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Test of Homogeneity of Variances

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.987 3 24 .415

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 14263.183 3 4754.394 2.166 .118
Within Groups 52690.727 24 2195.447
Total 66953.909 27

Multiple Comparisons
95% Confidence Interval
(J) Mean Difference
(I) Kode Kode (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
A B 21.62143 25.04537 .397 -30.0697 73.3125
C 53.65000* 25.04537 .043 1.9589 105.3411
D 52.90857* 25.04537 .045 1.2175 104.5997
B A -21.62143 25.04537 .397 -73.3125 30.0697
C 32.02857 25.04537 .213 -19.6625 83.7197
D 31.28714 25.04537 .224 -20.4040 82.9782
C A -53.65000* 25.04537 .043 -105.3411 -1.9589
B -32.02857 25.04537 .213 -83.7197 19.6625
D -.74143 25.04537 .977 -52.4325 50.9497
D A -52.90857* 25.04537 .045 -104.5997 -1.2175
B -31.28714 25.04537 .224 -82.9782 20.4040
C .74143 25.04537 .977 -50.9497 52.4325
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
Test of Homogeneity of Variances
Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
.816 3 24 .498

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 2703.333 3 901.111 4.679 .010
Within Groups 4622.373 24 192.599
Total 7325.706 27

Multiple Comparisons
95% Confidence Interval
(J) Mean Difference
(I) Kode Kode (I-J) Std. Error Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
A B 26.49714* 7.41810 .002 11.1869 41.8074
C 6.44429 7.41810 .394 -8.8659 21.7545
D 8.59286 7.41810 .258 -6.7174 23.9031
B A -26.49714* 7.41810 .002 -41.8074 -11.1869
C -20.05286* 7.41810 .012 -35.3631 -4.7426
D -17.90429* 7.41810 .024 -33.2145 -2.5941
C A -6.44429 7.41810 .394 -21.7545 8.8659
B 20.05286* 7.41810 .012 4.7426 35.3631
D 2.14857 7.41810 .775 -13.1616 17.4588
D A -8.59286 7.41810 .258 -23.9031 6.7174
B 17.90429* 7.41810 .024 2.5941 33.2145
C -2.14857 7.41810 .775 -17.4588 13.1616
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

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