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Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)

Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow

Semester January 2017

Experiment 2
Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow

 To determine the fluid velocity using the Bernoulli’s theorem and the
Continuity equation.
 To obtain the hydraulic grade line and the total energy line.


The Bernoulli effect is simply a result of the conservation of energy. The workdone
on a fluid (a fluid is a liquid or a gas), the pressure times the volume, isequal to the
change in kinetic energy of the fluid. In a real flow, friction plays alarge role - a lot of
times you must have a large pressure drop (decrease inpressure) just to overcome
friction. This is the case in your house. Most water pipes have small diameters (large
friction), hence it is called "water pressure" – itis the energy from that pressure drop
that goes to friction.

Experimental Procedure
1. Fill water into the volumetric tank of the hydraulic bench until it isapproximately
90% full.

2. Open the outlet flow control valve fully at the right hand end of the apparatus.

3. Close the inlet flow control valve then start the pump.

4. Gradually open the inlet flow control valve and allow the pipework (Venturi and
manometer) to fill with water until all air has been expelledfrom the pipework.

5. Check that all manometer tubing is properly connected to th corresponding

pressure taps and are air-bubble free. If needed press airbleeds screw slowly to
flush the air-bubbles.

6. After ensure that air is being expelled from the pipework, close the inlet valve
fully and stop the pump.

7. With the outlet valve open, press the air bleed screw slightly until the manometer
levels reach mid height (if the height of manometer is 34 mm, then the mid height
is approximately 17 mm). Wait for some time for the level in manometer tube to
stabilize (it takes some time for it to reach steady state).

Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)
Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow
Semester January 2017

8. Start the pump and slowly adjust the inlet valve so that you get the difference in
levels between tapping point 7 and 8.

9. Wait for some time for the level in manometer tube 8 to stabilize (it takes some
time for it to reach steady state).

10. After the steady state is achieved, redirect the water outlet hose into a container
whose capacity is known (20 liter, for example) and record the time taken for the
water to fill it up to 20 liter. Take at least 3 measurements and record the timings
in Table A1 (Table A2 and A3 to be filled in for the other flowrate) in order to
calculate (average) flow rate.

11. Gently push the Pitot (total head measuring) tube, connected to manometer 8, so
that its end reaches the cross section of the Venturi tube at A, for example. Wait
for some time and note down the readings from manometer 8 and A. The reading
shown by manometer 8 is the sum of the pressure and velocity heads, i.e. the total
(or stagnation) head (h*), because the Pitot tube is held against the flow of fluid
forcing it to a stop (zero velocity). The reading in manometer A measures just the
pressure head (h) because it is connected to the Venturi tube pressure tap, which
does not obstruct the flow, thus measuring the flow static pressure.

12. Repeat step 11 for other cross sections (B, C, D, E and F).

Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)
Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow
Semester January 2017

13. Repeat step 8 -12 for other flowrate (another two different flowrate) by adjusting
the inlet valve.

14. Record all the measurements acquired in Table B1, B2 and B3.

15. Calculate the velocity, ViB using the Bernoulli’s equation where:

16. Calculate the velocity, ViC using the continuity equation where:

17. Determined the difference between two calculated velocity and the percentage
differ of it.

18. Calculate the total energy head using the following equation:

19. Fill in Table C1, C2 and C3.

Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)
Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow
Semester January 2017


Table A1: Volumetric Flowrate

Volume, V Time, t (s) Flowrate, Q
(Liter) 1 2 3 Average L/s m3/s

Table B1: Velocity of fluid calculated using Bernoulli’s and Continuity Equations.
Cross- Using Bernoulli equation Using Continuity Difference
section equation
I h*=h8 hi

cm cm m/s mm2 m/s %

A 530.93
B 366.44
C 201.06
D 314.16
E 380.13
F 530.93

Table C1: Hydraulic Head and Total Energy Head

Manometer Hydraulic head, h (mm) Total Energy Head (mm)

Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)
Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow
Semester January 2017

Table A2: Volumetric Flowrate

Volume, V Time, t (s) Flowrate, Q
(Liter) 1 2 3 Average L/s m3/s

Table B2: Velocity of fluid calculated using Bernoulli’s and Continuity Equations.
Cross- Using Bernoulli equation Using Continuity Difference
section equation
I h*=h8 hi

cm cm m/s mm2 m/s %

A 530.93
B 366.44
C 201.06
D 314.16
E 380.13
F 530.93

Table C2: Hydraulic Head and Total Energy Head

Manometer Hydraulic head, h (mm) Total Energy Head (mm)

Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)
Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow
Semester January 2017

Table A3: Volumetric Flowrate

Volume, V Time, t (s) Flowrate, Q
(Liter) 1 2 3 Average L/s m3/s

Table B3: Velocity of fluid calculated using Bernoulli’s and Continuity Equations.
Cross- Using Bernoulli equation Using Continuity Difference
section equation
I h*=h8 hi

cm cm m/s mm2 m/s %

A 530.93
B 366.44
C 201.06
D 314.16
E 380.13
F 530.93

Table C3: Hydraulic Head and Total Energy Head

Manometer Hydraulic head, h (mm) Total Energy Head (mm)

Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)
Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow
Semester January 2017


1. Determine the difference between two calculated velocity and the percentage
differ of it.

2. Plot the hydraulic grade line and the total energy line for all the readings. What
do these plots tell you about the interchange of different types of energy flow
passed through the different configurations?

Fluid Mechanics (CLB 11003)
Experiment 2: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s Theorem in Fluid Flow
Semester January 2017


1. What are the three major assumptions used in the derivation of the Bernoulli

2. Express the Bernoulli equation in three different ways using (a) energies, (b)
pressures and (c) heads.

3. What is stagnation pressure? Explain how it can be measured.

4. What is the hydraulic grade line? How does it differ from the energy grade line?


1. Joseph B. Franzini. Fluid Mechanics. 10th Ed. McGrawHill (2002).

2. John F. Douglas. Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications. 4th Ed. Prentice
Hall (2001).

3. Noel de Nevers. Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers. 2nd Ed. McGraw Hill

4. McCabe, W.L., Smith, J.C. and Harriot. Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering.
5th Ed., Mc Graw Hill (1993).

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