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1) assessment of GCS

Moan = incomprehensible speech – sounds

2) the true about DKA :

- initial IV fluids with hypotonic fluids
- negative test of urine for ketones not exclude DKA
- severe hemoconc produces hyperkalemia
- NaHco3 used safely to treat metabolic acidosis

3) the least test done in near drowning victim :

- electrolyte level
- core temp

4) rapid overcorrection of hyponatremia all occur except

- quadriparesis
- seizures
- ataxia
- cardiac arrhythmia

5) Narrow regular rhythm , unsuccessful trial of vagal

maneuver, Adenosine 6 mg was given. What's the next
- Adenosine 6 mg
- Adenosine 12 mg
- Synchronized cardioversion

6) Smoker with Chronic chest condition say

emphysema . What's the predicted ABG results.
- Findings that match Respiratory acidosis.

7) Patient with fever, chills, jaundice and URQ pain :

- Acute cholangitis ( correct )
- Hepatic cancer

8) Patient with signs of lateralization, what's best initial

ttt :
- Corticosteroids
- Mannitol (correct )
9) Knee trauma, what's the most concerning finding in
case of popliteal artery injury?

- Knee dislocation
- Intact dorsalis pedis pulsation
- ABI of 0.93

10) best prognosis of them all:

- pulsless ventricular tachycardia

- ventricular fibrillation
- asystole

11) PEA, use :

- Lidocaine
- Nitroglycerine
- IV fluids
- Calcium

12) Causes of mesenteric ischemia :

- campylobacter jejuni
- Celiac dx
- AF ( correct i guess )
13) Main pathology in acute MI :
- Coronary thrombus
- Coronary spasm
- Aggrevation of coronary plaque narrowing

14) Asthmatic pt took ipratropium bromide w albuterol.

i think. RR 20. HR 100 fair condition but still wheezy
chest, next step?
- Admission
- Steroids+... and discharge
- Continue albuterol and observe

15) Which one of the following is not included in ALS:

A. Tertiary survey
B. Resuscitation
C. Secondary survey
D. definitive ttt

16) A multiple-trauma patient, presented with

tachypnea, tachycardia, hypotension, diminished breath
sound, right sided chest pain and crepitance. What is the
appropriate next step?
A. needle decomprseeion
B. Thoracotomy
C. Saline 1 L IV

17) What's the minimum decrease in blood volume to

start affecting systolic blood pressure?
15-30 %
30-40 %

18) for use of thrombolytic, the best indication is :

- new LBBB with cardiogenic shock
- ST seg elevation more than 2 mm on 2 adjacent
precordial leads
- ST segment elevation more than 1 mm on 2 adjacent
precordial leads with cardiogenic shock

19) case with narrow irregular tachyarrythmia and

showing BP=80/60 mmHg , the next management is ?
- cardioversion
20) the first investigation in perforated viscus is :
- plain x-ray

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