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January - March (Rules and Regulations set out by town/county/state for day ‘camps 1 Camper's Handbook for parents Lay out all the policies and actions a center will take under different circumstances 1 Camper's registration information © Health form © Parent's consent form Will the students be leaving the center? Will you be taking photos of the students? Will the students be taking part in any physical activities that go beyond normal “play”? 1 Food ~ decide what your policies will be concerning food ‘© Food preparation ~ bagged lunch or order in © Keep in mind food allergies — nut allergies Finalize Program of Studies Find a way to set yourself apart from other competing programs What makes you unique? The academics? Interesting themes? 1 set your prices © Whats the going rate in your area? © What quality/service are families getting for the rate competitors are charging? If you are charging more, you should have a good reason to present to parents. © Will you give discounts based on the number of weeks enrolled? Siblings? 1D Determine your schedule © 4-day / 5-day options © 2-week or 4-week blocks - We'd advise against a weekly option from a registration/logistics perspective © Half-day / Fullday Summer Program Considerations Advertise Your Summer Program 1D Local Camp Expos © Local Publications with special summer camp editions 1D Open House with promotion for Summer 1 Year-round JE! programs must be advertised separately April - June C1 Start hiring summer staff © Ensure you have working papers for all staff under 18 © CPR Certification for counsellors 1 Make sure to have enough diagnostic tests avaitable if you plan on testing students. Best for students that are advanced 1 Preorder enough workbooks if you plan to use preselected workbooks if you plan on using the Preview list of workbooks. Best for students at or below grade-level C1 Order supplies ifneeded © Determine what, if any, reward system you will use. Do you need to purchase prizes or charts or JE! dollars..? CF Finalize arrangements with outside venues, vendors, etc... 1 Make sure you have enough insurance to cover any and all possible scenarios that may te summer-specific. Be honest with your insurance agent, as it is better to have too much coverage than too litle. Registration Form orriciaLuse REGISTRATION fj 2016 JEI SUMIMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Fein ieee INMUMATION PYRE SF ST ‘BBE oxteoremN 7 Mae /eMnie Camper Information 1 Fc oo( GRADE FORTHE NEXT SCHOOLVEAR YOUTH SHIRT SHE FE GD SW HONORS OF GED GASES W SEM PERE SEV BY SET oF TSF TBD , DATE OF mn MALE / MALE ‘Camper Information 2 f_? i SEO RADE FOR ENE SOUSOTVERR OUT SHRSRE (if applicable) TF TIS CHILD STW HONORS OW GIFTED GASSES W SCHOOL, PLEASE SPECIFY BY SUBIECT: ‘STREET ADDRESS ATH, ay TATE APCODE Contact Information ET ‘TAT ADDRES ‘MOTHER/GURADTAN NAME ‘PRONE NUMBER FATTER/GUARDIAN WARE [PHONE NUMBER Emergency Contact "ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY CONTACT RAME [ BROW ROWER Acknowledgement of Enrollment and Summer Camp Policy 1, Aonestime registration fe is due at ime of registration. $35 per ‘camper, or $60 per family. 12. deposit of $200 per compe Is equired atthe time of reestration. 3. Canceltons must bein wing, Fullrefund by June 1. Ful eung ess 25200 administrative fee per camper by June 15. No refund after June 30; however, camp fee (les 3 $200 administrative fe per ‘ampee| may be used towards any JE clases within a 1-month period 4. Camp feesare forfeit if chits sent home for dicptinay reasons tuition pro-rated for remainder of camp for ijury ries, octor’s note required. 5. Anyschedule changes most be arranged in vance anda $50 fees {du for eath schedule chang. 16. Weare nat responsible for any loss of or damage to personal property. ny elections, toys and personal belongings brought to ‘amp wil be the sole responsibilty ofthe camper. 17. Tne parent or guardian shall beable for any and al damages and Injuries cause by the camper. 18. The Heath Form must be submited by June 2" or camper may be refusedwithout a relund 20. 2 2. au ‘El reserves the right to dismiss any camper whose condition, conduct, Influence or behavior I deemed unsatisfactory or detrimental the best intrest of fellow eampers. In these stances, efunds willbe issued at the eseretin of the comp director. ‘Students will ony be released to authorized parentsor an adult over ‘the age of 9: indieated under “AdsitonalEmergency Contact” Except for pre-arranged before and after-

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