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[20 marks]

Questions 1-5

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

1. The students only have ____________more days to finish the mural project.
A. a little
B. much
C. a few
D. some

2. Adnan ________________ eating pizza while watching television.

A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

3. The sweets are ___________________. They’re not ______________________.

A. they, me
B. them, my
C. their, mine
D. theirs, mine

4. My mother bought _______________________ T-shirt for me yesterday. I will wear

__________________ T-shirt tomorrow.
A. a, a
B. a, an
C. the, a
D. a, the

5. Is this digital camera __________________?

A. her
B. your
C. ours
D. their

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Questions 6

Choose the most suitable proverb.

Pilih peribahasa yang paling sesuai.

6. Vyonne is becoming a skilled baker just like her mother. As they say, __________.
A. great minds think alike
B. hunger is a good sauce
C. failure teaches success
D. like mother, like daughter

Questions 7 to 9

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.

Last Saturday, Jaslina and her mother went _________(7)_________ the

market. They ______ (8) ________ some fish, prawns, vegetables and fruits.
After an hour, they went back home and started to prepare food for
lunch. Her mother cooked salted egg yolk prawns and fried spinach. They
enjoyed _______ (9) _________ lunch very much.

7. A. to
B. at
C. by
D. from

8. A. buying
B. buys
C. bought
D. buy

9. A. his
B. her
C. my
D. their

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Questions 10

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underline word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

10. Hani likes durians but Abu ______________ them.

A. loves
B. hates
C. enjoys
D. forgets

Questions 11

Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

11. A. julia and her family, will be going to cameron highlands this Saturday.
B. Julia and her family will be going to Cameron Highlands this Saturday.
C. Julia and her family will be going to Cameron Highlands this saturday.
D. Julia and her family, will be going to Cameron Highlands this Saturday!

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Questions 12-15

Based on picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Berdasarkan gambar, pilihjawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong
dalam teks yang berikutnya.

Taman Riang Residents’ Association organised a food fair for its residents last
Saturday. There were many stalls set up in the ______ (12) ________ . Mr. Selvam and his son
set up a dessert _________ (13) _________ . There was a shaved ice machine on the table.
There were several __________ (14) _______ of evaporated milk and bowls filled with cut fruits
and nuts too. Mr.Selvam’s son was pouring some milk over a heap of shaved ice in a bowl.
Mr.Selvam was taking out a _________ (15) _________ of ice from a large ice cooler box.

12. A. field
B. court
C. garden
D. meadow

13. A. counter
B. class
C. stall
D. hall

14. A. glasses
B. bottles
C. boxes
D. cans

15. A. loaf
B. slice
C. block
D. bunch

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Questions 16-20

Read the notice below carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

Annual Fund-raising Fair

Date : 30th May 2018

Time : 10.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m
Venue : Dewan Seroja, SK Taman Kayangan
Items on sale : 1. Fruit
2. Cakes and cookies
3. Drinks and fruit juice
4. Old clothes
Activties : - colouring contest for kids below 7 years old
- treasure hunt for kids 10 to 12 years old
- tug-of-war for adults


16. What is the notice mainly about?

A. An opening ceremony
B. A fund-rising fair
C. A car-boot sale
D. A family day event

17. How long will the fund-raising fair take place?

A. 6 hours
B. 10 hours
C. 14 hours
D. 24 hours

18. Suhana likes to eat sweet desserts. What do you think she will buy?
A. cakes
B. t-shirt
C. scarf
D. orange juice

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19. Sharon will bring her 56-year-old sister to the fair. What is a suitable activity for
A. Treasure hunt
B. Colouring contest
C. Tug-of-war
D. Singing competition

20. The fund-raising fair is and annual occasion of the school. It means, the fair will
be held_____________
A. once a month
B. weekly
C. every four years
D. once a year

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[30 marks]

Questions 21

Based on the given pictures, give the correct answers in full sentences. Write your answers in
the space provided.
Berdasarkan gambar-gambar, berikan jawapan dalam ayat yang penuh. Tulis jawapan di
tempat yang disediakan.


Answer :




[2 marks]


Answer :




[2 marks]


Answer :




[2 marks]

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Questions 22

Read the dialogue and answer the questions that follow.

Baca dialog di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Fikri : Kumar! It’s recess time. Let’s go and buy food at the canteen.
Kumar : It’s okay, Fikri. I brought my own food from home. My mother had
packed some fried rice for me.
Fikri : Oh! That’s good. Home-cooked food is always the best!
Kumar : Absolutely! I brought food from home every day.
Fikri : Why do you have to bring your own food every day? Don’t you
like the menu at the canteen?
Kumar : Don’t get me wrong. Actually, I am saving my pocket money. I
bring RM5.00 to school every day. If I spend my money to buy
food, I cannot save much. That’s why I asked my mother to
prepare food for me. I save a lot.
Fikri : Wow! That’s great. But why are you saving your money?
Kumar : I want to buy a pair of roller skates. I don’t want to burden my
parents. So, I decided to save my own money to buy the roller
skates on my own.
Fikri : I see. How much does the roller skate cost?
Kumar : It costs RM100.00 If I save RM5.00 a day, I can collect RM100 in
just 20 days. So, it will be enough for me to buy the roller skates.
Fikri : Oh! That’s a very good plan. I think I want to start saving money
like you.
Kumar : That’s good! You can ask your mother to pack food for you
tomorrow. We can eat together.
Fikri : Sure. Thanks for the idea, Kumar!
Kumar : No problem, Fikri! That’s what friends are for!

Write True or False in the space provided.

Tuliskan Betul atau Salah di ruang yang disediakan

a) Fikri dan Kumar are classmates _____________________

Kumar brings RM5 to school every day _____________________

[2 mark]

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Tick the correct answer
Tandakan ( )pada jawapan yang betul.

b) Kumar wants to buy ____________________

A skateboard

A roller skates

c) Fikri wants to ______________

pack food for himself

ask his mother to pack food for him

[2 mark]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

d) Why did Kumar refuse to buy food at the canteen with Fikri?



_________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

e) If your parents give you some pocket money to school every day, are you going to do
the same thing like Kumar? Why?



_________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

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Questions 23

Study the advertisement and answer the questions that follow.

Baca iklan yang diberi dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Tick the correct answer

Tandakan ( )pada jawapan yang betul.

a) This advertisement is about a ______________________


hair salon


c) Which one is not a service given by this salon?


nail spa


[2 mark]

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c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is given below.
List A List B
He or she could log on to
This salon is open

If anyone wants to know

7 days a week
about the salon

There are eight services Tangles Hair Salon

The name of the salon is given by this salon

[2 mark]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

d) Why do you think on Saturday and Sunday, the shop is closes at 6.00 p.m?



_________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

e) What do you understand by the phrase ‘refresh and rejuvenate’?




_________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

English 013 /Mac2018/TiceFiza Page

Questions 24 and 25

Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

Hello! My name is Nur Damia. I am 10 years old. I am studying at

Sekolah Kebnagsaan Jaya Gading.

My ambition is to be a kindergarten teacher. I like playing with and

entertaining small children. I also enjoy teaching my 3-year-old brother
alphabets at home. When I grow up, I believe that I can be a good
kindergarten teacher.

I have a few hobbies. My first hobby is baking. I like baking cakes and
cookies. Since my mother is a good baker, she is the one who teaches me
how to bake. My cakes and cookies are not only tasty, but beautiful and
colourful as well. After baking a cake, I will write an entry about it in my
personal blog. I also share a lot of recipes and pictures of cakes that I made so
that other readrs can try the recipes at home.

My second hobby is surfing the internet. I usually surf the internet to do

my homework and read articles about latest news around the world.
Sometimes, I play educational online games such as crossword puzzles, word
search and many more.

Next, I like to play badminton with my father. We play badminton at

Taman Tasik Gading on weekends. Playing badminton keeps me fit and
healthy. It can also release my stress after studying for the whole week.

I promise to study hard so I can achieve my ambition and make my

parents happy and proud of me.

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Question 24

Tick the correct answer

Tandakan ( )pada jawapan yang betul.

a) Damia wants to be a ____________________ when she grows up

kindergarten teacher

b) What are her hobbies?

Baking, surfing the internet and playing badminton
Baking, blogging and playing at the playground
Baking, surfing the internet and playing tennis
[2 mark]

Question 25

a) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B.

List A List B
Her cakes and cookies are and read articles about latest
not only tasty, news around the world.
She surfs the internet to do at Taman Tasik Gading on
her homework weekends.
She plays badminton with but beautiful and colourful as
her father well
[2 mark]

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

Tulis jawapan kamu di ruang yang disediakan.

b) What will she do after baking a cake?



_________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

c) What does she like to do with her father on weekends? Why?



_________________________________________________________________________ [2 mark]

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