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The tablet hardness tester is a manual testing system to measure hardness,

diameter, thickness and weight of virtually all tablet shapes and sizes. Precision
mechanics and trouble-free operation have made the 8M one of the most popular
quality control instruments in tablet manufacturing and research labs of
internationally leading pharmaceutical companies. Tablets are placed in the
machine individually and by hand. Reports including statistical analysis can be
printed or sent to compliant PC software for paperless reporting.

With this convenient easy-to-use instrument the Stokes Tablet Hardness Tester Model 539,
tablet makers no longer need to rely on finger sensitivity or other “guesswork” methods, they can
measure tablet hardness directly in terms of kilograms of pressure require to crush the tablet.
This reading is then correlated with the following:

 Method of manufacture
 Desired physical characteristics of the tablet
 Composition

Pfizer Hardness Tester

Suitable for tablet hardness testing, very handy and portable, records hardness quickly and
directly on dial indicator. As the tablet is crushed by pressing the jaws of the instrument, the
force is recorded on a dial indicator calibrated in force unit 1/5 kg. Squeeze of hand grip
generates the breaking force. & Release of the hand pressure opens the jaws instantly.

Strong Cobb Hardness Tester

Consist of a plunger activated by pumping a lever arm, which forces an anvil against a
stationary platform by hydraulic pressure

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