Stephen Hawking: The Life and Times of

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Brief biography
Today, Hawking is
one of the world’s ll of us astronomy types owe a lot more to Stephen
leading thinkers
on cosmology
Hawking than I think most of us realize. He has been
and the history at the forefront of thinking on cosmology, gravitation,
and evolution of
the universe. ANDRÉ black holes, and related subjects for many years.
Many of us know that Hawking had for years,
until 2009, held the Lucasian Professorship of ever, no one suspected he would become
Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, the attached to the heavens.
same chair occupied 300 years earlier by Isaac The family had spent time in Oxford
rather than always staying home in London
Newton. Just a few years ago, Hawking founded because the former was off-limits for Nazi
and became the first director of the Centre for bombing, along with Cambridge (as were
Theoretical Cosmology at Cambridge. the German university towns of Heidelberg
and Göttingen). In Highgate, North Lon­
don, the Hawking family grew. “My earli­
Most of us know his life story reason­ talks, one on the creation of the universe est memory is of standing in the nursery
ably well, particularly in the wake of the and the other on black holes. He sat near of Byron House School in Highgate and
2014 film The Theory of Everything, which the front in the audience during my talk crying my head off,” Hawking says in his
depicted his struggle for knowledge and about recent astronomical advances and memoir, My Brief History (Bantam, 2013).
survival. The movie brought home an the communication of science to Discomfort from being left with
Academy Award for actor Eddie Red­ the public. Trust me, there is a strangers splayed against the
mayne. Obviously, Hawking’s story of tri­ magnetic feeling one has when trauma of an occasional bomb
umph and brilliance is deeply intertwined Hawking sits close by. dropped nearby. “A V-2 rocket
in the public perception with his debilitat­ Despite all we know about landed a few houses away from
ing motor neuron disease, diagnosed in Hawking, there is something ours,” he says.
1963 when Hawking was 21 years old. more there. Something Hawking grew up enjoying
That such a combination of sheer bril­ almost magical. Let me his train set and later built model
liance exists in a body that has withstood explain. airplanes and ships. After the war,
an incredible attack of nature is over­ in 1950, the family moved to St. Albans,
whelming and inspiring to us all. Humble beginnings 20 miles north of central London, so that
Knowing that you’re in the room with Stephen William Hawking was born Hawking’s father could be close to the
perhaps the smartest human being on the January 8, 1942, in Oxford, England, in newly opened National Institute for
planet is an amazing experience. Last year, the midst of World War II and the ongo­ Medical Research, where he studied tropi­
Hawking attended the Starmus Festival in ing blitz bombing by the Nazis. He was cal diseases. In St. Albans, “the family was
the Canary Islands, the unique gathering descended from a line of tenant farmers, regarded as eccentric,” says Hawking. The
of science enthusiasts that features talks by his father being the first to attend college, Hawkings weren’t poor, but they were of
Nobel Prize winners, astronaut-explorers, at Oxford, where he studied medicine. relatively modest means.
science communicators, and researchers, His mother was the daughter of a Scottish Education in England was very hierar­
as well as celebrations of music, art, and doctor. To the day, Hawking was born 300 chical, and Hawking did well enough to
life on Earth. He delivered two incredible years after Galileo’s death. At first, how­ be classed fairly high but stayed in public

A tribute to the great theoretical physicist. by David J. Eicher

The life and times of Stephen Hawking W W W.A S TR O N O MY.CO M 51

Stephen William Hawking was As a teenager, Hawking enjoyed horse- On entering graduate school at Cambridge University in Hawking was diagnosed with a motor neu- Hawking, along with his co-author Roger Hawking visited President Bill Clinton in the White
born January 8, 1942, in Oxford, back riding, but his true fascination was 1962, Hawking chose cosmology and gravitation over parti- ron disease that today is commonly known Penrose, received the Wolf Prize in Physics for House Oval Office on March 5 prior to giving the
England, to Frank, a medical with understanding how things worked. cle physics, feeling that “the study of elementary particles as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease. By the end of his work on black holes. Such an honor is often second White House Millennium Evening Lecture, a
researcher, and Isobel, a secre- He frequently took items apart, though he at that time was too like botany,” according to his memoir. the decade, he was forced into a wheelchair. considered second only to a Nobel Prize. AIP EMILIO series celebrating human advancement in science

schools. During the last portion of his Cambridge as a grad student, having “Lou Gehrig’s disease,” that has since para­ was born in 1967, daughter Lucy in 1970, that a black hole would show some emis­ ’70s, the Hawkings continued to focus on
normal schooling, he became interested applied to work with the great astronomer lyzed him. “The realization that I had an and later, another son, Timothy, in 1979. sion, not simply scattering. their many family activities as Stephen’s
in mathematics and physics. Physics, and cosmologist Fred Hoyle. He ended up incurable disease that was likely to kill me At the tail end of the 1960s and This finding showed that a previously condition gradually worsened.
Hawking thought, was somewhat boring working with Dennis Sciama and was in a few years was a bit of a shock,” says throughout the 1970s, Hawking worked unknown relationship must exist between
“because it was so easy and obvious.” But excited by the prospects of cosmology Hawking. That is certainly something of an tirelessly on gravitational waves and their thermodynamics — the science of heat — Complexity and challenge
physics and astronomy offered the hope and elementary particle physics. Particle understatement. Some of the doctors ini­ likely sources (black holes), on the confir­ and gravity. Hawking had discovered that By the 1980s, the Hawkings’ marriage
of understanding the meaning of it all. physics was in a strange period of research, tially thought he would only live for a cou­ mation of the Big Bang theory, and on a over time radiation leaks away from a black had become strained, and Jane began to
“I wanted to fathom the depths of the so Hawking gravitated toward cosmology ple years. That was 52 years ago, and he is theory of causal structure in general rela­ hole, eventually evaporating it. This came have romantic feelings for a church organ­
universe,” he says. and gravitation, two seemingly still going strong. tivity, and became increasingly interested to be known as Hawking radiation. ist she knew, Jonathan Hellyer Jones. He
neglected fields that offered lots in black holes. A few days after the birth of Hawking’s calculations showed that the moved in with the family to help take care
How to make a physicist of opportunity. Marriage and family his daughter, Hawking realized he could radiation leaking from black holes would of Hawking, who did not object, thinking
In 1959, at age 17, Hawking took an Hawking joined the battle Hawking had met Jane Wilde, apply some of the work he had done with be thermal and random. But the evaporat­ the family would need someone to care for
entrance exam for Oxford. He received to expand the understanding a friend of his sister’s, just causal theory to black holes. He also had ing black hole left a paradox at the heart of them when he was gone. Hawking began
a scholarship and commenced schooling of general relativity just as before his diagnosis, and the published significant work on the meaning physics. How could the radiation left over to have choking fits, and during a Swiss
there, in his third year joining the boating that movement was gaining two wanted to get married. If of general relativity, showing among other carry all the information about what made trip in 1985, was rushed to the hospital and
club as a coxswain in order to make more momentum. During his last so, he would need a job. And for things that it would break down at singu­ the black hole? And if the information was placed on a ventilator. Surgeons had to per­
friends. He didn’t work particularly hard, year at Oxford, however, he that, he would need to finish his larities, i.e. in black holes. lost, that would seem to be incompatible form a tracheotomy, meaning Hawking’s
averaging an hour of studying per day, noticed increased clumsiness. He saw Ph.D. Set against the background of an with quantum physics. Hawking believes ability to speak, already badly degraded,
but that was the prevailing attitude then a physician after falling down some stairs, uncertain future, Hawking thrust into high General relativity and that information is not lost, but it is simply would now be completely gone.
at Oxford. One should rely on brilliance. and the doctor merely warned him to “lay working gear for the first time. Hawking black holes not returned in a meaningful way. Now Hawking could only communicate

Despite that, he advanced successfully to off the beer.” But while skating on a frozen was inspired by Roger Penrose, who Hawking next turned to attempting to In the early 1970s, Hawking spent time by learning to spell out words one letter at
graduate school. lake at St. Albans, he fell and could not get hypothesized space­time singularities in combine general relativity, the behavior of doing research with his good friend Kip a time on a spelling card using eyebrow
In October 1962, Hawking arrived at back on his feet. Just after his 21st birthday, the centers of black holes, and applied this the very large, with quantum theory, the Thorne at the California Institute of motions to indicate choices. It was, need­
Hawking entered a hospital for tests. thinking to the entire universe in his Ph.D. behavior of the very small. He used black Technology, and the Hawking family less to say, exceptionally frustrating at first
David J. Eicher is editor of Astronomy and is The doctors at first were not too com­ dissertation, which he completed in 1966. holes as the theoretical test bed for quan­ enjoyed the Golden State. He graduated and required countless hours of practice.
proud to be a member of the Starmus Festival municative, but soon Hawking was diag­ Meanwhile, the previous year, he married tum behavior. How would quantum fields from a mechanical to an electric wheel­ One of the greatest minds the world has
Board of Directors, as well as a lifelong admirer nosed with an incurable, rare type of a Jane. scatter off of a black hole? His calculations chair, and taking care of him became a known was in danger of being completely
of Stephen Hawking. motor neuron disease in the vein of ALS, The Hawking family grew. Son Robert demonstrated, much to his astonishment, family affair. Back to England in the mid­ cut off from the rest of us, still functioning

52 A ST R O N O M Y • JA N UARY 2016 W W W.A S TR O N O MY.CO M 53

Queen Elizabeth II of Britain Despite increasing disability, Hawking has spent Hawking received the Copley Medal from Britain’s Royal Hawking experienced weightless- Hawking visited students attending the African Hawking returned to the White House Oval
visited Hawking at the Centre much of the past two decades focusing on his Society for his theoretical work. Then NASA Administrator ness in April as part of a Zero Gravity Institute for Mathematical Sciences, located in Office as one of the 16 recipients of that
of Mathematical Sciences at research and bringing cosmology and astrophysics Michael Griffin (far right) helped present the medal, which Corporation flight that raised South Africa, in May as part of the Next Einstein year’s Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Cambridge University in May when to a wider audience with various books that extend had flown to the International Space Station aboard the $144,000 for charity. ZERO-G Initiative to support those interested in science THE WHITE HOUSE
he was the Lucasian Professor of from his original 1988 best-seller, A Brief History of space shuttle Discovery, with Martin Rees (center), then and technology. JUDITH CROASDELL
Mathematics. NIGEL LUCKHURST Time (Bantam Books). PHILIP WATERSON, LBIPP, LRPS president of the Royal Society. THE ROYAL SOCIETY

magnificently, but in danger of no clear travel in time or space). Can the laws of relativity and the origin and fate of the cos­
channel of communication. physics allow a wormhole and space­time mos, a century after the heyday of Einstein.
Moreover, Hawking had become upset to be so warped that a spaceship could One could rightly ask the question: How
with the increasing closeness of Jane and enter it and return to its own past? Could is it that Stephen Hawking has not been
Jonathan. He moved out, into a flat, in an advanced civilization construct a time awarded a Nobel Prize?
1990. One of his nurses, Elaine Mason, who machine by modifying a small part of Hawking’s mind is of course as sharp as
he had grown close to over hours of care­ space­time so that it closed time­like curves ever. This was witnessed most recently by
giving, moved in with him. Five years later of space in a finite region? astronomy enthusiasts from his two grip­
they were married, and Hawking declared: Theoretically, the answer depends on ping talks at Starmus.
“It’s wonderful — I have married the the model you use and also the assump­
woman I love.” He has subsequently stated tions you make about various conditions
that several times, Elaine has saved his life. within it. But, to quote Hawking, “the
In 1982, Hawking had the idea to write a future looks black for time travel, or should
popular level book about his research on I say blindingly white?” It does not appear
the universe, and the subsequent title, A that the laws of physics allow for traveling
Brief History of Time, was an incredible back in time, regardless of the space­time
runaway best­seller. Rather than his techni­ curvature. “Even if some different theory is
cal publisher, Cambridge University Press, discovered in the future,” says Hawking, “I Hawking visited the Large Hadron Collider,
Hawking sold the book to Bantam, wanting don’t think time travel will be possible.” where the Higgs boson was discovered,
an “exciting development” in cosmology,
to reach as large a market as he could. Over time, Hawking has come to live according to the renowned physicist.
Following the huge success of his book, with his disability with increasing success. COURTESY CERN

Hawking turned to another spectacular He has moved to a more sophisticated

subject in physics, the possibility of time wheelchair and to progressively better sys­
travel. In 1990, Hawking’s friend Thorne tems of computer communication. His
had posited that perhaps time travel would accomplishments in theoretical physics,
be possible by passing through wormholes cosmology, astrophysics, and related fields
(black holes that could be used as ways to have formed a new basis for understanding

54 A ST R O N O M Y • JA N UARY 2016 W W W.A S TR O N O MY.CO M 55

Black Holes
Get sucked in! Spaghettification
Jets You float carefree
through space-time,
Event Horizon gradually approaching
a black hole. The
gravitational tug on
your feet isn’t much
Nothing is stranger than a black different from that
hole. The darkened corpse of a on your head.
former sun from which not even
light can escape, a black hole The black hole’s
forms when a massive, dying star gravity becomes
bothersome. Because
crumples under its own gravity.
your shoes are 5 or
It shrinks until all of its mass is
6 feet closer, they feel
contained in an infinitely dense
more of its pull first.
point, called a singularity. Its
gravity is so intense, if anything The black hole soon
ventures within an invisible pulls your feet much
border around the singularity, harder than the rest
called the event horizon, it of you. They begin
cannot escape. to stretch away from
Just outside the event horizon your calves.
whirls high-temperature That uncomfortable
material — the accretion disk — feeling grows as
waiting to “fall into” the black you’re strung out
hole like water spiraling down into a thin strand, or
a drain. The disk emits X-rays, spaghettified. Game
a high-energy form of light, over, man.
because the matter moves so fast
that its friction generates a lot of
heat. Jets of energy and matter,
whose formations remain a
mystery, can stretch away from
the accretion disk for hundreds
of thousands of light-years.
Nudging up against the event
horizon, a ring of photons
surrounds the black hole. This
loop of light, called the innermost
stable circular orbit, outlines
the edge of the black hole like
a bull’s-eye. And from its dead
center, the black hole evaporates
energy called Hawking radiation, Singularity
causing the whole thing to shrink
ever so slightly and slowly. Innermost
Billions or trillions of years after Stable Circular

its birth, the black hole will Orbit

evaporate entirely.
Accretion Disk


Black Holes

Who Will Solve the Black Holes in Time

Information Paradox? 1784 John Michell imagines an object
so massive that even light cannot
When an object crosses the event horizon into a black hole, it can
never come back out — it, and all information about its identity, are escape. Twelve years later, Pierre
trapped forever. But black holes slowly evaporate as they leak Hawk- Laplace independently comes up with
ing radiation into space. So when they disappear, what becomes of the same idea.
the information trapped inside? Quantum mechanics says such infor-
mation can never be destroyed. Here’s how four different physicists 1915 Albert Einstein
have tried to resolve this so-called information paradox. publishes his theory
of general relativity,
which says the universe
Leonard Susskind Information Station
is made of stretchable
Institution: Stanford University
Year: 2008 “fabric” called space-time.
Known for: Co-creating string theory
1916 Karl Schwarzschild’s
Idea: In his book The Black Hole War, Susskind Event Horizon
says quantum physics dictates that information equations suggest
remains on the black hole’s edge, even while the singularities exist,
object falls in. Stephen Hawking fought him, saying
the information is gone forever, so quantum mechanics
Black Holes on and he defines the

must be flawed. the Big Screen distance between them

and the point of no
Physicist Kip Thorne worked with
return as the
Joseph Polchinski Firewall Beyond Black Holes the producers of Interstellar
event horizon.

to make the most scientifically
Institution: University of California, While we have solid evidence accurate black-hole visualization
Santa Barbara that black holes exist, many
1939 J. Robert
ever. The characters got
Year: 2012 of the details remain fuzzy, fancifully close without being Oppenheimer, future
Known for: Discovering D-branes, explaining leaving open strange doors of spaghettified, though. head of the Manhattan

what D-branes are (a string theory thing) possibility. On the speculative Project, describes how
Idea: Once a black hole has lost about half of end of the spectrum sits the In 2013’s Thor: The Dark World,
itself to Hawking radiation, the event horizon can dark elves have black hole bombs a dying massive star
weird world of wormholes and

no longer store enough encoded information to tell the that whip up a singularity, collapses, leaving behind a

white holes.
story of what’s inside. After that, nothing can go inside or else Wormholes, also called crushing enemies and then black hole (though the exact phrase
its information will be lost, and the singularity essentially collides Einstein-Rosen Bridges, are sucking them in. While that is wasn’t used).
with the event horizon. A “firewall” — a wall of energetic what would happen if a black

shortcuts between two places
particles born from collision — then lies just outside the horizon, in space. In this scenario, after hole bomb went off nearby, black 1962 Maarten Schmidt coins the
incinerating anything that tries to cross it. you enter a black hole, you (or hole bombs are not real. term quasar to describe 3C273, an
your spaghettified remains) In the 1997 film Event Horizon, energy-spewing supermassive black
enter a “tunnel” and come out a spaceship of the same name
Gerard ’t Hooft Hidden Code hole in the center of a galaxy, even

many light-years away through tries to travel throughout the
Institution: Utrecht University though no one knew what it was at
a white hole, the opposite of a universe by creating black
Year: 2015 the time.
black hole. While a black hole holes. Instead, it slips into a
Known for: Winning the Nobel Prize
is like the Hotel California — “dimension of pure chaos,”
in Physics in 1999
you can check in, but you can causing the crew to mutilate 1967 John Wheeler
Idea: ’t Hooft elaborated on Susskind’s idea. popularizes the term
never leave — you can leave each other. There is, to date, no
As the object approaches the black hole’s edge,
the latter’s gravitational field changes. That shifts How to See a Black Hole a white hole, but never check
back in. They’re mathematically
evidence that black holes lead to
dimensions of pure chaos.
black hole.
the outgoing Hawking radiation in a way that encodes 1973 Astronomers
Just as planets orbit the sun, stars orbit our galaxy’s central possible, but no one has ever
information about the object.
black hole, Sagittarius A* (pronounced “A star”). Scientists at found evidence of a worm- or reach consensus on
the University of California, Los Angeles, have watched their white hole. Then again, their their first black hole candidate,
Stephen Hawking Holograms maypole dance for more than 20 years. discoverer could never return to Cygnus X-1.
Institution: Cambridge University Sagittarius A* recently tried to shred a mysterious object. tell us about it.
Year: 2015 In 2011, astronomers discovered G2, which they thought 1974 Stephen Hawking says
Known for: Inventing Hawking radiation, being was a gas cloud, on a near-collision course with the galactic black holes emit energy, called
Stephen Hawking center. They believed the black hole would rip G2 apart
Hawking radiation, from inside the
Idea: After contending for years that before eating it. G2 did spaghettify a bit, but it held together
and continued on its path. Scientists now believe the gas event horizon.
information is destroyed, the famous physicist
changed his tune. Last year, he said a 3-D object cloaks a secret star, whose gravity kept the clouds safe
2002 German astronomers report the
leaves a 2-D stamp — a hologram — on the event horizon from total annihilation.
Not all stars are so lucky. In October 2015, astronomers first evidence that the dark center
as it goes in. As Hawking radiation travels out, an impression of
the object’s identity is stamped on the hologram. watched as a supermassive black hole in the galaxy PGC 043234 of our galaxy contains a black hole,
— 290 million light-years away — shredded a star, scooped it called Sagittarius A*.
into the accretion disk and then ate it for space lunch.


BIG IDEA The team did its first real observing
run in April 2017 with the Atacama

Black Hole Close-Up

Large Millimeter-submillimeter
Array (ALMA) in Chile. It’s a
weapon powerful enough to let EHT
peer right into a puncture in space-
time. Wielding that secret weapon
An Earth-sized telescope will capture the unseeable. wasn’t simple. The astronomers
had to combine data from
ALMA’s 66 dishes into a
ASTROPHYSICIST JEAN-PIERRE LUMINET a network of eight radio single recording before
didn’t have a supercomputer when he telescopes in Hawaii, they combined it with
showed the world what a black hole Arizona, Spain, Mexico, the other telescopes’
looks like. He just had an IBM 7040 Chile and Antarctica. observations.
and a bunch of punch cards. He knew Astronomers align these Still, even with
from theory that black holes do not instruments to study the ALMA, and nearly
emit light. But the material that swirls same object at the same a year of analysis
around them — dust and gas stripped time. The scientists then time, they haven’t made
from stars — shines all the way to combine data from these a picture yet. And it’s
its inanimate death. Light from that eight antennas into one the fault of a whole
material, Luminet thought, would trace image that looks like it came
The EHT continent: Antarctica
the black hole’s shape, including warps from a telescope as big as isn’t just one and its South Pole
in space-time from its extreme gravity. the biggest distance between telescope: Telescope. Astronomers
When the fridge-sized IBM spit out the telescopes. In other had to wait for southern
results in the late ’70s, Luminet used ink words, they create a virtual It’s a network spring before they
and pen to plot out an image by hand. telescope the size of Earth. of eight radio could fly the pallet of
He saw the black hole’s event horizon, It’s called very long data out. It arrived for
the point beyond which nothing can baseline interferometry, or
telescopes processing at MIT’s
escape; and an accretion disk, the VLBI. But there’s a trick in Hawaii, Haystack Observatory
gathering of matter siphoned from to it. According to Shep Arizona, in December.
nearby stars. Although the black hole Doeleman, director of the Why is a black hole
had just one disk, gravity had morphed EHT, “the secret sauce to Spain, Mexico, snapshot worth all this
its appearance, like a fun house mirror, VLBI, the thing that makes Chile and effort? To Doeleman, it’s
into two perpendicular disks. They it work, is that at each of the
Antarctica. about the strangeness
appeared brighter closer to the black telescopes that participates of the science. “These
hole, and more luminous on one side in our observations, we have are really the most
than the other. placed an atomic clock.” mysterious objects in the universe,”
Some four decades later, the basics As each telescope stares at he says. “There’s nothing that comes
of Luminet’s black-hole predictions Sagittarius A*, the data gets stamped close, except maybe life itself.”
still stand. But his image and all others with the atomic time, like it’s clocking And life itself, at least life as we
are paintings, not photographs. That’s out of a shift. Then, scientists line up know it, doesn’t know what black
about to change. Scientists working each bit taken at, say, 5:13 p.m. GMT, holes look like, what happens within


with the Event Horizon Telescope with all the other 5:13 p.m. GMT bits. them, what that means for how
(EHT) will soon release an actual To do that alignment, though, the galaxies form and evolve, or how
portrait of Sagittarius A* (pronounced clocked-out bits must meet in person, that birth and growth led, at least on
“A-star”), the supermassive black at a central facility. Researchers Earth, to life that can look out and
hole at the center of our galaxy. As a usually share their data online, but learn how its galaxy works.
backup, they have data on another one this job, with its many petabytes, is “There are very few topics where
in a nearby galaxy called M87. The too big for the internet. “The only we say we just really have no idea
image could help demystify one of the way to get [the data] anywhere is what happens at that point in the
Decades of simulations suggest universe’s most mysterious objects, and by flying hard disks around,” says universe,” says Doeleman. “One
this is what gas and dust look
like spiraling around a black hole. even help explain how galaxies like the Doeleman. Researchers call this the of those may be consciousness.
We could soon see the real thing. Milky Way form and evolve. “sneakernet,” and it’s the ultimate And another one is the black hole.”
The EHT isn’t just one telescope: It’s analog-digital mash-up. — SARAH SCOLES


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