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A Slide Presentation

For Satchidananda Ashram

By Koosraj
April 2005
SCAS: contact President-6255349,,
A Selection of Holy Flowers
from the Spiritual Garland
made for Devotional
Expansion and Spiritual
by Shri Veervasanta
Biographical Note
Born on 5.11.1913, Shri Veervasantha grew up in Surinam. He
passed away on 1.04.1980.
These quotes are the fruits of the early meditative life of the
guru and was mostly compiled by his disciples, especially Swami
Turiyananda, also known as Chand Canakiah, of Souillac.
The Ashram of the guru, called Sat-chid-ananda Society
(SCAS), is situated at Surinam, on the premises of the
Saminaden family.
The guru’s teachings dwell on subjects such as Self as Form,
Formless, Something, Nothing, Space Blueness and Space Void,
the Seven Personals, the Uncreated Abodes, the Beyond, etc.
1.The Self is the Infinite, the Supreme,
the All-Powerful, the All-Pervading, the
All-Knowing, the Eternal Life, the
Eternal One, the Eternal Spirit, the
Eternal Soul, the Dweller in all things,
the Dweller of the heart, the Dweller of
space, the Dweller in the Heavenly
Abode, the Supreme Being, the Supreme
Actor …
…the Supreme Father, the Supreme
Generator and Annihilator, the Supreme
Master, the Lord of all beings and
creation, the Eternal Nothingness, the
Space, the Blank, the Void, the
Immensity, the Invisible, the Immutable,
the Unknown, the Unseen, the
Unfathomable, the Unthinkable, the
Mysterious and the Beyond
A man who unites himself with God
through concentration, meditation or
inner inquiry acquires the divine nature
and becomes a man-God. When God
takes a body with a human mind, He is
a God-man. In the first instance, the
man has ascended to God condition; in
the second, God has descended to man
We may consider the Self as an infinite
mass of snow, and from this snow
millions and millions of snow-puppets
are made. These puppets may be
compared to human beings. Just as a
snow-puppet can merge in a mass of
snow, so a human being can become
one with the Self through perfection.
The Self is an Infinite Thought
and we are but particles of
that Thought; when we unite
our thought with the Infinite
Thought, we then know
ourselves [as the Self] and are
God is the All-Knowing Force and
man the ignorant force. When the
ignorant attains realisation he
becomes the knower of Truth.
Man and God are taken to be two
separate beings through ignorance,
but they are known to be one and
inseparable through perfect
God is not separate from man
nor is man separate from God. It
is a natural condition of
existence; just as saltiness is
never separate from sea-water,
so the soul, which is God, is not
separate from the ego, which is
The soul is the Lord and the body
is the man; hence, man and God
are ever together although man
believes he is separate. After
realisation, a man sees the Lord
doing all actions through him; an
unrealised man cannot see the
Lord acting through him.
The seeking process can lead
one to discover that God and
man are one. As man is nothing
but Soul, and Soul is nothing
but Space, and Space is nothing
but Self: man is [thus] nothing
but God.
The Lord dwells in all
human beings as Soul; He is
active in those who seek
Him and inactive in those
who do not seek Him; but
those who seek Him attain
Man! You are a being as seeker;
you are a non-being as wind; you
are neither a being nor a non-
being as space. You cannot know
how this is so unless you seek it
yourself through the Self. And
God too is so and still beyond all
We have all come from the
Infinite Light but we have
been made [to appear] like
darkness. When we dispel this
darkness by our constant
seeking, we shall come into
the Light again
Man means space and God the
Dweller of space, man means
darkness and God Light, man
means body and God the soul,
man the ego and God the Self,
man the finite and God the
Infinite, man means ignorance
and God the Infinite Intelligence
…man means the limited thought
and God the Unlimited Thought,
man means the five-span body and
God the Infinite Body, man the
inferior nature and God the
Superior Nature, man the
destructible being and God the
Indestructible Being.

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