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DEC 2017


Chapter No. Name Page

1 Introduction
1.1 What is tier architecture 1
1.2 Need of tier architecture 2
1.3 Evolution to the N-tier architecture
2 Tier architecture
2.1 Single tier architecture 4
2.2 Two tier architecture 5
2.3 Three tier architecture 7
3 Difference between Two tier and three tier 11
4 Future Scope
4.1 Introduction 13
4.2 Four tier architecture 13
5 Application of Tier architecture
5.1 Tier architecture for data Centre design 16
5.1.1 Tier 1 16
5.1.2 Tier 2 16
5.1.3 Tier 3 17
5.1.4 Leaf-Spine architecture 18
5.1.5 Lenovo Spine switches 20 Lenovo Think System NE10032 Rack Switch Spine
Switch Lenovo Rack Switch G8332 Spine Switch
5.1.6 Lenovo Leaf Switches 21 Lenovo Think System NE2572 Rack Switch Leaf
Switch Lenovo Rack Switch G8272 Leaf Switch Lenovo Rack Switch G8296 Leaf Switch
5.2 Tier architecture in network design
5.2.1 Three tier network design model 18
5.2.2 Two tier network design model 20



Figure number Figure name Page number

1 Evolution to the N-tier architecture 2

2 Single tier architecture 4
3 Two tier architecture 6
4 Three tier architecture 7
5 Four tier architecture 14
6 Leaf-spin architecture 19
7 Lenovo Think System NE10032 Rack Switch Spine 21
8 Lenovo Rack Switch G8332 Spine Switch 21
9 Lenovo Think System NE2572 Rack Switch Leaf Switch 22
10 Lenovo Rack Switch G8272 leaf switch 23
11 The Lenovo Rack Switch G8296 leaf switch 23
12 Three tier network design model 25
13 Two tier network design model 26


1. Introduction

1.1 What is tier architecture?

A tier architecture (often it is referred as multi-tier architecture or N-tier architecture) is a
client-server architecture in which presentation, application processing and data management
functions are physically separated. This For example, an application that uses middleware to
service data requests between a user and a database employs multi-tier architecture. The most
widespread use of "multi-tier architecture" refers to three-tier architecture. The two terms layer
and tier are often used interchangeably. However, one fairly common point of view is that
there is indeed a difference, and that a layer is a logical structuring mechanism for the elements
that make up the software solution, while a tier is a physical structuring mechanism for the
system infrastructure.
In software world tier architecture are having some or all the following characteristics,
 Each tier should be able to be constructed separately, possibly by different teams of people
with different skills.
 Several tiers should be able to be joined together to make a whole "something".
 Each tier should contribute something different to the whole. A chocolate layer cake, for
example, has layers of chocolate and cake.
 There must also be some sort of boundary between one tier and another. You cannot take
a single piece of cake, chop it up into smaller units and call that a layer cake because each
unit is indistinguishable from the other units.
 Each tier should not be able to operate independently without interaction with other tiers.
 It should be possible to swap one tier/layer with an alternative component which has similar
characteristics so that the whole may continue functioning.

1.2 Why do we need 3-tier architecture?

Before the tier architecture, in old days, everything is used to be monolithic i.e. the entire
program was in one place that place is either mainframe computer or employee’s workstations
which was having all applications installed eventually exchanging data. After sometimes,
along with development in computer networks, the client-server architecture emerged i.e.


database server was in the center of the application network, so everyone possessed a
synchronization view of data. But over time, with growing complexity of desktop application
it becomes more and more difficult to manage installation and updating of different component
on every PC in the enterprise. Everything had to be in sync. Over a multitude of configuration
and that was not an easy task for the administrator.
1.3 Evolution to the n-tier architecture

Fig. 1 Evolution to the N-tier architecture

The fig. 1 shows the evolution to the n-tier architecture in which we can see that the
upgradation of the tier architecture from single tier to n-tier architecture. Out of which here our
focus is on the single tier, two tier and three tier architecture. In single tier architecture, there is a
central processing system was present which nothing is but one mainframe computer which
provide all processing functions. This system is also referred as traditional host system. While in
case of two tier architecture distribution system is used in which both data and transactions are
divided between one or more computers or data servers which are interconnected to each other via
computer networks. The last and most widespread multi-tier architecture which is nothing but three
tier architecture. The three tier architecture is a client-server architecture in which the functional


process logic, data access, computer data storage and user interface are developed and maintained
as independent modules on separate platforms.

This report covers the detailed information about single tier, two tier and three tier
architecture with their advantages and disadvantages is covered in section 2. The difference
between these three architecture is represented in tabular form which is covered in section 3. In
future scope the introduction of four tier architecture is covered in section 4 and finally conclusion
is made.


2. Tier architecture
2.1 Single tier architecture
As mentioned earlier, the single tier architecture which is nothing but a traditional host
system having a central processing system which is referred as mainframe computer which
provides all the processing functions. This mainframe computer served the whole business
community and was accessed via dumb terminals. Dumb terminals is nothing but an output
device which accepts data from CPU. They have no intelligence (data processing) and depends
entirely on the computer to which they are connected. All processing took place on a single
computer and therefore in one place. All resources associated with the computer (tape and disk
drives, printers etc.) were attached to this same computer.

Fig. 2 Single tier architecture

Above shows a physical layout of a single tier environment. All users run their programs
from a single machine. The ease with which deployment and even development occurs makes
this model very attractive. The cost of the central machine makes this architecture prohibitive
for most companies, especially as system costs and return on investment (ROI) are looked at
carefully nowadays.


Advantages of single tier architecture

i. Easy to implement and optimize performance.
ii. Do not have compatibility or Context switching issues.
iii. The cost of deployment is less e.g. - Development and management cost.

Disadvantages of single tier architecture

i. Do not support remote/ distributed access for data resources.

ii. Monolithic manner of the code causes higher maintenance.
iii. The cost of the central mainframe is high.

2.2 Two Tier architecture

As we have seen in previous case, the single tire architecture is having one central
processing unit in which all the applications are installed and other system are connecting via
computer network or LAN cable. But over time with growing complexity of desktop
application it becomes more and more difficult to manage installation and updating of different
component on every PC in the enterprise. So in order to provide smoothness in sharing of data
within a network, the two tier architecture is invented. The basic principle of this architecture
is, in order to provide personal software which ran on personal computers, a model needed to
be found where the enterprise could still share data. This became known as the client/server
model. A two-tier architecture is a software architecture in which a presentation layer or
interface runs on a client, and a data layer or data structure gets stored on a server.
Following are some characteristics of two tier architecture
I. Two-tier application programming model is a combination of a client application and a
server application. In this application programming model, the client application directly
interacts with the server application without the presence of any intermediate application.
II. If the Business Logic is coupled with the Client, it’s called Fat Server with Thin Client.
III. If the Business Logic is coupled with the Server, it’s called Fat Client with Thin Server.
IV. The Client application communicates with the data layer through a database bridge
Application Programming Interface (API). An Example of a database bridge API is
JDBC commonly known as Java Database Connectivity.


V. The Database driver is installed in each computer that runs the client application. If the
database changes, we need to reinstall Database driver in all the computer. This increases
Deployment cost.
VI. If you change the type of database used by your organization, you need to redeploy and
reconfigure each client application.
VII. Each client establishes a separate database connection. Database connections are limited
in number and are expensive to establish. Database Connection is retained even when the
client is not accessing the database. This makes the database connection unavailable to
other users. Therefore only a limited number of clients can access the database at a time.
VIII. Usage: Suitable for environments where business rules do not change frequently and the
number of users are limited.

Fig. 3 Two tier architecture

Advantages of two tier architecture
i. Applications can be easily developed due to simplicity.
ii. Maximum user satisfaction is gained with accurate and fast prototyping of applications
through robust tools.
iii. Database server and business logic is physically close, which offers higher performance.

Disadvantages of two tier architecture

i. Heterogeneous environments/Business environments with rapidly changing rules and

regulations are not suitable since the database server has to handle the business logic
which slows down database performance.
ii. Security wise this is complicated as users need to have separate login information for
every SQL server.


iii. Because the bulk of the application logic is on the client, there is the problem of client
software version control and new version redistribution.

2.3 Three tier architecture

Three-tier architecture is a client–server software architecture pattern in which the user
interface (presentation), functional process logic (business rules), computer data storage and
data access are developed and maintained as independent modules, most often on separate
platforms. Apart from the usual advantages of modular software with well-defined interfaces,
the three-tier architecture is intended to allow any of the three tiers to be upgraded or replaced
independently in response to changes in requirements or technology. Typically, the user
interface runs on a desktop PC or workstation and uses a standard graphical user interface,
functional process logic that may consist of one or more separate modules running on a
workstation or application server, and an RDBMS on a database server or mainframe that
contains the computer data storage logic. The middle tier may be multitier itself.

Fig. 4 Three tier architecture

Presentation tier
This is the topmost level of the application. The presentation tier displays information
related to such services as browsing merchandise, purchasing and shopping cart contents. It
communicates with other tiers by which it puts out the results to the browser/client tier and all
other tiers in the network. In simple terms, it is a layer which users can access directly (such as a
web page, or an operating system's GUI).


Application tier (business logic, logic tier, or middle tier)

The logical tier is pulled out from the presentation tier and, as its own layer, it controls an
application’s functionality by performing detailed processing.
Data tier
The data tier includes the data persistence mechanisms (database servers, file shares, etc.)
and the data access layer that encapsulates the persistence mechanisms and exposes the data. The
data access layer should provide an API to the application tier that exposes methods of managing
the stored data without exposing or creating dependencies on the data storage mechanisms.
Avoiding dependencies on the storage mechanisms allows for updates or changes without the
application tier clients being affected by or even aware of the change. As with the separation of
any tier, there are costs for implementation and often costs to performance in exchange for
improved scalability and maintainability.
It is simply not good enough to split the code for an application into 3 parts and call it "3
Tier" if the code within each tier does not behave in a certain way. So that the following has rules
to be followed, but these rules are pretty straightforward.
 The code for each layer must be contained with separate files which can be maintained
 Each layer may only contain code which belongs in that layer. Thus business logic can only
reside in the Business layer, presentation logic in the Presentation layer, and data access logic
in the Data Access layer.
 The Presentation layer can only receive requests from, and return responses to, an outside agent.
This is usually a person, but may be another piece of software.
 The Presentation layer can only send requests to, and receive responses from, the Business layer.
It cannot have direct access to either the database or the Data Access layer.
 The Business layer can only receive requests from, and return responses to, the Presentation
 The Business layer can only send requests to, and receive responses from, the Data Access
layer. It cannot access the database directly.
 The Data Access layer can only receive requests from, and return responses to, the Business
layer. It cannot issue requests to anything other than the DBMS which it supports.

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 Each layer should be totally unaware of the inner workings of the other layers. The Business
layer, for example, must be database-agnostic and not know or care about the inner workings
of the Data Access object. It must also be presentation-agnostic and not know or care how its
data will be handled. It should not process its data differently based on what the receiving
component will do with that data. The presentation layer may take the data and construct an
HTML document, a PDF document, a CSV file, or process it in some other way, but that should
be totally irrelevant to the Business layer.
Advantages of Three tier architecture
i. Improved Scalability: Due to the distributed deployment of application servers,
scalability of the system is enhanced since a separate connection from each client is not
required whereas connections from few application servers are sufficient.
ii. Improved Data Integrity: Data corruption through client applications can be
eliminated as the data passed in the middle tier for database updating ensures its
iii. Enhanced Security: Through the implementation of several layers, enhances the data
security on a service-by-service basis. As clients do not interact with the database
directly, it provides less risk and confliction with unauthorized data. The placement of
the business logic on a centralized server makes the data more secure.
iv. Reduced Distribution: The layered architecture enables to update only the application
servers, not all distributed clients in case of a modification in the business logic.
v. Hidden Database Structure: The actual structure of the database often remains hidden
from requesters enabling any change of the database to be transparent. Thus a process
in the middle tier which exchanges data with other applications can sustain its current
interface while a modification of the underlying database structure.
vi. Redundant Sever Availability: mission-critical applications seek the use of
superfluous application servers and database servers as it’s possible to create an
application which will recover the system from network or server failures, with
redundant servers.

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Disadvantages of three tier architecture

i. Complexity of Communication: Usually more effort should be enforced when

creating 3-tier applications as the communication points are increased (client to middle
tier to server, instead of directly client to server).
ii. Fewer Tools: Additional effort is required due to increase of performance whereas the
2-tier model can handle the particular function using an automated tool.

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3. Difference between two tier and three tier architecture


Complex as business logic

ADMINISTRATION and database exist on one Simple as layers are separated

Highly secured as client is not

Less secured as client can talk
SECURITY allowed to talk to database
to database directly

Excellent as requests can be load

balanced between servers

Not required as business logic

Application server may use
SERVICES application and database are
services like RMI or JMS etc.

Poor as second-tier should

Good as processing is distributed
PERFORMANCE execute both business logic
between 2nd and 3rd tiers.
and database queries

DEPLOYMENT Less and ease due to builder

High as no granularity exists
COSTS tools

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No extra infrastructure is Infrastructure of middleware

required due to tight-coupling services can be used

Mostly clients are monolithic

Reusability more with services
REUSABILITY and thereby reusability not

Best with component-based

HARDWARE Very limited as only one environments to distribute
FLEXIBILITY client and one server exist services between 2nd and 3rd

Poor as bandwidth limitations Best to download client

may take more time for programs as services supporting
download fat client programs downloading are distributed

If one server fails, the services

AVAILABILITY Can use backup servers can be executed on other

Only connection-oriented and Can support connectionless

synchronous methods calls messaging, publish-subscribe
are permitted and broadcast messaging etc.

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4. Future Scope
4.1 Introduction
With the development of the mobile internet and computer software, the requirements for
portability, encapsulation and expansibility of computer software system are increasingly high.
The traditional three-tier architecture is no longer applicable because of its limitations in the
current application environment. Consider the problem of platform migration, changes in the
demand and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance. In recent years,
exploration direction in software system development is increasingly turned to the procedural
framework and design patterns. So we preferred more than 3 tier architecture i.e. N- tier
architecture. The following is the consideration made to use N-tier architecture in our application.
 As we are going to work with several tiers, we need to make sure that network bandwidth
and hardware are fast. If not, the application’s performance might be slow. Also, this would
mean that you would have to pay more for the network, the hardware, and the maintenance
needed to ensure that you have better network bandwidth.
While designing N-tier architecture take a precaution that use as fewer tiers as possible.
Remember that each tier will add, the software or project means an added layer of complexity,
more hardware to purchase, as well as higher maintenance and deployment costs. So to make n-
tier applications make simple and less complex, it should have the minimum number of tiers
needed to still enjoy the scalability, security and other benefits brought about by using this
4.2 Four tier architecture

Four- tier architecture, which is introduced a new layer - a data service layer into traditional
three-tier architecture. The goal for building out a 4-tier architecture is, essentially, the same as the
3-tier architecture: keep the construction of business solutions simple, scalable and maintainable.
The four layers of four-tier architecture are presentation layer (PL), data service layer (DSL),
business logic layer (BLL), and data access layer (DAL). Four-tier architecture is as shown in
Figure 5. As can be seen from the diagram, according to the geographical location the layers can
be divided into two types. One is data access layer, business logic layer, and the data services layer
which is located in server-side, as well as the business entity model and the generic class library.
The other one is the presentation layer located in client.

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Fig. 5 Four tier architecture

The characteristic of the four-tier architecture is as follows.

1) Presentation Layer (PL): It is located in the outermost layer; popular talk is the interface
showed to users, users’ WYSIWYG when using a system. Its functions contain receiving data
inputted, interpreting users' instructions, and sending requests to the data services layer and
displaying the data obtained from the data services layer to users by the way they can understand.
It closest to users and provide an interactive operation interface.

2) Data service layer (DSL): It is located between the presentation layer and business logic layer
(BLL). As the isolation layer, it will separate the business logic from the client, so as to guarantee
the security of information. According to the needs of each module, data services layer
encapsulates the business logic on high level. Operational activities played a role of confidentiality.

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For large software systems, cross-platform distributed computing and server farms between
communications are essential, which is the function of the service layer’s establishment. The main
function of DSL is referring data processed by BLL to its immediate upper layer (presentation
layer) or transferring data submitted by PL to its directly below that is BLL according to the
specified model definitions.

3) Business logic layer (BLL): It is located between the PL and data access layer (BLL), playing
a connecting role in the data exchange. Business logic layer is responsible for the various types of
business operations of system, the completion of the corresponding functions, which are issue-
specific operations, the data business logic processing. The layer’s concerns are focused primarily
on the development of business rules, business processes and business needs related system,
meaning that it is related to area of systems addressed by the logic. Very often, it’s also known as
the domain layer.

4) Data access layer (DAL): It is located in the innermost layer that implements persistence logic.
The function of this layer is responsible for access to the database; you can access the database
system, binary files, text documents or XML document. Operations on the data contain finding,
adding, deleting, modifying, etc. This level work independently, without relying on other layers.
In accordance with upper layer’s requests, DAL extracts the appropriate data from the database
and passes the data to the upper.

The four-tier architecture also had the advantages of high reuse, strong scalability, low
coupling and high efficiency. In the future, development with the four-tier architecture will become
more and more popular because of its advantages.

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5. Application of Tier architecture

We have seen the detailed about single tier, two tier and three tier architecture. Each
architecture having its own advantages and disadvantages based on that in this section the
application of each tier architecture is covered here.
5.1 Tier architecture in data Centre
With the increasing expansion of data centers, as well as the development of new technologies
such as virtualization, cloud computing, and so on, the network architectures of data centers require
to be updated and improved to meet the demands on new computing patterns and applications.
Over the past 10 years, the architectures of data centers have been through some changes, from the
traditional three-tiered model to leaf-spine. Here several architecture models will be presented
which help us understand the data center architecture migration better.
5.1.1 Tier 1
A tier 1 data Centre can be seen as the least reliable tier due to the fact that capacity components
are non-redundant as well as the distribution path being a single, non-redundant path and as such,
if a major power outage or disaster occurs, your equipment is more likely to go offline as there are
no backup systems in place to kick in if any issues do occur.
 Tier 1 data Centre normally provide the cheapest service offering.
 Single redundancy meaning a considerably lower uptime guarantee than tiers 2, 3 & 4.
 Unplanned outages extremely likely to cause disruption, potentially major.
 Maintenance and repair work on the facility will require the entire facility to shut down,
causing potentially lengthy downtime.
Appropriate for
 Companies with a passive web marketing presence.
 Small internet based companies with no customer support or e-commerce facilities onsite.
5.1.2 Tier 2

Tier 2 data Centre are considerably more reliable than tier 1 data Centre although they can be
subject to problems with uptime. To achieve tier 2, the facility has to meet the criteria achieved
with a tier 1 data Centre, as well as ensuring that all capacity components are fully redundant.

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 Planned service outages can be performed in a way that does not affect equipment uptime.
 Normally cheaper than tier 3 or 4 facilities.


 A significantly lower uptime guarantee compared to tier 3 facilities.

 Unplanned outages likely to cause disruption.
 Maintenance and repair work on the facility will require the entire facility to shut down,
causing potentially lengthy downtime.
Appropriate for:
 Internet based companies who can cope with occasional downtime and will incur no
penalties for this.
 Companies that do not run 24/7, allowing time for issues to be resolved.
 Higher intensity data driven servers such as model imaging programs.
5.1.3 Tier 3

Tier 3 data Centre are commonly seen as the most cost effective solutions for the vast majority
of medium to large networks. Tier 3 data Centre have to meet all of the requirements of tiers 1 &
2 as well as ensuring all equipment is dual-powered and has multiple uplinks. Some facilities also
offer some fully fault-resistant equipment, although to achieve tier 4, all equipment including
HVAC, servers, storage, chillers and uplinks must be fully fault-resistant. This tier is generally
considered as tier 3+ in the marketplace.


 Significantly cheaper than tier 4 facilities.

 Tier 3 facilities offer the most cost-effective solution for the majority of businesses.
 Planned outages will not cause disruption to equipment.
 All equipment required to have dual power inputs, ensuring through one input fails, the
other system picks up the slack.
 All maintenance, unless major, can be performed without impact to equipment.

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 Not all equipment fully fault-resistant.

Appropriate for:

 Companies with a worldwide business presence.

 Companies that require have 24/7 operational hours.
 Organizations that require consistent uptime due to financial penalty issues.
 E-commerce and companies running full online operations.
 Call Centre.
 VOIP companies.
 Companies with heavy database driven websites.
 Companies that require a constant web presence.
5.1.4 Leaf-spine architecture
Leaf-spine is a two-layer network topology composed of leaf switches and spine switches. The
topology is composed of leaf switches (to which servers and storage connect) and spine switches
(to which leaf switches connect). Leaf switches mesh into the spine, forming the access layer that
delivers network connection points for servers.
Every leaf switch in a leaf-spine architecture connects to every switch in the network fabric.
No matter which leaf switch a server is connected to, it has to cross the same number of devices
every time it connects to another server. (The only exception is when the other server is on the
same leaf.) This minimizes latency and bottlenecks because each payload only has to travel to a
spine switch and another leaf switch to reach its endpoint. Spine switches have high port density
and form the core of the architecture.
The spine-leaf architecture is also known as a Clos architecture (named after Charles Clos, a
researcher at Bell Laboratories in the 1950s) where every leaf switch is connected to each of the
spine switch in a full-mesh topology. The spine-leaf mesh can be implemented using either Layer
2 or 3 technologies depending on the capabilities available in the networking switches. Layer 3
spine-leafs require that each link is routed and is normally implemented using Open Shortest Path
First (OSPF) or Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) dynamic routing with equal cost multi-path
routing (ECMP). Layer 2 utilizes a loop-free Ethernet fabric technology such as Transparent

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Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) or Shortest Path Bridging (SPB). The core network is
also connected to the spine with Layer 3 using a dynamic routing protocol with ECMP. Redundant
connections to each spine switch are not required but highly recommended, as show in figure. This
minimizes the risk of overloading the links on the spine-leaf fabric. This architecture provides a
connection thru the spine with a single hop between leafs minimizing any latency and bottle necks.
The spine can be expanded or decreased depending on the data thru-put required.

Fig. 6 Leaf-spin architecture

Advantages of the spine-leaf architecture
The spine-leaf architecture is optimized for east-west traffic that is required by most
software defined solutions. The advantages of this approach are:
 All interconnections are used and there is no need for STP to block loops.
 All east-west traffic is equidistant so traffic flow has deterministic latency.
 Switch configuration is fixed so that no network changes are required for a dynamic
server environment.

Disadvantages of the spine-leaf architecture

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The spine-leaf architecture is not without concerns as listed below:

 The leading concern is the amount of cables and network equipment required to scale the
bandwidth since each leaf must be connected to every spine device. This can lead to more
expensive spine switches with high port counts.
 The number of hosts that can be supported can be limited due to spine port counts
restricting the number of leaf switch connections.
 Oversubscription of the spine-leaf connections can occur due to a limited number of
spine connections available on the leaf switches (typically 4 to 6). Generally, no more
than a 5:1 oversubscription ratio between the leaf and spine is considered acceptable but
this is highly dependent upon the amount of traffic in your particular environment.
 Oversubscription of the links out of the spine-leaf domain to the core should also be
considered. Since this architecture is optimized for east-west traffic as opposed to north-
south, oversubscriptions of 100:1 may be considered acceptable.
5.1.5 Lenovo spine switches
The spine switch is used to connect the leaf switches. Lenovo has two recommended leaf
switches each with the same number of ports but with different uplink speeds.
When considering the spine switch consider the following aspects:
 Number of leaf switches to be connected
 Types uplink connections (100/40 Gbps QSFP28 vs 40 Gbps QSFP+)

The switch with the least number of 100 or 40 Gigabit ports will limit the cumulative
spine speed. Lenovo Think System NE10032 Rack Switch Spine Switch

The Lenovo Think System NE10032 Rack Switch™ (Figure 6) is Lenovo’s preferred spine
switch which offers 100 Gbps or 40 Gbps Ethernet spine connections. The NE10032 has the
following features that are important for this spine switch:

 Layer 2/3 for both routing and switching.

 32 QSFP28 ports for high speed 100 or 40 Gbps Ethernet connections.
 CNOS for enhanced BGP, OSPF and ECMP routing.

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 VLAG for Layer 2 fabric.

 Single chip design for improved latency and buffer management.

Fig. 7 Lenovo Think System NE10032 Rack Switch Spine Switch Lenovo Rack Switch G8332 Spine Switch

The Lenovo Rack Switch G8332 (Figure 8) is a 40 Gbps Ethernet spine switch. The G8332 has
the following features that are important for this spine switch:

 Layer 2/3 for both routing and switching.

 32 QSFP+ ports for high speed 40 Gbps Ethernet connections.
 CNOS for enhanced BGP, OSPF and ECMP routing.
 VLAG for Layer 2 fabric.
 Single chip design for improved latency and buffer management.

Fig. 8 Lenovo Rack Switch G8332 Spine Switch

5.1.6 Lenovo leaf switches

The leaf switch is used to connect server nodes. Lenovo has three recommended leaf
switches each with varying number of ports and types of connections:

 Number of ports for connecting to servers.

 Types of server NIC connections.
 Number of 100 or 40 Gbps ports for connecting to the spine.

When considering mixed types of leaf switches, the switch with the least number of 100
or 40 Gigabit ports will limit the cumulative spine speed.

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TIER ARCHITECTURE Lenovo Think System NE2572 Rack Switch Leaf Switch

The Lenovo Think System NE2572 Rack Switch (Figure 9) is Lenovo’s preferred leaf
switch which offers 100 Gbps or 40 Gbps Ethernet spine connections and 25 or 10 Gbps server

The NE2572 has the following features that are important for this leaf switch:

 Layer 2/3 for both routing and switching.

 48 SFP28 ports for 25 or 10 Gbps Ethernet connections to servers.
 6 QSFP28 ports for high speed 100 or 40 Gbps Ethernet connections to the spine.
 CNOS for enhanced BGP, OSPF and ECMP routing.
 VLAG for Layer 2 fabric.
 Single chip design for improved latency and buffer management.

Fig. 9 Lenovo Think System NE2572 Rack Switch Leaf Switch Lenovo Rack Switch G8272 Leaf Switch

The Lenovo Rack Switch G8272 is Lenovo’s 1U 10 Gbps Ethernet solution for the leaf
switch. The G8272 has the following features that are important for this leaf switch:

 Layer 2/3 for both routing and switching.

 CNOS for enhanced BGP, OSPF and ECMP routing.
 VLAG for Layer 2 fabric.
 Single chip design for improved latency and buffer management.
 6 QSFP+ ports for 40 Gbps spine connections allowing for a maximum cumulative spine
speed of 240 Gbps. The QSFP+ ports not utilized for spine connections can be broken out
into 4 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports for additional server connections.
 48 SFP+ ports for 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet server connections per leaf switch.

The Lenovo Rack Switch G8272 is shown in Figure 10.

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Fig. 10 Lenovo Rack Switch G8272 leaf switch Lenovo Rack Switch G8296 Leaf Switch

The Lenovo Rack Switch G8296 is Lenovo’s 2U solution for the leaf switch. The G8296
has the following features that are important for this leaf switch:

 Layer 2/3 for both routing and switching.

 CNOS for enhanced BGP, OSPF and ECMP routing.
 VLAG for Layer 2 fabric.
 Single chip design for improved latency and buffer management.
 10 QSFP+ ports for 40 Gbps spine connections allowing for a maximum cumulative
spine speed of 400 Gbps. Two of the QSFP+ ports not utilized for spine connections can
be broken out into 4 x 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports for eight additional server connections.
The remaining QSFP+ ports can be utilized as a single server connection.
 86 SFP+ ports for 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet server connections per leaf switch.

The Lenovo Rack Switch G8296 is shown in Figure 11.

Fig. 11 The Lenovo Rack Switch G8296 leaf switch

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5.2 Tier architecture in campus network design

A campus network is generally the portion of the enterprise network infrastructure that provides
access to network communication services and resources to end users and devices that are spread
over a single geographic location. It may be a single building or a group of buildings spread over
an extended geographic area. Normally, the enterprise that owns the campus network usually owns
the physical wires deployed in the campus. Therefore, network designers typically tend to design
the campus portion of the enterprise network to be optimized for the fastest functional architecture
that runs on high speed physical infrastructure (1/10/40/100 Gbps).

5.2.1 Three tier Network design model

This design model, illustrated in Figure 12, is typically used in large enterprise campus
networks, which are constructed of multiple functional distribution layer blocks.

 Core layer: Provides optimal transport between sites and high-performance routing. Due
the criticality of the core layer, the design principles of the core should provide an
appropriate level of resilience that offers the ability to recover quickly and smoothly after
any network failure event with the core block.
 Distribution layer: Provides policy-based connectivity and boundary control between the
access and core layers.
 Access layer: Provides workgroup/user access to the network. The two primary and
common hierarchical design architectures of enterprise campus networks are the three-tier
and two-tier layers models.

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Fig. 12 Three tier network design model

Copper cabling is the main cabling option for this architecture. The copper use proportion is
about 80%, while fiber is just 20%. Multimode fibers are identified by the OM (“optical mode”)
designation as outlined in the ISO/IEC 11801 standard. Fiber cabling of three-tier architecture
includes the use of OM1, OM2, OM3 and SMF.

 OM1, for fiber with 200/500 MHz*km overfilled launch (OFL) bandwidth at 850/1300nm
(typically 62.5/125um fiber).
 OM2, for fiber with 500/500 MHz*km OFL bandwidth at 850/1300nm (typically
50/125um fiber).
 OM3, for laser-optimized 50um fiber having 2000 MHz*km effective modal bandwidth
(EMB, also known as laser bandwidth), designed for 10 GB/s transmission.
 OM4, for laser-optimized 50um fiber having 4700 MHz*km EMB bandwidth designed for
10 Gb/s, 40 Gb/s, and 100 Gb/s transmission.

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5.2.2 Two tier network design model

This design model, illustrated in Figure 13, is more suitable for small to medium-size campus
networks (ideally not more than three functional disruption blocks to be interconnected), where
the core and distribution functions can be combined into one layer, also known as collapsed core-
distribution architecture.
Note: functional distribution block refers to any block in the campus network that has its own
distribution layer such as user access block, WAN block, or data center block.

Fig. 13 Two tier network design model

Fiber is almost the main media in this network design model (about 80%). Copper is only used
in the access layer. OM1 and OM2 are completely replaced by OM3 and OM4 since the switch
speed has been 10 Gbps to 40 Gbps and SAN (Storage area network) speed has been up to 32

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