Lab Report 6

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Lab Report 6

9 March
Submitted by
Name – Sachin Kumar Meena
Roll no – 15110110

Compaction Factor test

Objective: - to determine the compacting facture of the given freshly mix concrete.

Introduction: this test specifies a procedure for determining the workability of concrete, where the
nominal maximum size of aggregate does not exceed 38 mm. this test require measurement of the
weight of the partially and fully compacted concrete.

Compacting factor is define as the ratio of the weight of partially compacted concrete weight of fully
compacted concrete.

Relevant IS code: - IS 1199 -1959

Apparatus required -

 Needle vibrator
 Cement
 Sand
 Compacting factor apparatus ( two conical hopper, one cylinder)
 Scoop
 Tampting rod
 Balance
 Trowels
 Compacting rod

Procedure: -

 First prepare of the sample specifies proportion. Then weight the empty cylinder (w1). Now
position of the empty cylinder in the same alignment where the upper and middle hopper are in
the same line, filled and level with its brim and the trap-door is opened to allow the concrete to
fall into the lower hopper.
 Excess of the concrete remaining above the level of the top of the cylinder is then cut-off.

Observation and calculation

Slump height= 53mm

Early weight of concrete =

Partially compacted wt w1 = 17.3-6.07= 11.23

Compacted weight w2 = 17.72-6.07=11.65

 Compacted factor = w1/w2 = .96

Result: Compacted factor = .96 and water content = .5


 In this, we can determine the compacting factor test and know about the workability of the
concrete. Compacting factor test is more accurate and sensitive then the slump test. Its result
more precise.
 It is useful for concrete mixes of medium and low workability as are normally uses when
concrete is to be compacted by vibration; such dry concretes are insensitive to slump test.


 Equipment should be cleaned before testing.

 Safety items (shoes mask etc.) must be wear.
 Petroleum jell should be applied to the two hopper and the cylinder.
Lab Report 6
9 March
Submitted by
Name – Sachin Kumar Meena
Roll no – 15110110

Workability of Concrete by Slump Test

Objective: - to determine the workability of fresh concrete using slump test apparatus.

Introduction: - workability is one of the parameter, which is used to measure the ease with which the
concrete can be molded, handled, transported and placed into the desired position without disturbing
its strength. Concrete is said to be workable if it is easily placed and handled easily. The main purpose of
this is to check the consistency of the fresh concrete.

Relevant is code:- IS : 1199 -1959


 Mould for slump test

 Non porous plat
 Measuring scale
 Temping rod

Mould for slump test, non porous base plate, measuring scale, temping rod. The mould for the test is in
the form of the frustum of a cone having height 30 cm, bottom diameter 20 cm and top diameter 10 cm.
The tamping rod is of steel 16 mm diameter and 60cm long and rounded at one end.

Procedure: -

 Take the sand, cement and aggregates in the desired proportion after weighing. Since few things
might stick during mixing so take material extra but take care that it is proportion. The ratio is
 The water content ratio for the concrete mix is 0.45.
 Mould is filled in with fresh concrete in four layers, each layer of approximately one-quarter of
the height of the mould and tamped with twenty-five strokes of the rounded end of the
tamping rod.
 Strokes are distributed in a uniform manner over the cross-section and for the second and
subsequent layers should penetrate into the underlying layer.
 Keep the mould inverted by side of the slump and measure the height of 3-4 points of the
surface of the slump from the top of the cone and then take the average of it.
Result: Water content is .5 and slump height is 12 mm.

Conclusion: -

 Slump test is one of the most extensively used test all over the world.
 Slump test does not measure workability of concrete, although it gives a measure of
consistency, but is very useful in detecting variations in uniformity of mix of given nominal


 Equipment should be cleaned before testing.

 Safety items (shoes mask etc.) must be wear.
Lab Report 6
9 March
Submitted by
Name – Sachin Kumar Meena
Roll no – 15110110

Compressive strength of Cement

Objective: - to determine the compressive strength of cement cube.

Introduction: -

 Cement hydrates when water is added to it and cohesion and solidity is experienced. It together
the aggregates by adhesion.
 The strength of mortar and concrete depends upon the type and nature of cement.
 Therefore, it should develop at least a minimum specified strength if it is to be used in
 When cement is used for important structures, compressive strength test is always carried out
to ascertain quality of cement.Strength test is not made on plain cement due to excess
shrinkage and cracking of plain cement paste.

Relevant IS code:- IS : 4031 (Part 5) - 1988

Apparatus required-

 Vibration Machine
 Poking Rod
 Cube Mould
 Weigh Balance

Procedure: -

 Take 200 g of cement and 600 g of standard sand and mix them dry thoroughly.
 Add water (p/4 + 3)% of mass (cement +sand) where P = % of water required to make cement
paste of standard consistency to the dry mix of cement and sand thoroughly for a minimum of 3
minutes and maximum of 4 minutes.
 Clean mould, oiled interior face of mould, and place the mould on vibrating table.
 The period of vibration shall be two minutes at the specified speed of 12 000 ± 400
 Keep it for 24 hours in moist environment.
 After 24 hrs remove the cube from the mould and immediately submerge in fresh clean water.
 The cube be taken out of the water after 28 days for testing.


 It is fundamental and basic information required for the concrete mix design.
 By this test, the quality and the quantity the quantity of concrete can be controlled and the
degree of adulteration can be checked.

 Equipment should be cleaned before testing.

 Equipment should be oiled before use.
 The weighing should be done accurately
 Safety items (shoes mask etc.) must be wear.
 Increase the load gradually during testing.


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