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onrnioumna suTHoRs POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESSCHANGESTOL SUBSCRITIONSCHANGE OF ADDRESS: OPEN GAME CONTENT, IY oon 304 200 6 GORD THE ROGUE PLANAR DRAGONS by Mike McArtor Four new planar wyrms. GEN CON PREVIEW by Gen Con LLC What to do at Gen Con Indy 2006. by Gary Gygaxand KR Bourgoine Watch your purse, Gord is back! WIZARDS THREE by Fad Greenwood Dweomers and deviled eggs VOYAGE OF THE PRINCESS ARK by Bruce Heard mar and crew. DREADHOLD > by Keith Baker and Jason Bulmahn Esrxnow’s inescapable island prison, ECOLOGY OF THE DRACOLICH § by Richard Pett and Greg Vaughan Death can't defeat some dragons. FROM THE EDITOR Erik looks back at 30 years of Dracow. SCALE MAIL Itsall about #342, FIRST WATCH Previews, news, and gear for gamers. NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 PREVIEW See the ForcorrEn Reams as never before. WORMFOOD: ‘What to do when your Age of Worms campaign becomes truly epic. ‘SAGE ADVICE ‘The Sage answers your rules questions. GAMER GUIDE, CLASS ACTS Options and insights for your favorite lasses. WIZARDS OF THE COAST BUYER'S GUIDE 8 COMICS ON THE COVER Steve Prescott unleashes Tiamat, in all her multi-headed majesty.

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