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Consumerism: Creative Response

5 4 3 2 1
Outcomes Exemplary Accomplished Almost There Developing Beginning

I can defend my My response is My response is well My response is My response My response

response to the strongly supported, using supported by a few is supported does not use
inquiry question supported, using several perspectives/ by a few any
using perspectives several perspectives/sources sources, but their perspectives/ perspectives
learned about in perspectives/sour in a thoughtful and connection is sources, and or sources to
class ces in a clear way to defend somewhat unclear their support my
(SS 9.S.4, 9.S.7) persuasive and my position and defend my connection is response, and
(10 points) purposeful way position weakly non-existent therefore my
to defend my and therefore position is not
position defend my defended
I can demonstrate I demonstrate I demonstrate I demonstrate I demonstrate I demonstrate
my understanding extensive thorough basic little no
of the relevancy of understanding of understanding of the understanding of understanding understanding
the issue to quality the relevancy of relevancy of quality of the relevancy of of the of the
of life quality of life, and life, and attentively quality of life, and relevancy of relevancy of
(SS 9.2.2, 9.2.4) purposefully show its connection to show its aimlessly quality of life, quality of life,
(10 points) show its consumerism and connection to and unclearly and do not
connection to consumer behavior consumerism and show its show its
consumerism and consumer behavior connection to connection to
consumer consumerism consumerism
behavior and consumer and consumer
behavior behavior
I can creatively My response is My response is My response could My response My response is
present my ideas unique, authentic interesting, original use some attention is weak in not creative
and arguments in and effective in and functional in in being creative, using or original. It
an effective and communicating communicating my or it is somewhat creativity and is
relevant way my ideas. ideas. unclear how it is relevancy to inappropriate
(SS 9.S.1, 9.S.8) the appropriate communicate in
(5 points) way to my thoughts communicatin
communicate my g my ideas due
ideas to irrelevancy
I can use proper I make no errors I make 1-2 errors that I make 3-4 errors I make over 5 I make enough
language that distract the distract the reader that distract the errors that errors in that
mechanics (this reader from the from the content. reader from the distract the my response
includes content. My response is still content. reader from is difficult to
vocabulary, My response is easy to read. My errors catch the the content. read.
grammar, spelling exceptionally reader’s attention My errors
and punctuation) easy to read. and interrupt the make my
(5 points) flow. response
confusing to


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