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The tapering shape of the fuselage is formed by a series of vertical metal frames placed transversely
from nose to tail. Metal stringers running horizontally along the length of the fuselage are spaced
around the circumference of the friends. Internally placed stringers made of strong thick metal
which are called longer runs continuous along the length of fuselage and serve as attachment. For
keeping floor, holds extra the skin is not nearly as sheet metal covering but ill stress according to the
lord it mistake and contribute to total rigidity of a frame the screen panels me either be reverted or
bonded to number of stringers to form a separate assembly which is then reverted to the frames
when the skin is bonded there is no external indication of the underlying framework. Due to
pressurization the fuselage of most modern aircraft consists of a double skin with a suitable
insulating material interposed. The system of construction described is usually referred to as semi

main plane wings

Tempering mental Spark Run from the centre section or from wingtip to wingtip running through
the fuselage point their vertical height forms the thickness of the Rings. Some aircraft have only two
sparse but many have several which vary in length according to the wing configuration that is swept
Delta Crescent extra short metal Struts known as ribs are closely placed at right angles to the stars
and form the profile of the aerofoil of the wings. The whole construction is covered by the skin
which again forms part of the structure and is either bonded or riveted two sparse.

Tail unit empennage

Tell unit is constructed in much the same way as the main plane it consists of tale plane which aids
longitudinal stability and the tail fin which aids directional stability point movable control surface on
the unit consist of Elevators to control dive and climb and the rudder to control the direction of the

Metals used in Aircraft construction

Firefighters tried to obtain knowledge of that type of Metals used in aircraft structures and their
likely locations because their reaction to impact fire and Cutting will have a pronounced effect upon
rescue and firefighting

The types of metal most commonly used in Aircraft construction are

Aluminium alloys

This is the most common of the Metals used in aircraft construction. Their composition varies
depending upon where they are used that is skin surface former strangers spark extra

Aluminium alloys can be readily cut with Axis hacksaw powered cutting tools . aluminium alloys are
good conductors quickly transmitting heat and equally rapidly Cold by water spray or foam

magnesium and its alloys

Magnesium alloy is a light strong metal that can be found in engine mounting brackets crankcase in
Piston engines compressor casing of turbine engines and various other areas where strengthening
may be required and where bulkiness is no object and a magnesium and its alloys once ignited can
prove difficult to extinguish as they react violently to most fire fighting agents magnesium and its
alloys are unlikely to be found in areas where possible entry may be necessary
Titanium alloys

Titanium alloy is used where greater strength or resistance to heat is required point its primary use
is in engine fireballs tail pipe casing and turbine engine blades. In high speed aircraft Titanium is used
to make major components such as the leading edges of Wings at cetera

Titanium is difficult to Ignite bitwise ignited it can prove difficult to extinguish. Class D dry chemical
powder may be used if available

It is difficult to cut other than thin sections however sparking may result from rolling friction with
the use of power cutting tools

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