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Your first objective is to create an account with Overleaf, don’t worry – it’s free! Head to

Once you’re there, go ahead and click “SIGN UP” at the top right of the page.

Enter your name and your email address (parent’s email) and click create my account.

Congratulations! You now have an account with Overleaf. To get started click “NEW PROJECT” right under
“My Projects”.

After you have clicked “NEW PROJECT”, a “Create New Project” window will drop down and prompt you to
select the type of document you wish to begin, click “Blank
Paper” under the “Basics” tab.
You’ll then see “Loading Please Wait” which is normal so don’t worry.

There’s a lot going on here within this new screen so FOR NOW just focus on the right side which should be all
white with “(Type your content here.)” all by itself, funny thing is we will never type anything in on that side.
The right side is only to display the code in which we will enter in on the left side. We will also focus on the left
side which should look like this

Good, now delete everything you see in the pic (lines 1 – 5). You should be left with
and see this error which is ok!

It’s ok because you will copy and paste the following into that area:


\title{LaTex Webercise on Polynomials}
\author{\bf Your Name}

Once you have copied and pasted the preceding, you should have the following:
On the left side: On the right side:

From here on out, if you have entered code incorrectly you will get the compile error as follows:

Also, if you get a compile error, LaTeX will not tell you what mistake you made. This means you will have to
carefully evaluate your code to locate the error. I highly encourage you not to rush this assignment and take
your time in writing the code or you will find yourself doing double the work. We will have a step a little later
that will require you to locate, and fix, an error, but this is for learning purposes.

If you find that your code is valid, you will see this:

Overleaf will save your work automatically so you will not have to worry about losing any work. The only time
you will lose work is if you do not have a reliable internet connection and you lose connection while you’re
typing code. Overleaf will load your code from the last save.

You will not be physically typing anything into the right side, it is to display the code that you will type in on
the left side only. So, from here on out, when I say “type”, it means “type on the left side”.
Type your name where is says “Your Name”.

Everything that you type will (for now) be between “\begin{document}” and “\end{document}” otherwise you
will get a compile error.

Type: \section*{Problem 1}
You will use this to indicate which problem you are on. Just copy and paste it for every problem just updating
the number each time.

Hit Enter (to go to a new line)

Type: 5 + 5 = 10
Make sure you are putting spaces between each figure. Do not type 5+5=10 with no spacing.

Hit Enter
Type: $5+5=10$
Notice a few things when typing this
1. Earlier I specifically said to put spaces between each figure but here I am not, what’s up with that?
2. When you add “$” (the dollar signs) it tells LaTeX that you are about to enter a math problem so
automatically it gives the equation the proper spacing.
3. Even though you hit enter for a new line (on the left side), the text still appeared on the same line (on
the right side). This is because whenever you want to start typing on a new line you need to add “\\”
(make sure they are the backward slashes and not the forward slashes) after your text as follows:

In order to see the differences between the spacing, start a new line (your line should look like $5+5=10$\\)
Type: 5+5=10
This will have no dollar signs and no spacing between the figures.

From here on out we will use the “$” to type math.

In case you were wondering, if you add spaces between the figures and add dollar signs, no, it does not alter
the spacing. $5 + 5= 10$ will show the same spacing as $5+5=10$.
Another Note:
If you do not put the $ at the beginning AND end of an equation you will get a compile error.

Let us talk about closure under addition and closure under subtraction when talking about integers. If you
guys remember, an integer is any whole number, positive or negative including zero. Integers do not include
fractions or decimals.
Another Note:
When I say “New Line” it means to begin a new line by adding “\\” at the end of the equation.

New Line
Copy and paste: \section*{Problem 1} and change the 1 to a 2 so we can begin Problem 2.

Problem 2:
Create a total of 4 simple equations using Integers only (if you do not use integers only you will lose points), 2
addition and 2 subtraction with each equation on a new line. Here is the format:

You do not need to add “\\” to the last line.

Integers being closed under addition means you can take any number of integers, add them together, and
your answer will always be an integer. Likewise, Integers being closed under subtraction means you can take
any number of integers, subtract them, and your answer will always be an integer.

Now, let us talk about closure under multiplication when talking about integers. Integers being closed under
multiplication means you can take any number of integers, multiply them together, and your answer will
always be an integer

New Line
Problem 3:
Create 2 simple multiplication problems with each equation on a new line with the same formatting. In order
to create a multiplication equation, you will need the figure “×”. You cannot just use the letter “x” to
represent multiplication. In order to find out how to write this symbol visit:

Click “3 Operators” under the “Contents” table.

You will see 3 sets of columns titled “Symbol” and “Command”. You will find the symbol you need in the 3 rd
set of columns.
All commands are preceded by a backslash “\” and will only work if the \command is inside dollar signs “$”. For
\command will not work and will generate a compile error but, $\command$ will work.

The point of bringing up integers and having you understand that adding, subtracting, and multiplying integers
always produces an integer answer is that polynomials are closed under addition, subtraction and
multiplication the same way integers are. In other words, adding, subtracting, and multiplying polynomials
always produces a polynomial answer.

When writing polynomials, the variable “x” has to always be italicized “x”.

New Line
Problem 4:
Type and solve: (4 + 3𝑥) + (15 + 18𝑥) =

*Hint: $equation$

Visit this site for an interactive refresher on monomials, binomials, and trinomials! You must sign up for an
account so make sure to ask your parents’ permission but don’t worry, it’s free and it’s simple!

New Line
Problem 5:
Type and solve (write your answer as a binomial): (15 + 13𝑥) − 10 + (−5 – 13𝑥) =

New Line
Problem 5:
Type and solve (write your answer as a trinomial): (27 + 18𝑥) – (10 + 5𝑥) + (−16 – 13𝑥) =

New Line
Problem 6:
Type and solve: (3 + 𝑥) × (4 − 𝑥) =
*Hint: To learn the command for “𝑥 2 ” you must again visit:
Navigate back to “3 operators” and in the first set of columns, at the very bottom, “𝑎” will be our variable 𝑥
and their power “𝑥” will be the place in which you will enter the exponent.

New Line
Problem 7:
Type and solve: (7𝑥 + 4𝑥 2 ) × (8𝑥 − 5𝑥 5 ) =

Notice that when adding, subtracting, or multiplying polynomials we always produced a polynomial answer.
This is what it means for polynomials to be closed under addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
New Line
Problem 8:
Copy and paste:
(7𝑥 + 4𝑥 2 ) × (8𝑥 − 5𝑥 5 ) =\\
(16𝑥 − 14𝑥 3 ) + (23 − 17𝑥 4 ) =\
$(19𝑥 + 31𝑥 2 ) − (−21𝑥 − 49𝑥 2 ) =\\
$(7𝑥 + 4𝑥 5 )$ − (50 − 6𝑥 5 ) =\\
$(8𝑥 + 4) × (2𝑥 + 3𝑥 2 ) = $$\\
(77 + 58𝑥 6 ) + (23𝑥 − 82𝑥 6 ) =\
(2𝑥 + 10𝑥 2 ) × (8𝑥 − 3𝑥 5 ) =

Evaluate and assess the preceding code for its errors. Fix the errors and solve the equations. Each equation
should be a new line.
*Hint: If you add the percent symbol “%” to the beginning of each line of code, it will ignore that line of code.
Add percent symbols to all but one equation and start your assessment from there. Continue deleting percent
symbols as you complete each line.

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