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3/27/2018 Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using OASV / F-02 Transaction | SAP Blogs

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Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using

OASV / F-02 Transaction
March 26, 2015 | 3,485 Views |

Saurabh Patni
more by this author

FIN Asset Accounting

FIN (Finance) | asset accounting | asset accounting documents | assetdatatransfer | f-02 | fixed asset | legacy asset | legacy asset

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Hello Everyone, 1/7
3/27/2018 Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using OASV / F-02 Transaction | SAP Blogs

This is my first of the blogs here on SCN. Inspired by so many people who
write these and helps us all. So I thought, why not I also write one and lessen
the hassels people might face in various issues.

In this article, I would be focusing on how to transfer the Opening Asset GL

Balances from a Legacy System to SAP System.

If you are new to Legacy Data Transfer, I request you to go through following
link – Asset Accounting (FI-AA) – Legacy Data Transfer – SAP Library in first
place. This will eloborate on various issues and considerations you need to
make for Legacy Data Transfer for Asset Accounting.

Back to my article, there are many sources from where you can read about
manual updation of the asset GLs, but the following link helped me out the
most in understanding the entire process of Legacy Data Transfer – Manual
Legacy Data Transfer – Asset Accounting (FI-AA) – SAP Library

Now, when you transfer the asset data to the Asset Accounting (FI-AA)
component from a legacy system using the legacy data transfer transaction it does
not update the corresponding reconciliation accounts in FI-GL. And since they are
not automatically updated, we need to seprately update such reconciliation
accounts in FI-GL, so that both FIAA & FIGL reconcile to eachother and proper
reporting can be done through FIGL.

Now, uploading such balances to Asset GL accounts we need to post a

separate transaction. The transaction would be typically posted for each asset
class and a lump sum balance amount as on cutover date will be posted for APC
GL Account & Accumulated Depreciation Account, assigned in account
determination for the asset class. So, for this we would need to have the
concerned accounts, also along with it we would need an offsetting accounting
(typically, may be already maintained, something like Initial Upload Account, which
might have been previously used while balances of other GL accounts were being

Thus, the corresponding accounting entry for this would be:

APC A/c Dr X

To Accumulated Depreciation A/c Y

To Initial Upload A/c (Offsetting Account) (X – Y)

Now for posting such transaction, you typically have two options: 2/7
3/27/2018 Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using OASV / F-02 Transaction | SAP Blogs

1. Special Posting Transaction – “OASV” – Recommended One

2. General Posting Transaction – “F-02”

Posting Through OASV

As indicated above, this transaction is the recommended one for this purpose. It is
precisely made to be used for uploading Asset GL Balances and is typically the
follow on activity of Asset data upload to FIAA.

Caution: Posting through this transaction does not require you to change
the Recon Status of the GL accounts, and thus they can be directly posted

The transaction entry screen is very simple and easy to be used and executed.

Posting Through F-02

This transaction should only be used when posting through OASV is not possible
or there are additional information that you want to enter which may not be
possible on OASV transaction. Issues/conditions you could face may be like:

1. Multi Currency Asset Valuation – e.g. apart from the local currency you also
need to valuate the asset say in group currency, and thus post the amount
accordingly in GL as well, then in that case OASV transaction cannot be used, as
there is no field for additional currency.

2. If you are entering the depreciation posting as well and need a cost center to be
updated, again such cost center field is not available in OASV.

Or there could be some other issue/condition that may require you to use F-02.

Then, since F-02 is a general posting transaction, a direct entry to the recon
account will not possible. For this, you first need to change the recon state of the
concerned GL accounts, using “OAMK” transaction code. Make you postings to
the accounts and reinstate them into their original recon state using the same

Thank you for spairing you time, hope this was useful to you.

If there are any faults or errors I apologies for the same & would seriously
appreciate if you let me know those. Also, please do give me your most valuable
feedback and suggestions, so that I could improve on it future.

3/27/2018 Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using OASV / F-02 Transaction | SAP Blogs

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Ravi Sankar Venna

March 26, 2015 at 9:29 am

Hi Saurabh,

Congrats on writing your first blog. Good work.

Following SAP note would complement when you find the differences between FI-GL
and FI-AA. We cannot use OASV, once the depreciation is posted and periods are

ABF1 can be used to nullify the differences.

69225 – Reconciliation difference financial/asset accounting

Kind Regards,


Saurabh Patni Post author

March 26, 2015 at 11:31 am

Hi Ravi,

Thank you for your inputs. 4/7
3/27/2018 Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using OASV / F-02 Transaction | SAP Blogs

Will certainly go through the notes.

Thanks Again.


Saurabh Patni

Ahmed Ibrahim

March 29, 2015 at 5:44 am

HI Saurabh,

Is it possible to design a report to track additions at the

beginning of balance



Saurabh Patni Post author

March 30, 2015 at 8:31 am

Hi Ahmed,

Sorry I am not aware of it. Possibly Ravi Sankar

Venna, might be able to help you.

Ravi Sankar Venna

March 30, 2015 at 9:14 am

Hi Ahmed,

You may need to design your own ‘Asset History

Sheet’. This would enable you to view the
balances as required.

You can get the data in report. 5/7
3/27/2018 Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using OASV / F-02 Transaction | SAP Blogs

S_ALR_87011990 – Asset History Sheet

Best Regards,


Ahmed Ibrahim

April 1, 2015 at 5:47 am

thanks ravi

Sowmya Tiwary

March 30, 2015 at 8:10 am

Hi Saurabh

Great work for a first blog .



Saurabh Patni Post author

March 30, 2015 at 8:24 am

Thank you very much.

Irala Damodara reddy

April 1, 2017 at 12:51 pm

Good Saurabh.

Keep it up expect many more blogs… 6/7
3/27/2018 Uploading Asset GL Opening Balances Using OASV / F-02 Transaction | SAP Blogs

Saurabh Patni Post author

May 2, 2017 at 4:24 pm


Rose Paratto

January 18, 2018 at 8:28 pm

Nice and well constructed article, Saurabh. What is your experience with users having
authorization to OASV? I have to make some adjustments to a productive company
code. I know I have to set the company code back to ‘test’ but my challenge is that
OASV is not assigned to users. Only developers have access and developers do not
have the posting limit authorization needed.

Thanks in advance for your input.

Keep up the great blogs.


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