Research Lesson Plan

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Research Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: Favorite Animal Research

Subject/Course Name: ELA – Writing/Research

Grade/Age Level: 5th Grade

Level (highlight all that apply): Remedial/Special Education On-Level Gifted/Advanced ELLs

Lesson Duration: 1 hour (presentations should be done on an additional day)

Lesson Objectives: (What should students be able to demonstrate? What should students have learned after this lesson?)

Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of finding a variety of sources to answer questions. They will
learn how to use the internet to find electronic sources and enhance their skills of using the Atriuum OPAC to find print
sources available in the school library.

Standard(s) Lesson Addresses: (Indicate standard name, number, and copy/paste strand verbiage) (Include both content
standards and ISTE standards)

CC.ELA.5.28 Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build knowledge through investigation of
different aspects of a topic.

ALA Indicator 1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions.

ISTE NETS-S.3 Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge, produce
creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Openers/Lesson Starters:

The teacher will begin the lesson by having students think about their favorite animal. The teacher and students will
brainstorm questions to research in order to obtain a better understanding about the chosen animals.

Central Part of Lesson/Main Activities:

Students will take their list of questions to the library/computer lab. They will use the internet and the Atriuum OPAC to
locate resources that will help them answer their questions. Students must use at least one print and one electronic

Closers/”Tickets out the Door”:

Students will share their research experiences with the class.

Assessment Plans: (How will students demonstrate what they have learned? Note: it is not necessary to provide an actual
test or rubric here; just describe the process.)

Students will present their information to the class. The teacher will use a rubric to assess the students’ learning.
Materials/Equipment Needed:

Access to the school library
Rubric for assessing learning

How lesson plan aligns with TPACK framework:

This lesson teaches students how to synthesize electronic resources while enhancing their research skills using print

Strategies for differentiation for diverse student groups:

Struggling Students: The teacher will provide the website to find the answers to their questions.

Gifted Students: After answering their questions, students will provide a short narrative comparing their print and
electronic sources.

Describe how the scholarly article you found contributed to the development of this lesson plan?

The scholarly article discusses the need for students to become more familiar with finding electronic resources and
being able to synthesize the information they find.

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