Esp 377 Microlesson

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Microlección Gramática Plan de Lección

Names: Emily Heeb, Kelsy Brunst

Course: Spanish 1 class Date: 11/15/16

Level and age of students: High School freshmen/sophomores in spanish 1

SWBAT: explain what they are doing on their trip in Chile (using the gerund form of verbs...etc.)

We will have slides of different images of activities in Chile with both the present tense and
present progressive tense shown. The endings will be highlighted in a different color so that the
students can see the difference between the two verb forms. They will then work with a partner
in the classroom to identify what the differences are and we will discuss them as a class.

Images will be shown on the board with sentences that leave out the gerund form of the verb
with the infinitive form of the verb in parenthesis. The students will talk with one another to fill in
the blank of the correct form of the verb. This is a controlled activity.

There will be images shown on the slides of different activities that people are doing in Chile.
We will have them write 2 or 3 sentences describing what is happening in each image, using the
present progressive form, as if it were their own blog post and they are writing about their trip to

Powerpoint presentation

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