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15 September 2010

UK Rates | Supply

Gilt Auction Preview

This material should be regarded as a
marketing communication and may have
been produced in conjunction with the RBS
£3.00bn of 3.75% 2020
trading desks that trade as principal in the
instruments mentioned herein. „ The current back-up in yields helps valuation concerns but will investors be
greedy and hold out for more? The bond has cheapened up in the past month to
attractive levels.

„ We would recommend buying the auction stock either against the 5y part of the
curve or against 10y France, our two highest conviction Gilt trading calls.

Value Measures

The auction stock has cheapened up on the near flies over the past month.
Using either 4.50% 2019 or 3.75% 2019 on one side and 4.00% 2022 on the
other shows around a 7bp cheapening (Chart 1).

The pick-up out of 4.75% 2020 has pushed up to around 10.5bp last, which is
around a 1bp cheapening in the past month. So, quite modest but there is at
least something there.

Chart 1: Near flies for 3.75% 2020

20 10
18 8
16 6

14 4
4 -8
2 -10
0 -12
2-Jun 16-Jun 30-Jun 14-Jul 28-Jul 11-Aug 25-Aug 8-Sep

4.50% 2019 / 3.75% 2020 / 4.00% 2022 3.75% 2019 / 3.75% 2020 / 4.00% 2022 (RHS)

Source: RBS

Market Backdrop
Andy Chaytor
The yield on the bond has backed-up around 27bp since the late August lows,
Rates Strategy and after a brief flirtation with the two-handle has pushed back into the 3% range
+44 207 085 1234 comfortably. We see this as a major positive for the bond; speaking to people over the past 1-2 months there has been a great deal of interest expressed in
buying the dip. Well, we’ve had a dip. Of course some (many?) will look for a
Bloomberg: RBSR<GO> further back-up in yields before getting interested but we think some will be
The Royal Bank of Scotland

tempted to use the liquidity provided by the auction to get long at these more
attractive levels.

UK Rates | Supply | 15 September 2010

While Tuesday’s CPI release was unfortunate for bond bulls, the first rise in the
claimant count for 6 months reported earlier today might have, at the margin,
reignited some discussion of UK double-dip risks.

One potential issue is that the poor 20y auction earlier does not bode well for the
sale. The bid / cover came at 1.5 against an average of 1.71 for the last 5 long
auctions. However, it is better to be the second of two consecutive gilt sales and
so while today’s slightly low bid / cover may mean the 3.75% 2020 has to
cheapen up a touch more than normal into the sale, it shouldn’t actively put off


We like 5s10s flatteners. Thus far the trade has not moved in our favour, it has
been stuck in a 110bp-120bp range for the past 7 months, but we expect this to
be the next part of the curve to flatten. Partly this reflects our general lower-for-
longer thesis, which has already seen 2s5s start to flatten and will move in due
course along the curve. However, right now there is also the (related) issue that
investors are a) desperate to pick-up yield and b) worried about the possibility of
a catastrophic double-dip in the global economy. In that environment, yield
should be picked up by moving out the duration curve, not the credit curve. We
would definitely recommend buying the 10y at tomorrow’s auction as part of a
5s10s flattener trade.


We continue to like gilts against Europe. The 10y is a very obvious part of the
curve with which to enact these types of trades and we are currently favouring
long 10y Gilts out of 10y France. We still think this trade looks extremely
attractive, modestly onside after a volatile past week. - View this page for additional Important Disclosure Information for Research Recommendations including
Recommendation history.
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The Royal Bank of Scotland

UK Rates | Supply | 15 September 2010

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