the Bat person of ern the apenkererpatizs with i 8 r= Spon in agritetence, ein confit aries, aking the sentences ‘wngammucical The grammatical sentences fr la) and (1b) ae 2) and i), respectively. (ohare) BFIBICKE CR, Hanako we stot hon 0 kur (ansko gave mea book) b. BPemoUT= KE Ca Hansko we wath 9 musito ri hon © kureta (lanako gave my son» bok) 2. The humble polite serio of agiru & sashiagey (oy Mnkkewes Lats LR. Watashi wa sense i bon © seshiapamashi (pave my teacher a Book.) “The degree of politeness expresed in stshiogary ie higher than tat of hadoary and iadoks, which are the polite versions of taro and ‘mora, respectively. (c hurera), REL. I |. When the give itn hiher postin than the repent or the eipent is a perion very clare to the teste, yaro ix wed instead af oper Eran: ua Example: nBickep ot, Watt wordt ni hon 0 yatta (gave my ie broer« book.) b ostnmicen? ebot, ‘ieshi wo neko miroky 0 yatta, (Giron gave mike 0 the et) (Tom i the speakers timate end) Anbar CU RLE, ata a Tomb ni Kok 0 varimashita, (gave a eke 10 Tom) Le \ ager! IFS aw 8 Gr 2) ew son won wo ero] feanwite rasa Store bat vie eae | thw eat th te ger ost fr 8.0 do na. «favor by doing IREL. tarera! (moro ‘Rey Sentences a [Tene Gubec inane Oine[Diest Obea] Veo Priced eta! | 0 katte wage (a obuo-sen aie BET aUELR, 2903 | apomashit, [t bought a te for Nobuo) o “Tope @abjecy | Dine Obie | Ve @ [a] ese | & | ecame laresaracn, Bok | wa | nanukozn 0 | nagusamete | 2gste| speach, UT consoled Haruka) emp Vo 276 mut awe hanssit 2060 hee bre tabete soe =p ) BuamSKicmeLcarELme, Kimi wa o-ké-san ri nani 0 site amas ko, (What did you do fr your masher?) O) MPSARA LAS MORERL TRI, Tanaka-on wa Sumisu-con vi on 0 kasi at. (Oe. Tank lene «ook to Mr. Sith) (tk for 80's sake (oot for na ee) oi gent "Agar is wed os an nilinry verb with the tefrm of verbs. The foeaning of Vie agry in *do nt for 8! 'do 0.x favor by doing fe The resricion which apples to ago! ako apples to ager Namely, sentence with Vie aged are descriptions fom the viewoine fof the beoeacor Gory the penon in subject poston; therefor, the indict ober must ot be the Brat person or 2 person the speee empathites with, (co ager, Noe 1) "Ths, (a) and (Ib) ate ungram tial O) a eereemameRs coets (anak taught me Japanese) b tary —BkOET oly eno cat, Sitean wa watashi no masume ni pan o kas ageta (Mary our = pen or my daughter.) “The grammatical senences for (1) ad (Ib te (2) and, espetvey. (ohurer) a) a pM MABE RA Ct, anato wa wath ni rihongo 0 oshits kureta bo ary cBOD TREY ERT Ch Mewtwo wateshi no musume open @ Kate Kurata, ‘As in KS (By if the peo sesving the Bnei the dec abjet of the sentence, the inet hjet ix omitted. Therefore (a) and (3) tre ungramatia. Gh a RRBFEMIMEE LEE CSD TRIE. Boku wo Maruko-san ni Hotuko-s 0 ragusemete age b teME EAA Cem bITE. Boku wa Harukocsan ni nogusomot 290 ‘When the in vet i intramitv, ager i nat used slong with "The long sentence is ungrammatie Wo thay «emt. “testaoh wa Jon ni etre agers (ove worked for Joba) In this case, no ome ior these of" eda in) tame) physical pointe 2907 |i 0) 67 ake » votatcmine, Woatshitchi 9 Jon no tame ni hoot (We worked for Job's ake) ‘The bumble polite vesion of Vie age is Vie sashiagon. Example: ngewe / 2OUTs LBS L Watashi wo sensei ni pono 0 hitosethiagemashite. (pled the pan fr my teacher) "The degre of politeness expense in Vie sishiages i higher than that, of Ve Audasa and Vi tak, whieh se the pole versions of Vie aera snd Vie mor, rpectively ( hurera!, REL. 1D) When the benefactor i a «higher positon then the recipient a i of ‘ua sats and his lationship vo the recipe i lone, Vie yor sed inetead of Vie agers. Exuple: a, MiRKRICLO~ FEMS CPt, ata wo imoto orkid o kote Ya (bought my litle iter record) b. conitmichetnc bot, ‘dn fost ch for his ext) John isthe spester' cle fiend Hinds Veo yt eRLC RIEL, Wits wa Jon ni aio 0 kacite yarimashit, (Clee Joa my rua) aida (oi) (ic) ah pace between two temporal or ‘daring (the time when); while REL, ropa; web nf) sim I somo a ‘icy sentences Bote Me) Guile wt ie aren Ke ee “Subordinate Case oe Main Cle ee Ye Hike 0) ring the samme actin) xe owe ve|m@ | wmsa a seek saatmyer 0 se) Wats 08 gohan 0 ine | as | Yomsd-o0 se tri 0 a Be We OEE () XtASeaAdrsmmemeRe CHEEK, teh Jimsshit, Sumia-san wa Nihon 0 rs s80 og0 0 cx imac (Or Smith was teaching Engi Cl doring the tne) while be was ia (Wile Ivar eating my mel, Mes Yareds war watching TV) oe 8 ” Oy FR eMC emmkeRA ORL, ae Kdometach gp tre 0 mite ny sda Watashi wo hon © onde in ao Main Chase cha We (was reading a book (ll ding the time) while my ehileen were oe cw efanc|ns| mle] amen w eRT atehing TV) worasbi go gohan o|tabetel iu | ae || Yamade-son o> kta / (© WHEL Ay MevomesereweELR, sau Tatahashi-san wo Amerikan ry ait goate 0 oboemeshite, eimostita (Ot. Takashi learned golf while he was in America) ‘Wile T war eating my wen, Mes Yamada cme in) Hes ho a ee BINS 8 REEL CON NE RS 29 BL fe roan 0 ot Mogren 1) Me 8 te) (Oe. Nakapnoa's mother became ill while he was staying in Pain) (9 sea ERE RIMCKE REE (Akiko reads books while he children ae not at home) ea 1. The subjects forthe sice-tause (subordinate clase) and the sin nue canbe diferent sin Bx. (), (@) ad () ae be te ste BL 195 BH Gc) Geile i aking) amas yao (0) feo 15 MH ((e) eile no. ting) apete inv a (0) Gi) Ag Ue) aa int al Mis te cafes oes ae naa ne wm > esos cree a “The verb before 3g is nocally napast Vie iv ois epee of Gi) Ad) ater 22 BH () " : (a) Aa (on : fhe tems of the ai clase, na aid (a) 70 ado im 3. Aida fallow by, «partite of specie time point, means that the tne apa of an event Sentifed by the main ase falls within the time span of am event identified by the aio-lne, atin Bs. (6) (@) and (edn without 1, in Es. () ad), nates thatthe two evens ate ated t0 cover the same span of time. ‘Thus if the ‘asin ve punctual veeb, aide should be used with ni. "The fol Towing sentence, therefor, i ungrammatial A) MLS 08 SW ISRIBL Co SRS AA *Yamads-san 92 Pari eyigakshite rv aida o-ks-sn oo byt (he Yaad eather Became il ll during the time while he tna studying i Pas) “The dilerence between ado and aide can be diagramed a flows Event 1 ‘oan case) Event 2 pe (eabrainte clase) Event 1 sida nh = (ean clase) Eveot 2 eerie clase) 4. A nan ot an adztive can be wie before ai @) RILOMYA Rove rHe FEL ELS Iataryasomi mo aide reson de sabato 0 shinasia (During the summer vision T worked parttime aa restaurant) o) Rikeomcx—a7 vy Kes LR. Netsaysum no ala ni tured go dkimasis, (During the summer vision found 9 gil fiend) ROMBCPRERUTOLEL, Nag ala Pata 0 gsm 0 Foie Hazen (havent writen to my mater for along time) HOMEREURS HOR CELERY. Waka! aide ni hon 0 det dake roksan yomiasa (Read as many backs a you ean while you are young) en) TL 5. The nortemporal a8 which means ‘space beeen" or“ elaonsip" Js used in he stature Avo (0) no ade “betwen A and Ba in 8 WALT #y nCeVOMICRAL a, ion t0 Ament (to) mo aidan wn stiko 0 (There is nly ocean between Japan abd Ameren) dine m(eomRL cH tH, Yamaguchi to bok (t2) no aida ws kessite worsune. (The relationship between Varuguch std me ot bad tall) ‘The usage of 2ido meaning *elatonship” in () ix «metaphor e temson of physi space between ew persons {6 ‘The ver is "an animate objet) eats” can be used. by ill, a in x. (det its sative nature. Some actives such tho expe sive su) "cheap, autos warm’,c2ushi “cel, wa! * young am bo be wed i this wa, a fllons: 18) oMicuk—y EUAN tae. Woke! aide nt supa 0 ware shits hi 98 ies (O's beuer todo varias sports while you ae youre) These adjectives, however, sound « litle more eats with uch “ile (eo wehi a) (Meat Expression) 1 the subjects ofthe min and subordinate clases ae idence and if the ‘verbs are nton verbs, ac ean be replaced by nagar, but with diferent 0) BrucmeR [ose | mame tony Woashi we | jug — | v0 | 210 de | roshotan nine feet, timate ‘hier te cas 1 want to tbe Hy) toe 79 a= KSA) Viokpust 2 BLE BE © Caer sw taeda tld) anacita 10 oe fects hk -% (aor so, as extemal eten) sam: Nopee WO hE alter ats) am () CREEL COT CMMLALE, onan 0 abe ato (26) svqu Denkydhimashi, (ata right ater Thad eaten my me) 0) UMS cine were Come LER. Yamade-san wa bru 0 nonds ato (de) pete shinat, (tr Yamada fel asleep after he dank bet) ©) MOSHE oRDE (HORE GEDELA, Senso go owns ato (oe) Tay6 nf medoimashit (1 went back to Tokyo aer the war ended) @ RWoRLTrAReLR, (played tenis after my mea). e "The particle do may be ait in informal speech (Meat Expressions] 1. Vink past ato de i crcialy dierent fom Vio ara in two respect: Vie ‘ara is very andard i the main clare expres vometing beyond the cota of the abject o the speaker of he sentence. Vinkpat oto de lee from nah estan 0 stoae Ui) Bi nAw RET) MOTHER, Wats go woh 8 kaete ato de 1??kztte kara ame oe fs (de sind ater Tcame home) Secondly, Vie kare indicates “the space of te following afer’, but Vinkpat vo de indicts “any spce of time afer Thum By mR (eae cies 9 SI ition fie kara "hte ato de rannen 1 naimasy a (Glow many pens have pred since you came to Japan?) (ohare) 1, Vin-pst ato de can be eeplaced by Viofpast ra when the later is wed with purely temporal meaing Ge, “afte, when") ‘Thus, Es, (hat (ec be ephraned (351 a [te respective. DB] a Meeker CML ELI. Gotan 0 tabstara sugu benkyéshimashi, bMS Like EMARBRC LS OT. Yamade-san wa bry © nondare nee simat 6 MPH ofeBHOKC GED RLS ‘Senso 92 owatara Toby medrinashi, However if Vikas het #nanstemporal meaning Ge, "i, it ee to be replaced by Vinl-put tod lltrated by (4 BW) a DaARote tom Be TOUTES D, non @ tara | Sita ato dei Ssh (it 1 would be sce sf you goto Japan. (=You should 010 Japan) b ShERANS RAR BEE LD Ch Kore 0 yondara|yonda ato de do desi. ic How would it be if you rend thi, (= Why don't you ead thi) (otare) bets os er ete Sen aes Ssh Cone Gn [ Vs Ge =o wea 1H) RC esluvat. eee epee (OF you tke this edie, youl get wally =p (4) Ge vere: Veond be weit Gao tak) aneabs (Gi) Gr. 2 verbs Varn su feshit Gi xa. en (iy Te, senses RAUF 20, comes) farsa PE THE Ge. doe ory auras Ge) Adis @! Ad) stem tus arcto BOIS GE at i expersive) fokatrata (7) Aa 0): Aaj (ne) tr (He 6 08) Bue Inari) |e rob) Ce ae er) Iehicukansobs) sbzakade abs) (7) Neco: ON fest) /-7 whut} (nar) do bay i ete eb 8) ake aU) Geo isa teacher) oi sensei nara(bs) | sensei de areba} emp (0) CRM RAIEMD EoD (owl understand ei yu mk Pro. Matsumoto) ) coMmeeHUN= HCHO S. Sono machi wa karma de Habs sniuppun dikes. (fou can gett that town in tity moun if you go by eat.) © gonmROss. Yasukerabn imac (0 bay i is cep, would buy 3 It were chewp.) Bima mRACKIEG HFS Jikan 9 arabs Ky6te © mo ba. TUF have ime, Kwan ogo t0 Kyoto, to, / IFT had ime, T would wane te goto Kor, ton) nAvnRE SH. Miokerobs mine (AF you want ei see it) W) Higniccnoe oc craN, Dekirete tore mo vate ku (Phen do thi, 00, if you ean) ep 1. "Sa 8 basicly expres general eonitonl rains Between the ow propositions represented by Sand SS epresents a condition tnd Se proposition wbich hols o wil old te under the condition, (Go is, fact, the iin ofthe topic marker ws.) 2. Scam be a statement of the speakers volition or hope, a in xs. (© sad er) 4. Si cm be command, a request 0 «suggestion, a In Era.) ad Th this case, however, Sy cannot bean action. ‘Thus, in (1) and. @) 0 ‘ ungrammati (eo nara; tara) 1) HAS ait MRRIEIND EC CES YYmomotorsan go Ritare | urea sia hod (UF Me Yamurato comes iy please let me know) c 8 2 vasmcaslameactkeLrern, Snag ee no are labs bas ato 3 Geb {yo gto Chg why dat Jou goby bs), Scan een bth fala counefcal codin Th, Ea (6 and cm beter foto emer stent (yok Scan bea satan eet in th pt ii coe abi Examples: — 2) boeanuges Ls. Col hav ought bd ben ch heer) Wo Wietnire ceoREHAE COR, ‘neon frets youve dono yorde mono dt (Shen nd as ed me) However, Scans be single facts event in the pst even iit rep resets canton, a cen (Sp (ur) 19) RkvPokb MENARREFIcte ok, ion © ittara *kaba nibongo 98 jazi ata, (becae god at Japanese when T wet to Japan) “8, be 8" doesnot mean ore than onion relationship; thetefoes this construction canta be used when the speaker want o supp some thing by «conditional setene. For example, (6) does tec suggest tht fone should not eppoach the cae. Tt acceptable oly wher it means, sere coniinal statement, hat nei in danger under the conto that ove gt love 10 the cage, |) tonvcHsNEmEROCTE, Sono + ni chikazutaba stoned yo, (Ot dangeros if you get close to the cage) (an order to suggest that ne should at approach the sag, cikazukr to or chikarutcas wed imtend of chkazukabe) ‘There are tome idan expen which ute the “Sy bo 8," castrtion, (© ba yokarta; nakereba naranai:t0 bs) boa bakari zp po {a 'paricle which indieates that sis | the only thing stat which exit nly jt be ready 1 do 5 | have jst doe i st dd tor thecly ations. wlltk,tkes, | be just dong; about taking oF took | TREL, hod (bur; shika ah toro ‘Rey Sentences ® “Topic Gatined_| Vink oanpae Fee | | RRB no | emote ne wet, Derito wo | taberu tata | ni nat ies ima, ‘Lit The only thing leh to do wih the dese to ex (=The sort end toa) © Topic Gobi) | Ve ue |e | wae | woo [werner Tomoko wa | avonde | tater | inv jimasu it, Th only thing Tomoko ie doing plying. (=Tomoko i dong Sttkiog bat playing) © Tope Gabe Vint pa a la | gem e| aan [um [eres Warsti wa | neugotan o | eabeta | satan | ori desu (ic Tad oy Tuoch anc havent done anthing ee since then (=? Shane Ju eatery ch) © "Tope Gabiesd | AM rovarsy |B | eo | doo | eye ana restore | we | vasul | tote | ao dose {i The only of thi venture thatthe food inexpersive, (inate ie fst cher boton 85 © “Tepe (ubiecd | Noun Fa 18 [ecw [aay | mac vssoEr, Denins | we | tire | atari | nonde iv fines (Dean is dnking nly ber) © “Tope bien) | Quntiter I @ [a | oan | wos | oy eee ees woth wa | htoteutd | atari | Patni sa | machi, (var in Pars for about» month) (i) Vintnompat ixo9 Hr oy Ge realy eo wh) RG Htmy (be realy to ea) fnbery bot (iy Vie zoo ata BUC HED the je ein) Bee 1) Ge js eating) iy Vintpast it8-9 Mt HLo9 have jn eed) Bete 9 chav js ete) ‘abet ak (i=) [Ag 0 int-nonpast Aaj (0a) stem 22) 9 3 bata w wo Biv 19 Guat expensive) Bate 1x09 Nite yea tiny IN Pe cas9 pa (2 169 (aly vo students) poke nba ust auieo (only exces) (9 Quaotifer £959 5m 15» Ghoue am howe) fenton bak =p 0) Sova Mea EMME HC HEED 2, o o ona repato wa to hetsuton 0 kak baka do (Te ely thing left to-do with this report to write # conclaion) eae citHD cH EED E LIED, Haruo 9 aia bak ite anime hanged 1 shina (Gara i jot crying and wort talk about soehing) tauis Ange 9 semieEteD cH. Matavyama-son wa ia Shitsgo tata baka dese (Mr. Metouyana jot ave in Chieao now) SOUR AH eet 9 CHAD L589 KE Ie ona shige wa mondine bok de amar matarimasen (Ths joe jst teoaesme and done bring ue big prof.) SOMEMA SONNE REMIND Kona 18 rsd its now danshi goku! oka de (The sadent who are ving i thie darn ae all boys) Dey e RERIE EHD EL TOS, (rok Fisher isting ony with Lisa) ata | 49 yotots 87 i PAson omeereec cnet, Joni bots no tomodsoh on tesudet Kumasi, {About ten tends helped me) ba yokatta fini phe 4 phrase which exprestes the speak 1, The basic iden which Botan expesen is eat there ie nothing except tha is stated. When Vintoopan precede Soka, the mhole expres som means there is nohig ett do complete something) but what in nated by the eth. In some content Vini-nonpost babar esta that semeose dos nothing but what ix stated. Example I) Res aetmU CON GaRMIL GHUteE, Kore wa wareu bakari de nanimo cotumeishite ken (He jst laughs aed dace exphin snyehing to me) 2 When Vink: past precedes beta, the whole expresion mens that sete thas been santo tne for anything 10 happen since what is xated took place. ‘Tht i, something fas just happened or shane ha jut done something 4. When Bota falls “N go” ar “N 0”, g8 ofa deps, ‘The directional and ni may be ether deleted or reine. Other cae patie do nt ‘top when they are flowed by ar 4 Bata in clases Japanese expresed the speakers conscture and this tage i sill sen in the " Quitfer Cakr!™ puter, where baka thea “at 1 wish ~ ad done a REL. te voto ‘Subordinate Case (Condon) [Nain Chane eae | Roe Fisk] Ehokehe Sense’ ov | eke bo ota | yotaradees (wih Tad wed my ener) 88 bo yotons = 1G) Gr 1 vee: Veond 2h ote be votre we Emote CL wish 60 had tld) Gi) Gr2 vee: Vite et bore abe yotats fest thot (wih x0. had eaten) fnberebs yotane (i) Hee vets ep —epetust ovote UL wh x0 had come) ars tarda yok re-ehtui kivote CL wish 60. had done) funy euebo yours a () dokesow aon. ‘Ano han 0 yomabs yous. (ish 1 had ced thst ook) 0) Poa xeKRBANAOE HORE. Ueroco-san na Nihon @ ska yoke ne (ish Me, Welle ad gone to Japan, dont you?) (©) bb, boLRMEMML CUTE DORIS. A. morte eigo 0 bankyishite otebs yokes 3 (Oh, 1 wish I ad sted Engh harder!) ep 1. Veond bo yt an iiomatic expression which meas‘ wish ~ ha one st? Teconiste of = conions! clase with o and yoo * was nod and terlly meant would have Ben pod if ~ had done. 2. When there ino subject in 4 bi-late semence, the rst person i the impli subject 4. ‘This expesion i offen ated with exlamaory words such a6 4 oh and the setncetal patil of exclamation asin Bx. © 4. S.0, (ther than the fet person) wishes ~ hd done 1.” expensed wing thi phrase and the ver mou "think atin Ce inut, Nate 4; #04) | | bs yotane 99 Ol EenpksRieEm oR eMeTtOS, ‘in wa Aiton sab yoko 19 emote is (Cit, Bil shin that ie would hve. een ood if he had gone to Japan. (=Hlll wishes be had gone 0 Japan.) (Rene Hapreson} In “Veond 20 yotans", Veoad bo express a counterfactual action of state i the past Ina similar expresion "Vi yokota”, Vie expres + facta action or ott i the pat." Campae [I] with Bx Ul) dokeRKTEOOR, (Cit 1s god that Fen that book, 1] 9 asl dal 120s pr ‘tenence-Gea pte which in REL. tos tod ny {tera WH. sueton in infomal male | speech ‘Rey Sentences ” Shier | Adj (a) sem IN) Paras oto | oo | shleuke ‘What plice & gue) ® Sree - — Sevence Goernalt Eh mA ule ara 99 tea ne. ‘Who & singh) paler Ad na) Hem and N changes 0 78. =p (5) (8 os) stem FN] 9 ts Bi 1 Get gue hizo ome 20s 0. a eacher?) senses do iy (WAG OF Int a e+ a eee Una) Aamashia| ee [kool Aree {ital | totaal 0 a) (Gi) (Aa (ro) stem PN) lr J Eo) 12 (eesdaue) 9 as (at inj wes expensive) oi (ive Hire tel ae tees Get wae aie) [ehzotang shuts) ds a ee) leer! no 2086 deal 9d © MLOEEEDE, ‘Atarashi shigoo wa 6d (tows your new jb) ) doAuen I, Jno ito w9 doe di (ho ie tha peso?) © Mammen, "Nani ga ashi oo (hats fay) i KoA stemreai Ate, ano hito 99 Soté-ense nod (hich person is Prot. Stat) 1. Da can sho be sed with declarative sentences for emphasis in bors speech a in) ) a sristozs, ere wa boku nod (This is ive) be mates a sti ‘Boku ma ik 0d. (ig, 100) 2, When di is used with intecrpative sentences, the sentenes mut be WHlequstions. "Th, the following sentences are angremmati! I a. thOAwRtIEN, Ano hte wens da (le that pen a teacher) bMS A uEEC Ate, (le Me Marts going, 082) For yes-no questions, a is used (onan a 2 a 3 Questions with dj an KS (A), ad hase with dan KSB cor respond to questions without no desu and thse with 0 des in For sgech,revpectively (emo da) 4 Dav actully coins of the copula do and the pace. Th, it can fallow only moaype aletve sem, nine and noun equivalents. The flowing snince ae ungrammtia because do fallow a verb of 30 ype active Bh a. tenstrce. (ho is going) bo runasgLanrn. Dore ga omoshit de (Ovi one tering?) 1a ean follow ves and. ype adetives, in KS (B) and Ex (0, recuse is nominal (the cll form af) an it changes the preceding sentence io 8 noun equivalent. In informal mle sete, questions ax at expressed as in Oy wth a) a. nase? Dae 93 thu? (Who sine) be nae Laer (Ohi one i tering?) "The past form of doi ie det, bot 5 is oot Kequenty wed. The more equenly ted pt frm of i dots wit rising intonation, seen is) LnfeRn Yo Kon? ‘tare shigoto wa 46 dota? (Cow ws your ew jo?) er ea oko a9 shizutedona? (What plce mat uit) (Raat Expression) In informal specch the quetion marker Ae (le, Fa!) 6 not wslly He i fake 98 “The following chart summarize the endings fr informal questions ‘i a Foose, Foro al, informal | Female, Nae = Bot oy Sak | Sint | Oo alee Ad ‘otion ‘i stem and N op ye Tatoo Sita | Swf | Oo ar AB (na uestion fo tai 0 | no | stem and N changes : | rien ro aosu to na [Watquesion | Sins Bint | Bo ales Aj oad {Ag (ngstem N21 sem and N drop Witqwenion | Sate tus Siato | Sint a | Oo ar Adi >) writhmo gees | dav no | na | stemand N changes Sin ewe in very infra pee a a vu endings can sho be wed by mle speaker. speech, Female informal dake rtp 1 Spanice which expres mitts | ealy; jam le; merely thas ped upon someting that i row all | ng ad expanding REL. shike(0e01 ‘Key Sentences a Sabet Petre aaah | enw | RRIRRUR. Sumisu-san _osko (o2) | ts} Kimani ‘Gaiy Mr Sith ame) OF cto pul ity IV FAG) OI ink tent (ee FoF) aaa ant —e oe in [ae | AaeoL ert UE FoF] Ge is was expensive, that's all) (Cent to Japan only nee) Teta jakoka) cote (ae esv) © Gn) AG ae Jeo) E81 —— | {na date] dake (de | desu) __ Sentence i Wie | epbteore) te GE EeFY isa quiet, thats wee ba meen (oot) Gate Wd) ‘Yukiko-san to we date da | desu. Gm Ti dd Vail rally |e tmscen ameme t Sanson dt toy mas o i (Only Mr nen etre) Somme [OM oy evan (Ot ean Chisai weeiiiten dake (0) kaimashita. coee |aaw | av alah | (Chai nyt oa Egish sna) sonore wa | “oat | cane s/o : @ enn entmeersn. (Tisai aa al ou ate) date vs ade | Cou toy tne ale) comtrwaweng /noemess. Senet [oar ono hone wo out de date abt de eines (This car re ony 08 seaho (and on nehing eb) on alehol alone > ae BEF] enw a len wie Geo end ting he) Kona tat wo tooo] tel sn |dute ds fae Coe pee (Thi ese bs prety ely, at ‘ao seat na tt de wiasite tet that prfeor nly e. c= Cy : () Oit2—e— eter. CON ter weer ‘28 a KS 0 ppl noma dako des ho (9210) (an the morning T just dink « cup of eof, tha’) Hearst (031 () he teacher alone (abjoc) | iret objec) W commmRO THEE CeM, sensei dake (98) (0) Kano on wa ttai dake de omochrokurs i) Ny Prey Pe pet) (here Pet=parices other than os, 0, end (This book i jus expensive and i not interesting) lente Pre Pridote) we) Wy saanMsnnne Leeann, ee (217 Ie Jt er] Cony tothe teacher to the teacher slo) Toniau wa subi doko 66 fru ra ‘sense (gake dake (st Tike tennis, and Tm not good 9% doko (rameter oro) Sore wa gatuse! doke no pi dt, (ae as prey for stunts ons) () WsKD CoML TREN Dein coke yar hanahitehudses (Pleme speak a slowly a pomible) oe 1. When date modes u preceding nun, asin Ex. (), (Dy (0 and (@, the pri the suid with the noun ean be portioned Before ot ait ‘oho, except forthe aries go, 0 nd wo, which ean be oponally ed only afer oe 2 ‘The optional pstonngs of the pats eter than go, 0 and wa create subtle semstie diference. Distinctive emphasis pliced on the rte, yielding « meaning of excluiveness in the exe of NE Pre to, No meaning of excsivens i iled in the eae of Nate 4. dake i ued in = (O88 nt (Aaj (9) stem (00) dal 1 illasrated by KS (©), (D) and (E), dake moses the entre pre Ceding pact and means ~, that al Compare (12) and (Ib) bal lal a, reine esr, Sekans date (0) sb (Cate only Ssh) b. memntee Setane 0 tabets dake do (Cate fsb, shat’ ll In (ls) doko modes ouly the preceding noun zatara Beh’, while in (UB) dake modes the ene preceding pat of the sentence sokors (aber "T ate Bah 4. Wifes) ote in Ex. Gj) means “at much ak one can ~ bh a conan, Trbeorara dake tabs (keto eat a mich aT can ex) et a ke | date de) natu ~ (no) bmn. teats dake odors (Lets dance ar uch at we can (ance) ake de (wa) naku ~ (mo) 1219 T(i2)4¢~(&) he ‘not only X but ako Y, where X and | not only ~ but also ~ eam be ether © oun, aver, an | (REL ota! de (wa) noky ~ asietve (won ® “Topi abies) Voor sox, e [ae | mare [eo va ac ac oo bite | we | you | benkyBsuru | dake do (wo) na youu exlaoer. sso} aobimasy (Be no oly studies hard but abo plays « lt) o ‘Tope babies [sai i ma = @) ee ae Aiko oo (wa) vaky yoku benkys (tes Let, or) suns hima bok fa | me) Ow ‘Ao to |we | sume gal ih (He ot only amt he studies hard too) fsa 9 dak de (a) naku ~ (ne) © “Fevie ubiee | Aah stm cose a) enn [@ [uo wer sal ona hana) wes Koh (eta | oka) (48) (AG (oo) em) nB3 (60: wil probably al / roby aed) Winer 2 [oj aortas (te wae probably expensive) Libis Fapoete of) 1259 Gt in probably que) Iatcute(abzvkoaans) dnt ete [3a tek) 1259 Gem in (as probably a tenher sense sensei daca) cars emp () ROTA FHM EL 3. ‘oo apstoW9 Iok Soho (That sparen peabbly expersive) nz ynitAe— BEBE, Fate wa st 2 jeu a (Rogers probably god at sing) BOBO. ‘no hito wa chapotain ds (That man i probably Chinese) 1, ard is orginally the infer coneetare form ofthe copula but i is wed a an auniry of eonjectare. The formal version is sho 2 Probably sdveebs such ak tain, cseotu and ito are sometimes ed with cor or dosh. “The epee’ conjecture sounds more eetin With tabun oe oso, and even more certain with hit Examples WW TFT MIR ERENT II Anison-son wo tabum Nihon ky da (Of. Anderson will mast probaly go to Jepan) @ TPs y EAR aE REACEA I. (om lest cetin that Ms. Anderson wil go to Japan) 102 da | ~doss 5. ars deshé with the question marker Aa makes questions softer ot Tes direct. Compare 3) ad fo kU x oer, Dayco desu a (teal ah) Wy kt Ra weL Rot ajcbu deshd ke (wonder it al ight) 4.5 oe ded with sing otnation ahs forthe hemes sgreemen. BORCEDS? im om ito dard? (0 wil go 10, (om 1 it) bch, aheetes? Kove, rs des (sn this prey?) “The seotnee ial pte as aks fo the heare agrcemes, but Sard eahd with rig intonation ix voter oF les det, (3 ne) Compare (0) with (0) io) ROR (¥en il go fon, wont you?) in eax, 8 Gr 0) ~dasu ~ ik {Se thar bar own Tee raid outs Begin 10; stat 10 TREL. ~hajimeud (ANT, ~onary i des 03 key Sentence (sae ioe a we | demos surima__ 0» | woot | costa crnimacirn [eee sad mew) ts eo (60, sar elk) mt nasties fet Bien MLR, dal amo go foidsh. (Suddenly i bean train) 0 —Micteo cme TmIMLE, lee inate haimota aria. (Lit. Me stared to wall only afer he became ayer old. (=He diet tart to wall une wan a yet od) ©) 2074 TREMRRAMLRL CTO, Sono sicia wa ava ge Kangacdasita n dsu ba (Who though ot hat ie?) @ —WMCoHMH CES z5 eORMERLINLES Tenia gor! kokee 1683 eono hon-y8 0 sapashceeie (Aer spending about an hour, 1 finally Tasted tat bookstore) =D 1. Basu im Vines atv i ed oan suriay verb, When it une at ful very eeate “cue someting to become ible 2 Vinaus-dos is normaly ambiguous; one meaning is “~ out" and cer is “begin to =". Ths, aukurdcy means arn os” 0 bein to mite. (60, starts te) a mmegsasneaaneeHE 104 ~aesu 3. Viasy desu conjugates asa Gr. 1 Verb, 520 Gof eg, nonpast) Us Gk, nompet ehimaes + Gol poops wom |v hranashido- | rie (condions) feesue Ys tobece 25 (olin) Le eform) ete Le Gh pat) hie 4. Vasu oware fish ~ing” is an atonym of Vina dos | Aamo (cated Expression) v=dacy inthe see of “begin to ~' is dierent from ~hajimers in hat the fre instr nop-valitonal and abrupt begining while the ater is more broadly uid. "Thos ly 2nesmaibe Ls (ROMLELL I. ey 5 Scrosoro arukihaimemashs | "arukidazhimashé 13 (ats geting Tate” Shall me pinto wall?) shine mo | Babes MBDA. Wotasiteci 99 arukthalimeta | arukidashie tobi Yorad- tot oo (When we started to wally Yamada and his company came.) U5 LeviinGtetso tet, MIRE MLE (BS UIE. Date a wakaranotat 2, oto wa hyOni okoridashita| ok ines (dont krow why, but the man sudden stared to get angry.) i 105 do ope {particle which indicates location, | at; in on | except fot latin of existence REL. 9 08 ‘Key Sentence Topic [Tove abies) | Noum docstin) | _Prediate(eowerbieta Ga | eoRw | = [ome E RAEI MELR, Wistitecni wa] kisaton | oe | K&N 0 onde | nomimashic, (We dank ofee a efor shop) © ener pemecuET, Yuriko wa donsto de hatte imasy (Yuriko is working a «department stce) O) roatoyrentsname, sues dw jUnigeay 8 nated (in Austra i is sumne in Deserber) Bes Lowercn REL R, ‘Shimazat-san wa Niton de wa genkidesht, (or Shimazaki was Rely in Jpan) @ Avynaecmtremot, Haren wa ajmate buts deus. (len sang on the stage or the fest vie) ‘et cannot be wed to indicate action of existence, (af) However, if the existential verb ea" Gaia things exit” occurs with ah every is wed, 8 in cl Wy a AmzaowE [Metres OE. Konbon Jima no is de| "al pt go avin, (Pher'sn party t Jim's tonight) 205 COMBE ITE 94 ORM Kin kono hoya de | *nt Puteis-sensei no béen 98 9 (We had Prof. Price's lecture in this rot yeterdey.) p 106 et dete 1 ih does ww of) bys fr rms ns om: wines | for doing st 5 ih a © REL. 0 eukaed ‘Rey Sentence "Tope (abies) Noun (meu wee, [a | wa | na |= | aE ~ HC neee.| Miyamoto san | wa | msinich | Basu |e |tasho © ku) ikimaso ie, Miyamoro gow to Bis company by bus every) ( BkARHUCEMERAS. inna wa hagh de goban 0 taba. ‘Gnpanee people eat cewith chopsticks.) oy aRASR RL. Wiotatitecni wa rinongo de heoashi (Oe talked in Jepanese) © tiseommer veces LR. Wath wo zona eiga 0 torts de mimasis (saw the move on TV) Wes auxmenD et. Tat wa dau de torino. (Ove inake to from soybeans) (© FI-RconteteneRon. Fri wa ane 1900 fire deka (Lary bought this hae fo en dallas) ) R994 RRO VR be—ERORED E Bets we sano repo 0 hich de Hara 5080. (CU heard that etsy wrote the repat in one dy) => 1 In genera, oe indicates something whichis ued when someone of seth des someting. Typical, indcts men apd instruments fe in KS and Ess.) ~ (0. a} 107 2 Since de ao indicts reason and case, the phrase nde, which ceo {ine of nan “what” and do, ambiguous: One mening “by meets ff what (=how)” and the other i "for what ream (why) Ths ‘ane interpreted into wis Wy Ais narekRe~t era, Hondo-can wa nan de Osako @ shu desu (tow / Why is. Honda ging 40 Osh?) (eat Expression) Det can be wid intend of the phrne ~ 0 tutto “by wing srhen the preceding noun rs to w men being. Example Uy mikes» o—eteoe / ORE LE, Wotasieci wa tush @ teukatte de Kimo, (We came by tai) By) UnFRERoT I TeRREMELE, Woah wa kodomo o tsukatte| "de bagu © ugotahi, (Git moved the Tarsiture using my elven) seem (Tpeide Gopeeny Seed foe] ands teem fy de ‘se tom oan) tat nds | bce a oe Ta Yo noded ‘Key Sentence ean (ese) mneea| mm [=| #R © Wan/masu Yomapuctsan wo] _bybtt ae | gots 0 vosunde|ysuminasi| (Lit. Mr. Yomaguchi was il apd ahsepeed himself from school. (=Be- Sis MG, ae oe ash Sas ene teak () BLAM MMCKECT Ashita wa kimatuahiken de tainen desu (mv having am antl Gime Because of teerom's Bal ex) 108 oe (y atomcDAR, Game de hash go Rowe (it Became af envy ra the bridge broke dow, (Heavy ein pe © po 51m Hwee eae. Kind a yar. sigoto 06 toto tukreta Lit, Because of my wock Tp very ted last nigh hard let ight that Teo sry Sted) i seusenwaroamL2 Lt, ‘Chien a Aataiko op myiabimacis (My ater was owptied dae to tee acide) 1. Some ofthe ues of (uch as KS an Es (a) ate very clas 0 the teform of deze. For example KS canbe paraphrased into two sentences (0) and by I) a unseemeoen, Yamepucti-con wa bydki dest, (Oe, Yarague was ill) buns Aneeetias Ut. Yamaguchsan wa gas © yasumimasis. (ie, Yarmguc was bent from schol) ‘And KS canbe considered tobe the rete of combining the tno seo- ences wing the fovfrm of eeu whch bsielly means “be ~ and 2 A noun that precedes de exposes something tht ie beyond humo ‘onl (ch alles, Blood acide, ri, and fe) It asp tobe ted that do covorars wih any nous, ia predate expresses some- thine hat is beyond human contol I he co-accrring predicate xpress vmething tat i cotralale, the pustile de is no Toner (i i do! of seas, (6 de) Compare (2s) and (2b) below: worked 30 a Wervas—icts. Tamago de aera (Lit Ege cae me allergy, (=m allergic to eps) bo weraezeta, Tamag0 de omuraay 0 tsar (Cima s9 omelete with eae) fo 100 (2s) and 2) contin » noncontollable prediate aroun) nary “bee come alerrc” and a controllable predate cmuretsy 0 tuhury "make sn omelet, respectively. ‘herlore, doin (2s) and (2b) are dead cated Exprenion} "The pace dis avery Tose mtr of ened tot rg: in conte J! and nade ae cleat subordinate conjunctions of case / ex, (cara! node) deco {7a particle which indiates the time | at; on; in | when st tein othe amount | EREL. rt) | fie api of setivity has taken “Topic Gubjes) [Noun (ine) wen | aa +e |< | mbs/mpoar. vonage we | gogatew t3ka | oe | owors) ovariase (Tie spring term ends on May 10) a= @) conve padweHD oer (This cope will be overs ten lek Wy Mocak-haxneans, Watashi no pasupoto wa rakgats de rey (Oy psspre expires in June) © rayne CHD gH CEH, ‘Armes ite Yar hyo 60 sannan ni rau (des been tece years since T eame to America) | 0 aet ea | 1 In general, X ol indicates that something lsts for « period of time up eX, PRB ee en ee seen tsi in te of means rather than the ge af termination tine (ae) (a) iss Aee—aBe tO R— F EAI, Yomado-can v9 isahok3n de 2070 pdt 0 bat (Or, Yards wrote the eepot in week it xing wee.) (clad Expression} 1 cane wed in ple of dt in KS and Eas (and (D8 in 11 () weMe tHe | ebs, eagatt wa gages toto de mb owar (Tae spring term ends 00 May 10.) When dois ase the nuance i thatthe spring term lst upto May 10 When mi wed however the sentence simply ints the tne when the sein term ds “THnsranene) Pa venes wintery ion wa kuruma de Shika « it, eli went to Chisgo by ear) “Mean wae saBeUEL. Watashizh wa ego de hana, (Wie ted in Engh) Cae SORUAMEE DIE, Sono ie wa tft de Fowore (That hoe callpued due to the spoon) “Reman de mnMRe TD teh or, Boks a shken de ikenotar Ucoaat go tet) because af the exam) et demo 11 Wot a bit de Hause 0 ands “Mel a anGRe oF ERA, (hse sc wth FRO GBRCRRTS, Michiko wa izumo toshokan de benkyésuu (Michio arly stad atthe brary.) Rega te a AHS GRENR SOUR ERO, Kimura-son wo mikta de kono repo 0 tis (Me, Kimurs wrote this reor in tre dye.) Times ae dewszinettny sy. ‘Sigoto wa gai de owarimass (Oy work ends at five ole) “Reqaeed eo at ARCORET REWER oR, Wataah wo keno on 0 odors de kat (bough this book fer ten dolls) demo cep ‘he re-form of desu plus mo“even* | even 112 como ‘Rey Sentences w Sabie Predicwe aa | ot | exo saomnay. Sensei | como | mochigou| machigaimas (Beso teacher makes mites) o "Tope (ebiew) Drea Objet Vere @ [al mu a® | ct | server worshi oa | musukashii shigato como | sus shimasy will even do a dict ob) © ce | we [ee | Wem HwasleRar Koko | kara | demo | Fujian gx mveru) memes (ven From ere you can ace Ms Full) =p ON we Fak 8 ubec-+ ee (even a teacher Fed & (objec Fat even teacher) (iy NaF ee, Fea © ou even with a teaches) BOE 9 TG (even fom Toby) Tks ke domo tomo 113 ) HRCLEAuSLBAHD ETE, Kodomo demo sons koto wa wakorimaey yo, (Even » cid cin understand that sort of thing) OW SALLEDAT TH AMT LEE EAM (Oa) shia! dos 92. ehiysbi demo tamainasen ko (dike tose you, But isi alge to se you even on Sunday?) © ROAR OMT KR ET. ‘Ano hito wa eka demo rt demo tbemaey (it, He eas anything, whether it be oh or mes. Ssh and mene) 1. WHeword domo yield the flowing meaning depending on which WH sword sed Pet doe deme (ao mater who ite; anyone) Wek nao emo (no mater what i ins anti) L5eb fey deme (ao matter when: ay tne) Seb doko domo (no mater where i isa ple) ENCE dro domo (no rmster which iis) Oo) domamneneeAnet. ‘Moyooe can enter tht Hb) @ woebmeneeen, Itsu demo kamaimasen yo. (hoy tie wl be fe) 2. The pict deme shold ot be confined withthe partie combination det mo, a in (I) blow where dein + parce of Ioeton (=) ead in (2) where de isa partici of means (=, ) RCE ATLAS OMSK OCHS, Ninoo de mo inure go oka mondo mi ntti (in epun, 00 inflation ea hig peoblem) @ ecHsaveRoste, Soko ws bazy de mo skemaey ks, (Can you ako ge shere by bus?) (eae; det) 1 a6 6 E3 ae {am imerrogutive adverb which wks | how; im what way | shout the atte of 0. /2t of the | vay of dong { ‘Mey Sentence ene bet) Bee |e Oskisan | wo > (er mh 6 (de 12, (Blows your wher cmp () RL ARES or Puarah spb 9 8 es 13 (lows your new aputent?) W) sne-mep ere. ti wa 85 cou bs. (tow isthe ele? Would you ie cafes? / How about cofet) © mmine>? ops wo ao? (low about Saturday?) i) 1. The pite version of ob is sage, In very informal speech desu Ao te ied fer 6 Hoo 2, D6 and ikag ate sho aed 10 Ofer or suguest something 8 in Es (6) and (In thie ie, oF ikage ae ashing about the sate of the hearers mind reguding the Ofer ot suggestion rather than about the ne of what i being fered or suggested 4. 5 is aso wed to ak the way of doing something. In this eat, apo is sully no ed.” Eaampe W) commuZ RAED, one kate v8 35 yoriasy ks (ow do you read this word) 6 us A. The idiomatic expression 5 shit “i ding what” is wed to mk manners, senaos or cases Examples @ E> Lem eMeMML CHSC 0 shit mnonge 0 bankysaite in dos (ow (=n what way) are you staying Japanese Why ate you studying Japanese?) b) cOmRED UCBRRA eh Kono i wa a shite karat des ho (Why aid this tee ai) ‘As sen in @), unless the comer is clear shite is sometimes ame igus. (The intrtopave adverb raze’ *why" is unambiguos bet es cologuil than hte) 6 6 “nm | RE]: tte fee | Bm wan ten ot mon proces } oo Noon doction) ue em | ew | ~ [at Ee monsHeaLR, Watani wo sensha| KyBto_@ | ryokd of i shimashia, TL weat oa wip fo Kyoto lst week) ap (0) RED 5 SARE oP, ath wo Sopparo no cht @ hkob de kat (ear back home t0 Sapporo by lane) 0) WR oRO TENE ~AT, isin dts node laid sao & do. (Ot wn an earthquake, 20 T went ouside quel.) © RAFMREMLIC, SeaeMaiREN Chichi toga 0 dase go. mada Hany 8 kona. (sent leer cosy later, bat hit reply es noe come yet) 1. ‘The particles 6, made, andi focus on direction, course (9p 0 ~), tnd pint of const, respectively. ‘Thus B) etre xoee 12: |e arbaru Tokyd made ?ni} 2 kt (eam ll the way f9 Tokyo) Motte / 6 J REFS, Teakyo | “made jot oF eat, (Cried i Tokyo 12:00 lok) A aM PAI RE | EOHEE LDH D EEL payohu @/ made onl 0 bin 9 ms arimason (There it any fight to Jax fr ae New York any mere) by L BI cote (A /romnBeoteLs 5. oto made *e) nino mich wa wand dosh. (our way ere mint have Been rout) seta, native oper une and i (of point of contact) almost imerchangeaby exept inthe case of (5 ey cata be followed by Bven the i of dcct contact messing “ito: onto” can he replaced by 15) MBE Aor, Otro ni hats (Lit I enered ita 9 Woke IAB, Teutve no we nil@ nt (Cot onto the table) 7) mw nie ROR, Kokubao mi'@ ani 0 ket (0 wroe ani on the backboard) bth. (=F tok a bath) U8 ge! gat ap 1 particle which indicates the subject ‘Rey Sentence Sabie REL. wat (9 Boe wena ose ne ima Gc Rn Fling (=I rang) emp () Mommcnar orth DET. (There i seein my 00m) Od oo FebocHS, A. Noriko ashi (Od, Nock is runing) @ Ar cour razimesninctin Kano reauteran wa nant 92 aihidesy a, (What i god inthis restaurant) Be apa nBH LETT, Sut 92 ohidess, (Seek god) a 1. Go marks the sujet of sentence when the infomation expened by the subject first ntoduced in « dacouree. When the abject ie presented the topic iat, the information has already bee into™ thced oto the dace), homever, the topic oarker 3 replaces go. (cow! d)) Consider the following dacoure, typical opening in folly, which estes the dren wes of and a. i) He-AMBUUS HHA CELE, BENEAEET ORES Ut Mukachimataab he no o-san ga sunde imashita. O,-sin wa totem bintédesita (Once por atime there lived an old man ves very poor) He li, theo man) ot 1 In the fit semeee, oso “ald ena wpa forthe etme nthe ncurses ox-soni the sbjet but nt she tpi in ehissentenee. There- fore it muried by ge ‘The second sentence tells something shout the od mn nodied i the fst sentence. 0-22 pow the top therefore itis marked hy we ether then go. Note he paris hte between and win Japanese and a and the in English 2 Ga is alo replaced by of the sujet ie in contrast with another tlemeat. For example in Ex. () B could fa) xe-aenOLEeH, Suith wa oahidess (Sik ie god (other fond me (dott know about other food but test Stk is good.) Here, sti ‘ses ie nowy intaduced inthe dncourse ad isnt the opie yori in mated by wa. This i Bese sot, im this ae, being cotated wth othe fod 4, Since WHeworde ke ani ‘wha, die ‘who and doko “what place” cam never be topic, they ate sever marked by 3, a8 in la) pena tases ro. Konéon de ga) *wa kimi ko (Whos coming ton?) 4. The subieet in subocdinue clases marked by 92 uns iti «co trated clement ap see i (4. WEE 1279 YAMHTE= EM teBoTe. Weiaty wa Debi ga “wa Furaney ok kot 0 shirnakat (it kw that Deb was oing to France) bo Papin ere peta, sin wa boku ga YW apsto 0 deta ti mad m5, {Gene was ail ned hen Tle my apartment) 6 Bi (B20 5 BERBLEEC DORM oT, Watashi pa sera kind ta sign wa Dover we dst (The more Isa yesterday wis 4 German lm) [Noe that tps ate not presented in subordinate clases 5 In relive clases, the subject may be marked by no, 8 io (© Relative Clase, Note 3) 129 go ae? 16) Moss wrvews Kx yon ot. Woah me hin mito ego we Doles no eigs dat (The movie Tsaw yesterday wis Geeta flu) 6 In some expressions, elements which are conidted tobe direct objets ‘ave presented subjects and are muted by 30. ~ we = oe) ta at—99—HiRLH, Boku wa supctsuts ga hosbi (want a sports ear. (Lit. To me, ports ca is dvinible) ber ace vans, Horako wa sipings ga waka, (aroho understands Spas. (it, To Haruko, Spanish i ‘ndestndbe)) 17. To sum up the important rules concerning ge (Go marks the subject when iti newy intaduced in» dicourse, (1 We replaces ga when the subject i topic or contaed element. (9 Witswords ate alvaye marked by ga when they ae the sbjct of ‘The sujet in subordinate clases ie masked by oo unl tie 2 contrat element (2) When predicates ae transitive actives a tative trative verbs, the elements which crerpond tothe det ett in Engh ae mated BY 98 (Weald Expreston) ‘The topic marker wa is often mistaken for 4 wbjet athe. I appears fo be a subjer: marker because it often replaces ga. (See Nets I and 2, and Charatersts of Jpatee Grama, 2. Topic) (wa! a) Bat a cn 4 disjunctive coordinate conjunction ‘that combines two sentences ut IREL. ape; dates evdames sith m0; | m1 ‘Key Sentence = Fa I= Whim | REEL EUES ‘Masti we onsata | kimasendeshi a) 7 REIKEUR |e Jon wo tte} kimashi oki came bur a =p SHS. MG OTE 3 ME AD ete te Ts wo oyedo os Ins 9 ovogunaats, emp fo) tenuate siaiam 5, Wash wa ir ws nom go sake we roman (dik beer but don't ik wae) W BE LRNsEAReD, yok 0 shit go orks 9 m0 (Cant to easel but I don't ave money.) 1. Ge the bat in English, combine twoseatenes which expres contrive ‘eas. However, 93 is much weaker than ulin that it somites ed simply to combioe two sentences for ssc reasons even if thse to sentences do ot eepesentconretive Mews, For exami the 90 in) is sed simply at easton word to connect two sentences Wa ore B LEHRER EM, Pai 0 shinasu ga hinasen ta (Well haves party Would you ke 10 come?) b MRS KAKO Sic eNeRE KEL LOATH, Tanak-ton wa wath no uci mmo thiol kimaey ga ‘most hito des ne. (Me. Tana somes comes t9 my ple, to He is an intersting perso, it ed) 2 Got makes a sentence uit with the preceding sentence, not with the following sentence. ‘Thu, itis wrong to place com before 7 oF t0 stare a sentence with gin 2) and (Taro sae bat Jeo idee swim) ee ee ee ‘Jon wa hia. ga Messi wa konskene in came, bet Mary dda’ cone) i “Jon se fte, Go Met wo tonsa, in came.” But Mary did't come.) 4S, and Sin Sg Se” mut Be inthe sme form whether formal | informal, becase they ate bath independent elses. (1) and (3) are stylistically enkward (ee keredomo} oy Pekka tea setE te, ‘far wn ayopimeshita 92 Jind ws ayogenakat (Taro sar bet Jeo dite wim) Us) asakuc aioe RAT LI are we oveida 99 Ito 9 evegimasendeshita, (Tato swat but Jia dds i) 4. Sein "8; 09S," lien omited when its understandable fom the estado the situation, o when the spedker dost want ro com tinve for xe reason fg, the sentence too det, imple, em range). Examples: ACES ER EBOETS, Dajobuds 19 emaimasy 9 (ahi all ight bots) oh hana Chas ae Temu we yoks Bentyssu n dosu 99 (Toes seain bard but.) 12 2 LR, B47 Im tte oR, 5. When Sg Se expresesconemtive ideas, the contastve wa typi= cally appear in Sy abd Sy asim KS and Bx oh Go wat() (eat Expressions) ‘age, dekedo, domo, shieah nod koredomo express the sme dex 8 98 Homever, the Bat four canoer make compound sentences hike go does; they mint ootur atthe begining of setenee, a8 in (I) (See Note 2.) i) a S908. 1. "5, age dakodo | dome sikoshi Sy 8, Dage/ Datedo Domo Shite Sx Keredomo Airs from go in thet Keredemo ie subordiate conjunction oF | ~oon 1 meting ‘although’ ‘That i, in “Sy keedomo $y", Sy teradoma i a bodiate caine abd Sei «main clue. In "5, go 8", om the other and, beth 5, apd Sy re independent eases. , wees 5 GD) {am wn we aad ee | show sins of = | amc lea sees / ea Coecesc | ‘ey Sentences a [FPopie (eubject) Direct Object | Adj (7) stem| =a [a |aacve-[e | _wtpoe favo | wo | swans | | naahhons CE Kio shed iw of wings pane ex, (Kat atl a 5 talon Tee tt] Dies Oe | Imac [alraaroma[e | ae [rotons sce [we] attra | © | _seepe | pot gets [ (hie Ueda showed sg of wanting to ext ice eam, (=Mr Ueda Sane oat ce erat =p Ad) G/ m0) stm 9c DALLi:S Ga shows sine of being sad) estar A544 40. shows sign of Being bothered) mendes 14 ~ga0 xp ) x Peek (Sunan fel lovely by betel) Oy isms cH, Kodomo go nemuiagat i (Oy hil want to goto aeep) ep 1, There i 9 group of ajesivs whic, in he preset tense, wally r= _uies the Set pero or + person with whom the speaker ex empathize) Svsbject If the subject ow eemence in which thee adjectives occur | not the fst person (o one wth whom the speaker ean empathize then guy is atthe tthe active. Ober the accompanying change particles from ga imtoo Raksc DD. (Ui. To me dogs ate sary. (=1 am seared of dog) b. AHEKERECDHOCHS. Fokoda-san 9 i 0 Kowagate i (ate Paka fn dog) a) a mAs a eRaRL, Boku wa sapotukd ge Hoshi (ant aor cat) b, —yaast-o9-eRLso tHe, Kazuo wo sopotsuké © heshigstt (Kano wants a sportscar) 1 an wdjective appears in an embeded cline (xcept naminaliced clause) the gory atachment is wooecensaty eve if he tenes nonpas find the subject 4 peo wth whom the speaker cant empathize. Ga. mMsKnRHSbOER OR. FPukada-can v9 ag kava tt (Me Fags that hei seated of dows) bmi ase 9 Kazuo wo suptsokd 92 hoshil soc (Ubeaed shat Kazuo wants sors ea.) (co hoshit, Now 3) oon ms 2, Gav conjures ab Ge. 1 yeh, Thus tes inne, onpest) > 8+ Ga, pomp) Goh, noma) eva |inex Condon hostiga-|reto 2 Goltions oe (efor ot Ch pas) 1 The flowing pepchologeland physiological wed with gar Peycholgy 7 Prosi (aah OD aa 0) en Cowon] aif as host rostigera |i iiegare Sale Guppy anes | seLv (pin) Les rest vreshigary|barosi unshigera aL dane ik 3 foes Gehan Ks abhi ‘bichigary [esp Yovugere mei Gomme meee |e ol pe Gaycpke — |te omy dows: ‘owagera {atl ier BLE eoviowymmes | ren anguid-teoas ayamechi—wayamashigara| dro! trugare SGU BUS (amusing ar L3H | CFE ot lh) FC ORAS most ‘onoshrogary kusugut kusuputogara t P r ered | Ree ation are [we 20 0 Sevanate meester goon ie moore [ on gt 4, A limited number of ~garw forms have derived noun forms. ‘The form =D 2'et gor moog penn oh sow sg of bg = @ Areocadmenentn. em ‘isu goro Pekin ni ikimasu ka, on i (lie hens yo gig Yo Bile) Sosnae ) Bo xgonnesnaat. {pono wh any fo en i ium ort oo ass cha Crm rng het ond Jeo es 0) Pe nye ae ey bw A gmamicnscuens tee, " t fous wr ge mate eit xe (Unit sot wie ee ous hs mang Sins {(@ person who is sensitive to cold) aac eee ee r i grenade nina. a) ; (sian rt 10 ek atsugari (ya) : ° . . pena cha sein t a) @ akogconxMeLen. (Abo sty stoned hey, a sors wt 1: awed wih pie it fie Th the lowing eee ee oc Tein (Oe Sap PST] shay an as Saber ) sResrevencnsie. =e “Nee gor eo ts an pene (na enhng 1 tha hy Toe waa [Nom amy — 2. Depending on te spe? pepe, i expen arta E ; fc int epic be pedo pia nine Tay io Be wese [a fe] em [ee [oe emarmer, | Go the math of ue apt Inte te spe cpa Staion | na [os|_emniy | oo | stl © do demas Tah ce ioe foe weet tense coms ce ce th i steed te te sere inthe long nop 8 gore goto 01 2) PeRONZAUDSLiceOeT. PRanen no not goro Ymana-sen Pi sina (CL will ace Me. Yamanaka around next sume) 1B) WARONZ SUS LEANER T. (Coil se Me. Yara inthe suremer in a couple of year.) WP HONS aus Acawe L kyonen no nats goro Yamana:se 1 iach, (el met Mr Yamanaka around the sure of lst year.) BEL LONE SUS KEAVELE, (1 met Mr Yamanaka sometime daring the summer of the ye efor ist) (elated Expression} {Goo is ferent from hur! gua’ ‘about in that the Iter is wed wih specie quantity expression. ‘Thu, UW) mosRcSrMELR. Bot we san) gore ni nemesis wear to sleep at shout 3 elec) 2) RUSHELC BLS LR, Boky wa sanitan gual nemsshi, (slept stout thee boas) goto ni eI pt ‘Stakes place regulary insuecesion leer a earain temporal ot spatial er REL, mais of 0d orem 19 ‘Key Sentences @ Topic Gubiecd | Number Coun] me wash | wo HERE IMAL. usu 0 ronda j remiss oak medicine every vee hours) ® “Topic abjec_[ Nown ga tule [ose | me eacalacen, srssorey we | ie | gorom | kadomatsy 0 tte | temest rey bene om New Yon?s Dar) , , ooo amp ere ‘as usm ttn Cine cv sey ny © emzseansine, 2 got co os te ene ae han) t © wweunasrctenmeens. + GR x sno) @ sn neLcoat, Mieka goto a toisu 0 sito mo, (Um paying tenia every third dy) (Ok nines that something is repeated at certain intros, Ahough ts ‘wage is comparsle ro goon note the dine ference in euings ne spe (0s) sod (1D) Ua comne=RAeEES, Kono dense 9 fa ot okt ni tomas (Thi tein stops af every thie tation) b commin=mcetibes. Kono densa wa fis obi goto ni toma (This tein spe ot every ober station) When 2 time expreion preedes of 0 goto nh tere ino dierence in easing fan event takes place at one point in ime ain (a) But ‘ete is diference in meaning, if am event takes place within a certain period of ime atin (25) Bh a. mMNERBATE / CeEH ensha we gofun oki i goto ni do. (The train leaves every Bre mises) b. uEmaaate | ceieeFE doc att tuts oki nl) gote a Hao cose i: (Um ecing Hanako every tied day / every other day.) chajimery i268 am m Ge 2) [Becta feet dow erin} en to | ten ce EL anu; tur's te ANE, Dow srk Sentence Tras Fora vere) we petnaeoneh. ‘ite te_vpcio_¢ | hatt_| homo jini Fi bin owe wy oR omaond BLaeHs (eo. exit tale) aneshinaionere bes ES (oa Degine wo ea) am (6) Rane cmecnm bane Le, Waran’ wa hachigetsy bara Genimanogete 0 yomihaimemashis. (began to ted The Tale of Geni in August) IDkOmEHLE IMA RoiCt 9 ye» 20 ome OEEDE, ion ne kt wa en-Ayohyokstokjyeo)nen no Toya Ora no too kara auyoky nanaines (The Japanese economy began to strengten aout te time af the 1964 "Taiyo Olympien) © ArvonswremoeMReer, su kara kta 0 teumehapimets des bo, (When dd you start to calect stamps?) Fhowmo mon Los LR. Kodomo no tli kor teu Pajmemsshit, (Carre to collec them when lit nce) I was eid) 1 ~hajimow ep 1. Vnusushajmery conten exaely Tike the Gr. 2 Verb amo ess Gof, ne, ope) 4 (la apa) 4a, nonpast) mune. |w anasningime- | rit (conan) ewes to tabengime | 5 (olin) we <— esform) ipa) 2, For the sentence (1) below there ae twe honor versions, depending tn which part of Venus hajmors i changed ito an honor form if he Vnasd i changed int an bane fer, wl become (2s) ane if the enite Vines Ajman is ehanged int ar hone form it wil Be- come (2b) Pe Sense) won 0 kakinolimeta (The eacher Bopn to write book) by a RA CKe am EDEL. Sensei wa go-hon 0 a:kaki ni nariajimete, ee eee Sonsei wa go-ion 0 o-kakiolime ni nates (eo ~ ni nary) 4. ~halimers i normally attached 0 8 nn-puncaa verb (jh as yom end" foku‘wete” and mis “ace Ifthe subject is plural, however, the ve can be a punctual veeb (uch as tsk “ave, Kay “come” tnd shine “die? > Appendix 2D) Thus, ~hajmers haa 3 fo) Lats come Ea LA, Uede-tan wo ehinbun 0 yomihaimemashie (Me. ed began to reds newpaper) M) An /meracmcm seme Ut, ‘nadie | onako 92 kad 0 uehsimemashie (People Henao began to acive tthe meting foam) haz iets 74 Gependent noun which expresses the speaker's expcttion shat ill | tae place of tak place oe thats. / | expect hat ~5 es expected that = ~ expected toy Tam fainly cera that ~; should; ‘ght to; I tural that = momen! Ng wonder = ‘pkey Sentence Sevtenee Gala oak OF EAR | UP ET ordku-ton wa pari tay | tzu dj desu expect that Mes Gok wll go tothe party) ‘1Da afer Aaj (ra) and N changes 10 na and no, respectively =p G) WTAS OF nt dazu 00 (EF /aSLte] 2 #2 Ut iseapeted that 4. wil tk ted) Uanaay | Aanasis hazy de (as amo) HE [eka tka) aay oo (i) Adj (79 stem Ue te of) HE (v9) enta) au oo toe fmol me (ahzukans | shouted) zu do (iis expeted that iJ was expensive) (Ot expected hat at ie mae sqiet) 134 hose Gi N for Hom ae of cas) zu do Des Ree et) oF tio expected that is fw Icons 0] sense dares] arudo tether) Cr) ) kPkEEty Poem cMsnt es, (no-sense wo Sondetao sito it hazu dso {expect that Pat. Ono bows Sandra) i Wy dokeme ner. (Tapes ht bok me xpi) @ tormarnsnunirer. Soro ono wo hina ay da (Cee ht ape len) Ww pony vanmpnen omer. {tm tity ae that MC othr Bre) ep 1. 8 hazu” expenses the speaker's expectation, ot the sense of hoping ‘looking forward to something, but ithe seas tit the peopesition| Chpressed by 8 should be tre or come tue. Ths, when the spener thes acu, Heino mesly gues, bu tating proposition based on reliable information ee hnowledge. (dard; rashil;s6de"; vod) 2 Maza is a dependent oun and cannot be used slone. Iti slays fwolied by a sentence ors detionatative such at sono ‘tht’ and Toe “ike thi." Demonstrative fara” i used when proposition 1s known tothe fearer from the contest, a in Art ORE Misa mo kim (Us Marth coming, 902) Brite, eousor do, sono hapa docs (fe, T expect s0) 4. Negative expctitions can he exprened in two ways (4) (aegative) zu 0 t hazy j hese 18 (99-9 Shier (eRe, Karaka wo pt kanal hau do. (ic expect tht Me. Clark i not going tothe pars (I don expect that Me Cake ging tothe party.) 1 8 harw wa g9 ni (B97 hier eta BN, urakuson wo po nhs haeu wa 9) (Lit T have no expectation that Me Clark ie going co the pty (eis improbable that Me. Clack will go tthe paty.)) "The msertion in (3) is stronger than tht in 4. °S hazy” ean sso be used when the speaker has donee the seman for an evento state, In this ease, fazy meas Ie natural tat =" ee No wonder ~." and ean be puraphtsed ss 8 wake da” (> wake da) Example WW) BOT, chine, Taka hazu do. Koro hn (No wonder this i expensive, Ie gold) 5. When "Shara" mies a nou, tht i, when S hac a relative se, 0 flows, a8 8 (3 (@ Reaive Clase) Oe ee es Yamaguch-san ni desi eeu no toa go yuk 0 ohio it. (toad she keter thought | bad seat to Me. Yamaguhi on the ove) odo tee pr 1 particle which indicates an extent | to the extent of; to the extent fora dete to which x0. 28. does that ~; (00) ~ as ~; about [Lorin some sate | EREL. tote tora) t odo 157 0) Sanz r—ieys ceases pani, nis Dede yoru benkySsurs gous! 9 in (There i no sent who states ae hard a oof) “Topic (ubieed | Now Proiete Gratve) © RunMecsennZeT/ KOM SERBHEMoe, a Lalas fae | mimjanveen, ea Wabi ow ada sw oon See ee (Uden chat Me. Nishi could play the piano that well it. to that extend) ) WEA SAOWAMARMAE CABAN EMSA teh REL LEOT. (it Fon war sro to Kens extents (=P not as strong as Ken) ® Fuis-son no mivongo wa Oa sens’ mo oskokyin de to Kzuarahata “Toni (bien) | Semence(nformabh Prsiee hd sorucesu Sc aaigeta [Sep iectees|eclac casa uner! Ore ec Kano shioto ws Kodera demo dekira| nado yasashi assis o> Ta, This jo ey vo the exer hat ev eld an do (=Thie SSIS thittven eaten do) 1. When hago is preceded by « nous the predicate mst be meptve, at in KS(A), Ess (aan (The following sentences ae wngrammat (a) someon Da aier Aaja) and N changes to and do, respectively: az suis wa Ta ode tuk. (GN ae (Lam a stony 8 Tero) odo 179 bite eg Lanastooun 6 8405. *Furtobar odo omoshi!supsteu wa thusan aru a ee (Phere are many sports which are a netsting a fst) canis oe 1 sentence of + demonstrative modes odo, however, the predicate (8 Denenteive ofthe main clase can be ier afiemtive or negtve, a in KSB, 0 Ee @ and Oy 2h WE Gotha exten 6 toftHneneees Losers, sore odo Sono shigoo wa sare hode yasositn des ta i) Si ake (Gs that job tha ey (i, esy to that exten?) 6 pls iE Go the exter that hous would fll down) Je gp re hod (o) emia eEC BN AEA, ‘Boku wet inl odo hayaky arsemasen (ea wall a fast a8 you ean) 2 When odo is wed with a quate, i meats “abou MW) eneeameRAe Le, Si 0 sanbon hedo neminashi (dean about thre Bots of ees.) (eae Expressions) ‘oar and ka ao mean "about" when they ae ined with » umber ad counter, ‘The diferece mong the thtee thst dot and ogo ext be Brame: 138 odo 8 0 ed with an exact number oF amount of something, wheres kara canet, seen in I) Zo nAceoutmy | Re CBC ES ES Sone tngo 0 fatty bakert| Rode | *kural Kuss (Pieme sive me two of thse apples) Inthe station in (1 the speaker dows at wane bout wo apples but ‘erat wo apples, snd, inthis ese, ra cannot be used. Te a very emman pratce in Japanie to sv king or exact numbers or snouts, tnd the practice comes fom the ies that being straightforward or dct impolite. This can be observed im many verbal and nonverbal expesons in Japanese and so in the munners of the Japanese peopl he ga li Smt. pr 1s strongly suggested that 0. do hand better do at. a EREL. tara 46 desu kad ‘Key Sentence Vinkpast [wae © ee] man [aD Rowloneh, inongo no non o | vonda | ho go desu (Wes beter read Japanese boats) c=p Lt 23 a ts ha Batre) Danesh ho 99 i $125 HV (had beter at) mbe@ 0 99 1 + —= ego 139 aD ) ERGs id sone, Yass! mo tate 8 991 yo. (era better ext veeabe,t00) ) DMoRED ANNE, Ma kaon na 99 ices ba (Had T baer go home vow?) © MFEboPRMEMMLRED ROOD, Kazuko wa met e90 0 benkyehita Pe 90 ve ‘azuko had beter study Eoglh harder) 1. Vinkpat ha a iiomatic expression ofthe comparative stractre sa express tong suggestion (em ns ge ~ yor) 2 ‘he second person subject in delve setenes and the ist pean subject in inrregatve sentences are wally omitted, (KS and Eas (@) and (When the subject i the tied pean, iis ot onited tunes it ean be clearly understood from the cone. Tn this em, the tesker i eling the hearer what the speaker sugges foe the third peron. (ES) 4. Vinfsnanpat ean be subitted for Vint, min) 0) BkmekeREn 5 HH, Dikanga no hon © yom Fe 9 (Yow beter send Japenese books.) ‘The meaning of Vinfsonput 6 go 1 ie almost the same a that of Vink 5 ge 0 3 i ie edn situations of suggestion. However, inlet 8 go i may expres a atonger suggestion than Vin-nonpas ogo 1 Por imtance, inthe following example, Vikas hg i mace appropriate. BI, cOcAMME RoC EED Tete, Lhte bOukbte | Maa Preroes mae. konegore meyeku 0 Yate 25 ds na. Sons mano ya ‘meta Fyameru Ng 20 (Cheatd you ae taking drape these day. You'd etter sop such ‘hing, Hell you) 4 "Mad beter nor do” is expresed by Vagg na hoe Example: WO no 2:4 ~10 98 ~y0r 2 e eat 6 Keni 0 nomenei 6 90 (low beter nr dik cae) "Nowe that the verb must be othe nopast epatv form inthis expresion "The felling is wngtamatie W) to-e—eketmoied sn, “obi 0 nomanakatta 99 (ord better nt dak cote) [te comparing two emits, one is in | ~ be more (Ad) than ~; ~ some state o des +8 mote than the | dost. more (Adv) than ~ do } Ret. yon Naw | Nouns Pree aasa fo [ase | a |e | auleecr, tenide-zan | no | 66 99 | watashi | yor! | wala)! wooden (ie iia younger than Tam) % [> ]ao®| Eman [no [zt Raelaar, wateshi | 00 | ego | Uedacsan | yo | yok eben tbamasi. Gea more than Mis Ueda does) © Septees, Series, Fredieuw forest cot =m eat [we | ma ea [ay | RolRoer, Kurume de ina | d.00_ | ban de dew | yr | yas yasuiess (Going by cars cheaper than gine by bus) De alter Aaja) and N changes to 79 and dear, espetvely, P09 ~yon e=p KSC Nos @N20 0 ho go yor Re ons 8 AR 2D Snsel 96 he g gokuse yr! ksi: (8) WIA) Hot 9-25 LV FAS 0 inbnonpise 2:9 Wer FURL 3 Wanssu| hanashia} hs 99 Ic 29 han bearing) aks yo Use I<) 25 (ebeu abe) 16.9 5 9 han seeping) (Tescers ae more ~ than sents) (Taking (Having talked is more (Gating | Having eaten is ore ~); fakes kus) 125 98 Ming Having ben expensive is more ~) [ata akokonal te. 09 er 9 than being cheap) (ii) Ag} (9) stem (Ye 123421 25-5 AM (ny aem 20 na} dene) 8-50 na yer Upiste J Mhasteo fe) 12> sing / Having bee quiet more luhzutana| sheutadon}| MO or ~i ches zo Gi) Neo) nont ns HN Bs 2” Ide aer/ dota) 3 99 do aes yor ee S96 /RM oR) 2D ong / Having been a loons de aru sensei cona) ho 92 teacher is mare =): FSS then being a student) (than being prety) 142 ~P0 99 ~y00 ) rons sous snows 7 ROMO. {Kono kamera no W809 a Famers yor cuties, (ike this camera better than that camera) @ va7ons KEE IMCRKE, Jota no ho 98 wotsh yor! hayaky hess ef cam run fete than Team) (Karte samaMET ED HUeLE Wath go hanasu bs gy ki go hanes yo i dec (les probaly beter for met all than fr you otk) @ Loom, RHBIAAMED SALE. (OF courc, Vim happier when iti cheap than when it expensive) Co) pea MHeD atten OREN, domo wa genkina hs ga stizotana yor anshins (Talking bout eile, you fel mare at ease when they are ively than when they ate quit) ©) MitkensnIHReasLORLOEBS Watashi wa onna de au ha 99 toto 60 av yr tres 0 ome. (Oth i mare enopble tobe + woman than tobe a mn) r.) 1. I Japanese thee ae no compantive forms of actives and adverbs ‘The iden of comparison is expesed by the “X ro ho go Y yer!" patter. Y yor may be omited if i ler from the contest oe the sition, ample () Ar RAbvare bose, Tomy 10 Jn to dochra 92 tsyoidesu be (Who i strange, Toro Jobe?) Be Keo Ime ar E DWT Tomy no he 99 on yor tyes (Tom is stone han John) hs o2 S: yor pater (KS(B), Sy am be eee nonpast of Sy however, aay nonpat rears ofthe tense af 5y abd ‘here are two cues fo which Si pet, Fit, ‘a be pst wen the inhale sentence is sbou «presen or face aetion| farsa To thse the sentence sounds rather hypabetia. Example 2. Inthe i nn 99 ~yor ©) MaELRo sia D HN eL LS. Watashi ge hanashita 39 him go Dano yet dash, (at mould peabably be Bewer i Talk eater than if yu talk) ‘ican so be pt ifthe whole sotnce i bout pet ction o state Tn this cae the sentence i coutetfctal. Example fo) RoMEL Ae HAE ED Bo, Wits go anashita fo 98 hn 98 hanasu yor yoko (Gr onl have been beter i had talked ether thn you) 1. ¥ yo eam precede X (re) W698 8 in MW) hoxsrEDconsrORD EHEC. ‘no amara yor ko kama's no ba gp sudo, (ike this camera beter than that camera) 4. X no ha i « oun phrase therfore, it can ako be 9 diet objet an indiet objec, ete. Homever, when iti ued for something eher than the subject, the "Y ya X no M6 (0, ny ete)” otder is peelerabe Evample 16) 4. Mie wavmons ex cat, (dik sake moe than beet) beams 9 AHR ee CRIME (Geudents go to Prof, Kimura co ask questions mare often than f9 Pro. Kewads) (elated Expresion} “The ids of compare can be expres bythe X we ¥ yor” pater, 0, (ever) However, when tha pater wed, X mart ave aren been cotablshed a atopic. Thus, ina comes ike the" X wo ¥ yor™ pat term catoat be wed I A: baevaveesosmoere. Tamu toon to dochra ge tayosday be (Who is stronger, Tom or John?) Bs RA@R SH haHR(e ay ERE, Tom no hd 98| ‘Too wa (Jon yor) tayodess (am i steonger (han Joha)) 1H =n go ~yon | noni" hoshis 5 (theater hain x cotet ie (2 the X wo Y yr pater pret Aaron cal, bene X ha lady been stand inthe previo sence fa eee B) Rane C Ese, ae PROTA a ZI, (am wants see0) | Toma wa totano taioidess, Kare wa! ?Kare no WB ga Joo yo taupe, oD (Tom is very sang. He i stonger than Joba) 1. The Hype adjective ost expenses a person’ dsr fr some objet. Like other stave tasitve adjectives, ooh takes the raga con | strveton, where the experiencers marked by wa and the deed object by ga. (Un subordinate clans the experiencers ako matted ] by 9a) (2 ~ wa ~ ga) oak Ut 2: Sine host ers very eon ing the experi uly . ; | theft pone ne sete athe secure ie {SC died byte ple sot ied by the ses oe t topes trearec, sia KO(A), Eos (@) end ) Tie tied perce Aiea tual cxpeul by Poco iL be hong sige ey Sentences ) St waning et), ce RSD and Bu 0, par) tte te is Shen roahzo heehe died st ae by Tepe (apse) | Deed Obie 4.16 boners to we fo in coment te thie ee pene peor lana sans wawasri | wa | kuruma | ga | testi) hoshidesu Im the pot tome soy nunnns eat Cyan ard ir we stwosgo Rose 7 (Mure weds aod were set) EER EES (2 mind eit seh Se emery Ue eT + Yettuumemsens, wo wa | boku no jitensha | 0 | hoshigane ira | imasu. eens ee eee oy ty te wn 0) ‘iy Te ate any ied bear buenesie, ets hot abn fl Esemoien J i: (1 heard that Osear wants it, 100.) @ ERELORE LN, Minadt wo nonin o tomodeh 9 ot (8) teal nto Clan Toe ed) Aa parey 7 8aLvKer. 0) auenambarwern. ames pigs go em dae Arto a iat g ose (Cw eponion ta) Panag ang) (What do vo wat now?) (one de) 146 hosts (A) cnjctare express W BERIRARIOKTR LOCH, Dove ai CHAISE BLO. oats w9 dre Site shiek, (Whe do you wane to come?) hi t oahis 7 Foronsica wa wdedote! 99 hos ashi (isan Fras nnn 2 wet watch) a Bea ARLORI ES 1. ooh is wed as an airy with Vie to mean ‘want (6.0) 1 40 (68) Kon wa ning ga hos da ‘When the experener wants person X todo someting, X i marked (Ut appears that Connie wants dll) by nk Hoshi is nt used if X has higher tt than the experience. "Thus, the flowing setence i not apeopinte when the speaker i 4 ssuent of Prof, Voride's (See Related Expresion, [2] forthe correct eotence i that station) ly) MnwABERICKCR LO, Met wa You ses ite os. host? 0 {Unt Pret etic) RLU a 2 Wien Vo asta abd the perce is ll the Bint pn {Sere toot agro ste] wane aay todo Cesare sentences (KS x) andthe acd pen in ntereie than the apa fo do at REL mort ta ‘Socces Ex 0) tthe expense te sd pron, Ve maa Sao Gave it) be showig he sgn of wtng Yo re the fer Key Sentence Of dhing st fom na" wed tm Gh” Comore tls gor) : ime we TYAABAND Dy vALCOUNELT bEbREOT HS, Topi apres [aio Ok damn we, Paoeet nko shove © ie mai @ |e [oer] © [aw eleac facesaunes cate wate ie o [oan hi hoshides Gh, Adam wits race do he oh) at yo Unened Eepresind “Te sme en canabo be expend by Vio matt. (6 mara ta) Bae «=> soph a OU] Re derickmemrTLOMRE, is | Moth a anata 0 0 eater ea uc HL am Gay ou) (Ut yout each we Bagi) tose os “This porn can be wed when the exprncee wants someone who hue Ree iL (mat 0) a) er sas to do somthing, In ths cue, taco she mile wren a oe etn oie ted of mote Rem — 2) KenmRERCHREERY. () Au FoabiCLe CREA EL. (ae tah wx Yooh snes elas we Rodomosch ni watah 10 sean! sunde host (Cal ke raf. Yoshida to come.) any ehitren to live tgeer with me) 8 seiton Ichiban —% ait SF superiive marker vet Sabie Adetve 79x | Om xnse e|—e | me eon uresu | (20 naka de | Okawarsen | on | iohban | sama or i Tete brightest fm dhe clase) “BAG 0a) ' if | ‘Thetis a good quarterback in this team has 2 god quarterback) iru XB aw 8 (Gr2) So oratidaingss he oriesarted | | an action be or od some ie ato ‘Key Sentence Jn fin 188 Pista be ~ing have done (8) REL. ore] “Tope abies) Ve wrasse [a | me | wae | osloa Sneati-son | wa | sate o | monde | ier |imssu, (Oe Salli inking ve) View BLT Ne Oe taking Bee othe ening) =p (0) micemMe Res, (Kane is reading 9 nempaper) o SOdAcEcsotns, Kana tinge we sat i (This apple is roten) i 136 int fo opens, 16 92 wort (Atte ha fallen down (ad i ying there} AnBKSAbocoat. Watashi wa Susut-son 0 shits mae (Wow Miss Suzuki) 1. vis awed am auiiary ver with Vio and expres the cotinue tion ofan setion or state To general if Vt expe a ation which ‘an cootinge or be repeat, Vee expres the comtinuntin ofthe @ be repeated, Vie it expres the des that something happened 10 X ‘nd Xminsitn the wate which war erste By thet event. KS and Ex, (a) ate enamples of the fat uoge and Es. ()() and (€) ae = amples ofthe seond une. Note in Ex. (tat shy, the dictionary form of chit, meats "to get to know” and shite sy expenses the continuation af the state afer the speaker got to know Miss Sumi hich is expreed by low in Engh, It it noted, however that oot fo know it ot shite nay but sian (orhira) 1 Veo i 2 verb indcnting 4 mametay ation wich cant 2. Vie iy alo express habits atin, which i «speci sot of re Pesto actin. Example: i) tnieneesaeacHs, Wath wo march yonmany hashiet iu. (run four mies every do.) A When Vio is 2 maton ver such ati “go, Aue *come’ and tact turn’, the meaning af Vi ina nt “be ~ing'. For example, te ina means "to have gone 10 some place and to still be there "The Sentences in 2) provide examples MAT AY REHOTHS, Sins ws Amn i fee Ir. ito hs gone to America and there.) boy Suing oem cH, Beitu-san a mo fm kaotte Ima (Me Beek bas sey returned home and i here) a 4. The verb cums “live” requics the "Vie pater if he sentence ex Le > , , | proses a present sate, Abo, verbs like 10 “xay” and om “think” ita thd person subject requie she Vio ry” paten if he sentence xpreses present atte, Examples Sh TRHOREA TOS | EC. Woah Tokye 4 aude iu | uma. (ive a Toya) b Dex sSAUBAMEeS LOEBoths /B3. \esuto-sn wa nhongo wa yoshi to omotte iu | “ome. (Me, West thinks thse Japanese is ens) few 0s oa YS or at made at 1 i eed ‘Rey Sentence “Topic (eperienet) mes |e simiachs Necanry Obie aR “ irs mae (You weed an EnglhJopanee daionary) e=p @ aeanesns, Wotan a ine kane gi (need movey now.) roa St Narita dogu g2iimesu 4s (Do you need some too?) COMBA 9 vite C Shine Kono arama a gasorin a tkvean is (This eae ends aloe af) 1. a ‘eed takes the wa-ga construction, where the expeiener (dat w ® 1st na ithe pereon or thing that needs something) i followed by 9 and the necosary object by 93. (om wa ~ a2) 2 inp “one ina Gr. ve form in rim and the term ste hus the gave form ix ana, the pte (Cp ial ia) in hy 5. The experince ean also take the patie, I & co-PreeenuaRaiIS. ana ko i 9 i katiyéah 98 (This child needs «good tutors (Lit. For this il good tutor ecesary)) b, covezar MeBALaaNS, Kono pursyekuto nl wa ito 10 Fane go (This projet neds people and money. (Lit. Foe thi projet people and money ae nese) 4 In aubarinate clus, the exerener i flowed by eter 99 0¢ sin @)unlesthe sentence contrive. (In tha eae, 9 flo) (owe! ts (COM ey ya S SkNS ELEM THE Le Kana uruma ga | ml gasorn 92 tkazon i Koo 0 bite i (Did you bow that this ear ead ot of ge?) . ‘ours 15) jlbun’ 3 Pe. “ctelesive pronoun that refers (back) | ~self; own | tov human subject with whom the | EREL, bun!) spesker is empatiing | ‘Rey Sentences mo Tene bee) am fal er pan Tesco wa | Sachiko o | tun E RUT he cE EmOEHOR/| 0 aishite is Koto shianakat J mp rece, _Aitnazondesia (Touche de’ know that © chika loved ie it bine) oe eB ro (Waker wae walking whe thinking Senenees wa] ad |e ene Wee DEES sents we | stan | a0 ton sine nee ‘Does Kenichi relly Tove me Ot mys) =p (0) WMA RICANS ER Coen. Nakogaws wa jin go Kyi barry to omott nok (akagona die think that he (is himslt) could enter Kyoto Ui ei) Oy —MBAFA MICA IOKEAHD Bieem ot. ents wa Fay go bun m9 tat) uch naka hiro wasnt at home when Fuyuko came to see im Git. himself) 1 jours ©) BeR—BeAAOMCR OE, ‘Michiko ws Kazuo nun ro kuruma de tase (ekiko made Kazuo go therein his/her own cat.) W) Saritary—oceeMochR, RKAARERML CREME Dike BRETT, H7EMMETEAIS SD Jon we Meat no koto 0 amet ia, Koro ws jibun 10 kokkonshie Tunes n dors kx. bun 0 sue, Babu to ekansury nde ko. (Uo we thinking of Mary. Is ae ging to marcy me it. ysl? she going ko leave me (tral) and marry Bok?) ep 1. Jia! isan empathy marker that nary refers hak so the sujet of| the main cle a i KSA), Ee) (D) and, of 10 the discourse ‘opie a 2 KS(B) and Ex. (> sentence) cnet a pasiveexperenet. In other werd he referent is no an agent (i, somone who initiates ano competes an ation) (bun) 2 Ex. (6) it am ambiguoursetene, because dum ean refer to ether the msi sujet ito ee to Kazvo. siduns eeerence Yo Kazuo ot 1 counterexample of urs strong tendency to refer to the sje, hhonewes, besa Kez i semuntcaly the subject of the ve go ‘No tobe nei that chi a agen of the ensative action, bu keavo is» pamiveexperiener ofthe eamatve ction, Indedy its fer to Took at Kazuo a the objet ofthe speaker’ empathy, eeae| heb pusve experiences Its very likely that aun isnot an empathy smaher but contuive marker when it refers to an apent Miho (Other sia ambiguous sentences fellow: Ul 8 tFE-BEMBOMeE oc boot, ‘Michiko na Kazuo jibum no kruma dite mero it, Michiko received fom Kazuo favor of going there in her | his own cat. (=Miciko had Keauo go there in het J is own ea) be MeAmoNeH mI, Michiko wa Kozvo ni foun 1 kuruma de tare. (ix Michiko i annoyed by the fet that Kazuo went there by her his own cat (~Michito had Kazuo go ther inher J is owe ear) oo } but jibunt 1h [Note that un a (ab) san empathy enarher when it refer to Miho td is contative mire when tele to Kozuo. (ctu) 4, The elerent af tun in a complex sentence ha 0 be conscious f the sirstion expressed in the main clase. Compare (24) and (2) 2) 8. REAR IRENMICEIAICA oR, Tomato wa fibum go show mae mi Kodomo a9 digaky 1 (Cit. Speaking of Tomoko, before she (ht. eral) ied, childemered cole. (=Befoe Tomoko did er child eee calle.) b RFRRBINELED E CEBIRREA H, Tomoko wa bun 99 sings ate de kodem® o9 dash mi (Lit Speaking of Tomo, afer she (it, Resl) had ded child entered eallee. (=Afer Toko dd, hci entered callege) The sentence 2b) is ungrammatia beeae one can hardly empathize with dead person Iibun’ 6134 re. {a elieive pronoun that refers (ack) | ~selfs own to a human subject, the referent of REL. url) | whic i coated with 20. le | 182 jiturt ! eae ‘ey Sentences eee a bun i contative make fa et oe ofthe elloing three conditions + ema (ste refern ta een (a it KS (B) (Eas (DC) and "Tope abies) (2) the abet generic (asin KSA) and Ex. (0) (3) jt camo be pax Pe tes [a we Re EB SESr RE wee | | ctbent ty on fle Ho pre fomun 0) ty m ed hd re nonin | wa | stun | mo kun ne bunke © yurky oy r0 omoce froma ach as kre" he and tan "abe. KS(C sts the condion | ea +h Bevo Hu i replaced hy oF Far “he the meaning of the sentence chs ite" Keno encouraged him? nu mass, Raat Eapresiog) bun is burt ifthe tferene dace not sty any of the hie coins ven in Not; i satin a let ne f them it un? ese thnk that their country calare nique) mM esis —y [e | ae | & male /merack. kaovo | wa | soon | 0 hagemashiajhagemashimestic. ‘Kasco braced isl) om () Riremoc Es—BRLI Jibon 6 shia oto ga ihiban murukashis (To teow yout is the hardest) & eA 7EDOERAOROMMCRL CHS. Iaika wa itso jidon 1 18 0 eva de bénkyishie I (Oi is away dying in his en dorm room) INHER GLRWE ROR. Kobayashi wo jun ko shit to. (obeys volume lt rm hms) sid that he wanted to doit) | (Ran AROR Miko CTS of. Sensel wa gosib00 0 Je de wash ni ae kudos, (The profesor Kindly met me at his ow hoose) o 1 bat kat yo 27a particle which earn alerna- ‘Rey Sentences a (ether) ~ of ~ REL. sereromo} [revi eatieey [Now |_| Noune Pediat mz Te | ae [a] om fo |e | acineen wos | wa | domeha || basu | cn) | de | ke ition [ei er By ano by Bon 7 Sentence ‘Seqteoe, tera erat ta wat |» [aroma |» | eoom eich. Tomu ga thu | 12 | Meari go thu | ta | dootiaka ao jos (Either Tom will go or Mary wil go) {Da alier Aaja) em and N arops =p KS(A Nea NaC) fot) ae os 2k (0) ene) fa oaks! 09) SU: (8) (WTA Oink er aun) Iwanasy honoshta) lise vote) (eta katara) 2 Gi) (AS (9 stom PN] (0 12273) ffs) [either Tor wi go or Mary wig) (cer teacher oe 9 student) (cer tte of) (either a. was expensive 0 kat 16s ti Fipose 08) ler at infact 0) letzoka | shaukodt) ha ete (hse eo) 2) Cether so. masa temcher of) leone onsl co) ha =p (0) itn «ance emer, Watashi wa mosses jis ko miuky © rom (ik ether jie or ik every smering) ) ShIk Fe 9 BLE. ‘Soe wi Bobu ke Mi g0 shimesy (A for tha, eiter Hab or Mark wll doit) 6 Masti tb —AESE BEE DIE Rose Bot Niky go takakara ta oh 99 ry 08 fieidat ka ocho de (Gite meat wan expesive o Ihiro did like met) ) FRERCnMBEMY oMUBSDLE CHEM, Tega o Kaku ka denws 0 boar ka dochiaks site kudos (iter write a leter or make a al plese) ResmUrmerome ese, Taber ko anasu ke dechiraks i shinae (Lit. Desie an iter eating oe talking. tal) ep 1. The basic function of ka is to mark an alternative, I cm mak either aus or sentenes.Whea it marks nos, the lf wally omitted When it marks senences, the sentence are suberdinate clues; that 5, they must be inthe informa frm, "The tpi mer wo mt not ewe C Jus do oe thing, et or 2 cannot he utd to canst to questions tenes ae ungeenmate. AIRE RO TTD, retin ‘re we anata no desu. Ke wstasti no des bo (Gs this yours or mine?) b MeiokET, Me cIME tI ‘Wath to acho kia ka. Ra Koko i jmos b, (OV you come with met OF wil you stay here?) In this ese, soratome i wed instead off, “Ths he following sen- (2 soretome) 1a at fast f ww see ee aa oes aren EE ee eps Ivky po totatants ks, soratome Ichiro 90 mku go Karst ko see, a sitimasns (Either meat ws expersve o Iho did ike mest) ‘ahd Tery wheter Naney was pong by) Re-tekaTO, THEE scieDato Da afer Aaj (an stem and Nope. ota to tshon Kinase, Soretomo koko 0 imasut, a {Qt you come with me? Or wil you stay here?) ware Seal (FAG Oo Soretomo i option in [1 but natin A WY FABLE) 2s Wor Doe) xo el? Gna oma) enone Aonaahimasa) (eis Fa6CF] Us expensive? (informal oral) (eta tse) 2 Gi) (AG; (09) tem EN (wT Ce faesu) a Wh Fiore) (le wt uit informa Ferma Iehzuta /stzvkadesy) 9 (ete 19k CF) oe no. a teacher (informa Ferma) sense snoe des) ka kat pt si e=p (sencncetna pile which inc whebers etree fates tht the preceding sentence «| (REL, 6a (on ‘Anata a goku’ des a Smerrogative : (Are you 2 student?) Ochre. ‘Rey Sentences ore wa nan desu ta, « (ha thi) Seat 6 sear Lom Tor a me ~mCmeaF | Tomeichi wo tant gp musutai ke bio (Oty friend asked fame iu) O) Mareen DERE, | Woreshi we Jan oi dare g9 kta ke to tazunete (asked Jan who had! come.) Vesuko ma degaku © sku |simasu | fa (le Vek going vo elles?) ‘Te iermal speech, a afer Adj a) stem and N drop. 168 a! / 4a (60 to) ( meMREeD SME RMN L EOE. Boku ive Yomozati-senssi ga bind nan ois ks wasuete shim (ve foeaten (completely) what Pro. Yamazaki sid yesterdsy) ( Mam=keeeRLtnysBrMe te, lores’ wa Kenn o-tane 0 kasha ks db a omoidesene (eanot remember if Tet Kenji some money) he quction mater a sa speci ue ofthe Ao which masks amar tive fie, Fath, For example, KS(A) came from (with the paen- {hes par omited (ene) UW) UFR HE Shh, (NEUES EEA) Yosnito wo deigoks @iimagy to. (Seraromo ikimasen ka) (in Yoko going to cllege? (Or she 0?) 2 Unless very informa, am iterative sentence i med by Ho Une: 8 gene gution ora WHe-qstion. (© da ka) Note hatin Japanese nerogative sentences, the word order i the sme 2 that ofthe eoesponding declarative sentence. Als a intertoative Tentene is pronounced with ting intonation whether it = yes-n0 {question or # WH-questin 1. a resis in inditest uttions atin KSB) Ess. (2) and (8 4 When the formal fore of type aetves andthe copula recede the question maker hy 0 drops. A posible reson i that dy the Seto for of desi express tang wseton and it cones with the suction mater fe, which expres the speaker’ uncertain sout tones. (eo hai; Rarvoshirenel;kashire) ka (46 ka) an(eSm) whether oF nots (0 98) | | fa (a5 ba) 18 Verb costion) (es (ewe Tm eeR, C35 ke) (a) | sana | sims Suzuki eneed college) {Be ater Adj (o) ote and N drop ap (IAGO iat 2 (> 90) fa (00 9) War mL aces a hanasu | Rana ko (ao) lakes aoe) a (5) eta akokata 19 (5. k0) (i) AG (a9) stem NY To od (9H) Jone) ts (86. &3) libas Fabio) te (29 3) whether oF nat 6 ws Ienzute/atsotagaal ks (a6 Ho) et) Ve (Rae teonl a (29 #) sense sensei tal fa (ato) am 6) RII AAEM LCE BE Dao Ter COpawaan o3 Kekonhte iy ka do ka shite imasy bo, (Do you know if Mr. Ogaws is maried oe no) 0) 22-97 -OnsEG LANES odoin, Fotund no shesetsu 9 moses ka 68 ka shana (don't Koow if Fahne’ novels ate ieteresing) ©) Uns Es CALA. Yamaguen-sens! 92 o-9ank ta a6 ka zo0)imason done koow if Prot. Yamaguchi is hel) ep 1. When the options oko is wed, the embedded question bas 1 be & esse question, If is ot sed, then the question canbe eter & es-ne question oc WHquestion. ‘ow whether ooo (heer ot at 0 all talked) (wheter or tis wa expensive) (hetero 20s. J was a teacher) mm Ul ROCA CED DRAMA CHET. ‘avgatn otk 6 kao ima Kangate mass (i'm now thinking about whether or ot 1 wll go to graduate schol) ai myo 3 (06 40) /101 W) Lane eRER em RESmELCHET Fecutoran de meni 0 rabets ha ka d8 ka oboote mas ba (Do you remenber what you ate a the resturant?) a) Zon teh EM tis RE SDRA CHET, Sono tot dare o eso! its a "ha dha oboste mass bo {o you remember who you were with at that time?) 2 Type ol verbs inca, amang others, verbs of knowing, examining, understanding, king, remembering, and deciding. 1 Sin a (6a) cam be wed as poun phrase that takes particles auch sos and 0 la) thea one 5 haoRUMR ot, Shigato 0 yomarv ka d8 ke go mond dts (OWheter ono 0 gut ee jb Was the question) ‘Tseetence-nal particle which marks | (REL. dal (ta) | ecto ieee informal mae ‘Key Sentences a ‘Sexes Gaformalt Wee BeLaD [mn ivongo we omosnirot | f. Te Tapani eterna?) Do wher a Gia) tem and N dom . | ® Sentence (alert rsh a 7790 ~ He | o [mw enoro0 wo Ameria @ itu | no | tat Ge Mr. Ueno gang 0 Ameren) {Be afer Aaj ra) tem aed N changes ton =p KSA GD IV TAR OF inf (es FARLRL toes (oe With) Did ta) (ano hana Ue Lio) (eta kata) Ao) Gi) (AG (9) se NL U8 (ds / Was 28 expensive?) (raoro ta libss Fabs) pas (ny Was at que Isuzu fstaukadeta| tas (ete 13a eo) oo das Wan na a teacher?) consi | ense dora) Ks 3) WPA OF Int 2 0s We JALIL oy (Does for Wil) Did xa ak) hanasu | Rana) no ko ils Jao) 0 4 Hate atatana) no ta: le / Wes 54 expensive) Gi) IAG} (noy stem PN] (6/8) © Aes Ina} eon} no tas CL (ahzvtonafahzutacats) no #3) a a er leone sensed) no bo 1 Wess,» teacher?) =p () AMER 8 (OW you sad pate) 0) cor Kamas, (Gs this apartment auie?) (© RaeEe, Kintechswa gatas! ba (re you students) @ eokuBLOOMN, (sth hook ile) © ROARED ON, (te ehar pean a teacher) 1. Since Ao ie wed in informa spec, preceding sentences mat bein ‘he informal for. The fellowing sentences ae unacceptable O) a. *REMUBE LaEeF OO, stukonge wo omeshiridesu (ro) bl (ts Japanese ietrting?) bss Kit sy aeTeEE Colo, sUene-an wo Amant @ kimasy (70) ba (Us Ne. Ueno going to Amie?) 2. Kal wid only for yerno quetions. hun the flowing sentences Ia teeatC (ora, Dako i () (Where ae you goin?) b. thokatndtcoyine, ‘tno ito wa dor no) ka (Wo ie tha penn?) (on these sects, disused > da) | ae sa | kamoshirenes 73 5. Questions io the KS(A) pattern and thove inthe KS(B)paten cor respond to questions without no oes and hore with mo day i fal speech, rapes (eno a) 4 Questions in female infra speech can be fered by dropping hi in le informal questions and ing ring tation, Example a. WARE ELaKoR hong we omoshir (00? (de Japanese interesting?) b EmEKET sy anton Vono-san wa Ameria @ ky (ne)? (ds Me. Ueno sing to Ameen?) e bo Arbsese leo}? ‘Ano it 9 sree (0a no? (ds that pets a teacher?) or + summary ofthe endings fr informal questions, se dy Related xpresion kamoshirenal ove Livecly aux a () cane tell if ~ ight neckdnnaiee REL crs; conn 04) ‘Key Sentences “ Vat Fe Wo [ mS | SeLADV/mLLRAeA, ope ame g0 | turu | tamoshres[kxmosheamsn (Ue might cain nthe sferaon) 174 kamosiena o aa Oe bo Reo WR H | pEoEH | acLReN/mELNSEM no sensei no vay wa | teumaranas | tamoshivona|kamosiemaen (That fechas lw might be dll) © a) Wow use| ane 0 no satura ws maa Atel PuCREN/PELNEER. lamostirana | kamesheomasen. (The chery Blanca in Kyo right sil be betifol) =p GD IV AS 0) Hof a4 Lae (a ASL) eG LEvsets Go. igh lk / might have aed) (ana horoshta| Famoshronas iv (609%) eG LAV be high J night have been {ioti ttokara| Kamosticenss high i) tha) stern PN) fo ete) tee LAV fo fast) kamostrense lipo faba) ast Litets Gt mia be quit / might have Ishizuka | sheviadans) Kameshrenst been quiet) (ese (ese rated tet Laven» Go. might bea teacher fight tense fens deta) aosirenoi_ have been teacher) a= (0) SEDRIAIC Heb LL E IA Koteahi no foyu Wa tion somutu ney Kamoshiremasen (a aight be wey cold thi wit) W BOARSHOA-~F 4-02 LEBHAML NALA ‘Ano tito v8 Ky 0 Ht 0 Kato 0 wesuetakamostiremssen (Ge righ have forgotten aout today’ party) © comm REO EoRIEG LAE, Kono eiga wa anata mwa tsumarana! tamosiromasen (This movie might be usisterenting fr yon) t bamosttensi 178 a) emai Wai Ki» Mont Ltr, Chigotupe no burps wa nihengo no burps ye katan kamoshrns (Chinese grammar might be simple than Japanese grammar) o) Bisbseakee Lives. ‘Ara 9 Suzubi-ance kamoshtenst yo (That mig be Prof Sur) sated Expressions] 1. The probability of acuracy predicted by x kamoshienfzentence i lower than that of «rd sentence and much lower than that of xn chins seotene 8 diagramed below: low peohbilty igh pea amoshirnai < abs

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